def create_inverse_reachability(robot, body, table, arm, grasp_type, max_attempts=500, num_samples=500): tool_link = get_gripper_link(robot, arm) robot_saver = BodySaver(robot) gripper_from_base_list = [] grasps = GET_GRASPS[grasp_type](body) start_time = time.time() while len(gripper_from_base_list) < num_samples: box_pose = sample_placement(body, table) set_pose(body, box_pose) grasp_pose = random.choice(grasps) gripper_pose = multiply(box_pose, invert(grasp_pose)) for attempt in range(max_attempts): robot_saver.restore() base_conf = next(uniform_pose_generator(robot, gripper_pose)) #, reachable_range=(0., 1.))) #set_base_values(robot, base_conf) set_group_conf(robot, 'base', base_conf) if pairwise_collision(robot, table): continue grasp_conf = pr2_inverse_kinematics(robot, arm, gripper_pose) #, nearby_conf=USE_CURRENT) #conf = inverse_kinematics(robot, link, gripper_pose) if (grasp_conf is None) or pairwise_collision(robot, table): continue gripper_from_base = multiply(invert(get_link_pose(robot, tool_link)), get_base_pose(robot)) #wait_if_gui() gripper_from_base_list.append(gripper_from_base) print('{} / {} | {} attempts | [{:.3f}]'.format( len(gripper_from_base_list), num_samples, attempt, elapsed_time(start_time))) wait_if_gui() break else: print('Failed to find a kinematic solution after {} attempts'.format(max_attempts)) return save_inverse_reachability(robot, arm, grasp_type, tool_link, gripper_from_base_list)
def get_grasps(world, name, grasp_types=GRASP_TYPES, pre_distance=APPROACH_DISTANCE, **kwargs): use_width = world.robot_name == FRANKA_CARTER body = world.get_body(name) #fraction = 0.25 obj_type = type_from_name(name) body_pose = REFERENCE_POSE.get(obj_type, unit_pose()) center, extent = approximate_as_prism(body, body_pose) for grasp_type in grasp_types: if not implies(world.is_real(), is_valid_grasp_type(name, grasp_type)): continue #assert is_valid_grasp_type(name, grasp_type) if grasp_type == TOP_GRASP: grasp_length = 1.5 * FINGER_EXTENT[2] # fraction = 0.5 pre_direction = pre_distance * get_unit_vector([0, 0, 1]) post_direction = unit_point() generator = get_top_grasps(body, under=True, tool_pose=TOOL_POSE, body_pose=body_pose, grasp_length=grasp_length, max_width=np.inf, **kwargs) elif grasp_type == SIDE_GRASP: # Take max of height and something grasp_length = 1.75 * FINGER_EXTENT[2] # No problem if pushing a little x, z = pre_distance * get_unit_vector([3, -1]) pre_direction = [0, 0, x] post_direction = [0, 0, z] top_offset = extent[2] / 2 if obj_type in MID_SIDE_GRASPS else 1.0*FINGER_EXTENT[0] # Under grasps are actually easier for this robot # TODO: bug in under in that it grasps at the bottom generator = get_side_grasps(body, under=False, tool_pose=TOOL_POSE, body_pose=body_pose, grasp_length=grasp_length, top_offset=top_offset, max_width=np.inf, **kwargs) # if world.robot_name == FRANKA_CARTER else unit_pose() generator = (multiply(Pose(euler=Euler(yaw=yaw)), grasp) for grasp in generator for yaw in [0, np.pi]) else: raise ValueError(grasp_type) grasp_poses = randomize(list(generator)) if obj_type in CYLINDERS: # TODO: filter first grasp_poses = (multiply(grasp_pose, Pose(euler=Euler( yaw=random.uniform(-math.pi, math.pi)))) for grasp_pose in cycle(grasp_poses)) for i, grasp_pose in enumerate(grasp_poses): pregrasp_pose = multiply(Pose(point=pre_direction), grasp_pose, Pose(point=post_direction)) grasp = Grasp(world, name, grasp_type, i, grasp_pose, pregrasp_pose) with BodySaver(body): grasp.get_attachment().assign() with BodySaver(world.robot): grasp.grasp_width = close_until_collision( world.robot, world.gripper_joints, bodies=[body]) #print(get_joint_positions(world.robot, world.arm_joints)[-1]) #draw_pose(unit_pose(), parent=world.robot, parent_link=world.tool_link) #grasp.get_attachment().assign() #wait_for_user() ##for value in get_joint_limits(world.robot, world.arm_joints[-1]): #for value in [-1.8973, 0, +1.8973]: # set_joint_position(world.robot, world.arm_joints[-1], value) # grasp.get_attachment().assign() # wait_for_user() if use_width and (grasp.grasp_width is None): continue yield grasp
def sample_placements(body_surfaces, obstacles=None, savers=[], min_distances={}): if obstacles is None: obstacles = set(get_bodies()) - set(body_surfaces) savers = list(savers) + [BodySaver(obstacle) for obstacle in obstacles] if not isinstance(min_distances, dict): min_distances = {body: min_distances for body in body_surfaces} # TODO: max attempts here for body, surface in body_surfaces.items(): # TODO: shuffle min_distance = min_distances.get(body, 0.) while True: pose = sample_placement(body, surface) if pose is None: for saver in savers: saver.restore() return False for saver in savers: obstacle = saver.body if obstacle in [body, surface]: continue saver.restore() if pairwise_collision(body, obstacle, max_distance=min_distance): break else: savers.append(BodySaver(body)) break for saver in savers: saver.restore() return True
def gen_fn(arm, obj_name, pose): open_width = get_max_limit(world.robot, get_gripper_joints(world.robot, arm)[0]) obj_body = world.bodies[obj_name] #grasps = cycle([(grasp,)]) grasps = cycle(grasp_gen_fn(obj_name)) for attempt in range(max_attempts): try: grasp, = next(grasps) except StopIteration: break # TODO: if already successful for a grasp, continue set_pose(obj_body, pose) set_gripper_position(world.robot, arm, open_width) robot_saver = BodySaver( world.robot) # TODO: robot might be at the wrong conf body_saver = BodySaver(obj_body) pretool_pose = multiply(pose, invert(grasp.pregrasp_pose)) tool_pose = multiply(pose, invert(grasp.grasp_pose)) grip_conf = solve_inverse_kinematics(world.robot, arm, tool_pose, obstacles=obstacles) if grip_conf is None: continue #attachment = Attachment(world.robot, tool_link, get_grasp_pose(grasp), world.bodies[obj]) # Attachments cause table collisions post_path = plan_waypoint_motion( world.robot, arm, pretool_pose, obstacles=obstacles, attachments=[], #attachments=[attachment], self_collisions=collisions, disabled_collisions=disabled_collisions) if post_path is None: continue pre_conf = Conf(post_path[-1]) pre_path = post_path[::-1] post_conf = pre_conf control = Control({ 'action': 'pick', 'objects': [obj_name], 'context': Context(savers=[robot_saver, body_saver], attachments={}), 'commands': [ ArmTrajectory(arm, pre_path, dialation=2.), GripperCommand(arm, grasp.grasp_width, effort=grasp.effort), Attach(arm, obj_name, effort=grasp.effort), ArmTrajectory(arm, post_path, dialation=2.), ], }) yield (grasp, pre_conf, post_conf, control)
def has_grasp(world, name, max_attempts=4): with BodySaver(world.get_body(name)): try: next(get_grasp_gen_fn(world, max_attempts=max_attempts)(name)) except StopIteration: return False return True
def update(self, belief, observation, n_samples=25, verbose=False, **kwargs): if verbose: print('Prior:', self.dist) body = obstacles = [ for name in belief.pose_dists if name != ] dists = [] for _ in range(n_samples): belief.sample(discrete=True) # Trouble if no support with BodySaver(body): new_dist = self.update_dist(observation, obstacles, **kwargs) #new_pose_dist = self.__class__(,, new_dist).resample() dists.append(new_dist) #remove_all_debug() #new_pose_dist.draw(color=belief.color_from_name[]) #wait_for_user() posterior = mixDDists({dist: 1. / len(dists) for dist in dists}) if verbose: print('Posterior:', posterior) pose_dist = self.__class__(,, posterior) if RESAMPLE: pose_dist = pose_dist.resample() return pose_dist
def stabilize(world, duration=0.1): # TODO: apply to simulated_problems with ClientSaver(world.client): world.controller.set_gravity() with BodySaver( world.robot): # Otherwise the robot starts in self-collision world.controller.rest_for_duration( duration) # Let's the objects stabilize
def extract_full_path(robot, path_joints, path, all_joints): with BodySaver(robot): new_path = [] for conf in path: set_joint_positions(robot, path_joints, conf) new_path.append(get_joint_positions( robot, all_joints)) # TODO: do without assigning return new_path
def bowl_path_collision(bowl_body, body, body_path_bowl): bowl_pose = get_pose(bowl_body) with BodySaver(body): for cup_pose_bowl in body_path_bowl: cup_pose_world = multiply(bowl_pose, cup_pose_bowl) set_pose(body, cup_pose_world) if body_pair_collision(bowl_body, body): #, collision_buffer=0.0): return True return False
def fill_with_beads(world, bowl_name, beads, **kwargs): with LockRenderer(lock=True): with BodySaver(world.robot): contained_beads = pour_beads(world, bowl_name, list(beads), **kwargs) print('Contained: {} out of {} beads ({:.3f}%)'.format( len(contained_beads), len(beads), 100 * safe_ratio(len(contained_beads), len(beads), undefined=0))) return contained_beads
def compute_grasps(world, name, grasp_length=(HAND_LENGTH - 0.02), pre_distance=0.1, max_attempts=INF): body = world.get_body(name) reference_pose = get_reference_pose(name) # TODO: add z offset in the world frame pre_direction = pre_distance * TOP_DIRECTION ty = get_type(name) if is_obj_type(name, 'block'): generator = get_top_grasps(body, under=False, tool_pose=TOOL_POSE, body_pose=reference_pose, grasp_length=grasp_length, max_width=np.inf) elif is_obj_type(name, 'cup'): #pre_direction = pre_distance*get_unit_vector([1, 0, -2]) # -x, -y, -z pre_direction = pre_distance * get_unit_vector([3, 0, -1 ]) # -x, -y, -z # Cannot pick if top_offset is too large(0.03 <=) top_offset = 3 * FINGER_WIDTH / 4 if ty in CUP_WITH_LIP else FINGER_WIDTH / 4 generator = get_side_cylinder_grasps(body, under=False, tool_pose=TOOL_POSE, body_pose=reference_pose, grasp_length=grasp_length, top_offset=top_offset, max_width=np.inf) elif is_obj_type(name, 'stirrer'): generator = get_top_cylinder_grasps(body, tool_pose=TOOL_POSE, body_pose=reference_pose, grasp_length=grasp_length, max_width=np.inf) elif is_obj_type(name, 'bowl'): generator = get_edge_cylinder_grasps(body, tool_pose=TOOL_POSE, body_pose=reference_pose, grasp_length=0.02) elif is_obj_type(name, 'spoon'): generator = get_spoon_grasps(name, body) else: raise NotImplementedError(name) effort = 25 if ty in (OLIVE_CUPS + THREE_D_CUPS) else 50 for index, grasp_pose in enumerate( islice(generator, None if max_attempts is INF else max_attempts)): with BodySaver(world.robot): grasp_width = compute_grasp_width(world.robot, 'left', body, grasp_pose) #print(index, grasp_width) if grasp_width is not None: yield Grasp(name, index, grasp_pose, pre_direction, grasp_width, effort)
def get_link_path(self, link_name=TOOL_LINK): link = link_from_name(self.robot, link_name) if link not in self.path_from_link: with BodySaver(self.robot): self.path_from_link[link] = [] for conf in self.path: set_joint_positions(self.robot, self.joints, conf) self.path_from_link[link].append( get_link_pose(self.robot, link)) return self.path_from_link[link]
def gen_fn(arm, bowl_name, bowl_pose, stirrer_name, grasp): if bowl_name == stirrer_name: return bowl_body = world.bodies[bowl_name] attachment = get_grasp_attachment(world, arm, grasp) feature = get_stir_feature(world, bowl_name, stirrer_name) parameter_generator = parameter_fn(world, feature) if revisit: parameter_generator = cycle(parameter_generator) for parameter in parameter_generator: for _ in range(max_attempts): set_gripper_position(world.robot, arm, grasp.grasp_width) set_pose(bowl_body, bowl_pose) stirrer_path_bowl = sample_stir_trajectory( world, feature, parameter) rotate_bowl = Pose(euler=Euler( yaw=random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi))) stirrer_path = [ multiply(bowl_pose, invert(rotate_bowl), cup_pose_bowl) for cup_pose_bowl in stirrer_path_bowl ] #visualize_cartesian_path(world.get_body(stirrer_name), stirrer_path) arm_path = plan_attachment_motion( world.robot, arm, attachment, stirrer_path, obstacles=set(obstacles) - {bowl_body}, self_collisions=collisions, disabled_collisions=disabled_collisions, collision_buffer=collision_buffer, attachment_collisions=False) if arm_path is None: continue pre_conf = Conf(arm_path[0]) post_conf = Conf(arm_path[-1]) control = Control({ 'action': 'stir', 'objects': [bowl_name, stirrer_name], 'feature': feature, 'parameter': parameter, 'context': Context( savers=[BodySaver(world.robot) ], # TODO: robot might be at the wrong conf attachments={stirrer_name: attachment}), 'commands': [ ArmTrajectory(arm, arm_path), ], }) yield (pre_conf, post_conf, control)
def gen_fn(arm, button): gripper_joint = get_gripper_joints(world.robot, arm)[0] closed_width, open_width = get_joint_limits(world.robot, gripper_joint) pose = world.initial_poses[button] body = world.bodies[button] presses = cycle(get_top_presses(body, tool_pose=TOOL_POSE)) for attempt in range(max_attempts): try: press = next(presses) except StopIteration: break set_gripper_position(world.robot, arm, closed_width) tool_pose = multiply(pose, invert(press)) grip_conf = solve_inverse_kinematics( world.robot, arm, tool_pose, obstacles=obstacle_bodies, collision_buffer=collision_buffer) if grip_conf is None: continue pretool_pose = multiply(tool_pose, Pose(point=pre_direction)) post_path = plan_waypoint_motion( world.robot, arm, pretool_pose, obstacles=obstacle_bodies, collision_buffer=collision_buffer, self_collisions=collisions, disabled_collisions=disabled_collisions) if post_path is None: continue post_conf = Conf(post_path[-1]) pre_conf = post_conf pre_path = post_path[::-1] control = Control({ 'action': 'press', 'objects': [], 'context': Context( # TODO: robot might be at the wrong conf savers=[BodySaver(world.robot) ], # TODO: start with open instead attachments={}), 'commands': [ GripperCommand(arm, closed_width), ArmTrajectory(arm, pre_path), ArmTrajectory(arm, post_path), GripperCommand(arm, open_width), ], }) yield (pre_conf, post_conf, control)
def get_aabbs(self): #traj.aabb = aabb_union(map(get_turtle_traj_aabb, traj.iterate())) # TODO: union if self.aabbs is not None: return self.aabbs self.aabbs = [] links = get_all_links(self.robot) with BodySaver(self.robot): for conf in self.path: set_joint_positions(self.robot, self.joints, conf) self.aabbs.append( {link: get_aabb(self.robot, link) for link in links}) return self.aabbs
def fn(bq, *args): #, aq): # TODO: include if holding anything? bq.assign() aq = world.carry_conf #aq.assign() # TODO: could sample aq instead achieve it by move actions #world.open_gripper() robot_saver = BodySaver(world.robot) cmd = Sequence( State(world, savers=[robot_saver]), commands=[ #Trajectory(world, world.robot, world.arm_joints, approach_path), # TODO: calibrate command ], name='calibrate') return (cmd, )
def fn(bq, aq1, aq2, fluents=[]): #if aq1 == aq2: # return None bq.assign() aq1.assign() attachments, obstacles = parse_fluents(world, fluents) obstacles.update(world.static_obstacles) if not collisions: obstacles = set() robot_saver = BodySaver(world.robot) if teleport: path = [aq1.values, aq2.values] else: path = plan_joint_motion( world.robot, aq2.joints, aq2.values, attachments=attachments, obstacles=obstacles, self_collisions=SELF_COLLISIONS, disabled_collisions=world.disabled_collisions, custom_limits=world.custom_limits, resolutions=resolutions, restarts=2, iterations=50, smooth=50) if path is None: print('Failed to find an arm motion plan for {}->{}'.format( aq1, aq2)) if PAUSE_MOTION_FAILURES: set_renderer(enable=True) print(fluents) for bq in [aq1, aq2]: bq.assign() wait_for_user() set_renderer(enable=False) return None cmd = Sequence(State(world, savers=[robot_saver]), commands=[ Trajectory(world, world.robot, world.arm_joints, path), ], name='arm') return (cmd, )
def problem1(n_obstacles=10, wall_side=0.1, obst_width=0.25, obst_height=0.5): floor_extent = 5.0 base_limits = (-floor_extent/2.*np.ones(2), +floor_extent/2.*np.ones(2)) floor_height = 0.001 floor = create_box(floor_extent, floor_extent, floor_height, color=TAN) set_point(floor, Point(z=-floor_height/2.)) wall1 = create_box(floor_extent + wall_side, wall_side, wall_side, color=GREY) set_point(wall1, Point(y=floor_extent/2., z=wall_side/2.)) wall2 = create_box(floor_extent + wall_side, wall_side, wall_side, color=GREY) set_point(wall2, Point(y=-floor_extent/2., z=wall_side/2.)) wall3 = create_box(wall_side, floor_extent + wall_side, wall_side, color=GREY) set_point(wall3, Point(x=floor_extent/2., z=wall_side/2.)) wall4 = create_box(wall_side, floor_extent + wall_side, wall_side, color=GREY) set_point(wall4, Point(x=-floor_extent/2., z=wall_side/2.)) walls = [wall1, wall2, wall3, wall4] initial_surfaces = OrderedDict() for _ in range(n_obstacles): body = create_box(obst_width, obst_width, obst_height, color=GREY) initial_surfaces[body] = floor obstacles = walls + list(initial_surfaces) initial_conf = np.array([+floor_extent/3, -floor_extent/3, 3*PI/4]) goal_conf = -initial_conf with HideOutput(): robot = load_model(TURTLEBOT_URDF) base_joints = joints_from_names(robot, BASE_JOINTS) # base_link = child_link_from_joint(base_joints[-1]) base_link = link_from_name(robot, BASE_LINK_NAME) set_all_color(robot, BLUE) dump_body(robot) set_point(robot, Point(z=stable_z(robot, floor))) draw_pose(Pose(), parent=robot, parent_link=base_link, length=0.5) set_joint_positions(robot, base_joints, initial_conf) sample_placements(initial_surfaces, obstacles=[robot] + walls, savers=[BodySaver(robot, joints=base_joints, positions=goal_conf)], min_distances=10e-2) return robot, base_limits, goal_conf, obstacles
def get_intersecting(self): if self.intersecting: return self.intersecting robot_links = get_all_links(self.robot) # TODO: might need call step_simulation with BodySaver(self.robot): for conf in self.path: set_joint_positions(self.robot, self.joints, conf) intersecting = {} for robot_link in robot_links: for body, _ in get_bodies_in_region( get_aabb(self.robot, link=robot_link)): if body != self.robot: intersecting.setdefault(robot_link, set()).add(body) #print(get_bodies_in_region(get_aabb(self.robot, robot_link))) #draw_aabb(get_aabb(self.robot, robot_link)) #wait_for_user() self.intersecting.append(intersecting) return self.intersecting
def create_surface_pose_dist(world, obj_name, surface_dist, n=NUM_PARTICLES): # TODO: likely easier to just make a null surface below ground placement_gen = get_stable_gen(world, max_attempts=100, learned=True, pos_scale=1e-3, rot_scale=1e-2) poses = [] with LockRenderer(): with BodySaver(world.get_body(obj_name)): while len(poses) < n: surface_name = surface_dist.sample() assert surface_name is not ELSEWHERE result = next(placement_gen(obj_name, surface_name), None) if result is None: surface_dist = surface_dist.condition( lambda s: s != surface_name) else: (rel_pose, ) = result rel_pose.init = True poses.append(rel_pose) return PoseDist(world, obj_name, UniformDist(poses))
def gen_fn(arm, obj_name, pose1, region): # TODO: reachability test here if region is None: goals = push_goal_gen_fn(obj_name, pose1, surface) elif isinstance(region, str): goals = push_goal_gen_fn(obj_name, pose1, surface, region=region) else: goals = [(region,)] if repeat: goals = cycle(goals) arm_joints = get_arm_joints(world.robot, arm) open_width = get_max_limit(world.robot, get_gripper_joints(world.robot, arm)[0]) body = world.bodies[obj_name] for goal_pos2d, in islice(goals, max_samples): pose2 = get_end_pose(pose1, goal_pos2d) body_path = list(interpolate_poses(pose1, pose2)) if cartesian_path_collision(body, body_path, set(obstacles) - {surface_body}) or \ cartesian_path_unsupported(body, body_path, surface_body): continue set_pose(body, pose1) push_direction = np.array(point_from_pose(pose2)) - np.array(point_from_pose(pose1)) backoff_tform = Pose(-backoff_distance * get_unit_vector(push_direction)) # World coordinates feature = get_push_feature(world, arm, obj_name, pose1, goal_pos2d) for parameter in parameter_fn(world, feature): push_contact = next(iter(sample_push_contact(world, feature, parameter, under=False))) gripper_path = [multiply(pose, invert(multiply(TOOL_POSE, push_contact))) for pose in body_path] set_gripper_position(world.robot, arm, open_width) for _ in range(max_attempts): start_conf = solve_inverse_kinematics(world.robot, arm, gripper_path[0], obstacles=obstacles) if start_conf is None: continue set_pose(body, pose1) body_saver = BodySaver(body) #attachment = create_attachment(world.robot, arm, body) push_path = plan_waypoint_motion(world.robot, arm, gripper_path[-1], obstacles=obstacles, #attachments=[attachment], self_collisions=collisions, disabled_collisions=disabled_collisions) if push_path is None: continue pre_backoff_pose = multiply(backoff_tform, gripper_path[0]) pre_approach_pose = multiply(pre_backoff_pose, approach_tform) set_joint_positions(world.robot, arm_joints, push_path[0]) pre_path = plan_waypoints_motion(world.robot, arm, [pre_backoff_pose, pre_approach_pose], obstacles=obstacles, attachments=[], self_collisions=collisions, disabled_collisions=disabled_collisions) if pre_path is None: continue pre_path = pre_path[::-1] post_backoff_pose = multiply(backoff_tform, gripper_path[-1]) post_approach_pose = multiply(post_backoff_pose, approach_tform) set_joint_positions(world.robot, arm_joints, push_path[-1]) post_path = plan_waypoints_motion(world.robot, arm, [post_backoff_pose, post_approach_pose], obstacles=obstacles, attachments=[], self_collisions=collisions, disabled_collisions=disabled_collisions) if post_path is None: continue pre_conf = Conf(pre_path[0]) set_joint_positions(world.robot, arm_joints, pre_conf) robot_saver = BodySaver(world.robot) post_conf = Conf(post_path[-1]) control = Control({ 'action': 'push', 'objects': [obj_name], 'feature': feature, 'parameter': None, 'context': Context( savers=[robot_saver, body_saver], attachments={}), 'commands': [ ArmTrajectory(arm, pre_path), Push(arm, obj_name), ArmTrajectory(arm, push_path), Detach(arm, obj_name), ArmTrajectory(arm, post_path), ], }) yield (pose2, pre_conf, post_conf, control) break
def gen(bowl_name, wp, cup_name, grasp, bq): # if bowl_name == cup_name: return #attachment = get_grasp_attachment(world, arm, grasp) bowl_body = world.get_body(bowl_name) #cup_body = world.get_body(cup_name) obstacles = (world.static_obstacles | {bowl_body}) if collisions else set() cup_path_bowl = pour_path_from_parameter(world, bowl_name, cup_name) while True: for _ in range(max_attempts): bowl_pose = wp.get_world_from_body() rotate_bowl = Pose(euler=Euler( yaw=random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi))) rotate_cup = Pose(euler=Euler( yaw=random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi))) cup_path = [ multiply(bowl_pose, invert(rotate_bowl), cup_pose_bowl, rotate_cup) for cup_pose_bowl in cup_path_bowl ] #visualize_cartesian_path(cup_body, cup_path) #if cartesian_path_collision(cup_body, cup_path, obstacles + [bowl_body]): # continue tool_path = [ multiply(p, invert(grasp.grasp_pose)) for p in cup_path ] # TODO: extra collision test for visibility # TODO: orientation constraint while moving bq.assign() grasp.set_gripper() world.carry_conf.assign() arm_path = plan_workspace(world, tool_path, obstacles, randomize=True) # tilt to upright if arm_path is None: continue assert MOVE_ARM aq = FConf(world.robot, world.arm_joints, arm_path[-1]) robot_saver = BodySaver(world.robot) obj_type = type_from_name(cup_name) duration = 5.0 if obj_type in [MUSTARD] else 1.0 objects = [bowl_name, cup_name] cmd = Sequence(State(world, savers=[robot_saver]), commands=[ ApproachTrajectory(objects, world, world.robot, world.arm_joints, arm_path[::-1]), Wait(world, duration=duration), ApproachTrajectory(objects, world, world.robot, world.arm_joints, arm_path), ], name='pour') yield ( aq, cmd, ) break else: yield None
def plan_pull(world, door_joint, door_plan, base_conf, randomize=True, collisions=True, teleport=False, **kwargs): door_path, handle_path, handle_plan, tool_path = door_plan handle_link, handle_grasp, handle_pregrasp = handle_plan door_obstacles = get_descendant_obstacles(, door_joint) # if collisions else set() obstacles = (world.static_obstacles | door_obstacles ) # if collisions else set() base_conf.assign() world.open_gripper() world.carry_conf.assign() robot_saver = BodySaver(world.robot) # TODO: door_saver? if not is_pull_safe(world, door_joint, door_plan): return arm_path = plan_workspace(world, tool_path, world.static_obstacles, randomize=randomize, teleport=collisions) if arm_path is None: return approach_paths = [] for index in [0, -1]: set_joint_positions(, [door_joint], door_path[index]) set_joint_positions(world.robot, world.arm_joints, arm_path[index]) tool_pose = multiply(handle_path[index], invert(handle_pregrasp)) approach_path = plan_approach(world, tool_pose, obstacles=obstacles, teleport=teleport, **kwargs) if approach_path is None: return approach_paths.append(approach_path) if MOVE_ARM: aq1 = FConf(world.robot, world.arm_joints, approach_paths[0][0]) aq2 = FConf(world.robot, world.arm_joints, approach_paths[-1][0]) else: aq1 = world.carry_conf aq2 = aq1 set_joint_positions(, [door_joint], door_path[0]) set_joint_positions(world.robot, world.arm_joints, arm_path[0]) grasp_width = close_until_collision(world.robot, world.gripper_joints, bodies=[(, [handle_link]) ]) gripper_motion_fn = get_gripper_motion_gen(world, teleport=teleport, collisions=collisions, **kwargs) gripper_conf = FConf(world.robot, world.gripper_joints, [grasp_width] * len(world.gripper_joints)) finger_cmd, = gripper_motion_fn(world.open_gq, gripper_conf) objects = [] commands = [ ApproachTrajectory(objects, world, world.robot, world.arm_joints, approach_paths[0]), DoorTrajectory(world, world.robot, world.arm_joints, arm_path,, [door_joint], door_path), ApproachTrajectory(objects, world, world.robot, world.arm_joints, reversed(approach_paths[-1])), ] door_path, _, _, _ = door_plan sign = world.get_door_sign(door_joint) pull = (sign * door_path[0][0] < sign * door_path[-1][0]) if pull: commands.insert(1, finger_cmd.commands[0]) commands.insert(3, finger_cmd.commands[0].reverse()) cmd = Sequence(State(world, savers=[robot_saver]), commands, name='pull') yield ( aq1, aq2, cmd, )
def plan_pick(world, obj_name, pose, grasp, base_conf, obstacles, randomize=True, **kwargs): # TODO: check if within database convex hull # TODO: flag to check if initially in collision obj_body = world.get_body(obj_name) pose.assign() base_conf.assign() world.open_gripper() robot_saver = BodySaver(world.robot) obj_saver = BodySaver(obj_body) if randomize: sample_fn = get_sample_fn(world.robot, world.arm_joints) set_joint_positions(world.robot, world.arm_joints, sample_fn()) else: world.carry_conf.assign() world_from_body = pose.get_world_from_body() gripper_pose = multiply(world_from_body, invert( grasp.grasp_pose)) # w_f_g = w_f_o * (g_f_o)^-1 full_grasp_conf = world.solve_inverse_kinematics(gripper_pose) if full_grasp_conf is None: if PRINT_FAILURES: print('Grasp kinematic failure') return moving_links = get_moving_links(world.robot, world.arm_joints) robot_obstacle = (world.robot, frozenset(moving_links)) #robot_obstacle = get_descendant_obstacles(world.robot, child_link_from_joint(world.arm_joints[0])) #robot_obstacle = world.robot if any(pairwise_collision(robot_obstacle, b) for b in obstacles): if PRINT_FAILURES: print('Grasp collision failure') #set_renderer(enable=True) #wait_for_user() #set_renderer(enable=False) return approach_pose = multiply(world_from_body, invert(grasp.pregrasp_pose)) approach_path = plan_approach( world, approach_pose, # attachments=[grasp.get_attachment()], obstacles=obstacles, **kwargs) if approach_path is None: if PRINT_FAILURES: print('Approach plan failure') return if MOVE_ARM: aq = FConf(world.robot, world.arm_joints, approach_path[0]) else: aq = world.carry_conf gripper_motion_fn = get_gripper_motion_gen(world, **kwargs) finger_cmd, = gripper_motion_fn(world.open_gq, grasp.get_gripper_conf()) attachment = create_surface_attachment(world, obj_name, objects = [obj_name] cmd = Sequence(State(world, savers=[robot_saver, obj_saver], attachments=[attachment]), commands=[ ApproachTrajectory(objects, world, world.robot, world.arm_joints, approach_path), finger_cmd.commands[0], Detach(world, attachment.parent, attachment.parent_link, attachment.child), AttachGripper(world, obj_body, grasp=grasp), ApproachTrajectory(objects, world, world.robot, world.arm_joints, reversed(approach_path)), ], name='pick') yield ( aq, cmd, )
def gen_fn(arm, bowl_name, bowl_pose, cup_name, grasp): if bowl_name == cup_name: return attachment = get_grasp_attachment(world, arm, grasp) bowl_body = world.get_body(bowl_name) cup_body = world.get_body(cup_name) feature = get_pour_feature(world, bowl_name, cup_name) # TODO: this may be called several times with different grasps for parameter in parameter_generator(feature): for i in range(max_attempts): set_pose(bowl_body, bowl_pose) # Reset because might have changed set_gripper_position(world.robot, arm, grasp.grasp_width) cup_path_bowl, times_from_start = pour_path_from_parameter( world, feature, parameter) rotate_bowl = Pose(euler=Euler( yaw=random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi))) cup_path = [ multiply(bowl_pose, invert(rotate_bowl), cup_pose_bowl) for cup_pose_bowl in cup_path_bowl ] #if world.visualize: # visualize_cartesian_path(cup_body, cup_path) if cartesian_path_collision(cup_body, cup_path, obstacles + [bowl_body]): print('Attempt {}: Pour path collision!'.format(i)) continue tool_waypoints = [ multiply(p, invert(grasp.grasp_pose)) for p in cup_path ] grip_conf = solve_inverse_kinematics(world.robot, arm, tool_waypoints[0], obstacles=obstacles) if grip_conf is None: continue if water_robot_collision(world, bowl_body, bowl_pose, cup_body, cup_path): print('Attempt {}: Water robot collision'.format(i)) continue if water_obstacle_collision(world, bowl_body, bowl_pose, cup_body, cup_path): print('Attempt {}: Water obstacle collision'.format(i)) continue post_path = plan_workspace_motion( world.robot, arm, tool_waypoints, obstacles=obstacles + [bowl_body], attachments=[attachment], self_collisions=collisions, disabled_collisions=disabled_collisions) if post_path is None: continue pre_conf = Conf(post_path[-1]) pre_path = post_path[::-1] post_conf = pre_conf control = Control({ 'action': 'pour', 'feature': feature, 'parameter': parameter, 'objects': [bowl_name, cup_name], 'times': times_from_start, 'context': Context( savers=[BodySaver(world.robot) ], # TODO: robot might be at the wrong conf attachments={cup_name: attachment}), 'commands': [ ArmTrajectory(arm, pre_path, dialation=2.), Rest(duration=2.0), ArmTrajectory(arm, post_path, dialation=2.), ], }) yield (pre_conf, post_conf, control) break else: yield None
def gen_fn(arm, conf1, conf2, fluents=[]): arm_confs, object_grasps, object_poses, contains_liquid = parse_fluents( world, fluents) for a, q in arm_confs.items(): #print(a, q) # TODO: some optimistic values are getting through set_joint_positions(world.robot, get_arm_joints(world.robot, a), q) for name, pose in object_poses.items(): set_pose(world.bodies[name], pose) obstacle_names = list(world.get_fixed()) + list(object_poses) obstacles = [world.bodies[name] for name in obstacle_names] attachments = {} holding_water = None water_attachment = None for arm2, (obj, grasp) in object_grasps.items(): set_gripper_position(world.robot, arm, grasp.grasp_width) attachment = get_grasp_attachment(world, arm2, grasp) attachment.assign() if arm == arm2: # The moving arm if obj in contains_liquid: holding_water = obj water_attachment = attachment attachments[obj] = attachment else: # The stationary arm obstacles.append(world.get_body(obj)) if not collisions: obstacles = [] # TODO: dynamically adjust step size to be more conservative near longer movements arm_joints = get_arm_joints(world.robot, arm) set_joint_positions(world.robot, arm_joints, conf1) weights, resolutions = get_weights_resolutions(world.robot, arm) #print(holding_water, attachments, [get_body_name(body) for body in obstacles]) if teleport: path = [conf1, conf2] elif holding_water is None: # TODO(caelan): unify these two methods path = plan_joint_motion(world.robot, arm_joints, conf2, resolutions=resolutions, weights=weights, obstacles=obstacles, attachments=attachments.values(), self_collisions=collisions, disabled_collisions=disabled_collisions, max_distance=COLLISION_BUFFER, custom_limits=custom_limits, restarts=5, iterations=50, smooth=smooth) else: reference_pose = (unit_point(), get_liquid_quat(holding_water)) path = plan_water_motion(world.robot, arm_joints, conf2, water_attachment, resolutions=resolutions, weights=weights, obstacles=obstacles, attachments=attachments.values(), self_collisions=collisions, disabled_collisions=disabled_collisions, max_distance=COLLISION_BUFFER, custom_limits=custom_limits, reference_pose=reference_pose, restarts=7, iterations=75, smooth=smooth) if path is None: return None control = Control({ 'action': 'move-arm', #'objects': [], 'context': Context( savers=[BodySaver(world.robot) ], # TODO: robot might be at the wrong conf attachments=attachments), 'commands': [ ArmTrajectory(arm, path), ], }) return (control, )
def gen_fn(arm, bowl_name, bowl_pose, spoon_name, grasp): if bowl_name == spoon_name: return bowl_body = world.get_body(bowl_name) attachment = get_grasp_attachment(world, arm, grasp) feature = get_scoop_feature(world, bowl_name, spoon_name) for parameter in parameter_generator(feature): spoon_path_bowl = sample_scoop_trajectory(world, feature, parameter, collisions=collisions) if spoon_path_bowl is None: continue for _ in range(max_attempts): set_gripper_position(world.robot, arm, grasp.grasp_width) set_pose(bowl_body, bowl_pose) rotate_bowl = Pose(euler=Euler( yaw=random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi))) spoon_path = [ multiply(bowl_pose, invert(rotate_bowl), spoon_pose_bowl) for spoon_pose_bowl in spoon_path_bowl ] #visualize_cartesian_path(world.get_body(spoon_name), spoon_path) # TODO: pass in tool collision pairs here arm_path = plan_attachment_motion( world.robot, arm, attachment, spoon_path, obstacles=set(obstacles) - {bowl_body}, self_collisions=collisions, disabled_collisions=disabled_collisions, collision_buffer=collision_buffer, attachment_collisions=False) if arm_path is None: continue pre_conf = Conf(arm_path[0]) set_joint_positions(world.robot, get_arm_joints(world.robot, arm), pre_conf) attachment.assign() if pairwise_collision(world.robot, bowl_body): # TODO: ensure no robot/bowl collisions for the full path continue robot_saver = BodySaver(world.robot) post_conf = Conf(arm_path[-1]) control = Control({ 'action': 'scoop', 'objects': [bowl_name, spoon_name], 'feature': feature, 'parameter': parameter, 'context': Context(savers=[robot_saver], attachments={spoon_name: attachment}), 'commands': [ ArmTrajectory(arm, arm_path, dialation=4.0), ], }) yield (pre_conf, post_conf, control) break else: yield None
def plan_press(world, knob_name, pose, grasp, base_conf, obstacles, randomize=True, **kwargs): base_conf.assign() world.close_gripper() robot_saver = BodySaver(world.robot) if randomize: sample_fn = get_sample_fn(world.robot, world.arm_joints) set_joint_positions(world.robot, world.arm_joints, sample_fn()) else: world.carry_conf.assign() gripper_pose = multiply(pose, invert( grasp.grasp_pose)) # w_f_g = w_f_o * (g_f_o)^-1 #set_joint_positions(world.gripper, get_movable_joints(world.gripper), world.closed_gq.values) #set_tool_pose(world, gripper_pose) full_grasp_conf = world.solve_inverse_kinematics(gripper_pose) #wait_for_user() if full_grasp_conf is None: # if PRINT_FAILURES: print('Grasp kinematic failure') return robot_obstacle = (world.robot, frozenset(get_moving_links(world.robot, world.arm_joints))) if any(pairwise_collision(robot_obstacle, b) for b in obstacles): #if PRINT_FAILURES: print('Grasp collision failure') return approach_pose = multiply(pose, invert(grasp.pregrasp_pose)) approach_path = plan_approach(world, approach_pose, obstacles=obstacles, **kwargs) if approach_path is None: return aq = FConf(world.robot, world.arm_joints, approach_path[0]) if MOVE_ARM else world.carry_conf #gripper_motion_fn = get_gripper_motion_gen(world, **kwargs) #finger_cmd, = gripper_motion_fn(world.open_gq, world.closed_gq) objects = [] cmd = Sequence( State(world, savers=[robot_saver]), commands=[ #finger_cmd.commands[0], ApproachTrajectory(objects, world, world.robot, world.arm_joints, approach_path), ApproachTrajectory(objects, world, world.robot, world.arm_joints, reversed(approach_path)), #finger_cmd.commands[0].reverse(), Wait(world, duration=1.0), ], name='press') yield ( aq, cmd, )
def fn(printed, directed, position, conf): # Queue minimizes the statistic element = get_undirected(all_elements, directed) n1, n2 = directed # forward adds, backward removes structure = printed | {element} if forward else printed - {element} structure_ids = get_extructed_ids(element_from_id, structure) normalizer = 1 #normalizer = len(structure) #normalizer = compute_element_distance(node_points, all_elements) reduce_op = sum # sum | max | average reaction_fn = force_from_reaction # force_from_reaction | torque_from_reaction first_node, second_node = directed if forward else reverse_element(directed) layer = sign * layer_from_edge[element] #layer = sign * layer_from_directed.get(directed, INF) tool_point = position tool_distance = 0. if heuristic in COST_HEURISTICS: if conf is not None: if hash_or_id(conf) not in ee_cache: with BodySaver(robot): set_configuration(robot, conf) ee_cache[hash_or_id(conf)] = get_tool_position(robot) tool_point = ee_cache[hash_or_id(conf)] tool_distance = get_distance(tool_point, node_points[first_node]) # TODO: weighted average to balance cost and bias if heuristic == 'none': return 0 if heuristic == 'random': return random.random() elif heuristic == 'degree': # TODO: other graph statistics #printed_nodes = {n for e in printed for n in e} #node = n1 if n2 in printed_nodes else n2 #if node in ground_nodes: # return 0 raise NotImplementedError() elif heuristic == 'length': # Equivalent to mass if uniform density return get_element_length(element, node_points) elif heuristic == 'distance': return tool_distance elif heuristic == 'layered-distance': return (layer, tool_distance) # elif heuristic == 'components': # # Ground nodes intentionally omitted # # TODO: this is broken # remaining = all_elements - printed if forward else printed - {element} # vertices = nodes_from_elements(remaining) # components = get_connected_components(vertices, remaining) # #print('Components: {} | Distance: {:.3f}'.format(len(components), tool_distance)) # return (len(components), tool_distance) elif heuristic == 'fixed-tsp': # TODO: layer_from_edge[element] # TODO: score based on current distance from the plan in the tour # TODO: factor in the distance to the next element in a more effective way if order is None: return (INF, tool_distance) return (sign*order[element], tool_distance) # Chooses least expensive direction elif heuristic == 'tsp': if printed not in tsp_cache: # not last_plan and # TODO: seed with the previous solution #remaining = all_elements - printed if forward else printed #assert element in remaining #printed_nodes = compute_printed_nodes(ground_nodes, printed) if forward else ground_nodes tsp_cache[printed] = solve_tsp(all_elements, ground_nodes, node_points, printed, tool_point, initial_point, bidirectional=True, layers=True, max_time=30, visualize=False, verbose=True) #print(tsp_cache[printed]) if not last_plan: last_plan[:] = tsp_cache[printed][0] plan, cost = tsp_cache[printed] #plan = last_plan[len(printed):] if plan is None: #return tool_distance return (layer, INF) transit = compute_transit_distance(node_points, plan, start=tool_point, end=initial_point) assert forward first = plan[0] == directed #return not first # No info if the best isn't possible index = None for i, directed2 in enumerate(plan): undirected2 = get_undirected(all_elements, directed2) if element == undirected2: assert index is None index = i assert index is not None # Could also break ties by other in the plan # Two plans might have the same cost but the swap might be detrimental new_plan = [directed] + plan[:index] + plan[index+1:] assert len(plan) == len(new_plan) new_transit = compute_transit_distance(node_points, new_plan, start=tool_point, end=initial_point) #print(layer, cost, transit + compute_element_distance(node_points, plan), # new_transit + compute_element_distance(node_points, plan)) #return new_transit return (layer, not first, new_transit) # Layer important otherwise it shortcuts elif heuristic == 'online-tsp': if forward: _, tsp_distance = solve_tsp(all_elements-structure, ground_nodes, node_points, printed, node_points[second_node], initial_point, visualize=False) else: _, tsp_distance = solve_tsp(structure, ground_nodes, node_points, printed, initial_point, node_points[second_node], visualize=False) total = tool_distance + tsp_distance return total # elif heuristic == 'mst': # # TODO: this is broken # mst_distance = compute_component_mst(node_points, ground_nodes, remaining, # initial_position=node_points[second_node]) # return tool_distance + mst_distance elif heuristic == 'x': return sign * get_midpoint(node_points, element)[0] elif heuristic == 'z': return sign * compute_z_distance(node_points, element) elif heuristic == 'pitch': #delta = node_points[second_node] - node_points[first_node] delta = node_points[n2] - node_points[n1] return get_pitch(delta) elif heuristic == 'dijkstra': # offline # TODO: sum of all element path distances return sign*np.average([distance_from_node[node].cost for node in element]) # min, max, average elif heuristic == 'online-dijkstra': if printed not in distance_cache: distance_cache[printed] = compute_distance_from_node(printed, node_points, ground_nodes) return sign*min(distance_cache[printed][node].cost if node in distance_cache[printed] else INF for node in element) elif heuristic == 'plan-stiffness': if order is None: return None return (sign*order[element], directed not in order) elif heuristic == 'load': nodal_loads = checker.get_nodal_loads(existing_ids=structure_ids, dof_flattened=False) # get_self_weight_loads return reduce_op(np.linalg.norm(force_from_reaction(reaction)) for reaction in nodal_loads.values()) elif heuristic == 'fixed-forces': #printed = all_elements # disable to use most up-to-date # TODO: relative to the load introduced if printed not in reaction_cache: reaction_cache[printed] = compute_all_reactions(extrusion_path, all_elements, checker=checker) force = reduce_op(np.linalg.norm(reaction_fn(reaction)) for reaction in reaction_cache[printed].reactions[element]) return force / normalizer elif heuristic == 'forces': reactions_from_nodes = compute_node_reactions(extrusion_path, structure, checker=checker) #torque = sum(np.linalg.norm(np.sum([torque_from_reaction(reaction) for reaction in reactions], axis=0)) # for reactions in reactions_from_nodes.values()) #return torque / normalizer total = reduce_op(np.linalg.norm(reaction_fn(reaction)) for reactions in reactions_from_nodes.values() for reaction in reactions) return total / normalizer #return max(sum(np.linalg.norm(reaction_fn(reaction)) for reaction in reactions) # for reactions in reactions_from_nodes.values()) elif heuristic == 'stiffness': # TODO: add different variations # TODO: normalize by initial stiffness, length, or degree # Most unstable or least unstable first # Gets faster with fewer all_elements #old_stiffness = score_stiffness(extrusion_path, element_from_id, printed, checker=checker) stiffness = score_stiffness(extrusion_path, element_from_id, structure, checker=checker) # lower is better return stiffness / normalizer #return stiffness / old_stiffness elif heuristic == 'fixed-stiffness': # TODO: invert the sign for regression/progression? # TODO: sort FastDownward by the (fixed) action cost return stiffness_cache[element] / normalizer elif heuristic == 'relative-stiffness': stiffness = score_stiffness(extrusion_path, element_from_id, structure, checker=checker) # lower is better if normalizer == 0: return 0 return stiffness / normalizer #return stiffness / stiffness_cache[element] raise ValueError(heuristic)
def problem1(n_obstacles=10, wall_side=0.1, obst_width=0.25, obst_height=0.5): floor_extent = 5.0 base_limits = (-floor_extent / 2. * np.ones(2), +floor_extent / 2. * np.ones(2)) floor_height = 0.001 floor = create_box(floor_extent, floor_extent, floor_height, color=TAN) set_point(floor, Point(z=-floor_height / 2.)) wall1 = create_box(floor_extent + wall_side, wall_side, wall_side, color=GREY) set_point(wall1, Point(y=floor_extent / 2., z=wall_side / 2.)) wall2 = create_box(floor_extent + wall_side, wall_side, wall_side, color=GREY) set_point(wall2, Point(y=-floor_extent / 2., z=wall_side / 2.)) wall3 = create_box(wall_side, floor_extent + wall_side, wall_side, color=GREY) set_point(wall3, Point(x=floor_extent / 2., z=wall_side / 2.)) wall4 = create_box(wall_side, floor_extent + wall_side, wall_side, color=GREY) set_point(wall4, Point(x=-floor_extent / 2., z=wall_side / 2.)) wall5 = create_box(obst_width, obst_width, obst_height, color=GREY) set_point(wall5, Point(z=obst_height / 2.)) walls = [wall1, wall2, wall3, wall4, wall5] initial_surfaces = OrderedDict() for _ in range(n_obstacles - 1): body = create_box(obst_width, obst_width, obst_height, color=GREY) initial_surfaces[body] = floor pillars = list(initial_surfaces) obstacles = walls + pillars initial_conf = np.array([+floor_extent / 3, -floor_extent / 3, 3 * PI / 4]) goal_conf = -initial_conf robot = load_pybullet(TURTLEBOT_URDF, fixed_base=True, merge=True, sat=False) base_joints = joints_from_names(robot, BASE_JOINTS) # base_link = child_link_from_joint(base_joints[-1]) base_link = link_from_name(robot, BASE_LINK_NAME) set_all_color(robot, BLUE) dump_body(robot) set_point(robot, Point(z=stable_z(robot, floor))) #set_point(robot, Point(z=base_aligned_z(robot))) draw_pose(Pose(), parent=robot, parent_link=base_link, length=0.5) set_joint_positions(robot, base_joints, initial_conf) sample_placements( initial_surfaces, obstacles=[robot] + walls, savers=[BodySaver(robot, joints=base_joints, positions=goal_conf)], min_distances=10e-2) # The first calls appear to be the slowest # times = [] # for body1, body2 in combinations(pillars, r=2): # start_time = time.time() # colliding = pairwise_collision(body1, body2) # runtime = elapsed_time(start_time) # print(colliding, runtime) # times.append(runtime) # print(times) return robot, base_limits, goal_conf, obstacles