def cohens_kappa(annotations1, annotations2, nclasses=None): """Compute Cohen's kappa for two annotators. Assumes that the annotators draw annotations at random with different but constant frequencies. See also :func:`~pyanno.measures.helpers.pairwise_matrix`. **References:** * Cohen, Jacob (1960). A coefficient of agreement for nominal scales. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 20, 37--46. * `Wikipedia entry <>`_ Arguments --------- annotations1 : ndarray, shape = (n_items, ) Array of annotations for a single annotator. Missing values should be indicated by :attr:`pyanno.util.MISSING_VALUE` annotations2 : ndarray, shape = (n_items, ) Array of annotations for a single annotator. Missing values should be indicated by :attr:`pyanno.util.MISSING_VALUE` nclasses : int Number of annotation classes. If None, `nclasses` is inferred from the values in the annotations Returns ------- stat : float The value of the statistics """ if all_invalid(annotations1, annotations2): logger.debug('No valid annotations') return np.nan if nclasses is None: nclasses = compute_nclasses(annotations1, annotations2) chance_agreement = chance_agreement_different_frequency(annotations1, annotations2, nclasses) observed_agreement = observed_agreement_frequency(annotations1, annotations2, nclasses) return chance_adjusted_agreement(observed_agreement.sum(), chance_agreement.sum())
def scotts_pi(annotations1, annotations2, nclasses=None): """Return Scott's pi statistic for two annotators. Assumes that the annotators draw random annotations with the same frequency as the combined observed annotations. See also :func:`~pyanno.measures.helpers.pairwise_matrix`. **References:** * Scott, W. (1955). "Reliability of content analysis: The case of nominal scale coding." Public Opinion Quarterly, 19(3), 321-325. * `Wikipedia entry <>`_ Arguments --------- annotations1 : ndarray, shape = (n_items, ) Array of annotations for a single annotator. Missing values should be indicated by :attr:`pyanno.util.MISSING_VALUE` annotations2 : ndarray, shape = (n_items, ) Array of annotations for a single annotator. Missing values should be indicated by :attr:`pyanno.util.MISSING_VALUE` nclasses : int Number of annotation classes. If None, `nclasses` is inferred from the values in the annotations Returns ------- stat : float The value of the statistics """ if all_invalid(annotations1, annotations2): logger.debug('No valid annotations') return np.nan if nclasses is None: nclasses = compute_nclasses(annotations1, annotations2) chance_agreement = chance_agreement_same_frequency(annotations1, annotations2, nclasses) observed_agreement = observed_agreement_frequency(annotations1, annotations2, nclasses) return chance_adjusted_agreement(observed_agreement.sum(), chance_agreement.sum())
def cohens_kappa(annotations1, annotations2, nclasses=None): """Compute Cohen's kappa for two annotators. Assumes that the annotators draw annotations at random with different but constant frequencies. See also :func:`~pyanno.measures.helpers.pairwise_matrix`. **References:** * Cohen, Jacob (1960). A coefficient of agreement for nominal scales. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 20, 37--46. * `Wikipedia entry <>`_ Arguments --------- annotations1 : ndarray, shape = (n_items, ) Array of annotations for a single annotator. Missing values should be indicated by :attr:`pyanno.util.MISSING_VALUE` annotations2 : ndarray, shape = (n_items, ) Array of annotations for a single annotator. Missing values should be indicated by :attr:`pyanno.util.MISSING_VALUE` nclasses : int Number of annotation classes. If None, `nclasses` is inferred from the values in the annotations Returns ------- stat : float The value of the statistics """ if all_invalid(annotations1, annotations2): logger.debug("No valid annotations") return np.nan if nclasses is None: nclasses = compute_nclasses(annotations1, annotations2) chance_agreement = chance_agreement_different_frequency(annotations1, annotations2, nclasses) observed_agreement = observed_agreement_frequency(annotations1, annotations2, nclasses) return chance_adjusted_agreement(observed_agreement.sum(), chance_agreement.sum())
def scotts_pi(annotations1, annotations2, nclasses=None): """Return Scott's pi statistic for two annotators. Assumes that the annotators draw random annotations with the same frequency as the combined observed annotations. See also :func:`~pyanno.measures.helpers.pairwise_matrix`. **References:** * Scott, W. (1955). "Reliability of content analysis: The case of nominal scale coding." Public Opinion Quarterly, 19(3), 321-325. * `Wikipedia entry <>`_ Arguments --------- annotations1 : ndarray, shape = (n_items, ) Array of annotations for a single annotator. Missing values should be indicated by :attr:`pyanno.util.MISSING_VALUE` annotations2 : ndarray, shape = (n_items, ) Array of annotations for a single annotator. Missing values should be indicated by :attr:`pyanno.util.MISSING_VALUE` nclasses : int Number of annotation classes. If None, `nclasses` is inferred from the values in the annotations Returns ------- stat : float The value of the statistics """ if all_invalid(annotations1, annotations2): logger.debug("No valid annotations") return np.nan if nclasses is None: nclasses = compute_nclasses(annotations1, annotations2) chance_agreement = chance_agreement_same_frequency(annotations1, annotations2, nclasses) observed_agreement = observed_agreement_frequency(annotations1, annotations2, nclasses) return chance_adjusted_agreement(observed_agreement.sum(), chance_agreement.sum())
def fleiss_kappa(annotations, nclasses=None): """Compute Fleiss' kappa for multiple annotators. **References:** * Fleiss, J. L. (1971). "Measuring nominal scale agreement among many raters.". Psychological Bulletin, Vol 76(5), 378-382 * `Wikipedia entry <>`_ Arguments --------- annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators) Array of annotations for multiple annotators. Missing values should be indicated by :attr:`pyanno.util.MISSING_VALUE` nclasses : int Number of annotation classes. If None, `nclasses` is inferred from the values in the annotations Returns ------- stat : float The value of the statistics """ if all_invalid(annotations): logger.debug("No valid annotations") return np.nan if nclasses is None: nclasses = compute_nclasses(annotations) # transform raw annotations into the number of annotations per class # for each item nitems = annotations.shape[0] nannotations = np.zeros((nitems, nclasses)) for k in range(nclasses): nannotations[:, k] = (annotations == k).sum(1) return _fleiss_kappa_nannotations(nannotations)
def fleiss_kappa(annotations, nclasses=None): """Compute Fleiss' kappa for multiple annotators. **References:** * Fleiss, J. L. (1971). "Measuring nominal scale agreement among many raters.". Psychological Bulletin, Vol 76(5), 378-382 * `Wikipedia entry <>`_ Arguments --------- annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators) Array of annotations for multiple annotators. Missing values should be indicated by :attr:`pyanno.util.MISSING_VALUE` nclasses : int Number of annotation classes. If None, `nclasses` is inferred from the values in the annotations Returns ------- stat : float The value of the statistics """ if all_invalid(annotations): logger.debug('No valid annotations') return np.nan if nclasses is None: nclasses = compute_nclasses(annotations) # transform raw annotations into the number of annotations per class # for each item nitems = annotations.shape[0] nannotations = np.zeros((nitems, nclasses)) for k in range(nclasses): nannotations[:,k] = (annotations==k).sum(1) return _fleiss_kappa_nannotations(nannotations)
def krippendorffs_alpha(annotations, metric_func=diagonal_distance, nclasses=None): """Compute Krippendorff's alpha for multiple annotators. **References:** * Klaus Krippendorff (2004). "Content Analysis, an Introduction to Its Methodology", 2nd Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. In particular, Chapter 11, pages 219--250. * `Wikipedia entry <>`_ See also: :func:`~pyanno.measures.distances.diagonal_distance`, :func:`~pyanno.measures.distances.binary_distance`, Arguments --------- annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators) Array of annotations for multiple annotators. Missing values should be indicated by :attr:`pyanno.util.MISSING_VALUE` weights_func : function(m_i, m_j) Weights function that receives two matrices of indices i, j and returns the matrix of weights between them. Default is :func:`~pyanno.measures.distances.diagonal_distance` nclasses : int Number of annotation classes. If None, `nclasses` is inferred from the values in the annotations Returns ------- stat : float The value of the statistics """ if all_invalid(annotations): logger.debug("No valid annotations") return np.nan if nclasses is None: nclasses = compute_nclasses(annotations) coincidences = coincidence_matrix(annotations, nclasses) nc = coincidences.sum(1) n = coincidences.sum() # ---- coincidences expected by chance chance_coincidences = np.empty((nclasses, nclasses), dtype=float) for c in range(nclasses): for k in range(nclasses): if c == k: chance_coincidences[c, k] = nc[c] * (nc[k] - 1.0) / (n - 1.0) else: chance_coincidences[c, k] = nc[c] * nc[k] / (n - 1.0) # build weights matrix from weights function weights = np.fromfunction(metric_func, shape=(nclasses, nclasses), dtype=float) ** 2.0 alpha = 1.0 - ((weights * coincidences).sum() / (weights * chance_coincidences).sum()) return alpha
def cohens_weighted_kappa(annotations1, annotations2, weights_func=diagonal_distance, nclasses=None): """Compute Cohen's weighted kappa for two annotators. Assumes that the annotators draw annotations at random with different but constant frequencies. Disagreements are weighted by a weights w_ij representing the "seriousness" of disagreement. For ordered codes, it is often set to the distance from the diagonal, i.e. `w_ij = |i-j|`. When w_ij is 0.0 on the diagonal and 1.0 elsewhere, Cohen's weighted kappa is equivalent to Cohen's kappa. See also: :func:`~pyanno.measures.distances.diagonal_distance`, :func:`~pyanno.measures.distances.binary_distance`, :func:`~pyanno.measures.agreement.cohens_kappa`, :func:`~pyanno.measures.helpers.pairwise_matrix` **References:** * Cohen, J. (1968). "Weighed kappa: Nominal scale agreement with provision for scaled disagreement or partial credit". Psychological Bulletin 70 (4): 213-220. * `Wikipedia entry <>`_ Arguments --------- annotations1 : ndarray, shape = (n_items, ) Array of annotations for a single annotator. Missing values should be indicated by :attr:`pyanno.util.MISSING_VALUE` annotations2 : ndarray, shape = (n_items, ) Array of annotations for a single annotator. Missing values should be indicated by :attr:`pyanno.util.MISSING_VALUE` weights_func : function(m_i, m_j) Weights function that receives two matrices of indices i, j and returns the matrix of weights between them. Default is :func:`~pyanno.measures.distances.diagonal_distance` nclasses : int Number of annotation classes. If None, `nclasses` is inferred from the values in the annotations Returns ------- stat : float The value of the statistics """ if all_invalid(annotations1, annotations2): logger.debug("No valid annotations") return np.nan if nclasses is None: nclasses = compute_nclasses(annotations1, annotations2) # observed probability of each combination of annotations observed_freq = confusion_matrix(annotations1, annotations2, nclasses) observed_freq_sum = observed_freq.sum() if observed_freq_sum == 0: return np.nan observed_freq /= observed_freq_sum # expected probability of each combination of annotations if annotators # draw annotations at random with different but constant frequencies freq1 = labels_frequency(annotations1, nclasses) freq2 = labels_frequency(annotations2, nclasses) chance_freq = np.outer(freq1, freq2) # build weights matrix from weights function weights = np.fromfunction(weights_func, shape=(nclasses, nclasses), dtype=float) kappa = 1.0 - (weights * observed_freq).sum() / (weights * chance_freq).sum() return kappa
def krippendorffs_alpha(annotations, metric_func=diagonal_distance, nclasses=None): """Compute Krippendorff's alpha for multiple annotators. **References:** * Klaus Krippendorff (2004). "Content Analysis, an Introduction to Its Methodology", 2nd Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. In particular, Chapter 11, pages 219--250. * `Wikipedia entry <>`_ See also: :func:`~pyanno.measures.distances.diagonal_distance`, :func:`~pyanno.measures.distances.binary_distance`, Arguments --------- annotations : ndarray, shape = (n_items, n_annotators) Array of annotations for multiple annotators. Missing values should be indicated by :attr:`pyanno.util.MISSING_VALUE` weights_func : function(m_i, m_j) Weights function that receives two matrices of indices i, j and returns the matrix of weights between them. Default is :func:`~pyanno.measures.distances.diagonal_distance` nclasses : int Number of annotation classes. If None, `nclasses` is inferred from the values in the annotations Returns ------- stat : float The value of the statistics """ if all_invalid(annotations): logger.debug('No valid annotations') return np.nan if nclasses is None: nclasses = compute_nclasses(annotations) coincidences = coincidence_matrix(annotations, nclasses) nc = coincidences.sum(1) n = coincidences.sum() # ---- coincidences expected by chance chance_coincidences = np.empty((nclasses, nclasses), dtype=float) for c in range(nclasses): for k in range(nclasses): if c == k: chance_coincidences[c,k] = nc[c]*(nc[k]-1.) / (n-1.) else: chance_coincidences[c,k] = nc[c]*nc[k] / (n-1.) # build weights matrix from weights function weights = np.fromfunction(metric_func, shape=(nclasses, nclasses), dtype=float) ** 2. alpha = 1. - ((weights*coincidences).sum() / (weights*chance_coincidences).sum()) return alpha
def cohens_weighted_kappa(annotations1, annotations2, weights_func = diagonal_distance, nclasses=None): """Compute Cohen's weighted kappa for two annotators. Assumes that the annotators draw annotations at random with different but constant frequencies. Disagreements are weighted by a weights w_ij representing the "seriousness" of disagreement. For ordered codes, it is often set to the distance from the diagonal, i.e. `w_ij = |i-j|`. When w_ij is 0.0 on the diagonal and 1.0 elsewhere, Cohen's weighted kappa is equivalent to Cohen's kappa. See also: :func:`~pyanno.measures.distances.diagonal_distance`, :func:`~pyanno.measures.distances.binary_distance`, :func:`~pyanno.measures.agreement.cohens_kappa`, :func:`~pyanno.measures.helpers.pairwise_matrix` **References:** * Cohen, J. (1968). "Weighed kappa: Nominal scale agreement with provision for scaled disagreement or partial credit". Psychological Bulletin 70 (4): 213-220. * `Wikipedia entry <>`_ Arguments --------- annotations1 : ndarray, shape = (n_items, ) Array of annotations for a single annotator. Missing values should be indicated by :attr:`pyanno.util.MISSING_VALUE` annotations2 : ndarray, shape = (n_items, ) Array of annotations for a single annotator. Missing values should be indicated by :attr:`pyanno.util.MISSING_VALUE` weights_func : function(m_i, m_j) Weights function that receives two matrices of indices i, j and returns the matrix of weights between them. Default is :func:`~pyanno.measures.distances.diagonal_distance` nclasses : int Number of annotation classes. If None, `nclasses` is inferred from the values in the annotations Returns ------- stat : float The value of the statistics """ if all_invalid(annotations1, annotations2): logger.debug('No valid annotations') return np.nan if nclasses is None: nclasses = compute_nclasses(annotations1, annotations2) # observed probability of each combination of annotations observed_freq = confusion_matrix(annotations1, annotations2, nclasses) observed_freq_sum = observed_freq.sum() if observed_freq_sum == 0: return np.nan observed_freq /= observed_freq_sum # expected probability of each combination of annotations if annotators # draw annotations at random with different but constant frequencies freq1 = labels_frequency(annotations1, nclasses) freq2 = labels_frequency(annotations2, nclasses) chance_freq = np.outer(freq1, freq2) # build weights matrix from weights function weights = np.fromfunction(weights_func, shape=(nclasses, nclasses), dtype=float) kappa = 1. - (weights*observed_freq).sum() / (weights*chance_freq).sum() return kappa