def draw_ground_truth(coord_seq, frame, duration, shift): global joint_info joint = coord_seq[frame] shift = np.array(shift) for i in range(1, 17): # print(x[11], x[14]) joint_fa = joint_info['father'][i] if joint_info['side'][i] == 'right': p.addUserDebugLine(lineFromXYZ=joint[i] + shift, lineToXYZ=joint[joint_fa] + shift, lineColorRGB=(255, 0, 0), lineWidth=1, lifeTime=duration) else: p.addUserDebugLine(lineFromXYZ=joint[i] + shift, lineToXYZ=joint[joint_fa] + shift, lineColorRGB=(0, 0, 0), lineWidth=1, lifeTime=duration)
while True: events = p.getVREvents(p.VR_DEVICE_HMD + p.VR_DEVICE_GENERIC_TRACKER) for e in (events): pos = e[POSITION] mat = p.getMatrixFromQuaternion(e[ORIENTATION]) dir0 = [mat[0], mat[3], mat[6]] dir1 = [mat[1], mat[4], mat[7]] dir2 = [mat[2], mat[5], mat[8]] lineLen = 0.1 dir = [-mat[2], -mat[5], -mat[8]] to = [pos[0] + lineLen * dir[0], pos[1] + lineLen * dir[1], pos[2] + lineLen * dir[2]] toX = [pos[0] + lineLen * dir0[0], pos[1] + lineLen * dir0[1], pos[2] + lineLen * dir0[2]] toY = [pos[0] + lineLen * dir1[0], pos[1] + lineLen * dir1[1], pos[2] + lineLen * dir1[2]] toZ = [pos[0] + lineLen * dir2[0], pos[1] + lineLen * dir2[1], pos[2] + lineLen * dir2[2]] p.addUserDebugLine(pos, toX, [1, 0, 0], 1) p.addUserDebugLine(pos, toY, [0, 1, 0], 1) p.addUserDebugLine(pos, toZ, [0, 0, 1], 1) p.addUserDebugLine(pos, to, [0.5, 0.5, 0.], 1, 3) events = p.getVREvents() for e in (events): if (e[BUTTONS][33] & p.VR_BUTTON_WAS_TRIGGERED): prevPosition[e[CONTROLLER_ID]] = e[POSITION] if (e[BUTTONS][32] & p.VR_BUTTON_WAS_TRIGGERED): widths[e[CONTROLLER_ID]] = widths[e[0]] + 1 if (widths[e[CONTROLLER_ID]] > 20): widths[e[CONTROLLER_ID]] = 1 if (e[BUTTONS][1] & p.VR_BUTTON_WAS_TRIGGERED):
if (useRealTimeSimulation): dt = t = (dt.second / 60.) * 2. * math.pi else: t = t + 0.01 time.sleep(0.01) for i in range(1): pos = [2. * math.cos(t), 2. * math.cos(t), 0. + 2. * math.sin(t)] jointPoses = p.calculateInverseKinematics(sawyerId, sawyerEndEffectorIndex, pos, jointDamping=jd, solver=ikSolver, maxNumIterations=100) #reset the joint state (ignoring all dynamics, not recommended to use during simulation) for i in range(numJoints): jointInfo = p.getJointInfo(sawyerId, i) qIndex = jointInfo[3] if qIndex > -1: p.resetJointState(sawyerId, i, jointPoses[qIndex - 7]) ls = p.getLinkState(sawyerId, sawyerEndEffectorIndex) if (hasPrevPose): p.addUserDebugLine(prevPose, pos, [0, 0, 0.3], 1, trailDuration) p.addUserDebugLine(prevPose1, ls[4], [1, 0, 0], 1, trailDuration) prevPose = pos prevPose1 = ls[4] hasPrevPose = 1
baseOrientationB = p.getQuaternionFromEuler([0, 0.3, 0]) #[0,0.5,0.5,0] basePositionB = [1.5, 0, 1] obA = -1 obB = -1 obA = p.createMultiBody(baseMass=0, baseCollisionShapeIndex=geom, basePosition=[0.5, 0, 1]) obB = p.createMultiBody(baseMass=0, baseCollisionShapeIndex=geomBox, basePosition=basePositionB, baseOrientation=baseOrientationB) lineWidth = 3 colorRGB = [1, 0, 0] lineId = p.addUserDebugLine(lineFromXYZ=[0, 0, 0], lineToXYZ=[0, 0, 0], lineColorRGB=colorRGB, lineWidth=lineWidth, lifeTime=0) pitch = 0 yaw = 0 while (p.isConnected()): pitch += 0.01 if (pitch >= 3.1415 * 2.): pitch = 0 yaw += 0.01 if (yaw >= 3.1415 * 2.): yaw = 0 baseOrientationB = p.getQuaternionFromEuler([yaw, pitch, 0]) if (obB >= 0):
import pybullet as p import time cid = p.connect(p.SHARED_MEMORY) if (cid<0): p.connect(p.GUI) p.loadURDF("plane.urdf") kuka = p.loadURDF("kuka_iiwa/model.urdf") p.addUserDebugText("tip", [0,0,0.1],textColorRGB=[1,0,0],textSize=1.5,parentObjectUniqueId=kuka, parentLinkIndex=6) p.addUserDebugLine([0,0,0],[0.1,0,0],[1,0,0],parentObjectUniqueId=kuka, parentLinkIndex=6) p.addUserDebugLine([0,0,0],[0,0.1,0],[0,1,0],parentObjectUniqueId=kuka, parentLinkIndex=6) p.addUserDebugLine([0,0,0],[0,0,0.1],[0,0,1],parentObjectUniqueId=kuka, parentLinkIndex=6) p.setRealTimeSimulation(0) angle=0 while (True): time.sleep(0.01) p.resetJointState(kuka,2,angle) p.resetJointState(kuka,3,angle) angle+=0.01
numRays = 1024 rayLen = 13 rayHitColor = [1,0,0] rayMissColor = [0,1,0] replaceLines = True for i in range (numRays): rayFrom.append([0,0,1]) rayTo.append([rayLen*math.sin(2.*math.pi*float(i)/numRays), rayLen*math.cos(2.*math.pi*float(i)/numRays),1]) if (replaceLines): rayIds.append(p.addUserDebugLine(rayFrom[i], rayTo[i], rayMissColor)) else: rayIds.append(-1) if (not useGui): timingLog = p.startStateLogging(p.STATE_LOGGING_PROFILE_TIMINGS,"rayCastBench.json") numSteps = 10 if (useGui): numSteps = 327680 for i in range (numSteps): p.stepSimulation() for j in range (8): results = p.rayTestBatch(rayFrom,rayTo,j+1)
p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_TINY_RENDERER,0) visualShapeId = p.createVisualShape(shapeType=p.GEOM_SPHERE, rgbaColor=[1,1,1,1], radius=0.03 ) collisionShapeId = -1 #p.createCollisionShape(shapeType=p.GEOM_MESH, fileName="duck_vhacd.obj", collisionFramePosition=shift,meshScale=meshScale) for i in range (4): w = cornersX[i] h = cornersY[i] rayFrom,rayTo, _= getRayFromTo(w,h) rf = np.array(rayFrom) rt = np.array(rayTo) vec = rt-rf l = np.sqrt(,vec)) newTo = (0.01/l)*vec+rf #print("len vec=",np.sqrt(,vec))) p.addUserDebugLine(rayFrom,newTo,[1,0,0]) corners3D.append(newTo) count = 0 stepX=5 stepY=5 for w in range(0,imgW,stepX): for h in range (0,imgH,stepY): count+=1 if ((count % 100)==0): print(count,"out of ", imgW*imgH/(stepX*stepY)) rayFrom,rayTo, alpha = getRayFromTo(w*(width/imgW),h*(height/imgH)) rf = np.array(rayFrom) rt = np.array(rayTo) vec = rt-rf l = np.sqrt(,vec))
pos[0] + lineLen * dir[0], pos[1] + lineLen * dir[1], pos[2] + lineLen * dir[2] ] toX = [ pos[0] + lineLen * dir0[0], pos[1] + lineLen * dir0[1], pos[2] + lineLen * dir0[2] ] toY = [ pos[0] + lineLen * dir1[0], pos[1] + lineLen * dir1[1], pos[2] + lineLen * dir1[2] ] toZ = [ pos[0] + lineLen * dir2[0], pos[1] + lineLen * dir2[1], pos[2] + lineLen * dir2[2] ] p.addUserDebugLine(pos, toX, [1, 0, 0], 1) p.addUserDebugLine(pos, toY, [0, 1, 0], 1) p.addUserDebugLine(pos, toZ, [0, 0, 1], 1) p.addUserDebugLine(pos, to, [0.5, 0.5, 0.], 1, 3) events = p.getVREvents() for e in (events): if (e[BUTTONS][33] & p.VR_BUTTON_WAS_TRIGGERED): prevPosition[e[CONTROLLER_ID]] = e[POSITION] if (e[BUTTONS][32] & p.VR_BUTTON_WAS_TRIGGERED): widths[e[CONTROLLER_ID]] = widths[e[0]] + 1 if (widths[e[CONTROLLER_ID]] > 20): widths[e[CONTROLLER_ID]] = 1 if (e[BUTTONS][1] & p.VR_BUTTON_WAS_TRIGGERED):
def drawInertiaBox(parentUid, parentLinkIndex, color): dyn = p.getDynamicsInfo(parentUid, parentLinkIndex) mass = dyn[0] frictionCoeff = dyn[1] inertia = dyn[2] if (mass > 0): Ixx = inertia[0] Iyy = inertia[1] Izz = inertia[2] boxScaleX = 0.5 * math.sqrt(6 * (Izz + Iyy - Ixx) / mass) boxScaleY = 0.5 * math.sqrt(6 * (Izz + Ixx - Iyy) / mass) boxScaleZ = 0.5 * math.sqrt(6 * (Ixx + Iyy - Izz) / mass) halfExtents = [boxScaleX, boxScaleY, boxScaleZ] pts = [[halfExtents[0], halfExtents[1], halfExtents[2]], [-halfExtents[0], halfExtents[1], halfExtents[2]], [halfExtents[0], -halfExtents[1], halfExtents[2]], [-halfExtents[0], -halfExtents[1], halfExtents[2]], [halfExtents[0], halfExtents[1], -halfExtents[2]], [-halfExtents[0], halfExtents[1], -halfExtents[2]], [halfExtents[0], -halfExtents[1], -halfExtents[2]], [-halfExtents[0], -halfExtents[1], -halfExtents[2]]] p.addUserDebugLine(pts[0], pts[1], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[1], pts[3], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[3], pts[2], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[2], pts[0], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[0], pts[4], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[1], pts[5], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[2], pts[6], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[3], pts[7], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[4 + 0], pts[4 + 1], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[4 + 1], pts[4 + 3], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[4 + 3], pts[4 + 2], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[4 + 2], pts[4 + 0], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex)
print(info) color = [0, 0, 1] """Joint Indeces: 8: right thigh 10: right shin 15: left thigh 17: left shin 21: middle of upper right arm 23: right elbow 26: middle of upper left arm 28: left elbow """ p.addUserDebugLine([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], color, 3, parentObjectUniqueId=ob, parentLinkIndex=28) p.applyExternalForce(objectUniqueId=1, linkIndex=28, forceObj=[100, 100, 100], posObj=[0, 0, 0], flags=2) p.setGravity(0, 0, -9.81) # p.setTimeStep(-0.0001) p.setRealTimeSimulation(0) p.setJointMotorControl2(human, 25, p.POSITION_CONTROL)
def drawInertiaBox(parentUid, parentLinkIndex): mass, frictionCoeff, inertia = p.getDynamicsInfo(bodyUniqueId=parentUid, linkIndex=parentLinkIndex, flags=p.DYNAMICS_INFO_REPORT_INERTIA) Ixx = inertia[0] Iyy = inertia[1] Izz = inertia[2] boxScaleX = 0.5 * math.sqrt(6 * (Izz + Iyy - Ixx) / mass) boxScaleY = 0.5 * math.sqrt(6 * (Izz + Ixx - Iyy) / mass) boxScaleZ = 0.5 * math.sqrt(6 * (Ixx + Iyy - Izz) / mass) halfExtents = [boxScaleX, boxScaleY, boxScaleZ] pts = [[halfExtents[0], halfExtents[1], halfExtents[2]], [-halfExtents[0], halfExtents[1], halfExtents[2]], [halfExtents[0], -halfExtents[1], halfExtents[2]], [-halfExtents[0], -halfExtents[1], halfExtents[2]], [halfExtents[0], halfExtents[1], -halfExtents[2]], [-halfExtents[0], halfExtents[1], -halfExtents[2]], [halfExtents[0], -halfExtents[1], -halfExtents[2]], [-halfExtents[0], -halfExtents[1], -halfExtents[2]]] color = [1, 0, 0] p.addUserDebugLine(pts[0], pts[1], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[1], pts[3], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[3], pts[2], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[2], pts[0], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[0], pts[4], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[1], pts[5], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[2], pts[6], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[3], pts[7], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[4 + 0], pts[4 + 1], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[4 + 1], pts[4 + 3], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[4 + 3], pts[4 + 2], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex) p.addUserDebugLine(pts[4 + 2], pts[4 + 0], color, 1, parentObjectUniqueId=parentUid, parentLinkIndex=parentLinkIndex)
delta_val = -DELTA_STEP_SIZE print("Stepping backward along {} axis".format(axis[1])) else: delta_val = DELTA_STEP_SIZE print("Stepping forward along {} axis".format(axis)) path = Line(env.robot_interface.ee_pose, num_pts=NUM_STEPS, delta_val=delta_val, dim=axis_num % 3) if # Add a marker to visualize path in pybullet goal_marker_id = pb.addUserDebugLine( path.path[0][:3], path.path[-1][:3], [0, 0, 1.0], lineWidth=5.0, done = False goal_exceeds_boundary = False while not done and step_num < NUM_STEPS: start = time.time() action = get_next_action(observation['ee_position'], path.path, step_num) # Alert if goal exceeds boundary box set by safenet. if exceeds_boundaries(path.path[step_num][:3], env.robot_interface.safenet_ee_pos_upper, env.robot_interface.safenet_ee_pos_lower,
#trailDuration is duration (in seconds) after debug lines will be removed automatically #use 0 for no-removal trailDuration = 1 while 1: if (useRealTimeSimulation): dt = t = (dt.second/60.)*2.*math.pi else: t=t+0.01 time.sleep(0.01) for i in range (1): pos = [2.*math.cos(t),2.*math.cos(t),0.+2.*math.sin(t)] jointPoses = p.calculateInverseKinematics(sawyerId,sawyerEndEffectorIndex,pos,jointDamping=jd,solver=ikSolver) #reset the joint state (ignoring all dynamics, not recommended to use during simulation) for i in range (numJoints): jointInfo = p.getJointInfo(sawyerId, i) qIndex = jointInfo[3] if qIndex > -1: p.resetJointState(sawyerId,i,jointPoses[qIndex-7]) ls = p.getLinkState(sawyerId,sawyerEndEffectorIndex) if (hasPrevPose): p.addUserDebugLine(prevPose,pos,[0,0,0.3],1,trailDuration) p.addUserDebugLine(prevPose1,ls[4],[1,0,0],1,trailDuration) prevPose=pos prevPose1=ls[4] hasPrevPose = 1
obA = -1 obB = -1 obA = p.createMultiBody(baseMass=0, baseCollisionShapeIndex=geom, basePosition=[0.5, 0, 1]) obB = p.createMultiBody(baseMass=0, baseCollisionShapeIndex=geomBox, basePosition=basePositionB, baseOrientation=baseOrientationB) lineWidth = 3 colorRGB = [1, 0, 0] lineId = p.addUserDebugLine(lineFromXYZ=[0, 0, 0], lineToXYZ=[0, 0, 0], lineColorRGB=colorRGB, lineWidth=lineWidth, lifeTime=0) pitch = 0 yaw = 0 while (p.isConnected()): pitch += 0.01 if (pitch >= 3.1415 * 2.): pitch = 0 yaw += 0.01 if (yaw >= 3.1415 * 2.): yaw = 0 baseOrientationB = p.getQuaternionFromEuler([yaw, pitch, 0]) if (obB >= 0):
for e in (events): if (e[CONTROLLER_ID]==controllerId ): for a in range(10): print("analog axis"+str(a)+"="+str(e[8][a])) if (e[BUTTONS][33]&p.VR_BUTTON_WAS_TRIGGERED): prevPosition[e[CONTROLLER_ID]] = e[POSITION] if (e[BUTTONS][32]&p.VR_BUTTON_WAS_TRIGGERED): widths[e[CONTROLLER_ID]]=widths[e[0]]+1 if (widths[e[CONTROLLER_ID]]>20): widths[e[CONTROLLER_ID]] = 1 if (e[BUTTONS][1]&p.VR_BUTTON_WAS_TRIGGERED): p.resetSimulation() #p.setGravity(0,0,-10) p.removeAllUserDebugItems() p.loadURDF("plane.urdf") if (e[BUTTONS][33]==p.VR_BUTTON_IS_DOWN): pt = prevPosition[e[CONTROLLER_ID]] #print(prevPosition[e[0]]) print("e[POSITION]") print(e[POSITION]) print("pt") print(pt) diff = [pt[0]-e[POSITION][0],pt[1]-e[POSITION][1],pt[2]-e[POSITION][2]] lenSqr = diff[0]*diff[0]+diff[1]*diff[1]+diff[2]*diff[2] ptDistThreshold = 0.01 if (lenSqr>(ptDistThreshold*ptDistThreshold)): p.addUserDebugLine(e[POSITION],prevPosition[e[CONTROLLER_ID]],colors[e[CONTROLLER_ID]],widths[e[CONTROLLER_ID]]) #p.loadURDF("cube_small.urdf",e[1]) colors[e[CONTROLLER_ID]] = [1-colors[e[CONTROLLER_ID]][0],1-colors[e[CONTROLLER_ID]][1],1-colors[e[CONTROLLER_ID]][2]] prevPosition[e[CONTROLLER_ID]] = e[POSITION]
p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_GUI,0) p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING,1)#disable this to make it faster p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_TINY_RENDERER,0) p.setPhysicsEngineParameter(enableConeFriction=1) for i in range (num): print("progress:",i,num) x = velocity*math.sin(2.*3.1415*float(i)/num) y = velocity*math.cos(2.*3.1415*float(i)/num) print("velocity=",x,y) sphere=p.loadURDF("sphere_small_zeroinertia.urdf", flags=p.URDF_USE_INERTIA_FROM_FILE, useMaximalCoordinates=useMaximalCoordinates) p.changeDynamics(sphere,-1,lateralFriction=0.02) #p.changeDynamics(sphere,-1,rollingFriction=10) p.changeDynamics(sphere,-1,linearDamping=0) p.changeDynamics(sphere,-1,angularDamping=0) p.resetBaseVelocity(sphere,linearVelocity=[x,y,0]) prevPos = [0,0,0] for i in range (2048): p.stepSimulation() pos = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(sphere)[0] if (i&64): p.addUserDebugLine(prevPos,pos,[1,0,0],1) prevPos = pos p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING,1) while (1): time.sleep(0.01)
def drawAABB(aabb): f = [aabbMin[0], aabbMin[1], aabbMin[2]] t = [aabbMax[0], aabbMin[1], aabbMin[2]] p.addUserDebugLine(f, t, [1, 0, 0]) f = [aabbMin[0], aabbMin[1], aabbMin[2]] t = [aabbMin[0], aabbMax[1], aabbMin[2]] p.addUserDebugLine(f, t, [0, 1, 0]) f = [aabbMin[0], aabbMin[1], aabbMin[2]] t = [aabbMin[0], aabbMin[1], aabbMax[2]] p.addUserDebugLine(f, t, [0, 0, 1]) f = [aabbMin[0], aabbMin[1], aabbMax[2]] t = [aabbMin[0], aabbMax[1], aabbMax[2]] p.addUserDebugLine(f, t, [1, 1, 1]) f = [aabbMin[0], aabbMin[1], aabbMax[2]] t = [aabbMax[0], aabbMin[1], aabbMax[2]] p.addUserDebugLine(f, t, [1, 1, 1]) f = [aabbMax[0], aabbMin[1], aabbMin[2]] t = [aabbMax[0], aabbMin[1], aabbMax[2]] p.addUserDebugLine(f, t, [1, 1, 1]) f = [aabbMax[0], aabbMin[1], aabbMin[2]] t = [aabbMax[0], aabbMax[1], aabbMin[2]] p.addUserDebugLine(f, t, [1, 1, 1]) f = [aabbMax[0], aabbMax[1], aabbMin[2]] t = [aabbMin[0], aabbMax[1], aabbMin[2]] p.addUserDebugLine(f, t, [1, 1, 1]) f = [aabbMin[0], aabbMax[1], aabbMin[2]] t = [aabbMin[0], aabbMax[1], aabbMax[2]] p.addUserDebugLine(f, t, [1, 1, 1]) f = [aabbMax[0], aabbMax[1], aabbMax[2]] t = [aabbMin[0], aabbMax[1], aabbMax[2]] p.addUserDebugLine(f, t, [1.0, 0.5, 0.5]) f = [aabbMax[0], aabbMax[1], aabbMax[2]] t = [aabbMax[0], aabbMin[1], aabbMax[2]] p.addUserDebugLine(f, t, [1, 1, 1]) f = [aabbMax[0], aabbMax[1], aabbMax[2]] t = [aabbMax[0], aabbMax[1], aabbMin[2]] p.addUserDebugLine(f, t, [1, 1, 1])
def loadDebugRefFrames(self): p.addUserDebugText("rightpad", [0, 0, 0.05], textColorRGB=[1, 0, 0], textSize=1., parentObjectUniqueId=self.gripperUid, parentLinkIndex=self.rightFingerPadIndex) p.addUserDebugLine([0, 0, 0], [0.1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], parentObjectUniqueId=self.gripperUid, parentLinkIndex=self.rightFingerPadIndex) p.addUserDebugLine([0, 0, 0], [0, 0.1, 0], [0, 1, 0], parentObjectUniqueId=self.gripperUid, parentLinkIndex=self.rightFingerPadIndex) p.addUserDebugLine([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.1], [0, 0, 1], parentObjectUniqueId=self.gripperUid, parentLinkIndex=self.rightFingerPadIndex) p.addUserDebugText("leftpad", [0, 0, 0.05], textColorRGB=[1, 0, 0], textSize=1., parentObjectUniqueId=self.gripperUid, parentLinkIndex=self.leftFingerPadIndex) p.addUserDebugLine([0, 0, 0], [0.1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], parentObjectUniqueId=self.gripperUid, parentLinkIndex=self.leftFingerPadIndex) p.addUserDebugLine([0, 0, 0], [0, 0.1, 0], [0, 1, 0], parentObjectUniqueId=self.gripperUid, parentLinkIndex=self.leftFingerPadIndex) p.addUserDebugLine([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.1], [0, 0, 1], parentObjectUniqueId=self.gripperUid, parentLinkIndex=self.leftFingerPadIndex) p.addUserDebugText("wrist", [0, 0, 0.05], textColorRGB=[1, 0, 0], textSize=1., parentObjectUniqueId=self.gripperUid, parentLinkIndex=self.wristWIndex) p.addUserDebugLine([0, 0, 0], [0.1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], parentObjectUniqueId=self.gripperUid, parentLinkIndex=self.wristWIndex) p.addUserDebugLine([0, 0, 0], [0, 0.1, 0], [0, 1, 0], parentObjectUniqueId=self.gripperUid, parentLinkIndex=self.wristWIndex) p.addUserDebugLine([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.1], [0, 0, 1], parentObjectUniqueId=self.gripperUid, parentLinkIndex=self.wristWIndex)