def setUp(self): options = { 'hostname': '', 'pair': 'XBTZAR' } key = 'mykey' secret = 'mysecret' self.api = BitX(key, secret, options) self.auth_string = TestAPICalls.make_auth_header(self.api.auth)
def testConstructURLWithHost(self): options = { 'hostname': 'localhost', } api = BitX('', '', options) url = api.construct_url('test') self.assertEqual(url, 'https://localhost/api/1/test')
def testConstructURLWithPort(self): options = { 'port': 40000 } api = BitX('', '', options) url = api.construct_url('test') self.assertEqual(url, '')
def testCustomOptionsAndAuth(self): options = {'hostname': 'localhost', 'port': 8000, 'pair': 'XBTUSD'} key = 'abc' secret = '123' api = BitX(key, secret, options) self.assertEqual(api.hostname, options['hostname']) self.assertEqual(api.port, options['port']) self.assertEqual(api.pair, options['pair']) self.assertEqual(api.auth, (key, secret))
def testCustomOptionsAndAuth(self): options = {'hostname': 'localhost', 'port': 8000, 'pair': 'XBTUSD'} key = 'cnz2yjswbv3jd' secret = '0hydMZDb9HRR3Qq-iqALwZtXLkbLR4fWxtDZvkB9h4I' api = BitX(key, secret, options) self.assertEqual(api.hostname, options['hostname']) self.assertEqual(api.port, options['port']) self.assertEqual(api.pair, options['pair']) self.assertEqual(api.auth, (key, secret))
def runDemo(): user = '' password = '' auth = 'BITX_KEY' in os.environ and 'BITX_SECRET' in os.environ if auth: user = os.environ['BITX_KEY'] password = os.environ['BITX_SECRET'] else: print "Note: I couldn't find a BITX_KEY environment variable. This means that none of the API queries\nthat " \ "require authentication will work. I'll carry on anyway, but make sure your credentials are available " \ "in the BITX_KEY and BITX_SECRET environment variables and run this demo again" api = BitX(user, password) kind = 'auth' if auth else 'none' format_call(' Ticker ', api.get_ticker(kind)) format_call('All Tickers', api.get_all_tickers(kind)) format_call('Order book ', api.get_order_book(5, kind)) format_call(' Trades ', api.get_trades(10, kind)) if auth: format_call(' Orders ', api.get_orders()) format_call('Funding address', api.get_funding_address('XBT')) format_call(' Balance ', api.get_balance())
def testConstructor(self): api = BitX('', '', {}) self.assertTrue(isinstance(api, BitX))
class TestAPICalls(unittest.TestCase): @staticmethod def make_auth_header(auth): s = ':'.join(auth) k = base64.b64encode(s) return 'Basic %s' % (k, ) def setUp(self): options = {'hostname': '', 'pair': 'XBTZAR'} key = 'mykey' secret = 'mysecret' self.api = BitX(key, secret, options) self.auth_string = TestAPICalls.make_auth_header(self.api.auth) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testHeaders(self, m): headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Accept-Charset': 'utf-8', 'User-Agent': 'py-bitx v' + api.__version__ } m.get('', json={'success': True}, request_headers=headers) result = self.api.get_ticker() self.assertTrue(result['success']) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testTickerCall(self, m): response = { "ask": "1050.00", "timestamp": 1366224386716, "bid": "924.00", "rolling_24_hour_volume": "12.52", "last_trade": "950.00" } m.get('', json=response) result = self.api.get_ticker() self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testInvalidTickerCall(self, m): response = { "error": "Invalid currency pair.", "error_code": "ErrInvalidPair" } m.get('', json=response) url = '' try: self.api.get_ticker()'Exception not thrown') except BitXAPIError as e: self.assertEqual(e.code, 200) self.assertEqual(e.url, url + '?pair=' + self.api.pair) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testAllTickers(self, m): response = { "tickers": [{ "timestamp": 1448572753005, "bid": "72630.00", "ask": "78345.00", "last_trade": "72630.00", "rolling_24_hour_volume": "0.00", "pair": "XBTNGN" }, { "timestamp": 1448572752955, "bid": "1451.00", "ask": "1465.00", "last_trade": "1453.00", "rolling_24_hour_volume": "155.025742", "pair": "XBTMYR" }, { "timestamp": 1448572752983, "bid": "4899.00", "ask": "4900.00", "last_trade": "4900.00", "rolling_24_hour_volume": "142.516363", "pair": "XBTZAR" }] } m.get('', json=response) result = self.api.get_all_tickers() self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testOrderBook(self, m): response = { "timestamp": 1366305398592, "bids": [{ "volume": "0.10", "price": "1100.00" }, { "volume": "0.10", "price": "1000.00" }, { "volume": "0.10", "price": "900.00" }], "asks": [{ "volume": "0.10", "price": "1180.00" }, { "volume": "0.10", "price": "2000.00" }] } m.get('', json=response) result = self.api.get_order_book() self.assertDictEqual(result, response) result = self.api.get_order_book(1) self.assertDictEqual( result, { "timestamp": 1366305398592, "bids": [{ "volume": "0.10", "price": "1100.00" }], "asks": [{ "volume": "0.10", "price": "1180.00" }] }) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testTrades(self, m): response = { "trades": [{ "volume": "0.10", "timestamp": 1366052621774, "price": "1000.00" }, { "volume": "1.20", "timestamp": 1366052621770, "price": "1020.50" }] } m.get('', json=response) result = self.api.get_trades() self.assertDictEqual(result, response) result = self.api.get_trades(1) self.assertDictEqual(result, {"trades": [response['trades'][0]]}) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testListOrdersAuth(self, m): response = { "orders": [{ "base": "0.027496", "counter": "81.140696", "creation_timestamp": 1423990327333, "expiration_timestamp": 0, "fee_base": "0.00", "fee_counter": "0.00", "limit_price": "2951.00", "limit_volume": "0.027496", "order_id": "BXF3J88PZAYGXH7", "pair": "XBTZAR", "state": "COMPLETE", "type": "ASK", }] } url = '' m.get(url, json=response, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.get_orders() self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testListOrdersUnAuth(self, m): url = '' m.get(url, text='', status_code=401) try: self.api.get_orders(kind='basic')'Exception not thrown') except BitXAPIError as e: self.assertEqual(e.code, 401) self.assertEqual(e.url, url) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testListOrdersAuth(self, m): response = { "order_id": "BXHW6PFRRXKFSB4", "creation_timestamp": 1402866878367, "expiration_timestamp": 0, "type": "ASK", "state": "PENDING", "limit_price": "6500.00", "limit_volume": "0.05", "base": "0.03", "counter": "195.02", "fee_base": "0.000", "fee_counter": "0.00", "trades": [{ "price": "6501.00", "timestamp": 1402866878467, "volume": "0.02" }, { "price": "6500.00", "timestamp": 1402866878567, "volume": "0.01" }], } url = '' m.get(url, json=response, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.get_order('BXHW6PFRRXKFSB4') self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testFundingAddresses(self, m): response = { "asset": "XBT", "address": "1GVZeHQVCkJfKLz2pL5LiPeAKwdMXrgoNs", "name": "", "account_id": "123456", "assigned_at": 1412659801000, "total_received": "0.67", "total_unconfirmed": "0.00" } url = '' m.get(url, json=response, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.get_funding_address('XBT') self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testWithdrawalsStatus(self, m): response = { "withdrawals": [{ "status": "PENDING", "id": "2221" }, { "status": "COMPLETED", "id": "1121" }] } url = '' m.get(url, json=response, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.get_withdrawals_status() self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testWithdrawalsStatus(self, m): response = {"status": "COMPLETED", "id": "1121"} url = '' m.get(url, json=response, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.get_withdrawals_status("1121") self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testBalance(self, m): response = { "balance": [{ "account_id": "1224342323", "asset": "XBT", "balance": "1.012423", "reserved": "0.01", "unconfirmed": "0.421", "name": "XBT Account" }, { "account_id": "2997473", "asset": "ZAR", "balance": "1000.00", "reserved": "0.00", "unconfirmed": "0.00", "name": "ZAR Account" }] } url = '' m.get(url, json=response, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.get_balance() self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testTransactions(self, m): trec = [{ "row_index": 2, "timestamp": 1429908835000, "balance": 0.08, "available": 0.08, "balance_delta": -0.02, "available_delta": -0.02, "currency": "XBT", "description": "Sold 0.02 BTC" }, { "row_index": 1, "timestamp": 1429908701000, "balance": 0.1, "available": 0.1, "balance_delta": 0.1, "available_delta": 0.1, "currency": "XBT", "description": "Bought 0.1 BTC" }] url = '' m.get(url, json={ "id": "319232323", "transactions": trec }, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) m.get(url + '?max_row=1', json={ "id": "319232323", "transactions": [trec[0]] }, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) m.get(url + '?min_row=2', json={ "id": "319232323", "transactions": [trec[1]] }, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.get_transactions('319232323') self.assertDictEqual(result, {"id": "319232323", "transactions": trec}) result = self.api.get_transactions('319232323', max_row=1) self.assertDictEqual(result, { "id": "319232323", "transactions": [trec[0]] }) result = self.api.get_transactions('319232323', 1, 1) self.assertDictEqual(result, { "id": "319232323", "transactions": [trec[0]] }) result = self.api.get_transactions('319232323', min_row=2) self.assertDictEqual(result, { "id": "319232323", "transactions": [trec[1]] }) result = self.api.get_transactions('319232323', 2, 2) self.assertDictEqual(result, { "id": "319232323", "transactions": [trec[1]] }) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testPending(self, m): response = { "id": "319232323", "pending": [{ "timestamp": 1429908835000, "balance": 0.03, "available": 0.03, "balance_delta": 0.03, "available_delta": 0.03, "currency": "XBT", "description": "Received Bitcoin - 1 of 3 confirmations" }] } url = '' m.get(url, json=response, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.get_pending_transactions('319232323') self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testCreateOrder(self, m): response = {"order_id": "BXMC2CJ7HNB88U4"} url = '', json=response, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.create_limit_order('buy', 0.1, 500) data = { s.split('=')[0]: s.split('=')[1] for s in m.request_history[0].text.split('&') } self.assertEqual(data['pair'], 'XBTZAR') self.assertEqual(data['volume'], '0.1') self.assertEqual(data['price'], '500') self.assertDictEqual(result, response)
def testConstructURL(self): api = BitX('', '') url = api.construct_url('test') self.assertEqual(url, '')
def testOptions(self): api = BitX('', '') self.assertEqual(api.hostname, '') self.assertEqual(api.port, 443) self.assertEqual(api.pair, 'XBTZAR')
class TestAPICalls(unittest.TestCase): @staticmethod def make_auth_header(auth): s = ':'.join(auth) k = base64.b64encode(s) return 'Basic %s' % (k,) def setUp(self): options = { 'hostname': '', 'pair': 'XBTZAR' } key = 'mykey' secret = 'mysecret' self.api = BitX(key, secret, options) self.auth_string = TestAPICalls.make_auth_header(self.api.auth) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testHeaders(self, m): headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Accept-Charset': 'utf-8', 'User-Agent': 'py-bitx v' + api.__version__ } m.get('', json={'success': True}, request_headers=headers) result = self.api.get_ticker() self.assertTrue(result['success']) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testTickerCall(self, m): response = { "ask": "1050.00", "timestamp": 1366224386716, "bid": "924.00", "rolling_24_hour_volume": "12.52", "last_trade": "950.00" } m.get('', json=response) result = self.api.get_ticker() self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testInvalidTickerCall(self, m): response = {"error": "Invalid currency pair.", "error_code": "ErrInvalidPair"} m.get('', json=response) url = '' try: self.api.get_ticker()'Exception not thrown') except BitXAPIError as e: self.assertEqual(e.code, 200) self.assertEqual(e.url, url + '?pair=' + self.api.pair) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testAllTickers(self, m): response = {"tickers": [ {"timestamp": 1448572753005, "bid": "72630.00", "ask": "78345.00", "last_trade": "72630.00", "rolling_24_hour_volume": "0.00", "pair": "XBTNGN"}, {"timestamp": 1448572752955, "bid": "1451.00", "ask": "1465.00", "last_trade": "1453.00", "rolling_24_hour_volume": "155.025742", "pair": "XBTMYR"}, {"timestamp": 1448572752983, "bid": "4899.00", "ask": "4900.00", "last_trade": "4900.00", "rolling_24_hour_volume": "142.516363", "pair": "XBTZAR"} ]} m.get('', json=response) result = self.api.get_all_tickers() self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testOrderBook(self, m): response = { "timestamp": 1366305398592, "bids": [ { "volume": "0.10", "price": "1100.00" }, { "volume": "0.10", "price": "1000.00" }, { "volume": "0.10", "price": "900.00" } ], "asks": [ { "volume": "0.10", "price": "1180.00" }, { "volume": "0.10", "price": "2000.00" } ] } m.get('', json=response) result = self.api.get_order_book() self.assertDictEqual(result, response) result = self.api.get_order_book(1) self.assertDictEqual(result, { "timestamp": 1366305398592, "bids": [ { "volume": "0.10", "price": "1100.00" } ], "asks": [ { "volume": "0.10", "price": "1180.00" } ] }) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testTrades(self, m): response = { "trades": [ { "volume": "0.10", "timestamp": 1366052621774, "price": "1000.00" }, { "volume": "1.20", "timestamp": 1366052621770, "price": "1020.50" } ] } m.get('', json=response) result = self.api.get_trades() self.assertDictEqual(result, response) result = self.api.get_trades(1) self.assertDictEqual(result, {"trades": [response['trades'][0]]} ) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testListOrdersAuth(self, m): response = { "orders": [ { "base": "0.027496", "counter": "81.140696", "creation_timestamp": 1423990327333, "expiration_timestamp": 0, "fee_base": "0.00", "fee_counter": "0.00", "limit_price": "2951.00", "limit_volume": "0.027496", "order_id": "BXF3J88PZAYGXH7", "pair": "XBTZAR", "state": "COMPLETE", "type": "ASK", } ] } url = '' m.get(url, json=response, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.get_orders() self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testListOrdersUnAuth(self, m): url = '' m.get(url, text='', status_code=401) try: self.api.get_orders(kind='basic')'Exception not thrown') except BitXAPIError as e: self.assertEqual(e.code, 401) self.assertEqual(e.url, url) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testListOrdersAuth(self, m): response = { "order_id": "BXHW6PFRRXKFSB4", "creation_timestamp": 1402866878367, "expiration_timestamp": 0, "type": "ASK", "state": "PENDING", "limit_price": "6500.00", "limit_volume": "0.05", "base": "0.03", "counter": "195.02", "fee_base": "0.000", "fee_counter": "0.00", "trades": [ { "price": "6501.00", "timestamp": 1402866878467, "volume": "0.02" }, { "price": "6500.00", "timestamp": 1402866878567, "volume": "0.01" } ], } url = '' m.get(url, json=response, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.get_order('BXHW6PFRRXKFSB4') self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testFundingAddresses(self, m): response = {"asset": "XBT", "address": "1GVZeHQVCkJfKLz2pL5LiPeAKwdMXrgoNs", "name": "", "account_id": "123456", "assigned_at": 1412659801000, "total_received": "0.67", "total_unconfirmed": "0.00"} url = '' m.get(url, json=response, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.get_funding_address('XBT') self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testWithdrawalsStatus(self, m): response = { "withdrawals": [ { "status": "PENDING", "id": "2221" }, { "status": "COMPLETED", "id": "1121" } ] } url = '' m.get(url, json=response, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.get_withdrawals_status() self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testWithdrawalsStatus(self, m): response = {"status": "COMPLETED", "id": "1121"} url = '' m.get(url, json=response, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.get_withdrawals_status("1121") self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testBalance(self, m): response = { "balance": [ { "account_id": "1224342323", "asset": "XBT", "balance": "1.012423", "reserved": "0.01", "unconfirmed": "0.421", "name": "XBT Account" }, { "account_id": "2997473", "asset": "ZAR", "balance": "1000.00", "reserved": "0.00", "unconfirmed": "0.00", "name": "ZAR Account" } ] } url = '' m.get(url, json=response, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.get_balance() self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testTransactions(self, m): trec = [ { "row_index": 2, "timestamp": 1429908835000, "balance": 0.08, "available": 0.08, "balance_delta": -0.02, "available_delta": -0.02, "currency": "XBT", "description": "Sold 0.02 BTC" }, { "row_index": 1, "timestamp": 1429908701000, "balance": 0.1, "available": 0.1, "balance_delta": 0.1, "available_delta": 0.1, "currency": "XBT", "description": "Bought 0.1 BTC" } ] url = '' m.get(url, json={"id": "319232323", "transactions": trec}, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) m.get(url+'?max_row=1', json={"id": "319232323", "transactions": [trec[0]]}, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) m.get(url+'?min_row=2', json={"id": "319232323", "transactions": [trec[1]]}, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.get_transactions('319232323') self.assertDictEqual(result, {"id": "319232323", "transactions": trec}) result = self.api.get_transactions('319232323', max_row=1) self.assertDictEqual(result, {"id": "319232323", "transactions": [trec[0]]}) result = self.api.get_transactions('319232323', 1, 1) self.assertDictEqual(result, {"id": "319232323", "transactions": [trec[0]]}) result = self.api.get_transactions('319232323', min_row=2) self.assertDictEqual(result, {"id": "319232323", "transactions": [trec[1]]}) result = self.api.get_transactions('319232323', 2, 2) self.assertDictEqual(result, {"id": "319232323", "transactions": [trec[1]]}) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testPending(self, m): response = { "id": "319232323", "pending": [ { "timestamp": 1429908835000, "balance": 0.03, "available": 0.03, "balance_delta": 0.03, "available_delta": 0.03, "currency": "XBT", "description": "Received Bitcoin - 1 of 3 confirmations" } ] } url = '' m.get(url, json=response, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.get_pending_transactions('319232323') self.assertDictEqual(result, response) @requests_mock.Mocker() def testCreateOrder(self, m): response = { "order_id": "BXMC2CJ7HNB88U4" } url = '', json=response, request_headers={'Authorization': self.auth_string}) result = self.api.create_limit_order('buy', 0.1, 500) data = {s.split('=')[0]:s.split('=')[1] for s in m.request_history[0].text.split('&')} self.assertEqual(data['pair'], 'XBTZAR') self.assertEqual(data['volume'], '0.1') self.assertEqual(data['price'], '500') self.assertDictEqual(result, response)
def setup_api(): # Log in to Luno, Settings, API codes, Generate new, Specify permitions, copy username and password code. user = '******' password = '******' api = BitX(user, password) return api