def pyblume_test_locking(N): print ' a. Creating filter' bloom = pyblume.Filter(1024 * 512, 0.000001, "/tmp/") bloom2 ="/tmp/", for_write=1) print ' b. Loading filter' start = time.time() for k in xrange(0, N, 10): bloom.add(str(k)) end = time.time() print ' bloom.add: %d/s' % ((N / 10) / (end - start))
def test_filter(): bloom = print ' c. Computing false positive rate' fn_count = 0 fp_count = 0 start = time.time() for k in xrange(0, N): hit = str(k) in bloom if hit and k % 10 != 0: fp_count += 1 elif not hit and k % 10 == 0: fn_count += 1 end = time.time() print ' bloom.check: %d/s' % (N / (end - start)) print ' d. %d false positives out of %d trials (p = %0.4f)' % (fp_count, N, float(fp_count) / N)
BLOOM_ERROR_RATE = 0.000001 fileloc = "/tmp/test.blume" bf = pyblume.Filter(BLOOM_FILTER_MAX_FILESIZE, BLOOM_ERROR_RATE, fileloc) for i in range(313): bf.add(str(i)) bf.close() check = [str(j) for j in range(300, 400)] print check bf =, for_write=False) for x in check: if x in bf: print "Found" bf.close() ''' NOTES: Bloom Filters Description - '''