Exemple #1
def my_vis(ml, V, error=None, fname="", E2V=None, Pcols=None):
    """Coarse grid visualization for 2-D problems, for use with Paraview
       For all levels, outputs meshes, aggregates, near nullspace modes B, and selected
       prolongator basis functions.  Coarse level meshes are constructed by doing a
       Delaunay triangulation of interpolated fine grid vertices.

    ml : {multilevel hiearchy}
        defines the multilevel hierarchy to visualize
    V : {array}
        coordinate array (N x D)
    Error : {array}
        Fine grid error to plot (N x D)
    fname : {string}
        string to be appended to all output files, e.g. 'diffusion1'
    E2V : {array}
        Element index array (Nel x Nelnodes) for the finest level.  If None,
        then a Delaunay triangulation is done for the finest level.  All coarse
        levels use an internally calculated Delaunay triangulation
    P_cols : {list of tuples}
        Optional input list of tuples of the form [(lvl, [ints]), ...]
        where lvl is an integer defining the level on which to output
        the list of columns in [ints].

        - Writes data to .vtk files for use in paraview (xml 0.1 format)


    system('rm -f *.vtu')

    # For the purposes of clearer plotting, perturb vertices slightly
    V += rand(V.shape[0], V.shape[1])*1e-6

    # Create a list of vertices and meshes for all levels
    levels = ml.levels
    Vlist = [V]
    if E2V is None:
        [circ_cent,edges,E2V,tri_nbs]=delaunay.delaunay(V[:,0], V[:,1])
    E2Vlist = [E2V]

    mesh_type_list = []
    mesh_num_list = []
    if E2V.shape[1] == 1:
    if E2V.shape[1] == 3:
    if E2V.shape[1] == 4:
        if vertices.shape[1] == 2:
    if sparse.isspmatrix_bsr(levels[0].A):
        nPDEs = levels[0].A.blocksize[0]
        nPDEs = 1
    Agglist = []
    Agg = sparse.eye(levels[0].A.shape[0]/nPDEs, levels[0].A.shape[1]/nPDEs, format='csr') 
    for i in range(1,len(levels)):
        # Interpolate the vertices to the next level by taking each
        # aggregate's center of gravity (i.e. average x and y value).
        Agg = Agg.tocsr()*levels[i-1].AggOp.tocsr()
        Agg.data[:] = 1.0
        AggX = scale_rows(Agg, Vlist[0][:,0], copy=True) 
        AggY = scale_rows(Agg, Vlist[0][:,1], copy=True) 
        AggX = ones((1, AggX.shape[0]))*AggX
        AggY = ones((1, AggY.shape[0]))*AggY
        Agg = Agg.tocsc()
        count = Agg.indptr[1:]-Agg.indptr[:-1]
        AggX = (ravel(AggX)/count).reshape(-1,1)
        AggY = (ravel(AggY)/count).reshape(-1,1)
        Vlist.append(hstack((AggX, AggY)))

        [circ_cent,edges,E2Vnew,tri_nbs]=delaunay.delaunay(Vlist[i][:,0], Vlist[i][:,1])

    # On each level, output aggregates, B, the mesh
    for i in range(len(levels)):
        mesh_num = mesh_num_list[i]
        mesh_type = mesh_type_list[i]
        vertices = Vlist[i]
        elements = E2Vlist[i]
        # Print mesh
        write_basic_mesh(vertices, elements, mesh_type=mesh_type, \
        # Visualize the aggregates
        if i != (len(levels)-1):
            dg_vis(fname+"aggs_lvl"+str(i), Vlist[0], \
                    E2Vlist[0], Agglist[i], mesh_type)
        # Visualize B
        if sparse.isspmatrix_bsr(levels[i].A):
            nPDEs = levels[i].A.blocksize[0]
            nPDEs = 1
        cell_stuff = {mesh_num : elements}
        for j in range(nPDEs):
            indys = arange(j,levels[i].A.shape[0],nPDEs)
            write_vtu(Verts=vertices, Cells=cell_stuff, pdata=levels[i].B[indys,:], \

    # Output requested prolongator basis functions
    if Pcols is not None:
        for (lvl,cols) in Pcols:
            P = levels[lvl].P.tocsc()
            cell_stuff = {mesh_num_list[lvl] : E2Vlist[lvl]}
            for i in cols:           
                Pcol = array(P[:,i].todense())
                write_vtu(Verts=Vlist[lvl], Cells=cell_stuff, pdata=Pcol, 
    # Output the error on the finest level
    if error is not None:
        error = error.reshape(-1,1)
        cell_stuff = {mesh_num_list[0] : E2Vlist[0]}
        if sparse.isspmatrix_bsr(levels[0].A):
            nPDEs = levels[0].A.blocksize[0]
            nPDEs = 1
        for j in range(nPDEs):
            indys = arange(j, levels[0].A.shape[0], nPDEs)
            write_vtu(Verts=Vlist[0], Cells=cell_stuff, pdata=error[indys,:], \
Exemple #2
def my_vis(ml, V, error=None, fname="", E2V=None, Pcols=None):
    """Coarse grid visualization for 2-D problems, for use with Paraview
       For all levels, outputs meshes, aggregates, near nullspace modes B, and selected
       prolongator basis functions.  Coarse level meshes are constructed by doing a
       Delaunay triangulation of interpolated fine grid vertices.

    ml : {multilevel hiearchy}
        defines the multilevel hierarchy to visualize
    V : {array}
        coordinate array (N x D)
    Error : {array}
        Fine grid error to plot (N x D)
    fname : {string}
        string to be appended to all output files, e.g. 'diffusion1'
    E2V : {array}
        Element index array (Nel x Nelnodes) for the finest level.  If None,
        then a Delaunay triangulation is done for the finest level.  All coarse
        levels use an internally calculated Delaunay triangulation
    P_cols : {list of tuples}
        Optional input list of tuples of the form [(lvl, [ints]), ...]
        where lvl is an integer defining the level on which to output
        the list of columns in [ints].

        - Writes data to .vtk files for use in paraview (xml 0.1 format)


    system('rm -f *.vtu')

    # For the purposes of clearer plotting, perturb vertices slightly
    V += rand(V.shape[0], V.shape[1]) * 1e-6

    # Create a list of vertices and meshes for all levels
    levels = ml.levels
    Vlist = [V]
    if E2V is None:
        [circ_cent, edges, E2V, tri_nbs] = delaunay.delaunay(V[:, 0], V[:, 1])
    E2Vlist = [E2V]

    mesh_type_list = []
    mesh_num_list = []
    if E2V.shape[1] == 1:
    if E2V.shape[1] == 3:
    if E2V.shape[1] == 4:
        if vertices.shape[1] == 2:

    if sparse.isspmatrix_bsr(levels[0].A):
        nPDEs = levels[0].A.blocksize[0]
        nPDEs = 1

    Agglist = []
    Agg = sparse.eye(levels[0].A.shape[0] / nPDEs,
                     levels[0].A.shape[1] / nPDEs,
    for i in range(1, len(levels)):
        # Interpolate the vertices to the next level by taking each
        # aggregate's center of gravity (i.e. average x and y value).
        Agg = Agg.tocsr() * levels[i - 1].AggOp.tocsr()
        Agg.data[:] = 1.0

        AggX = scale_rows(Agg, Vlist[0][:, 0], copy=True)
        AggY = scale_rows(Agg, Vlist[0][:, 1], copy=True)
        AggX = ones((1, AggX.shape[0])) * AggX
        AggY = ones((1, AggY.shape[0])) * AggY
        Agg = Agg.tocsc()
        count = Agg.indptr[1:] - Agg.indptr[:-1]
        AggX = (ravel(AggX) / count).reshape(-1, 1)
        AggY = (ravel(AggY) / count).reshape(-1, 1)
        Vlist.append(hstack((AggX, AggY)))

        [circ_cent, edges, E2Vnew,
         tri_nbs] = delaunay.delaunay(Vlist[i][:, 0], Vlist[i][:, 1])

    # On each level, output aggregates, B, the mesh
    for i in range(len(levels)):
        mesh_num = mesh_num_list[i]
        mesh_type = mesh_type_list[i]
        vertices = Vlist[i]
        elements = E2Vlist[i]
        # Print mesh
        write_basic_mesh(vertices, elements, mesh_type=mesh_type, \
        # Visualize the aggregates
        if i != (len(levels) - 1):
            dg_vis(fname+"aggs_lvl"+str(i), Vlist[0], \
                    E2Vlist[0], Agglist[i], mesh_type)
        # Visualize B
        if sparse.isspmatrix_bsr(levels[i].A):
            nPDEs = levels[i].A.blocksize[0]
            nPDEs = 1
        cell_stuff = {mesh_num: elements}
        for j in range(nPDEs):
            indys = arange(j, levels[i].A.shape[0], nPDEs)
            write_vtu(Verts=vertices, Cells=cell_stuff, pdata=levels[i].B[indys,:], \

    # Output requested prolongator basis functions
    if Pcols is not None:
        for (lvl, cols) in Pcols:
            P = levels[lvl].P.tocsc()
            cell_stuff = {mesh_num_list[lvl]: E2Vlist[lvl]}
            for i in cols:
                Pcol = array(P[:, i].todense())
                          fname=fname + "P_lvl" + str(lvl) + "col" + str(i) +

    # Output the error on the finest level
    if error is not None:
        error = error.reshape(-1, 1)
        cell_stuff = {mesh_num_list[0]: E2Vlist[0]}
        if sparse.isspmatrix_bsr(levels[0].A):
            nPDEs = levels[0].A.blocksize[0]
            nPDEs = 1
        for j in range(nPDEs):
            indys = arange(j, levels[0].A.shape[0], nPDEs)
            write_vtu(Verts=Vlist[0], Cells=cell_stuff, pdata=error[indys,:], \
Exemple #3
def dg_vis(fname, Vert, E2V, Agg, mesh_type, A=None):
    """Coarse grid visualization for 2-D discontinuous Galerkin Problems, for use with Paraview

    fname : {string}
        file to be written, e.g. 'mymesh.vtu'
    Vert : {array}
        coordinate array (N x D)
    E2V : {array}
        element index array (Nel x Nelnodes)
    Agg : {csr_matrix}
        sparse matrix for the aggregate-vertex relationship (N x Nagg)  
    mesh_type : {string}
        type of elements: tri
    A : {sparse amtrix}
        optional, used for better coloring

        - Writes data to two .vtk files for use in Paraview (xml 0.1 format)



    if not issubdtype(Vert.dtype,float):
        raise ValueError('Vert should be of type float')

    if E2V is not None:
        if not issubdtype(E2V.dtype,integer):
            raise ValueError('E2V should be of type integer')

    if Agg.shape[1] > Agg.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('Agg should be of size Npts x Nagg')

    valid_mesh_types = ('tri')
    if mesh_type not in valid_mesh_types:
        raise ValueError('mesh_type should be %s' % ' or '.join(valid_mesh_types))

    if A is not None:
        if (A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]) or (A.shape[0] != Agg.shape[0]):
            raise ValueError('expected square matrix A and compatible with Agg')


    N        = Vert.shape[0]
    Ndof     = N
    if E2V is not None:
        Nel      = E2V.shape[0]
        Nelnodes = E2V.shape[1]
        if E2V.min() != 0:
            warnings.warn('element indices begin at %d' % E2V.min() )
    Nagg = Agg.shape[0]

    Ncolors  = 16 # number of colors to use in the coloring algorithm

    # ------------------
    #Shrink each element in the mesh for nice plotting
    #E2V, Vert = shrink_elmts(E2V, Vert)

    # plot_type = 'vertex' output to .vtu --- throw point list down on mesh, so E2V becomes Nx1 array
    filename = fname + "_point-aggs.vtu"
    if False:#A is not None:
        # color aggregates with vertex coloring
        G = Agg.T * abs(A) * Agg
        colors = vertex_coloring(G, method='LDF')
        pdata = Agg * colors  # extend aggregate colors to vertices
        # color aggregates in sequence
        Agg   = coo_matrix(Agg)
        pdata = zeros(Ndof)
        colors = array(range(Agg.shape[1])) % Ncolors
        pdata[Agg.row] = Agg.col % Ncolors

    write_basic_mesh(Vert, E2V=array(range(N)).reshape(N,1), mesh_type='vertex', pdata=pdata, fname=filename)

    # plot_type = 'primal', using a global Delaunay triangulation of the shrunken mesh,
    #   we visualize the aggregates as if the global Delaunay triangulation defined a Continuous Galerkin
    #   mesh upon which our aggregates are defined.
    #circum_cent, edges, tri_pts, tri_nbs = delaunay.delaunay(Vert[:,0], Vert[:,1])
    #coarse_grid_vis(filename, Vert, tri_pts, Agg, A=A, plot_type='primal', mesh_type='tri')
    filename = fname + "_aggs.vtu"

    # Do a local Delaunay triangulation for each aggregate, and throw that down as an element in a new mesh
    Agg = csc_matrix(Agg)
    E2Vnew = zeros((0,),dtype=int)
    colors_new = zeros((0,),dtype=int)
    for i in range(Agg.shape[1]):
        rowstart = Agg.indptr[i]
        rowend = Agg.indptr[i+1]
        #The nonzeros in column i of Agg define the dofs in Agg i
        members = Agg.indices[rowstart:rowend]
        if max(members.shape) > 2:
            circum_cent, edges, tri_pts, tri_nbs = delaunay.delaunay(Vert[members,0], Vert[members,1])
            #if i == 0:
            #    E2Vnew = ravel(members[ravel(tri_pts)])
            #    colors_new = ravel(repeat(colors[i], tri_pts.shape[0]))
            E2Vnew = hstack( (E2Vnew, ravel(members[ravel(tri_pts)]) ) )
            colors_new = hstack( (colors_new, ravel(repeat(colors[i], tri_pts.shape[0]))) ) 

        if max(members.shape) == 2:
            #create a dummy element, so that only a line is drawn between these two points in Paraview
            #if i == 0:
            #    E2Vnew = array([0,members[0],members[1]])
            #    colors_new = array([colors[i]])
            E2Vnew = hstack( (E2Vnew, array([0,members[0],members[1]]) ) )
            colors_new = hstack( (colors_new, colors[i]) )

    #Begin Primal plotting
    E2V = E2Vnew.reshape(-1,3)
    Agg = csr_matrix(Agg)

    if E2V.max() >= Agg.shape[0]:
        # remove elements with Dirichlet BCs
        E2V = E2V[E2V.max(axis=1) < Agg.shape[0]]

    # Find elements with all vertices in same aggregate
    if len(Agg.indices) != Agg.shape[0]:
        # account for 0 rows.  Mark them as solitary aggregates
        full_aggs = array(Agg.sum(axis=1),dtype=int).ravel()
        full_aggs[full_aggs==1] = Agg.indices
        full_aggs[full_aggs==0] = Agg.shape[1] + arange(0,Agg.shape[0]-Agg.nnz,dtype=int).ravel()
        ElementAggs = full_aggs[E2V]
        ElementAggs = Agg.indices[E2V]
    # mask[i] == True if all vertices in element i belong to the same aggregate
    mask = (ElementAggs[:,:-1] == ElementAggs[:,1:]).all(axis=1)
    E2V3 = E2V[mask,:]
    Nel3 = E2V3.shape[0]

    # 3 edges = 4 nodes.  Find where the difference is 0 (bdy edge)
    markedges = diff(c_[ElementAggs,ElementAggs[:,0]])
    markedelements, markededges = where(markedges==0)

    # now concatenate the edges (i.e. first and next one (mod 3 index)
    E2V2 = c_[[E2V[markedelements,markededges], 
    Nel2 = E2V2.shape[0]

    colors2 = colors_new[markedelements]  #2*ones((1,Nel2))  # color edges with twos
    colors3 = colors_new[mask]  #3*ones((1,Nel3))  # color triangles with threes

    Cells  =  {3: E2V2, 5: E2V3}
    cdata  =  {3: colors2, 5: colors3}

    write_vtu(Verts=Vert, Cells=Cells, pdata=None, cdata=cdata, pvdata=None, fname=filename)
Exemple #4
def dg_vis(fname, Vert, E2V, Agg, mesh_type, A=None):
    """Coarse grid visualization for 2-D discontinuous Galerkin Problems, for use with Paraview

    fname : {string}
        file to be written, e.g. 'mymesh.vtu'
    Vert : {array}
        coordinate array (N x D)
    E2V : {array}
        element index array (Nel x Nelnodes)
    Agg : {csr_matrix}
        sparse matrix for the aggregate-vertex relationship (N x Nagg)  
    mesh_type : {string}
        type of elements: tri
    A : {sparse amtrix}
        optional, used for better coloring

        - Writes data to two .vtk files for use in Paraview (xml 0.1 format)



    if not issubdtype(Vert.dtype, float):
        raise ValueError('Vert should be of type float')

    if E2V is not None:
        if not issubdtype(E2V.dtype, integer):
            raise ValueError('E2V should be of type integer')

    if Agg.shape[1] > Agg.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('Agg should be of size Npts x Nagg')

    valid_mesh_types = ('tri')
    if mesh_type not in valid_mesh_types:
        raise ValueError('mesh_type should be %s' %
                         ' or '.join(valid_mesh_types))

    if A is not None:
        if (A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]) or (A.shape[0] != Agg.shape[0]):
            raise ValueError(
                'expected square matrix A and compatible with Agg')


    N = Vert.shape[0]
    Ndof = N
    if E2V is not None:
        Nel = E2V.shape[0]
        Nelnodes = E2V.shape[1]
        if E2V.min() != 0:
            warnings.warn('element indices begin at %d' % E2V.min())
    Nagg = Agg.shape[0]

    Ncolors = 16  # number of colors to use in the coloring algorithm

    # ------------------

    #Shrink each element in the mesh for nice plotting
    #E2V, Vert = shrink_elmts(E2V, Vert)

    # plot_type = 'vertex' output to .vtu --- throw point list down on mesh, so E2V becomes Nx1 array
    filename = fname + "_point-aggs.vtu"
    if False:  #A is not None:
        # color aggregates with vertex coloring
        G = Agg.T * abs(A) * Agg
        colors = vertex_coloring(G, method='LDF')
        pdata = Agg * colors  # extend aggregate colors to vertices
        # color aggregates in sequence
        Agg = coo_matrix(Agg)
        pdata = zeros(Ndof)
        colors = array(range(Agg.shape[1])) % Ncolors
        pdata[Agg.row] = Agg.col % Ncolors

                     E2V=array(range(N)).reshape(N, 1),

    # plot_type = 'primal', using a global Delaunay triangulation of the shrunken mesh,
    #   we visualize the aggregates as if the global Delaunay triangulation defined a Continuous Galerkin
    #   mesh upon which our aggregates are defined.
    #circum_cent, edges, tri_pts, tri_nbs = delaunay.delaunay(Vert[:,0], Vert[:,1])
    #coarse_grid_vis(filename, Vert, tri_pts, Agg, A=A, plot_type='primal', mesh_type='tri')
    filename = fname + "_aggs.vtu"

    # Do a local Delaunay triangulation for each aggregate, and throw that down as an element in a new mesh
    Agg = csc_matrix(Agg)
    E2Vnew = zeros((0, ), dtype=int)
    colors_new = zeros((0, ), dtype=int)
    for i in range(Agg.shape[1]):
        rowstart = Agg.indptr[i]
        rowend = Agg.indptr[i + 1]
        #The nonzeros in column i of Agg define the dofs in Agg i
        members = Agg.indices[rowstart:rowend]
        if max(members.shape) > 2:
            circum_cent, edges, tri_pts, tri_nbs = delaunay.delaunay(
                Vert[members, 0], Vert[members, 1])
            #if i == 0:
            #    E2Vnew = ravel(members[ravel(tri_pts)])
            #    colors_new = ravel(repeat(colors[i], tri_pts.shape[0]))
            E2Vnew = hstack((E2Vnew, ravel(members[ravel(tri_pts)])))
            colors_new = hstack(
                (colors_new, ravel(repeat(colors[i], tri_pts.shape[0]))))

        if max(members.shape) == 2:
            #create a dummy element, so that only a line is drawn between these two points in Paraview
            #if i == 0:
            #    E2Vnew = array([0,members[0],members[1]])
            #    colors_new = array([colors[i]])
            E2Vnew = hstack((E2Vnew, array([0, members[0], members[1]])))
            colors_new = hstack((colors_new, colors[i]))

    #Begin Primal plotting
    E2V = E2Vnew.reshape(-1, 3)
    Agg = csr_matrix(Agg)

    if E2V.max() >= Agg.shape[0]:
        # remove elements with Dirichlet BCs
        E2V = E2V[E2V.max(axis=1) < Agg.shape[0]]

    # Find elements with all vertices in same aggregate
    if len(Agg.indices) != Agg.shape[0]:
        # account for 0 rows.  Mark them as solitary aggregates
        full_aggs = array(Agg.sum(axis=1), dtype=int).ravel()
        full_aggs[full_aggs == 1] = Agg.indices
        full_aggs[full_aggs == 0] = Agg.shape[1] + arange(
            0, Agg.shape[0] - Agg.nnz, dtype=int).ravel()
        ElementAggs = full_aggs[E2V]
        ElementAggs = Agg.indices[E2V]

    # mask[i] == True if all vertices in element i belong to the same aggregate
    mask = (ElementAggs[:, :-1] == ElementAggs[:, 1:]).all(axis=1)
    E2V3 = E2V[mask, :]
    Nel3 = E2V3.shape[0]

    # 3 edges = 4 nodes.  Find where the difference is 0 (bdy edge)
    markedges = diff(c_[ElementAggs, ElementAggs[:, 0]])
    markedges[mask, :] = 1
    markedelements, markededges = where(markedges == 0)

    # now concatenate the edges (i.e. first and next one (mod 3 index)
    E2V2 = c_[[
        E2V[markedelements, markededges], E2V[markedelements,
                                              (markededges + 1) % 3]
    Nel2 = E2V2.shape[0]

    colors2 = colors_new[
        markedelements]  #2*ones((1,Nel2))  # color edges with twos
    colors3 = colors_new[
        mask]  #3*ones((1,Nel3))  # color triangles with threes

    Cells = {3: E2V2, 5: E2V3}
    cdata = {3: colors2, 5: colors3}
