def detailchart(self, chartable): theme.reinitialize() min_y = 0 max_y = 0 capture = chartable.get('capture') for sortname, sortfn in self.sorts: data = capture[sortname] m = median(data) if m > max_y: max_y = m max_x = max(self.limits) min_x = min(self.limits) ipoints = 10.0 x_interval = (max_x - min_x) / ipoints y_interval = (max_y - min_y) / ipoints xaxis = axis.X(label='Limit', tic_interval = x_interval, format='/4{}%d') yaxis = axis.Y(label='Seconds', tic_interval = y_interval, format='/4{}%0.3f') ar = area.T( x_range = (min_x, max_x), y_range = (min_y, max_y), x_axis = xaxis, y_axis = yaxis, legend = legend.T(), ) tb = text_box.T(loc=(140,90), text='Rlen\n%s' % chartable['rlen']) for sortname, sortfn in self.sorts: data = capture[sortname] linedata = [ (self.limits[x], data[x]) for x in range(len(data)) ] ar.add_plot( line_plot.T(label="%s" % sortname, data=linedata) ) fd = open('detail-%s-%s.pdf' % (self.dbkey, chartable['rlen']), 'w') can = canvas.init(fd, 'pdf') ar.draw(can) tb.draw(can) can.close()
def create_graph(label_x, label_y, data_x, alldata_y, filename, title, start_date, end_date, start_y, end_y): """ main func """ # alter file name (linpng do not seems to like spaces in filenames filename = filename.replace(' ', '_') # Graph style theme.get_options() theme.use_color = True theme.default_font_size = 12 theme.default_font_family = "AvantGarde-Book" theme.reinitialize() colors = [,,, color.magenta, color.cyan1,, ] can = canvas.init("%s" % filename) # Draw graph title newtitle = "/hL/20%s" % title left = WIDTH / 2 - font.text_width(newtitle) / 2, HEIGHT + DELTA, newtitle) int_to_date = lambda x: '/a60{}' + time.strftime("%H:%M", time.localtime(x) ) xaxis = axis.X(format=int_to_date, label="/20%s" % label_x, label_offset=(0, -DELTA), minor_tic_interval=X_MINOR_TICK_INTERVAL, tic_interval=X_TICK_INTERVAL) yaxis = axis.Y( label="/20%s" % label_y, label_offset=(-DELTA, 0), minor_tic_interval=(end_y - start_y) / 20, tic_interval=(end_y - start_y) / 5, ) ar = area.T(size=(WIDTH, HEIGHT), x_axis=xaxis, y_axis=yaxis, x_grid_style=line_style.gray70_dash3, x_range=(start_date, end_date), y_range=(start_y, end_y), x_grid_interval=X_GRID_INTERVAL, y_grid_interval=(end_y - start_y) / 5) i = 0 # Draw a line for each columns for title, data_y in alldata_y.iteritems(): plot = line_plot.T(label=title, data=zip(data_x, data_y), line_style=line_style.T(color=colors[i], width=1)) ar.add_plot(plot) i += 1 ar.draw() can.close() return True
def comparisonchart(self, sortname1, sortname2): linedata = [] test_total = 0 test_wrong = 0 for rlendata in self.main: rlen = rlendata['rlen'] capture = rlendata['capture'] values1 = capture[sortname1] values2 = capture[sortname2] doc_ratio = rlen / float(self.numdocs) cutoff = None wins = [] #test = sortname1 == 'fwscan' and sortname2 in ('nbest', 'timsort') #test_fn = fwscan_wins test = sortname1 == 'nbest' and sortname2 == 'timsort' test_fn = nbest_ascending_wins for x in xrange(0, min(len(values1), len(values2))): t1 = values1[x] t2 = values2[x] limit = self.limits[x] limitratio = limit / float(self.numdocs) won = t1 < t2 if won: wins.append(limit) wrongmsg = "wrong %s? rlen %s, limit %s (%0.5f > %0.5f)%s" if test: test_total += 1 curvewin = test_fn(limit, rlen, self.numdocs) if won and (not curvewin): extra = '' if (t1 / t2) < .90: # more than 10% difference extra = " * (%0.2f)" % (t1 / t2) print wrongmsg % ('curvelose', rlen, limit, t2, t1, extra) test_wrong += 1 elif (not won) and curvewin: extra = '' if (t2 / t1) < .90: # more than 10% difference extra = " * (%0.2f)" % (t2 / t1) print wrongmsg % ('curvewin', rlen, limit, t1, t2, extra) test_wrong += 1 for limit in wins: limitratio = limit / float(self.numdocs) linedata.append((doc_ratio, limitratio)) if test: if test_total: test_right = test_total - test_wrong test_percent = test_right / float(test_total) print "test percentage %0.2f: (%s wrong out of %s)" % ( test_percent, test_wrong, test_total) comparename = 'compare-%s-%s-beats-%s' % (self.dbkey, sortname1, sortname2) xaxis = axis.X(label='Doc Ratio (rlen//numdocs)', tic_interval=.1, format='/4{}%0.2f') yaxis = axis.Y(label='Limit Ratio (limit//numdocs)', tic_interval=.1, format='/4{}%0.2f') ar = area.T( x_range=(0, 1), y_range=(0, 1), x_axis=xaxis, y_axis=yaxis, legend=legend.T(), ) ar.add_plot( line_plot.T(label="%s \nbeats \n%s" % (sortname1, sortname2), data=linedata), ) tb = text_box.T(loc=(140, 90), text='Numdocs\n%s' % self.numdocs) fd = open('%s.pdf' % comparename, 'w') can = canvas.init(fd, 'pdf') ar.draw(can) tb.draw(can) can.close()
def creat_line_plot(self, label, col, tick_mark): return line_plot.T(label=label,, ycol=col, tick_mark=tick_mark)
def _create_lines(self, cr, uid, ids, report, fields, results, context): env = openerp.api.Environment(cr, uid, context or {}) pdf_string = cStringIO.StringIO() can = canvas.init(fname=pdf_string, format='pdf'), 380, '/16/H' + report['title']) ar = area.T( size=(350, 350), #x_coord = category_coord.T(['2005-09-01','2005-10-22'],0), x_axis=axis.X(label=fields[0]['name'], format="/a-30{}%s"), y_axis=axis.Y( label=', '.join(map(lambda x: x['name'], fields[1:])))) process_date = { 'D': lambda x: reduce(lambda xx, yy: xx + '-' + yy, x.split('-')[1:3]), 'M': lambda x: x.split('-')[1], 'Y': lambda x: x.split('-')[0] } abscissa = [] idx = 0 date_idx = None fct = {} for f in fields: field_id = (f['field_child3'] and f['field_child3'][0]) or ( f['field_child2'] and f['field_child2'][0]) or ( f['field_child1'] and f['field_child1'][0]) or (f['field_child0'] and f['field_child0'][0]) if field_id: ttype = env['ir.model.fields'].browse(field_id).ttype if ttype == 'date': date_idx = idx fct[idx] = process_date[report['frequency']] else: fct[idx] = lambda x: x else: fct[idx] = lambda x: x idx += 1 # plots are usually displayed year by year # so we do so if the first field is a date data_by_year = {} if date_idx is not None: for r in results: key = process_date['Y'](r[date_idx]) if key not in data_by_year: data_by_year[key] = [] for i in range(len(r)): r[i] = fct[i](r[i]) data_by_year[key].append(r) else: data_by_year[''] = results idx0 = 0 nb_bar = len(data_by_year) * (len(fields) - 1) colors = map(lambda x: line_style.T(color=x), misc.choice_colors(nb_bar)) abscissa = {} for line in data_by_year.keys(): fields_bar = [] # sum data and save it in a list. An item for a fields for d in data_by_year[line]: for idx in range(len(fields) - 1): fields_bar.append({}) if d[0] in fields_bar[idx]: fields_bar[idx][d[0]] += d[idx + 1] else: fields_bar[idx][d[0]] = d[idx + 1] for idx in range(len(fields) - 1): data = {} for k in fields_bar[idx].keys(): if k in data: data[k] += fields_bar[idx][k] else: data[k] = fields_bar[idx][k] data_cum = [] prev = 0.0 keys = data.keys() keys.sort() # cumulate if necessary for k in keys: data_cum.append([k, float(data[k]) + float(prev)]) if fields[idx + 1]['cumulate']: prev += data[k] idx0 = 0 plot = line_plot.T( label=fields[idx + 1]['name'] + ' ' + str(line), data=data_cum, line_style=colors[idx0 * (len(fields) - 1) + idx]) ar.add_plot(plot) abscissa.update(fields_bar[idx]) idx0 += 1 abscissa = map(lambda x: [x, None], abscissa) ar.x_coord = category_coord.T(abscissa, 0) ar.draw(can) can.close() self.obj = external_pdf(pdf_string.getvalue()) self.obj.render() pdf_string.close() return True