def computePoseReward(self): totalQuatDistance = 0 for i in [0]: rotation1 = self.targetPose[i:i+4] rotation2 = self.agentPose[i:i+4] diffQuat = p.getDifferenceQuaternion(rotation1,rotation2) _, quatMag = p.getAxisAngleFromQuaternion(diffQuat) # value is rounded because the calculations even for the same quaternions sometimes produce small errors totalQuatDistance += np.around(quatMag, decimals=2) return np.exp(-2*totalQuatDistance) # original value is -2*distance
def pdControlMove(self, pd_func, targetPositions=None, targetVelocities=None): numJoints = p.getNumJoints( if targetPositions is None: # default sin move targetPositions = [] for pos in self.getSinTargetPositions(): axis, ang = p.getAxisAngleFromQuaternion(pos) targetPositions.append(np.array(axis) * ang) if targetVelocities is None: targetVelocities = np.full((numJoints, 3), 0.) curPositions = [] curVelocities = [] for jointState in p.getJointStatesMultiDof(, self.jointIndices): state = list(jointState) axis, ang = p.getAxisAngleFromQuaternion(state[0]) curPositions.append(np.array(ang * np.array(axis))) curVelocities.append(np.array(state[1])) torques = [] for i in range(numJoints): torques.append( pd_func(curPositions[i], curVelocities[i], targetPositions[i], targetVelocities[i])) p.setJointMotorControlMultiDofArray(, self.jointIndices, p.TORQUE_CONTROL, forces=torques) p.stepSimulation()
def calculateAngularVelocity(self, ornStart, ornEnd, deltaTime): dorn = p.getDifferenceQuaternion(ornStart, ornEnd) axis, angle = p.getAxisAngleFromQuaternion(dorn) angVel = [(x*angle) / deltaTime for x in axis] return angVel
def pbvs(self, arm, goal_pos, goal_rot, kv=1.3, kw=0.8, eps_pos=0.005, eps_rot=0.05, vs_rate=20, plot_pose=False, print_err=False, perturb_jacobian=False, perturb_Jac_joint_mu=0.1, perturb_Jac_joint_sigma=0.1, perturb_orientation=False, mu_R=0.4, sigma_R=0.4, perturb_motion_R_mu=0.0, perturb_motion_R_sigma=0.0, perturb_motion_t_mu=0.0, perturb_motion_t_sigma=0.0, plot_result=False, pf_mode=False): # Initialize variables self.perturb_Jac_joint_mu = perturb_Jac_joint_mu self.perturb_Jac_joint_sigma = perturb_Jac_joint_sigma self.perturb_R_mu = mu_R self.perturb_R_sigma = sigma_R if arm == "right": tool = self.right_tool elif arm == "left": tool = self.left_tool else: print('''arm incorrect, input "left" or "right" ''') return # Initialize pos_plot_id for later use if pf_mode: cur_pos, cur_rot = SE32_trans_rot(self.cur_pose_est) else: cur_pos, cur_rot = SE32_trans_rot( self.Trc.inverse() * get_pose(self.robot, tool, SE3=True)) if plot_pose: pos_plot_id = self.draw_pose_cam(trans_rot2SE3(cur_pos, cur_rot)) # record end effector pose and time stamp at each iteration if plot_result: start = time.time() times = [] eef_pos = [] eef_rot = [] if pf_mode: motion = sp.SE3() ##### Control loop starts ##### while True: # If using particle filter and the hog computation has finished, exit pbvs control # and assign total estimated motion in eef frame if pf_mode and self.shared_pf_fin.value == 1: # eef Motion estimated from pose estimate of last iteration and current fk motion_truth = (self.Trc * self.cur_pose_est).inverse() * get_pose( self.robot, tool, SE3=True) # print("motion truth:", motion_truth) dR = sp.SO3.exp( np.random.normal(perturb_motion_R_mu, perturb_motion_R_sigma, 3)).matrix() dt = np.random.normal(perturb_motion_t_mu, perturb_motion_t_sigma, 3) # self.draw_pose_cam(motion) self.motion = motion_truth * sp.SE3(dR, dt) return # get current eef pose in camera frame if pf_mode: cur_pos, cur_rot = SE32_trans_rot(self.cur_pose_est) else: cur_pos, cur_rot = SE32_trans_rot( self.Trc.inverse() * get_pose(self.robot, tool, SE3=True)) if plot_pose: self.draw_pose_cam(trans_rot2SE3(cur_pos, cur_rot), uids=pos_plot_id) if plot_result: eef_pos.append(cur_pos) eef_rot.append(cur_rot) times.append(time.time() - start) cur_pos_inv, cur_rot_inv = p.invertTransform(cur_pos, cur_rot) # Pose of goal in camera frame pos_cg, rot_cg = p.multiplyTransforms(cur_pos_inv, cur_rot_inv, goal_pos, goal_rot) # Evaluate current translational and rotational error err_pos = np.linalg.norm(pos_cg) err_rot = np.linalg.norm(p.getAxisAngleFromQuaternion(rot_cg)[1]) if err_pos < eps_pos and err_rot < eps_rot: p.removeAllUserDebugItems() break else: if print_err: print("Error to goal, position: {:2f}, orientation: {:2f}". format(err_pos, err_rot)) Rsc = np.array(p.getMatrixFromQuaternion(cur_rot)).reshape(3, 3) # Perturb Rsc in SO(3) by a random variable in tangent space so(3) if perturb_orientation: dR = sp.SO3.exp( np.random.normal(self.perturb_R_mu, self.perturb_R_sigma, 3)) Rsc = twist_local = np.hstack( (np.array(pos_cg) * kv, np.array(quat2se3(rot_cg)) * kw)).reshape(6, 1) local2global = np.block([[Rsc, np.zeros((3, 3))], [np.zeros((3, 3)), Rsc]]) twist_global = start_loop = time.time() self.cartesian_vel_control(arm, np.asarray(twist_global), 1 / vs_rate, perturb_jacobian=perturb_jacobian) if pf_mode: delta_t = time.time() - start_loop motion = motion * sp.SE3.exp(twist_local * delta_t) # self.draw_pose_cam(motion) self.goal_reached = True print("PBVS goal achieved!") if plot_result: eef_pos = np.array(eef_pos) eef_rot_rpy = np.array( [p.getEulerFromQuaternion(quat) for quat in eef_rot]) fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2) sub_titles = [['x', 'roll'], ['y', 'pitch'], ['z', 'yaw']] fig.suptitle( "Position Based Visual Servo End Effector Pose - time plot") for i in range(3): axs[i, 0].plot(times, eef_pos[:, i] * 100) axs[i, 0].plot(times, goal_pos[i] * np.ones(len(times)) * 100) axs[i, 0].legend([sub_titles[i][0], 'goal']) axs[i, 0].set_xlabel('Time(s)') axs[i, 0].set_ylabel('cm') goal_rpy = p.getEulerFromQuaternion(goal_rot) for i in range(3): axs[i, 1].plot(times, eef_rot_rpy[:, i] * 180 / np.pi) axs[i, 1].plot(times, goal_rpy[i] * np.ones(len(times)) * 180 / np.pi) axs[i, 1].legend([sub_titles[i][1], 'goal']) axs[i, 1].set_xlabel('Time(s)') axs[i, 1].set_ylabel('deg') for ax in axs.flat: ax.set(xlabel='time')
def quat2se3(quat): axis, angle = p.getAxisAngleFromQuaternion(quat) return np.array(axis) * angle
def quat2w(q): ax, angle = p.getAxisAngleFromQuaternion(q) return np.array(ax) * angle
def quat2axis_angle(q): return pb.getAxisAngleFromQuaternion(q)