parmsi['t'+str(i)+'[Time]'] = ','.join([mathematica(J[i]) for J in Jt])
        # parmsi['t'+str(i)+'[Time]'] = ','.join([mathematica(JW(W)[i]) for W in ramp(W_i, W_f, xi, tau, dt)])
    for i in range(L):
        parmsi['U'+str(i)+'[Time]'] = ','.join([mathematica(U[i]) for U in Ut])
        # parmsi['U'+str(i)+'[Time]'] = ','.join([mathematica(UW(W)[i]) for W in ramp(W_i, W_f, xi, tau, dt)])

input_file = pyalps.writeInputFiles(basename+'.dynamic',parmslist)
res = pyalps.runApplication('mps_evolve',input_file,writexml=True)

end =

## simulation results
# data = pyalps.loadIterationMeasurements(pyalps.getResultFiles(prefix=basename+'.dynamic'), what=['Overlap', 'Local density', 'Local density squared', 'One body density matrix', 'Density density'])
data = pyalps.loadIterationMeasurements(pyalps.getResultFiles(prefix=basename+'.dynamic'), what=['Overlap', 'Energy'])

coords = []
for d1 in data:
    for s1 in d1:
        for d in s1:
            for s in d:
                if(s.props['observable'] == 'One body density matrix'):
                    coords = (s.x[:,0], s.x[:,1])

XY = pyalps.collectXY(data, x='Time', y='Overlap', foreach=['tau'])
p = [[[(x + 1)*dt, 1-abs(y**2)] for (x, y) in zip(xy.x, xy.y)] for xy in XY]

XY = pyalps.collectXY(data, x='Time', y='Energy', foreach=['tau'])
E = [[[(x + 1)*dt, y] for (x, y) in zip(xy.x, xy.y)] for xy in XY]
Exemple #2
    p['TIMESTEPS'] = nsteps
    p['tau'] = tau  # not used in the simulation, but useful in the evaluation below
    p['Jz'] = z
    p['ALWAYS_MEASURE'] = 'Local Magnetization'
    p['chkp_each'] = nsteps
    p['measure_each'] = 5
    p['COMPLEX'] = 1


## write input files and run application
input_file = pyalps.writeInputFiles(basename, parms)
res = pyalps.runApplication('mps_evolve', input_file)

## simulation results
data = pyalps.loadIterationMeasurements(pyalps.getResultFiles(prefix=basename),
                                        what=['Local Magnetization'])

for q in pyalps.flatten(data):
    L = q.props['L']
    #Compute the integrated flow of magnetization through the center \Delta M=\sum_{n>L/2}^{L} (<S_n^z(t)>+1/2)
    #\Delta M= L/4
    loc = 0.5 * (L / 2)
    #\Delta M-=<S_n^z(t)> from n=L/2 to L
    q.y = np.array([0.5 * (L / 2) - sum(q.y[0][L / 2:L])])

#Plot the Error in the magnetization one site to the right of the chain center
Mag = pyalps.collectXY(data, x='Time', y='Local Magnetization', foreach=['Jz'])
for d in Mag:
    d.x = (d.x + 1) * d.props['DT']

#     parmsi['TIMESTEPS'] = int(2*tau / dt)
#     for i in range(L-1):
#         parmsi['t'+str(i)+'[Time]'] = ','.join([mathematica(JW(W)[i]) for W in quench(W_i, W_f, xi, 2*tau, dt)])
#     for i in range(L):
#         parmsi['U'+str(i)+'[Time]'] = ','.join([mathematica(UW(W)[i]) for W in quench(W_i, W_f, xi, 2*tau, dt)])
#     parmslist.append(parmsi)

input_file = pyalps.writeInputFiles(basename + ".dynamic", parmslist)
res = pyalps.runApplication("mps_evolve", input_file, writexml=True)

end =

## simulation results
data = pyalps.loadIterationMeasurements(
    pyalps.getResultFiles(prefix=basename + ".dynamic"),
    what=["Energy", "Local density", "Local density squared", "One body density matrix", "Density density"],

coords = []
for d1 in data:
    for s1 in d1:
        for d in s1:
            for s in d:
                if s.props["observable"] == "One body density matrix":
                    coords = (s.x[:, 0], s.x[:, 1])

XY = pyalps.collectXY(data, x="Time", y="Energy", foreach=["tau"])
E = [[[(x + 1) * dt, y] for (x, y) in zip(xy.x, xy.y)] for xy in XY][0]

# XY = pyalps.collectXY(data, x='Time', y='Overlap', foreach=['tau'])
# p = [[[(x + 1)*dt, 1-abs(y**2)] for (x, y) in zip(xy.x, xy.y)] for xy in XY]
    parms['t'+str(i)+'[Time]'] = ','.join([mathematica(JW(W)[i]) for W in quench(W_i, W_f, xi, tf, dt)])
for i in range(L):
    parms['U'+str(i)+'[Time]'] = ','.join([mathematica(UW(W)[i]) for W in quench(W_i, W_f, xi, tf, dt)])
parmslist = [parms]

# print mathematica([JW(W)[0] for W in quench(W_i, W_f, xi, tf, dt)])
# print mathematica([UW(W)[0] for W in quench(W_i, W_f, xi, tf, dt)])
# quit()

input_file = pyalps.writeInputFiles(basename+'.dynamic',parmslist)
res = pyalps.runApplication('mps_evolve',input_file,writexml=True)

end =

## simulation results
data = pyalps.loadIterationMeasurements(pyalps.getResultFiles(prefix=basename+'.dynamic'), what=['Energy', 'Local density', 'Local density squared', 'One body density matrix', 'Density density'])

coords = []
for d1 in data:
    for s1 in d1:
        for d in s1:
            for s in d:
                if(s.props['observable'] == 'One body density matrix'):
                    coords = (s.x[:,0], s.x[:,1])

XY = pyalps.collectXY(data, x='Time', y='Energy', foreach=['tau'])
E = [[[(x + 1)*dt, y] for (x, y) in zip(xy.x, xy.y)] for xy in XY][0]

XY = pyalps.collectXY(data, x='Time', y='Local density', foreach=['tau'])
n = [[[(x + 1)*dt, y] for (x, y) in zip(xy.x, xy.y)] for xy in XY][0]
Exemple #5
#write the input file and run the simulation
input_file = pyalps.writeInputFiles('parm_spin_one', parms)
res = pyalps.runApplication('mps_optim', input_file, writexml=True)

#load all measurements for all states
data = pyalps.loadEigenstateMeasurements(

# print properties of the eigenvector:
for s in data[0]:
    print(s.props['observable'], ' : ', s.y[0])

# load and plot iteration history
iterations = pyalps.loadIterationMeasurements(
    what=['Energy', 'TruncatedWeight'])
energy_iteration = pyalps.collectXY(pyalps.flatten(iterations), 'iteration',
for d in energy_iteration:
    d.x = range(0, len(d.y))
truncation_iteration = pyalps.collectXY(pyalps.flatten(iterations),
                                        'iteration', 'TruncatedWeight')
for d in truncation_iteration:
    d.x = range(0, len(d.y))

plt.title('Iteration history of ground state energy (S=1)')
Exemple #6

basename = 'SingleSite/ss.'

parms['N_total'] = 14
# parms['initial_local_N'] = '3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2'#'1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0'#'2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1'
input_file = pyalps.writeInputFiles(basename + str(resi), [parms])
pyalps.runApplication('mps_optim', input_file, writexml=True)

#load all measurements for all states
data = pyalps.loadEigenstateMeasurements(pyalps.getResultFiles(prefix=basename))

for d in data:
    for s in d:
        if(s.props['observable'] == 'Energy'):
            print s.y[0]
        if(s.props['observable'] == 'Local density'):
            print s.y[0]

iters = pyalps.loadIterationMeasurements(pyalps.getResultFiles(prefix=basename), what=['Energy'])
# print iters
en_vs_iter = pyalps.collectXY(iters, x='iteration', y='Energy')
# print en_vs_iter
Es = np.array([Ei for (i, Ei) in sorted(zip([int(xi) for xi in en_vs_iter[0].x[0:-1:20]], en_vs_iter[0].y[0:-1:20]))[-40:-1]])
Es2 = Es[1:-1] - Es[0:-2]
print Es2
# pyalps.plot.plot(en_vs_iter)
# plt.yscale('log')
Exemple #7
    p['MEASURE_OVERLAP[Overlap]'] = initstate
    p['ALWAYS_MEASURE'] = 'Overlap'
    p['chkp_each'] = ns
    p['measure_each'] = 10
    p['update_each'] = 1
    p['COMPLEX'] = 1


## write input files and run application
input_file = pyalps.writeInputFiles(basename + '.dynamic', parms)
res = pyalps.runApplication('mps_evolve', input_file)

## simulation results
data = pyalps.loadIterationMeasurements(pyalps.getResultFiles(prefix=basename +

LE = pyalps.collectXY(data, x='Time', y='Overlap', foreach=['tau'])
for d in pyalps.flatten(LE):
    d.x = (d.x + 1.) * d.props['dt']  # convert time index to real time
    d.y = abs(
        d.y)**2  # Loschmidt Echo defined as the module squared of the overlap
    d.props['label'] = r'$\tau={0}$'.format(d.props['tau'])

plt.xlabel('Time $t$')
plt.ylabel('Loschmidt Echo $|< \psi(0)|\psi(t) > |^2$')
plt.title('Loschmidt Echo vs. Time')
plt.legend(loc='lower right')