def reference():
    reference = Annotation()
    reference[Segment(0, 5)] = 'A'
    reference[Segment(6, 10)] = 'B'
    reference[Segment(12, 14)] = 'A'
    reference[Segment(15, 20)] = 'C'
    return reference
def test_load(sample):
    parser = UEMParser()
    timelines =
    timeline1 = timelines(uri="uri1")
    assert list(timeline1) == [Segment(1, 3.5),
                               Segment(3, 7.5),
                               Segment(6, 9)]
Exemple #3
def vad_construct_pyannote_object_per_file(
    vad_table_filepath: str, groundtruth_RTTM_file: str
) -> Tuple[Annotation, Annotation]:
    Construct a Pyannote object for evaluation.
        vad_table_filepath(str) : path of vad rttm-like table.
        groundtruth_RTTM_file(str): path of groundtruth rttm file.
        reference(pyannote.Annotation): groundtruth
        hypothesis(pyannote.Annotation): prediction

    pred = pd.read_csv(vad_table_filepath, sep=" ", header=None)
    label = pd.read_csv(groundtruth_RTTM_file, sep=" ", delimiter=None, header=None)
    label = label.rename(columns={3: "start", 4: "dur", 7: "speaker"})

    # construct reference
    reference = Annotation()
    for index, row in label.iterrows():
        reference[Segment(row['start'], row['start'] + row['dur'])] = row['speaker']

    # construct hypothsis
    hypothesis = Annotation()
    for index, row in pred.iterrows():
        hypothesis[Segment(float(row[0]), float(row[0]) + float(row[1]))] = 'Speech'
    return reference, hypothesis
def reference_with_overlap():
    reference = Annotation()
    reference[Segment(0, 13)] = 'A'
    reference[Segment(12, 20)] = 'B'
    reference[Segment(24, 27)] = 'A'
    reference[Segment(30, 40)] = 'C'
    return reference
    def _xxx_iter(self, subset):

        data = self._load_data(subset)

        AnnotatedGroups = data['annotated'].groupby(by='uri')
        AnnotationGroups = data['annotation'].groupby(by='uri')

        for raw_uri, annotated in AnnotatedGroups:

            uri = f'{raw_uri}.Mix-Headset'

            segments = []
            for segment in annotated.itertuples():
                segments.append(Segment(start=segment.start, end=segment.end))

            annotation = Annotation(uri=uri)
            for t, turn in enumerate(
                segment = Segment(start=turn.start,
                                  end=turn.start + turn.duration)
                annotation[segment, t] = turn.speaker

            current_file = {
                'database': 'Test',
                'uri': uri,
                'annotated': Timeline(uri=uri, segments=segments),
                'annotation': annotation

            yield current_file
Exemple #6
def test_crop_strict(annotation):
    expected = Annotation(
    expected[Segment(5.5, 7), '_'] = 'Leonard'
    actual = annotation.crop(Segment(5, 9), mode='strict')
    assert actual == expected, str(actual)
def rttm_to_annotation(input_rttm,
        Given a path to a rttm file, create the corresponding Annotation objects
        containing the triplets (t_beg, t_end, activity)

        A path to a rttm file that must exist.

        An Annotation object.
    anno = Annotation(uri=input_rttm)
    if os.path.isfile(input_rttm):
        with open(input_rttm) as fn:
            for line in fn:
                row = line.split('\t')
                t_beg, t_dur, spkr = float(row[3]), float(row[4]), row[7]
                if row[7] == "":
                    raise ValueError("Speaker role is empty in %s" %
                if class_to_keep is not None and spkr == class_to_keep:
                    # Keep only class of interest
                    anno[Segment(t_beg, t_beg + t_dur)] = spkr
                elif class_to_keep is None:
                    # Keep all classes
                    anno[Segment(t_beg, t_beg + t_dur)] = spkr
    return anno
def reference():
    reference = Annotation()
    reference[Segment(0, 10)] = 'A'
    reference[Segment(12, 20)] = 'B'
    reference[Segment(24, 27)] = 'A'
    reference[Segment(30, 40)] = 'C'
    return reference
    def tst_iter(self):

        # absolute path to 'data' directory where annotations are stored
        data_dir = Path(__file__).parent / 'data' / 'speaker_diarization'

        annotated = data_dir / 'fullset.uem'
        names = ['uri', 'NA0', 'start', 'end']
        annotated = read_table(annotated, delim_whitespace=True, names=names)
        annotated_segments = {}
        for segment in annotated.itertuples():
            annotated_segments[segment.uri] = Segment(start=segment.start, end=segment.end)

        # iterate through the text annotation files
        for filename in os.listdir(data_dir):
            if filename.endswith(".txt"):
                uri, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))
                annotation = Annotation(uri=uri)

                names = ['start', 'end', 'speaker', 'speakerID']
                parsed_file = read_table(os.path.join(data_dir, filename), delim_whitespace=True, names=names)
                for t, turn in enumerate(parsed_file.itertuples()):
                    segment = Segment(start=turn.start,
                    annotation[segment, t] = turn.speakerID

                current_file = {
                    'database': 'Odessa',
                    'uri': uri,
                    'annotated': Timeline(uri=uri, segments=[annotated_segments[uri]]),
                    'annotation': annotation}

                yield current_file
def vad_metrics(predictions,
                window_length=int(np.floor(0.032 * 22050)),
                hop_length=int(np.floor(0.016 * 22050))):
    frame_times = librosa.frames_to_time(range(len(predictions)),
    predicted_segments = voice_segments(predictions, frame_times)

    hypothesis = Annotation()
    for seg in predicted_segments:
        hypothesis[Segment(seg[0], seg[1])] = 1

    reference = Annotation()
    for seg in reference_segments:
        reference[Segment(seg[0], seg[1])] = 1

    precision = DetectionPrecision()(reference, hypothesis)
    error = DetectionErrorRate()(reference, hypothesis)
    recall = DetectionRecall()(reference, hypothesis)
    accuracy = DetectionAccuracy()(reference, hypothesis)

    metrics = {
        "precision": precision,
        "error": error,
        "recall": recall,
        "accuracy": accuracy


    return metrics
def clip_to_annotations(clip_number, lena_mappings, human_mappings):
    """ Returns (human_annotation, lena_annotation)
    df = pd.read_csv(METADATA_PATH, index_col='ClipNumber')

    its_filename = df.loc[clip_number].ProcessingFile
    chat_filename = 'e{}.cha'.format(its_filename.split('.')[0])
    textgrid_filename = 'Clip{}.TextGrid'.format(clip_number)

    lena_dict = lena_chat_to_dict(os.path.join(CHAT_PATH, chat_filename))
    textgrid_dict = textgrid_to_dict(os.path.join(TEXTGRID_PATH, textgrid_filename))
    # remap
    lena_dict = remap(lena_dict, lena_mappings)
    textgrid_dict = remap(textgrid_dict, human_mappings)

    # set default (silence) class
    lena_annotation = dict_to_annotation(lena_dict, lena_mappings['SIL'])
    human_annotation = dict_to_annotation(textgrid_dict, human_mappings['Silence'])

    start_time = df.loc[clip_number].StartTimeS
    end_time = start_time + 300 # 5 minutes
    # The crop doesn't begin at 0, but at start_time, so we need to shift it left.
    lena_cropped = lena_annotation.crop(Segment(start_time, end_time))
    lena_annotation_shifted = Annotation()
    for segment, track, label in lena_cropped.itertracks(yield_label=True):
        shifted_segment = Segment(segment.start - start_time, segment.end - start_time)
        lena_annotation_shifted[shifted_segment, track] = label

    return human_annotation, lena_annotation_shifted
Exemple #12
    def __call__(self, sequence=Stream.NoNewData):

        if isinstance(sequence, More):
            sequence = sequence.output

        if sequence in [Stream.EndOfStream, Stream.NoNewData]:
            return sequence

        data =
        active = data[0]

        sw = sequence.sliding_window
        start = sw[0].middle

        timeline = Timeline()
        timeline.start = start

        for i, y in enumerate(data):
            if active and not y:
                segment = Segment(start, sw[i].middle)
                active = False
            elif not active and y:
                active = True
                start = sw[i].middle

        if active:
            segment = Segment(start, sw[i].middle)

        timeline.end = sw[i].middle

        return timeline
Exemple #13
    def __iter__(self):

        # TODO: running median
        t, y = zip(*self.iter_dfd())

        filtered = scipy.signal.medfilt(y, kernel_size=self._kernel_size)

        # normalized displaced frame difference
        normalized = (y - filtered) / filtered

        # apply threshold on normalized displaced frame difference
        # in case multiple consecutive value are higher than the threshold,
        # only keep the first one as a shot boundary.
        previous =
        _i = 0
        for i in np.where(normalized > self.threshold)[0]:

            if i == _i + 1:
                _i = i

            yield Segment(previous, t[i])

            previous = t[i]
            _i = i

        yield Segment(previous,
    def add_elan(self,
                 annotator: Annotator,
                 eaf_path: Union[str, Path],
                 selected_tiers: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                 use_tier_as_annotation: bool = False):
        Add an Elan (.eaf) file's content to the Continuum

        annotator: str
            A string id for the annotator who produced that ELAN file.
        eaf_path: `Path` or str
            Path to the .eaf (ELAN) file.
        selected_tiers: optional list of str
            If set, will drop tiers that are not contained in this list.
        use_tier_as_annotation: optional bool
            If True, the annotation for each non-empty interval will be the name
            of its parent Tier.
        from pympi import Eaf
        eaf = Eaf(eaf_path)
        for tier_name in eaf.get_tier_names():
            if selected_tiers is not None and tier_name not in selected_tiers:
            for start, end, value in eaf.get_annotation_data_for_tier(
                if use_tier_as_annotation:
                    self.add(annotator, Segment(start, end), tier_name)
                    self.add(annotator, Segment(start, end), value)
def test_set_newlabel(scores):
    segment, track = Segment(0., 2.5), 'track'
    scores[segment, track, 'E'] = 1.
    segment, track = Segment(3., 4.), 'track'
    assert np.isnan(scores[segment, track, 'E'])
    segment, track = Segment(3., 4.), 'other_track'
    assert np.isnan(scores[segment, track, 'E'])
def test_nbest(scores):

    best1 = scores.nbest(1)
    assert list(best1.itervalues()) == [(Segment(0, 2.5), 'track', 'C', 0.4),
                                                 4), 'other_track', 'C', 0.3),
                                        (Segment(3, 4), 'track', 'B', 0.5)]
def chunks(duration: float,
           chunk: float = 30,
           shuffle: bool = False) -> Iterator[Segment]:
    """Partition [0, duration] time range into smaller chunks

    duration : float
        Total duration, in seconds.
    chunk : float, optional
        Chunk duration, in seconds. Defaults to 30.
    shuffle : bool, optional
        Yield chunks in random order. Defaults to chronological order.

    focus : Segment

    sliding_window = SlidingWindow(start=0.0, step=chunk, duration=chunk)
    whole = Segment(0, duration)

    if shuffle:
        chunks_ = list(chunks(duration, chunk=chunk, shuffle=False))
        for chunk in chunks_:
            yield chunk

        for window in sliding_window(whole):
            yield window
        if window.end < duration:
            yield Segment(window.end, duration)
Exemple #18
def write_test_file(data_dir, output_file, trial_length):
    annotations, max_length, speakers = read_annotaitons(data_dir)
    # create an artificial non-overlapping segments each of the trial_length size
    trial_segments = Timeline()
    for i in range(0, int(max_length) // trial_length):
        trial_segments.add(Segment(start=i*trial_length, end=(i+1)*trial_length))

    with open(output_file, 'w') as f:
        for label in speakers.keys():
            for annotation in annotations:
                # make sure our trial segments are not extending beyond the total length of the speech data
                support = annotation.get_timeline().extent()
                # we consider smaller segment here to make sure an embedding of 3 seconds can be computed
                adjusted_trial_segments = trial_segments.crop(Segment(start=support.start, end=support.end - 3.),
                uri = annotation.uri
                cur_timeline = annotation.label_timeline(label, copy=False)
                for trial_segment in adjusted_trial_segments:
                    cropped_speaker = cur_timeline.crop(trial_segment, mode='intersection')
                    if not cropped_speaker:
                        f.write('{0} {1} {2:0>7.2f} {3:0>7.2f} nontarget - -\n'.format(
                        f.write('{0} {1} {2:0>7.2f} {3:0>7.2f} target {4:0>7.2f} {5:0>7.2f}\n'.format(
def test_other_operation():

    segment = Segment(start=1, end=9)
    other_segment = Segment(10, 30)
    assert segment | other_segment == Segment(1, 30)

    other_segment = Segment(14, 15)
    assert segment ^ other_segment == Segment(9, 14)
def test_inclusion():

    segment = Segment(start=1, end=9)
    other_segment = Segment(5, 9)

    print(other_segment in segment)
    assert other_segment in segment
    assert not segment.overlaps(23)
Exemple #21
def hypothesis():
    hypothesis = Annotation()
    hypothesis[Segment(2, 13)] = 'A'
    hypothesis[Segment(13, 14)] = 'D'
    hypothesis[Segment(14, 20)] = 'B'
    hypothesis[Segment(22, 38)] = 'C'
    hypothesis[Segment(38, 40)] = 'D'
    return hypothesis
def hypothesis():
    hypothesis = Annotation()
    hypothesis[Segment(2, 13)] = 'a'
    hypothesis[Segment(13, 14)] = 'd'
    hypothesis[Segment(14, 20)] = 'b'
    hypothesis[Segment(22, 38)] = 'c'
    hypothesis[Segment(38, 40)] = 'd'
    return hypothesis
Exemple #23
def test_support(annotation):
    actual =
    expected = Annotation(uri='TheBigBangTheory.Season01.Episode01',
    expected[Segment(3, 10), 'B'] = 'Penny'
    expected[Segment(5.5, 7), 'A'] = 'Leonard'
    expected[Segment(8, 10), 'C'] = 'Sheldon'
    assert actual == expected
Exemple #24
def test_crop_loose(annotation):
    expected = Annotation(uri='TheBigBangTheory.Season01.Episode01',
    expected[Segment(5.5, 7), '_'] = 'Leonard'
    expected[Segment(8, 10), '_'] = 'Penny'
    expected[Segment(8, 10), 'anything'] = 'Sheldon'
    actual = annotation.crop(Segment(5, 9), mode='loose')
    assert actual == expected, str(actual)
def hypothesis():
    hypothesis = Annotation()
    hypothesis[Segment(1, 7)] = 'A'
    hypothesis[Segment(7, 9)] = 'D'
    hypothesis[Segment(7, 10)] = 'B'
    hypothesis[Segment(11, 17)] = 'C'
    hypothesis[Segment(18, 20)] = 'D'
    return hypothesis
def test_inclusion():

    segment = Segment(start=1, end=9)
    other_segment = Segment(5, 9)

    print(other_segment in segment)
    assert other_segment in segment
    assert not segment.overlaps(23)
Exemple #27
def test_load(sample):
    parser = MDTMParser()
    annotations =
    speech1 = annotations(uri="uri1", modality="speech")
    assert list(speech1.itertracks(label=True)) == [
        (Segment(1, 3.5), 0, 'alice'), (Segment(3, 7.5), 1, 'barbara'),
        (Segment(6, 9), 2, 'chris')
def test_union_extent():
    first_timeline = Timeline([Segment(0, 1),
                               Segment(2, 3),
                               Segment(4, 5)])
    second_timeline = Timeline([Segment(1.5, 6)])

    union_timeline = first_timeline.union(second_timeline)
    assert union_timeline.extent() == Segment(0, 6)
def test_remove_and_extent():
    t = Timeline(uri='MyAudioFile')
    t.add(Segment(6, 8))
    t.add(Segment(7, 9))
    t.add(Segment(6, 9))

    t.remove(Segment(6, 9))
    assert t.extent() == Segment(6, 9)
Exemple #30
    def iter_segments(self, source):
        source : float, Segment, Timeline or Annotation
            If `float`, yield running segments within [0, source).
            If `Segment`, yield running segments within this segment.
            If `Timeline`, yield running segments within this timeline.
            If `Annotation`, yield running segments within its timeline.

        if isinstance(source, Annotation):
            segments = source.get_timeline()

        elif isinstance(source, Timeline):
            segments = source

        elif isinstance(source, Segment):
            segments = [source]

        elif isinstance(source, (int, float)):
            if not self.duration > 0:
                raise ValueError('Duration must be strictly positive.')
            segments = [Segment(0, source)]

            raise TypeError(
                'source must be float, Segment, Timeline or Annotation')

        for segment in segments:

            # skip segments that are too short
            if segment.duration < self.min_duration:

            # yield segments shorter than duration
            # when variable length segments are allowed
            elif segment.duration < self.duration:
                if self.variable_length_:
                    yield segment

            # yield sliding segments within current track
                window = SlidingWindow(
                    duration=self.duration, step=self.step,
                    start=segment.start, end=segment.end)

                for s in window:

                    # if current window is fully contained by segment
                    if s in segment:
                        yield s

                    # if it is not but variable length segments are allowed
                    elif self.variable_length_:
                        yield Segment(start=segment.end - self.duration,
Exemple #31
    def extrude(self, uem, reference, collar=0.0, skip_overlap=False):
        """Extrude reference boundary collars from uem

        reference     |----|     |--------------|       |-------------|
        uem       |---------------------|    |-------------------------------|
        extruded  |--| |--| |---| |-----|    |-| |-----| |-----------| |-----|

        uem : Timeline
            Evaluation map.
        reference : Annotation
            Reference annotation.
        collar : float, optional
            When provided, set the duration of collars centered around
            reference segment boundaries that are extruded from both reference
            and hypothesis. Defaults to 0. (i.e. no collar).
        skip_overlap : bool, optional
            Set to True to not evaluate overlap regions.
            Defaults to False (i.e. keep overlap regions).

        extruded_uem : Timeline

        if collar == 0. and not skip_overlap:
            return uem

        collars, overlap_regions = [], []

        # build list of collars if needed
        if collar > 0.:
            # iterate over all segments in reference
            for segment in reference.itersegments():

                # add collar centered on start time
                t = segment.start
                collars.append(Segment(t - .5 * collar, t + .5 * collar))

                # add collar centered on end time
                t = segment.end
                collars.append(Segment(t - .5 * collar, t + .5 * collar))

        # build list of overlap regions if needed
        if skip_overlap:
            # iterate over pair of intersecting segments
            for (segment1, track1), (segment2,
                                     track2) in reference.co_iter(reference):
                if segment1 == segment2 and track1 == track2:
                # add their intersection
                overlap_regions.append(segment1 & segment2)

        segments = collars + overlap_regions

        return Timeline(segments=segments).support().gaps(support=uem)
def test_intersection():

    segment = Segment(start=1, end=9)
    other_segment = Segment(4, 13)

    assert segment.intersects(other_segment)
    assert segment & other_segment == Segment(4, 9)

    other_segment = Segment(13, 20)

    assert not segment.intersects(other_segment)