def gr_corrections(r, m, phi=1.0, verbose=False): """Returns GR correction factors (xi, 1+z) given Newtonian R, M Ref: Eq. B5, Keek & Heger 2011 parameters ---------- m : flt Newtonian mass (Msol) (i.e. Kepler frame) r : flt Newtonian radius (km) phi : flt Ratio of GR mass to Newtonian mass: M_GR / M_NW (NOTE: unrelated to grav potential phi) verbose : bool """ zeta = get_zeta(r=r, m=m) b = (9 * zeta**2 * phi**4 + np.sqrt(3) * phi**3 * np.sqrt(16 + 27 * zeta**4 * phi**2))**(1 / 3) a = (2 / 9)**(1 / 3) * (b**2 / phi**2 - 2 * 6**(1 / 3)) / (b * zeta**2) xi = (zeta * phi / 2) * (1 + np.sqrt(1 - a) + np.sqrt(2 + a + 2 / np.sqrt(1 - a))) redshift = xi**2 / phi # NOTE: xi is unrelated to anisotropy factors xi_b, xi_p if verbose: print_title(f'Using R={r:.3f}, M={m}, M_GR={m*phi}:') print(f' R_GR = {r*xi:.2f} km') print(f'(1+z)_GR = {redshift:.3f}') return xi, redshift
def extract_runs(runs, batch, source, save_plots=True, reload=False, load_bursts=False, load_summary=False, basename='xrb'): """Do burst analysis on run(s) from a single batch and save results """ runs = grid_tools.ensure_np_list(runs) for run in runs: print_title(f'Run {run}', character='-', n=50) model = burst_analyser.BurstRun(run, batch, source, analyse=True, reload=reload, load_bursts=load_bursts, basename=basename, load_summary=load_summary) model.save_burst_table() model.save_summary_table() if save_plots: model.plot(display=False, save=True, log=False) model.plot_convergence(display=False, save=True) model.plot_lightcurves(display=False, save=True)
def collect_output(runs, batches, source, basename='xrb', mean_name='', **kwargs): """======================================================================= Collects output files from kepler-analyser output and organises them into batches ======================================================================= runs = int,[int] : list of model IDs () batches = [int] : list of batch IDs/numbers (assumes same run-IDs for eachs) basename = str : basename of kepler models path = str : path to location of all collected batches =======================================================================""" print_title('Collecting mean lightcurve and summ.csv files') source = grid_strings.source_shorthand(source=source) batches = grid_tools.expand_batches(batches, source) runs = grid_tools.expand_runs(runs) path = kwargs.get('path', GRIDS_PATH) analyser_path = os.path.join(path, 'analyser', source) for batch in batches: batch_str = grid_strings.get_batch_string(batch, source) analyser_output_path = os.path.join(analyser_path, batch_str + OUTPUT_SUFFIX) source_path = grid_strings.get_source_path(source) save_path = os.path.join(source_path, 'mean_lightcurves', batch_str) grid_tools.try_mkdir(save_path, skip=True) print('Copying from: ', analyser_output_path) print(' to: ', source_path) print('Copying/reformatting summ files') reformat_summ(batch=batch, source=source, basename=basename) print('Copying mean lightcurves') final_run_str = grid_strings.get_run_string(runs[-1], basename) for run in runs: run_str = grid_strings.get_run_string(run, basename) sys.stdout.write(f'\r{run_str}/{final_run_str}') mean_filepath = os.path.join(analyser_output_path, run_str, mean_name) save_file = f'{batch_str}_{run_str}_{mean_name}' save_filepath = os.path.join(save_path, save_file)['cp', mean_filepath, save_filepath]) sys.stdout.write('\n')
def print_summary(runs, batches, source, basename='xrb', skip=1, redshift=1.259, **kwargs): """ prints summary analyser output of model """ source = grid_strings.source_shorthand(source=source) batches = grid_tools.expand_batches(batches, source) path = kwargs.get('path', GRIDS_PATH) analyser_path = os.path.join(path, 'analyser', source) runs = grid_tools.expand_runs(runs) for batch in batches: batch_name = grid_strings.get_batch_string(batch, source) output_str = f'{batch_name}{OUTPUT_SUFFIX}' print_title(f'Batch {batch}') summ_filepath = os.path.join(analyser_path, output_str, 'summ.csv') summ = pd.read_csv(summ_filepath) summ_names = np.genfromtxt(summ_filepath, delimiter="'", usecols=[1], dtype='str') for run in runs: run_str = grid_strings.get_run_string(run, basename) idx = np.where( summ_names == run_str)[0][0] # index of row for this run N = int(summ['num'][idx]) # Number of bursts dt = summ['tDel'][idx] * redshift / 3600 u_dt = summ['uTDel'][idx] * redshift / 3600 # ===== Print info ===== print(basename + str(run)) print('Total bursts = {n}'.format(n=N)) print('Exluding first {skip} bursts'.format(skip=skip)) print('Using redshift (1+z)={:.3f}'.format(redshift)) print('Delta_t = {:.2f} (hr)'.format(dt)) print('u(Delta_t) = {:.2f} (hr)'.format(u_dt)) print_dashes() return {'N': N, 'dt': dt, 'u_dt': u_dt}
def extract_batches(source, batches=None, save_plots=True, multithread=True, reload=False, load_bursts=False, load_summary=False, basename='xrb', param_table=None): """Do burst analysis on arbitrary number of batches""" t0 = time.time() if param_table is not None: print('Using models from table provided') batches = np.unique(param_table['batch']) else: batches = grid_tools.ensure_np_list(batches) for batch in batches: print_title(f'Batch {batch}') analysis_path = grid_strings.batch_analysis_path(batch, source) for folder in ['input', 'output']: path = os.path.join(analysis_path, folder) grid_tools.try_mkdir(path, skip=True) if param_table is not None: subset = grid_tools.reduce_table(param_table, params={'batch': batch}) runs = np.array(subset['run']) else: n_runs = grid_tools.get_nruns(batch, source) runs = np.arange(n_runs) + 1 if multithread: args = [] for run in runs: args.append((run, batch, source, save_plots, reload, load_bursts, load_summary, basename)) with mp.Pool(processes=8) as pool: pool.starmap(extract_runs, args) else: extract_runs(runs, batch, source, reload=reload, save_plots=save_plots, load_bursts=load_bursts, load_summary=load_summary, basename=basename) print_title('Combining run tables') for table_name in ('summary', 'bursts'): burst_tools.combine_run_tables(batch, source, table_name=table_name) t1 = time.time() dt = t1 - t0 print_title(f'Time taken: {dt:.1f} s ({dt/60:.2f} min)')
def extract_lightcurves(runs, path_data, path_target, basename='xrb'): """======================================================== Loads Kepler .lum binaries and saves txt file of [time, luminosity, radius] for input to kepler_analyser Returns No. of cycles for each run ======================================================== runs = [] : list of run numbers, eg. [324,325,340] path_data = str : path to directory where kepler output folders are located (include trailing slash) path_target = str : path to directory where output .txt files will be written (include trailing slash) in_name = str : base filename of input, eg. 'run' for run324 out_name = str : base filename of output, eg. 'xrb' for xrb324 NOTE: kepler_analyser overwrites summ.csv and db.csv, should put path_target as new directory ========================================================""" print_title() print(f'Loading binaries from {path_data}') print(f'Writing txt files to {path_target}') print_title() cycles = np.zeros(len(runs), dtype=int) for i, run in enumerate(runs): rname = grid_strings.get_run_string(run, basename) lcfile = f'{rname}.lc' savefile = f'{rname}.data' print(f'Loading kepler binary for {rname}') lcpath = os.path.join(path_data, rname, lcfile) data = lcdata.load(lcpath, graphical=False) print('Writing txt file') savepath = os.path.join(path_target, savefile) data.write_lc_txt(savepath) # --- Save number of cycles in model --- cycles[i] = len(data.time) print_dashes()
def run_analysis(batches, source, copy_params=False, reload=True, multithread=True, analyse=True, save_plots=True, collect=True, load_bursts=False, load_summary=False, auto_last_batch=True, basename='xrb', new_models=False): """Run all analysis steps for burst models """ if new_models: print('Adding new models. ' 'Overriding options: reload, copy_params, auto_last_batch') reload = False copy_params = True auto_last_batch = False all_batches = np.arange( batches[-1]) + 1 # assumes batches[-1] is final batch of grid if copy_params: print_title('Copying parameter tables') grid_tools.copy_paramfiles(batches, source) grid_tools.combine_grid_tables(all_batches, 'params', source=source) if analyse: print_title('Extracting burst properties from models') extract_batches(batches=batches, source=source, save_plots=save_plots, load_bursts=load_bursts, multithread=multithread, reload=reload, basename=basename, load_summary=load_summary) if collect: print_title('Collecting results') if auto_last_batch: grid_table = grid_tools.load_grid_table('params', source=source, lampe_analyser=False) last_batch = grid_table.batch.iloc[-1] else: last_batch = batches[ -1] # Assumes last batch is the last for whole grid burst_tools.combine_batch_tables(np.arange(last_batch) + 1, source=source, table_name='summary')
def main(source, version, n_steps, dump_step=None, n_walkers=1000, n_threads=8, restart_step=None): """Performs an MCMC simulation using the given source grid """ pyprint.print_title(f'{source} V{version}') mcmc_path = mcmc_tools.get_mcmc_path(source) chain0 = None if dump_step is None: dump_step = n_steps dump_step = int(dump_step) n_threads = int(n_threads) n_walkers = int(n_walkers) if (n_steps % dump_step) != 0: raise ValueError( f'n_steps={n_steps} is not divisible by dump_step={dump_step}') if restart_step is None: restart = False start = 0 pos = mcmc.setup_positions(source=source, version=version, n_walkers=n_walkers) else: restart = True start = int(restart_step) chain0 = mcmc_tools.load_chain(source=source, version=version, n_walkers=n_walkers, n_steps=start) pos = chain0[:, -1, :] sampler = mcmc.setup_sampler(source=source, version=version, pos=pos, n_threads=n_threads) iterations = round(n_steps / dump_step) t0 = time.time() # ===== do 'dump_step' steps at a time ===== for i in range(iterations): step0 = start + (i * dump_step) step1 = start + ((i + 1) * dump_step) print('-' * 30) print(f'Doing steps: {step0} - {step1}') pos, lnprob, rstate = mcmc.run_sampler(sampler, pos=pos, n_steps=dump_step) # pos, lnprob, rstate, blob = mcmc.run_sampler(sampler, pos=pos, n_steps=dump_step) # ===== concatenate loaded chain to current chain ===== if restart: save_chain = np.concatenate([chain0, sampler.chain], 1) else: save_chain = sampler.chain # === save chain state === filename = mcmc_tools.get_mcmc_string(source=source, version=version, prefix='chain', n_steps=step1, n_walkers=n_walkers, extension='.npy') filepath = os.path.join(mcmc_path, filename) print(f'Saving: {filepath}'), save_chain) # ===== save sampler state ===== # TODO: delete previous checkpoint after saving mcmc_tools.save_sampler_state(sampler, source=source, version=version, n_steps=step1, n_walkers=n_walkers) print('=' * 30) print('Done!') t1 = time.time() dt = t1 - t0 time_per_step = dt / n_steps time_per_sample = dt / (n_walkers * n_steps) print(f'Total compute time: {dt:.0f} s ({dt/3600:.2f} hr)') print(f'Average time per step: {time_per_step:.1f} s') print(f'Average time per sample: {time_per_sample:.4f} s')
def print_batch(batch, source): print_title() print_title() print(f'Batch: {batch}') print_title() print_title()
def print_batch(batch): print_title() print_title() print(f'Batch: {batch}') print_title() print_title()