Exemple #1
def parse(text, ctx=None):
    """Parse a YANG statement into an Abstract Syntax subtree.

        text (str): file name for a YANG module or text
        ctx (optional pyang.Context): context used to validate text

        pyang.statements.Statement: Abstract syntax subtree

        The ``parse`` function can be used to parse small amounts of text.
        If yout plan to parse an entire YANG (sub)module, please use instead::

            ast = ctx.add_module(module_name, text_contet)

        It is also well known that ``parse`` function cannot solve
        YANG deviations yet.
    parser = YangParser()

    filename = 'parser-input'

    ctx_ = ctx or create_context()

    if isfile(text):
        filename = text
        with open(filename, 'r') as fp:
            text = fp.read()

    # ensure reported errors are just from parsing
    old_errors = ctx_.errors
    ctx_.errors = []

    ast = parser.parse(ctx_, filename, text)

    # look for errors and warnings

    # restore other errors
    ctx_.errors = old_errors

    return ast
            'children': recurse_children(child, module)
    return parsed_children

# Let's begin..
base_data_dir = 'testdata/'
model_filenames = ['Cisco-IOS-XR-ipv4-bgp-oper.yang']
# Context has a dependency on Repository
# Repository is abstract, only FileRepository exists
file_repository = FileRepository(path=base_data_dir,
# Contexts are like the base controller for parsing in pyang
context = Context(repository=file_repository)
parser = YangParser()
# YangParser has a dependency on Context
# Context also has a dependency on YangParser
# Parse all the models in to modules
modules = []
for filename in model_filenames:
    model_file_path = os.path.join(base_data_dir, filename)
    model_data = None
    with open(model_file_path, 'r') as model_fd:
        model_data = model_fd.read()
    # Some model filenames indicate revision, etc.
    filename_attributes = syntax.re_filename.search(filename)
    module = None
    if filename_attributes is None:
        module = context.add_module(filename, model_data)