def load_trackables(self, limit=float("inf")): """Return a generator of trackables in this cache. Yield instances of :class:`.Trackable` filled with trackable data. :param int limit: Maximum number of trackables to generate. """"Loading trackables for {}...".format(self)) self.trackables = [] url = self._trackable_page_url # will trigger lazy_loading if needed if not url: # no link to all trackables = no trackables in cache raise StopIteration() res = self.geocaching._request(url) trackable_table = res.find_all("table")[1] links = trackable_table.find_all("a") # filter out all urls for trackables urls = [link.get("href") for link in links if "track" in link.get("href")] # find the names matching the trackble urls names = [re.split("[\<\>]", str(link))[2] for link in links if "track" in link.get("href")] for name, url in zip(names, urls): limit -= 1 # handle limit if limit < 0: raise StopIteration() # create and fill trackable object t = Trackable(self.geocaching, None) = name t.url = url self.trackables.append(t) yield t
def load_trackable_by_url(self, url, destination=None): try: root = self._browser.get(url).soup except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise Error("Cannot load cache details page.") from e title_tuple = re.split("[\(\)-]", root.title.string) tid = title_tuple[1] trackable_type = title_tuple[2] name = '' for n in title_tuple[3:]: name += n + '-' name = name.rstrip('-') owner_raw = root.findAll( "a", {"id": "ctl00_ContentBody_BugDetails_BugOwner"}) #return owner_raw owner = re.split("[\<\>]", str(owner_raw))[2] location_raw = root.findAll( "a", {"id": "ctl00_ContentBody_BugDetails_BugLocation"}) #return owner_raw location_url = location_raw[0].get('href') if 'cache_details' in location_url: location = self.load_cache_by_url(location_url).location else: location = re.split("[\<\>]", str(location_raw))[2] description_raw = root.findAll("div", {"id": "TrackableDetails"}) description = description_raw[0].text goal_raw = root.findAll("div", {"id": "TrackableGoal"}) goal = goal_raw[0].text # create trackable object t = destination or Trackable(tid, self) assert isinstance(t, Trackable) t.tid = tid = name t.owner = owner t.location = location t.type = trackable_type t.description = description t.goal = goal return t
def load_trackable_list(self, url): try: root = self._browser.get(url).soup except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise Error("Cannot load cache details page.") from e trackable_table = root.find_all("table")[1] urls_raw = trackable_table.find_all("a") # filter out all urls for trackables urls = [ url.get("href") for url in urls_raw if "track" in url.get("href") ] # find the names matching the trackble urls names = [ re.split("[\<\>]", str(url))[2] for url in urls_raw if "track" in url.get("href") ] # create trackables and build list to return trackables = [] for n, u in zip(names, urls): trackables.append(Trackable(None, self, name=n, trackable_page=u)) return trackables
def get_trackable(self, tid): """Return a :class:`.Trackable` object by its trackable ID. :param str tid: Trackable ID. """ return Trackable(self, tid)