Exemple #1
    def ps_callback(bid, content):
        procs = helpers.parse_ps(content)

        def get_children(pid):
            ret = []
            for proc in procs:
                if proc['ppid'] == pid and proc['pid'] != pid:
            return ret

        def get_trunks(procs):
            all_pids = [proc['pid'] for proc in procs]
            ret = []
            for proc in procs:
                if proc['ppid'] not in all_pids or proc['ppid'] == proc['pid']:
            return ret

        def make_tree(proc, indent=0):
            # output proc info
            output = ''
            output += ' ' * indent + '{} (pid {})'.format(
                proc['name'], proc['pid'])
            if 'arch' in proc:
                output += ' (arch {})'.format(proc['arch'])
            if 'user' in proc:
                output += ' (user {})'.format(proc['user'])

            # add app description
            exe = proc['name'].lower()
            output += '\n'

            # recurse children
            children = get_children(proc['pid'])
            #aggressor.blog2(bid, 'recursing {} children of {}'.format(len(children), str(proc)))
            #aggressor.blog2(bid, str(children))
            for child in children:
                output += make_tree(child, indent + 4)

            return output

        # start with process 0
        tree = ''
        for trunk in get_trunks(procs):
            tree += make_tree(trunk)
        aggressor.blog2(bid, 'Process tree:\n' + tree)
Exemple #2
def _(bid, content, when):
    procs = helpers.parse_ps(content)

    def get_children(pid):
        ret = []
        for proc in procs:
            if proc['ppid'] == pid and proc['pid'] != pid:
        return ret

    def get_trunks(procs):
        all_pids = [proc['pid'] for proc in procs]
        ret = []
        for proc in procs:
            if proc['ppid'] not in all_pids or proc['ppid'] == proc['pid']:
        return ret

    def make_tree(proc, indent=0, our_children=False):
        # are we in our beacon's process tree?
        if proc['pid'] == int(aggressor.beacon_info(bid, 'pid')):
            our_children = True

        # output proc info
        proc = copy.copy(proc)

        # add app description
        exe = proc['name'].lower()
        if exe in processes.process_descriptions:
            proc['description'] = processes.process_descriptions[exe]
            # write unknowns to a file
            if unknowns_file:
                if os.path.isfile(unknowns_file):
                    with open(unknowns_file, 'r') as fp:
                        names = set([line.strip() for line in fp])
                    names = set()


                with open(unknowns_file, 'w+') as fp:

        # clean up name
        if proc['name'].lower().endswith('.exe'):
            proc['clean_name'] = proc['name'][:-4]
            proc['clean_name'] = proc['name']

        # indented name
        proc['indented'] = ' ' * indent + proc['clean_name']
        if our_children:
            # child processes
            proc['indented'] = console.orange(proc['indented'])
        elif 'description' in proc and '!!!' in proc['description']:
            # dangerous processes
            proc['indented'] = console.red(proc['indented'])
        elif 'description' in proc and '+++' in proc['description']:
            # potentially dangerous processes
            proc['indented'] = console.red(proc['indented'])
        elif proc['name'].lower() in processes.browsers:
            # browser processes
            proc['indented'] = console.cyan(proc['indented'])

        # current proc is first one
        output_procs = [proc]

        # recurse children
        children = get_children(proc['pid'])
        for child in children:
            output_procs += make_tree(child,
                                      indent + 4,

        return output_procs

    tree_procs = []
    for trunk in get_trunks(procs):
        tree_procs += make_tree(trunk)

    headers = collections.OrderedDict(
        (('pid', 'PID'), ('ppid', 'PPID'), ('indented', 'Name'),
         ('description', 'Description'), ('user', 'User'), ('session',

    return console.table(tree_procs, keys=headers)
Exemple #3
 def ps_callback(bid, content):
     procs = helpers.parse_ps(content)