def __init__(self, option=settings.AZURE_FILES): """Constructor. Constructs object using dictionary either specified in contucotr or in settings.AZURE_FILES. @param option dictionary with 'account_name', 'key', 'container_name', 'base_url' keys. option['account_name'] Azure account to work with option['key'] Secret authentication key for the azure storage account option['container_name'] Container in which to store the files option['base_url'] Url prefix used with filenames. Should be mapped to the view, that returns an image as result. """ if not option or not (option.has_key('account_name') and option.has_key('key') and option.has_key('container_name') and option.has_key('base_url') ): raise ValueError("You didn't specify required options") for key in self.CONFIG_KEYS: setattr(self, key, option.get(key, False)) # create storage connection self.connection = pyazure.PyAzure(self.account_name, self.key) self.access_signature = BlobSharedAccessSignature(self.account_name, self.key) # create container if neccessary for cont in self.connection.blobs.list_containers(): if cont[0] == self.container_name: return self.connection.blobs.create_container(self.container_name, not self.is_private)
class AzureBlockStorage(Storage): """ Class AzureBlockStorage provides storing files in Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. """ CONFIG_KEYS = ['account_name', 'key', 'container_name', 'base_url', 'is_private'] def __init__(self, option=settings.AZURE_FILES): """Constructor. Constructs object using dictionary either specified in contucotr or in settings.AZURE_FILES. @param option dictionary with 'account_name', 'key', 'container_name', 'base_url' keys. option['account_name'] Azure account to work with option['key'] Secret authentication key for the azure storage account option['container_name'] Container in which to store the files option['base_url'] Url prefix used with filenames. Should be mapped to the view, that returns an image as result. """ if not option or not (option.has_key('account_name') and option.has_key('key') and option.has_key('container_name') and option.has_key('base_url') ): raise ValueError("You didn't specify required options") for key in self.CONFIG_KEYS: setattr(self, key, option.get(key, False)) # create storage connection self.connection = pyazure.PyAzure(self.account_name, self.key) self.access_signature = BlobSharedAccessSignature(self.account_name, self.key) # create container if neccessary for cont in self.connection.blobs.list_containers(): if cont[0] == self.container_name: return self.connection.blobs.create_container(self.container_name, not self.is_private) def _open(self, name, mode='rb'): """Open a file from database. @param name filename or relative path to file based on base_url. path should contain only "/", but not "\". Apache sends pathes with "/". If there is no such file in the db, returs None """ if not self.exists(name): return None try: inMemFile = StringIO.StringIO(self.connection.blobs.get_blob(self.container_name, name)) = name inMemFile.mode = mode return File(inMemFile) except: return None def _save(self, name, content): """Save 'content' as file named 'name'. """ if hasattr(content, 'chunks'): content_str = ''.join(chunk for chunk in content.chunks()) else: content_str = self.connection.blobs.put_blob(self.container_name, str(name), content_str, mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0]) return name def exists(self, name): for blob in self.connection.blobs.list_blobs(self.container_name): if blob[0] == name: return True return False def get_available_name(self, name): return super(AzureBlockStorage, self).get_available_name(name.replace('\\', '/')) def delete(self, name): if self.exists(name): self.connection.blobs.delete_blob(self.container_name, name) def url(self, name): if self.base_url is None: raise ValueError("This file is not accessible via a URL.") url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, name).replace('\\', '/') if self.is_private: url += '?' + self.access_signature.create_signed_qs(self.container_name, name) return url def size(self, name): for blob in self.connection.blobs.list_blobs(self.container_name): if blob[0] == name: return blob[3] return 0
class AzureBlockStorage(Storage): """ Class AzureBlockStorage provides storing files in Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. """ CONFIG_KEYS = ['account_name', 'key', 'container_name', 'base_url', 'is_private'] def __init__(self, option=settings.AZURE_FILES): """Constructor. Constructs object using dictionary either specified in contucotr or in settings.AZURE_FILES. @param option dictionary with 'account_name', 'key', 'container_name', 'base_url' keys. option['account_name'] Azure account to work with option['key'] Secret authentication key for the azure storage account option['container_name'] Container in which to store the files option['base_url'] Url prefix used with filenames. Should be mapped to the view, that returns an image as result. """ if not option or not (option.has_key('account_name') and option.has_key('key') and option.has_key('container_name') and option.has_key('base_url') ): raise ValueError("You didn't specify required options") for key in self.CONFIG_KEYS: setattr(self, key, option.get(key, False)) # create storage connection self.connection = pyazure.PyAzure(self.account_name, self.key) self.access_signature = BlobSharedAccessSignature(self.account_name, self.key) # create container if neccessary for cont in self.connection.blobs.list_containers(): if cont[0] == self.container_name: return self.connection.blobs.create_container(self.container_name, not self.is_private) def _open(self, name, mode='rb'): """Open a file from database. @param name filename or relative path to file based on base_url. path should contain only "/", but not "\". Apache sends pathes with "/". If there is no such file in the db, returs None """ if not self.exists(name): return None try: inMemFile = StringIO.StringIO(self.connection.blobs.get_blob(self.container_name, name)) = name inMemFile.mode = mode return File(inMemFile) except: return None def _save(self, name, content): """Save 'content' as file named 'name'. """ if hasattr(content, 'chunks'): content_str = ''.join(chunk for chunk in content.chunks()) else: content_str = self.connection.blobs.put_blob(self.container_name, str(name), content_str, mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0]) return name def _get_prefix(self, name): prefix = '' if '/' in name: prefix = name.rsplit('/', 1)[0] return prefix def exists(self, name): for blob in self.connection.blobs.list_blobs( self.container_name, prefix=self._get_prefix(name)): if blob[0] == name: return True return False def get_available_name(self, name): return super(AzureBlockStorage, self).get_available_name(name.replace('\\', '/')) def delete(self, name): if self.exists(name): self.connection.blobs.delete_blob(self.container_name, name) def url(self, name): if self.base_url is None: raise ValueError("This file is not accessible via a URL.") url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, name).replace('\\', '/') if self.is_private: url += '?' + self.access_signature.create_signed_qs(self.container_name, name) return url def size(self, name): for blob in self.connection.blobs.list_blobs( self.container_name, prefix=self._get_prefix(name)): if blob[0] == name: return blob[3] return 0