Exemple #1
class TimezoneDatabase(object):
    On demand timezone database cache. This scans a TZdb directory for .ics files matching a
    TZID and caches the component data in a calendar from whence the actual component is returned.

    sTimezoneDatabase = None

    def createTimezoneDatabase(dbpath):
        TimezoneDatabase.sTimezoneDatabase = TimezoneDatabase()

    def clearTimezoneDatabase():
        if TimezoneDatabase.sTimezoneDatabase is not None:

    def __init__(self):
        from pycalendar.icalendar.calendar import Calendar
        self.dbpath = None
        self.calendar = Calendar()
        self.tzcache = {}
        self.stdtzcache = set()

    def setPath(self, dbpath):
        self.dbpath = dbpath

    def clear(self):
        from pycalendar.icalendar.calendar import Calendar
        self.calendar = Calendar()

    def getTimezoneDatabase():
        if TimezoneDatabase.sTimezoneDatabase is None:
            TimezoneDatabase.sTimezoneDatabase = TimezoneDatabase()
        return TimezoneDatabase.sTimezoneDatabase

    def getTimezone(tzid):
        return TimezoneDatabase.getTimezoneDatabase()._getTimezone(tzid)

    def getTimezoneInCalendar(tzid):
        Return a VTIMEZONE inside a valid VCALENDAR

        tz = TimezoneDatabase.getTimezone(tzid)
        if tz is not None:
            from pycalendar.icalendar.calendar import Calendar
            cal = Calendar()
            return cal
            return None

    def getTimezoneOffsetSeconds(tzid, dt, relative_to_utc=False):
        # Cache it first
        tz = TimezoneDatabase.getTimezone(tzid)
        if tz is not None:
            return tz.getTimezoneOffsetSeconds(dt, relative_to_utc)
            return 0

    def getTimezoneDescriptor(tzid, dt):
        # Cache it first
        tz = TimezoneDatabase.getTimezone(tzid)
        if tz is not None:
            return tz.getTimezoneDescriptor(dt)
            return ""

    def isStandardTimezone(tzid):
        return TimezoneDatabase.getTimezoneDatabase()._isStandardTimezone(tzid)

    def cacheTimezone(self, tzid):
        Load the specified timezone identifier's timezone data from a file and parse it
        into the L{Calendar} used to store timezones used by this object.

        @param tzid: the timezone identifier to load
        @type tzid: L{str}

        if self.dbpath is None:

        tzpath = os.path.join(self.dbpath, "%s.ics" % (tzid,))
        tzpath = os.path.normpath(tzpath)
        if tzpath.startswith(self.dbpath) and os.path.isfile(tzpath):
                with open(tzpath) as f:
            except (IOError, InvalidData):
                raise NoTimezoneInDatabase(self.dbpath, tzid)
            raise NoTimezoneInDatabase(self.dbpath, tzid)

    def addTimezone(self, tz):
        Add the specified VTIMEZONE component to this object's L{Calendar} cache. This component
        is assumed to be a non-standard timezone - i.e., not loaded from the timezone database.

        @param tz: the VTIMEZONE component to add
        @type tz: L{Component}
        copy = tz.duplicate(self.calendar)
        self.tzcache[copy.getID()] = copy

    def _addStandardTimezone(self, tz):
        Same as L{addTimezone} except that the timezone is marked as a standard timezone. This
        is only meant to be used for testing which happens int he absence of a real standard
        timezone database.

        @param tz: the VTIMEZONE component to add
        @type tz: L{Component}
        if tz.getID() not in self.tzcache:

    def _isStandardTimezone(self, tzid):
        Add the specified VTIMEZONE component to this object's L{Calendar} cache. This component
        is assumed to be a non-standard timezone - i.e., not loaded from the timezone database.

        @param tzid: the timezone identifier to lookup
        @type tzid: L{str}
        return tzid in self.stdtzcache

    def _getTimezone(self, tzid):
        Get a timezone matching the specified timezone identifier. Use this object's
        cache - if not in the cache try to load it from a tz database file and store in
        this object's calendar.

        @param tzid: the timezone identifier to lookup
        @type tzid: L{str}
        if tzid not in self.tzcache:
            tz = self.calendar.getTimezone(tzid)
            if tz is None:
                except NoTimezoneInDatabase:
                tz = self.calendar.getTimezone(tzid)
            self.tzcache[tzid] = tz
            if tz is not None and tzid is not None:

        return self.tzcache[tzid]

    def mergeTimezones(cal, tzs):
        Merge each timezone from other calendar.

        tzdb = TimezoneDatabase.getTimezoneDatabase()

        # Not if our own calendar
        if cal is tzdb.calendar:

        # Merge each timezone from other calendar
        for tz in tzs:

    def mergeTimezone(self, tz):
        If the supplied VTIMEZONE is not in our cache then store it in memory.

        if self._getTimezone(tz.getID()) is None:
Exemple #2
class TimezoneDatabase(object):
    On demand timezone database cache. This scans a TZdb directory for .ics files matching a
    TZID and caches the component data in a calendar from whence the actual component is returned.

    sTimezoneDatabase = None

    def createTimezoneDatabase(dbpath):
        TimezoneDatabase.sTimezoneDatabase = TimezoneDatabase()

    def clearTimezoneDatabase():
        if TimezoneDatabase.sTimezoneDatabase is not None:

    def __init__(self):
        from pycalendar.icalendar.calendar import Calendar
        self.dbpath = None
        self.calendar = Calendar()
        self.tzcache = {}
        self.stdtzcache = set()

    def setPath(self, dbpath):
        self.dbpath = dbpath

    def clear(self):
        from pycalendar.icalendar.calendar import Calendar
        self.calendar = Calendar()

    def getTimezoneDatabase():
        if TimezoneDatabase.sTimezoneDatabase is None:
            TimezoneDatabase.sTimezoneDatabase = TimezoneDatabase()
        return TimezoneDatabase.sTimezoneDatabase

    def getTimezone(tzid):
        return TimezoneDatabase.getTimezoneDatabase()._getTimezone(tzid)

    def getTimezoneInCalendar(tzid):
        Return a VTIMEZONE inside a valid VCALENDAR

        tz = TimezoneDatabase.getTimezone(tzid)
        if tz is not None:
            from pycalendar.icalendar.calendar import Calendar
            cal = Calendar()
            return cal
            return None

    def getTimezoneOffsetSeconds(tzid, dt, relative_to_utc=False):
        # Cache it first
        tz = TimezoneDatabase.getTimezone(tzid)
        if tz is not None:
            return tz.getTimezoneOffsetSeconds(dt, relative_to_utc)
            return 0

    def getTimezoneDescriptor(tzid, dt):
        # Cache it first
        tz = TimezoneDatabase.getTimezone(tzid)
        if tz is not None:
            return tz.getTimezoneDescriptor(dt)
            return ""

    def isStandardTimezone(tzid):
        return TimezoneDatabase.getTimezoneDatabase()._isStandardTimezone(tzid)

    def cacheTimezone(self, tzid):
        Load the specified timezone identifier's timezone data from a file and parse it
        into the L{Calendar} used to store timezones used by this object.

        @param tzid: the timezone identifier to load
        @type tzid: L{str}

        if self.dbpath is None:

        tzpath = os.path.join(self.dbpath, "%s.ics" % (tzid, ))
        tzpath = os.path.normpath(tzpath)
        if tzpath.startswith(self.dbpath) and os.path.isfile(tzpath):
                with open(tzpath) as f:
            except (IOError, InvalidData):
                raise NoTimezoneInDatabase(self.dbpath, tzid)
            raise NoTimezoneInDatabase(self.dbpath, tzid)

    def addTimezone(self, tz):
        Add the specified VTIMEZONE component to this object's L{Calendar} cache. This component
        is assumed to be a non-standard timezone - i.e., not loaded from the timezone database.

        @param tz: the VTIMEZONE component to add
        @type tz: L{Component}
        copy = tz.duplicate(self.calendar)
        self.tzcache[copy.getID()] = copy

    def _addStandardTimezone(self, tz):
        Same as L{addTimezone} except that the timezone is marked as a standard timezone. This
        is only meant to be used for testing which happens int he absence of a real standard
        timezone database.

        @param tz: the VTIMEZONE component to add
        @type tz: L{Component}
        if tz.getID() not in self.tzcache:

    def _isStandardTimezone(self, tzid):
        Add the specified VTIMEZONE component to this object's L{Calendar} cache. This component
        is assumed to be a non-standard timezone - i.e., not loaded from the timezone database.

        @param tzid: the timezone identifier to lookup
        @type tzid: L{str}
        return tzid in self.stdtzcache

    def _getTimezone(self, tzid):
        Get a timezone matching the specified timezone identifier. Use this object's
        cache - if not in the cache try to load it from a tz database file and store in
        this object's calendar.

        @param tzid: the timezone identifier to lookup
        @type tzid: L{str}
        if tzid not in self.tzcache:
            tz = self.calendar.getTimezone(tzid)
            if tz is None:
                except NoTimezoneInDatabase:
                tz = self.calendar.getTimezone(tzid)
            self.tzcache[tzid] = tz
            if tz is not None and tzid is not None:

        return self.tzcache[tzid]

    def mergeTimezones(cal, tzs):
        Merge each timezone from other calendar.

        tzdb = TimezoneDatabase.getTimezoneDatabase()

        # Not if our own calendar
        if cal is tzdb.calendar:

        # Merge each timezone from other calendar
        for tz in tzs:

    def mergeTimezone(self, tz):
        If the supplied VTIMEZONE is not in our cache then store it in memory.

        if self._getTimezone(tz.getID()) is None: