Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, data, name=None, outputFullMap=False):
        # initiate the KohonenMap
        KohonenMap.__init__(self, inputs, outputs, name, outputFullMap)

        # data representing feature space/dimensions
        self.data = data

        #keep a list of callbacks
        self._messageHandlers = []
def kohonen():
    som = KohonenMap(2, 10)

    p = pylab.plot(som.neurons[:, :, 0].flatten(),
                   som.neurons[:, :, 1].flatten(), 's')

    for i in range(25000):
        # one forward and one backward (training) pass

        # plot every 100th step
        if i % 100 == 0:
            p[0].set_data(som.neurons[:, :, 0].flatten(),
                          som.neurons[:, :, 1].flatten())
def categorize(categories, data, words):
	nnodes = sqrt(categories)
	# make a kohonen map
	som = KohonenMap(len(data[1])-1, nnodes)
	# train the network

	for i in range(25000):
		# one forward and one backward (training) pass on a random line
		som.activate(data[random.randint(1, len(data)-1)][1:])

	# run on the data

	if not words:
		for point in data[1:-1]:
			#find the category for a point of data
			print(point[0] + ',' + str(som.activate(point[1:])))

	#make wordlist output similar to ICA for use in GAs
	if words:
		results = [[] for i in range(categories)]
		for point in data[1:-1]:
			# find the cluster for this word and add in the word's data
			result = som.activate(point[1:])
			results[int(result[0]*nnodes + result[1])].append(point)
		# print out the clusters
		for i in range(NWORDS):
		# TODO: This is super inefficient
			for cluster in results:
				if len(cluster) == 0:
				for j in range(len(cluster)):
					for k in range(1, len(cluster[j])):
						cluster[j][k] = float(cluster[j][k])
				tempCluster = sorted(cluster, key=lambda point: -sum(point[1:]))
				sys.stdout.write(str(tempCluster[i%len(cluster)][0]) + ',')
def aldohonen(size, iterations, training_input, refresh_rate, callback):
    som = KohonenMap(3, size)

    #just changing initial neurons weight from 0~1 to 0~255
    for i in som.neurons:
        for j in i:
            for k in range(len(j)):
                j[k] *= 255

    training_size = len(training_input) - 1

    for i in range(iterations):
        # one forward and one backward (training) pass
        som.activate(training_input[random.randint(0, training_size)])

        #just draw som in our Qt View
        if (i % refresh_rate == 0):
            image = som2image(som, size)
            callback(image, i)
            callback(None, i)

    callback(som2image(som, size), iterations - 1)
patternTestTarget = np.zeros([numPatTest])

for i in range(numPatTrain):
	patternTrainTarget[i] = patternTrain[i, 0]
for i in range(numPatValid):
	patternValidTarget[i] = patternValid[i, 0]
for i in range(numPatTest):
	patternTestTarget[i] = patternTest[i, 0]

counterOut = 0
while(counterOut < 10):
	neuronas = 10
	#Crear y entrenar el mapa autoorganizado
	som = KohonenMap(numColsTrain-1, neuronas)
	#Entrenar el mapa	
	for i in range(numPatTrain):
	#Crear el dataset de entrenamiento de backprop con resultados del mapa
	input = np.zeros([numPatTrain,neuronas**2])
	distMatrix = np.zeros([neuronas, neuronas])
	for i in range(numPatTrain):
		tmp = som.activate(patternTrainInput[i])
		distMatrix[tmp[0], tmp[1]] += 1
		inputTMP = np.zeros(neuronas**2)
		inputTMP[(neuronas*tmp[0]) + tmp[1]] = 1.0
		input[i] = inputTMP
Exemple #6
# Example for Kohonen Map
# Clusters random 2D coordinates in range [0,1]
# with a Kohonen Map of 5x5 neurons.
# Note: you need pylab to show the results

__author__ = "Thomas Rueckstiess, [email protected]"

import pylab
from scipy import random
from pybrain.structure.modules import KohonenMap

som = KohonenMap(2, 5)

p = pylab.plot(som.neurons[:, :, 0].flatten(), som.neurons[:, :, 1].flatten(), "s")

for i in range(25000):
    # one forward and one backward (training) pass

    # plot every 100th step
    if i % 100 == 0:
        p[0].set_data(som.neurons[:, :, 0].flatten(), som.neurons[:, :, 1].flatten())
Exemple #7
import numpy as np
from lib.features import Features
from pybrain.structure.modules import KohonenMap
import pickle


symbol1 = '0005.HK'
yahoo_data1 = YahooHistorical(data_from=date(2000, 1, 1), data_to=date(2015, 12, 31))
yahoo_data1.open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/' + symbol1 + '.csv'))
data1 = yahoo_data1.get()
dataset1 = np.asarray([n['adj_close'] for n in data1])
p = 17 # 17-day
p = 5 # 5-day
nodes = 3
som = KohonenMap(p, nodes)
# som = pickle.load(open("pattern5.p", "rb"))
som.learningrate = 0.01
epochs = 1000
training_dataset = []
result = {}

# preparation
for i in xrange(p, len(dataset1)):
  training_input = dataset1[i-p:i]
  mmax = np.max(training_input)
  mmin = np.min(training_input)
  training_input = (training_input - mmin) / (mmax - mmin)
  if np.isnan(training_input).any():
    training_input = np.array([0] * p)
Exemple #8
def run():
    # init the SquareMap object (which initiates pygame)
    if imgFlag == 0:
        # if its a grayscale similarity map use a small grid square size
        squaremap = SquareMap(gridSize=(somOutputs, somOutputs), gridSquareSize=(5, 5))
        squaremap = SquareMap(gridSize=(somOutputs, somOutputs))
    # Used to manage how fast the screen updates
    #clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    fullscreen = False
    #Loop until the user presses the escape button (or otherwise quits).
    done = False

    while done == False:

        # Limit to 15 frames per second
        # Key events for quitting #
        # & setting fullscreen    #
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == QUIT:
                done = True
        if squaremap.keyPressed(K_ESCAPE):
            done = True
        # toggle fullscreen and cursor on/off
        elif squaremap.keyPressed(K_f):
            if not fullscreen:
                fullscreen = True
                fullscreen = False
        elif squaremap.keyPressed(K_SPACE):
            # load and place the images
            squaremap.placeImages() # this is only for testing

        # Database and SOM operations #
        # get data from DB (all the rows)
        rows = getData()
        imgPath = ""
        # initialize SOM object
        som = KohonenMap(somInputs, somOutputs, name="SquareMap", outputFullMap=False)
        # set the learning rate (should this be a command line arg?)
        som.learningrate = learningRate

        # Do SOM operations here
        # do as many iterations as there is DB entries/images
        # for i in range(rows):
        #    # 8 feature vectors
        #    data = [rows[i][1], rows[i][2], rows[i][3], rows[i][4], rows[i],[5], rows[i][6], rows[i][7], rows[i][8]]
        #    # one forward and one backward (training) pass
        #    som.activate(data) # feature vectors go here
        #    som.backward() # training
        for i in range(100):

            # # print & display every 10th step
            # if i % 1 == 0:
            #    print som.neurons
            #    print "======================"
            # send data to update the square map
            # if images we selected at the command line do an image similarity mapping
            #otherwise do a grayscale 'blobs' similarity map
            if imgFlag == 0:
                #send the current img file path and the coords of the winner neuron along w/SOM's output
                imgPath = rows[i][10]
                squaremap.placeImages(som.neurons, imgPath, som.winner)
parser.add_argument('infile', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='the file of data, separated onto separate lines')
parser.add_argument('categories', type=int, help='the number of categories, should be a perfect square')
parser.add_argument('--words', '-w', '-words', dest='words', action='store_const', const=True, default=False, help='Prints the words associated with each category at the end of all of the categories')
args = parser.parse_args()

infile = args.infile
categories = args.categories
nnodes = sqrt(categories)
words = args.words

# process the data
data = []
for line in infile:

som = KohonenMap(len(data[1])-1, nnodes)

# train the network

for i in range(25000):
    # one forward and one backward (training) pass on a random line
    som.activate(data[random.randint(1, len(data))][1:])

# run on the data

#if not words:
for point in data[1:]:
	#find the category for a point of data
	print(point[0] + ',' + str(som.activate(point[1:])))
Exemple #10
# Example for Kohonen Map
# Clusters random 2D coordinates in range [0,1]
# with a Kohonen Map of 5x5 neurons.
# Note: you need pylab to show the results

__author__ = 'Thomas Rueckstiess, [email protected]'

import pylab
from scipy import random
from pybrain.structure.modules import KohonenMap

som = KohonenMap(2, 5)

p = pylab.plot(som.neurons[:, :, 0].flatten(), som.neurons[:, :, 1].flatten(),

for i in range(25000):
    # one forward and one backward (training) pass

    # plot every 100th step
    if i % 100 == 0:
        p[0].set_data(som.neurons[:, :, 0].flatten(), som.neurons[:, :,
Exemple #11
import pylab
import numpy as np
from scipy import random
from pybrain.structure.modules import KohonenMap
from random import randint

kohonendata = [
    l.strip().replace(',', '.').split('^')[2:4]
    for l in open('data/banks.dat').readlines()

som = KohonenMap(len(kohonendata[0]), 66)

p = pylab.plot(som.neurons[:, :, 0].flatten(), som.neurons[:, :, 1].flatten(),
l = len(kohonendata)

for i in range(250000):
    # one forward and one backward (training) pass
    k = randint(0, l - 1)

    # plot every 100th step
    if i % 100 == 0:
        p[0].set_data(som.neurons[:, :, 0].flatten(), som.neurons[:, :,
# =CONCATENATE("[";C2;",";D2;",";E2;",";F2;",";G2;",";H2;",";I2;",";J2;",";K2;",";"]")
Exemple #12
def run():
    # init the HexagonMap object (which initiates pygame)
    hexmap = HexagonMap(gridSize=(somOutputs, somOutputs))

    # Used to manage how fast the screen updates
    #clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    fullscreen = False

    #Loop until the user presses the escape button (or otherwise quits).
    done = False

    while done == False:

        # Limit to 15 frames per second

        # Key events for quitting #
        # & setting fullscreen    #
        for event in pygame.event.get():  # User did something
            if event.type == QUIT:  # If user clicked close
                done = True  # Flag that we are done so we exit this loop

        if hexmap.keyPressed(K_ESCAPE):
            done = True
        # toggle fullscreen and cursor on/off
        elif hexmap.keyPressed(K_f):
            if not fullscreen:
                fullscreen = True
                fullscreen = False
        elif hexmap.keyPressed(K_SPACE):
            hexmap.createSimilarityMap()  # this is only for testing

        # Database and SOM operations #
        # get data from DB (all the rows)
        rows = getData()

        # initialize SOM object
        som = KohonenMap(somInputs,
        # set the learning rate (should this be a command line arg?)
        som.learningrate = learningRate

        # Do SOM operations here
        # do as many iterations as there is DB entries/images
        # for i in range(rows):
        #    # 8 feature vectors
        #    data = [rows[i][1], rows[i][2], rows[i][3], rows[i][4], rows[i],[5], rows[i][6], rows[i][7], rows[i][8]]
        #    # one forward and one backward (training) pass
        #    som.activate(data) # feature vectors go here
        #    som.backward() # training
        for i in range(100):

            # # print & display every 10th step
            # if i % 10 == 0:
            #    print som.neurons
            #    print "======================"

            # send data to update the hex map