Exemple #1
def view_combined_model(shp_fn, txt_fn, cmb_fn, scale, tranx, trany, width, height):
    img = np.empty((height, width, 3), dtype='uint8')
    # cv2.namedWindow('combined model')
    tm = TextureMapper(img.shape[1], img.shape[0])
    smodel = ShapeModel.load(shp_fn)
    tmodel = TextureModel.load(txt_fn)
    cmodel = CombinedModel.load(cmb_fn)
    vals = genvals()
    params = smodel.get_params(scale, tranx, trany)
    ref = smodel.calc_shape(params)
    ref = ref.reshape((ref.size // 2, 2))
    verts = get_vertices(ref)
    while True:
        for k in range(cmodel.num_modes()):
            for v in vals:
                p = np.zeros(cmodel.num_modes())
                p[k] = v * 3 * np.sqrt(cmodel.variance[k])
                sparams, tparams = cmodel.calc_shp_tex_params(p, smodel.num_modes())
                params[4:] = sparams

                shp = smodel.calc_shape(params)
                shp = shp.reshape(ref.shape)
                t = tmodel.calc_texture(tparams)
                img[:] = 0
                draw_texture(img, t, ref)
                warped = tm.warp_triangles(img, ref[verts], shp[verts])

                s = 'mode: %d, val: %f sd' % (k, v * 3)
                draw_string(warped, s)
                # cv2.imshow('combined model', warped)
                cv2.imwrite('output/%d.jpg'%(int(time.time()*1000000)), warped)
Exemple #2
def view_combined_model(shp_fn, txt_fn, cmb_fn, scale, tranx, trany, width, height):
    img = np.empty((height, width, 3), dtype='uint8')
    cv2.namedWindow('combined model')
    tm = TextureMapper(img.shape[1], img.shape[0])
    smodel = ShapeModel.load(shp_fn)
    tmodel = TextureModel.load(txt_fn)
    cmodel = CombinedModel.load(cmb_fn)
    vals = genvals()
    params = smodel.get_params(scale, tranx, trany)
    ref = smodel.calc_shape(params)
    ref = ref.reshape((ref.size//2, 2))
    verts = get_vertices(ref)
    while True:
        for k in xrange(cmodel.num_modes()):
            for v in vals:
                p = np.zeros(cmodel.num_modes())
                p[k] = v * 3 * np.sqrt(cmodel.variance[k])
                sparams, tparams = cmodel.calc_shp_tex_params(p, smodel.num_modes())
                params[4:] = sparams

                shp = smodel.calc_shape(params)
                shp = shp.reshape(ref.shape)
                t = tmodel.calc_texture(tparams)
                img[:] = 0
                draw_texture(img, t, ref)
                warped = tm.warp_triangles(img, ref[verts], shp[verts])

                s = 'mode: %d, val: %f sd' % (k, v*3)
                draw_string(warped, s)
                cv2.imshow('combined model', warped)

                if cv2.waitKey(10) == 27:
Exemple #3
def view_patches_model(ptc_fn, shp_fn, width):
    pmodel = PatchesModel.load(ptc_fn)
    smodel = ShapeModel.load(shp_fn)
    ref = pmodel.ref_shape
    ref = np.column_stack((ref[::2], ref[1::2]))
    # compute scale factor
    scale = width / ref[:, 0].ptp()
    height = int(scale * ref[:, 1].ptp() + 0.5)
    # compute image width
    max_height = int(scale * pmodel.patches.shape[1])
    max_width = int(scale * pmodel.patches.shape[2])
    # create reference image
    image_size = (height + 4 * max_height, width + 4 * max_width, 3)
    image = np.empty(image_size, dtype='uint8')
    image[:] = 192
    patches = []
    points = []
    for i in xrange(len(pmodel.patches)):
        im = cv2.normalize(pmodel.patches[i],
        im = cv2.resize(im,
                        (int(scale * im.shape[0]), int(scale * im.shape[1])))
        im = im.astype('uint8')
        patches.append(cv2.cvtColor(im, cv.CV_GRAY2BGR))
        h, w = patches[i].shape[:2]
        points.append((int(scale * ref[i, 1] + image_size[0] / 2 - h / 2),
                       int(scale * ref[i, 0] + image_size[1] / 2 - w / 2)))
        y, x = points[i]
        image[y:y + h, x:x + w, :] = patches[i]
    cv2.namedWindow('patches model')
    i = 0
    while True:
        img = image.copy()
        y, x = points[i]
        h, w = patches[i].shape[:2]
        img[y:y + h, x:x + w, :] = patches[i]  # draw current patch on top
        cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), Color.red, 2, cv2.CV_AA)
        text = 'patch %d' % (i + 1)
        draw_string(img, text)
        cv2.imshow('patches model', img)
        c = cv2.waitKey(0)
        if c == 27:
        elif c == ord('j'):
            i += 1
        elif c == ord('k'):
            i -= 1
        if i < 0:
            i = 0
        elif i >= len(pmodel.patches):
            i = len(pmodel.patches) - 1
Exemple #4
 def draw(self, flip=False, points=False, line=False, pairs=False):
     name = self.name_flip if flip else self.name
     img = self.img_flip if flip else self.img
     lmks = self.lmks_flip if flip else self.lmks
     # draw on image copy
     img = img.copy()
     # prepare points
     pts = np.column_stack((lmks[::2], lmks[1::2]))
     # draw
     draw_string(img, name)
     if line: draw_line(img, pts, Color.blue)
     if pairs: draw_pairs(img, pts, MuctDataset.PAIRS, Color.red)
     if points: draw_points(img, pts, Color.green)
     return img
Exemple #5
 def draw(self, flip=False, points=False, line=False, pairs=False):
     name = self.name_flip if flip else self.name
     img = self.img_flip if flip else self.img
     lmks = self.lmks_flip if flip else self.lmks
     # draw on image copy
     img = img.copy()
     # prepare points
     pts = np.column_stack((lmks[::2], lmks[1::2]))
     # draw
     draw_string(img, name)
     if line: draw_line(img, pts, Color.blue)
     if pairs: draw_pairs(img, pts, MuctDataset.PAIRS, Color.red)
     if points: draw_points(img, pts, Color.green)
     return img
Exemple #6
def view_patches_model(ptc_fn, shp_fn, width):
    pmodel = PatchesModel.load(ptc_fn)
    smodel = ShapeModel.load(shp_fn)
    ref = pmodel.ref_shape
    ref = np.column_stack((ref[::2], ref[1::2]))
    # compute scale factor
    scale = width / ref[:,0].ptp()
    height = int(scale * ref[:,1].ptp() + 0.5)
    # compute image width
    max_height = int(scale * pmodel.patches.shape[1])
    max_width = int(scale * pmodel.patches.shape[2])
    # create reference image
    image_size = (height+4*max_height, width+4*max_width, 3)
    image = np.empty(image_size, dtype='uint8')
    image[:] = 192
    patches = []
    points = []
    for i in xrange(len(pmodel.patches)):
        im = cv2.normalize(pmodel.patches[i], alpha=0, beta=255, norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX)
        im = cv2.resize(im, (int(scale*im.shape[0]), int(scale*im.shape[1])))
        im = im.astype('uint8')
        patches.append(cv2.cvtColor(im, cv.CV_GRAY2BGR))
        h,w = patches[i].shape[:2]
        points.append((int(scale*ref[i,1] + image_size[0]/2 - h/2),
                       int(scale*ref[i,0] + image_size[1]/2 - w/2)))
        y,x = points[i]
        image[y:y+h,x:x+w,:] = patches[i]
    cv2.namedWindow('patches model')
    i = 0
    while True:
        img = image.copy()
        y,x = points[i]
        h,w = patches[i].shape[:2]
        img[y:y+h,x:x+w,:] = patches[i]  # draw current patch on top
        cv2.rectangle(img, (x,y), (x+w, y+h), Color.red, 2, cv2.CV_AA)
        text = 'patch %d' % (i+1)
        draw_string(img, text)
        cv2.imshow('patches model', img)
        c = cv2.waitKey(0)
        if c == 27:
        elif c == ord('j'):
            i += 1
        elif c == ord('k'):
            i -= 1
        if i < 0:
            i = 0
        elif i >= len(pmodel.patches):
            i = len(pmodel.patches) - 1
Exemple #7
def view_shape_model(shp_fn, scale, tranx, trany, width, height):
    img = np.empty((height, width, 3), dtype='uint8')
    smodel = ShapeModel.load(shp_fn)
    vals = genvals()
    while True:
        for k in xrange(4, smodel.model.shape[1]):
            for v in vals:
                p = smodel.get_params(scale, tranx, trany)
                p[k] = p[0] * v * 3 * np.sqrt(smodel.variance[k])
                img[:] = 0  # set to black
                s = 'mode: %d, val: %f sd' % (k - 3, v * 3)
                draw_string(img, s)
                q = smodel.calc_shape(p)
                draw_muct_shape(img, q)
                cv2.imshow('shape model', img)
                if cv2.waitKey(10) == 27:
Exemple #8
def view_shape_model(shp_fn, scale, tranx, trany, width, height):
    img = np.empty((height, width, 3), dtype='uint8')
    smodel = ShapeModel.load(shp_fn)
    vals = genvals()
    while True:
        for k in xrange(4, smodel.model.shape[1]):
            for v in vals:
                p = smodel.get_params(scale, tranx, trany)
                p[k] = p[0] * v * 3 * np.sqrt(smodel.variance[k])
                img[:] = 0  # set to black
                s = 'mode: %d, val: %f sd' % (k-3, v*3)
                draw_string(img, s)
                q = smodel.calc_shape(p)
                draw_muct_shape(img, q)
                cv2.imshow('shape model', img)
                if cv2.waitKey(10) == 27:
Exemple #9
def view_texture_model(shp_fn, txt_fn, scale, tranx, trany, width, height):
    img = np.empty((height, width, 3), dtype='uint8')
    smodel = ShapeModel.load(shp_fn)
    tmodel = TextureModel.load(txt_fn)
    vals = genvals()
    # get reference shape
    ref = smodel.get_shape(scale, tranx, trany)
    ref = ref.reshape((ref.size // 2, 2))
    while True:
        for k in range(tmodel.num_modes()):
            for v in vals:
                p = np.zeros(tmodel.num_modes())
                p[k] = v * 3 * np.sqrt(tmodel.variance[k])
                img[:] = 0
                s = 'mode: %d, val: %f sd' % (k, v * 3)
                draw_string(img, s)
                t = tmodel.calc_texture(p)
                draw_texture(img, t, ref)
                cv2.imshow('texture model', img)
                if cv2.waitKey(10) == 27:
Exemple #10
def view_texture_model(shp_fn, txt_fn, scale, tranx, trany, width, height):
    img = np.empty((height, width, 3), dtype='uint8')
    smodel = ShapeModel.load(shp_fn)
    tmodel = TextureModel.load(txt_fn)
    vals = genvals()
    # get reference shape
    ref = smodel.get_shape(scale, tranx, trany)
    ref = ref.reshape((ref.size//2, 2))
    while True:
        for k in xrange(tmodel.num_modes()):
            for v in vals:
                p = np.zeros(tmodel.num_modes())
                p[k] = v * 3 * np.sqrt(tmodel.variance[k])
                img[:] = 0
                s = 'mode: %d, val: %f sd' % (k, v*3)
                draw_string(img, s)
                t = tmodel.calc_texture(p)
                draw_texture(img, t, ref)
                cv2.imshow('texture model', img)
                if cv2.waitKey(10) == 27: