def water_drop(open_time, ntrials=100, iti=1, bpod='bpod_instance'): if bpod == 'bpod_instance': print('Need a Bpod instance to run a protocol') return 0 # Start state machine definition for i in range(ntrials): sma = StateMachine(bpod) # open and close valve sma.add_state( state_name='reward', state_timer=open_time, state_change_conditions={'Tup': 'iti'}, output_actions=[('Valve1', 255)]) sma.add_state( state_name='iti', state_timer=iti, state_change_conditions={'Tup': 'exit'}, output_actions=[]) # Send state machine description to Bpod device and run bpod.send_state_machine(sma) bpod.run_state_machine(sma)
def water_drop(open_time, ntrials=100, iti=1, bpod="bpod_instance"): if bpod == "bpod_instance": print("Need a Bpod instance to run a protocol") return 0 # Start state machine definition for i in range(ntrials): sma = StateMachine(bpod) # open and close valve sma.add_state( state_name="reward", state_timer=open_time, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "iti"}, output_actions=[("Valve1", 255)], ) sma.add_state( state_name="iti", state_timer=iti, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "exit"}, output_actions=[], ) # Send state machine description to Bpod device and run bpod.send_state_machine(sma) if not bpod.run_state_machine( sma): # Locks until state machine 'exit' is reached break
# If bias check: at the begining of the session, force the mouse to navigate all the lickports in sequence (two rounds) if start_with_bias_check and blocki < bias_check_blocknum: trialnum_now = 1 # Override block length = 1 auto_train_min_rewarded_trial_num = bias_check_auto_train_min_rewarded_trial_num # At least get XX reward (XX = 1); # Make sure the animal indeed chooses each port sequentially during bias check reward_L_accumulated = False # We don't need baiting during bias check reward_R_accumulated = False reward_M_accumulated = False # Regular timing iti_now = 2 baselinetime_now = 1 # (Else: If no bias check or bias check has been done --> Normal trial begins) # ------- Start of a trial --------- sma = StateMachine(my_bpod) # ---- 1. Delay period ---- if variables['early_lick_punishment']: # Lick before timeup of the delay timer ('baselinetime_now') --> Reset the delay timer sma.add_state(state_name='Start', state_timer=baselinetime_now, state_change_conditions={ variables['WaterPort_L_ch_in']: 'BackToBaseline', variables['WaterPort_R_ch_in']: 'BackToBaseline', variables['WaterPort_M_ch_in']: 'BackToBaseline', EventName.Tup: 'GoCue' }, output_actions=[]) # Add timeout (during which more early licks will be ignored), then restart the trial
def trial(): for trial in range(trials): # send ttl to bnc1 sma = StateMachine(bpod) # sart state blink green two times sma.add_state( state_name="start1", state_timer=1, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "start2"}, output_actions=[("Serial1", 1), ("SoftCode", 2)], ) sma.add_state( state_name="start2", state_timer=1, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "start3"}, output_actions=[("BNC1", 1)], ) sma.add_state( state_name="start3", state_timer=1, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "reset_rotary_encoder2"}, output_actions=[], ) # detect rotary encoder movement left -> blink red light sma.add_state( state_name="reset_rotary_encoder2", state_timer=0, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "detect"}, output_actions=[("Serial1", 1)], ) sma.add_state( state_name="detect", state_timer=30, state_change_conditions={ movement_left: "blink_red_1x", movement_right: "blink_red_1x", "Tup": "start1" }, output_actions=[("BNC1", 1)], ) # blink red sma.add_state( state_name="blink_red_1x", state_timer=1, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "reset_rotary_encoder"}, output_actions=[("BNC2", 1), ("Serial1", 2), ("SoftCode", 1)], ) # reset rotary encoder to positin 0 sma.add_state( state_name="reset_rotary_encoder", state_timer=0, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "exit"}, output_actions=[("Serial1", 1)], ) bpod.send_state_machine(sma) # Run state machine bpod.run_state_machine(sma) message1.stop()
from pybpodapi.bpod import Bpod from pybpodapi.state_machine import StateMachine ntrials = 1 valve_on_time = 30 iti = 0.5 bpod = Bpod() for i in range(ntrials): print("Starting trial: ", i + 1) sma = StateMachine(bpod) sma.add_state( state_name="init", state_timer=0, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "reward"}, output_actions=[], ) sma.add_state( state_name="reward", state_timer=valve_on_time, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "iti"}, output_actions=[("Valve1", 255)], ) sma.add_state( state_name="iti", state_timer=iti, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "exit"}, output_actions=[],
water_ch = 3 valvetime = 0.1 dropnum = 100 iti = 0.3 sound_ch = OutputChannel.PWM5 ############################################################ my_bpod = Bpod() for i in range(dropnum): # Main loop print('Trial: ', i + 1) sma = StateMachine(my_bpod) sma.add_state( state_name='Open', state_timer=valvetime, state_change_conditions={EventName.Tup: 'ITI'}, output_actions = [('Valve', water_ch)]) if i == 0 or i == dropnum - 1: # Sound the start and end sma.add_state( state_name='ITI', state_timer=iti, state_change_conditions={EventName.Tup: 'exit'}, output_actions = [(sound_ch, 255)]) else: sma.add_state(
A protocol to calibrate the water system. In addition, to contro the lights. """ from pybpodapi.bpod import Bpod from pybpodapi.state_machine import StateMachine from import EventName from pybpodapi.bpod.hardware.output_channels import OutputChannel import timeit my_bpod = Bpod() # ----> Start the task for i in range(2): # Main loop print('Trial: ', i + 1) sma = StateMachine(my_bpod) sma.add_state(state_name='GetWater_P1', state_timer=1, state_change_conditions={EventName.Tup: 'GetWater_P2'}, output_actions=[('Valve', 1), (OutputChannel.PWM1, 255)]) sma.add_state(state_name='GetWater_P2', state_timer=1, state_change_conditions={EventName.Tup: 'GetWater_P3'}, output_actions=[('Valve', 2), (OutputChannel.PWM2, 255)]) sma.add_state(state_name='GetWater_P3', state_timer=1, state_change_conditions={EventName.Tup: 'End'}, output_actions=[('Valve', 3), (OutputChannel.PWM3, 255)]) sma.add_state(state_name='End', state_timer=1,
my_bpod = Bpod() # ----> Start the task for valvetime in valvetimes: ValveOpenTime_L = valvetime ValveOpenTime_R = valvetime ValveOpenTime_M = valvetime print(ValveOpenTime_R) for i in range(Dropnum): # Main loop print('Trial: ', i + 1) sma = StateMachine(my_bpod) sma.add_state(state_name='Wait', state_timer=100, state_change_conditions={ EventName.Port1In: 'Open Left', EventName.Port2In: 'Open Left', EventName.Port7In: 'Open Left', EventName.Port8In: 'Open Left', EventName.Tup: 'exit' }, output_actions=[]) sma.add_state(state_name='Open Left', state_timer=ValveOpenTime_L, state_change_conditions={EventName.Tup: 'wait1'}, output_actions=[('Valve', 1)]) sma.add_state(state_name='wait1',
from pybpodapi.bpod import Bpod from pybpodapi.state_machine import StateMachine bpod = Bpod() trials = 10 for trial in range(trials): # send ttl to bnc1 sma = StateMachine(bpod) sma.add_state(state_name="signal_bnc1", state_timer=2, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "signal_bnc2"}, output_actions=[("BNC1", 1)]) sma.add_state( state_name="signal_bnc2", state_timer=2, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "exit"}, output_actions=[("BNC1", 0)], ) # Send state machine description to Bpod device bpod.send_state_machine(sma) # Run state machine if not bpod.run_state_machine( sma): # Locks until state machine 'exit' is reached break print("test ob das geprintet wird\n") print("Current trial info: {0}".format(bpod.session.current_trial)) bpod.close()
from pybpodapi.bpod import Bpod from pybpodapi.state_machine import StateMachine # create bpod object all necessary settings are imported from GUI bpod = Bpod() trials = 10 # main loop for 10 trials for trial in range(trials): # create state machine object sma = StateMachine(bpod) # initial state, all states follow the same notation sma.add_state( # sate nemae can be freely chosen but must be unique state_name="start_state", # time how long the state is active can be 0 or seconds or fractions of seconds # if 0 state will only change if state change condition is met state_timer=1, # state change condition for switching to respective next state # hast to be a dictionary with keys from allowed conditions and values state_change_conditions={"Tup": "next_state"}, # output actions can be none or list of touples with allowed names and values output_actions=[("BNC1", 1), ("BNC2", 1)], ) sma.add_state( state_name="next_state", state_timer=1,
from pybpodapi.bpod import Bpod from pybpodapi.state_machine import StateMachine # create bpod object all necessary settings are imported from GUI bpod = Bpod() trials = 10 # main loop for 10 trials for trial in range(trials): # create state machine object sma = StateMachine(bpod) # test output signal 00 sma.add_state( state_name="start", state_timer=1, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "state_02"}, output_actions=[("BNC1", 1), ("BNC2", 1)], ) # start testing for recifing signals sma.add_state( state_name="end_state", state_timer=10, # last state always next state to exit state_change_conditions=[{ "BNC1High": "exit" }, { "BNC2High": "exit" }],
from ../modules/rotaryencoder import BpodRotaryEncoder from ../modules/helperfunctions import find_rotary_com_port, tryer # Main test for Mpod state machine test bpod=Bpod() # state machine configs for trial in range(trials): com_port = find_rotary_com_port() #com_port = '/dev/cu.usbmodem65305701' #TODO: rotary_encoder_module = BpodRotaryEncoder(com_port, settings_obj, bpod) rotary_encoder_module.load_message() rotary_encoder_module.configure() sma = StateMachine(bpod) # start state to define block of trial sma.add_state( state_name="start", state_timer=0, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "reset_rotary_encoder_wheel_stopping_check"}, output_actions=[] ) # reset rotary encoder bevore checking for wheel not stoping sma.add_state( state_name="reset_rotary_encoder_wheel_stopping_check", state_timer=0, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "open_loop"}, output_actions=[("Serial1", settings_obj.RESET_ROTARY_ENCODER)], # activate white light while waiting )
from pybpodapi.bpod import Bpod from pybpodapi.state_machine import StateMachine # create bpod object all necessary settings are imported from GUI bpod = Bpod() trials = 10 # main loop for 10 trials for trial in range(trials): # create state machine object sma = StateMachine(bpod) # test output signal 00 sma.add_state( state_name="start", state_timer=1, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "state_02"}, output_actions=[("BNC1", 1), ("BNC2", 1)], ) # test output signal 10 sma.add_state( state_name="state_02", state_timer=1, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "state_03"}, output_actions=[("BNC1", 1), ("BNC2", 0)], ) # test output signal 01 sma.add_state(
# create main state machine aka trial loop ==================================================================== # state machine configs for trial in range(settings_obj.trial_number): probability_obj.get_random_side() # get random punish time punish_time = round( random.uniform( float(settings_obj.time_dict['time_range_noreward_punish'][0]), float( settings_obj.time_dict['time_range_noreward_punish'][1])), 2) times_punish_li.append(punish_time) # construct states sma = StateMachine(bpod) # start state to define block of trial sma.add_state( state_name="start", state_timer=settings_obj.time_dict["time_start"], state_change_conditions={ "Tup": "reset_rotary_encoder_wheel_stopping_check" }, output_actions=[("SoftCode", settings_obj.SC_START_LOGGING)], ) # reset rotary encoder bevore checking for wheel not stoping sma.add_state( state_name="reset_rotary_encoder_wheel_stopping_check", state_timer=0, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "wheel_stopping_check"}, output_actions=[("Serial1", settings_obj.RESET_ROTARY_ENCODER)
'Trialnumber_in_block'] or rewarded_trial_num < variables[ 'auto_train_min_rewarded_trial_num']: triali += 1 reward_L = np.random.uniform(0., 1.) < p_L reward_R = np.random.uniform(0., 1.) < p_R iti_now = np.random.normal(variables['iti_base'] + ignore_trial_num_in_a_row, variables['iti_sd']) # #iti_now = 0 if iti_now < variables['iti_min']: iti_now = variables['iti_min'] baselinetime_now = np.random.normal(variables['baseline_time'], variables['baseline_time_sd']) if baselinetime_now < variables['baseline_time_min']: baselinetime_now = variables['baseline_time_min'] sma = StateMachine(my_bpod) if variables['early_lick_punishment']: sma.add_state(state_name='Start', state_timer=baselinetime_now, state_change_conditions={ variables['WaterPort_L_ch_in']: 'BackToBaseline', variables['WaterPort_R_ch_in']: 'BackToBaseline', EventName.Tup: 'GoCue' }, output_actions=[]) else: sma.add_state(state_name='Start', state_timer=baselinetime_now, state_change_conditions={EventName.Tup: 'GoCue'}, output_actions=[]) sma.add_state(state_name='BackToBaseline',
# ============================================================================= # CONNECT TO BPOD # ============================================================================= bpod = Bpod() # ============================================================================= # TRIAL PARAMETERS AND STATE MACHINE # ============================================================================= for i in range(ntrials): print('Starting trial: ', i + 1) # ============================================================================= # Start state machine definition # ============================================================================= sma = StateMachine(bpod) sma.add_state(state_name='init', state_timer=0, state_change_conditions={'Tup': 'reward'}, output_actions=[]) sma.add_state(state_name='reward', state_timer=valve_on_time, state_change_conditions={'Tup': 'iti'}, output_actions=[('Valve1', 255)]) sma.add_state(state_name='iti', state_timer=iti, state_change_conditions={'Tup': 'exit'}, output_actions=[])
#arcom = ArCOM().open("COM6", 115200) #arcom.write_array(ArduinoTypes.get_uint8_array([ord("P"), 1, 0])) #arcom.close() # trial loop trials = 10 #LoadSerialMessages('WavePlayer1', ['P', 15, 1]) # main loop for 10 trials for trial in range(trials): # create state machine object sma = StateMachine(bpod) # initial state, all states follow the same notation sma.add_state( state_name="start_state", state_timer=2, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "next_state"}, output_actions=[('Serial4', 1)], ) # blink state sma.add_state( state_name="next_state", state_timer=2, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "end_state"}, output_actions=[("BNC1", 1), ("BNC2", 1)],
from pybpodapi.bpod import Bpod from pybpodapi.state_machine import StateMachine bpod = Bpod() trials = 10 iti = 2 for trial in range(trials): # send ttl to bnc1 sma = StateMachine(bpod) # initial state sma.add_state( state_name="start", state_timer=5, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "reward"}, output_actions=[("BNC1", 1)], ) # open valve1 for 20 seconds sma.add_state( state_name="reward", # output action will be performed for whole time state is active state_timer=20, state_change_conditions={"Tup": "exit"}, # output action for valve open = 255 # notation for valve alsways Valve + numer of port connected to output_actions=[("Valve1", 255)], )
# If bias check: at the begining of the session, force the mouse to navigate all the lickports in sequence (two rounds) if start_with_bias_check and blocki < bias_check_blocknum: trialnum_now = 1 # Override block length = 1 auto_train_min_rewarded_trial_num = bias_check_auto_train_min_rewarded_trial_num # At least get XX reward (XX = 1); # Make sure the animal indeed chooses each port sequentially during bias check reward_L_accumulated = False # We don't need baiting during bias check reward_R_accumulated = False reward_M_accumulated = False # Regular timing iti_now = 2 baselinetime_now = 1 # (Else: If no bias check or bias check has been done --> Normal trial begins) # ------- Start of a trial --------- sma = StateMachine(my_bpod) # ---- 1. Delay period ---- if variables['early_lick_punishment']: # Lick before timeup of the delay timer ('baselinetime_now') --> Reset the delay timer sma.add_state(state_name='Start', state_timer=baselinetime_now, state_change_conditions={ variables['WaterPort_L_ch_in']: 'BackToBaseline', variables['WaterPort_R_ch_in']: 'BackToBaseline', variables['WaterPort_M_ch_in']: 'BackToBaseline', EventName.Tup: 'GoCue' }, output_actions=[]) # Add 2 second timeout (during which more early licks will be ignored), then restart the trial