Exemple #1
def eval_vqa(gt_list, pred_list, verbose, extra_vars):
    quesFile = extra_vars['quesFile']
    annFile = extra_vars['annFile']

    # create temporal resFile
    resFile = 'tmp_res_file.json'
    list2vqa(resFile, pred_list, extra_vars['question_ids'])

    # create vqa object and vqaRes object
    vqa_ = visual_qa.VQA(annFile, quesFile)
    vqaRes = vqa_.loadRes(resFile, quesFile)
    vqaEval_ = vqaEval.VQAEval(
        vqa_, vqaRes, n=2
    )  #n is precision of accuracy (number of places after decimal), default is 2
    os.remove(resFile)  # remove temporal file

    # get results
    acc_overall = vqaEval_.accuracy['overall']
    acc_yes_no = vqaEval_.accuracy['perAnswerType']['yes/no']
    acc_number = vqaEval_.accuracy['perAnswerType']['number']
    acc_other = vqaEval_.accuracy['perAnswerType']['other']
    #acc_per_class = vqaEval_.accuracy['perAnswerClass']
    #acc_class_normalized = vqaEval_.accuracy['classNormalizedOverall']

    if verbose > 0:
        logging.info('VQA Metric: Accuracy yes/no is {0}, other is {1}, number is {2}, overall is {3}'.\
                format(acc_yes_no, acc_other, acc_number, acc_overall))#, acc_class_normalized))
    return {
        'overall accuracy': acc_overall,
        'yes/no accuracy': acc_yes_no,
        'number accuracy': acc_number,
        'other accuracy': acc_other
Exemple #2
def score_vqa(resFile, quesFile, annFile):
    # create vqa object and vqaRes object
    vqa_ = visual_qa.VQA(annFile, quesFile)
    vqaRes = vqa_.loadRes(resFile, quesFile)
    vqaEval_ = vqaEval.VQAEval(
        vqa_, vqaRes, n=2
    )  #n is precision of accuracy (number of places after decimal), default is 2
    print "Overall Accuracy is: %.02f\n" % (vqaEval_.accuracy['overall'])
    return vqaEval_.accuracy['overall']
Exemple #3
def eval_vqa(pred_list, verbose, extra_vars, split):
    VQA challenge metrics
    :param pred_list: dictionary of hypothesis sentences (id, sentence)
    :param verbose: if greater than 0 the metric measures are printed out
    :param extra_vars: extra variables
            extra_vars['quesFile'] - path to the .json file where the questions are stored
            extra_vars['annFile'] - path to the .json file where the annotated answers are stored
            extra_vars['question_ids'] - question identifiers
    :param split: split on which we are evaluating
    :return: Dictionary of VQA accuracies
    import datetime
    import os
    from pycocoevalcap.vqa import vqaEval, visual_qa
    from read_write import list2vqa

    quesFile = extra_vars[split]['quesFile']
    annFile = extra_vars[split]['annFile']

    # create temporal resFile
    resFile = 'tmp_res_file_' + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + '.json'
    list2vqa(resFile, pred_list, extra_vars[split]['question_ids'])

    # create vqa object and vqaRes object
    vqa_ = visual_qa.VQA(annFile, quesFile)
    vqaRes = vqa_.loadRes(resFile, quesFile)
    vqaEval_ = vqaEval.VQAEval(
        vqa_, vqaRes, n=2
    )  # n is precision of accuracy (number of places after decimal), default is 2
    os.remove(resFile)  # remove temporal file

    # get results
    acc_overall = vqaEval_.accuracy['overall']
    acc_yes_no = vqaEval_.accuracy['perAnswerType']['yes/no']
    acc_number = vqaEval_.accuracy['perAnswerType']['number']
    acc_other = vqaEval_.accuracy['perAnswerType']['other']
    # acc_per_class = vqaEval_.accuracy['perAnswerClass']
    # acc_class_normalized = vqaEval_.accuracy['classNormalizedOverall']

    if verbose > 0:
            'VQA Metric: Accuracy yes/no is {0}, other is {1}, number is {2}, overall is {3}'
            .format(acc_yes_no, acc_other, acc_number,
                    acc_overall))  # , acc_class_normalized))
    return {
        'overall accuracy': acc_overall,
        'yes/no accuracy': acc_yes_no,
        'number accuracy': acc_number,
        'other accuracy': acc_other
def eval_vqa(pred_list, verbose, extra_vars, split):
    VQA challenge metric
    # Arguments
        gt_list, dictionary of reference sentences (id, sentence)
        pred_list, dictionary of hypothesis sentences (id, sentence)
        verbose - if greater than 0 the metric measures are printed out
        extra_vars - extra variables, here are:
                extra_vars['quesFile'] - path to the .json file where the questions are stored
                extra_vars['annFile'] - path to the .json file where the annotated answers are stored
                extra_vars['question_ids'] - question identifiers
    quesFile = extra_vars[split]['quesFile']
    annFile = extra_vars[split]['annFile']

    # create temporal resFile
    resFile = 'tmp_res_file.json'
    list2vqa(resFile, pred_list, extra_vars[split]['question_ids'])

    # create vqa object and vqaRes object
    vqa_ = visual_qa.VQA(annFile, quesFile)
    vqaRes = vqa_.loadRes(resFile, quesFile)
    vqaEval_ = vqaEval.VQAEval(
        vqa_, vqaRes, n=2
    )  # n is precision of accuracy (number of places after decimal), default is 2
    os.remove(resFile)  # remove temporal file

    # get results
    acc_overall = vqaEval_.accuracy['overall']
    acc_yes_no = vqaEval_.accuracy['perAnswerType']['yes/no']
    acc_number = vqaEval_.accuracy['perAnswerType']['number']
    acc_other = vqaEval_.accuracy['perAnswerType']['other']
    # acc_per_class = vqaEval_.accuracy['perAnswerClass']
    # acc_class_normalized = vqaEval_.accuracy['classNormalizedOverall']

    if verbose > 0:
        logging.info('VQA Metric: Accuracy yes/no is {0}, other is {1}, number is {2}, overall is {3}'. \
                     format(acc_yes_no, acc_other, acc_number, acc_overall))  # , acc_class_normalized))
    return {
        'overall accuracy': acc_overall,
        'yes/no accuracy': acc_yes_no,
        'number accuracy': acc_number,
        'other accuracy': acc_other