def handle_python_script_test(self, top): top.add(DivWdg('Python Script Test', css='spt_info_title')) table = Table(css='script') table.add_color("color", "color") table.add_style("margin: 10px") table.add_style("width: 100%") top.add(table) table.add_row() td = table.add_cell("Script Path: ") td.add_style("width: 150px") text = TextWdg('script_path') td = table.add_cell(text) button = ActionButtonWdg(title='Run') table.add_cell(button) button.add_style("float: right") button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var s = TacticServerStub.get(); try { var path = bvr.src_el.getParent('.script').getElement('.spt_input').value; if (! path) throw('Please enter a valid script path'); s.execute_cmd('tactic.command.PythonCmd', {script_path: path}); } catch(e) { spt.alert(spt.exception.handler(e)); } ''' })
def get_sobject_info_wdg(my): div = DivWdg() return div attr_table = Table() div.add(attr_table) attr_table.add_color("color", "color") sobject = my.get_sobject() titles, exprs = my.get_sobject_info() for title, expr in zip(titles, exprs): try: value = Search.eval(expr, sobject) except Exception, e: print "WARNING: ", e.message continue if value == '': value = '<i>none</i>' if len(value) > 100: value = "%s..." % value[:100] attr_table.add_row() th = attr_table.add_header("%s: " % title) th.add_style("text-align: left") td = attr_table.add_cell(value)
def get_header_wdg(my): outer = DivWdg() div = DivWdg() outer.add(div) div.add_color("background", "background3") div.add_style("padding: 5px") div.add_border() table = Table() table.add_style("margin-left: auto") table.add_style("margin-right: auto") table.add_color("color", "color") table.add_style("font-size: 1.5em") table.add_style("font-weight: bold") table.add_row() # add the month navigators date_str = "%s, %s" % (my.MONTHS[my.month - 1], my.year) month_wdg = DivWdg() month_wdg.add_style("width: 150px") month_wdg.add(date_str) prev_month_wdg = my.get_prev_month_wdg() next_month_wdg = my.get_next_month_wdg() table.add_cell(prev_month_wdg) td = table.add_cell(month_wdg) td.add_style("text-align: center") table.add_cell(next_month_wdg) div.add(table) return outer
def get_sobject_info_wdg(my): attr_table = Table() attr_table.add_color("color", "color") attr_table.add_color("background", "background", -5) attr_table.add_border() attr_table.set_box_shadow("0px 0px 5px") sobject = my.get_sobject() tr, td = attr_table.add_row_cell() td.add("<b>Task Info<hr/></b>") td.add_style("padding-top: 5px") td.add_style("padding-left: 5px") titles, exprs = my.get_task_info() for title, expr in zip(titles, exprs): try: value = Search.eval(expr, sobject, single=True) except Exception, e: print "WARNING: ", e.message continue if value == '': value = '<i>none</i>' attr_table.add_row() th = attr_table.add_cell("%s: " % title) th.add_style("text-align: left") th.add_style("padding-right: 15px") th.add_style("padding-left: 5px") th.add_style("padding-bottom: 2px") td = attr_table.add_cell(value)
def handle_load_balancing(self, top): # deal with asset directories top.add(DivWdg('Load Balancing', css='spt_info_title')) table = Table() table.add_class("spt_loadbalance") table.add_color("color", "color") table.add_style("margin: 10px") top.add(table) table.add_row() td = table.add_cell("Load Balancing: ") td.add_style("width: 150px") button = ActionButtonWdg(title='Test') td = table.add_cell(button) message_div = DivWdg() message_div.add_class("spt_loadbalance_message") table.add_cell(message_div) button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var server = TacticServerStub.get() var ports = {}; var count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) { var info = server.get_connection_info(); var port = info.port; var num = ports[port]; if (!num) { ports[port] = 1; count += 1; } else { ports[port] += 1; } // if there are 10 requests and still only one, then break if (i == 10 && count == 1) break; } // build the ports string x = []; for (i in ports) { x.push(i); } x.sort(); x = x.join(", "); var loadbalance_el = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_loadbalance"); var message_el = loadbalance_el.getElement(".spt_loadbalance_message"); if (count > 1) { var message = "Yes (found " + count + " ports: "+x+")"; } else { var message = "<blink style='background: red; padding: 3px'>Not enabled (found only port " + x + ")</blink>"; } message_el.innerHTML = message ''' } )
def get_display(my): top = top.add_class("spt_share_top") my.set_as_panel(top) top.add_color("background", "background") title = DivWdg() top.add(title) title.add_style("font-size: 18px") title.add_style("font-weight: bold") title.add_style("text-align: center") title.add_style("padding: 10px") #title.add_style("margin: -10px -10px 10px -10px") title.add_gradient("background", "background3", 5, -10) title.add("Share Project") # add the main layout #table = ResizableTableWdg() table = Table() table.add_color("color", "color") top.add(table) table.add_row() left = table.add_cell() left.add_border() left.add_style("vertical-align: top") left.add_style("min-width: 250px") left.add_style("height: 400px") left.add_color("background", "background3") left.add(my.get_share_wdg() ) right = table.add_cell() right.add_border() right.add_style("vertical-align: top") right.add_style("min-width: 400px") right.add_style("width: 100%") right.add_style("height: 400px") right.add_style("padding: 5px") right.add_class("spt_share_content") share_item_wdg = ShareItemWdg() right.add(share_item_wdg) return top
def get_display(my): notification_logins = my.get_logins() table = Table() table.add_color("color", "color") for notification_login in notification_logins: type = notification_login.get_value("type") user = notification_login.get_value("login") table.add_row() table.add_cell(type) table.add_cell(user) return table
def get_otherdb_wdg(my): div = DivWdg() div.add_class("spt_db_options") div.add_attr("spt_vendor", "Other") div.add_style("margin: 20px") table = Table() div.add(table) table.add_color("color", "color") table.add_row() table.add_cell("Server: ") text = TextInputWdg(name="server") text.set_value("localhost") table.add_cell(text) server = Config.get_value("database", "server") if server: text.set_value(server) table.add_row() table.add_cell("Port: ") text = TextInputWdg(name="port") table.add_cell(text) port = Config.get_value("database", "port") if port: text.set_value(port) table.add_row() table.add_cell("Login: "******"user") table.add_cell(text) user = Config.get_value("database", "user") if user: text.set_value(user) table.add_row() text = PasswordInputWdg(name="password") table.add_cell("Password: "******"database", "password") if password: text.set_value(password) #from import Sql #sql.connect() return div
def get_display(self): top = top.add_color("background", "background") top.add_color("color", "color") top.add_class("spt_schedule_top") table = Table() #table = ResizableTableWdg() top.add(table) table.add_color("color", "color") table.add_row() left = table.add_cell() user_wdg = self.get_group_wdg() left.add(user_wdg) left.add_style("vertical-align: top") left.add_border() left.add_style("width: 250px") right = table.add_cell() right.add_class("spt_schedule_content") #right.add_border() right.add_style("overflow-x: hidden") right.add(" ") right.add_style("min-width: 500px") right.add_style("width: 100%") right.add_style("height: 500px") div = DivWdg() right.add(div) div.add_style("height: 100px") div.add_style("width: 400px") div.add_color("background", "background3") div.add_color("color", "color3") #div.add_border() div.add_style("margin-top: 50px") div.add_style("padding-top: 75px") div.add_style("text-align: center") div.add("<b>Select a user on the left</b>") return top
def get_info_wdg(my): div = DivWdg() div.set_name("Info") div.add_style("padding: 20px") table = Table() div.add(table) table.add_color("color", "color") #table.add_style("height: 280px") table.set_unique_id() table.add_smart_style("spt_table_header", "width", "200px") table.add_smart_style("spt_table_header", "text-align", "right") table.add_smart_style("spt_table_header", "padding-right", "20px") table.add_smart_style("spt_table_header", "margin-bottom", "10px") table.add_smart_style("spt_table_element", "vertical-align", "top") table.add_row() #if my.mode == 'insert': # read_only = False #else: # read_only = True read_only = False code = Config.get_value("install", "server") or "" td = table.add_cell() td.add_class("spt_table_header") td.add("Code: ") td.add_style("vertical-align: top") text = TextInputWdg(name="code", read_only=read_only) td = table.add_cell() td.add_class("spt_table_element") td.add(text) text.set_value(code) return div
def handle_sidebar_clear(self, top): top.add(DivWdg('Clear Side Bar Cache ', css='spt_info_title')) table = Table() table.add_color("color", "color") table.add_style("margin: 10px") top.add(table) table.add_row() td = table.add_cell("Clear the Side Bar Cache for all users") td.add_style("width: 250px") button = ActionButtonWdg(title='Run') table.add_cell(button) button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' try { var s = TacticServerStub.get(); s.execute_cmd(''); } catch(e) { spt.alert(spt.exception.handler(e)); }'Side Bar cache cleared.') ''' })
def get_category_wdg2(self, paths, title=None, tags={}): if not paths: paths = [] div = DivWdg() if not title: title = "Paths" div.add("%s (%s)<hr/>" % (title, len(paths)) ) #if not paths: # div.add("-- None --<br/>") table = Table() div.add(table) table.add_color("color", "color") base_dir = self.kwargs.get("base_dir") sobjects = [] tags_keys = set() for path in paths: sobject = SearchType.create("sthpw/virtual") basename = os.path.basename(path) dirname = os.path.dirname(path) # FIXME: need session base reldir = dirname.replace("%s" % base_dir, "") reldir = dirname if not reldir: reldir = ' ' else: reldir.lstrip("/") if not basename: basename = ' ' sobject.set_value("folder", reldir) sobject.set_value("file_name", basename) sobjects.append(sobject) if tags: path_tags = tags.get(path) if path_tags: for key, value in path_tags.get("sobject").items(): sobject.set_value(key, value) tags_keys.add(key) from tactic.ui.panel import TableLayoutWdg element_names = ['path'] element_names.extend( list(tags_keys) ) #show_metadata = False #if not show_metadata: # element_names.remove('metadata') config_xml = self.get_config_xml(list(tags_keys)) layout = TableLayoutWdg(search_type='sthpw/virtual', view='report', config_xml=config_xml, element_names=element_names, mode='simple') # FIXME: just show first 200 results layout.set_sobjects(sobjects[:200]) div.add(layout) return div
def get_display(my): my.sobject = my.get_sobject() top = DivWdg() top.add_class("spt_detail_top") top.add_color("background", "background") top.add_color("color", "color") if not my.sobject: top.add("No SObject defined for this widget") return top if my.parent: my.search_type = my.parent.get_base_search_type() my.search_key = SearchKey.get_by_sobject(my.parent) top.add_attr("spt_parent_key", my.search_key) my.pipeline_code = my.parent.get_value("pipeline_code", no_exception=True) my.full_search_type = my.parent.get_search_type() else: my.pipeline_code = my.sobject.get_value("pipeline_code", no_exception=True) my.search_type = my.sobject.get_base_search_type() my.search_key = SearchKey.get_by_sobject(my.sobject) my.full_search_type = my.sobject.get_search_type() if not my.pipeline_code: my.pipeline_code = 'default' top.add_style("text-align: left") my.set_as_panel(top) table = Table() #from tactic.ui.container import ResizableTableWdg #table = ResizableTableWdg() table.add_color("background", "background") table.add_color("color", "color") top.add(table) table.set_max_width() table.add_row() # left #td = table.add_cell(resize=False) td = table.add_cell() #td.add_style("padding: 10px") td.add_style("width: 200px") td.add_style("min-width: 200px") td.add_style("vertical-align: top") #td.add_border() #td.add_style("border-style: solid") #td.add_style("border-width: 1px 0 1px 1px") #td.add_color("border-color", "border") #td.add_color("background", "background", -10) if my.parent: code = my.parent.get_code() else: code = my.sobject.get_code() # add the tile title = DivWdg() td.add(title) title.add_gradient("background", "background3", 0, -10) title.add_style("height: 20px") title.add_style("padding: 4px") title.add_style("font-weight: bold") title.add_style("font-size: 1.4em") title.add("%s" % code) title.add_border() div = DivWdg() td.add(div) div.add_class("spt_sobject_detail_top") thumb_table = Table() div.add(thumb_table) thumb_table.add_row() thumb = ThumbWdg() # use a larger version for clearer display thumb.set_icon_type('web') # prefer to see the original image, then web thumb.set_option('image_link_order', 'main|web|.swf') thumb.set_option("detail", "false") thumb.set_option("icon_size", "100%") td = thumb_table.add_cell(thumb) td.add_style("vertical-align: top") td.add_style("width: 200px") td.add_style("padding: 20px") if my.parent: thumb.set_sobject(my.parent) else: thumb.set_sobject(my.sobject) sobject_info_wdg = my.get_sobject_info_wdg() sobject_info_wdg.add_style("width: 200px") td.add(sobject_info_wdg) if my.search_type == 'sthpw/task' and not my.parent: pass else: sobject_info_wdg = my.get_sobject_detail_wdg() td = table.add_cell() td.add(sobject_info_wdg) td.add_style("vertical-align: top") #td.add_color("background", "background", -10) td.add_style("overflow: hidden") #td.add_style("border-style: solid") #td.add_style("border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0px") #td.add_color("border-color", "border") # right td = table.add_cell() td.add_style("text-align: left") td.add_style("vertical-align: top") #td.add_color("background", "background", -10) td.add_class("spt_notes_wrapper") #td.add_border() # add the title title = DivWdg() td.add(title) title.add_gradient("background", "background3", 0, -10) title.add_style("height: 20px") title.add_style("padding: 4px") title.add_style("font-weight: bold") title.add("Notes") title.add_border() notes_div = DivWdg() td.add(notes_div) from tactic.ui.widget.discussion_wdg import DiscussionWdg discussion_wdg = DiscussionWdg(search_key=my.search_key, context_hidden=False, show_note_expand=False) notes_div.add(discussion_wdg) notes_div.add_style("min-width: 300px") notes_div.add_style("height: 200") notes_div.add_style("overflow-y: auto") notes_div.add_class("spt_resizable") # get the process if my.parent: process = my.sobject.get_value("process") else: process = '' # content tr = table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add_attr("colspan", "5") #td.add_attr("colspan", "3") # create a state for tab. The tab only passes a search key # parent key search_key = SearchKey.get_by_sobject(my.sobject) parent = my.sobject.get_parent() if parent: parent_key = parent.get_search_key() else: parent_key = "" state = { 'search_key': search_key, 'parent_key': parent_key, 'process': process, } WebState.get().push(state) config_xml = my.get_config_xml() config = WidgetConfig.get(view="tab", xml=config_xml) if process: custom_view = "tab_config_%s" % process else: custom_view = "tab_config" search = Search("config/widget_config") search.add_filter("category", "TabWdg") search.add_filter("search_type", my.search_type) search.add_filter("view", custom_view) custom_config_sobj = search.get_sobject() if custom_config_sobj: custom_config_xml = custom_config_sobj.get_value("config") custom_config = WidgetConfig.get(view=custom_view, xml=custom_config_xml) config = WidgetConfigView(search_type='TabWdg', view=custom_view, configs=[custom_config, config]) #menu = my.get_extra_menu() #tab = TabWdg(config=config, state=state, extra_menu=menu) tab = TabWdg(config=config, state=state, show_add=False, show_remove=False, tab_offset=5 ) tab.add_style("margin: 0px -2px -2px -2px") td.add(tab) td.add_style("padding-top: 10px") return top
def get_display(my): top = top.add_class("spt_changelist_content") my.set_as_panel(top) top.add_color("color", "color") top.add_color("background", "background") #top.add_border() #top.add_style("padding", "10px") top.add_style("min-width: 600px") top.add_style("min-height: 400px") top.add_behavior( { 'type': 'load', 'cbjs_action': scm_get_onload_js() } ) sync_dir = Environment.get_sandbox_dir() # HARD CODED project = Project.get() depot = project.get_value("location", no_exception=True) if not depot: depot = project.get_code() location = '//%s' % depot changelist = my.kwargs.get("changelist") if not changelist: changelist = WidgetSettings.get_value_by_key("current_changelist") else: WidgetSettings.set_value_by_key("current_changelist", changelist) if not changelist: changelist = 'default' changelists = my.kwargs.get("changelists") if not changelists: changelists = [] elif isinstance(changelists, basestring): changelists = changelists.replace("'", '"') changelists = jsonloads(changelists) top.add_behavior( { 'type': 'load', 'sync_dir': sync_dir, 'depot': depot, 'cbjs_action': ''' spt.scm.sync_dir = bvr.sync_dir; spt.scm.depot = bvr.depot; ''' } ) inner = DivWdg() top.add(inner) table = Table() inner.add(table) table.add_style("width: 100%") table.add_color("background", "background", -3) table.add_row() th = table.add_header("") th = table.add_header("Changelist") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Description") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("# Items") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Status") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("View") th.add_style("text-align: left") th = table.add_header("Delete") th.add_style("text-align: left") #table.set_unique_id() #table.add_smart_styles("spt_changelist_item", { # 'text-align: right' # } )) bgcolor = table.get_color("background", -8) table.add_relay_behavior( { 'type': 'mouseover', 'bvr_match_class': 'spt_changelist_item', 'bgcolor': bgcolor, 'cbjs_action': ''' bvr.src_el.setStyle("background-color", bvr.bgcolor); ''' } ) table.add_relay_behavior( { 'type': 'mouseout', 'bvr_match_class': 'spt_changelist_item', 'cbjs_action': ''' bvr.src_el.setStyle("background-color", ''); ''' } ) table.add_relay_behavior( { 'type': 'mouseup', 'bvr_match_class': "spt_changelist_radio", 'cbjs_action': ''' var changelist = bvr.src_el.value; var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_changelist_content"); top.setAttribute("spt_changelist", changelist);"Loading Changelists Information"); spt.changelist.load(bvr.src_el, changelist); spt.app_busy.hide(); ''' } ) for c in changelists: num_items = len(c.get("info")) name = c.get("change") tr = table.add_row() tr.add_class("spt_changelist_item") radio = RadioWdg("changelist") radio.add_class("spt_changelist_radio") table.add_cell(radio) radio.set_option("value", name) if name == changelist: radio.set_checked() table.add_cell(name) table.add_cell(c.get("desc")) table.add_cell(num_items) table.add_cell(c.get("status")) if num_items: icon = IconButtonWdg(title="View", icon=IconWdg.ZOOM) icon.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'changelist': c.get("change"), 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_changelist_content"); top.setAttribute("spt_changelist", bvr.changelist);"Loading Changelist"); spt.changelist.load(bvr.src_el, bvr.changelist); spt.app_busy.hide(); ''' } ) else: icon = '' table.add_cell(icon) if not num_items and name != 'default': icon = IconButtonWdg(title="Delete Changelist", icon=IconWdg.DELETE) else: icon = "" table.add_cell(icon) inner.add("<hr/>") files = my.kwargs.get("files") if isinstance(files, basestring): files = files.replace("'", '"') files = jsonloads(files) if files == None: inner.add_behavior( { 'type': 'load', 'location': location, 'changelist': changelist, 'sync_dir': sync_dir, 'cbjs_action': ''' spt.changelist = {} spt.changelist.load = function(el, changelist) { var applet = spt.Applet.get(); var changelists ="get_changelists_by_user",[]); var dflt = { 'change': 'default', 'status': 'pending' } changelists.push(dflt); changelists = changelists.reverse(); for (var i = 0; i < changelists.length; i++) { var info ="get_changelist_files",[changelists[i].change]); changelists[i]['info'] = info; } // get the current chnage list var files ="get_changelist_files",[changelist]); var path_info = {}; var sizes = []; for ( var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { // FIXME: perforce specific var path = files[i].depotFile; path = path.replace(bvr.location, bvr.sync_dir); files[i].path = path; var size; if (applet.exists(path)) { var info = applet.get_path_info(path); size = info.size; } else { size = 0; } sizes.push(size); path_info[path] = 'editable'; } //var ret_val = spt.scm.status(bvr.sync_dir); //console.log(ret_val); var class_name = 'tactic.ui.checkin.changelist_wdg.ChangelistWdg'; var kwargs = { files: files, sizes: sizes, changelist: changelist, changelists: changelists, path_info: path_info, } var top = el.getParent(".spt_changelist_content"); spt.panel.load(top, class_name, kwargs); } spt.changelist.load(bvr.src_el, bvr.changelist); ''' } ) content = DivWdg() inner.add(content) content.add_class("spt_changelist_content") if files == None: loading_wdg = DivWdg() content.add(loading_wdg) loading_wdg.add("<b>Loading ...</b>") loading_wdg.add_style("padding: 30px") elif files: title_wdg = DivWdg() title_wdg.add_style("height: 15px") title_wdg.add("Changelist: [%s]" % changelist) content.add(title_wdg) title_wdg.add_gradient("background", "background", -5) title_wdg.add_style("padding: 5px") title_wdg.add_border() #button = SingleButtonWdg(tip='Add New Changelist', icon=IconWdg.ADD) #content.add(button) content.add("<br/>") paths = [x.get("path") for x in files] sizes = my.kwargs.get("sizes") path_info = my.kwargs.get("path_info") from scm_dir_list_wdg import ScmDirListWdg # dummy search_key search_key = "sthpw/virtual?code=xx001" dir_list_wdg = ScmDirListWdg( base_dir=sync_dir, paths=paths, sizes=sizes, path_info=path_info, all_open=True, #search_key=search_key ) content.add(dir_list_wdg) else: content.add("Changelist: [%s]" % changelist) content.add("<br/>"*2) no_files_wdg = DivWdg() content.add(no_files_wdg) no_files_wdg.add_style("padding: 20px") no_files_wdg.add_border() no_files_wdg.add("No files in changelist") no_files_wdg.add_color("color", "color3") no_files_wdg.add_color("background", "background3") no_files_wdg.add_style("font-weight: bold") no_files_wdg.add_style("text-align: center") return top
def get_display(my): smenu_div = DivWdg() smenu_div.add_class( "SPT_SMENU" ) smenu_div.add_class( "SPT_SMENU_%s" % my.menu_tag_suffix ) smenu_div.set_box_shadow() smenu_div.add_border() smenu_div.add_color("background", "background") smenu_div.add_color("color", "color") smenu_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'load', 'cbjs_action': ''' spt.dom.load_js( ["ctx_menu.js"], function() { spt.dom.load_js( ["smart_menu.js"], function() { } ) } ); ''' } ) if my.setup_cbfn: smenu_div.set_attr( "SPT_SMENU_SETUP_CBFN", my.setup_cbfn ) smenu_div.set_z_start( 300 ) #smenu_div.add_looks( "smenu border curs_default" ) # smenu_div.add_styles( "padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom: 5px;" ) m_width = my.width - 2 smenu_div.add_style( ("width: %spx" % m_width) ) smenu_div.add_style("overflow-x: hidden") icon_width = 16 icon_col_width = 0 if my.allow_icons: icon_col_width = icon_width + 2 label_width = m_width - icon_col_width - icon_width menu_table = Table() menu_table.add_styles( "text-align: left; text-indent: 3px; border-collapse: collapse;" ) #menu_table.add_color("background", "background") menu_table.add_color("color", "color") options = my.opt_spec_list opt_count = 0 if options[0].get('type') != 'title': my._add_spacer_row(menu_table, 3, icon_width, icon_col_width, label_width) """ menu_table.add_relay_behavior( { 'type': 'mouseenter', 'bvr_match_class': 'SPT_SMENU_ENTRY', 'bgcolor': menu_table.get_color("side_bar_title", -15, default="background3"), 'cbjs_action': ''' bvr.src_el.setStyle("background-color", bvr.bgcolor); bvr.src_el.setStyle("color", bvr.bgcolor); spt.smenu.entry_over( evt, bvr ); ''' } ) menu_table.add_relay_behavior( { 'type': 'mouseleave', 'bvr_match_class': 'SPT_SMENU_ENTRY', 'cbjs_action': ''' bvr.src_el.setStyle("background-color", ""); spt.smenu.entry_out( evt, bvr ); ''' } ) """ for opt in options: # if entry is a title, then add a spacer before if opt.get('type') == 'title' and opt_count: my._add_spacer_row(menu_table, 6, icon_width, icon_col_width, label_width) tbody = menu_table.add_tbody() tbody.add_style("display","table-row-group") tr = menu_table.add_row() #tr.add_looks( "smenu" ) tr.add_class( "SPT_SMENU_ENTRY" ) tr.add_class( "SPT_SMENU_ENTRY_%s" % opt['type'].upper() ) if opt.has_key('enabled_check_setup_key'): tr.set_attr( "SPT_ENABLED_CHECK_SETUP_KEY", opt.get('enabled_check_setup_key') ) if opt.has_key('hide_when_disabled') and opt.get('hide_when_disabled'): tr.set_attr( "SPT_HIDE_WHEN_DISABLED", "true" ) if opt['type'] in [ 'action', 'toggle' ]: hover_bvr = {'type':'hover', 'add_looks': 'smenu_hilite', 'cbjs_action_over': 'spt.smenu.entry_over( evt, bvr );', 'cbjs_action_out': 'spt.smenu.entry_out( evt, bvr );' } if opt.has_key('hover_bvr_cb'): hover_bvr.update( opt.get('hover_bvr_cb') ) tr.add_behavior( hover_bvr ) tr.add_class("hand") if opt['type'] == 'action': if opt.has_key('bvr_cb') and type(opt['bvr_cb']) == dict: bvr = {} bvr.update( opt['bvr_cb'] ) bvr['cbjs_action_for_menu_item'] = bvr['cbjs_action'] bvr['cbjs_action'] = 'spt.smenu.cbjs_action_wrapper( evt, bvr );' bvr.update( { 'type': 'click_up' } ) tr.add_behavior( bvr ) if opt['type'] == 'submenu': hover_bvr = { 'type': 'hover', 'add_looks': 'smenu_hilite', 'cbjs_action_over': 'spt.smenu.submenu_entry_over( evt, bvr );', 'cbjs_action_out': 'spt.smenu.submenu_entry_out( evt, bvr );', 'submenu_tag': "SPT_SMENU_%s" % opt['submenu_tag_suffix'], } if opt.has_key('hover_bvr_cb'): hover_bvr.update( opt.get('hover_bvr_cb') ) tr.add_behavior( hover_bvr ) # now trap click on submenu, so that it doesn't make the current menu disappear ... tr.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click', 'cbjs_action': ';', 'activator_type': 'smart_menu' } ) tr.add_looks( "curs_default" ) # Left icon cell ... if my.allow_icons: td = menu_table.add_cell() td.add_styles("text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; width: %spx;" % icon_col_width) #td.add_looks("smenu_icon_column") td.add_color("color", "color3") td.add_color("background", "background3") if opt.has_key( 'icon' ): icon_wdg = IconWdg("", opt['icon']) icon_wdg.add_class("SPT_ENABLED_ICON_LOOK") td.add( icon_wdg ) # if disabled: # icon_wdg.add_style( "opacity: .4" ) # icon_wdg.add_style( "filter: alpha(opacity=40)" ) # Menu option label cell ... td = menu_table.add_cell() td.add_style("width", ("%spx" % label_width)) td.add_style("height", ("%spx" % icon_col_width)) #if opt.get('type') != 'title': # td.add_style( "padding-left: 6px" ) #td.add_style( "padding-top: 2px" ) td.add_style("padding: 6px 4px") if opt.has_key( 'label' ): label_str = opt.get('label').replace('"','"') td.add_class("SPT_LABEL") td.add( label_str ) td.set_attr( "SPT_ORIG_LABEL", label_str ) #td.add_looks("fnt_text") td.add_style("font-size: 1.0em") if opt.get('type') == 'title': #td.add_looks("smenu_title") td.add_color("background", "background2") td.add_color("color", "color2") td.add_style("font-weight", "bold") td.add_style("padding", "3px") elif opt.get('type') == 'separator': hr = HtmlElement("hr") hr.add_looks( "smenu_separator" ) td.add( hr ) td.add_class("SPT_ENABLED_LOOK") # if disabled: # td.add_style( "opacity: .2" ) # td.add_style( "filter: alpha(opacity=20)" ) # Submenu arrow icon cell ... td = menu_table.add_cell() td.add_style("width", ("%spx" % icon_width)) if opt['type'] == 'submenu': icon_wdg = IconWdg("", IconWdg.ARROWHEAD_DARK_RIGHT) td.add(icon_wdg) td.add_class("SPT_ENABLED_ICON_LOOK") # extend title entry styling into the submenu arrow cell and add some spacing after if opt.get('type') == 'title': #td.add_looks("smenu_title") td.add_color("background", "background2") td.add_color("color", "color2") td.add_style("font-weight", "bold") td.add_style("padding", "3px") my._add_spacer_row(menu_table, 3, icon_width, icon_col_width, label_width) # if disabled: # td.add_style( "opacity: .4" ) # td.add_style( "filter: alpha(opacity=40)" ) opt_count += 1 my._add_spacer_row(menu_table, 5, icon_width, icon_col_width, label_width) smenu_div.add( menu_table ) smenu_div.add_style( "display: none" ) smenu_div.add_style( "position: absolute" ) return smenu_div
def get_display(my): element_data_dict = {} config = my.get_config() element_names = config.get_element_names() content_wdg = DivWdg() if not element_names: element_names = ['keywords'] my.set_content(content_wdg) # this is somewhat duplicated logic from alter_search, but since this is called # in ViewPanelWdg, it's a diff instance and needs to retrieve again filter_data = FilterData.get() data_list = filter_data.get_values_by_prefix(my.prefix) for data in data_list: handler = data.get("handler") element_name = data.get("element_name") if not element_name: continue element_data_dict[element_name] = data elements_wdg = DivWdg() content_wdg.add(elements_wdg) elements_wdg.add_color("color", "color") elements_wdg.add_style("padding-top: 10px") elements_wdg.add_style("padding-bottom: 15px") elements_wdg.add_color("background", "background3", 0) elements_wdg.add_border() if len(element_names) == 1: elements_wdg.add_style("border-width: 0px 0px 0px 0px" ) elements_wdg.add_style("padding-right: 50px" ) else: elements_wdg.add_style("border-width: 0px 1px 0px 0px" ) table = Table() table.add_color("color", "color") elements_wdg.add(table) table.add_class("spt_simple_search_table") num_rows = int(len(element_names)/2)+1 tot_rows = int(len(element_names)/2)+1 project_code = Project.get_project_code() # my.search_type could be the same as my.base_search_type full_search_type = SearchType.build_search_type(my.search_type, project_code) visible_rows = my.kwargs.get("visible_rows") if visible_rows: visible_rows = int(visible_rows) num_rows = visible_rows else: visible_rows = 0 titles = config.get_element_titles() row_count = 0 for i, element_name in enumerate(element_names): attrs = config.get_element_attributes(element_name) if i % 2 == 0: if visible_rows and row_count == visible_rows: tr, td = table.add_row_cell("+ more ...") td.add_class("hand") td.add_class("SPT_DTS") td.add_class("spt_toggle") td.add_style("padding-left: 10px") td.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'visible_rows': visible_rows, 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_simple_search_table"); var expand = true; var rows = top.getElements(".spt_simple_search_row"); for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var row = rows[i]; if (row.getStyle("display") == "none") { row.setStyle("display", ""); } else { row.setStyle("display", "none"); expand = false; } } var spacer = top.getElements(".spt_spacer"); var cell = top.getElement(".spt_toggle"); if (expand) { spacer.setStyle("height", (rows.length+bvr.visible_rows)*20); cell.innerHTML = "- less ..."; } else { spacer.setStyle("height", bvr.visible_rows*20); cell.innerHTML = "+ more ..."; } ''' } ) tr = table.add_row() if visible_rows and row_count >= visible_rows: tr.add_class("spt_simple_search_row") tr.add_style("display: none") tr.add_style("height: 0px") row_count += 1 icon_td = table.add_cell() title_td = table.add_cell() element_td =table.add_cell() # show the title title_td.add_style("text-align: right") title_td.add_style("padding-right: 5px") title_td.add_style("min-width: 100px") element_wdg = DivWdg() if attrs.get('view') == 'false': element_wdg.add_style('display: none') element_td.add(element_wdg) #title_td.add_style("border: solid 1px red") #element_td.add_style("border: solid 1px blue") #element_wdg.add_style("border: solid 1px yellow") if i == 0 and len(element_names) > 1: spacer = DivWdg() spacer.add_class("spt_spacer") spacer.add_style("border-style: solid") spacer.add_style("border-width: 0 1 0 0") #spacer.add_style("height: %spx" % (num_rows*20)) spacer.add_style("height: %spx" % (num_rows*20)) spacer.add_style("width: 10px") spacer.add_style("border-color: %s" % spacer.get_color("border") ) spacer.add(" ") td = table.add_cell(spacer) td.add_attr("rowspan", tot_rows) #element_wdg.add_color("color", "color3") #element_wdg.add_color("background", "background3") #element_wdg.set_round_corners() #element_wdg.add_border() element_wdg.add_style("padding: 4px 10px 4px 5px") element_wdg.add_class("spt_table_search") element_wdg.add_style("margin: 1px") element_wdg.add_style("min-height: 20px") element_wdg.add_style("min-width: 250px") # this is done at get_top() #element_wdg.add_class("spt_search") element_wdg.add( HiddenWdg("prefix", my.prefix)) display_handler = config.get_display_handler(element_name) element_wdg.add( HiddenWdg("handler", display_handler)) element_wdg.add( HiddenWdg("element_name", element_name)) from pyasm.widget import ExceptionWdg try: widget = config.get_display_widget(element_name) if widget: widget.set_title(titles[i]) except Exception, e: element_wdg.add(ExceptionWdg(e)) continue if not widget: widget = KeywordFilterElementWdg() widget.set_name(element_name) from pyasm.widget import IconWdg icon_div = DivWdg() icon_td.add(icon_div) icon_div.add_style("width: 20px") icon_div.add_style("margin-top: 2px") icon_div.add_style("padding-left: 5px") icon_div.add_class("spt_filter_top") widget.set_show_title(False) #element_wdg.add("%s: " % title) data = element_data_dict.get(element_name) if data: widget.set_values(data) if isinstance(widget, KeywordFilterElementWdg): if not data.get("keywords") and my.kwargs.get("keywords"): widget.set_value("value", my.kwargs.get("keywords")) if isinstance(widget, KeywordFilterElementWdg) and not full_search_type.startswith('sthpw/sobject_list'): widget.set_option('filter_search_type', full_search_type) try: if attrs.get('view') != 'false': title_td.add(widget.get_title_wdg()) element_wdg.add(widget.get_buffer_display()) except Exception, e: element_wdg.add(ExceptionWdg(e)) continue
def get_display(my): element_data_dict = {} config = my.get_config() element_names = config.get_element_names() content_wdg = DivWdg() if not element_names: element_names = ['keywords'] my.set_content(content_wdg) # this is somewhat duplicated logic from alter_search, but since this is called # in ViewPanelWdg, it's a diff instance and needs to retrieve again filter_data = FilterData.get() data_list = filter_data.get_values_by_prefix(my.prefix) for data in data_list: handler = data.get("handler") element_name = data.get("element_name") if not element_name: continue element_data_dict[element_name] = data elements_wdg = DivWdg() content_wdg.add(elements_wdg) elements_wdg.add_color("color", "color") elements_wdg.add_style("padding-top: 10px") elements_wdg.add_style("padding-bottom: 15px") elements_wdg.add_color("background", "background3", 0) elements_wdg.add_border() if len(element_names) == 1: elements_wdg.add_style("border-width: 0px 0px 0px 0px" ) elements_wdg.add_style("padding-right: 50px" ) else: elements_wdg.add_style("border-width: 0px 1px 0px 0px" ) table = Table() table.add_color("color", "color") elements_wdg.add(table) num_rows = int(len(element_names)/2)+1 project_code = Project.get_project_code() # my.search_type could be the same as my.base_search_type full_search_type = SearchType.build_search_type(my.search_type, project_code) titles = config.get_element_titles() for i, element_name in enumerate(element_names): attrs = config.get_element_attributes(element_name) if i % 2 == 0: table.add_row() icon_td = table.add_cell() title_td = table.add_cell() element_td =table.add_cell() # show the title title_td.add_style("text-align: right") title_td.add_style("padding-right: 5px") title_td.add_style("min-width: 100px") element_wdg = DivWdg() if attrs.get('view') == 'false': element_wdg.add_style('display: none') element_td.add(element_wdg) #title_td.add_style("border: solid 1px red") #element_td.add_style("border: solid 1px blue") #element_wdg.add_style("border: solid 1px yellow") if i == 0 and len(element_names) > 1: spacer = DivWdg() spacer.add_style("border-style: solid") spacer.add_style("border-width: 0 1 0 0") spacer.add_style("height: %spx" % (num_rows*20)) spacer.add_style("width: 10px") spacer.add_style("border-color: %s" % spacer.get_color("border") ) spacer.add(" ") td = table.add_cell(spacer) td.add_attr("rowspan", num_rows) #element_wdg.add_color("color", "color3") #element_wdg.add_color("background", "background3") #element_wdg.set_round_corners() #element_wdg.add_border() element_wdg.add_style("padding: 4px 10px 4px 5px") element_wdg.add_class("spt_table_search") element_wdg.add_style("margin: 1px") element_wdg.add_style("min-height: 20px") element_wdg.add_style("min-width: 250px") # this is done at get_top() #element_wdg.add_class("spt_search") element_wdg.add( HiddenWdg("prefix", my.prefix)) display_handler = config.get_display_handler(element_name) element_wdg.add( HiddenWdg("handler", display_handler)) element_wdg.add( HiddenWdg("element_name", element_name)) from pyasm.widget import ExceptionWdg try: widget = config.get_display_widget(element_name) if widget: widget.set_title(titles[i]) except Exception, e: element_wdg.add(ExceptionWdg(e)) continue if not widget: widget = KeywordFilterElementWdg() widget.set_name(element_name) from pyasm.widget import IconWdg icon_div = DivWdg() icon_td.add(icon_div) icon_div.add_style("width: 20px") icon_div.add_style("margin-top: 2px") icon_div.add_style("padding-left: 5px") icon_div.add_class("spt_filter_top") widget.set_show_title(False) #element_wdg.add("%s: " % title) data = element_data_dict.get(element_name) if data: widget.set_values(data) if isinstance(widget, KeywordFilterElementWdg): if not data.get("keywords") and my.kwargs.get("keywords"): widget.set_value("value", my.kwargs.get("keywords")) if isinstance(widget, KeywordFilterElementWdg) and not full_search_type.startswith('sthpw/sobject_list'): widget.set_option('filter_search_type', full_search_type) try: if attrs.get('view') != 'false': title_td.add(widget.get_title_wdg()) element_wdg.add(widget.get_buffer_display()) except Exception, e: element_wdg.add(ExceptionWdg(e)) continue
def get_display(my): div = DivWdg() div.add_class("spt_view_manager_top") my.set_as_panel(div) inner = DivWdg() div.add(inner) inner.add_color("background", "background") inner.add_color("color", "color") inner.add_border() inner.add_style("padding: 10px") # try to get the search objct try: search_type_sobj = SearchType.get(my.search_type) except SearchException: if my.kwargs.get("show_create") in [True, "true"]: inner.add("<b>Create New Search Type</b><br/><br/>") inner.add( "Search Type [%s] does not yet exist.<br/>Fill out the following form to register this Search Type.<br/>" % my.search_type ) from import SearchTypeCreatorWdg creator = SearchTypeCreatorWdg(search_type=my.search_type) inner.add(creator) return div # title_wdg = DivWdg() # title_wdg.add_style("font-size: 18px") # title_wdg.add("Config View Manager") # inner.add(title_wdg) inner.add(my.get_filter_wdg()) if not my.search_type or not my.view: return div inner.add( tool_bar = my.get_tool_bar() inner.add(tool_bar) # add the template view containing the possible items to be added # ie: New Folder, New Entry, New Separator menu_div = DivWdg() inner.add(menu_div) menu_div.add_class("spt_menu_item_template") menu_div.add_style("display: none") menu_div.add(my.get_section_wdg("_template", editable=False)) table = Table() inner.add(table) table.add_row() table.add_color("color", "color") # add the section td = table.add_cell() view_list_wdg = DivWdg() view_list_wdg.add_style("min-width: 250px") view_list_wdg.add_class("spt_menu_item_list") view_list_wdg.add(my.get_section_wdg(my.view)) td.add(view_list_wdg) td.add_style("vertical-align: top") # td.add_attr("rowspan", "2") td.add("<br/>") # add the definition section if my.view != "definition": def_list_wdg = DivWdg() # def_list_wdg.add( my.get_section_wdg("default_definition" )) def_list_wdg.add(my.get_section_wdg("definition")) td.add(def_list_wdg) td.add("<br/>") # HACK: we need to figure out how this default definition # fits in if my.search_type.startswith("prod/") or my.search_type.startswith("sthpw/"): def_list_wdg = DivWdg() def_list_wdg.add(my.get_section_wdg("default_definition")) td.add(def_list_wdg) td.add("<br/>") # add detail information td = table.add_cell(my.get_detail_wdg()) # set the panel information td.add_class("spt_view_manager_detail") td.add_style("display", "table-cell") td.add_attr("spt_search_type", my.search_type) td.add_style("padding: 0 20px 20px 20px") td.add_style("vertical-align: top") return div
def get_display(self): top = self.set_as_panel(top) top.add_class("spt_ingestion_top") top.add_color("background", "background", -5) = {} rules_div = DivWdg() top.add(rules_div) rules_div.add_style("padding: 10px") rules_div.add("Rules: ") rules_select = SelectWdg("rule_code") rule_code = self.get_value('rule_code') if rule_code: rules_select.set_value(rule_code) rules_select.set_option("query", "config/ingest_rule|code|title") rules_select.add_empty_option("-- New --") rules_div.add(rules_select) rules_select.add_behavior( { 'type': 'change', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_ingestion_top"); value = bvr.src_el.value; var class_name = ''; spt.panel.load(top, class_name, {rule_code: value} ); ''' } ) rules_div.add("<hr/>") # read from the database if rule_code: search = Search("config/ingest_rule") search.add_filter("code", rule_code) sobject = search.get_sobject() else: sobject = None if sobject: = sobject.get_value("data") if = jsonloads( session_code = self.kwargs.get("session_code") if session_code: session = Search.get_by_code("config/ingest_session", session_code) else: if sobject: session = sobject.get_related_sobject("config/ingest_session") print("sobject: ", sobject.get_code(), sobject.get_value("spt_ingest_session_code")) print("parent: ", session) else: session = None if not session: #session = SearchType.create("config/ingest_session") #session.set_value("code", "session101") #session.set_value("location", "local") ##session.set_value("base_dir", "C:") top.add("No session defined!!!") return top rule = "" filter = "" ignore = "" # get the base path if sobject: base_dir = sobject.get_value("base_dir") else: base_dir = '' #else: # base_dir = self.get_value("base_dir") #if not base_dir: # base_dir = '' if sobject: title = sobject.get_value("title") else: title = '' if sobject: code = sobject.get_value("code") else: code = '' file_list = self.get_value("file_list") scan_type = self.get_value("scan_type") action_type = self.get_value("action_type") rule = self.get_value("rule") if not rule: rule = base_dir # get the rule for this path checkin_mode = "dir" depth = 0 table = Table() rules_div.add(table) table.add_color("color", "color") from tactic.ui.input.text_input_wdg import TextInputWdg # add the title table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("Title: ") td = table.add_cell() text = TextInputWdg(name="title") td.add(text) if title: text.set_value(title) text.add_class("spt_title") text.add_style("width: 400px") #text.add_color("background", "background", -10) # add the optional code table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("Code (optional): ") td = table.add_cell() text = TextInputWdg(name="code") td.add(text) if code: text.set_value(code) text.set_readonly() text.add_color("background", "background", -10) text.add_class("spt_code") text.add_style("width: 400px") table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add_style("height: 10px") td.add("<hr/>") table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("<b>Scan:</b><br/>") td.add("The following information will be used to find the paths that will be operated on by the ingestion process<br/><br/>") # add a scan type table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("Type: ") select = SelectWdg("scan_type") select.add_class("spt_scan_type") td = table.add_cell() td.add(select) select.set_value( self.get_value("action") ) labels = ['Simple List', 'Rule', 'Script'] values = ['list', 'rule', 'script'] select.set_option("values", values) select.set_option("labels", labels) if scan_type: select.set_value(scan_type) table.add_row() table.add_cell(" ") select.add_behavior( { 'type': 'change', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_ingestion_top"); value = bvr.src_el.value; var elements = top.getElements(".spt_scan_list"); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (value == 'list')[i]); else spt.hide(elements[i]); } var elements = top.getElements(".spt_scan_rule"); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (value == 'rule')[i]); else spt.hide(elements[i]); } var elements = top.getElements(".spt_scan_script"); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (value == 'script')[i]); else spt.hide(elements[i]); } ''' } ) # add in a list of stuff tbody = table.add_tbody() tbody.add_class("spt_scan_list") if scan_type != 'list': tbody.add_style("display: none") tr = table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("List of files: ") td = table.add_cell() text = TextAreaWdg(name="file_list") td.add(text) text.add_style("width: 400px") #text.set_readonly() #text.add_color("background", "background", -10) text.set_value(file_list) table.close_tbody() # add rule scan mode tbody = table.add_tbody() tbody.add_class("spt_scan_rule") if scan_type != 'rule': tbody.add_style("display: none") # add the path tr = table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("Starting Path: ") td = table.add_cell() hidden = HiddenWdg("session_code", session.get_code() ) td.add(hidden) text = TextInputWdg(name="base_dir") td.add(text) text.set_value(base_dir) text.add_style("width: 400px") #text.set_readonly() #text.add_color("background", "background", -10) text.set_value(base_dir) # add rule tr = table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("Tag Rule: ") td = table.add_cell() text = TextInputWdg(name="rule") td.add(text) text.add_style("width: 400px") text.set_value(rule) tr = table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("Filter: ") td = table.add_cell() text = TextWdg("filter") td.add(text) text.set_value( self.get_value("filter") ) text.add_style("width: 400px") text.add_style("padding: 2px") text.add_style("-moz-border-radius: 5px") tr = table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("Ignore: ") td = table.add_cell() text = TextWdg("ignore") td.add(text) text.set_value( self.get_value("ignore") ) text.set_value(ignore) text.add_style("width: 400px") text.add_style("padding: 2px") text.add_style("-moz-border-radius: 5px") table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("Validation script: ") td.add_style("vertical-align: top") td.add_style("padding-top: 5px") td = table.add_cell() text = TextInputWdg(name="validation_script") text.set_value( self.get_value("validation_script") ) text.add_style("width: 400px") td.add(text) icon = IconButtonWdg(title='Edit Validation Script', icon=IconWdg.EDIT) icon.add_style("float: right") td.add(icon) icon.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' spt.named_events.fire_event("show_script_editor"); var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_ingestion_top"); var values = spt.api.Utility.get_input_values(top, null, false); var kwargs = { script_path: values.validation_script } setTimeout( function() { spt.js_edit.display_script_cbk(evt, kwargs) }, 500 ); ''' } ) table.close_tbody() # add the script path tbody = table.add_tbody() tbody.add_class("spt_scan_script") if scan_type != 'script': tbody.add_style("display: none") tr = table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("Script Path: ") td = table.add_cell() text = TextInputWdg(name="script_path") td.add(text) text.add_style("width: 400px") table.close_tbody() table.add_row() td = table.add_cell("<hr/>") table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("<b>Action</b><br/>") td.add("The following information define the actions that will be used on each matched path<br/><br/>") # pick the type of action table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("Type: ") select = SelectWdg("action_type") td = table.add_cell() td.add(select) labels = ['Checkin', 'Ignore'] values = ['checkin', 'ignore'] select.set_option("values", values) select.set_option("labels", labels) select.add_empty_option("-- Select --") if action_type: select.set_value(action_type) select.add_behavior( { 'type': 'change', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_ingestion_top"); value = bvr.src_el.value; var elements = top.getElements(".spt_action_ignore"); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (value == 'ignore')[i]); else spt.hide(elements[i]); } var elements = top.getElements(".spt_action_checkin"); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (value == 'checkin')[i]); else spt.hide(elements[i]); } ''' } ) table.add_row() td = table.add_cell("<br/>") # add the script path tbody = table.add_tbody() tbody.add_class("spt_action_checkin") if action_type != 'checkin': tbody.add_style("display: none") # add the checkin type table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("Action: ") select = SelectWdg("action") td = table.add_cell() td.add(select) select.set_value( self.get_value("action") ) labels = ['File Checkin', 'Directory Checkin', 'Sequence Checkin'] values = ['file', 'directory', 'sequence', 'ignore'] select.set_option("values", values) select.set_option("labels", labels) table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("Mode: ") select = SelectWdg("mode") td = table.add_cell() td.add(select) labels = ['Copy', 'Move', 'In Place'] values = ['copy', 'move', 'inplace'] select.set_option("values", values) select.set_option("labels", labels) # add the search_type table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("sType: ") td = table.add_cell() select = SelectWdg("search_type") td.add(select) search_types = Project.get().get_search_types() values = [x.get_value("search_type") for x in search_types] select.set_option("values", values) search_type = self.kwargs.get("search_type") if search_type: select.set_value(search_type) # add the search_type table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("Context: ") td = table.add_cell() select = SelectWdg("context") td.add(select) select.set_option("values", ['publish', 'by rule', 'custom']) # add extra values extra_div = DivWdg() text = TextWdg("extra_name") text.add_attr("spt_is_multiple", "true") extra_div.add(text) extra_div.add(" = ") text = TextWdg("extra_value") extra_div.add(text) text.add_attr("spt_is_multiple", "true") template_div = DivWdg() text = TextWdg("extra_name") text.add_attr("spt_is_multiple", "true") template_div.add(text) template_div.add(" = ") text = TextWdg("extra_value") template_div.add(text) text.add_attr("spt_is_multiple", "true") table.close_tbody() table.add_row() td = table.add_cell("<br/>") table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("Extra Keywords: ") td.add_style("vertical-align: top") td.add_style("padding-top: 5px") td = table.add_cell() text = TextWdg("keywords") text.add_style("width: 300px") td.add(text) table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("Extra Values: ") td.add_style("vertical-align: top") td.add_style("padding-top: 5px") td = table.add_cell() extra_list = DynamicListWdg() td.add(extra_list) extra_list.add_item(extra_div) extra_list.add_template(template_div) table.add_row() table.add_cell(" ") table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("Process script: ") td.add_style("vertical-align: top") td.add_style("padding-top: 5px") td = table.add_cell() text = TextWdg("process_script") text.add_style("width: 300px") td.add(text) text.set_value( self.get_value("process_script") ) icon = IconButtonWdg(title='Edit Process Script', icon=IconWdg.EDIT) icon.add_style("float: right") td.add(icon) icon.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' spt.named_events.fire_event("show_script_editor"); var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_ingestion_top"); var values = spt.api.Utility.get_input_values(top, null, false); var kwargs = { script_path: values.process_script } // need to wait for this setTimeout( function() { spt.js_edit.display_script_cbk(evt, kwargs) }, 500 ); ''' } ) table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("Custom Naming: ") td.add_style("vertical-align: top") td.add_style("padding-top: 5px") td = table.add_cell() text = TextWdg("naming") text.add_style("width: 300px") td.add(text) table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() #td.add("<br clear='all'/>") td.add("<hr/>") behavior = { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_ingestion_top"); var values = spt.api.Utility.get_input_values(top, null, false);"Scanning ...", values.base_dir); var class_name = ''; var server = TacticServerStub.get(); values.mode = bvr.mode; values.is_local = 'true'; // scan client side if (values.is_local == 'true') { var base_dir = values.base_dir; var applet = spt.Applet.get(); var files = applet.list_recursive_dir(base_dir); // turn into a string var files_in_js = []; for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var file = files[i].replace(/\\\\/g, "/"); files_in_js.push( file ); } values.files = files_in_js; values.base_dir = base_dir; /* var server = TacticServerStub.get(); var handoff_dir = server.get_handoff_dir(); var applet = spt.Applet.get(); for (var i = 0; i < files_in_js.length; i++) { try { var parts = files_in_js[i].split("/"); var filename = parts[parts.length-1];"Copying files to handoff", filename); applet.copy_file(files_in_js[i], handoff_dir+"/"+filename); } catch(e) { log.error(e); } } */ } var info_el = top.getElement(".spt_info"); spt.panel.load(info_el, class_name, values); spt.app_busy.hide(); ''' } # Save button button = ActionButtonWdg(title="Save", tip="Save Rule") td.add(button) button.add_style("float: right") behavior['mode'] = 'save' button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_ingestion_top"); var values = spt.api.Utility.get_input_values(top, null, false);"Saving ..."); var class_name = 'tactic.command.CheckinRuleSaveCmd'; var server = TacticServerStub.get(); server.execute_cmd(class_name, values); spt.panel.refresh(top, {}); spt.app_busy.hide(); ''' } ) # Scan button button = ActionButtonWdg(title="Scan", tip="Click to Scan") td.add(button) button.add_style("float: left") # set a limit #limit = TextWdg("limit") #td.add(limit) #text.add_style("float: left") behavior = behavior.copy() behavior['mode'] = 'scan' button.add_behavior(behavior) # Test button button = ActionButtonWdg(title="Test", tip="Do a test of this rule") td.add(button) behavior = behavior.copy() behavior['mode'] = 'test' button.add_behavior(behavior) button.add_style("float: left") # Ingest button button = ActionButtonWdg(title="Ingest", tip="Click to start ingesting") td.add(button) behavior = behavior.copy() behavior['mode'] = 'checkin' button.add_behavior(behavior) table.add_behavior( { 'type': 'listen', 'event_name': 'file_browser|select', 'cbjs_action': ''' var dirname = bvr.firing_data.dirname; var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_ingestion_top"); var kwargs = { base_dir: dirname }; spt.panel.load(top, top.getAttribute("spt_class_name"), kwargs); ''' }) top.add( self.get_info_wdg() ) return top
def get_display(my): my.search_type = my.kwargs.get('search_type') my.texture_search_type = my.kwargs.get('texture_search_type') assert my.search_type app_name = WebContainer.get_web().get_selected_app() # add an outside box top = DivWdg(css='spt_view_panel') #div = DivWdg(css="maq_search_bar") div = DivWdg() div.add_color("background", "background2", -15) my.set_as_panel(top) top.add(div) div.add_style("margin: 5px") div.add_style("padding: 10px") div.add_style("font-style: bold") process_div = DivWdg() process_div.add_style("padding-left: 10px") div.add(process_div) process_div.add( my.get_process_wdg(my.search_type)) process_div.add( my.get_context_filter_wdg() ) process_div.add("all")) div.add( ) checkin_options = DivWdg(css='spt_ui_options') checkin_options.add_style("padding: 10px") swap = SwapDisplayWdg() #swap.set_off() title = SpanWdg("Check in Options") SwapDisplayWdg.create_swap_title(title, swap, checkin_options, is_open=False) div.add(swap) div.add(title) checkin_options.add( my.get_file_type_wdg() ) checkin_options.add( my.get_snapshot_type_wdg() ) checkin_options.add( checkin_options.add( my.get_export_method_wdg() ) checkin_options.add( my.get_checkin_as_wdg() ) #my.add( my.get_render_icon_wdg() ) # For different export methods checkin_options.add( my.get_currency_wdg() ) checkin_options.add( my.get_reference_option()) checkin_options.add( my.get_auto_version_wdg()) checkin_options.add( my.get_texture_option(app=app_name)) checkin_options.add( my.get_handoff_wdg()) if not my.context_select.get_value(for_display=True): my.add(DivWdg('A context must be selected.', css='warning')) return div.add(checkin_options) top.add( my.get_introspect_wdg() ) top.add( # create the interface table = Table() table.set_max_width() #table.set_class("table") table.add_color('background','background2') #table.add_style('line-height','3.0em') #table.add_row(css='smaller') tr = table.add_row(css='smaller') tr.add_style('height', '3.5em') table.add_header(" ") table.add_header(" ") th = table.add_header("Instance") th.add_style('text-align: left') table.add_header(my.get_checkin()) table.add_header("Sandbox") tr.add_color('background','background2', -15) # get session and handle case where there is no session my.session = SessionContents.get() if my.session == None: instance_names = [] asset_codes = [] node_names = [] else: instance_names = my.session.get_instance_names() asset_codes = my.session.get_asset_codes() node_names = my.session.get_node_names() # get all of the possible assets based on the asset codes search = Search(my.search_type) search.add_filters("code", asset_codes) assets = search.get_sobjects() assets_dict = SObject.get_dict(assets, ["code"]) if my.session: my.add("Current Project: <b>%s</b>" % my.session.get_project_dir() ) else: my.add("Current Project: Please press 'Introspect'") count = 0 for i in range(0, len(node_names) ): node_name = node_names[i] if not my.session.is_tactic_node(node_name) and \ not my.session.get_node_type(node_name) in ['transform','objectSet']: continue instance_name = instance_names[i] # backwards compatible: try: asset_code = asset_codes[i] except IndexError, e: asset_code = instance_name # skip if this is a reference if my.list_references == False and \ my.session.is_reference(node_name): continue table.add_row() # check that this asset exists asset = assets_dict.get(asset_code) if not asset: continue # list items if it is a set if asset.get_value('asset_type', no_exception=True) in ["set", "section"]: my.current_sobject = asset my.handle_set( table, instance_name, asset, instance_names) count +=1 # if this asset is in the database, then allow it to checked in if asset: if my.session.get_snapshot_code(instance_name, snapshot_type='set'): continue # hack remember this my.current_sobject = asset my.handle_instance(table, instance_name, asset, node_name) else: table.add_blank_cell() table.add_cell(instance_name) count += 1
def get_sobject_detail_wdg(my): div = DivWdg() #div.add_style("float: right") div.add_style("width: 100%") div.add_style("height: 100%") div.add_style("padding-top: 5px") """ button_div.add_class("spt_left") div.add(button_div) button = IconButtonWdg(title="Show More Details", icon=IconWdg.RIGHT) button_div.add(button) button_div.add_style("position: absolute") button_div.add_style("margin-left: -30px") button_div.add_style("margin-top: -2px") button_div.add_style("display: none") button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_detail_top"); var detail = top.getElement(".spt_sobject_detail"); spt.toggle_show_hide(detail); var left = top.getElement(".spt_left"); spt.hide(left); var right = top.getElement(".spt_right");; ''' } ) button_div = DivWdg() button_div.add_class("spt_right") div.add(button_div) button = IconButtonWdg(title="Show More Details", icon=IconWdg.LEFT) button_div.add(button) button_div.add_style("position: absolute") button_div.add_style("margin-left: -30px") button_div.add_style("margin-top: -2px") #button_div.add_style("display: none") button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_detail_top"); var detail = top.getElement(".spt_sobject_detail"); spt.toggle_show_hide(detail); var left = top.getElement(".spt_left");; var right = top.getElement(".spt_right"); spt.hide(right); ''' } ) """ info_div = DivWdg() div.add( info_div ) #info_div.add_style("display: none") info_div.add_class("spt_sobject_detail") #info_div.add_style("width: 300px") info_div.add_style("padding: 30px 0px 30px 0px") info_table = Table() info_table.add_color("color", "color") info_div.add(info_table) edit_div = DivWdg() info_div.add(edit_div) edit_div.add_style("margin-top: -35px") edit_div.add_style("margin-left: 1px") edit_div.add_style("margin-right: -2px") #edit_div.add_style("overflow: scroll") edit_div.add_style("height: 100%") view = my.kwargs.get("detail_view") if not view: view = "edit" ignore = ["preview", "notes"] element_names = ['name','description','tasks'] config = WidgetConfigView.get_by_search_type(search_type=my.full_search_type, view=view) config_element_names = config.get_element_names() for x in config_element_names: if x in ignore: continue if x not in element_names: element_names.append(x) # add the tile title = DivWdg() edit_div.add(title) title.add_gradient("background", "background3", 0, -10) title.add_style("height: 20px") title.add_style("padding: 4px") title.add_style("font-weight: bold") title.add(" ") title.add_border() from tactic.ui.panel.edit_layout_wdg import EditLayoutWdg edit = EditLayoutWdg(search_type=my.full_search_type, mode='view', view="detail", search_key=my.search_key, width=400, title=' ', ignore=ignore, element_names=element_names) edit_div.add(edit) return div
def get_group_wdg(self, prev_sobj): if not self.is_preprocessed: self.preprocess() sobject = self.get_current_sobject() ref_sobj = self.get_ref_obj(sobject) self.current_ref_sobj = ref_sobj if not ref_sobj: return "Undetermined parent: [%s]" % SearchKey.get_by_sobject(sobject) widget = DivWdg() # add add button #from tactic.ui.widget import TextBtnWdg, TextBtnSetWdg #buttons_list = [] #buttons_list.append( { # 'label': '+', 'tip': 'Add Another Item', # 'bvr': { 'cbjs_action': "spt.dg_table.add_item_cbk(evt, bvr)" } #} ) #add_btn = TextBtnSetWdg( float="right", buttons=buttons_list, # spacing=6, size='small', side_padding=0 ) #widget.add(add_btn) from tactic.ui.widget import ActionButtonWdg button = ActionButtonWdg(title='+', tip='Add Another Item', size='small') widget.add(button) button.add_style("float: right") button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': "spt.dg_table.add_item_cbk(evt, bvr)" } ) label = "Attach" label_option = self.get_option("label") if label_option: label = label_option table = Table() table.add_color("color", "color") table.add_row() search_key = sobject.get_search_key() # add a thumbe widget thumb = ThumbWdg() thumb.set_icon_size(40) thumb.set_sobject(ref_sobj) thumb.set_option('latest_icon', 'true') table.add_cell(thumb) # add the text description name_span = DivWdg(ref_sobj.get_code()) name_span.add_style('margin-left: 20px') table.add_cell(name_span) if ref_sobj.has_value("name"): name_span.add( " - " ) name_span.add( ref_sobj.get_value("name") ) #status = ref_sobj.get_value("status", no_exception=True) #if status: # span = SpanWdg("(status:%s)" % ref_sobj.get_value("status")) # table.add_cell(span) if ref_sobj.has_value("description"): description_wdg = ExpandableTextWdg("description") description_wdg.set_max_length(200) description_wdg.set_sobject(ref_sobj) td = table.add_cell( description_wdg ) td.add_style("padding-left: 15px") # FIXME: not sure about the layout here #if ref_sobj.has_value("pipeline_code"): # pipeline_code = ref_sobj.get_value("pipeline_code") # span = SpanWdg("(pipeline:%s)" % pipeline_code ) # td = table.add_cell(span) # td.add_style("padding-left: 15px") widget.add(table) return widget
def get_new_custom_widget(my, search_type, view): div = DivWdg() div.add_style('width: 500px') mode_select = SelectWdg("custom_mode") mode_select.add_class("spt_custom_mode") mode_select.set_option("values", "simple|xml") mode_select.set_option("labels", "Simple|XML") mode_select.add_class("spt_input") behavior = { 'type': 'change', 'cbfn_action': 'spt.custom_property_adder.switch_property_mode' } mode_select.add_behavior(behavior) div.add("Mode: ") div.add(mode_select) div.add("<br/><br/>") custom_table = Table() custom_table.add_color("color", "color") custom_table.set_max_width() mode = "simple" my.handle_simple_mode(custom_table, mode) #my.handle_widget_mode(custom_table, mode) my.handle_xml_mode(custom_table, mode) div.add(custom_table) div.add("<br/>") custom_table = Table() custom_table.add_row() from tactic.ui.widget import ActionButtonWdg submit = ActionButtonWdg(title="Add/Next") behavior = { 'type': 'click', 'mouse_btn': 'LMB', 'cbfn_action': 'spt.custom_property_adder.add_property_cbk', 'search_type': my.search_type, 'view': view } submit.add_behavior(behavior) td = custom_table.add_cell(submit) behavior['exit'] = 'true' submit_exit = ActionButtonWdg(title="Add/Exit") submit_exit.add_behavior(behavior) custom_table.add_cell(submit_exit) cancel = ActionButtonWdg(title="Cancel") behavior = { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': "spt.popup.close('New Table Column')" } cancel.add_behavior(behavior) custom_table.add_cell(cancel) div.add(custom_table) return div
def get_display(my): data = my.kwargs.get('kwargs') if data: data = jsonloads(data) my.kwargs.update(data) my.search_type = my.kwargs.get("search_type") my.x_axis = my.kwargs.get("x_axis") if not my.x_axis: my.x_axis = 'code' my.y_axis = my.kwargs.get("y_axis") if type(my.y_axis) == types.ListType: my.y_axis = "|".join( my.y_axis ) my.chart_type = my.kwargs.get("chart_type") if not my.chart_type: my.chart_type = 'bar' # get any search keys if any are passed in my.search_keys = my.kwargs.get("search_keys") top = DivWdg() top.add_class("spt_chart_builder") top.add_color("background", "background") top.add_border() from import HelpButtonWdg help_button = HelpButtonWdg(alias='charting') top.add( help_button ) help_button.add_style("float: right") project = Project.get() search_types = project.get_search_types(include_sthpw=True) search_types = [x.get_value("search_type") for x in search_types] build_div = DivWdg() from pyasm.widget import SwapDisplayWdg swap_wdg = SwapDisplayWdg.get_triangle_wdg() swap_script = swap_wdg.get_swap_script() build_div.add(swap_wdg) build_div.add("<b>Chart Specifications</b>") build_div.add_style("margin-bottom: 5px") build_div.add_style("height: 25px") build_div.add_style("padding-top: 5px") build_div.add_gradient("background", "background", -10) build_div.add_color("color", "color") build_div.add_class("hand") build_div.add_class("SPT_DTS") top.add(build_div) build_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_chart_builder"); var spec = top.getElement(".spt_chart_spec"); //spt.api.toggle_show_hide(spec); spt.toggle_show_hide(spec); %s; ''' % swap_script } ) spec_div = DivWdg() spec_div.add_color("color", "color3") spec_div.add_color("background", "background3") spec_div.add_class("spt_chart_spec") spec_div.add_border() spec_div.add_style("padding: 10px") spec_div.add_style("margin: 5px") spec_div.add_style("display: none") top.add(spec_div) table = Table() table.add_color("color", "color3") spec_div.add(table) # add the search type selector table.add_row() table.add_cell("Search Type: ") search_type_div = DivWdg() search_type_select = TextWdg("search_type") search_type_select.set_value(my.search_type) #search_type_select.set_option("values", search_types) search_type_div.add(search_type_select) table.add_cell(search_type_div) # add the chart type selector table.add_row() table.add_cell("Chart Type: ") type_div = DivWdg() #type_div.add_style("padding: 3px") type_select = SelectWdg("chart_type") type_select.set_option("values", "line|bar|area") if my.chart_type: type_select.set_value(my.chart_type) type_div.add(type_select) table.add_cell(type_div) # add the chart type selector table.add_row() table.add_cell("X-Axis: ") # need to find all expression widgets or use get_text_value()? x_axis_div = DivWdg() x_axis_text = TextWdg("x_axis") x_axis_text.set_value("code") x_axis_div.add(x_axis_text) table.add_cell(x_axis_div) # add the chart type selector table.add_row() td = table.add_cell("Y-Axis: ") td.add_style("vertical-align: top") y_axis_div = DivWdg() #y_axis_text = TextWdg("y_axis") #if my.y_axis: # y_axis_text.set_value(my.y_axis) #y_axis_div.add(y_axis_text) td = table.add_cell(y_axis_div) # add in a list of entries from tactic.ui.container import DynamicListWdg list_wdg = DynamicListWdg() for value in my.y_axis.split("|"): item = TextWdg("y_axis") item.set_value(value, set_form_value=False) list_wdg.add_item(item) y_axis_div.add(list_wdg) spec_div.add("<br/>") from tactic.ui.widget import ActionButtonWdg button = ActionButtonWdg(title="Refresh") spec_div.add(button) spec_div.add( button.add_style("float: left") button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_chart_builder"); var chart = top.getElement(".spt_chart"); var values = spt.api.get_input_values(top); //var values = spt.api.Utility.get_input_values(top); spt.panel.refresh(chart, values); ''' } ) #TODO: provide a field for user to type in the chart name """ button = ActionButtonWdg(title="Save") spec_div.add(button) button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_chart_builder"); var chart = top.getElement(".spt_chart"); var values = spt.api.get_input_values(top); var login = '******'; var search_type = 'SideBarWdg'; var side_bar_view = 'project_view'; var unique_el_name = 'chart_test' var kwargs = {}; kwargs['login'] = null; //if (save_as_personal) // kwargs['login'] = login; kwargs['class_name'] = 'tactic.ui.chart.ChartBuilderWdg'; var display_options = {}; display_options['search_type'] = 'prod/asset' kwargs['display_options'] = display_options; kwargs['unique'] = true; //if (new_title) // kwargs['element_attrs'] = {'title': new_title}; var server = TacticServerStub.get() server.add_config_element(search_type, side_bar_view, unique_el_name, kwargs); spt.panel.refresh("side_bar"); ''' } ) """ width = '600px' kwargs = { 'y_axis': my.y_axis, 'chart_type': my.chart_type, 'search_type': my.search_type, 'width': width, 'search_keys': my.search_keys } chart_div = DivWdg() chart = BarChartWdg(**kwargs) chart_div.add(chart) top.add(chart_div) #from chart2_wdg import SampleSObjectChartWdg #chart = SampleSObjectChartWdg(**kwargs) #chart_div.add(chart) return top
def get_display(my): search_type_obj = SearchType.get(my.search_type) sobj_title = search_type_obj.get_title() my.color_mode = my.kwargs.get("color_mode") if not my.color_mode: my.color_mode = "default" top_div = top_div.add_class("spt_edit_top") if not my.is_refresh: my.set_as_panel(top_div) content_div = DivWdg() content_div.add_class("spt_edit_top") content_div.add_class("spt_edit_form_top") content_div.set_attr("spt_search_key", my.search_key) if not Container.get_dict("JSLibraries", "spt_edit"): content_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'load', 'cbjs_action': my.get_onload_js() } ) layout_view = my.kwargs.get("layout_view") if layout_view: layout_wdg = my.get_custom_layout_wdg(layout_view) content_div.add(layout_wdg) return content_div # add close listener # NOTE: this is an absolute search, but is here for backwards # compatibility content_div.add_named_listener('close_EditWdg', ''' var popup = bvr.src_el.getParent( ".spt_popup" ); if (popup) spt.popup.close(popup); ''') attrs = my.config.get_view_attributes() default_access = attrs.get("access") if not default_access: default_access = "edit" project_code = Project.get_project_code() security = Environment.get_security() base_key = search_type_obj.get_base_key() key = { 'search_type': base_key, 'project': project_code } access = security.check_access("sobject", key, "edit", default=default_access) if not access: my.is_disabled = True else: my.is_disabled = False disable_wdg = None if my.is_disabled: # TODO: This overlay doesn't work in IE, size, position, # and transparency all fail. disable_wdg = DivWdg(id='edit_wdg') disable_wdg.add_style("position: absolute") disable_wdg.add_style("height: 90%") disable_wdg.add_style("width: 100%") disable_wdg.add_style("left: 0px") #disable_wdg.add_style("bottom: 0px") #disable_wdg.add_style("top: 0px") disable_wdg.add_style("opacity: 0.2") disable_wdg.add_style("background: #fff") #disable_wdg.add_style("-moz-opacity: 0.2") disable_wdg.add_style("filter: Alpha(opacity=20)") disable_wdg.add("<center>EDIT DISABLED</center>") content_div.add(disable_wdg) attrs = my.config.get_view_attributes() inner = DivWdg() content_div.add(inner) menu = my.get_header_context_menu() menus = [menu.get_data()] menus_in = { 'HEADER_CTX': menus, } SmartMenu.attach_smart_context_menu( inner, menus_in, False ) table = Table() inner.add(table) if my.color_mode == "default": table.add_color("background", "background") table.add_color("color", "color") width = attrs.get('width') if not width: width = my.kwargs.get("width") if not width: width = 500 table.add_style("width: %s" % width) height = attrs.get('height') if height: table.add_style("height: %s" % height) tr = table.add_row() show_header = my.kwargs.get("show_header") if show_header not in ['false', False]: my.add_header(table, sobj_title) single = my.kwargs.get("single") if single in ['false', False] and my.mode == 'insert': multi_div = DivWdg() multi_div.add_style("text-align: left") multi_div.add("Specify the number of items that will be added with this form:<br/><br/>") multi_div.add("<b># of new items to add: </b>") multi_div.add(" "*4) multi_text = TextWdg("multiplier") multi_text.add_style("width: 30px") multi_div.add(multi_text) tr, td = table.add_row_cell( multi_div ) if my.color_mode == "default": td.add_color("border-color", "table_border", default="border") td.add_style("border-width: 1px") td.add_style("border-style: solid") td.add_style("padding: 8 3 8 3") td.add_color("background", "background3") td.add_color("color", "color3") security = Environment.get_security() # break the widgets up in columns num_columns = attrs.get('num_columns') if not num_columns: num_columns = my.kwargs.get('num_columns') if not num_columns: num_columns = 1 else: num_columns = int(num_columns) # go through each widget and draw it for i, widget in enumerate(my.widgets): # since a widget name called code doesn't necessariy write to code column, it is commented out for now """ key = { 'search_type' : search_type_obj.get_base_key(), 'column' : widget.get_name(), 'project': project_code} # check security on widget if not security.check_access( "sobject_column",\ key, "edit"): my.skipped_element_names.append(widget.get_name()) continue """ if not hasattr(widget, 'set_input_prefix'): msg = DivWdg("Warning: The widget definition for [%s] uses [%s] and is not meant for use in Edit Layout. Please revise the edit_definition in widget config."% (widget.get_name(), widget.__class__.__name__ )) msg.add_style('color: orange') content_div.add(msg) content_div.add( continue if my.input_prefix: widget.set_input_prefix(my.input_prefix) if isinstance(widget, HiddenWdg): content_div.add(widget) continue # Set up any validations configured on the widget ... from import ValidationUtil v_util = ValidationUtil( widget=widget ) v_bvr = v_util.get_validation_bvr() if v_bvr: if (isinstance(widget, CalendarInputWdg)): widget.set_validation( v_bvr.get('cbjs_validation'), v_bvr.get('validation_warning') ); else: widget.add_behavior( v_bvr ) widget.add_behavior( v_util.get_input_onchange_bvr() ) new_row = i % num_columns == 0 if new_row: tr = table.add_row() if my.color_mode == "default": if i % 2 == 0: tr.add_color("background", "background") else: tr.add_color("background", "background", -5) show_title = (widget.get_option("show_title") != "false") if show_title: title = widget.get_title() td = table.add_cell(title) td.add_style("padding: 10px 15px 10px 5px") td.add_style("vertical-align: top") title_width = my.kwargs.get("title_width") if title_width: td.add_style("width: %s" % title_width) else: td.add_style("width: 100px") security = Environment.get_security() if security.check_access("builtin", "view_site_admin", "allow"): SmartMenu.assign_as_local_activator( td, 'HEADER_CTX' ) if my.color_mode == "default": td.add_color("border-color", "table_border", default="border") td.add_style("border-width: 1" ) td.add_style("border-style: solid" ) td.add_style("text-align: right" ) if not show_title: th, td = table.add_row_cell( widget ) #td.add_border() continue else: td = table.add_cell( widget ) #td = table.add_cell( widget.get_value() ) td.add_style("min-width: 300px") td.add_style("padding: 10px 15px 10px 5px") td.add_style("vertical-align: top") if my.color_mode == "default": td.add_color("border-color", "table_border", default="border") td.add_style("border-width: 1" ) td.add_style("border-style: solid" ) hint = widget.get_option("hint") if hint: table.add_data( HintWdg(hint) ) if not my.is_disabled and not my.mode == 'view': tr, td = table.add_row_cell( my.get_action_html() ) if my.input_prefix: prefix = HiddenWdg("input_prefix", my.input_prefix) tr, td = table.add_row_cell() td.add(prefix) top_div.add(content_div) return top_div
def get_display(self): top = DivWdg() top.add_border() top.add_style("padding: 10px") top.add_color("color", "color") top.add_gradient("background", "background", 0, -5) #top.add_style("height: 550px") #top.add_behavior( { # 'type': 'load', # 'cbjs_action': ''' # spt.named_events.fire_event("side_bar|hide_now", {} ); # ''' #} ) project = Project.get() title = TitleWdg(title='Tools') top.add(title) shelf = DivWdg() top.add(shelf) shelf.add_style("margin-left: -8px") shelf.add_style("width: 130px") button_div = DivWdg() shelf.add(button_div) button_div.add_style("float: left") button_div.add_style("margin-top: -3px") search_wdg = DivWdg() search_wdg.add_class("spt_main_top") top.add(search_wdg) search_wdg.add_style("padding: 10px") search_wdg.add_style("margin: 10px auto") search_wdg.add_style("width: 430px") search_wdg.add("<div style='float: left; margin: 8px 10px;'>Search: </div>") custom_cbk = {} custom_cbk['enter'] = ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_main_top"); var search_el = top.getElement(".spt_main_search"); var keywords = search_el.value; if (keywords != '') { var class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.ViewPanelWdg'; var kwargs = { 'search_type': 'sthpw/sobject_list', 'view': 'table', 'keywords': keywords, 'simple_search_view': 'simple_search', //'show_shelf': false, };"Search Results", "Search Results", class_name, kwargs); } ''' from tactic.ui.input import TextInputWdg, LookAheadTextInputWdg #text = TextInputWdg(name="search") text = LookAheadTextInputWdg(name="search", custom_cbk=custom_cbk, height="42px") #text = TextWdg("search") text.add_class("spt_main_search") text.add_style("width: 290px") search_wdg.add(text) search_wdg.add_style("font-weight: bold") search_wdg.add_style("font-size: 16px") text.add_style("float: left") #search_wdg.add(button) #button.add_style("margin-top: -28px") icon_div = DivWdg() search_wdg.add(icon_div) icon_div.add_style("width: 38px") icon_div.add_style("height: 27px") icon_div.add_style("padding-top: 3px") icon_div.add_style("padding-left: 4px") icon_div.add_style("text-align: center") #icon_div.add_gradient("background", "background3", 15, -10) icon_div.add_color("background", "background3", 10) over_color = icon_div.get_color("background3", 0) out_color = icon_div.get_color("background3", 10) icon_div.set_round_corners(5) icon_div.set_box_shadow("1px 1px 1px 1px") icon = IconWdg("Search", IconWdg.SEARCH_32, width=24) icon_div.add(icon) icon_div.add_style("float: right") icon_div.add_style("margin-top: 4px") button = icon_div icon_div.add_class("hand") icon_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'mouseover', 'color': over_color, 'cbjs_action': ''' bvr.src_el.setStyle("background", bvr.color); ''' } ) icon_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'mouseout', 'color': out_color, 'cbjs_action': ''' bvr.src_el.setStyle("background", bvr.color); bvr.src_el.setStyle("box-shadow", "1px 1px 1px 1px #999"); bvr.src_el.setStyle("margin-top", "-5"); bvr.src_el.setStyle("margin-right", "0"); ''' } ) icon_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click', 'color': out_color, 'cbjs_action': ''' bvr.src_el.setStyle("box-shadow", "0px 0px 1px 1px #999"); bvr.src_el.setStyle("margin-top", "-3"); bvr.src_el.setStyle("margin-right", "-2"); ''' } ) icon_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'color': out_color, 'cbjs_action': ''' bvr.src_el.setStyle("box-shadow", "1px 1px 1px 1px #999"); bvr.src_el.setStyle("margin-top", "-5"); bvr.src_el.setStyle("margin-right", "0"); ''' } ) button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_main_top"); var search_el = top.getElement(".spt_main_search"); var keywords = search_el.value; if (keywords == '') { return; } var class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.ViewPanelWdg'; var kwargs = { 'search_type': 'sthpw/sobject_list', 'view': 'table', 'keywords': keywords, 'simple_search_view': 'simple_search', //'show_shelf': false, };"Search Results", "Search Results", class_name, kwargs); ''' } ) #desc = DivWdg() #top.add(desc) #desc.add("Dashboard") #desc.add_style("width: 600px") # create a bunch of panels table = Table() table.add_color("color", "color") table.add_style("margin-bottom: 20px") top.add(table) table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add_style("vertical-align: top") td.add_style("padding: 3px") title = "Themes" image = "<img src='/context/icons/64x64/dashboard_64.png'/>" description = '''Themes define the look and feel of a project.''' behavior = { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = 'tactic.ui.startup.themes_wdg.ThemesWdg'; var kwargs = { help_alias: 'project-startup-dashboards' };;"themes", "Themes", class_name, kwargs); ''' } dashboard_wdg = self.get_section_wdg(title, description, image, behavior) td.add(dashboard_wdg) td = table.add_cell() td.add_style("vertical-align: top") td.add_style("padding: 3px") title = "Dashboards" image = "<img src='/context/icons/64x64/dashboard_64.png'/>" description = '''Dashboards display key project data in single views. Drill down further to work on tasks, make status changes or add notes.''' # read the config file #from pyasm.widget import WidgetConfig #tmp_path = __file__ #dir_name = os.path.dirname(tmp_path) #file_path="%s/../config/dashboard-conf.xml" % (dir_name) #config = WidgetConfig.get(file_path=file_path, view="definition") # FIXME: this bypasses the link security #element_name = "dashboards" #attrs = config.get_element_attributes(element_name) #dashboard_data = {} #kwargs = config.get_display_options(element_name) #class_name = kwargs.get('class_name') behavior = { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = 'tactic.ui.startup.dashboards_wdg.DashboardsWdg'; var kwargs = { help_alias: 'project-startup-dashboards' };;"dashboards", "Dashboards", class_name, kwargs); ''' } dashboard_wdg = self.get_section_wdg(title, description, image, behavior) td.add(dashboard_wdg) td = table.add_cell() td.add_style("padding: 3px") td.add_style("vertical-align: top") title = "Reports" image = "<img src='/context/icons/64x64/report_64.png'/>" description = '''TACTIC provides a number of predefined reports that project managers can access instantly to get real-time analytics.''' behavior = { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = 'tactic.ui.startup.reports_wdg.ReportsWdg'; var kwargs = {};;"reports", "Reports", class_name, kwargs); //spt.panel.load_popup("Reports", class_name, kwargs); ''' } side_bar_wdg = self.get_section_wdg(title, description, image, behavior) td.add(side_bar_wdg) td = table.add_cell() td.add_style("padding: 3px") td.add_style("vertical-align: top") title = "Lists of Items" description = '''View all of the lists items for this project<br/><br/> ''' image = "<img src='/context/icons/48x48/search_type_48.png'/>" #image = "<img src='/context/images/getting_started_pipeline.png'/>" behavior = { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': '''; var class_name = 'tactic.ui.startup.HomeWdg'; var kwargs = {};"lists", "Lists", class_name, kwargs); ''' } config_wdg = self.get_section_wdg(title, description, image, behavior) td.add(config_wdg) tr, td = table.add_row_cell() td.add_style("font-size: 14px") td.add("<br/>"*2) quick_links_wdg = QuickLinksWdg() td.add(quick_links_wdg) return top
def get_display(self): top = scan_path = "/tmp/scan" if not os.path.exists(scan_path): top.add("No results in current scan session") return top base_dir = "/home/apache" total_count = 0 mode = 'not' if mode == 'scan': # find all the files in the scanned data f = open(scan_path) data = jsonloads( ) f.close() elif mode == 'not': # find all of the files not in the scanned data f = open(scan_path) scan_data = jsonloads( ) f.close() data = {} count = 0 limit = 5000 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir): for file in files: total_count += 1 path = "%s/%s" % (root, file) if scan_data.get(path) == None: continue count +=1 if count > limit: break (mode, ino, dev, nlink, uid, gid, size, atime, mtime, ctime) = os.stat(path) data[path] = {"size": size} if count > limit: break elif mode == 'bad': data = {} count = 0 limit = 5000 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir): for file in files: path = "%s/%s" % (root, file) if not self.check_irregular(path): continue count +=1 if count > limit: break (mode, ino, dev, nlink, uid, gid, size, atime, mtime, ctime) = os.stat(path) data[path] = {"size": size} if count > limit: break elif mode == 'png': data = {} count = 0 limit = 5000 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir): for file in files: path = "%s/%s" % (root, file) if not path.endswith(".png"): continue count +=1 if count > limit: break (mode, ino, dev, nlink, uid, gid, size, atime, mtime, ctime) = os.stat(path) data[path] = {"size": size} if count > limit: break elif mode == 'custom': data = {} count = 0 limit = 5000 # What does this look like??? handler = Hander() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_dir): for file in files: path = "%s/%s" % (root, file) if not handler.validate(): continue count +=1 if count > limit: break (mode, ino, dev, nlink, uid, gid, size, atime, mtime, ctime) = os.stat(path) data[path] = {"size": size} if count > limit: break paths = data.keys() paths.sort() sobjects = [] for path in paths: sobject = SearchType.create("sthpw/virtual") basename = os.path.basename(path) dirname = os.path.dirname(path) reldir = dirname.replace("%s" % base_dir, "") basename = os.path.basename(path) dirname = os.path.dirname(path) reldir = dirname.replace("%s" % base_dir, "") if not reldir: reldir = ' ' else: reldir.lstrip("/") if not basename: basename = ' ' sobject.set_value("folder", reldir) sobject.set_value("file_name", basename) sobjects.append(sobject) info = data.get(path) if info: sobject.set_value("size", info.get("size")) from tactic.ui.panel import TableLayoutWdg element_names = ['folder','file_name', 'size'] #element_names.extend( list(tags_keys) ) #show_metadata = False #if not show_metadata: # element_names.remove('metadata') #config_xml = self.get_config_xml(list(tags_keys)) #layout = TableLayoutWdg(search_type='sthpw/virtual', view='report', element_names=element_names, mode='simple') #layout.set_sobjects(sobjects) #top.add(layout) top.add("Matched %s items of %s<br/>" % (len(sobjects), total_count) ) table = Table() table.add_color("color", "color") top.add(table) table.add_row() for element_name in element_names: title = Common.get_display_title(element_name) td = table.add_cell("<b>%s</b>" % title) td.add_border() td.add_color("color", "color", +5) td.add_gradient('background', 'background', -20) td.add_style("height: 20px") td.add_style("padding: 3px") for row, sobject in enumerate(sobjects): tr = table.add_row() if row % 2: background = tr.add_color("background", "background") else: background = tr.add_color("background", "background", -2) tr.add_attr("spt_background", background) for element_name in element_names: td = table.add_cell(sobject.get_value(element_name)) td.add_border() return top
def get_category_wdg(my, category, mode="new"): subscriptions = my.get_subscriptions(category, mode) if not subscriptions: return div = DivWdg() div.add_style("width: 100%") title_div = DivWdg() div.add(title_div) title_div.add_style("padding: 10px") title_div.add_border() title_div.add_color("background", "background3") title = category or "Subscriptions" title_div.add("%s " % title) summary_div = SpanWdg() title_div.add(summary_div) summary_div.add_style("font-size: 0.8em") summary_div.add_style("opacity: 0.5") search_keys = [x.get_search_key() for x in subscriptions] button = ActionButtonWdg(title="Clear All") div.add(button) button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'search_keys': search_keys, 'cbjs_action': ''' var server = TacticServerStub.get(); for (var i = 0; i < bvr.search_keys.length; i++) { var search_key = bvr.search_keys[i]; server.update(search_key, {'last_cleared':'NOW'}); spt.panel.refresh(bvr.src_el); } ''' } ) # types of subscriptions table = Table() table.add_style('width: 100%') table.add_border() table.add_color("background", "background3") div.add(table) ss = [] for subscription in subscriptions: table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() message_code = subscription.get_value("message_code") search = Search("sthpw/message") search.add_filter("code", message_code) message = search.get_sobject() # show the thumb if not message: if mode == "all": td = table.add_cell(FormatMessageWdg.get_preview_wdg(subscription)) td = table.add_cell() td.add("No Messages") continue size = 60 msg_element = FormatMessageWdg(subscription=subscription, short_format='true') # this is optional msg_element.set_sobject(message) description = msg_element.get_buffer_display() #td = table.add_cell() history_icon = IconButtonWdg(title="Subscription History", icon=IconWdg.HISTORY) #td.add(icon) message_code = subscription.get_value("message_code") history_icon.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'message_code': message_code, 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.FastTableLayoutWdg'; var message_code = bvr.message_code; var kwargs = { search_type: 'sthpw/message_log', show_shelf: false, expression: "@SOBJECT(sthpw/message_log['message_code','"+message_code+"'])", view: 'history' };;"Message History", "Message History", class_name, kwargs); ''' } ) # description can take up 70% td = table.add_cell() td.add_style("width: %spx"%(SubscriptionBarWdg.WIDTH*0.7)) desc_div = DivWdg() td.add(desc_div) desc_div.add(description) desc_div.add_style("padding: 0px 20px") td = table.add_cell() #td.add(message.get_value("status")) #td = table.add_cell() timestamp = message.get_datetime_value("timestamp") if timestamp: timestamp_str = timestamp.strftime("%b %d, %Y - %H:%M") else: timestamp_str = "" td.add(timestamp_str) #td = table.add_cell() #td.add(subscription.get_value("last_cleared")) td = table.add_cell() td.add(history_icon) td.add( td.add_style('width: 30px') icon = IconButtonWdg(title="Unsubscribe", icon=IconWdg.DELETE) td.add(icon) subscription_key = subscription.get_search_key() icon.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'search_key': subscription_key, 'message_code': message_code, 'cbjs_action': ''' if (!confirm("Unsubscribe from [" + bvr.message_code + "]?")) { return; } var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_subscription_top"); var server = TacticServerStub.get(); server.delete_sobject(bvr.search_key); spt.panel.refresh(top); ''' } ) ss.append(subscription) num_sobjects = len(ss) if not num_sobjects: return None summary_div.add("(%s changes)" % num_sobjects) #from tactic.ui.panel import FastTableLayoutWdg #table = FastTableLayoutWdg(search_type="sthpw/subscription",show_shelf=False) #div.add(table) #table.set_sobjects(ss) return div
def get_display(my): top = DivWdg() top.add_border() top.add_style("padding: 10px") top.add_color("color", "color") top.add_gradient("background", "background", 0, -5) #top.add_style("height: 550px") top.add_behavior( { 'type': 'load', 'cbjs_action': ''' spt.named_events.fire_event("side_bar|hide_now", {} ); ''' } ) project = Project.get() title = DivWdg() title.add("Project Startup and Configuration") title.add_style("font-size: 18px") title.add_style("font-weight: bold") title.add_style("text-align: center") title.add_style("padding: 10px") title.add_style("margin: -10px -10px 10px -10px") top.add(title) title.add_gradient("background", "background3", 5, -10) shelf = DivWdg() top.add(shelf) shelf.add_style("margin-left: -8px") shelf.add_style("width: 130px") button_div = DivWdg() shelf.add(button_div) button_div.add_style("float: left") button_div.add_style("margin-top: -3px") security = Environment.get_security() view_side_bar = security.check_access("builtin", "view_side_bar", "allow", default='allow') if view_side_bar: button = IconButtonWdg(title="Side Bar", icon=IconWdg.ARROW_LEFT) button_div.add(button) shelf.add("Toggle Side Bar") shelf.add_attr("title", "Toggle Side Bar (or press '1')") button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' spt.named_events.fire_event("side_bar|toggle"); ''' } ) shelf.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' spt.named_events.fire_event("side_bar|toggle"); ''' } ) shelf.add_class("hand") else: shelf.add(" ") search_wdg = Table() top.add(search_wdg) search_wdg.add_row() search_wdg.add_class("spt_main_top") search_wdg.add_style("padding: 10px") search_wdg.add_style("margin: 20px auto") search_wdg.add_style("width: 430px") td = search_wdg.add_cell("Search: ") td.add_style("vertical-align: top") td.add_style("padding-top: 8px") custom_cbk = {} custom_cbk['enter'] = ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_main_top"); var search_el = top.getElement(".spt_main_search"); var keywords = search_el.value; if (keywords != '') { var class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.ViewPanelWdg'; var kwargs = { 'search_type': 'sthpw/sobject_list', 'view': 'result_list', 'keywords': keywords, 'simple_search_view': 'simple_filter', //'show_shelf': false, };"Search Results", "Search Results", class_name, kwargs); } ''' from tactic.ui.input import TextInputWdg, LookAheadTextInputWdg #text = TextInputWdg(name="search") text = LookAheadTextInputWdg(name="search", custom_cbk=custom_cbk, width='280', height='42px') #text = TextWdg("search") text.add_class("spt_main_search") text.add_style("width: 290px") search_wdg.add_cell(text) search_wdg.add_style("font-weight: bold") search_wdg.add_style("font-size: 16px") icon_div = DivWdg() td = search_wdg.add_cell(icon_div) td.add_style("vertical-align: top") icon_div.add_style("width: 38px") icon_div.add_style("height: 27px") icon_div.add_style("padding-top: 7px") icon_div.add_style("padding-left: 4px") icon_div.add_style("text-align: center") #icon_div.add_gradient("background", "background3", 15, -10) icon_div.add_color("background", "background3", 10) over_color = icon_div.get_color("background3", 0) out_color = icon_div.get_color("background3", 10) icon_div.set_round_corners(5) icon_div.set_box_shadow("1px 1px 1px 1px") icon = IconWdg("Search", IconWdg.SEARCH_32, width=24) icon_div.add(icon) button = icon_div icon_div.add_class("hand") icon_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'mouseover', 'color': over_color, 'cbjs_action': ''' bvr.src_el.setStyle("background", bvr.color); ''' } ) icon_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'mouseout', 'color': out_color, 'cbjs_action': ''' bvr.src_el.setStyle("background", bvr.color); bvr.src_el.setStyle("box-shadow", "1px 1px 1px 1px #999"); bvr.src_el.setStyle("margin-top", "-5"); bvr.src_el.setStyle("margin-right", "0"); ''' } ) icon_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click', 'color': out_color, 'cbjs_action': ''' bvr.src_el.setStyle("box-shadow", "0px 0px 1px 1px #999"); bvr.src_el.setStyle("margin-top", "-3"); bvr.src_el.setStyle("margin-right", "-2"); ''' } ) icon_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'color': out_color, 'cbjs_action': ''' bvr.src_el.setStyle("box-shadow", "1px 1px 1px 1px #999"); bvr.src_el.setStyle("margin-top", "-5"); bvr.src_el.setStyle("margin-right", "0"); ''' } ) button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_main_top"); var search_el = top.getElement(".spt_main_search"); var keywords = search_el.value; if (keywords == '') { return; } var class_name = 'tactic.ui.panel.ViewPanelWdg'; var kwargs = { 'search_type': 'sthpw/sobject_list', 'view': 'result_list', 'keywords': keywords, 'simple_search_view': 'simple_filter', //'show_shelf': false, };"Search Results", "Search Results", class_name, kwargs); ''' } ) #desc = DivWdg() #top.add(desc) #desc.add("Dashboard") #desc.add_style("width: 600px") # create a bunch of panels table = Table() table.add_color("color", "color") table.add_style("margin-bottom: 20px") top.add(table) table.add_row() #security = Environment.get_security() #if not security.check_access("builtin", "view_site_admin", "allow"): td = table.add_cell() td.add_style("padding: 3px") td.add_style("vertical-align: top") title = "Configuration" #description = '''All TACTIC projects can be uniquely designed and managed using our configuration tools.''' description = '''Configure a Project from start to finish.''' image = "<img src='/context/icons/64x64/configuration_64.png'/>" behavior = { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': '''; var class_name = 'tactic.ui.startup.ProjectConfigWdg'; var kwargs = { help_alias: 'project-startup-configuration' };"project_configuration", "Configuration", class_name, kwargs); ''' } config_wdg = my.get_main_section_wdg(title, description, image, behavior) td.add(config_wdg) # Manage Users td = table.add_cell() td.add_style("vertical-align: top") td.add_style("padding: 3px") title = "Manage Users and Security" image = "<img src='/context/icons/64x64/dashboard_64.png'/>" image = DivWdg() image_link = "<div style='margin-bottom: -64px'><img src='/context/icons/64x64/lock_64.png'/></div>" image.add(image_link) image1 = IconWdg("Manage Users", IconWdg.USER_32) image2 = IconWdg("Manage Users", IconWdg.USER_32) image3 = IconWdg("Manage Users", IconWdg.USER_32) image4 = IconWdg("Manage Users", IconWdg.USER_32) image.add(image1) image.add(image2) image.add("<br/>") image.add(image3) image.add(image4) description = '''Manage users that can access the system''' behavior = { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': '''; var class_name = 'tactic.ui.startup.UserConfigWdg'; var kwargs = { help_alias: 'project-startup-manage-users' };"manage_user", "Manage Users", class_name, kwargs); ''' } manage_users_wdg = my.get_main_section_wdg(title, description, image, behavior) td.add(manage_users_wdg) # custom layout editor td = table.add_cell() td.add_style("padding: 3px") td.add_style("vertical-align: top") title = "Custom Layouts" description = '''Create interfaces using the Custom Layout Editor.''' image = "<img src='/context/icons/64x64/layout_64.png'/>" behavior = { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': '''; var class_name = ''; var kwargs = { help_alias: 'project-startup-configuration' };"custom_layout_editor", "Custom Layout Editor", class_name, kwargs); ''' } config_wdg = my.get_main_section_wdg(title, description, image, behavior) td.add(config_wdg) tr = table.add_row() # Plugins td = table.add_cell() td.add_style("vertical-align: top") td.add_style("padding: 3px") title = "Manage Plugin" image = IconWdg("Manage Plugin", IconWdg.PLUGIN_32) #image = "<img src='/context/icons/64x64/dashboard_64.png'/>" description = '''Upload, install, remove and create TACTIC plugins.''' behavior = { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = '';;"plugins", "Manage Plugin", class_name, kwargs); ''' } plugin_wdg = my.get_small_section_wdg(title, description, image, behavior) td.add(plugin_wdg) # Examples td = table.add_cell() td.add_style("vertical-align: top") td.add_style("padding: 3px") title = "Tools" image = IconWdg("Tools", IconWdg.SHARE_32) #image = "<img src='/context/icons/64x64/dashboard_64.png'/>" description = '''A collection of example views.''' behavior = { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = 'tactic.ui.startup.ToolsWdg';;"tools", "Tools", class_name, kwargs); ''' } share_wdg = my.get_small_section_wdg(title, description, image, behavior) td.add(share_wdg) # Share """ td = table.add_cell() td.add_style("vertical-align: top") td.add_style("padding: 3px") title = "Shares" image = IconWdg("Shares", IconWdg.SHARE_32) #image = "<img src='/context/icons/64x64/dashboard_64.png'/>" description = '''Share project with other TACTIC installs.''' behavior = { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = 'tactic.ui.startup.ShareWdg';;"shares", "Shares", class_name, kwargs); ''' } share_wdg = my.get_small_section_wdg(title, description, image, behavior) td.add(share_wdg) """ # Advanced td = table.add_cell() td.add_style("vertical-align: top") td.add_style("padding: 3px") title = "Advanced Setup" image = IconWdg("Advanced", IconWdg.ADVANCED_32) #image = "<img src='/context/icons/64x64/dashboard_64.png'/>" description = '''A set of advanced configuration tools.''' behavior = { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var class_name = '';"project_setup", "Project Setup", class_name) ''' } share_wdg = my.get_small_section_wdg(title, description, image, behavior) td.add(share_wdg) """ td = table.add_cell() td.add_style("vertical-align: top") td.add_style("padding: 3px") title = "Documentation" description = '''TACTIC Documentation. * Project Setup Documentation<br/> <br/> * End User Documentation<br/> <br/> * Developer Documentation<br/> <br/> * System Administrator Documentation<br/> <br/> ''' image = "<img src='/context/images/getting_started_pipeline.png'/>" behavior = { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': '''"main") ''' } doc_wdg = my.get_section_wdg(title, description, image, behavior) td.add(doc_wdg) """ tr, td = table.add_row_cell() td.add_style("font-size: 14px") td.add("<br/>") from misc_wdg import QuickLinksWdg quick_links_wdg = QuickLinksWdg() td.add(quick_links_wdg) #td = table.add_cell() #totals_wdg = my.get_totals_wdg() #td.add(totals_wdg) return top
def get_display(my): top = DivWdg() top.add_border() top.add_style("padding: 10px") top.add_color("color", "color") top.add_gradient("background", "background", 0, -5) #top.add_style("height: 550px") top.add_class("spt_reports_top") my.set_as_panel(top) inner = DivWdg() top.add(inner) title = DivWdg() title.add("Reports") title.add_style("font-size: 18px") title.add_style("font-weight: bold") title.add_style("text-align: center") title.add_style("padding: 10px") title.add_style("margin: -10px -10px 0px -10px") inner.add(title) title.add_gradient("background", "background3", 5, -10) from tactic.ui.widget import TitleWdg subtitle = TitleWdg(name_of_title='List of Built in Reports',help_alias='main') inner.add(subtitle) inner.add("<br/>") button_div = DivWdg() inner.add(button_div) button_div.add_class("spt_buttons_top") button_div.add_style("margin-top: -5px") button_div.add_style("margin-bottom: 30px") button_div.add_border() button_div.add_style("margin-top: -15px") button_div.add_style("margin-bottom: 0px") button_div.add_style("width: 100%") button_div.add_style("height: 33px") button_div.add_color("background", "background2") button_div.add_style("margin-left: auto") button_div.add_style("margin-right: auto") button = SingleButtonWdg(title="Collapse", icon=IconWdg.HOME) button_div.add(button) button.add_style("float: left") button.add_style("left: 5px") button.add_style("top: 5px") # FIXME: get home for the user #home = 'tactic.ui.startup.ContentCreatorWdg' home = 'tactic.ui.startup.MainWdg' button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': '''; var class_name = 'tactic.ui.startup.MainWdg'; var kwargs = { help_alias: 'main' };"_startup", "Startup", class_name, kwargs); ''' } ) """ button = SingleButtonWdg(title="Collapse", icon=IconWdg.ARROW_UP) button_div.add(button) button.add_class("spt_collapse") inner.add(button_div) button.add_style("float: left") button.add_style("left: 5px") button.add_style("top: 5px") button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_reports_top"); var element = top.getElement(".spt_reports_list"); var buttons = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_buttons_top"); expand = buttons.getElement(".spt_expand"); new Fx.Tween(element).start('margin-top', "-400px"); expand.setStyle("display", ""); bvr.src_el.setStyle("display", "none"); ''' } ) button = SingleButtonWdg(title="Expand", icon=IconWdg.ARROW_DOWN) button.add_style("display: none") button.add_class("spt_expand") button_div.add(button) button.add_style("left: 5px") button.add_style("top: 5px") inner.add(button_div) button.add_style("float: left") button.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'cbjs_action': ''' var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_reports_top"); var element = top.getElement(".spt_reports_list"); var buttons = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_buttons_top"); collapse = buttons.getElement(".spt_collapse"); new Fx.Tween(element).start('margin-top', "0px"); collapse.setStyle("display", ""); bvr.src_el.setStyle("display", "none"); ''' } ) """ reports = [] # read the config file from pyasm.widget import WidgetConfig tmp_path = __file__ dir_name = os.path.dirname(tmp_path) file_path="%s/../config/reports-conf.xml" % (dir_name) config = WidgetConfig.get(file_path=file_path, view="definition") category = my.kwargs.get('category') # get all of the configs from the database if not category or category in ["custom_reports", "custom_charts"]: search = Search("config/widget_config") search.add_op("begin") if category == "custom_reports": search.add_filter("widget_type", "report") elif category == "custom_charts": search.add_filter("widget_type", "chart") elif not category: search.add_filters("widget_type", ["chart","report"]) search.add_op("or") db_configs = search.get_sobjects() else: db_configs = [] element_names = my.kwargs.get("element_names") if element_names is None: element_names = config.get_element_names() project = Project.get() for element_name in element_names: key = {'project': project.get_code(), 'element': element_name} key2 = {'project': project.get_code(), 'element': '*'} key3 = {'element': element_name} key4 = {'element': '*'} keys = [key, key2, key3, key4] if not top.check_access("link", keys, "view", default="deny"): continue attrs = config.get_element_attributes(element_name) report_data = {} kwargs = config.get_display_options(element_name) class_name = kwargs.get('class_name') # the straight xml definition contains the sidebar class_name # with LinkWdg ... we shouldn't use this, so build the # element from scratch #xml = config.get_element_xml(element_name) from import WidgetDbConfig xml = WidgetDbConfig.build_xml_definition(class_name, kwargs) report_data['class_name'] = class_name report_data['kwargs'] = kwargs report_data['title'] = attrs.get("title") report_data['description'] = attrs.get("description") report_data['image'] = attrs.get("image") report_data['xml'] = xml reports.append(report_data) for db_config in db_configs: element_name = db_config.get_value("view") key = {'project': project.get_code(), 'element': element_name} key2 = {'project': project.get_code(), 'element': '*'} key3 = {'element': element_name} key4 = {'element': '*'} keys = [key, key2, key3, key4] if not top.check_access("link", keys, "view", default="deny"): continue report_data = {} view = db_config.get_value("view") kwargs = { 'view': view } parts = view.split(".") title = Common.get_display_title(parts[-1]) xml = db_config.get_value("config") report_data['class_name'] = "tactic.ui.panel.CustomLayoutWdg" report_data['kwargs'] = kwargs report_data['title'] = title report_data['description'] = title report_data['image'] = None report_data['xml'] = xml report_data['widget_type'] = db_config.get_value("widget_type") if report_data['widget_type'] == 'report': report_data['category'] = "custom_reports" elif report_data['widget_type'] == 'chart': report_data['category'] = "custom_charts" reports.append(report_data) """ report_data = { 'title': 'Tasks Completed This Week', 'class_name': 'tactic.ui.panel.ViewPanelWdg', 'kwargs': { 'search_type': 'sthpw/task', 'view': 'table' }, } reports.append(report_data) """ if category == 'list_item_reports' or not category: search_types = Project.get().get_search_types() for search_type in search_types: base_key = search_type.get_base_key() key = {'project': project.get_code(), 'code': base_key} key2 = {'project': project.get_code(), 'code': '*'} key3 = {'code': base_key} key4 = {'code': '*'} keys = [key, key2, key3, key4] if not top.check_access("search_type", keys, "view", default="deny"): continue if not SearchType.column_exists(base_key, "pipeline_code"): continue thumb_div = DivWdg() image = thumb_div thumb_div.add_border() thumb_div.set_box_shadow("1px 1px 1px 1px") thumb_div.add_style("width: 60px") thumb = ThumbWdg() thumb_div.add(thumb) thumb.set_sobject(search_type) thumb.set_icon_size(60) report_data = { 'title': '%s Workflow Status' % search_type.get_title(), 'description': 'Number of items in each process', 'class_name': '', 'kwargs': { 'search_type': base_key }, 'image': thumb_div } reports.append(report_data) report_data = { 'title': '%s Labor Cost Report' % search_type.get_title(), 'description': 'Labor Cost Breakdown for each Item', 'class_name': 'tactic.ui.panel.ViewPanelWdg', 'kwargs': { 'search_type': search_type.get_code(), 'view': "table", 'show_header': False, 'mode': 'simple', 'element_names': "preview,code,title,cost_breakdown,bid_hours,bid_cost,actual_hours,actual_cost,overbudget,variance" }, 'image': IconWdg("", IconWdg.REPORT_03) } reports.append(report_data) table2 = Table() inner.add(table2) table2.add_style("width: 100%") categories_div = DivWdg() td = table2.add_cell(categories_div) td.add_style("vertical-align: top") td.add_style("width: 200px") td.add_color("background", "background3") td.add_border() #categories_div.add_style("margin: -1px 0px 0px -1px") categories_div.add_style("padding-top: 10px") #categories_div.add_style("float: left") categories_div.add_color("color", "color3") categories = config.get_all_views() categories.insert(-1, "list_item_reports") categories.insert(-1, "custom_charts") categories.insert(-1, "custom_reports") table_div = DivWdg() td = table2.add_cell(table_div) td.add_style("vertical-align: top") table_div.add_class("spt_reports_list") table_div.add_border() table_div.add_color("background", "background", -5) table_div.add_style("min-height: 500px") for i, category in enumerate(categories): if i == len(categories) - 1: categories_div.add("<hr/>") config.set_view(category) element_names = config.get_element_names() if category == "definition": title = "All Reports" else: title = Common.get_display_title(category) category_div = DivWdg() categories_div.add(category_div) category_div.add(title) category_div.add_style("padding: 5px") category_div.add_class("hand") category_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'click_up', 'category': category, 'element_names': element_names, 'class_name': Common.get_full_class_name(my), 'cbjs_action': ''' var kwargs = { is_refresh: true, category: bvr.category, element_names: bvr.element_names } //spt.panel.refresh(top, kwargs); var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_reports_top"); spt.panel.load(top, bvr.class_name, kwargs); ''' } ) bgcolor = category_div.get_color("background3", -10) category_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'mouseover', 'bgcolor': bgcolor, 'cbjs_action': ''' bvr.src_el.setStyle("background", bvr.bgcolor); ''' } ) category_div.add_behavior( { 'type': 'mouseout', 'bgcolor': bgcolor, 'cbjs_action': ''' bvr.src_el.setStyle("background", ""); ''' } ) # create a bunch of panels table = Table() table_div.add(table) table.add_color("color", "color") table.add_style("margin-top: 20px") table_div.add_style("margin: -3px -3px -1px -2px") if not reports: tr = table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add("There are no reports defined.") td.add_style("padding: 50px") if my.kwargs.get("is_refresh") in ['true', True]: return inner else: return top for i, report in enumerate(reports): #if i == 0 or i%4 == 0: if i%3 == 0: tr = table.add_row() td = table.add_cell() td.add_style("vertical-align: top") td.add_style("padding: 3px") title = report #description = '''The schema is used to layout the basic components of your project. Each component represents a list of items that you use in your business everyday.''' description = report.get("title") # Each node will contain a list of "items" and will be stored as a table in the database.''' class_name = report.get("class_name") kwargs = report.get("kwargs") title = report.get("title") description = report.get("description") widget_type = report.get("widget_type") image = report.get("image") icon = report.get("icon") xml = report.get("xml") if image: div = DivWdg() if isinstance(image, basestring): image = image.upper() image = eval("IconWdg('', IconWdg.%s)" % image) div.add_style("margin-left: 15px") div.add_style("margin-top: 5px") else: image = image div.add(image) image = div elif icon: icon = icon.upper() image = eval("IconWdg('', IconWdg.%s)" % icon) else: div = DivWdg() """ import random num = random.randint(0,3) if num == 1: image = IconWdg("Bar Chart", IconWdg.GRAPH_BAR_01) elif num == 2: image = IconWdg("Bar Chart", IconWdg.GRAPH_LINE_01) else: image = IconWdg("Bar Chart", IconWdg.GRAPH_BAR_02) """ if widget_type == "chart": image = IconWdg("Chart", IconWdg.GRAPH_BAR_02) else: image = IconWdg("No Image", IconWdg.WARNING) div.add_style("margin-left: 15px") div.add_style("margin-top: 5px") div.add(image) image = div behavior = { 'type': 'click_up', 'title': title, 'class_name': class_name, 'kwargs': kwargs, 'cbjs_action': '''; //var top = bvr.src_el.getParent(".spt_reports_top"); //;, bvr.title, bvr.class_name, bvr.kwargs); ''' } schema_wdg = my.get_section_wdg(title, description, image, behavior) schema_wdg.add_behavior( { 'type': 'load', 'title': title, 'class_name': class_name, 'xml': xml, 'kwargs': kwargs, 'cbjs_action': ''' var report_top = bvr.src_el; report_top.kwargs = bvr.kwargs; report_top.class_name = bvr.class_name; report_top.element_name = bvr.title; report_top.xml = bvr.xml; ''' } ) td.add(schema_wdg) inner.add("<br/>") #from tactic.ui.container import TabWdg #tab = TabWdg(show_add=False) #inner.add(tab) if my.kwargs.get("is_refresh") in ['true', True]: return inner else: return top