def postWriteHook(self, dump_info): anaconda = dump_info.object # See if there is a /root present in the root path and put exception there as well if os.access(iutil.getSysroot() + "/root", os.X_OK): try: dest = iutil.getSysroot() + "/root/%s" % os.path.basename(self.exnFile) shutil.copyfile(self.exnFile, dest) except (shutil.Error, IOError): log.error("Failed to copy %s to %s/root", self.exnFile, iutil.getSysroot()) # run kickstart traceback scripts (if necessary) try: iutil.runOnErrorScripts(anaconda.ksdata.scripts) kickstart.runTracebackScripts(anaconda.ksdata.scripts) # pylint: disable=bare-except except: pass iutil.ipmi_report(IPMI_FAILED)