Exemple #1
    def _create_initial_weights(self, init_type):
        @brief Creates initial weights for neurons in line with the specified initialization.
        @param[in] init_type (type_init): Type of initialization of initial neuron weights (random, random in center of the input data, random distributed in data, ditributed in line with uniform grid).

        dim_info = dimension_info(self._data)

        step_x = dim_info.get_center()[0]
        if self._rows > 1:
            step_x = dim_info.get_width()[0] / (self._rows - 1)

        step_y = 0.0
        if dim_info.get_dimensions() > 1:
            step_y = dim_info.get_center()[1]
            if self._cols > 1:
                step_y = dim_info.get_width()[1] / (self._cols - 1)

        # generate weights (topological coordinates)

        # Uniform grid.
        if init_type == type_init.uniform_grid:
            # Predefined weights in line with input data.
            self._weights = [[[] for i in range(dim_info.get_dimensions())] for j in range(self._size)]
            for i in range(self._size):
                location = self._location[i]
                for dim in range(dim_info.get_dimensions()):
                    if dim == 0:
                        if self._rows > 1:
                            self._weights[i][dim] = dim_info.get_minimum_coordinate()[dim] + step_x * location[dim]
                            self._weights[i][dim] = dim_info.get_center()[dim]

                    elif dim == 1:
                        if self._cols > 1:
                            self._weights[i][dim] = dim_info.get_minimum_coordinate()[dim] + step_y * location[dim]
                            self._weights[i][dim] = dim_info.get_center()[dim]
                        self._weights[i][dim] = dim_info.get_center()[dim]

        elif init_type == type_init.random_surface:
            # Random weights at the full surface.
            self._weights = [
                [random.uniform(dim_info.get_minimum_coordinate()[i], dim_info.get_maximum_coordinate()[i]) for i in
                 range(dim_info.get_dimensions())] for _ in range(self._size)]

        elif init_type == type_init.random_centroid:
            # Random weights at the center of input data.
            self._weights = [[(random.random() + dim_info.get_center()[i]) for i in range(dim_info.get_dimensions())]
                             for _ in range(self._size)]

            # Random weights of input data.
            self._weights = [[random.random() for i in range(dim_info.get_dimensions())] for _ in range(self._size)]
Exemple #2
 def _create_initial_weights(self, init_type):
     @brief Creates initial weights for neurons in line with the specified initialization.
     @param[in] init_type (type_init): Type of initialization of initial neuron weights (random, random in center of the input data, random distributed in data, ditributed in line with uniform grid).
     dim_info = dimension_info(self._data)
     step_x = dim_info.get_center()[0]
     if self._rows > 1: step_x = dim_info.get_width()[0] / (self._rows - 1);
     step_y = 0.0
     if dim_info.get_dimensions() > 1:
         step_y = dim_info.get_center()[1]
         if self._cols > 1: step_y = dim_info.get_width()[1] / (self._cols - 1);
     # generate weights (topological coordinates)
     # Uniform grid.
     if init_type == type_init.uniform_grid:
         # Predefined weights in line with input data.
         self._weights = [ [ [] for i in range(dim_info.get_dimensions()) ] for j in range(self._size)]
         for i in range(self._size):
             location = self._location[i]
             for dim in range(dim_info.get_dimensions()):
                 if dim == 0:
                     if self._rows > 1:
                         self._weights[i][dim] = dim_info.get_minimum_coordinate()[dim] + step_x * location[dim]
                         self._weights[i][dim] = dim_info.get_center()[dim]
                 elif dim == 1:
                     if self._cols > 1:
                         self._weights[i][dim] = dim_info.get_minimum_coordinate()[dim] + step_y * location[dim]
                         self._weights[i][dim] = dim_info.get_center()[dim]
                     self._weights[i][dim] = dim_info.get_center()[dim]
     elif init_type == type_init.random_surface:
         # Random weights at the full surface.
         self._weights = [[random.uniform(dim_info.get_minimum_coordinate()[i], dim_info.get_maximum_coordinate()[i]) for i in range(dim_info.get_dimensions())] for _ in range(self._size)]
     elif init_type == type_init.random_centroid:
         # Random weights at the center of input data.
         self._weights = [[(random.random() + dim_info.get_center()[i])  for i in range(dim_info.get_dimensions())] for _ in range(self._size)]
         # Random weights of input data.
         self._weights = [[random.random() for i in range(dim_info.get_dimensions())] for _ in range(self._size)]
    def testGetDimension(self):
        info = dimension_info([[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]])
        assert 1 == info.get_dimensions()

        info = dimension_info([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
        assert 2 == info.get_dimensions()
 def testGetDimension(self):
     info = dimension_info([ [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] ]);
     assert 1 == info.get_dimensions();
     info = dimension_info([[1, 2], [3, 4]]);
     assert 2 == info.get_dimensions();