Exemple #1
 def new_year(cls, gregorian_year):
     """Return fixed date of Observational (classical)
     Nisan 1 occurring in Gregorian year, 'gregorian_year'."""
     jan1 = GregorianDate.new_year(gregorian_year)
     equinox = Solar.solar_longitude_after(Astro.SPRING, jan1)
     sset = JAFFA.universal_from_standard(JAFFA.sunset(ifloor(equinox)))
     return cls.phasis_on_or_after(ifloor(equinox) - (14 if (equinox < sset) else 13), JAFFA)
Exemple #2
 def to_fixed(self):
     """Return fixed date of Bahai date, b_date."""
     years = (361 * (self.major - 1)) + (19 * (self.cycle - 1)) + self.year
     if self.month == 19:
         return self.new_year_on_or_before(self.EPOCH + ifloor(Solar.MEAN_TROPICAL_YEAR * (years + 1/2))) - 20 + self.day
     elif self.month == self.AYYAM_I_HA:
         return self.new_year_on_or_before(self.EPOCH + ifloor(Solar.MEAN_TROPICAL_YEAR * (years - 1/2))) + 341 + self.day
         return self.new_year_on_or_before(self.EPOCH + ifloor(Solar.MEAN_TROPICAL_YEAR * (years - 1/2))) + (19 * (self.month - 1)) + self.day - 1
Exemple #3
 def tropical_longitude(cls, fixed_date):
     """Return the Hindu tropical longitude on fixed date, 'fixed_date'.
     Assumes precession with maximum of 27 degrees
     and period of 7200 sidereal years (= 1577917828/600 days)."""
     days = ifloor(fixed_date - OldHindu.EPOCH)
     precession = 27 - abs(54 - mod(27 + (108 * 600/1577917828 * days), 108))
     return mod(cls.solar_longitude(fixed_date) - precession, 360)
Exemple #4
 def from_fixed(cls, date):
     """Return Old Hindu solar date equivalent to fixed date date."""
     sun   = cls.hindu_day_count(date) + Clock.days_from_hours(6)
     year  = quotient(sun, cls.ARYA_SOLAR_YEAR)
     month = mod(quotient(sun, cls.ARYA_SOLAR_MONTH), 12) + 1
     day   = ifloor(mod(sun, cls.ARYA_SOLAR_MONTH)) + 1
     return OldHinduSolarDate(year, month, day)
Exemple #5
 def to_fixed(self):
     """Return fixed date of Astronomical Persian date, p_date."""
     temp = (self.year - 1) if (0 < self.year) else self.year
     new_year = self.new_year_on_or_before(self.EPOCH + 180 + ifloor(Solar.MEAN_TROPICAL_YEAR * temp))
     return ((new_year - 1) +
             ((31 * (self.month - 1)) if (self.month <= 7) else (30 * (self.month - 1) + 6)) +
Exemple #6
 def location(cls, tee):
     """Return location of Beijing; time zone varies with time, tee."""
     year = GregorianDate.to_year(ifloor(tee))
     if (year < 1929):
         return Location(angle(39, 55, 0), angle(116, 25, 0), 43.5, Clock.days_from_hours(1397/180))
         return Location(angle(39, 55, 0), angle(116, 25, 0), 43.5, Clock.days_from_hours(8))
Exemple #7
 def to_fixed(self):
     """Return fixed date of Chinese date, c_date."""
     mid_year = ifloor(self.EPOCH + ((((self.cycle - 1) * 60) + (self.year - 1) + 1/2) * Solar.MEAN_TROPICAL_YEAR))
     new_year = self.new_year_on_or_before(mid_year)
     p = self.new_moon_on_or_after(new_year + ((self.month - 1) * 29))
     d = self.from_fixed(p)
     prior_new_moon = (p if ((self.month == d.month) and (self.leap == d.leap)) else self.new_moon_on_or_after(1 + p))
     return prior_new_moon + self.day - 1
Exemple #8
 def phasis_on_or_before(self, date):
     """Return the closest fixed date on or before date 'date', when crescent
     moon first became visible at location 'location'."""
     mean = date - ifloor(Lunar.lunar_phase(date + 1) / 360.0 * Lunar.MEAN_SYNODIC_MONTH)
     tau = ((mean - 30)
            if (((date - mean) <= 3) and (not self.visible_crescent(date)))
            else (mean - 2))
     return  next_int(tau, lambda d: self.visible_crescent(d))
Exemple #9
 def from_fixed(cls, fixed_date):
     """Return the Hindu (Orissa) solar date equivalent to fixed date, 'fixed_date'."""
     critical = cls.sunrise(fixed_date + 1)
     month    = cls.zodiac(critical)
     year     = cls.calendar_year(critical) - cls.SOLAR_ERA
     approx   = fixed_date - 3 - mod(ifloor(cls.solar_longitude(critical)), 30)
     begin    = next_int(approx, lambda i: (cls.zodiac(cls.sunrise(i + 1)) ==  month))
     day      = fixed_date - begin + 1
     return HinduSolarDate(year, month, day)
Exemple #10
 def from_fixed(cls, fixed_date):
     """Return the Astronomical Hindu (Tamil) solar date equivalent to
     fixed date, 'fixed_date'."""
     critical = cls.sunset(fixed_date)
     month    = sidereal_zodiac(critical)
     year     = cls.calendar_year(critical) - HinduSolarDate.SOLAR_ERA
     approx   = fixed_date - 3 - mod(ifloor(sidereal_solar_longitude( critical)), 30)
     begin    = next_int(approx, lambda i: (sidereal_zodiac(cls.sunset(i)) == month))
     day      = fixed_date - begin + 1
     return HinduAstroSolar(year, month, day)
Exemple #11
def japanese_location(tee):
    """Return the location for Japanese calendar; varies with moment, tee."""
    year = GregorianDate.to_year(ifloor(tee))
    if (year < 1888):
        # Tokyo (139 deg 46 min east) local time
        loc = Location(mpf(35.7), angle(139, 46, 0), 24, Clock.days_from_hours(9 + 143/450))
        # Longitude 135 time zone
        loc = Location(35, 135, 0, Clock.days_from_hours(9))
    return loc
Exemple #12
def hindu_lunar_new_year(g_year):
    """Return the fixed date of Hindu lunisolar new year in
    Gregorian year, g_year."""
    jan1     = GregorianDate.new_year(g_year)
    mina     = hindu_solar_longitude_at_or_after(330, jan1)
    new_moon = HinduLunarDate.day_at_or_after(1, mina)
    h_day    = ifloor(new_moon)
    critical = HinduDate.sunrise(h_day)
    return (h_day +
            (0 if ((new_moon < critical) or
                   (HinduLunarDate.day_from_moment(HinduDate.sunrise(h_day + 1)) == 2))
             else 1))
Exemple #13
def hindu_tithi_occur(l_month, tithi, tee, l_year):
    """Return the fixed date of occurrence of Hindu lunar tithi prior
    to sundial time, tee, in Hindu lunar month, l_month, and
    year, l_year."""
    approx = hindu_date_occur(l_month, ifloor(tithi), l_year)
    lunar  = HinduLunarDate.day_at_or_after(tithi, approx - 2)
    ttry    = Clock.fixed_from_moment(lunar)
    tee_h  = HinduLunarDate.UJJAIN.standard_from_sundial(ttry + tee)
    if lunar <= tee_h or HinduLunarDate.lunar_phase(HinduLunarDate.UJJAIN.standard_from_sundial(ttry + 1 + tee)) > 12 * tithi:
        return ttry
        return ttry + 1
Exemple #14
 def from_fixed(cls, date):
     """Return the Hindu lunar date, new_moon scheme, 
     equivalent to fixed date, date."""
     critical = cls.sunrise(date)
     day = cls.lunar_day_from_moment(critical)
     leap_day = (day == cls.lunar_day_from_moment(cls.sunrise(date - 1)))
     last_new_moon = cls.new_moon_before(critical)
     next_new_moon = cls.new_moon_before(ifloor(last_new_moon) + 35)
     solar_month = cls.zodiac(last_new_moon)
     leap_month = (solar_month == cls.zodiac(next_new_moon))
     month = amod(solar_month + 1, 12)
     year = cls.calendar_year((date + 180) if (month <= 2) else date) - cls.LUNAR_ERA
     return HinduLunarDate(year, month, leap_month, day, leap_day)
Exemple #15
 def from_fixed(cls, fixed_date):
     """Return Chinese date (cycle year month leap day) of fixed date, 'fixed_date'."""
     s1 = cls.winter_solstice_on_or_before(fixed_date)
     s2 = cls.winter_solstice_on_or_before(s1 + 370)
     next_m11 = cls.new_moon_before(1 + s2)
     m12 = cls.new_moon_on_or_after(1 + s1)
     leap_year = iround((next_m11 - m12) / Lunar.MEAN_SYNODIC_MONTH) == 12
     m = cls.new_moon_before(1 + fixed_date)
     month = amod(iround((m - m12) / Lunar.MEAN_SYNODIC_MONTH) - (1 if (leap_year and cls.is_prior_leap_month(m12, m)) else 0), 12)
     leap_month = (leap_year and cls.is_no_major_solar_term(m) and (not cls.is_prior_leap_month(m12, cls.new_moon_before(m))))
     elapsed_years = (ifloor(mpf(1.5) - (month / 12) + ((fixed_date - cls.EPOCH) / Solar.MEAN_TROPICAL_YEAR)))
     cycle = 1 + quotient(elapsed_years - 1, 60)
     year = amod(elapsed_years, 60)
     day = 1 + (fixed_date - m)
     return ChineseDate(cycle, year, month, leap_month, day)
Exemple #16
 def to_fixed(self):
     """Return the fixed date of this Hindu lunar date."""
     approx = OldHindu.EPOCH + (self.SIDEREAL_YEAR * (self.year + self.LUNAR_ERA + ((self.month - 1) / 12)))
     s = ifloor(approx - ((1/360) * self.SIDEREAL_YEAR * mod(self.hindu_solar_longitude(approx) - ((self.month - 1) * 30) + 180, 360) - 180))
     k = self.lunar_day_from_moment(s + Clock.days_from_hours(6))
     if (3 < k < 27):
         temp = k
         mid = self.lunar_from_fixed(s - 15)
         if ((mid.month != self.month) or
             (mid.leap_month and not self.leap_month)):
             temp = mod(k + 15, 30) - 15
             temp = mod(k - 15, 30) + 15
     est = s + self.day - temp
     tau = est - mod(self.lunar_day_from_moment(est + Clock.days_from_hours(6)) - self.day + 15, 30) + 15
     date = next_int(tau - 1, lambda d: self.lunar_day_from_moment(self.sunrise(d)) in [self.day, amod(self.day + 1, 30)])
     return date + 1 if self.leap_day else date
Exemple #17
 def sundial_time(cls, tee):
     """Return Hindu local time of temporal moment, tee."""
     date = Clock.fixed_from_moment(tee)
     time = mod(tee, 1)
     q    = ifloor(4 * time)
     if q == 0:
         a = cls.sunset(date - 1)
         b = cls.sunrise(date)
         t = Clock.days_from_hours(-6)
     elif q == 3:
         a = cls.sunset(date)
         b = cls.sunrise(date + 1)
         t = Clock.days_from_hours(18)
         a = cls.sunrise(date)
         b = cls.sunset(date)
         t = Clock.days_from_hours(6)
     return a + (2 * (b - a) * (time - t))
Exemple #18
 def ephemeris_correction(cls, tee):
     """Return Dynamical Time minus Universal Time (in days) for
     moment, tee.  Adapted from "Astronomical Algorithms"
     by Jean Meeus, Willmann_Bell, Inc., 1991."""
     year = GregorianDate.to_year(ifloor(tee))
     c = GregorianDate.date_difference(GregorianDate(1900, JulianMonth.January, 1), GregorianDate(year, JulianMonth.July, 1)) / mpf(36525)
     if 1988 <= year <= 2019:
         return 1/86400 * (year - 1933)
     elif 1900 <= year <= 1987:
         return poly(c, [mpf(-0.00002), mpf(0.000297), mpf(0.025184), mpf(-0.181133), mpf(0.553040), mpf(-0.861938), mpf(0.677066), mpf(-0.212591)])
     elif 1800 <= year <= 1899:
         return poly(c, [mpf(-0.000009), mpf(0.003844), mpf(0.083563), mpf(0.865736), mpf(4.867575), mpf(15.845535), mpf(31.332267), mpf(38.291999), mpf(28.316289), mpf(11.636204), mpf(2.043794)])
     elif 1700 <= year <= 1799:
         return 1/86400 * poly(year - 1700, [8.118780842, -0.005092142, 0.003336121, -0.0000266484])
     elif 1620 <= year <= 1699:
         return 1/86400 * poly(year - 1600, [mpf(196.58333), mpf(-4.0675), mpf(0.0219167)])
         x = Clock.days_from_hours(mpf(12)) + GregorianDate.date_difference(GregorianDate(1810, JulianMonth.January, 1), GregorianDate(year, JulianMonth.January, 1))
         return 1/86400 * (((x * x) / mpf(41048480)) - 15)
Exemple #19
 def to_fixed(self):
     """Return the fixed date corresponding to Hindu lunar date, l_date."""
     approx = (OldHindu.EPOCH + self.MEAN_SIDEREAL_YEAR * (self.year + self.LUNAR_ERA + ((self.month - 1) / 12)))
     s = ifloor(approx -
               1/360 * self.MEAN_SIDEREAL_YEAR *
               (mod(sidereal_solar_longitude(approx) -
                   (self.month - 1) * 30 + 180, 360) - 180))
     k = self.day_from_moment(s + Clock.days_from_hours(6))
     if (3 < k < 27):
         temp = k
         mid = self.from_fixed(s - 15)
         if ((mid.month != self.month) or (mid.leap_month and not self.leap_month)):
             temp = mod(k + 15, 30) - 15
             temp = mod(k - 15, 30) + 15
     est = s + self.day - temp
     tau = est - mod(self.day_from_moment(est + Clock.days_from_hours(6)) - self.day + 15, 30) + 15
     date = next_int(tau - 1,
                 lambda d: (self.day_from_moment(self.alt_sunrise(d)) in
                            [self.day, amod(self.day + 1, 30)]))
     return (date + 1) if self.leap_day else date
Exemple #20
 def winter_solstice_on_or_before(cls, fixed_date):
     """Return fixed date, in the Chinese zone, of winter solstice
     on or before fixed date, 'fixed_date'."""
     approx = Solar.estimate_prior_solar_longitude(Astro.WINTER, cls.midnight(fixed_date + 1))
     return next_int(ifloor(approx) - 1, lambda day: Astro.WINTER < Solar.solar_longitude(cls.midnight(1 + day)))
Exemple #21
 def new_year_on_or_before(cls, fixed_date):
     """Return fixed date of Future Bahai New Year on or
     before fixed date, 'fixed_date'."""
     approx = Solar.estimate_prior_solar_longitude(Astro.SPRING, cls.sunset_in_haifa(fixed_date))
     return next_int(ifloor(approx) - 1, lambda day: Solar.solar_longitude(cls.sunset_in_haifa(day)) <= Astro.SPRING + 2)
Exemple #22
 def qing_ming(cls, gregorian_year):
     """Return fixed date of Qingming occurring in Gregorian year, 'gregorian_year'."""
     return ifloor(cls.minor_solar_term_on_or_after(
         GregorianDate(gregorian_year, MonthOfYear.March, 30).to_fixed()))
Exemple #23
def yoga(date):
    """Return the Hindu yoga on date, date."""
    return ifloor(mod((HinduSolarDate.longitude(date) + HinduLunarDate.longitude(date)) / angle(0, 800, 0), 27)) + 1
Exemple #24
 def new_year_on_or_before(cls, date):
     """Return the fixed date of Astronomical Persian New Year on or
     before fixed date, date."""
     approx = Solar.estimate_prior_solar_longitude(Astro.SPRING, cls.midday_in_tehran(date))
     return next_int(ifloor(approx) - 1, lambda day: (Solar.solar_longitude(cls.midday_in_tehran(day)) <= (Astro.SPRING + 2)))
Exemple #25
 def to_fixed(self):
     """Return fixed date equivalent to Observational Islamic date, i_date."""
     midmonth = self.EPOCH + ifloor((((self.year - 1) * 12) + self.month - 0.5) * Lunar.MEAN_SYNODIC_MONTH)
     return (self.LOCATION.phasis_on_or_before(midmonth) + self.day - 1)
Exemple #26
 def to_fixed(self):
     return ifloor(self.to_moment())
Exemple #27
 def to_fixed(self):
     """Return the fixed date corresponding to Astronomical 
     Hindu solar date (Tamil rule; Saka era)."""
     approx = OldHindu.EPOCH - 3 + ifloor(((self.year + HinduSolarDate.SOLAR_ERA) + ((self.month - 1) / 12)) * self.MEAN_SIDEREAL_YEAR)
     begin = next_int(approx, lambda i: sidereal_zodiac(self.sunset(i)) == self.month)
     return begin + self.day - 1
Exemple #28
 def sine(cls, theta):
     """Return the linear interpolation for angle, theta, in Hindu table."""
     entry    = theta / angle(0, 225, 0)
     fraction = mod(entry, 1)
     return ((fraction * cls.sine_table(iceiling(entry))) + ((1 - fraction) * cls.sine_table(ifloor(entry))))
Exemple #29
 def to_fixed(self):
     """Return the fixed date corresponding to Hindu solar date, s_date,
     (Saka era; Orissa rule.)"""
     begin = ifloor((self.year + self.SOLAR_ERA + ((self.month - 1)/12)) * self.SIDEREAL_YEAR + OldHindu.EPOCH)
     return self.day - 1 + next_int(begin - 3, lambda d: self.zodiac(self.sunrise(d + 1)) == self.month)
Exemple #30
 def new_moon_on_or_after(cls, fixed_date):
     """Return fixed date (Beijing) of first new moon on or after
     fixed date, 'fixed_date'."""
     tee = Lunar.new_moon_at_or_after(cls.midnight(fixed_date))
     return ifloor(cls.chinese_location(tee).standard_from_universal(tee))