Exemple #1
    def test_database_save_load(self):
        """Testing database save-load"""

        game_model = pgnfile0.loadToModel(0)

        p0, p1 = pgnfile0.get_player_names(0)
        game_model.players = (TestPlayer(p0), TestPlayer(p1))

        in_game = []
        walk(game_model.boards[0].board, in_game, game_model)
        in_game = " ".join(in_game)

        in_bb_list = [board.board.friends for board in game_model.boards]

        save(None, game_model)

        db = load(None)

        result = self.engine.execute(db.select)
        db.games = result.fetchall()
        print("%s selected" % len(db.games))

        game_model = db.loadToModel(0)

        out_game = []
        walk(game_model.boards[0].board, out_game, game_model)
        out_game = " ".join(out_game)

        out_bb_list = [board.board.friends for board in game_model.boards]

        self.assertEqual(in_game, out_game)
        self.assertEqual(in_bb_list, out_bb_list)
Exemple #2
    def pgn_test(self, name):
        pgnfile = load(protoopen("gamefiles/%s.pgn" % name))
        pgnfile.limit = 1000
        games, plys = pgnfile.get_records()

        for i, game in enumerate(games):
            print("%s/%s" % (i + 1, pgnfile.get_count()))
            orig_moves_text = normalize(pgnfile.get_movetext(game))

            model = pgnfile.loadToModel(game)
            new_moves = []
            walk(model.boards[0].board, new_moves, model)
            new_moves_text = normalize(" ".join(new_moves))

            for orig, new in zip(orig_moves_text.split(), new_moves_text.split()):
                # Seems most .PGN unnecessary contains unambiguous notation
                # when second move candidate is invalid (leaves king in check)
                # f.e.: 1.e4 e5 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 Bb4 Nge2
                if len(orig) == len(new) + 1 and orig[0] == new[0] and orig[2:] == new[1:]:

                elif orig[-1] in "?!" and new[-1] not in "?!":
                    # pgn export format uses nag

                elif (orig == "0-0" and new == "O-O") or (orig == "0-0-0" and new == "O-O-O"):

                self.assertEqual(orig, new)

Exemple #3
    def test_databas(self):
        """Testing database save-load"""

        model = pgnfile.loadToModel(0)

        p0, p1 = pgnfile.get_player_names(0)
        model.players = (TestPlayer(p0), TestPlayer(p1))

        in_game = []
        walk(model.boards[0].board, in_game, model)
        in_game = " ".join(in_game)

        save(None, model)

        db = load(None)

        result = self.conn.execute(db.select)
        db.games = result.fetchall()
        print("%s selected" % len(db.games))

        model = db.loadToModel(0)

        out_game = []
        walk(model.boards[0].board, out_game, model)
        out_game = " ".join(out_game)

        self.assertEqual(in_game, out_game)
Exemple #4
    def test_databas(self):
        """Testing database save-load"""

        model = pgnfile.loadToModel(0)

        p0, p1 = pgnfile.get_player_names(0)
        model.players = (TestPlayer(p0), TestPlayer(p1))

        in_game = []
        walk(model.boards[0].board, in_game, model)
        in_game = " ".join(in_game)

        save(None, model)

        db = load(None)

        result = self.conn.execute(db.select)
        db.games = result.fetchall()
        print("%s selected" % len(db.games))

        model = db.loadToModel(0)

        out_game = []
        walk(model.boards[0].board, out_game, model)
        out_game = " ".join(out_game)

        self.assertEqual(in_game, out_game)
Exemple #5
filenames = ("atomic", "chess960rwch", "world_matches", "zh")

for filename in filenames:
    print("Creating test methods for %s" % filename)
    pgnfile = load(protoopen('gamefiles/%s.pgn' % filename))
    for i, game in enumerate(pgnfile.games):
        print("%s/%s" % (i + 1, len(pgnfile.games)))
        if i > 100:

        orig = normalize(pgnfile.get_movetext(game))

        model = pgnfile.loadToModel(game)
        new = []
        walk(model.boards[0].board, new, model)
        new = normalize(" ".join(new))

        # create test method
        test_method = create_test(orig, new)

        # change it's name to be unique in PgnTestCase class
        test_method.__name__ = 'test_%s_%d' % (filename, i + 1)
        test_method.__doc__ = "Pgn read-write %s" % ' '.join(

        # monkey patch PgnTestCase class, adding the new test method
        setattr(PgnTestCase, test_method.__name__, test_method)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Exemple #6
filenames = ("atomic", "chess960rwch", "world_matches", "zh2200plus")

for filename in filenames:
    print("Creating test methods for %s" % filename)
    pgnfile = load(open('gamefiles/%s.pgn' % filename))
    for i, game in enumerate(pgnfile.games):
        print("%s/%s" % (i + 1, len(pgnfile.games)))
        if i > 100:

        orig = normalize(game[1])

        model = pgnfile.loadToModel(i)
        new = []
        walk(model.boards[0].board, new, model)
        new = normalize(" ".join(new))

        # create test method
        test_method = create_test(orig, new)

        # change it's name to be unique in PgnTestCase class
        test_method.__name__ = 'test_%s_%d' % (filename, i + 1)
        test_method.__doc__ = "Pgn read-write %s" % ' '.join(test_method.__name__.split('_'))

        # monkey patch PgnTestCase class, adding the new test method
        setattr(PgnTestCase, test_method.__name__, test_method)

if __name__ == '__main__':