Exemple #1
def compute_position(ramp_time, max_duration, acceleration, t):
    velocity = acceleration * ramp_time
    max_time = max_duration - 2 * ramp_time
    t1 = clip(t, 0, ramp_time)
    t2 = clip(t - ramp_time, 0, max_time)
    t3 = clip(t - ramp_time - max_time, 0, ramp_time)
    #assert t1 + t2 + t3 == t
    return 0.5 * acceleration * math.pow(t1, 2) + velocity * t2 + \
           (velocity * t3 - 0.5 * acceleration * math.pow(t3, 2))
Exemple #2
def slow_trajectory(robot,
    :param robot:
    :param joints:
    :param path:
    :param min_fraction: percentage
    :param ramp_duration: seconds
    :param kwargs:
    time_from_starts = instantaneous_retime_path(robot, joints, path, **kwargs)
    mid_times = [np.average(pair) for pair in get_pairs(time_from_starts)]
    mid_durations = [t2 - t1 for t1, t2 in get_pairs(time_from_starts)]
    new_time_from_starts = [0.]
    for mid_time, mid_duration in zip(mid_times, mid_durations):
        time_from_start = mid_time - time_from_starts[0]
        up_fraction = clip(time_from_start / ramp_duration,
        time_from_end = time_from_starts[-1] - mid_time
        down_fraction = clip(time_from_end / ramp_duration,
        new_fraction = min(up_fraction, down_fraction)
        new_duration = mid_duration / new_fraction
        #print(new_time_from_starts[-1], up_fraction, down_fraction, new_duration)
        new_time_from_starts.append(new_time_from_starts[-1] + new_duration)
    # print(time_from_starts)
    # print(new_time_from_starts)
    # raw_input('Continue?)
    # time_from_starts = new_time_from_starts
    return new_time_from_starts
Exemple #3
def score_masses(args, task, ros_world, init_total_mass, bowl_masses,
    # TODO: assert that mass is not zero if object known to be above
    # TODO: unify this with the simulator scoring
    cup_name, bowl_name = REQUIREMENT_FNS[args.problem](ros_world)
    name_from_type = {
        'cup': cup_name,
    if POUR:
            'bowl': bowl_name,

    final_masses = estimate_masses(final_raw_masses, bowl_masses,
    if POUR:
        final_total_mass = sum(final_masses.values())
        print('Total mass:', final_total_mass)
            'Spilled (%):',
            clip(init_total_mass - final_total_mass, min_value=0, max_value=1))
    score = {'total_mass': init_total_mass}
        'mass_in_{}'.format(ty): final_masses[name]
        for ty, name in name_from_type.items()
    if POUR:
        final_percentages = {
            name: mass / init_total_mass
            for name, mass in final_masses.items()
        print('Percentages (%):', str_from_object(final_percentages))
    #score.update({'fraction_in_{}'.format(ty): final_percentages[name]
    #             for ty, name in name_from_type.items()})
    if task.holding:
        [spoon_name] = task.holding
        spoon_capacity = SPOON_CAPACITIES[get_type(spoon_name), args.material]
        fraction_filled = final_masses[cup_name] / spoon_capacity
        print('Spoon percentage filled (%):', fraction_filled)
            'mass_in_spoon': final_masses[cup_name],
            #'fraction_in_spoon': final_masses[cup_name] / init_total_mass,
            #'spoon_capacity': spoon_capacity,
            #'fraction_filled': fraction_filled,
    return score
Exemple #4
def visualize_collected_pours(paths, num=6, save=True):
    result_from_bowl = {}
    for path in randomize(paths):
        results = read_data(path)
        print(path, len(results))
        for result in results:
            result_from_bowl.setdefault(result['feature']['bowl_type'], []).append(result)

    world = create_world()
    environment = get_bodies()
    #collector = SKILL_COLLECTORS['pour']

    for bowl_type in sorted(result_from_bowl):
        # TODO: visualize same
        for body in get_bodies():
            if body not in environment:
        print('Bowl type:', bowl_type)
        bowl_body = load_cup_bowl(bowl_type)
        bowl_pose = get_pose(bowl_body)

        results = result_from_bowl[bowl_type]
        results = randomize(results)

        score_cup_pose = []
        for i, result in enumerate(results):
            if num <= len(score_cup_pose):
            feature = result['feature']
            parameter = result['parameter']
            score = result['score']
            if (score is None) or not result['execution'] or result['annotation']:
            cup_body = load_cup_bowl(feature['cup_type'])
            world.bodies[feature['bowl_name']] = bowl_body
            world.bodies[feature['cup_name']] = cup_body
            fraction = compute_fraction_filled(score)
            #value = collector.score_fn(feature, parameter, score)
            value = pour_score(feature, parameter, score)
            print(i, feature['cup_type'], fraction, value)
            path, _ = pour_path_from_parameter(world, feature, parameter)
            sort = fraction
            #sort = parameter['pitch']
            #sort = parameter['axis_in_bowl_z']
            score_cup_pose.append((sort, fraction, value, cup_body, path[0]))

        #order = score_cup_pose
        order = randomize(score_cup_pose)
        #order = sorted(score_cup_pose)
        angles = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, num=len(score_cup_pose), endpoint=False) # Halton
        for angle, (_, fraction, value, cup_body, pose) in zip(angles, order):
            #fraction = clip(fraction, min_value=0, max_value=1)
            value = clip(value, *DEFAULT_INTERVAL)
            fraction = rescale(value, DEFAULT_INTERVAL, new_interval=(0, 1))
            #color = (1 - fraction) * np.array(RED) + fraction * np.array(GREEN)
            color = interpolate_hue(fraction)
            set_color(cup_body, apply_alpha(color, alpha=0.25))
            #angle = random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)
            #angle = 0
            rotate_bowl = Pose(euler=Euler(yaw=angle))
            cup_pose = multiply(bowl_pose, invert(rotate_bowl), pose)
            set_pose(cup_body, cup_pose)

        if save:
            #filename = os.path.join('workspace', '{}.png'.format(bowl_type))
            #save_image(filename, take_picture())  # [0, 255]
            # TODO: get window location
            #os.system("screencapture -R {},{},{},{} {}".format(
            #    275, 275, 500, 500, filename)) # -R<x,y,w,h> capture screen rect
Exemple #5
def visualize_vector_field(learner, bowl_type='blue_bowl', cup_type='red_cup',
                           num=500, delta=False, alpha=0.5):
    print(learner, len(learner.results))
    xx, yy, ww = learner.xx, learner.yy, learner.weights
    learner.hyperparameters = get_parameters(learner.model)
    learner.query_type = REJECTION  # BEST | REJECTION | STRADDLE

    world = create_world()
    world.bodies[bowl_type] = load_cup_bowl(bowl_type)
    world.bodies[cup_type] = load_cup_bowl(cup_type)
    feature = get_pour_feature(world, bowl_type, cup_type)
    set_point(world.bodies[cup_type], np.array([0.2, 0, 0]))

    # TODO: visualize training data as well
    # TODO: artificially limit training data to make a low-confidence region
    # TODO: visualize mean and var at the same time using intensity and hue
    print('Feature:', feature)
    with LockRenderer():
        #for parameter in islice(learner.parameter_generator(world, feature, valid=True), num):
        parameters = []
        while len(parameters) < num:
            parameter = learner.sample_parameter()
            # TODO: special color if invalid
            if is_valid_pour(world, feature, parameter):

    center, _ = approximate_as_prism(world.get_body(cup_type))
    bodies = []
    with LockRenderer():
        for parameter in parameters:
            path, _ = pour_path_from_parameter(world, feature, parameter)
            pose = path[0]
            body = create_cylinder(radius=0.001, height=0.02, color=apply_alpha(GREY, alpha))
            set_pose(body, multiply(pose, Pose(point=center)))

    #train_sizes = inclusive_range(10, 100, 1)
    #train_sizes = inclusive_range(10, 100, 10)
    #train_sizes = inclusive_range(100, 1000, 100)
    #train_sizes = [1000]
    train_sizes = [None]

    # training_poses = []
    # for result in learner.results[:train_sizes[-1]]:
    #     path, _ = pour_path_from_parameter(world, feature, result['parameter'])
    #     pose = path[0]
    #     training_poses.append(pose)

    # TODO: draw the example as well
    scores_per_size = []
    for train_size in train_sizes:
        if train_size is not None:
            learner.xx, learner.yy, learner.weights = xx[:train_size], yy[:train_size],  ww[:train_size]
        X = np.array([learner.func.x_from_feature_parameter(feature, parameter) for parameter in parameters])
        predictions = learner.predict_x(X, noise=False) # Noise is just a constant
        scores_per_size.append([prediction['mean'] for prediction in predictions]) # mean | variance
        #scores_per_size.append([1./np.sqrt(prediction['variance']) for prediction in predictions])
        #scores_per_size.append([prediction['mean'] / np.sqrt(prediction['variance']) for prediction in predictions])
        #scores_per_size.append([scipy.stats.norm.interval(alpha=0.95, loc=prediction['mean'],
        #                                                  scale=np.sqrt(prediction['variance']))[0]
        #                         for prediction in predictions]) # mean | variance
        # score = learner.score(feature, parameter)

    if delta:
        scores_per_size = [np.array(s2) - np.array(s1) for s1, s2 in zip(scores_per_size, scores_per_size[1:])]
        train_sizes = train_sizes[1:]

    all_scores = [score for scores in scores_per_size for score in scores]
    #interval = (min(all_scores), max(all_scores))
    interval = scipy.stats.norm.interval(alpha=0.95, loc=np.mean(all_scores), scale=np.std(all_scores))
    #interval = DEFAULT_INTERVAL
    print('Interval:', interval)
    print('Mean: {:.3f} | Stdev: {:.3f}'.format(np.mean(all_scores), np.std(all_scores)))

    #train_body = create_cylinder(radius=0.002, height=0.02, color=apply_alpha(BLACK, 1.0))
    for i, (train_size, scores) in enumerate(zip(train_sizes, scores_per_size)):
        print('Train size: {} | Average: {:.3f} | Min: {:.3f} | Max: {:.3f}'.format(
            train_size, np.mean(scores), min(scores), max(scores)))
        handles = []
        # TODO: visualize delta
        with LockRenderer():
            #if train_size is None:
            #    train_size = len(learner.results)
            #set_pose(train_body, multiply(training_poses[train_size-1], Pose(point=center)))
            #set_pose(world.bodies[cup_type], training_poses[train_size-1])
            for score, body in zip(scores, bodies):
                score = clip(score, *interval)
                fraction = rescale(score, interval, new_interval=(0, 1))
                color = interpolate_hue(fraction)
                #color = (1 - fraction) * np.array(RED) + fraction * np.array(GREEN) # TODO: convex combination
                set_color(body, apply_alpha(color, alpha))
                #set_pose(world.bodies[cup_type], pose)
                #draw_pose(pose, length=0.05)
                #handles.extend(draw_point(tform_point(pose, center), color=color))
                #extent = np.array([0, 0, 0.01])
                #start = tform_point(pose, center - extent/2)
                #end = tform_point(pose, center + extent/2)
                #handles.append(add_line(start, end, color=color, width=1))
        # TODO: test on boundaries