Exemple #1
    def test_browse_tasks_returns_pct_status(self):
        """Test CACHE PROJECTS browse_tasks returns also the completion
        percentage of each task"""

        project = AppFactory.create()
        task = TaskFactory.create( app=project, info={}, n_answers=4)

        cached_task = cached_apps.browse_tasks(project.id)[0]
        # 0 if no task runs
        assert cached_task.get('pct_status') == 0, cached_task.get('pct_status')

        cached_task = cached_apps.browse_tasks(project.id)[0]
        # Gets updated with new task runs
        assert cached_task.get('pct_status') == 0.25, cached_task.get('pct_status')

        TaskRunFactory.create_batch(3, task=task)
        cached_task = cached_apps.browse_tasks(project.id)[0]
        # To a maximum of 1
        assert cached_task.get('pct_status') == 1.0, cached_task.get('pct_status')

        cached_task = cached_apps.browse_tasks(project.id)[0]
        # And it does not go over 1 (that is 100%!!)
        assert cached_task.get('pct_status') == 1.0, cached_task.get('pct_status')
Exemple #2
    def test_browse_tasks_returns_no_tasks(self):
        """Test CACHE PROJECTS browse_tasks returns an empty list if a project
        has no tasks"""

        project = AppFactory.create()

        browse_tasks = cached_apps.browse_tasks(project.id)

        assert browse_tasks == [], browse_tasks
Exemple #3
    def test_browse_tasks_returns_all_tasks(self):
        """Test CACHE PROJECTS browse_tasks returns a list with all the tasks
        from a given project"""

        project = AppFactory.create()
        TaskFactory.create_batch(2, app=project)

        browse_tasks = cached_apps.browse_tasks(project.id)

        assert len(browse_tasks) == 2, browse_tasks
Exemple #4
    def test_browse_tasks_returns_tasks(self):
        """Test CACHE PROJECTS browse_tasks returns a list with objects
        with the required task attributes"""

        project = AppFactory.create()
        task = TaskFactory.create( app=project, info={})
        attributes = ('id', 'n_answers')

        cached_task = cached_apps.browse_tasks(project.id)[0]

        for attr in attributes:
            assert cached_task.get(attr) == getattr(task, attr), attr