Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, option=settings.AZURE_FILES):
     Constructs object using dictionary either specified in contucotr or in settings.AZURE_FILES. 
     @param option dictionary with 'account_name', 'key', 'container_name', 'base_url'  keys. 
         Azure account to work with
         Secret authentication key for the azure storage account
         Container in which to store the files
         Url prefix used with filenames. Should be mapped to the view, that returns an image as result. 
     if not option or not (option.has_key('account_name') and option.has_key('key') and option.has_key('container_name') and option.has_key('base_url') ):
         raise ValueError("You didn't specify required options")
     for key in self.CONFIG_KEYS:
         setattr(self, key, option.get(key, False))
     # create storage connection
     self.connection = pyazure.PyAzure(self.account_name, self.key)
     self.access_signature = BlobSharedAccessSignature(self.account_name, self.key)
     # create container if neccessary
     for cont in self.connection.blobs.list_containers():
         if cont[0] == self.container_name:
     self.connection.blobs.create_container(self.container_name, not self.is_private)
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self, option=settings.AZURE_FILES):
     Constructs object using dictionary either specified in contucotr or in settings.AZURE_FILES. 
     @param option dictionary with 'account_name', 'key', 'container_name', 'base_url'  keys. 
         Azure account to work with
         Secret authentication key for the azure storage account
         Container in which to store the files
         Url prefix used with filenames. Should be mapped to the view, that returns an image as result. 
     if not option or not (option.has_key('account_name') and option.has_key('key') and option.has_key('container_name') and option.has_key('base_url') ):
         raise ValueError("You didn't specify required options")
     for key in self.CONFIG_KEYS:
         setattr(self, key, option.get(key, False))
     # create storage connection
     self.connection = pyazure.PyAzure(self.account_name, self.key)
     self.access_signature = BlobSharedAccessSignature(self.account_name, self.key)
     # create container if neccessary
     for cont in self.connection.blobs.list_containers():
         if cont[0] == self.container_name:
     self.connection.blobs.create_container(self.container_name, not self.is_private)
Exemple #3
class AzureBlockStorage(Storage):
    Class AzureBlockStorage provides storing files in Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. 
    CONFIG_KEYS = ['account_name', 'key', 'container_name', 'base_url', 'is_private']

    def __init__(self, option=settings.AZURE_FILES):
        Constructs object using dictionary either specified in contucotr or in settings.AZURE_FILES. 
        @param option dictionary with 'account_name', 'key', 'container_name', 'base_url'  keys. 
            Azure account to work with
            Secret authentication key for the azure storage account
            Container in which to store the files
            Url prefix used with filenames. Should be mapped to the view, that returns an image as result. 
        if not option or not (option.has_key('account_name') and option.has_key('key') and option.has_key('container_name') and option.has_key('base_url') ):
            raise ValueError("You didn't specify required options")
        for key in self.CONFIG_KEYS:
            setattr(self, key, option.get(key, False))
        # create storage connection
        self.connection = pyazure.PyAzure(self.account_name, self.key)
        self.access_signature = BlobSharedAccessSignature(self.account_name, self.key)
        # create container if neccessary
        for cont in self.connection.blobs.list_containers():
            if cont[0] == self.container_name:
        self.connection.blobs.create_container(self.container_name, not self.is_private)

    def _open(self, name, mode='rb'):
        """Open a file from database. 
        @param name filename or relative path to file based on base_url. path should contain only "/", but not "\". Apache sends pathes with "/".
        If there is no such file in the db, returs None
        if not self.exists(name):
            return None
            inMemFile = StringIO.StringIO(self.connection.blobs.get_blob(self.container_name, name))
            inMemFile.name = name
            inMemFile.mode = mode
            return File(inMemFile)
            return None

    def _save(self, name, content):
        """Save 'content' as file named 'name'.
        if hasattr(content, 'chunks'):
            content_str = ''.join(chunk for chunk in content.chunks())
            content_str = content.read()
        self.connection.blobs.put_blob(self.container_name, str(name), content_str,
        return name

    def exists(self, name):
        for blob in self.connection.blobs.list_blobs(self.container_name):
            if blob[0] == name:
                return True
        return False

    def get_available_name(self, name):
        return super(AzureBlockStorage, self).get_available_name(name.replace('\\', '/'))

    def delete(self, name):
        if self.exists(name):
            self.connection.blobs.delete_blob(self.container_name, name)

    def url(self, name):
        if self.base_url is None:
            raise ValueError("This file is not accessible via a URL.")
        url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, name).replace('\\', '/')
        if self.is_private:
            url += '?' + self.access_signature.create_signed_qs(self.container_name, name)
        return url
    def size(self, name):
        for blob in self.connection.blobs.list_blobs(self.container_name):
            if blob[0] == name:
                return blob[3]
        return 0
Exemple #4
class AzureBlockStorage(Storage):
    Class AzureBlockStorage provides storing files in Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. 
    CONFIG_KEYS = ['account_name', 'key', 'container_name', 'base_url', 'is_private']

    def __init__(self, option=settings.AZURE_FILES):
        Constructs object using dictionary either specified in contucotr or in settings.AZURE_FILES. 
        @param option dictionary with 'account_name', 'key', 'container_name', 'base_url'  keys. 
            Azure account to work with
            Secret authentication key for the azure storage account
            Container in which to store the files
            Url prefix used with filenames. Should be mapped to the view, that returns an image as result. 
        if not option or not (option.has_key('account_name') and option.has_key('key') and option.has_key('container_name') and option.has_key('base_url') ):
            raise ValueError("You didn't specify required options")
        for key in self.CONFIG_KEYS:
            setattr(self, key, option.get(key, False))
        # create storage connection
        self.connection = pyazure.PyAzure(self.account_name, self.key)
        self.access_signature = BlobSharedAccessSignature(self.account_name, self.key)
        # create container if neccessary
        for cont in self.connection.blobs.list_containers():
            if cont[0] == self.container_name:
        self.connection.blobs.create_container(self.container_name, not self.is_private)

    def _open(self, name, mode='rb'):
        """Open a file from database. 
        @param name filename or relative path to file based on base_url. path should contain only "/", but not "\". Apache sends pathes with "/".
        If there is no such file in the db, returs None
        if not self.exists(name):
            return None
            inMemFile = StringIO.StringIO(self.connection.blobs.get_blob(self.container_name, name))
            inMemFile.name = name
            inMemFile.mode = mode
            return File(inMemFile)
            return None

    def _save(self, name, content):
        """Save 'content' as file named 'name'.
        if hasattr(content, 'chunks'):
            content_str = ''.join(chunk for chunk in content.chunks())
            content_str = content.read()
        self.connection.blobs.put_blob(self.container_name, str(name), content_str,
        return name

    def _get_prefix(self, name):
        prefix = ''
        if '/' in name:
            prefix = name.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
        return prefix

    def exists(self, name):
        for blob in self.connection.blobs.list_blobs(
            self.container_name, prefix=self._get_prefix(name)):
            if blob[0] == name:
                return True
        return False

    def get_available_name(self, name):
        return super(AzureBlockStorage, self).get_available_name(name.replace('\\', '/'))

    def delete(self, name):
        if self.exists(name):
            self.connection.blobs.delete_blob(self.container_name, name)

    def url(self, name):
        if self.base_url is None:
            raise ValueError("This file is not accessible via a URL.")
        url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, name).replace('\\', '/')
        if self.is_private:
            url += '?' + self.access_signature.create_signed_qs(self.container_name, name)
        return url
    def size(self, name):
        for blob in self.connection.blobs.list_blobs(
            self.container_name, prefix=self._get_prefix(name)):
            if blob[0] == name:
                return blob[3]
        return 0