Exemple #1
    def compute_acls(cls, fp, start_index=None, end_index=None):
        """Computes the autocorrleation length for all variable args for all
        walkers for all temps in the given file. If the returned acl is inf,
        will default to the number of requested iterations.

        fp : InferenceFile
            An open file handler to read the samples from.
        start_index : {None, int}
            The start index to compute the acl from. If None, will try to use
            the number of burn-in iterations in the file; otherwise, will start
            at the first sample.
        end_index : {None, int}
            The end index to compute the acl to. If None, will go to the end
            of the current iteration.

            An ntemps x nwalkers `WaveformArray` containing the acl for each
            walker and temp for each variable argument, with the variable
            arguments as fields.
        acls = {}
        if end_index is None:
            end_index = fp.niterations
        tidx = numpy.arange(fp.ntemps)
        widx = numpy.arange(fp.nwalkers)
        for param in fp.variable_args:
            these_acls = numpy.zeros((fp.ntemps, fp.nwalkers), dtype=int)
            for tk in tidx:
                for wi in widx:
                    samples = cls.read_samples(fp,
                    acl = autocorrelation.calculate_acl(samples)
                    these_acls[tk, wi] = int(min(acl, samples.size))
            acls[param] = these_acls
        return WaveformArray.from_kwargs(**acls)
Exemple #2
    def compute_acls(cls, fp, start_index=None, end_index=None):
        """Computes the autocorrleation length for all variable args for all
        walkers for all temps in the given file. If the returned acl is inf,
        will default to the number of requested iterations.

        fp : InferenceFile
            An open file handler to read the samples from.
        start_index : {None, int}
            The start index to compute the acl from. If None, will try to use
            the number of burn-in iterations in the file; otherwise, will start
            at the first sample.
        end_index : {None, int}
            The end index to compute the acl to. If None, will go to the end
            of the current iteration.

            An ntemps x nwalkers `WaveformArray` containing the acl for each
            walker and temp for each variable argument, with the variable
            arguments as fields.
        acls = {}
        if end_index is None:
            end_index = fp.niterations
        tidx = numpy.arange(fp.ntemps)
        widx = numpy.arange(fp.nwalkers)
        for param in fp.variable_args:
            these_acls = numpy.zeros((fp.ntemps, fp.nwalkers), dtype=int)
            for tk in tidx:
                for wi in widx:
                    samples = cls.read_samples(
                            fp, param,
                            thin_start=start_index, thin_interval=1,
                            walkers=wi, temps=tk)[param]
                    acl = autocorrelation.calculate_acl(samples)
                    these_acls[tk, wi] = int(min(acl, samples.size))
            acls[param] = these_acls
        return WaveformArray.from_kwargs(**acls)
Exemple #3
    def read_acls(fp):
        """Reads the acls of all the walker chains saved in the given file.

        fp : InferenceFile
            An open file handler to read the acls from.

            An nwalkers-long `WaveformArray` containing the acl for each walker
            and each variable argument, with the variable arguments as fields.
        group = fp.samples_group + '/{param}/walker{wi}'
        widx = numpy.arange(fp.nwalkers)
        arrays = {}
        for param in fp.variable_args:
            arrays[param] = numpy.array([
                fp[group.format(param=param, wi=wi)].attrs['acl']
                for wi in widx])
        return WaveformArray.from_kwargs(**arrays)
Exemple #4
    def read_acls(fp):
        """Reads the acls of all the walker chains saved in the given file.

        fp : InferenceFile
            An open file handler to read the acls from.

            An nwalkers-long `WaveformArray` containing the acl for each walker
            and each variable argument, with the variable arguments as fields.
        group = fp.samples_group + '/{param}/walker{wi}'
        widx = numpy.arange(fp.nwalkers)
        arrays = {}
        for param in fp.variable_args:
            arrays[param] = numpy.array([
                fp[group.format(param=param, wi=wi)].attrs['acl']
                for wi in widx])
        return WaveformArray.from_kwargs(**arrays)