def get_max_height_triangles(model, cutter, x, y, minz, maxz): if model is None: return Point(x, y, minz) p = Point(x, y, maxz) height_max = None box_x_min = cutter.get_minx(p) box_x_max = cutter.get_maxx(p) box_y_min = cutter.get_miny(p) box_y_max = cutter.get_maxy(p) box_z_min = minz box_z_max = maxz triangles = model.triangles(box_x_min, box_y_min, box_z_min, box_x_max, box_y_max, box_z_max) for t in triangles: cut = cutter.drop(t, start=p) if cut and ((height_max is None) or (cut.z > height_max)): height_max = cut.z # don't do a complete boundary check for the height # this avoids zero-cuts for models that exceed the bounding box height if (height_max is None) or (height_max < minz + epsilon): height_max = minz if height_max > maxz + epsilon: return None else: return Point(x, y, height_max)
def get_line(i1, i2): a = list(coords[i1 % 4]) b = list(coords[i2 % 4]) # the contour points of the model will always be at level zero a[2] = self.z_level b[2] = self.z_level return Line(Point(*a), Point(*b))
def calculate_point_height(self, x, y, func): point = Point(x, y, self.outer.minz) if not self.outer.is_point_inside(point): return None for poly in self.inner: if poly.is_point_inside(point): return None point = Point(x, y, self.outer.minz) line_distances = [] for line in self.lines: cross_product = line.dir.cross(point.sub(line.p1)) if cross_product.z > 0: close_points = [] close_point = line.closest_point(point) if not line.is_point_inside(close_point): close_points.append(line.p1) close_points.append(line.p2) else: close_points.append(close_point) for p in close_points: direction = point.sub(p) dist = direction.norm line_distances.append(dist) elif cross_product.z == 0: # the point is on the line line_distances.append(0.0) # no other line can get closer than this break else: # the point is in the left of this line pass line_distances.sort() return self.z_level + func(line_distances[0])
def render(self, text, origin=None, skew=0, line_spacing=1.0, pitch=1.0, align=None): result = ContourModel() if origin is None: origin = Point(0, 0, 0) if align is None: align = TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT base = origin letter_spacing = self.letterspacing * pitch word_spacing = self.wordspacing * pitch line_factor = self.default_linespacing * self.linespacingfactor \ * line_spacing for line in text.splitlines(): current_line = ContourModel() line_height = self.default_height for character in line: if character == " ": base = base.add(Point(word_spacing, 0, 0)) elif character in self.letters.keys(): charset_letter = self.letters[character] new_model = ContourModel() for line in charset_letter.get_positioned_lines(base, skew=skew): new_model.append(line, allow_reverse=True) for polygon in new_model.get_polygons(): # add polygons instead of lines -> more efficient current_line.append(polygon) # update line height line_height = max(line_height, charset_letter.maxy()) # shift the base position base = base.add( Point(charset_letter.maxx() + letter_spacing, 0, 0)) else: # unknown character - add a small whitespace base = base.add(Point(letter_spacing, 0, 0)) # go to the next line base = Point(origin.x, base.y - line_height * line_factor, origin.z) if not current_line.maxx is None: if align == TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER: current_line.shift(-current_line.maxx / 2, 0, 0) elif align == TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT: current_line.shift(-current_line.maxx, 0, 0) else: # left align if current_line.minx != 0: current_line.shift(-current_line.minx, 0, 0) for polygon in current_line.get_polygons(): result.append(polygon) # the text should be just above the x axis if result.miny: # don't shift, if result.miny is None (e.g.: no content) or zero result.shift(0, -result.miny, 0) return result
def get_lines_layer(lines, z, last_z=None, step_width=None, milling_style=MILLING_STYLE_CONVENTIONAL): get_proj_point = lambda proj_point: Point(proj_point.x, proj_point.y, z) projected_lines = [] for line in lines: if (not last_z is None) and (last_z < line.minz): # the line was processed before continue elif line.minz < z < line.maxz: # Split the line at the point at z level and do the calculation # for both point pairs. factor = (z - line.p1.z) / (line.p2.z - line.p1.z) plane_point = line.p1.add(line.vector.mul(factor)) if line.p1.z < z: p1 = get_proj_point(line.p1) p2 = line.p2 else: p1 = line.p1 p2 = get_proj_point(line.p2) projected_lines.append(Line(p1, plane_point)) yield Line(plane_point, p2) elif line.minz < last_z < line.maxz: plane = Plane(Point(0, 0, last_z), Vector(0, 0, 1)) cp = plane.intersect_point(line.dir, line.p1)[0] # we can be sure that there is an intersection if line.p1.z > last_z: p1, p2 = cp, line.p2 else: p1, p2 = line.p1, cp projected_lines.append(Line(p1, p2)) else: if line.maxz <= z: # the line is completely below z projected_lines.append(Line(get_proj_point(line.p1), get_proj_point(line.p2))) elif line.minz >= z: projected_lines.append(line) else: log.warn("Unexpected condition 'get_lines_layer': " + \ "%s / %s / %s / %s" % (line.p1, line.p2, z, last_z)) # process all projected lines for line in projected_lines: points = [] if step_width is None: points.append(line.p1) points.append(line.p2) else: if isiterable(step_width): steps = step_width else: steps = floatrange(0.0, line.len, inc=step_width) for step in steps: next_point = line.p1.add(line.dir.mul(step)) points.append(next_point) yield points
def intersect_torus_point(center, axis, majorradius, minorradius, majorradiussq, minorradiussq, direction, point): dist = 0 if (direction.x == 0) and (direction.y == 0): # drop minlsq = (majorradius - minorradius)**2 maxlsq = (majorradius + minorradius)**2 l_sq = (point.x - center.x)**2 + (point.y - center.y)**2 if (l_sq < minlsq + epsilon) or (l_sq > maxlsq - epsilon): return (None, None, INFINITE) l = sqrt(l_sq) z_sq = minorradiussq - (majorradius - l)**2 if z_sq < 0: return (None, None, INFINITE) z = sqrt(z_sq) ccp = Point(point.x, point.y, center.z - z) dist = ccp.z - point.z elif direction.z == 0: # push z = point.z - center.z if abs(z) > minorradius - epsilon: return (None, None, INFINITE) l = majorradius + sqrt(minorradiussq - z * z) n = axis.cross(direction) d = - if abs(d) > l - epsilon: return (None, None, INFINITE) a = sqrt(l * l - d * d) ccp = center.add(n.mul(d).add(direction.mul(a))) ccp.z = point.z dist = point.sub(ccp).dot(direction) else: # general case x = point.sub(center) v = direction.mul(-1) x_x = x_v = x1 = Point(x.x, x.y, 0) v1 = Point(v.x, v.y, 0) x1_x1 = x1_v1 = v1_v1 = R2 = majorradiussq r2 = minorradiussq a = 1.0 b = 4 * x_v c = 2 * (x_x + 2 * x_v**2 + (R2 - r2) - 2 * R2 * v1_v1) d = 4 * (x_x * x_v + x_v * (R2 - r2) - 2 * R2 * x1_v1) e = (x_x)**2 + 2 * x_x * (R2 - r2) + (R2 - r2)**2 - 4 * R2 * x1_x1 r = poly4_roots(a, b, c, d, e) if not r: return (None, None, INFINITE) else: l = min(r) ccp = point.add(direction.mul(-l)) dist = l return (ccp, point, dist)
def _get_axes_vectors(self): """calculate the model vectors along the screen's x and y axes""" # The "up" vector defines, in what proportion each axis of the model is # in line with the screen's y axis. v_up = self.view["up"] factors_y = (number(v_up[0]), number(v_up[1]), number(v_up[2])) # Calculate the proportion of each model axis according to the x axis of # the screen. distv = self.view["distance"] distv = Point(distv[0], distv[1], distv[2]).normalized() factors_x = distv.cross(Point(v_up[0], v_up[1], v_up[2])).normalized() factors_x = (factors_x.x, factors_x.y, factors_x.z) return (factors_x, factors_y)
def GenerateToolPathLinePush(self, pa, line, z, previous_z, draw_callback=None): if previous_z <= line.minz: # the line is completely above the previous level pass elif line.minz < z < line.maxz: # Split the line at the point at z level and do the calculation # for both point pairs. factor = (z - line.p1.z) / (line.p2.z - line.p1.z) plane_point = line.p1.add(line.vector.mul(factor)) self.GenerateToolPathLinePush(pa, Line(line.p1, plane_point), z, previous_z, draw_callback=draw_callback) self.GenerateToolPathLinePush(pa, Line(plane_point, line.p2), z, previous_z, draw_callback=draw_callback) elif line.minz < previous_z < line.maxz: plane = Plane(Point(0, 0, previous_z), Vector(0, 0, 1)) cp = plane.intersect_point(line.dir, line.p1)[0] # we can be sure that there is an intersection if line.p1.z > previous_z: p1, p2 = cp, line.p2 else: p1, p2 = line.p1, cp self.GenerateToolPathLinePush(pa, Line(p1, p2), z, previous_z, draw_callback=draw_callback) else: if line.maxz <= z: # the line is completely below z p1 = Point(line.p1.x, line.p1.y, z) p2 = Point(line.p2.x, line.p2.y, z) elif line.minz >= z: p1 = line.p1 p2 = line.p2 else: log.warn("Unexpected condition EC_GTPLP: %s / %s / %s / %s" % \ (line.p1, line.p2, z, previous_z)) return # no model -> no possible obstacles # model is completely below z (e.g. support bridges) -> no obstacles relevant_models = [m for m in self.models if m.maxz >= z] if not relevant_models: points = [p1, p2] elif self.physics: points = get_free_paths_ode(self.physics, p1, p2) else: points = get_free_paths_triangles(relevant_models, self.cutter, p1, p2) if points: for point in points: pa.append(point) if draw_callback: draw_callback(tool_position=points[-1], toolpath=pa.paths)
def _add_aligned_cuboid_to_model(minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz): points = ( Point(minx, miny, minz), Point(maxx, miny, minz), Point(maxx, maxy, minz), Point(minx, maxy, minz), Point(minx, miny, maxz), Point(maxx, miny, maxz), Point(maxx, maxy, maxz), Point(minx, maxy, maxz)) triangles = [] # lower face triangles.extend(_get_triangles_for_face( (points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]))) # upper face triangles.extend(_get_triangles_for_face( (points[7], points[6], points[5], points[4]))) # front face triangles.extend(_get_triangles_for_face( (points[0], points[4], points[5], points[1]))) # back face triangles.extend(_get_triangles_for_face( (points[2], points[6], points[7], points[3]))) # right face triangles.extend(_get_triangles_for_face( (points[1], points[5], points[6], points[2]))) # left face triangles.extend(_get_triangles_for_face( (points[3], points[7], points[4], points[0]))) # add all triangles to the model model = Model() for t in triangles: model.append(t) return model
def get_test_model(): points = [] points.append(Point(-2, 1, 4)) points.append(Point(2, 1, 4)) points.append(Point(0, -2, 4)) points.append(Point(-5, 2, 2)) points.append(Point(-1, 3, 2)) points.append(Point(5, 2, 2)) points.append(Point(4, -1, 2)) points.append(Point(2, -4, 2)) points.append(Point(-2, -4, 2)) points.append(Point(-3, -2, 2)) lines = [] lines.append(Line(points[0], points[1])) lines.append(Line(points[1], points[2])) lines.append(Line(points[2], points[0])) lines.append(Line(points[0], points[3])) lines.append(Line(points[3], points[4])) lines.append(Line(points[4], points[0])) lines.append(Line(points[4], points[1])) lines.append(Line(points[4], points[5])) lines.append(Line(points[5], points[1])) lines.append(Line(points[5], points[6])) lines.append(Line(points[6], points[1])) lines.append(Line(points[6], points[2])) lines.append(Line(points[6], points[7])) lines.append(Line(points[7], points[2])) lines.append(Line(points[7], points[8])) lines.append(Line(points[8], points[2])) lines.append(Line(points[8], points[9])) lines.append(Line(points[9], points[2])) lines.append(Line(points[9], points[0])) lines.append(Line(points[9], points[3])) model = Model() for p1, p2, p3, l1, l2, l3 in ( (0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2), (0, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5), (0, 4, 1, 5, 6, 0), (1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), (1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10), (1, 6, 2, 10, 11, 1), (2, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13), (2, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15), (2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17), (2, 9, 0, 17, 18, 2), (0, 9, 3, 18, 19, 3)): model.append(Triangle(points[p1], points[p2], points[p3])) return model
def GenerateToolPath(self, callback=None): triangles = self.model.triangles() equations = {} # patching Point Point.__hash__ = lambda self: hash(' '.join( [str(self.x), str(self.y), str(self.z)])) Point.__eq__ = lambda self, other : _is_near(self.x, other.x) \ and _is_near(self.y, other.y) \ and _is_near(self.z, other.z) #patching Line def equation2D(x1, y1, x2, y2): if abs(x1 - x2) < epsilon: # care of floating-point imprecision return "x=%s" % x1 else: a = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) return "y=%sx+%s" % (a, y2 - a * x2) Line.__hash__ = lambda self : hash(' '.join([ equation2D(self.p1.x, self.p1.y, self.p2.x, self.p2.y), \ equation2D(self.p1.x, self.p1.z, self.p2.x, self.p2.z), \ equation2D(self.p1.y, self.p1.z, self.p2.y, self.p2.z)])) Line.__eq__ = lambda self, other: hash(self) == hash(other) for height in self.grid.iterate_on_layers(): equations.clear() planeInf = Plane(Point(0, 0, height), self.grid.up_vector) planeSup = Plane(Point(0, 0, INFINITE), self.grid.up_vector) lines = [ligne for triangle in triangles for ligne in \ self.triangleBetweenTwoPlanes(triangle, planeInf, planeSup)] for line in lines: if line not in equations: equations[line] = [line] else: equations[line].append(line) to_project = [] for equation in iter(equations): lines = equations[equation] uniques = self.mergeRiddanceLines(lines) to_project.extend(uniques) for line in to_project: projection = planeInf.get_line_projection(line) self.grid.discretise_line(projection) #self.grid.display_complete_layer(height) #self.grid.draw_contour_PBM() del self.grid return
def __init__(self, plane=None): super(ContourModel, self).__init__() = "contourmodel%d" % if plane is None: # the default plane points upwards along the z axis plane = Plane(Point(0, 0, 0), Point(0, 0, 1)) self._plane = plane self._line_groups = [] self._item_groups.append(self._line_groups) # there is always just one plane self._plane_groups = [self._plane] self._item_groups.append(self._plane_groups) self._cached_offset_models = {} self._export_function = \ pycam.Exporters.SVGExporter.SVGExporterContourModel
def get_fixed_grid_line(start, end, line_pos, z, step_width=None, grid_direction=GRID_DIRECTION_X): if step_width is None: # useful for PushCutter operations steps = (start, end) elif isiterable(step_width): steps = step_width else: steps = floatrange(start, end, inc=step_width) if grid_direction == GRID_DIRECTION_X: get_point = lambda pos: Point(pos, line_pos, z) else: get_point = lambda pos: Point(line_pos, pos, z) for pos in steps: yield get_point(pos)
def auto_adjust_distance(self): s = self.settings v = self.view # adjust the distance to get a view of the whole object dimx = s.get("maxx") - s.get("minx") dimy = s.get("maxy") - s.get("miny") dimz = s.get("maxz") - s.get("minz") max_dim = max(max(dimx, dimy), dimz) distv = Point(v["distance"][0], v["distance"][1], v["distance"][2]).normalized() # The multiplier "1.25" is based on experiments. 1.414 (sqrt(2)) should # be roughly sufficient for showing the diagonal of any model. distv = distv.mul((max_dim * 1.25) / number(math.sin(v["fovy"] / 2))) self.view["distance"] = (distv.x, distv.y, distv.z) # Adjust the "far" distance for the camera to make sure, that huge # models (e.g. x=1000) are still visible. self.view["zfar"] = 100 * max_dim
def parse_vertex(self): start_line = self.line_number point = [None, None, 0] color = None key, value = self._read_key_value() while (not key is None) and (key != self.KEYS["MARKER"]): if key == self.KEYS["P1_X"]: point[0] = value elif key == self.KEYS["P1_Y"]: point[1] = value elif key == self.KEYS["P1_Z"]: point[2] = value elif key == self.KEYS["COLOR"]: color = value else: pass key, value = self._read_key_value() end_line = self.line_number if not key is None: self._push_on_stack(key, value) if self._color_as_height and (not color is None): # use the color code as the z coordinate point[2] = float(color) / 255 if None in point: log.warn("DXFImporter: Missing attribute of VERTEX item" + \ "between line %d and %d" % (start_line, end_line)) else: self._open_sequence_items.append( Point(point[0], point[1], point[2]))
def shrink_box_avoiding_collision(self, box_index, collision_func): box = self.boxes[box_index] aabb = box.getAABB() end_height, start_height = aabb[-2:] height_half = (start_height - end_height) / 2.0 x_pos = box.position.x y_pos = box.position.y new_z = end_height box.setPosition((x_pos, y_pos, end_height - height_half)) loops_left = 12 upper_limit = start_height lower_limit = end_height if collision_func(box): # the cutter goes down to zero (end_height) - we can skip the rest loops_left = 0 while loops_left > 0: new_z = (upper_limit + lower_limit) / 2.0 box.setPosition((x_pos, y_pos, new_z - height_half)) if collision_func(box): upper_limit = new_z else: lower_limit = new_z loops_left -= 1 del self.boxes[box_index] # The height should never be zero - otherwise ODE will throw a # "bNormalizationResult" assertion. new_height = max(new_z - end_height, 0.1) z_pos = new_z - new_height / 2.0 new_box = ode.GeomBox(, (aabb[1] - aabb[0], aabb[3] - aabb[2], new_height)) new_box.position = Point(x_pos, y_pos, z_pos) new_box.setBody(box.getBody()) new_box.setPosition((x_pos, y_pos, z_pos)) self.boxes.insert(box_index, new_box)
def get_max_height_ode(physics, x, y, minz, maxz): # Take a small float inaccuracy for the upper limit into account. # Otherwise an upper bound at maxz of the model will not return # a valid surface. That's why we add 'epsilon'. low, high = minz, maxz + epsilon trip_start = 20 safe_z = None # check if the full step-down would be ok physics.set_drill_position((x, y, minz)) if physics.check_collision(): # there is an object between z1 and z0 - we need more=None loops trips = trip_start else: # No need for further collision detection - we can go down the whole # range z1..z0. trips = 0 safe_z = minz while trips > 0: current_z = (low + high) / 2 physics.set_drill_position((x, y, current_z)) if physics.check_collision(): low = current_z else: high = current_z safe_z = current_z trips -= 1 if safe_z is None: # skip this point (by going up to safety height) return None else: return Point(x, y, safe_z)
def _projection(self, widget=None): models = self._get_projectable_models() if not models: return progress = self.core.get("progress") progress.update(text="Calculating 2D projection") progress.set_multiple(len(models), "Model") for model_dict in models: model = model_dict.model for objname, z_level in ( ("ProjectionModelTop", model.maxz), ("ProjectionModelMiddle", (model.minz + model.maxz) / 2.0), ("ProjectionModelBottom", model.minz), ("ProjectionModelCustom", self.gui.get_object("ProjectionZLevel").get_value())): if self.gui.get_object(objname).get_active(): plane = Plane(Point(0, 0, z_level), Vector(0, 0, 1))"Projecting 3D model at level z=%g" % plane.p.z) new_model = model.get_waterline_contour( plane, callback=progress.update) if new_model: self.core.get("models").add_model( new_model, name_template="Projected model #%d") else: self.log.warn("The 2D projection at z=%g is empty. Aborted." % \ plane.p.z) break progress.update_multiple() progress.finish()
def extend_shape(diff_x, diff_y, diff_z): reset_shape() # see hypotenuse = sqrt(diff_x * diff_x + diff_y * diff_y) # Some paths contain two identical points (e.g. a "touch" of the # PushCutter). We don't need any extension for these. if hypotenuse == 0: return cosinus = diff_x / hypotenuse sinus = diff_y / hypotenuse # create the cyclinder at the other end geom_end_transform = ode.GeomTransform( geom_end_transform.setBody(geom.getBody()) geom_end = ode.GeomCapsule(None, radius, self.height) geom_end.setPosition((diff_x, diff_y, diff_z + center_height)) geom_end_transform.setGeom(geom_end) # create the block that connects the two cylinders at the end rot_matrix_box = (cosinus, sinus, 0.0, -sinus, cosinus, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) geom_connect_transform = ode.GeomTransform( geom_connect_transform.setBody(geom.getBody()) geom_connect = ode_physics.get_parallelepiped_geom( (Point(-hypotenuse / 2, radius, -diff_z / 2), Point(hypotenuse / 2, radius, diff_z / 2), Point(hypotenuse / 2, -radius, diff_z / 2), Point(-hypotenuse / 2, -radius, -diff_z / 2)), (Point(-hypotenuse / 2, radius, self.height - diff_z / 2), Point(hypotenuse / 2, radius, self.height + diff_z / 2), Point(hypotenuse / 2, -radius, self.height + diff_z / 2), Point(-hypotenuse / 2, -radius, self.height - diff_z / 2))) geom_connect.setRotation(rot_matrix_box) geom_connect.setPosition((hypotenuse / 2, 0, radius)) geom_connect_transform.setGeom(geom_connect) # Create a cylinder, that connects the two half spheres at the # lower end of both drills. geom_cyl_transform = ode.GeomTransform( geom_cyl_transform.setBody(geom.getBody()) hypotenuse_3d = Matrix.get_length((diff_x, diff_y, diff_z)) geom_cyl = ode.GeomCylinder(None, radius, hypotenuse_3d) # rotate cylinder vector cyl_original_vector = (0, 0, hypotenuse_3d) cyl_destination_vector = (diff_x, diff_y, diff_z) matrix = Matrix.get_rotation_matrix_from_to( cyl_original_vector, cyl_destination_vector) flat_matrix = matrix[0] + matrix[1] + matrix[2] geom_cyl.setRotation(flat_matrix) # The rotation is around the center - thus we ignore negative # diff values. geom_cyl.setPosition((abs(diff_x / 2), abs(diff_y / 2), radius - additional_distance)) geom_cyl_transform.setGeom(geom_cyl) # sort the geoms in order of collision probability geom.children.extend([ geom_connect_transform, geom_cyl_transform, geom_end_transform ])
def add_cutter(self, c): cx = c.location.x cy = c.location.y rsq = c.radiussq minx = int((c.minx - self.minx) / (self.maxx - self.minx) * self.xres) \ - 1 maxx = int((c.maxx - self.minx) / (self.maxx - self.minx) * self.xres) \ + 1 miny = int((c.miny - self.miny) / (self.maxy - self.miny) * self.yres) \ - 1 maxy = int((c.maxy - self.miny) / (self.maxy - self.miny) * self.yres) \ + 1 if minx < 0: minx = 0 if maxx < 0: maxx = 0 if minx > self.xres - 1: minx = self.xres - 1 if maxx > self.xres - 1: maxx = self.xres - 1 if miny < 0: miny = 0 if maxy < 0: maxy = 0 if maxy > self.yres - 1: maxy = self.yres - 1 if miny > self.yres - 1: miny = self.yres - 1 p = Point(0, 0, 0) zaxis = Point(0, 0, -1) for y in range(miny, maxy): p.y = py = self.y[y] for x in range(minx, maxx): p.x = px = self.x[x] if (px - cx) * (px - cx) + (py - cy) * (py - cy) \ <= rsq + EPSILON: (cl, ccp, cp, l) = c.intersect_point(zaxis, p) if ccp: pz = l if pz < self.buf[y][x].z: self.buf[y][x].z = pz self.buf[y + 0][x + 0].changed = True self.buf[y + 0][x + 1].changed = True self.buf[y + 1][x + 0].changed = True self.buf[y + 1][x + 1].changed = True self.changed = True
def discretise_line( self, line ): # TODO: OPTIMISER !!!!! (pas de boucle, un seul cas avec 2 passages, calcul de l'intervale sans list.index) # on discrétise les deux extrémités du segment c1, c2 = self.discretiser_point(ligne.p1), self.discretiser_point( ligne.p2) c1.lignes.append(ligne) c2.lignes.append(ligne) if ligne.p1.x == ligne.p2.x and ligne.p1.x in self.rangex: # la ligne appartient au pavage vertical # alors on va ajouter toutes les paires de cases qu'elle rencontre x = self.rangex.index(ligne.p1.x) if c1.y > c2.y: c1, c2 = c2, c1 for y in range(c1.y, c2.y + 1): self.get_case(c1.z, x, y).lignes.append(ligne) elif ligne.p1.y == ligne.p2.y and ligne.p1.y in self.rangey: # la ligne appartient au pavage horizontal y = self.rangey.index(ligne.p1.y) if c1.x > c2.x: c1, c2 = c2, c1 for x in range(c1.x, c2.x + 1): self.get_case(c1.z, x, y).lignes.append(ligne) else: # sinon la ligne est simplement verticale, horizontale ou oblique # alors on va discrétiser toutes les cases traversées # d'abord les intersections verticales ordx = 1 if c1.x > c2.x: c1, c2 = c2, c1 # pour itérer dans le bon sens for x in self.rangex[c1.x + 1:c2.x]: # pour cela on calcule l'intersection de la ligne avec la grille des X sec, d = ligne.get_intersection(Line(Point(x, self.miny, ligne.p1.z), \ Point(x, self.maxy, ligne.p1.z))) if sec is None: # il n'y a pas intersection : les deux lignes sont parallèles et distinctes break # la ligne sera traitée par l'itération verticale # puis on trouve à quelle colonne l'intersection appartient dsec = self.Case.get_emplacement(0, sec.y, 0) # et on discrétise alors la case correspondante self.get_case(c1.z, c1.x + ordx, dsec[1]).lignes.append(ligne) # le [1] correspond à la composante Y de la coordonnée ordx += 1 # puis celles horizontales de la même manière ordy = 1 if c1.y > c2.y: c1, c2 = c2, c1 for y in self.rangey[c1.y + 1:c2.y]: sec, d = ligne.get_intersection(Line(Point(self.minx, y, ligne.p1.z), \ Point(self.maxx, y, ligne.p1.z))) if sec is None: break # la ligne est horizontale, et donc déjà traitée dsec = self.Case.get_emplacement(sec.x, 0, 0) self.get_case(c1.z, dsec[0], c1.y + ordy).lignes.append(ligne) ordy += 1
def intersect_circle_plane(center, radius, direction, triangle): # let n be the normal to the plane n = triangle.normal if == 0: return (None, None, INFINITE) # project onto z=0 n2 = Point(n.x, n.y, 0) if n2.norm == 0: (cp, d) = triangle.plane.intersect_point(direction, center) ccp = cp.sub(direction.mul(d)) return (ccp, cp, d) n2 = n2.normalized() # the cutter contact point is on the circle, where the surface normal is n ccp = center.add(n2.mul(-radius)) # intersect the plane with a line through the contact point (cp, d) = triangle.plane.intersect_point(direction, ccp) return (ccp, cp, d)
def __init__(self, reverse=False): super(ContourCutter, self).__init__() self.curr_path = None self.scanline = None self.polygon_extractor = None self.points = [] self.reverse = reverse self.__forward = Point(1, 1, 0)
def auto_adjust_distance(self): s = self.core v = self.view # adjust the distance to get a view of the whole object low_high = zip(*self._get_low_high_dims()) if (None, None) in low_high: return max_dim = max([high - low for low, high in low_high]) distv = Point(v["distance"][0], v["distance"][1], v["distance"][2]).normalized() # The multiplier "1.25" is based on experiments. 1.414 (sqrt(2)) should # be roughly sufficient for showing the diagonal of any model. distv = distv.mul((max_dim * 1.25) / number(math.sin(v["fovy"] / 2))) self.view["distance"] = (distv.x, distv.y, distv.z) # Adjust the "far" distance for the camera to make sure, that huge # models (e.g. x=1000) are still visible. self.view["zfar"] = 100 * max_dim
def get_free_paths_ode(physics, p1, p2, depth=8): """ Recursive function for splitting a line (usually along x or y) into small pieces to gather connected paths for the PushCutter. Strategy: check if the whole line is free (without collisions). Do a recursive call (for the first and second half), if there was a collision. Usually either minx/maxx or miny/maxy should be equal, unless you want to do a diagonal cut. @param minx: lower limit of x @type minx: float @param maxx: upper limit of x; should equal minx for a cut along the x axis @type maxx: float @param miny: lower limit of y @type miny: float @param maxy: upper limit of y; should equal miny for a cut along the y axis @type maxy: float @param z: the fixed z level @type z: float @param depth: number of splits to be calculated via recursive calls; the accuracy can be calculated as (maxx-minx)/(2^depth) @type depth: int @returns: a list of points that describe the tool path of the PushCutter; each pair of points defines a collision-free path @rtype: list(pycam.Geometry.Point.Point) """ points = [] # "resize" the drill along the while x/y range and check for a collision physics.extend_drill(p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y, p2.z - p1.z) physics.set_drill_position((p1.x, p1.y, p1.z)) if physics.check_collision(): # collision detected if depth > 0: middle_x = (p1.x + p2.x) / 2 middle_y = (p1.y + p2.y) / 2 middle_z = (p1.z + p2.z) / 2 p_middle = Point(middle_x, middle_y, middle_z) group1 = get_free_paths_ode(physics, p1, p_middle, depth - 1) group2 = get_free_paths_ode(physics, p_middle, p2, depth - 1) if group1 and group2 and (group1[-1] == group2[0]): # The last pair of the first group ends where the first pair of # the second group starts. # We will combine them into a single pair. points.extend(group1[:-1]) points.extend(group2[1:]) else: # the two groups are not connected - just add both points.extend(group1) points.extend(group2) else: # no points to be added pass else: # no collision - the line is free points.append(p1) points.append(p2) physics.reset_drill() return points
def get_rotation_matrix_from_to(v_orig, v_dest): """ calculate the rotation matrix used to transform one vector into another The result is useful for modifying the rotation matrix of a 3d object. See the "extend_shape" code in each of the cutter classes (for ODE). The simplest example is the following with the original vector pointing along the x axis, while the destination vectors goes along the y axis: get_rotation_matrix((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)) Basically this describes a rotation around the z axis by 90 degrees. The resulting 3x3 matrix (tuple of tuple of floats) can be multiplied with any other vector to rotate it in the same way around the z axis. @type v_orig: tuple(float) | list(float) | pycam.Geometry.Point @value v_orig: the original 3d vector @type v_dest: tuple(float) | list(float) | pycam.Geometry.Point @value v_dest: the destination 3d vector @rtype: tuple(tuple(float)) @return: the roation matrix (3x3) """ if isinstance(v_orig, Point): v_orig = (v_orig.x, v_orig.y, v_orig.z) if isinstance(v_dest, Point): v_dest = (v_dest.x, v_dest.y, v_dest.z) v_orig_length = get_length(v_orig) v_dest_length = get_length(v_dest) cross_product = get_length(get_cross_product(v_orig, v_dest)) try: arcsin = cross_product / (v_orig_length * v_dest_length) except ZeroDivisionError: return None # prevent float inaccuracies to crash the calculation (within limits) if 1 < arcsin < 1 + epsilon: arcsin = 1.0 elif -1 - epsilon < arcsin < -1: arcsin = -1.0 rot_angle = math.asin(arcsin) # calculate the rotation axis # The rotation axis is equal to the cross product of the original and # destination vectors. rot_axis = Point(v_orig[1] * v_dest[2] - v_orig[2] * v_dest[1], v_orig[2] * v_dest[0] - v_orig[0] * v_dest[2], v_orig[0] * v_dest[1] - v_orig[1] * v_dest[0]).normalized() if not rot_axis: return None # get the rotation matrix # see c = math.cos(rot_angle) s = math.sin(rot_angle) t = 1 - c return ((t * rot_axis.x * rot_axis.x + c, t * rot_axis.x * rot_axis.y - s * rot_axis.z, t * rot_axis.x * rot_axis.z + s * rot_axis.y), (t * rot_axis.x * rot_axis.y + s * rot_axis.z, t * rot_axis.y * rot_axis.y + c, t * rot_axis.y * rot_axis.z - s * rot_axis.x), (t * rot_axis.x * rot_axis.z - s * rot_axis.y, t * rot_axis.y * rot_axis.z + s * rot_axis.x, t * rot_axis.z * rot_axis.z + c))
def _get_edge_bridges(polygon, z_plane, min_bridges, average_distance, avoid_distance): def is_near_list(point_list, point, distance): for p in point_list: if p.sub(point).norm <= distance: return True return False lines = polygon.get_lines() poly_lengths = polygon.get_lengths() num_of_bridges = max(min_bridges, int(round(sum(poly_lengths) / average_distance))) real_average_distance = sum(poly_lengths) / num_of_bridges max_line_index = poly_lengths.index(max(poly_lengths)) positions = [] current_line_index = max_line_index distance_processed = poly_lengths[current_line_index] / 2 positions.append(current_line_index) while len(positions) < num_of_bridges: current_line_index += 1 current_line_index %= len(poly_lengths) # skip lines that are not at least twice as long as the grid width while (distance_processed + poly_lengths[current_line_index] \ < real_average_distance): distance_processed += poly_lengths[current_line_index] current_line_index += 1 current_line_index %= len(poly_lengths) positions.append(current_line_index) distance_processed += poly_lengths[current_line_index] distance_processed %= real_average_distance result = [] bridge_positions = [] for line_index in positions: position = polygon.get_middle_of_line(line_index) # skip bridges that are close to another existing bridge if is_near_list(bridge_positions, position, avoid_distance): line = polygon.get_lines()[line_index] # calculate two alternative points on the same line position1 = position.add(line.p1).div(2) position2 = position.add(line.p2).div(2) if is_near_list(bridge_positions, position1, avoid_distance): if is_near_list(bridge_positions, position2, avoid_distance): # no valid alternative - we skip this bridge continue else: # position2 is OK position = position2 else: # position1 is OK position = position1 # append the original position (ignoring z_plane) bridge_positions.append(position) # move the point to z_plane position = Point(position.x, position.y, z_plane) bridge_dir = lines[line_index].dir.cross( polygon.plane.n).normalized() result.append((position, bridge_dir)) return result
def parse_line(self): start_line = self.line_number # the z-level defaults to zero (for 2D models) p1 = [None, None, 0] p2 = [None, None, 0] color = None key, value = self._read_key_value() while (not key is None) and (key != self.KEYS["MARKER"]): if key == self.KEYS["P1_X"]: p1[0] = value elif key == self.KEYS["P1_Y"]: p1[1] = value elif key == self.KEYS["P1_Z"]: p1[2] = value elif key == self.KEYS["P2_X"]: p2[0] = value elif key == self.KEYS["P2_Y"]: p2[1] = value elif key == self.KEYS["P2_Z"]: p2[2] = value elif key == self.KEYS["COLOR"]: color = value else: pass key, value = self._read_key_value() end_line = self.line_number # The last lines were not used - they are just the marker for the next # item. if not key is None: self._push_on_stack(key, value) if (None in p1) or (None in p2): log.warn("DXFImporter: Incomplete LINE definition between line " \ + "%d and %d" % (start_line, end_line)) else: if self._color_as_height and (not color is None): # use the color code as the z coordinate p1[2] = float(color) / 255 p2[2] = float(color) / 255 line = Line(Point(p1[0], p1[1], p1[2]), Point(p2[0], p2[1], p2[2])) if line.p1 != line.p2: self.lines.append(line) else: log.warn("DXFImporter: Ignoring zero-length LINE (between " \ + "input line %d and %d): %s" % (start_line, end_line, line))
def get_box_height_points(x, y): """ Get the positions and heights of the the four top corners of a height box. The result is a tuple of four Points (pycam.Geometry.Point) in the following order: - left below - right below - right above - left above ("above": greater x value; "right": greater y value) The height of each corner point is calculated as the average of the four neighbouring boxes. Thus a set of 3x3 adjacent boxes is used for calculating the heights of the four corners. """ points = [] # Go through a set of box index combinations (sharing a common # corner). The "offsets" tuple is used for indicating the relative # position of each corner. for offsets, index_list in ( ((-1, -1), ((x - 1, y - 1), (x, y - 1), (x, y), (x - 1, y))), ((+1, -1), ((x, y - 1), (x, y), (x + 1, y), (x + 1, y - 1))), ((+1, +1), ((x, y), (x + 1, y), (x + 1, y + 1), (x, y + 1))), ((-1, +1), ((x - 1, y), (x, y), (x, y + 1), (x - 1, y + 1)))): divisor = 0 height_sum = 0 x_positions = [] y_positions = [] for ix, iy in index_list: if (0 <= ix < len(height_field)) \ and (0 <= iy < len(height_field[ix])): point = height_field[ix][iy] height_sum += point.z x_positions.append(point.x) y_positions.append(point.y) divisor += 1 # Use the middle between the x positions of two adjacent boxes, # _if_ there is a neighbour attached to that corner. if (min(x_positions) < height_field[x][y].x) \ or (max(x_positions) > height_field[x][y].x): x_value = (min(x_positions) + max(x_positions)) / 2.0 else: # There is no adjacent box in x direction. Use the step size # to calculate the x value of this edge. x_value = height_field[x][y].x \ + offsets[0] * self.x_step_width / 2.0 # same as above for y instead of x if (min(y_positions) < height_field[x][y].y) \ or (max(y_positions) > height_field[x][y].y): y_value = (min(y_positions) + max(y_positions)) / 2.0 else: y_value = height_field[x][y].y \ + offsets[1] * self.y_step_width / 2.0 # Create a Point instance describing the position and the # average height. points.append(Point(x_value, y_value, height_sum / divisor)) return points
def _get_position(minx, maxx, miny, maxy, z, position): if position & START_X > 0: x = minx else: x = maxx if position & START_Y > 0: y = miny else: y = maxy return Point(x, y, z)
def add_point(p_array): # fill all "None" values with zero for index in range(len(p_array)): if p_array[index] is None: if (index == 0) or (index == 1): log.debug("DXFImporter: weird LWPOLYLINE input " + \ "date in line %d: %s" % \ (self.line_number, p_array)) p_array[index] = 0 points.append(Point(p_array[0], p_array[1], p_array[2]))
def draw_direction_cone(p1, p2, position=0.5, precision=12, size=0.1): # convert p1 and p2 from list/tuple to Point if not hasattr(p1, "sub"): p1 = Point(*p1) if not hasattr(p2, "sub"): p2 = Point(*p2) distance = p2.sub(p1) length = distance.norm direction = distance.normalized() if direction is None: # zero-length line return cone_length = length * size cone_radius = cone_length / 3.0 # move the cone to the middle of the line GL.glTranslatef((p1.x + p2.x) * position, (p1.y + p2.y) * position, (p1.z + p2.z) * position) # rotate the cone according to the line direction # The cross product is a good rotation axis. cross = direction.cross(Point(0, 0, -1)) if cross.norm != 0: # The line direction is not in line with the z axis. try: angle = math.asin(sqrt(direction.x ** 2 + direction.y ** 2)) except ValueError: # invalid angle - just ignore this cone return # convert from radians to degree angle = angle / math.pi * 180 if direction.z < 0: angle = 180 - angle GL.glRotatef(angle, cross.x, cross.y, cross.z) elif direction.z == -1: # The line goes down the z axis - turn it around. GL.glRotatef(180, 1, 0, 0) else: # The line goes up the z axis - nothing to be done. pass # center the cone GL.glTranslatef(0, 0, -cone_length * position) # draw the cone GLUT.glutSolidCone(cone_radius, cone_length, precision, 1)
def intersect_torus_point(center, axis, majorradius, minorradius, majorradiussq, minorradiussq, direction, point): dist = 0 if (direction.x == 0) and (direction.y == 0): # drop minlsq = (majorradius - minorradius) ** 2 maxlsq = (majorradius + minorradius) ** 2 l_sq = (point.x-center.x) ** 2 + (point.y - center.y) ** 2 if (l_sq < minlsq + epsilon) or (l_sq > maxlsq - epsilon): return (None, None, INFINITE) l = sqrt(l_sq) z_sq = minorradiussq - (majorradius - l) ** 2 if z_sq < 0: return (None, None, INFINITE) z = sqrt(z_sq) ccp = Point(point.x, point.y, center.z - z) dist = ccp.z - point.z elif direction.z == 0: # push z = point.z - center.z if abs(z) > minorradius - epsilon: return (None, None, INFINITE) l = majorradius + sqrt(minorradiussq - z * z) n = axis.cross(direction) d = - if abs(d) > l - epsilon: return (None, None, INFINITE) a = sqrt(l * l - d * d) ccp = center.add(n.mul(d).add(direction.mul(a))) ccp.z = point.z dist = point.sub(ccp).dot(direction) else: # general case x = point.sub(center) v = direction.mul(-1) x_x = x_v = x1 = Point(x.x, x.y, 0) v1 = Point(v.x, v.y, 0) x1_x1 = x1_v1 = v1_v1 = R2 = majorradiussq r2 = minorradiussq a = 1.0 b = 4 * x_v c = 2 * (x_x + 2 * x_v ** 2 + (R2 - r2) - 2 * R2 * v1_v1) d = 4 * (x_x * x_v + x_v * (R2 - r2) - 2 * R2 * x1_v1) e = (x_x) ** 2 + 2 * x_x * (R2 - r2) + (R2 - r2) ** 2 - 4 * R2 * x1_x1 r = poly4_roots(a, b, c, d, e) if not r: return (None, None, INFINITE) else: l = min(r) ccp = point.add(direction.mul(-l)) dist = l return (ccp, point, dist)
def get_moves(self, safety_height, max_movement=None): class MoveContainer(object): def __init__(self, max_movement): self.max_movement = max_movement self.moved_distance = 0 self.moves = [] self.last_pos = None if max_movement is None: self.append = self.append_without_movement_limit else: self.append = self.append_with_movement_limit def append_with_movement_limit(self, new_position, rapid): if self.last_pos is None: # first move with unknown start position - ignore it self.moves.append((new_position, rapid)) self.last_pos = new_position return True else: distance = new_position.sub(self.last_pos).norm if self.moved_distance + distance > self.max_movement: partial = (self.max_movement - self.moved_distance) / \ distance partial_dest = self.last_pos.add(new_position.sub( self.last_pos).mul(partial)) self.moves.append((partial_dest, rapid)) self.last_pos = partial_dest # we are finished return False else: self.moves.append((new_position, rapid)) self.moved_distance += distance self.last_pos = new_position return True def append_without_movement_limit(self, new_position, rapid): self.moves.append((new_position, rapid)) return True p_last = None max_safe_distance = 2 * self.toolpath_settings.get_tool().radius \ + epsilon result = MoveContainer(max_movement) for path in self.get_paths(): if not path: # ignore empty paths continue p_next = path.points[0] if p_last is None: p_last = Point(p_next.x, p_next.y, safety_height) if not result.append(p_last, True): return result.moves if ((abs(p_last.x - p_next.x) > epsilon) \ or (abs(p_last.y - p_next.y) > epsilon)): # Draw the connection between the last and the next path. # Respect the safety height. if (abs(p_last.z - p_next.z) > epsilon) \ or (p_last.sub(p_next).norm > max_safe_distance): # The distance between these two points is too far. # This condition helps to prevent moves up/down for # adjacent lines. safety_last = Point(p_last.x, p_last.y, safety_height) safety_next = Point(p_next.x, p_next.y, safety_height) if not result.append(safety_last, True): return result.moves if not result.append(safety_next, True): return result.moves for p in path.points: if not result.append(p, False): return result.moves p_last = path.points[-1] if not p_last is None: p_last_safety = Point(p_last.x, p_last.y, safety_height) result.append(p_last_safety, True) return result.moves