def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of MarkupError.""" self._thrown = Logger.getFormattedStackTrace(2, 3) self._definition = ArgsUtils.get('errorDef', None, kwargs) self._tag = ArgsUtils.get('tag', None, kwargs) self._block = ArgsUtils.get('block', self._tag.block if self._tag else None, kwargs) self._processor = ArgsUtils.get('processor', self._tag.processor if self._tag else None, kwargs) self._code = ArgsUtils.get('code', self._definition.code, kwargs, allowNone=False) self.label = ArgsUtils.get('label', self._definition.label, kwargs, allowNone=False) self.message = ArgsUtils.get('message', self._definition.message, kwargs, allowNone=False) self._critical = ArgsUtils.get('critical', False, kwargs) replacements = ArgsUtils.getAsList('replacements', kwargs) replacements.append([u'#TAG#', unicode(self._tag.tagName if self._tag else u'???')]) for r in replacements: if self.message: self.message = self.message.replace(unicode(r[0]), unicode(r[1])) if self.label: self.label = self.label.replace(unicode(r[0]), unicode(r[1])) self._verbose = ArgsUtils.get('verbose', False, kwargs) self._line = None self._character = None self._source = None self._logSource = None self._populateData()
def add(self, *args, **kwargs): """Adds item(s) to the existing list of items, ignoring duplicates. @@@param items:mixed,list The items argument can be a single item or a list of items. @@@param group:string The name of the group in which to add the items. Default of None adds the items to the root group. """ items = ArgsUtils.get('items', None, kwargs, args, 0) if items is None or not items: return group = ArgsUtils.get('group', None, kwargs, args, 1) once = ArgsUtils.get('once', False, kwargs) if group: target = self._tempSubs if once else self._subs if not group in target: target[group] = [] for n in items: if not n in target[group]: target[group].append(n) else: target = self._tempRoot if once else self._root for n in items: if not n in target: target.append(n)
def __init__(self, parent =None, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of PySideGui.""" flags = ArgsUtils.extract('flags', None, kwargs) if flags is None: # By default the close button is hidden (only title shows) flags = QtCore.Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | QtCore.Qt.WindowTitleHint title = ArgsUtils.extract('title', 'Dialog', kwargs) modal = ArgsUtils.extract('modal', True, kwargs) widgetClass = ArgsUtils.extract('widget', None, kwargs) self._callback = ArgsUtils.extract('callback', None, kwargs) self._canceled = True QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent, flags) self.setStyleSheet(self.owner.styleSheetPath) if widgetClass is None: self._widget = None else: layout = self._getLayout(self) self._widget = widgetClass(parent=self, **kwargs) layout.addWidget(self._widget) self.setModal(modal) self.setWindowTitle(title)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of ClassTemplate.""" self._content = ArgsUtils.get('content', '', kwargs) SVADO = SingleValuedAttributeDataOrganizer self._id = self._createOrganizer('id', kwargs, SVADO, name='id') self._renderID = self._createOrganizer(['renderID', 'rid'], kwargs, SVADO, name='data-v-rid') self._dataID = self._createOrganizer(['dataID', 'did'], kwargs, SVADO, name='data-v-did') self._styleID = self._createOrganizer(['themeID', 'sid'], kwargs, SVADO, name='data-v-sid') ADO = AttributeDataOrganizer self._vdata = self._createOrganizer('vdata', kwargs, ADO, prefix='data-v-') self._data = self._createOrganizer('data', kwargs, ADO, prefix='data-') self._attrs = self._createOrganizer('attrs', kwargs, ADO, prefix='') SADO = SingleAttributeDataOrganizer self._dataState = self._createOrganizer('dataState', kwargs, SADO, name='data-v-data') self._inits = self._createOrganizer('inits', kwargs, SADO, name='data-v-ini') self._events = self._createOrganizer('events', kwargs, SADO, name='data-v-evt') self._settings = self._createOrganizer('settings', kwargs, SADO, name='data-v-sets') self._icon = self._createOrganizer('icons', kwargs, SADO, name='data-v-icon') self._styles = self._createOrganizer('styles', kwargs, Stylesheet) self._classes = self._createOrganizer('classes', kwargs, Classes) self._render = ArgsUtils.get('render', {}, kwargs) self._doms = ArgsUtils.get('doms', {}, kwargs) self._writes = ArgsUtils.get('writes', [], kwargs)
def createPath(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Doc...""" if not args or args[0] is None: return None src = [] for item in args: if isinstance(item, list): src.extend(item) else: src.append(item) out = os.path.join(*src) if out.endswith(os.sep) or ArgsUtils.get('isFile', False, kwargs): return cls._getAbsolutePath(out) noTail = ArgsUtils.get('noTail', False, kwargs) if ArgsUtils.get('isDir', False, kwargs): return cls._getAbsolutePath(out) if noTail else (cls._getAbsolutePath(out) + os.sep) if os.path.exists(out): if os.path.isfile(out): return cls._getAbsolutePath(out) if os.path.isdir(out) and not noTail and not out.endswith(os.sep): out += os.sep elif out.endswith('..'): out += os.sep elif src[-1].find('.') == -1: out += os.sep return cls._getAbsolutePath(out)
def add(self, *args, **kwargs): """Adds value to the existing item, replacing existing entries. @@@param value:string The value argument can be a single value. @@@param group:string The name of the group in which to add the value. Default of None adds the value to the root group. """ value = ArgsUtils.get('value', None, kwargs, args, 0) if value is None: value = u'' elif isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, list): value = JSON.asString(value) else: value = unicode(value) group = ArgsUtils.get('group', None, kwargs, args, 1) once = ArgsUtils.get('once', False, kwargs) if group: target = self._tempSubs if once else self._subs target[group] = value else: if once: self._tempRoot = value else: self._root = value
def __init__(self, containerPath, isRemoteDeploy =False, sourceRootFolder ='src', **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of Site.""" super(Site, self).__init__() self.errorCount = 0 self.warningCount = 0 self._staticPaths = [] self._logger = ArgsUtils.getLogger(self, kwargs) self._sourceRootFolderName = sourceRootFolder # NGinx root path in which all files reside self._containerPath = FileUtils.cleanupPath(containerPath, isDir=True) # Location of the source files used to create the website self._sourceWebRootPath = FileUtils.createPath(containerPath, sourceRootFolder, isDir=True) # Locations where files should be deployed. If the target root path is None, which is the # default value, the local web root path is used in its place. if isRemoteDeploy: self._targetWebRootPath = FileUtils.cleanupPath( tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='staticFlow_'), isDir=True) else: self._targetWebRootPath = None self._localWebRootPath = FileUtils.createPath( containerPath, ArgsUtils.get('localRootFolder', 'root', kwargs), isDir=True) path = FileUtils.createPath(self.sourceWebRootPath, '__site__.def', isFile=True) try: = JSON.fromFile(path, throwError=True) except Exception, err: self.writeLogError(u'Unable to load site definition file: "%s"' % path, error=err) pass
def write(self, *args, **kwargs): group = ArgsUtils.get('group', None, kwargs, args, 0) skipID = ArgsUtils.get('skipID', False, kwargs) items = None if len(args) < 2 else args[1:] s = [] out = None if items and len(items): for a in items: out = a.write(group=group, **kwargs) if out and len(out) > 0: s.append(out) else: writes = self._writes + DomRenderData._WRITES for w in writes: if skipID and w == 'id': continue try: out = getattr(self, w).write(group=group, **kwargs) if out and len(out) > 0: s.append(out) except Exception, err: DomRenderData._LOGGER.writeError(['Organizer write failure', 'organizer: ' + str(out), 'renderData: ' + str(self)], err) pass
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of MarkupTagError.""" self._errorAtEnd = ArgsUtils.extract("errorAtEnd", False, kwargs) ArgsUtils.addIfMissing("errorDef", self.READ_FAILURE, kwargs, True) MarkupError.__init__(self, **kwargs)
def _activateWidgetDisplayImpl(self, **kwargs): super(LoadingWidget, self)._activateWidgetDisplayImpl(**kwargs) = ArgsUtils.get('target', None, kwargs) self.header = ArgsUtils.get('header', None, kwargs) = ArgsUtils.get('info', None, kwargs) self.isShowing = True self._animatedIcon.start()
def _renderImpl(self, **kwargs): a = self.attrs LayoutAttributeParser.parseScale(a, True, kwargs) LayoutAttributeParser.parseAlignment(a, True, kwargs) LayoutAttributeParser.parsePadding(a, True, kwargs, group=a.styleGroup, defaultValue=GeneralSizeEnum.xsmall[0]) color = a.getAsColorValue(TagAttributesEnum.COLOR, ArgsUtils.get("colorDef", None, kwargs), kwargs) if not ArgsUtils.get("skipBorder", False, kwargs): LayoutAttributeParser.parseBorder( a, True, kwargs, group=a.styleGroup, defaultColor=ArgsUtils.get("borderColorDef", color.shiftColors[1] if color else None, kwargs), ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # BACKGROUND COLOR if not ArgsUtils.get("skipBackground", False, kwargs): if isinstance(color, ColorValue): a.styles.add("background-color", color.web, a.styleGroup) elif a.explicitAccent or a.themeChanged: self.useBackground() a.classes.add("sfml-push", a.styleGroup)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of ConfigReader.""" self._configs = ArgsUtils.get('configs', dict(), kwargs) self._filenames = ArgsUtils.get('filenames', None, kwargs) self._configPath = ArgsUtils.get( 'rootConfigPath', CadenceEnvironment.getConfigPath(), kwargs ) if self._filenames: for n,v in self._filenames.iteritems(): if not v: continue path = os.path.join(self._configPath, v) if not path.endswith('.cfg'): path += '.cfg' parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() if os.path.exists(path): else: raise Exception, path + ' config file does not exist!' self._configs[n] = self._configParserToDict(parser) self._overrides = dict() self.setOverrides(ArgsUtils.get('overrides', None, kwargs))
def getPrefix(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._locationPrefix: item = self.getStackData()[-1] loc = ' -> %s #%s]' % (item['file'], StringUtils.toUnicode(item['line'])) else: loc = ']' if self._app and self._app.pyramidApp: wsgi = self._app.environ initials = self._INITIALS_RX.sub('', ArgsUtils.get('REMOTE_USER', '', wsgi)) if initials: initials += ' | ' domainName = ArgsUtils.get('SERVER_NAME', '', wsgi) uriPath = ArgsUtils.get( 'REQUEST_URI', ArgsUtils.get('HTTP_REQUEST_URI', '', wsgi), wsgi) info = ' <' + initials + domainName + uriPath + '>' else: info = '' threadID = ThreadUtils.getCurrentID() return StringUtils.toUnicode( TimeUtils.toFormat('[%a %H:%M <%S.%f>') + '<' + threadID + '>' + info + loc)
def __init__(self, src ='', debug =False, blockDefs =None, debugData =None, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of ClassTemplate.""" self._log = ArgsUtils.getLogger(self, kwargs) self._debugData = debugData self._debug = debug src = StringUtils.toUnicode(src) self._raw = src.replace('\r','') if ArgsUtils.get('stripSource', True, kwargs): self._raw = self._raw.strip('\n') self._analyzed = False self._errors = [] self._blocks = [] self._bookmarks = [] self._initialBlock = ArgsUtils.get('initialBlock', None, kwargs) if isinstance(blockDefs, BlockDefinition): self._blockDefs = {'root':blockDefs} elif isinstance(blockDefs, dict): self._blockDefs = blockDefs elif isinstance(blockDefs, list): self._blockDefs = {'root':blockDefs} else: self._blockDefs = { 'root':[ BlockDefinition.createQuoteDef(BlockDefinition.BLOCKED), BlockDefinition.createLiteralDef(BlockDefinition.BLOCKED), BlockDefinition.createParensDef(), BlockDefinition.createBracketsDef(), BlockDefinition.createBracesDef(), ], }
def _listPath(cls, rootPath, recursive, **kwargs): listDirs = ArgsUtils.get('listDirs', False, kwargs) skipSVN = ArgsUtils.get('skipSVN', True, kwargs) skips = ArgsUtils.get('skips', None, kwargs) allowExtensions = ArgsUtils.getAsList('allowExtensions', kwargs) skipExtensions = ArgsUtils.getAsList('skipExtensions', kwargs) out = [] for item in os.listdir(rootPath): if (skipSVN and item == '.svn') or (skips and item in skips): continue absItem = os.path.join(rootPath, item) if os.path.isdir(absItem): path = (absItem + os.sep) if listDirs: out.append(path) absItem = None if recursive: out += cls._listPath(path, recursive, **kwargs) elif os.path.isfile(absItem): if skipExtensions and StringUtils.ends(item, skipExtensions): continue if allowExtensions and not StringUtils.ends(item, allowExtensions): continue if absItem: out.append(absItem) return out
def addKeysFromLists(self, **kwargs): self._clearCache() x = ArgsUtils.get('times', None, kwargs) if not x: return y = ArgsUtils.get('values', None, kwargs) if not y: return tans = ArgsUtils.get('tangents', None, kwargs) inTans = ArgsUtils.get('inTangents', tans, kwargs) outTans = ArgsUtils.get('outTangents', tans, kwargs) if not inTans: inTans = 'lin' if not outTans: outTans = 'lin' for i in range(0,len(x)): self._keys.append(DataChannelKey( time=x[i], value=y[i], inTangent=inTans if StringUtils.isStringType(inTans) else inTans[i], outTangent=outTans if StringUtils.isStringType(outTans) else outTans[i] ))
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of PySideGuiWidget.""" QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self._mainWindow = None self._id = ArgsUtils.get("id", self.__class__.__name__, kwargs) self._widgetID = ArgsUtils.get("widgetID", self._id, kwargs) self._userData = ArgsUtils.get("userData", None, kwargs) self._resourceFolderParts = PyGlassGuiUtils.getResourceFolderParts(self)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of BarPlot.""" ArgsUtils.addIfMissing('yLabel', 'Frequency', kwargs) super(BarPlot, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.color = kwargs.get('color', 'b') self.strokeColor = kwargs.get('strokeColor', 'none') = kwargs.get('data', []) self.isLog = kwargs.get('isLog', False)
def _initializeData(cls, data, track): """_initializeData doc...""" if data is None: data = dict() ArgsUtils.addIfMissing('track', track, data) ArgsUtils.addIfMissing('debug', [], data) return data
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of Histogram.""" ArgsUtils.addIfMissing('yLabel', 'Frequency', kwargs) super(Histogram, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.color = kwargs.get('color', 'b') self.binCount = kwargs.get('binCount', 100) = kwargs.get('data', []) self.isLog = kwargs.get('isLog', False)
def __init__(self, target, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of TargetData.""" self._target = target self._channels = ArgsUtils.get('channels', dict(), kwargs) self._dutyFactor = ArgsUtils.get('dutyFactor', 0.5, kwargs) self._phaseOffset = float(ArgsUtils.get('phaseOffset', 0.0, kwargs)) print(, self._phaseOffset)
def __init__(self, ident, label =None, message =None, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of ViewResponse.""" self._id = ident self._label = label self._message = message self._kind = ArgsUtils.get('kind', self.DEFAULT_KIND, kwargs) self._allowCaching = ArgsUtils.get('allowCaching', False, kwargs) self._data = ArgsUtils.getAsDict('data', kwargs)
def addApplicationLevelWidget(self, widgetID, widgetClass =None, **kwargs): if widgetClass is None: widgetClass = ApplicationLevelWidget ArgsUtils.addIfMissing('widgetFile', False, kwargs) widget = widgetClass(parent=self._appWrappingWidget, **kwargs) self._appWrappingWidget.layout().addWidget(widget) self._appLevelWidgets[widgetID] = widget return widget
def updateValues(self, *args, **kwargs): x = ArgsUtils.get('x', None, kwargs, args, 0) if x is not None: self.x = x y = ArgsUtils.get('y', None, kwargs, args, 1) if y is not None: self.y = y return True
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of Vector2D.""" if args and isinstance(args[0], (list, tuple)): self._values = list(args[0]) + [] elif args and isinstance(args[0], Vector2D): self._values = [args[0].x, args[0].y] else: x = ArgsUtils.get('x', 0.0, kwargs, args, 0) y = ArgsUtils.get('y', 0.0, kwargs, args, 1) self._values = [x, y]
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Creates a new instance of CadenceData. @@@param name:string The name identifying the data. """ self._name = ArgsUtils.get("name", None, kwargs) self._configs = ArgsUtils.get("configs", None, kwargs) self._channels = ArgsUtils.get("channels", [], kwargs)
def __init__(self, parent, path, importType, session =None, analysisSession =None, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of TrackImporterRemoteThread.""" self._compressed = ArgsUtils.extract('compressed', False, kwargs) RemoteExecutionThread.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs) self._path = path self._session = session self._analysisSession = analysisSession self._importType = importType self._verbose = ArgsUtils.get('verbose', True, kwargs)
def __init__(self, start, end =None, name =None, data =None, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of TextBookmark.""" self._name = name self._start = start self._end = start if end is None else end self._data = data self._originalStart = ArgsUtils.get('originalStart', self._start, kwargs) self._originalEnd = ArgsUtils.get('originalEnd', self._end, kwargs)
def __init__(self, parent, path, session=None, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of TrackImporterRemoteThread.""" self._pretty = ArgsUtils.extract("pretty", False, kwargs) self._gzipped = ArgsUtils.extract("compressed", True, kwargs) self._difference = ArgsUtils.extract("difference", True, kwargs) RemoteExecutionThread.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs) self._path = path self._session = session
def __init__(self, targetClass, isSocket =False, **kwargs): self._logger = targetClass.getLogger() try: self._verbose = targetClass.VERBOSE except Exception as err: self._logger.write('Failed to acquire VERBOSE from ' + str(targetClass.__name__), err) sys.exit(126) try: self._uid = targetClass.SERVICE_UID except Exception as err: self._logger.write('Failed to acquire SERVICE_UID from ' + str(targetClass.__name__), err) sys.exit(126) if isSocket: self._wait = 0 else: try: self._wait = targetClass.WAIT_INTERVAL except Exception as err: self._logger.write( 'Failed to acquire WAIT_INTERVAL from ' + str(targetClass.__name__), err ) sys.exit(126) if isSocket: from pyaid.system.service.systemd.SystemSocketDaemon import SystemSocketDaemon self._targetClass = SystemSocketDaemon self._socketClass = targetClass else: self._targetClass = targetClass self._socketClass = None self._terminated = False self._failCount = 0 self._target = None self._workPath = os.path.join(targetClass.WORK_PATH, self._uid) self._pidPath = os.path.join(targetClass.RUN_PATH, self._uid + '.pid') self._context = daemon.DaemonContext( working_directory=ArgsUtils.get('workPath', self._workPath, kwargs), umask=ArgsUtils.get('umask', 0o000, kwargs), uid=ArgsUtils.get('uid', os.getuid(), kwargs), gid=ArgsUtils.get('gid', os.getgid(), kwargs), detach_process=True, pidfile=lockfile.FileLock(self._pidPath) ) self._context.signal_map = { signal.SIGQUIT: self._handleQuit, signal.SIGTERM: self._handleCleanup, signal.SIGHUP: self._handleQuit, signal.SIGUSR1: self._handleUser } self._logger.write(self._uid + ' daemon initialized')
def fetch(self, name, defaultValue=None): """ Retrieves the value of the script argument specified by the name. If no such argument exists (or the argument is None) the default value will be returned. name: Script argument name to fetch. [defaultValue =None]: Value returned if the script argument is None or missing. """ return ArgsUtils.get(name, defaultValue, self.kwargs)
def __call__(self, s='', *args, **kwargs): # If the call is an error, write the error err = ArgsUtils.get('err', args=args, index=1) if err and isinstance(err, Exception): if self._buffer: self.addError(s, err) else: self.writeError(s, err) return # Handle the non-error case traceStack = ArgsUtils.get('traceStack', False, kwargs, args, 1) shaveStackTrace = ArgsUtils.get('shaveStackTrace', 0, kwargs, args, 2) if self._buffer: self.add(s, traceStack, shaveStackTrace) else: self.write(s, traceStack, shaveStackTrace)
def __init__(self, src='', debug=False, blockDefs=None, debugData=None, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of ClassTemplate.""" self._log = ArgsUtils.getLogger(self, kwargs) self._debugData = debugData self._debug = debug src = StringUtils.toUnicode(src) self._raw = src.replace('\r', '') if ArgsUtils.get('stripSource', True, kwargs): self._raw = self._raw.strip('\n') self._analyzed = False self._errors = [] self._blocks = [] self._bookmarks = [] self._initialBlock = ArgsUtils.get('initialBlock', None, kwargs) if isinstance(blockDefs, BlockDefinition): self._blockDefs = {'root': blockDefs} elif isinstance(blockDefs, dict): self._blockDefs = blockDefs elif isinstance(blockDefs, list): self._blockDefs = {'root': blockDefs} else: self._blockDefs = { 'root': [ BlockDefinition.createQuoteDef(BlockDefinition.BLOCKED), BlockDefinition.createLiteralDef(BlockDefinition.BLOCKED), BlockDefinition.createParensDef(), BlockDefinition.createBracketsDef(), BlockDefinition.createBracesDef(), ], }
def createReply(cls, kind, result, errorMessage=None): payload = result if isinstance(result, dict) else {'result': result} warnings = ArgsUtils.extract( NimbleEnvironment.REMOTE_RESULT_WARNING_KEY, None, payload) if errorMessage: return NimbleResponseData( kind=kind, response=NimbleResponseData.FAILED_RESPONSE, warnings=warnings, error=errorMessage, payload=payload) return NimbleResponseData(kind=kind, warnings=warnings, response=NimbleResponseData.SUCCESS_RESPONSE, payload=payload)
def __init__(self, name, pattern, blockType, terminator=None, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of ClassTemplate.""" = name self.pattern = pattern self.blockType = blockType self._terminator = terminator self.findState = ArgsUtils.get('findState', None, kwargs) self.matchReqs = ArgsUtils.get('matchReqs', None, kwargs) self.terminatorReqs = ArgsUtils.get('terminatorReqs', None, kwargs) self.chainBlocks = ArgsUtils.get('chainBlocks', False, kwargs) self.chainBreakers = ArgsUtils.getAsList('chainBreakers', kwargs) self.closeAtEnd = ArgsUtils.get('closeAtEnd', False, kwargs)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Creates a new instance of TextSource.""" self._raw = ArgsUtils.get('source', '', kwargs, args, 0) self._analyzer = ArgsUtils.get('analyzer', None, kwargs, args, 1) self._blocks = ArgsUtils.get('blocks', [], kwargs, args, 2)
def runPythonExec(script, kwargs=None): from nimble.NimbleEnvironment import NimbleEnvironment from import NimbleResponseData from import DataKindEnum try: nimble.cmds.undoInfo(openChunk=True) except Exception as err: return False try: # Create a new, temporary module in which to run the script module = imp.new_module('runExecTempModule') # Initialize the script with script inputs setattr(module, NimbleEnvironment.REMOTE_KWARGS_KEY, kwargs if kwargs is not None else dict()) setattr(module, NimbleEnvironment.REMOTE_RESULT_KEY, dict()) # Executes the script in the new module exec_(script, module.__dict__) # Find a NimbleScriptBase derived class definition and if it exists, run it to populate the # results for name, value in Reflection.getReflectionDict(module).iteritems(): if not inspect.isclass(value): continue if NimbleScriptBase in value.__bases__: getattr(module, name)().run() break # Retrieve the results object that contains all results set by the execution of the script result = getattr(module, NimbleEnvironment.REMOTE_RESULT_KEY) except Exception as err: logger = Logger('runPythonExec', printOut=True) logger.writeError('ERROR: Failed Remote Script Execution', err) result = NimbleResponseData( kind=DataKindEnum.PYTHON_SCRIPT, response=NimbleResponseData.FAILED_RESPONSE, error=str(err)) # If a result dictionary contains an error key format the response as a failure try: errorMessage = ArgsUtils.extract( NimbleEnvironment.REMOTE_RESULT_ERROR_KEY, None, result) if errorMessage: return NimbleResponseData( kind=DataKindEnum.PYTHON_SCRIPT, response=NimbleResponseData.FAILED_RESPONSE, error=errorMessage, payload=result) except Exception as err: pass try: nimble.cmds.undoInfo(closeChunk=True) except Exception as err: return False return result
def _listPath(cls, rootPath, recursive, **kwargs): allowDots = kwargs.get('allowDots', True) rootPath = cls.cleanupPath(rootPath, isDir=True) listFiles = kwargs.get('listFiles', True) listDirs = kwargs.get('listDirs', False) skipSVN = kwargs.get('skipSVN', True) skips = kwargs.get('skips', None) absolute = kwargs.get('absolute', True) pieces = kwargs.get('pieces', False) topPath = ArgsUtils.extract('topPath', rootPath, kwargs) allowExtensions = ArgsUtils.getAsList('allowExtensions', kwargs) skipExtensions = ArgsUtils.getAsList('skipExtensions', kwargs) out = [] for item in os.listdir(rootPath): if not allowDots and item.startswith('.'): continue if (skipSVN and item == '.svn') or (skips and item in skips): continue absItem = os.path.join(rootPath, item) if os.path.isdir(absItem): path = absItem + os.sep if listDirs: out.append(path if absolute else item) absItem = None if recursive: out += cls._listPath(rootPath=path, recursive=recursive, topPath=topPath, **kwargs) elif os.path.isfile(absItem): skip = skipExtensions and StringUtils.ends( item, skipExtensions) if not listFiles or skip: continue if allowExtensions and not StringUtils.ends( item, allowExtensions): continue if not absItem: continue if not pieces and not absolute: out.append(item) continue relativeItem = absItem[len(topPath):].strip(os.sep).split(os.sep) if absolute: relativeItem.insert(0, topPath) if pieces: out.append(relativeItem) else: out.append(os.path.join(*relativeItem)) return out
def runPythonImport(cls, payload): try: kwargs = payload.get('kwargs', {}) targetModule = StringUtils.toStr2(payload.get('module')) targetMethod = StringUtils.toStr2(payload.get('method')) targetClass = StringUtils.toStr2(payload.get('class')) target = targetClass if targetClass is not None else targetMethod if target is None: parts = targetModule.rsplit('.', 1) targetModule = parts[0] target = parts[1] except Exception as err: NimbleEnvironment.logError([ 'ERROR: Failed to parse python import payload', 'PAYLOAD: ' + DictUtils.prettyPrint(payload) ], err) return NimbleResponseData( kind=DataKindEnum.PYTHON_IMPORT, error=cls._getDetailedError( '\n'.join([ 'ERROR: Failed to parse python import payload', 'PAYLOAD: ' + DictUtils.prettyPrint(payload) ]), err), response=NimbleResponseData.FAILED_RESPONSE) # Dynamically import the specified module and reload it to make sure any changes have # been updated try: module = __import__(StringUtils.toStr2(targetModule), globals(), locals(), [StringUtils.toStr2(target)] if target else []) reload(module) target = getattr(module, target) except Exception as err: NimbleEnvironment.logError([ 'ERROR: Failed to import python target', 'MODULE: %s' % targetModule, 'TARGET: %s' % target, 'PAYLOAD: ' + DictUtils.prettyPrint(payload) ], err) return NimbleResponseData( kind=DataKindEnum.PYTHON_IMPORT, error=cls._getDetailedError('Failed to import python module', err), response=NimbleResponseData.FAILED_RESPONSE) try: result = dict() if targetClass is not None: tc = target() result = getattr(tc, targetMethod)(**kwargs) \ if targetMethod else \ tc(**kwargs) elif targetMethod is not None: result = target(**kwargs) else: # Find a NimbleScriptBase derived class definition and if it exists, run it to # populate the results for name, value in DictUtils.iter( Reflection.getReflectionDict(target)): if not inspect.isclass(value): continue if NimbleScriptBase in value.__bases__: result = getattr(target, name)()(**kwargs) found = True # If a result dictionary contains an error key format the response as a failure errorMessage = None try: errorMessage = ArgsUtils.extract( NimbleEnvironment.REMOTE_RESULT_ERROR_KEY, None, result) except Exception as err: pass return cls.createReply(DataKindEnum.PYTHON_IMPORT, result, errorMessage=errorMessage) except Exception as err: msg = 'ERROR: Failed to execute remote script' NimbleEnvironment.logError([ msg, 'PAYLOAD: ' + DictUtils.prettyPrint(payload), 'TARGET: ' + str(target) ], err) return NimbleResponseData( kind=DataKindEnum.PYTHON_IMPORT, error=cls._getDetailedError(msg, err), response=NimbleResponseData.FAILED_RESPONSE)
def addError(self, s, err, htmlEscape=False, **kwargs): self._hasError = True ArgsUtils.addIfMissing('traceStack', True, kwargs) return self.add(self.createErrorMessage(s, err), htmlEscape=htmlEscape, **kwargs)
def echoError(self, s, err, htmlEscape=False, **kwargs): ArgsUtils.addIfMissing('traceStack', True, kwargs) return self.echo(self.createErrorMessage(s, err), htmlEscape=htmlEscape, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs): super(NGinxRemoteThread, self).__init__(parent, **kwargs) self._path = ArgsUtils.get('rootPath', None, kwargs) if not self._path: self._path = NGinxSetupOps.getExePath()