Exemple #1
def info(self):
    Basic informations about time series included in the Gts instance.
    import pyacs.message.message as MESSAGE
    import pyacs.lib.astrotime as at
    import numpy as np

    # number of ts
    MESSAGE("Number of time series: %d" % self.n())
    # date
    min_decyear = 3000.
    max_decyear = -1
    l1000days = []
    l25days = []
    lduration = []
    llon = []
    llat = []
    for code in self.lcode():
        lduration.append(self.__dict__[code].data[-1, 0] - self.__dict__[code].data[0, 0])
        if self.__dict__[code].data[0, 0] < min_decyear:
            min_decyear = self.__dict__[code].data[0, 0]
        if self.__dict__[code].data[-1, 0] > max_decyear:
            max_decyear = self.__dict__[code].data[-1, 0]
        if self.__dict__[code].data.shape[0] > 1000: l1000days.append(code)
        if self.__dict__[code].data[-1, 0] - self.__dict__[code].data[0, 0] > 2.5: l25days.append(code)
    MESSAGE("Start/End Duration in decimal year: %10.4lf %10.4lf %8.4lf" % (
    min_decyear, max_decyear, max_decyear - min_decyear))
    ndays = int(at.decyear2mjd(max_decyear) - at.decyear2mjd(min_decyear))
    MESSAGE("Start/End Duration doy: %04d-%03d %04d-%03d %d days" % (
    int(min_decyear), at.decyear2dayno(min_decyear)[0], int(max_decyear), at.decyear2dayno(max_decyear)[0], ndays))
    str_sdate = at.decyear2datetime(min_decyear).isoformat(" ", "minutes")
    str_edate = at.decyear2datetime(max_decyear).isoformat(" ", "minutes")
    MESSAGE("Start/End : %s   %s " % (str_sdate, str_edate))
    MESSAGE("Number of sites with more than 1000 observations: %d" % len(l1000days))
    MESSAGE("Number of sites with more than 2.5 years of observations: %d" % len(l25days))
    MESSAGE("Mean time series duration %.1lf years. Median time series duration %.1lf years" % (
    np.mean(np.array(lduration)), np.median(np.array(lduration))))
    MESSAGE("Network mean location: (%.1lf,%.1lf). Network median location: (%.1lf,%.1lf)" % (
    np.mean(np.array(llon)), np.mean(np.array(llat)), np.median(np.array(llon)), np.median(np.array(llat))))
    return self
Exemple #2
    def np_decyear_2_days(data, ref_date):
        converts a 1-D numpy array including decimal year to a 1-D numpy array of days after a reference date
        ref_date is read by guess_date
        returns a 1-D numpy array

        from pyacs.lib import astrotime as AT

        lmjd = np.array(list(map(AT.decyear2mjd, data)))
        ref_mjd = AT.decyear2mjd(guess_date(ref_date))

        return (lmjd - ref_mjd)
Exemple #3
    def __get_offset_date_and_value(x, y, threshold):

        # for dates
        data_mjd = at.decyear2mjd(x)
        new_data_mjd = (data_mjd[0:-1] + data_mjd[1:]) / 2.

        x_diff = at.mjd2decyear(new_data_mjd)

        # for y

        diff_y = np.diff(y)
        abs_diff_y = np.fabs(diff_y)

        np_idx = np.where(abs_diff_y > threshold)

        # get dates
        np_dates = x_diff[np_idx]
        # get values
        np_values = diff_y[np_idx]

        return np_dates, np_values
Exemple #4
def trajectory(self,
    Calculates the parameters of a (non-linear) trajectory model for a Geodetic Time Series.
    The trajectory model is:

    y(t) =

    trend : trend_cst + trend * ( t - t0 ) +

    annual: a_annual * cos( 2*pi + phi_annual ) +

    semi-annual: a_semi_annual * cos( 2*pi + phi_semi_annual ) +

    offset : Heaviside( t - t_offset_i ) * offset_i +

    post-seismic_deformation as decaying log (psd_log):   psd_eq_i * np.log( 1 + Heaviside( t - eq_i )/tau_i )

    :param model_type: string made of the key-word the parameters to be estimated.

    Key-word parameters are


    'trend-seasonal-offset-psd_log' will do the full trajectory model.

    :param offset_dates: a list of offset_dates in decimal year

    :param eq_dates: a list of earthquake dates for which post-seismic deformation (psd_log) will be estimated

    :param H_fix: a dictionary including the name of the parameter to be hold fixed and the value.

    For instance to impose the co-seismic offset (North-East-Up) and relaxation time of 100 days for the
    first earthquake use:

    H_fix = { 'psd_log_offset_00':[10., 15., 0.] , 'psd_log_tau_00':[100., 100., 100.]}

    :param H_constraints: a dictionary including the name of the parameter to be constrained.

    For instance to impose a 50 days constraints around 500 days
    on the relaxation time of the second earthquake for all NEU components use: H_fix = { 'psd_log_tau_01':[[500.,50],
    [500.,50] , [500.,50]]}

    :param H_bounds: a dictionary including the bounds.

    For instance to impose a relaxation time for the third earthquake to be in the range
    of 2 to 3 years, for all NEU components use: H_bounds = { 'psd_log_tau_02':[[2*365.,3*365.], [[2*365.,3*365.] ,

    :param component: string , component for which the trajectory model will be estimated.

    :param verbose: verbose mode

    :note: Unlike most pyacs.gts functions, trajectory returns 4 elements: the results as a dictionary, the model Gts,
    the residual Gts and a Gts with model predictions at every day.


    # import

    import numpy as np
    import pyacs.lib.astrotime as at

    # after this method .data  and .data_xyz are not consistent so .data_xyz is set to None
    self.data_xyz = None

# fills the H_fix, H_constraints & H_bounds for the components

    if 'N' in component:
        i = 0
        # H_fix
        H_fix_N = {}
        for k, v in H_fix.items():
            if isinstance(v, list):
                H_fix_N[k] = v[i]
                H_fix_N[k] = v
        # H_constraints
        H_constraints_N = {}
        for k, v in H_constraints.items():
            if isinstance(v[0], list):
                H_constraints_N[k] = v[i]
                H_constraints_N[k] = v
        # H_bounds
        H_bounds_N = {}
        for k, v in H_bounds.items():
            if isinstance(v[0], list):
                H_bounds_N[k] = v[i]
                H_bounds_N[k] = v

    if 'E' in component:
        i = 1
        # H_fix
        H_fix_E = {}
        for k, v in H_fix.items():
            if isinstance(v, list):
                H_fix_E[k] = v[i]
                H_fix_E[k] = v
        # H_constraints
        H_constraints_E = {}
        for k, v in H_constraints.items():
            if isinstance(v[0], list):
                H_constraints_E[k] = v[i]
                H_constraints_E[k] = v
        # H_bounds
        H_bounds_E = {}
        for k, v in H_bounds.items():
            if isinstance(v[0], list):
                H_bounds_E[k] = v[i]
                H_bounds_E[k] = v

    if 'U' in component:
        i = 2
        # H_fix
        H_fix_U = {}
        for k, v in H_fix.items():
            if isinstance(v, list):
                H_fix_U[k] = v[i]
                H_fix_U[k] = v
        # H_constraints
        H_constraints_U = {}
        for k, v in H_constraints.items():
            if isinstance(v[0], list):
                H_constraints_U[k] = v[i]
                H_constraints_U[k] = v
        # H_bounds
        H_bounds_U = {}
        for k, v in H_bounds.items():
            if isinstance(v[0], list):
                H_bounds_U[k] = v[i]
                H_bounds_U[k] = v

    # Run the estimation

    from pyacs.gts.lib.model.non_linear_gts_model import nl_gts_fit

    t_mjd = at.decyear2mjd(self.data[:, 0])
    t_mjd_ed = np.arange(t_mjd[0], t_mjd[-1])
    t_ed = at.mjd2decyear(t_mjd_ed)

    # North
    if 'N' in component:
        if verbose:
            print("-- Running trajectory model for site %s component North" % self.code)
        i = 1
        (H_res_N, model_N, residuals_N, model_ed_N) = nl_gts_fit(self.data[:, 0], self.data[:, i], self.data[:, i + 3], \
                                                                 model_type, offset_dates=offset_dates,
                                                                 eq_dates=eq_dates, \
                                                                 H_fix=H_fix_N, H_constraints=H_constraints_N,
                                                                 H_bounds=H_bounds_N, verbose=verbose)

        model_N = np.vstack((self.data[:, 0], self.data[:, 0] * 0.))
        residuals_N = np.vstack((self.data[:, 0], self.data[:, 0] * 0.))
        model_ed_N = np.vstack((t_ed, t_ed * 0.))

    # East
    if 'E' in component:
        if verbose:
            print("-- Running trajectory model for site %s component East" % self.code)
        i = 2
        (H_res_E, model_E, residuals_E, model_ed_E) = nl_gts_fit(self.data[:, 0], self.data[:, i], self.data[:, i + 3], \
                                                                 model_type, offset_dates=offset_dates,
                                                                 eq_dates=eq_dates, \
                                                                 H_fix=H_fix_E, H_constraints=H_constraints_E,
                                                                 H_bounds=H_bounds_E, verbose=verbose)

        model_E = np.vstack((self.data[:, 0], self.data[:, 0] * 0.))
        residuals_E = np.vstack((self.data[:, 0], self.data[:, 0] * 0.))
        model_ed_E = np.vstack((t_ed, t_ed * 0.))

    # Up
    if 'U' in component:
        if verbose:
            print("-- Running trajectory model for site %s component Up" % self.code)
        i = 3
        (H_res_U, model_U, residuals_U, model_ed_U) = nl_gts_fit(self.data[:, 0], self.data[:, i], self.data[:, i + 3], \
                                                                 model_type, offset_dates=offset_dates,
                                                                 eq_dates=eq_dates, \
                                                                 H_fix=H_fix_U, H_constraints=H_constraints_U,
                                                                 H_bounds=H_bounds_U, verbose=verbose)

        model_U = np.vstack((self.data[:, 0], self.data[:, 0] * 0.))
        residuals_U = np.vstack((self.data[:, 0], self.data[:, 0] * 0.))
        model_ed_U = np.vstack((t_ed, t_ed * 0.))

    # prepare return output

    H_res = [H_res_N, H_res_E, H_res_U]

    model_gts = self.copy(data_xyz=False)
    model_gts.data[:, 1] = model_N[:, -1]
    model_gts.data[:, 2] = model_E[:, -1]
    model_gts.data[:, 3] = model_U[:, -1]

    residual_gts = self.copy(data_xyz=False)
    residual_gts.data[:, 1] = residuals_N[:, -1]
    residual_gts.data[:, 2] = residuals_E[:, -1]
    residual_gts.data[:, 3] = residuals_U[:, -1]

    model_ed_gts = self.copy(data_xyz=False)
    model_ed_gts.data = np.zeros((t_ed.shape[0], 10))
    model_ed_gts.data[:, 0] = t_ed
    model_ed_gts.data[:, 1] = model_ed_N[:, -1]
    model_ed_gts.data[:, 2] = model_ed_E[:, -1]
    model_ed_gts.data[:, 3] = model_ed_U[:, -1]

    return H_res, model_gts, residual_gts, model_ed_gts
Exemple #5
def substract_ts_daily(self,ts,verbose=True):
    substract the ts provided as argument to the current time series
    :param ts: time series to be substracted as a Gts instance
    :param verbose: verbose mode
    :return : new Gts
    :note: this method assumes daily time series

    # import 
    import inspect
    import numpy as np
    import pyacs.lib.astrotime as at
    # check data is not None
    from pyacs.gts.lib.errors import GtsInputDataNone
        if self.data is None:
            # raise exception
            raise GtsInputDataNone(inspect.stack()[0][3],__name__,self)
    except GtsInputDataNone as error:
        # print PYACS WARNING
        print( error )
        return( self )

    # check data is not None
        if ts.data is None:
            # raise exception
            raise GtsInputDataNone(inspect.stack()[0][3],__name__,ts)
    except GtsInputDataNone as error:
        # print PYACS WARNING
        print( error )
        return( self )

    # find common dates

    np_mjd_1 = at.decyear2mjd( self.data[:,0] ).astype( int )
    np_mjd_2 = at.decyear2mjd( ts.data[:,0] ).astype( int )
    np_mjd_common_dates = np.intersect1d( np_mjd_1 ,  np_mjd_2 )

    if verbose:
        print('-- ', np_mjd_common_dates.shape[0] , ' common dates found.')

    # test whether there are common dates
    if np_mjd_common_dates.shape[0] == 0:
        print('! WARNING No common dates between ',self.code,' from ',self.ifile)
        print('!!! and ',ts.code, ' from ',ts.ifile)
        new_data = None

        # extract

        mask1 = np.isin( np_mjd_1, np_mjd_common_dates )
        data1 = self.data[ mask1 ]
        mask2 = np.isin( np_mjd_2, np_mjd_common_dates )
        data2 = ts.data[ mask2 ]

        if data1.shape != data2.shape:
            print("!!! ERROR. Extracted data have different shapes")
            new_data = None
        # ENU
        new_data = data1 - data2
        # dates
        new_data[:,0] = data1[:,0]
        # uncertainties
        new_data[:,4:8] = np.sqrt( data1[:,4:8]**2 + data2[:,4:8]**2 )
        new_data[:,8:] = 0.


    # .data_xyz set to None
    new_Gts.data_xyz = None

Exemple #6
def nl_gts_fit(ty,
    Fits a single 1D time series with a (non-linear) trajectory model.
    See documentation of gts.fit_trajectory for explanation on the options.
    import numpy as np

    def fwd_model(m):

        # index of parameter
        i = 0

        # trend
        y_trend = np.copy(t) * 0.0

        if 'trend' in model_type:
            y_trend = m[i] + m[i + 1] * t
            i = i + 2

        # seasonal terms
        y_annual = np.copy(t) * .0
        y_semi_annual = np.copy(t) * .0

        if ('seasonal' in model_type) or ('annual' in model_type):
            y_annual = np.cos(2. * np.pi * (t - 0.) / 365.25) * m[i] - np.sin(
                2. * np.pi * (t - 0.) / 365.25) * m[i + 1]
            i = i + 2

        if ('seasonal' in model_type) or ('semi-annual' in model_type):
            y_semi_annual = np.cos(4. * np.pi *
                                   (t - 0.) / 365.25) * m[i] - np.sin(
                                       4. * np.pi *
                                       (t - 0.) / 365.25) * m[i + 1]
            i = i + 2

        # offsets
        y_offset = np.copy(t) * .0

        if ('offset' in model_type):

            for date in offset_dates:
                h = t * 0. + 1.
                h[np.where(t < date)] = 0.
                y_offset = y_offset + h * m[i]
                i = i + 1

        # psd

        y_psd = np.copy(t) * .0

        if ('psd_log' in model_type):
            for date in eq_dates:
                h = t * 0. + 1.
                h[np.where(t <= date)] = 0.
                y_offset = y_offset + h * m[i]

                h = t * 0.
                lindex = np.where(t > date)

                y_psd[lindex] = y_psd[lindex] + m[i + 1] * np.log(
                    1 + (t[lindex] - date) / np.sqrt(m[i + 2]**2))

                i = i + 3

        # sum everything

        y_model = y_trend + y_annual + y_semi_annual + y_offset + y_psd

        return y_model


    def cost(m):

        y_model = fwd_model(m)
        # chi2_obs
        red_chi2_obs = np.sum(((y - y_model) / sy)**2) / y.shape[0]

        # chi2_reg
        chi2_reg = 0.
        if H_constraints != {}:
            for k, v in H_c_prior_sigma.items():
                chi2_reg = chi2_reg + ((m[k] - v[0]) / v[1])**2

        # chi2
        chi2 = red_chi2_obs + chi2_reg

        return chi2


    def rms(m):

        y_model = fwd_model(m)

        return np.sqrt(np.sum(((y - y_model) / 1.)**2) / y.shape[0])


    def wrms(m):

        y_model = fwd_model(m)

        return np.sqrt(np.sum(((y - y_model) / 1.)**2) / np.sum(1. / sy**2))


    def red_chi_square(m):

        y_model = fwd_model(m)

        return np.sqrt(np.sum(((y - y_model) / sy)**2) / y.shape[0])

# prepare: log parameters index

    H_param = {}
    n_param = 0

    if 'trend' in model_type:
        H_param['trend_cst'] = n_param
        H_param['trend_slope'] = n_param + 1
        n_param = n_param + 2

    if 'seasonal' in model_type:
        H_param['annual_a'] = n_param
        H_param['annual_b'] = n_param + 1
        H_param['semi_annual_a'] = n_param + 2
        H_param['semi_annual_b'] = n_param + 3
        n_param = n_param + 4

    if 'annual' in model_type:
        H_param['annual_a'] = n_param
        H_param['annual_b'] = n_param + 1
        n_param = n_param + 2

    if 'semi-annual' in model_type:
        H_param['semi_annual_a'] = n_param
        H_param['semi_annual_b'] = n_param + 1
        n_param = n_param + 2

    if 'offset' in model_type:
        for i in np.arange(len(offset_dates)):
            H_param['offset' + ("_%02d" % i)] = n_param + i
        n_param = n_param + len(offset_dates)

    if 'psd_log' in model_type:
        for i in np.arange(len(eq_dates)):
            H_param['psd_log_offset' + ("_%02d" % i)] = n_param + 3 * i
            H_param['psd_log_amp' + ("_%02d" % i)] = n_param + 3 * i + 1
            H_param['psd_log_tau' + ("_%02d" % i)] = n_param + 3 * i + 2
        n_param = n_param + 3 * len(eq_dates)

    if verbose:
        print('-- number of parameters for trajectory model: ', n_param)
        print('-- index  of parameters for trajectory model: ')
        for k, v in H_param.items():
            print("-- m[%02d]: %s " % (v, k))

# dealing with constraints

    import scipy.optimize
    from pyacs.lib import astrotime as at

    # work with days rather than dec.year
    t = at.decyear2mjd(ty)

    offset_dates = at.decyear2mjd(offset_dates)
    eq_dates = at.decyear2mjd(eq_dates)

    # work with mm rather than m
    y = ym * 1.E3
    sy = sym * 1.E3

    bounds = None
    m0 = np.zeros(n_param) + 1.

    # bounds either as fixed or bounded parameters

    if H_fix != {} or H_bounds != {}:

        lb = [-np.inf] * n_param
        ub = [np.inf] * n_param
        bounds = scipy.optimize.Bounds(lb, ub, keep_feasible=False)

        # case of fixed parameters
        if H_fix != {}:
            if verbose:
                print('-- dealing with parameters hold fixed')

            for k, v in H_fix.items():

                lb[H_param[k]] = v
                ub[H_param[k]] = v
                m0[H_param[k]] = v

            bounds = scipy.optimize.Bounds(lb, ub, keep_feasible=False)

            if verbose:
                print('-- bounds accounting for fixed parameters')
                for j in np.arange(len(lb)):
                    print("-- m[%02d]: %.3lf %.3lf " % (j, lb[j], ub[j]))

        # case of bounded parameters
        if H_bounds != {}:
            if verbose:
                print('-- dealing with bounded parameters')
            for k, v in H_bounds.items():

                lb[H_param[k]] = v[0]
                ub[H_param[k]] = v[1]

            bounds = scipy.optimize.Bounds(lb, ub, keep_feasible=False)

            if verbose:

                print('-- bounds accounting for bounded parameters')
                for j in np.arange(len(lb)):
                    print("-- m[%02d]: %.3lf %.3lf " % (j, lb[j], ub[j]))

    # constraints

    if H_constraints != {}:

        if verbose:
            print('-- dealing with parameter constraints')
        H_c_prior_sigma = {}
        for k, v in H_constraints.items():
            H_c_prior_sigma[H_param[k]] = [v[0], v[1]]
            m0[H_param[k]] = v[0]
            if verbose:
                print("-- m[%02d]: prior: %.3lf sigma: %.3lf " %
                      (H_param[k], v[0], v[1]))


    res = scipy.optimize.minimize(cost,

    if verbose:
        print('-- minimization finished')
        print('-- scipy.optimize.minimize message: ', res.message)

    # print results

    H_res = {}
    for k, v in H_param.items():
        H_res[k] = res.x[v]
        if verbose:
            print("-- %-18s m[%02d]: %+15.3lf " % (k, v, res.x[v]))

    if verbose:
        # print rms
        print('--rms  (mm): %.2lf ' % rms(res.x))

        # print rms
        print('--wrms (mm): %.2lf ' % wrms(res.x))

        # print reduced chi2
        print('--reduced chi-square : %.2lf ' % red_chi_square(res.x))

    # return estimated parameters , model at t, residuals at t , model at every day

    # parameters were already stored in H_res

    y_model = fwd_model(res.x)
    model = np.vstack((at.mjd2decyear(t), y_model * 1.E-3)).T

    residuals = np.vstack((at.mjd2decyear(t), (y - y_model) * 1.E-3)).T

    t_every_day = np.arange(t[0], t[-1])
    t = t_every_day
    y_model_every_day = fwd_model(res.x)

    model_every_day = np.vstack(
        (at.mjd2decyear(t_every_day), (y_model_every_day) * 1.E-3)).T

    return H_res, model, residuals, model_every_day
Exemple #7
def decimate(self,time_step=30.,dates=[],method='median',verbose=False):
    decimate a time series
    :param time_step: time step in days
    :param dates: list of dates where point are forced to be written regardless time_step
    :param method: method used to be used to calculated the position. choose among ['median','mean','exact']
    :param verbose: verbose mode
    :return : new Gts  

    # import
    import inspect
    import numpy as np
    import pyacs.lib.astrotime as at

    # check data is not None
    from pyacs.gts.lib.errors import GtsInputDataNone
        if self.data is None:
            # raise exception
            raise GtsInputDataNone(inspect.stack()[0][3],__name__,self)
    except GtsInputDataNone as error:
        # print PYACS WARNING
        print( error )
        return( self )

    # start and end date
    start_decyear = self.data[0,0]
    end_decyear = self.data[-1,0]

    start_mjd = at.decyear2mjd(start_decyear)
    end_mjd = at.decyear2mjd(end_decyear)
    # new_gts to be filled
    # loop on dates by time_step
    for date in np.arange(start_mjd ,end_mjd + time_step / 2. , time_step ):
                    extract_periods( [at.mjd2decyear(date-time_step/2.),at.mjd2decyear(date+time_step/2.)] ,\
                                      verbose = verbose)
        if sub_ts.data is None:
        if method == 'median':
            new_obs = np.median(sub_ts.data,axis=0)
        if method == 'mean':
            new_obs = np.mean(sub_ts.data,axis=0)
        if method == 'exact':
            new_obs = sub_ts.data[int(sub_ts.data.shape[0])-1,:]

        new_gts.data = np.vstack( ( new_gts.data, new_obs.reshape(1,-1) ) )

    # case dates are provided
    for date in dates:
        sub_ts=self.extract_periods( [date,end_decyear] , verbose = verbose)
        if sub_ts.data is not None:
            new_obs = sub_ts.data[0,:]
            if verbose:
                print("-- adding observation at user requested date: %lf = %s = doy %d" % 
                      ( date, '-'.join(map(str, at.decyear2cal(date))), at.decyear2dayno(date)))
            if new_gts.data is not None:
                new_gts.data = np.vstack( ( new_gts.data, new_obs.reshape(1,-1) ) )
                new_gts.data = new_obs.new_obs.reshape(1,-1)

    # remove first obs
    if new_gts.data.shape[0] == 1:
        if verbose:
            print('!!! decimated Gts has no date')
        new_gts.data = None
        new_gts.data_xyz = None
        new_gts.data = np.delete(new_gts.data,0,axis=0)
        # reorder
        if verbose:
            print('-- decimated Gts has ',new_gts.data.shape[0],' entries')

Exemple #8
def spline(self, smoothing=1, degree=5, date=None):
    :param smoothing: Positive smoothing factor used to choose the number of knots. Number of knots will be increased
    until the smoothing condition is satisfied:
        sum((w[i] * (y[i]-spl(x[i])))**2, axis=0) <= s
    :param degree: Degree of the smoothing spline. Must be <= 5. Default is k=3, a cubic spline.
    :param date: 1D array of interpolation dates in decimal year, or 'day' for every day. defualt None will interpolate
    at data date only.
    :return: new gts instance

    import numpy as np
    from pyacs.gts.Gts import Gts
    import inspect

    # check data is not None
    from pyacs.gts.lib.errors import GtsInputDataNone

        if self.data is None:
            # raise exception
            raise GtsInputDataNone(inspect.stack()[0][3], __name__, self)
    except GtsInputDataNone as error:
        # print PYACS WARNING
        return (self)

    # import
    from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
    import numpy as np

    Spline_ts = self.copy()
    s_e = UnivariateSpline(self.data[:, 0],
                           self.data[:, 1],
                           s=smoothing * 1E-3,
    s_n = UnivariateSpline(self.data[:, 0],
                           self.data[:, 2],
                           s=smoothing * 1E-3,
    s_u = UnivariateSpline(self.data[:, 0],
                           self.data[:, 3],
                           s=smoothing * 1E-3,
    if date is None:
        Spline_ts.data[:, 1] = s_e(self.data[:, 0])
        Spline_ts.data[:, 2] = s_n(self.data[:, 0])
        Spline_ts.data[:, 3] = s_u(self.data[:, 0])
    if isinstance(date, np.ndarray):
        Spline_ts.data[:, 1] = s_e(date)
        Spline_ts.data[:, 2] = s_n(date)
        Spline_ts.data[:, 3] = s_u(date)
    if date == 'day':
        import pyacs.lib.astrotime as at
        np_date = at.mjd2decyear(
            np.arange(at.decyear2mjd(self.data[0, 0]),
                      at.decyear2mjd(self.data[-1, 0])))
        Spline_ts.data = np.zeros((np_date.shape[0], 10))
        Spline_ts.data[:, 0] = np_date
        Spline_ts.data[:, 1] = s_e(np_date)
        Spline_ts.data[:, 2] = s_n(np_date)
        Spline_ts.data[:, 3] = s_u(np_date)

    return (Spline_ts)
Exemple #9


from pyacs.lib import astrotime as at
from pyacs.gts.Gts import Gts

raw_ts = Gts()
my_ts = raw_ts.read_pos(

t = at.decyear2mjd(my_ts.data[:, 0])
y = my_ts.data[:, 2] * 1.E3
sy = my_ts.data[:, 5] * 1.E3

offset_dates = [at.decyear2mjd(2012.524590164)]
eq_dates = [at.decyear2mjd(2016.292349727)]
H_constraints = {}
bounds = {}

Exemple #10
 def __handle_round_date(decyear):
     mjd = np.round(at.decyear2mjd(decyear), decimals=2)
     (mday, month, iyear, _ut) = at.mjd2cal(mjd)
     return (mday, month, iyear)
Exemple #11
def find_offsets_edge_filter( self, threshold=0.6, search_lbda=[ 3,5,7,10,20,50,100,200,300] , delta_day=100, \
                              in_place=False, lcomponent='NE' , \
                              verbose=True, debug=True, log=False, eq_file=None):

    # import

    from pyacs.gts.lib.filters.total_variation import edge
    import numpy as np
    import pyacs.lib.astrotime as at
    import pyacs.lib.units
    import datetime

    # handle delta_day

    if isinstance(delta_day, int):
        ldelta_day = [delta_day]
        if not isinstance(delta_day, list):
                "!!! ERROR: delta_day should be a list of integer or an integer"
            ldelta_day = delta_day

    # eq list a gcmt file
    if eq_file is not None:
        EQ = np.genfromtxt(eq_file, dtype=None)
        np_eq_lon = EQ['f0']
        np_eq_lat = EQ['f1']
        np_moment_scalar = EQ['f8']
        np_moment_exponent = EQ['f9']
        np_str_date = EQ['f10']

        # handle magnitude
        np_eq_magnitude = np.copy(np_moment_scalar) * 0.0
        i = 0
        for scalar, exponent in zip(np_moment_scalar, np_moment_exponent):
            moment = scalar * 10.**(exponent - 7)
            np_eq_magnitude[i] = pyacs.lib.units.moment_to_magnitude(moment)
            i = i + 1
        # handle dates
        np_eq_mjd = np.copy(np_moment_scalar) * 0.
        i = 0
        for str_date in np_str_date:
            dyear = int(str_date[:4])
            dmonth = int(str_date[4:6])
            dmday = int(str_date[6:8])
            dhour = int(str_date[8:10])
            dminute = int(str_date[10:12])
            date = datetime.datetime(dyear, dmonth, dmday, dhour, dminute)
            np_eq_mjd[i] = at.datetime2mjd(date)
            i = i + 1

    # initialize the components
    l_idx_component = []
    if 'N' in lcomponent:
    if 'E' in lcomponent:
    if 'U' in lcomponent:

    H_idx_component = {1: 'N', 2: 'E', 3: 'U'}

    # working Gts
    new_gts = self.copy()

    def __get_offset_date_and_value(x, y, threshold):

        # for dates
        data_mjd = at.decyear2mjd(x)
        new_data_mjd = (data_mjd[0:-1] + data_mjd[1:]) / 2.

        x_diff = at.mjd2decyear(new_data_mjd)

        # for y

        diff_y = np.diff(y)
        abs_diff_y = np.fabs(diff_y)

        np_idx = np.where(abs_diff_y > threshold)

        # get dates
        np_dates = x_diff[np_idx]
        # get values
        np_values = diff_y[np_idx]

        return np_dates, np_values


    def __handle_round_date(decyear):
        mjd = np.round(at.decyear2mjd(decyear), decimals=2)
        (mday, month, iyear, _ut) = at.mjd2cal(mjd)
        return (mday, month, iyear)


    # detrend

    H_offset = {}

    for delta_day in ldelta_day:

        if verbose:
            print("-- detrend_median with delta_day=%d" % delta_day)

        gts_dtm = self.detrend_median(delta_day=delta_day)

        if gts_dtm is None:
            gts_dtm = self.detrend()

        median_neu = np.median(np.fabs(gts_dtm.differentiate().data[:, 1:4]),

        if verbose:
            print("-- median daily scattering NEU (mm): ", median_neu * 1.E3)

        for lbda in search_lbda:

            edge_ts = gts_dtm.edge_filter(lbda, verbose=verbose)

            for idx in l_idx_component:

                np_dates, np_values = __get_offset_date_and_value(
                    edge_ts.data[:, 0], edge_ts.data[:, idx],
                    median_neu[idx - 1] * threshold)

                new_gts.offsets_dates = np_dates

                if verbose or log:

                    if verbose:
                            "-- suspected offsets for component %s and lbda = %d"
                            % (H_idx_component[idx], lbda))

                    for date, value in zip(np_dates, np_values):
                        (mday, month, iyear) = __handle_round_date(date)
                        mjd = at.decyear2mjd(date)
                        sstr_date = ("%4d_%02d_%02d" % (iyear, month, mday))

                        no_EQ = True
                        if eq_file is not None:
                            i = 0
                            for mjd_eq in np_eq_mjd:
                                if np.fabs(mjd_eq - mjd) <= 1.:
                                    if verbose:
                                        print("%.6lf %10.3lf (%4d-%02d-%02d) EQ Mw %.1lf %6.2lf %6.2lf " % \
                                              (date,value*1.E3,iyear,month,mday, np_eq_magnitude[i],np_eq_lon[i],np_eq_lat[i]))

                                    if sstr_date in H_offset.keys():
                                            idx, value, lbda,
                                            np_eq_magnitude[i], delta_day
                                        H_offset[sstr_date] = [[
                                            idx, value, lbda,
                                            np_eq_magnitude[i], delta_day

                                    no_EQ = False
                                i = i + 1
                        if no_EQ and verbose:
                            print("%.6lf %10.3lf (%4d-%02d-%02d)" %
                                  (date, value * 1.E3, iyear, month, mday))

                        if no_EQ:
                            if sstr_date in H_offset.keys():
                                    [idx, value, lbda, 0, delta_day])
                                H_offset[sstr_date] = [[
                                    idx, value, lbda, 0, delta_day

    if log:
        for sstr_date in H_offset.keys():
            # open log file

            log_filename = ("%s_Mw%02d.dat" %
                            (sstr_date, H_offset[sstr_date][0][-2] * 10))
                flog = open(log_filename, 'a+')
                from colors import red
                return_str = red("[PYACS WARNING] Could not create file: %s" %
            np_offset = np.array(H_offset[sstr_date]).reshape(-1, 5)
            # list lbda
            l_lbda = list(set(np_offset[:, 2].tolist()))
            # list dalta_day
            l_delta_day = list(set(np_offset[:, 4].tolist()))
            # loop lbda
            for lbda in sorted(l_lbda):
                # loop delta_day
                for delta_day in l_delta_day:
                    # empty line to write as a list
                    lw = [
                        self.lon, self.lat, 0., 0., 1., 1., 0.,
                        ("%s_%03d" % (self.code, lbda)), 0
                    # get results given ldba
                    lindex = np.where(
                        (np.fabs(np_offset[:, 2] - lbda) < 1.E-3)
                        & (np.fabs(np_offset[:, 4] - delta_day) < 1.E-3))
                    offset = np_offset[lindex].reshape(-1, 5)
                    for i in np.arange(offset.shape[0]):
                        if offset[i, 0] == 1.:
                            lw[3] = offset[i, 1] * 1.E3
                        if offset[i, 0] == 2.:
                            lw[2] = offset[i, 1] * 1.E3
                        if offset[i, 0] == 3.:
                            lw[7] = ("%s %6.2lf " % (lw[7]),
                                     offset[i, 1] * 1.E3)

                        lw[8] = offset[i, 4]

                    "%10.4lf %10.4lf %10.2lf %10.2lf %10.2lf %10.2lf %10.2lf %s %03d\n"
                    % tuple(lw))


    return new_gts