def evaluate(self): """Evaluates with detections from all images with COCO API. Returns: coco_metric: float numpy array with shape [24] representing the coco-style evaluation metrics (box and mask). """ if not self._annotation_file: gt_dataset = coco_utils.convert_groundtruths_to_coco_dataset( self._groundtruths) coco_gt = coco_utils.COCOWrapper( eval_type=('mask' if self._include_mask else 'box'), gt_dataset=gt_dataset) else: coco_gt = self._coco_gt coco_predictions = coco_utils.convert_predictions_to_coco_annotations( self._predictions) coco_dt = coco_gt.loadRes(predictions=coco_predictions) image_ids = [ann['image_id'] for ann in coco_predictions] coco_eval = cocoeval.COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_dt, iouType='bbox') coco_eval.params.imgIds = image_ids coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() coco_eval.summarize() coco_metrics = coco_eval.stats if self._include_mask: mcoco_eval = cocoeval.COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_dt, iouType='segm') mcoco_eval.params.imgIds = image_ids mcoco_eval.evaluate() mcoco_eval.accumulate() mcoco_eval.summarize() if self._mask_eval_class == 'all': metrics = np.hstack((coco_metrics, mcoco_eval.stats)) else: mask_coco_metrics = mcoco_eval.category_stats val_catg_idx = np.isin(mcoco_eval.params.catIds, self._eval_categories) # Gather the valid evaluation of the eval categories. if np.any(val_catg_idx): mean_val_metrics = [] for mid in range(len(self._metric_names) // 2): mean_val_metrics.append( np.nanmean(mask_coco_metrics[mid][val_catg_idx])) mean_val_metrics = np.array(mean_val_metrics) else: mean_val_metrics = np.zeros(len(self._metric_names) // 2) metrics = np.hstack((coco_metrics, mean_val_metrics)) else: metrics = coco_metrics # Cleans up the internal variables in order for a fresh eval next time. self.reset() metrics_dict = {} for i, name in enumerate(self._metric_names): metrics_dict[name] = metrics[i].astype(np.float32) return metrics_dict
def evaluate(self): """Evaluates with detections from all images with COCO API. Returns: coco_metric: float numpy array with shape [24] representing the coco-style evaluation metrics (box and mask). """ if not self._annotation_file:'There is no annotation_file in COCOEvaluator.') gt_dataset = coco_utils.convert_groundtruths_to_coco_dataset( self._groundtruths) coco_gt = coco_utils.COCOWrapper( eval_type=('mask' if self._include_mask else 'box'), gt_dataset=gt_dataset) else:'Using annotation file: %s', self._annotation_file) coco_gt = self._coco_gt coco_predictions = coco_utils.convert_predictions_to_coco_annotations( self._predictions) coco_dt = coco_gt.loadRes(predictions=coco_predictions) image_ids = [ann['image_id'] for ann in coco_predictions] coco_eval = cocoeval.COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_dt, iouType='bbox') coco_eval.params.imgIds = image_ids coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() coco_eval.summarize() coco_metrics = coco_eval.stats if self._include_mask: mcoco_eval = cocoeval.COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_dt, iouType='segm') mcoco_eval.params.imgIds = image_ids mcoco_eval.evaluate() mcoco_eval.accumulate() mcoco_eval.summarize() mask_coco_metrics = mcoco_eval.stats if self._include_mask: metrics = np.hstack((coco_metrics, mask_coco_metrics)) else: metrics = coco_metrics metrics_dict = {} for i, name in enumerate(self._metric_names): metrics_dict[name] = metrics[i].astype(np.float32) # Adds metrics per category. if self._per_category_metrics: metrics_dict.update(self._retrieve_per_category_metrics(coco_eval)) if self._include_mask: metrics_dict.update( self._retrieve_per_category_metrics(mcoco_eval, prefix='mask')) return metrics_dict
def get_metrics( labels_path: pathlib.Path, predictions_path: pathlib.Path, metrics: List[float] = [30, 50, 75], ) -> dict: iou_thresholds = np.array(metrics) / 100 coco_gt = coco.COCO(labels_path) coco_predicted = coco_gt.loadRes(str(predictions_path)) cocoEval = cocoeval.COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_predicted, "bbox") cocoEval.params.iouThrs = iou_thresholds cocoEval.params.areaRngLbl = "all" cocoEval.params.maxDets = [100] cocoEval.evaluate() cocoEval.accumulate() results = {} for eval_type in ["ap", "ar"]: for iou in metrics: results[f"{eval_type}{iou}"] = _summarize( cocoEval.eval, iou / 100, iou_thresholds, average_precision=(eval_type == "ap"), ) return results
def score_coco(dmet): from pycocotools import coco from pycocotools import cocoeval # The original pycoco-api prints to much, supress it with util.SupressPrint(coco, cocoeval): cocoGt = dmet.true._aspycoco() cocoDt = dmet.pred._aspycoco() for ann in cocoGt.dataset['annotations']: w, h = ann['bbox'][-2:] ann['ignore'] = ann['weight'] < .5 ann['area'] = w * h ann['iscrowd'] = False for ann in cocoDt.dataset['annotations']: w, h = ann['bbox'][-2:] ann['area'] = w * h evaler = cocoeval.COCOeval(cocoGt, cocoDt, iouType='bbox') evaler.evaluate() evaler.accumulate() evaler.summarize() coco_ap = evaler.stats[1] coco_scores = { 'mAP': coco_ap, } return coco_scores
def evaluate(self): """Evaluates with detections from all images with COCO API. Returns: coco_metric: float numpy array with shape [24] representing the coco-style evaluation metrics (box and mask). """ if not self._annotation_file: gt_dataset = coco_utils.convert_groundtruths_to_coco_dataset( self._groundtruths) coco_gt = coco_utils.COCOWrapper( eval_type=('mask' if self._include_mask else 'box'), gt_dataset=gt_dataset) else: coco_gt = self._coco_gt coco_predictions = coco_utils.convert_predictions_to_coco_annotations( self._predictions) coco_dt = coco_gt.loadRes(predictions=coco_predictions) image_ids = [ann['image_id'] for ann in coco_predictions] coco_eval = cocoeval.COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_dt, iouType='bbox') coco_eval.params.imgIds = image_ids coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() coco_eval.summarize() coco_metrics = coco_eval.stats if self._include_mask: mcoco_eval = cocoeval.COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_dt, iouType='segm') mcoco_eval.params.imgIds = image_ids mcoco_eval.evaluate() mcoco_eval.accumulate() mcoco_eval.summarize() mask_coco_metrics = mcoco_eval.stats if self._include_mask: metrics = np.hstack((coco_metrics, mask_coco_metrics)) else: metrics = coco_metrics # Cleans up the internal variables in order for a fresh eval next time. self.reset() metrics_dict = {} for i, name in enumerate(self._metric_names): metrics_dict[name] = metrics[i].astype(np.float32) return metrics_dict
def bbox_evaluate(coco_gt, res_file): coco_evaluator = coco_eval.COCOeval(cocoGt=coco_gt, cocoDt=coco_gt.loadRes(res_file), iouType='bbox') coco_evaluator.evaluate() coco_evaluator.accumulate() coco_evaluator.summarize() return coco_evaluator.stats
def coco_bbox_eval(result_file, annotation_file): ann_type = 'bbox' coco_gt = COCO.COCO(annotation_file) coco_dt = coco_gt.loadRes(result_file) cocoevaler = COCOeval.COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_dt, ann_type) cocoevaler.evaluate() cocoevaler.accumulate() cocoevaler.summarize()
def test_single_scale(): cocoGt = cc.COCO("annotations/person_keypoints_val2017.json") cocoDt = cocoGt.loadRes("coco_result.json") cocoEval = ce.COCOeval(cocoGt, cocoDt, 'keypoints') cocoEval.params.imgIds = cocoGt.getImgIds() cocoEval.evaluate() cocoEval.accumulate() print("Single Scale") cocoEval.summarize()
def evaluate(self, coco_gt): if not self.is_master_rank: return val_file_path = os.path.join(self.val_path, 'val.json') if len(json.load(open(val_file_path, 'r'))) == 0: print('no prediction!') else: coco_evaluator = coco_eval.COCOeval(cocoGt=coco_gt, cocoDt=coco_gt.loadRes(val_file_path), iouType='bbox') coco_evaluator.evaluate() coco_evaluator.accumulate() coco_evaluator.summarize()
def retinanet_coco_test(imgs, annotations, score_threshold, limit): ''' Test pre-trained PyTorch RetinaNet against COCO. Loads up a RetinaNet, runs data through it according to the provided annotation file and evaluates the results using pycocotools COCOeval. I used this to make sure that the PyTorch-provided RetinaNet works fine and to familiarize myself with it! ''' model = tmodels.detection.retinanet_resnet50_fpn(pretrained=True).cuda() model.eval() data = dsets.CocoDetection(root=imgs, annFile=annotations, transform=tforms.ToTensor()) evaluated = [] results = [] for i, datum in enumerate(data): if i % 100 == 0: print(i) if limit >= 0 and i >= limit: break img, anns = datum predictions = model(img.unsqueeze(0).cuda())[0] keep = predictions['scores'] > score_threshold boxes = [[ x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1 ] for x1, y1, x2, y2 in utils.recall_tensor(predictions['boxes'][keep]) ] scores = utils.recall_tensor(predictions['scores'][keep]) labels = utils.recall_tensor(predictions['labels'][keep]) img_id = data.ids[i] results += [{ 'image_id': img_id, 'bbox': box, 'score': score, 'category_id': label } for box, score, label in zip(boxes, scores, labels)] evaluated.append(img_id) evl = cocoeval.COCOeval(data.coco, data.coco.loadRes(results), 'bbox') evl.params.imgIds = evaluated evl.evaluate() evl.accumulate() evl.summarize() ann_boxes = [ann['bbox'] for ann in anns] ann_labels = [ann['category_id'] for ann in anns], boxes, ann_boxes, labels, ann_labels)
def evaluate(args): data_dir = args.dataset_root data_type = 'val2014' ann_file = "{0}/annotations/{1}_{2}.cars.json".format(data_dir, 'instances', data_type) results_file = "predictions.json" coco_gt = coco.COCO(ann_file) coco_det = coco_gt.loadRes(results_file) coco_eval = cocoeval.COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_det, 'bbox') coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() coco_eval.summarize()
def _test_model(self, model_name, expected_ap=None, expected_ar=None, resample=Image.NEAREST): engine = DetectionEngine(test_utils.test_data_path(model_name)) ground_truth_file = 'coco/annotations/instances_val2017.json' coco_gt = coco.COCO(test_utils.test_data_path(ground_truth_file)) detection_results = [] print('Running inference for model %s...' % model_name) for _, img in coco_gt.imgs.items(): with test_utils.test_image('coco', 'val2017', img['file_name']) as image: ret = engine.detect_with_image(image.convert('RGB'), threshold=0, top_k=100, relative_coord=False, resample=resample) for detection in ret: detection_results.append({ 'image_id': img['id'], # Model label id and ground truth label id are 1 off. 'category_id': detection.label_id + 1, 'bbox': self.absolute_to_relative_bbox( detection.bounding_box.flatten().tolist()), 'score': detection.score.item() }) detection_file = '/tmp/%s.json' % model_name with open(detection_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(detection_results, f, separators=(',', ':')) coco_dt = coco_gt.loadRes(detection_file) coco_eval = cocoeval.COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_dt, 'bbox') coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() coco_eval.summarize() if expected_ap is not None: self.assertGreaterEqual(coco_eval.stats[0], expected_ap) if expected_ar is not None: self.assertGreaterEqual(coco_eval.stats[6], expected_ar)
def calculate_ap(self, gt_result_json, dt_result): """ COCOeval을 사용한 AP계산. 중간 과정으로 gt와 dt에 대한 json파일이 out_dir에 생성됨 Arguments: gt_result_json (dict): test 내에 존재하는 모든 도면에 대한 images, annotation, category 정보를 coco json 형태로 저장한 dict dt_result (dict): 도면 이름을 key로, box들을 value로 갖는 dt dict Returns: result_str (string): COCOeval의 계산 결과 summary 저장한 문자열 """ # 먼저 gt_json을 파일로 출력 gt_outpath = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "test_gt_global.json") coco_json_write(gt_outpath, gt_result_json) # dt_result를 coco형식으로 변환하여 파일로 출력 (주의! dt는 NMS 이전의 결과여야 함) test_dt_global = [] for filename, bboxes in dt_result.items(): for box in bboxes: box["image_id"] = self.get_gt_img_id_from_filename( filename, gt_result_json) test_dt_global.append(box) dt_outpath = os.path.join(self.output_dir, "test_dt_global.json") coco_json_write(dt_outpath, test_dt_global) # gt와 dt파일을 로드하여 ap 계산 cocoGT = coco.COCO(gt_outpath) cocoDt = cocoGT.loadRes(dt_outpath) annType = 'bbox' cocoEval = cocoeval.COCOeval(cocoGT, cocoDt, annType) cocoEval.evaluate() cocoEval.accumulate() original_stdout = sys.stdout string_stdout = io.StringIO() sys.stdout = string_stdout cocoEval.summarize() sys.stdout = original_stdout result_str = string_stdout.getvalue() return result_str
def score_coco(dmet, verbose=0): """ score using ms-coco method Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--pycocotools) >>> dmet = DetectionMetrics.demo( >>> nimgs=100, nboxes=(0, 3), n_fp=(0, 1), nclasses=8) >>> print(dmet.score_coco()['mAP']) 0.711016... """ from pycocotools import coco from pycocotools import cocoeval # The original pycoco-api prints to much, supress it import netharn as nh pred, true = dmet._to_coco() quiet = verbose == 0 with nh.util.SupressPrint(coco, cocoeval, enabled=quiet): cocoGt = true._aspycoco() cocoDt = pred._aspycoco() for ann in cocoGt.dataset['annotations']: w, h = ann['bbox'][-2:] ann['ignore'] = ann['weight'] < .5 ann['area'] = w * h ann['iscrowd'] = False for ann in cocoDt.dataset['annotations']: w, h = ann['bbox'][-2:] ann['area'] = w * h evaler = cocoeval.COCOeval(cocoGt, cocoDt, iouType='bbox') evaler.evaluate() evaler.accumulate() evaler.summarize() coco_ap = evaler.stats[1] coco_scores = {'mAP': coco_ap, 'evalar_stats': evaler.stats} return coco_scores
def evaluate(self): """Evaluates with detections from all images with COCO API. Returns: coco_metric: float numpy array with shape [24] representing the coco-style evaluation metrics (box and mask). """ if not self._annotation_file:'Thre is no annotation_file in COCOEvaluator.') gt_dataset = coco_utils.convert_groundtruths_to_coco_dataset(self._groundtruths) coco_gt = coco_utils.COCOWrapper(eval_type='box', gt_dataset=gt_dataset) else:'Using annotation file: %s', self._annotation_file) coco_gt = self._coco_gt coco_predictions = coco_utils.convert_predictions_to_coco_annotations(self._predictions) coco_dt = coco_gt.load_res(predictions=coco_predictions) image_ids = [ann['image_id'] for ann in coco_predictions] coco_eval = cocoeval.COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_dt, iouType='bbox') coco_eval.params.imgIds = image_ids coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() coco_eval.summarize() coco_metrics = coco_eval.stats metrics = coco_metrics # Cleans up the internal variables in order for a fresh eval next time. self.reset() metrics_dict = {} for i, name in enumerate(self._metric_names): metrics_dict[name] = metrics[i].astype(np.float32) return metrics_dict
def evaluate(self): """Evaluates with detections from all images with COCO API. Returns: coco_metric: float numpy array with shape [24] representing the coco-style evaluation metrics (box and mask). """ if not self._annotation_file:'There is no annotation_file in COCOEvaluator.') gt_dataset = coco_utils.convert_groundtruths_to_coco_dataset( self._groundtruths) coco_gt = coco_utils.COCOWrapper( eval_type=('mask' if self._include_mask else 'box'), gt_dataset=gt_dataset) else:'Using annotation file: %s', self._annotation_file) coco_gt = self._coco_gt coco_predictions = coco_utils.convert_predictions_to_coco_annotations( self._predictions) coco_dt = coco_gt.loadRes(predictions=coco_predictions) image_ids = [ann['image_id'] for ann in coco_predictions] coco_eval = cocoeval.COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_dt, iouType='bbox') coco_eval.params.imgIds = image_ids coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() coco_eval.summarize() coco_metrics = coco_eval.stats if self._include_mask: mcoco_eval = cocoeval.COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_dt, iouType='segm') mcoco_eval.params.imgIds = image_ids mcoco_eval.evaluate() mcoco_eval.accumulate() mcoco_eval.summarize() mask_coco_metrics = mcoco_eval.stats if self._include_mask: metrics = np.hstack((coco_metrics, mask_coco_metrics)) else: metrics = coco_metrics # Cleans up the internal variables in order for a fresh eval next time. self.reset() metrics_dict = {} for i, name in enumerate(self._metric_names): metrics_dict[name] = metrics[i].astype(np.float32) # Adds metrics per category. if self._per_category_metrics and hasattr(coco_eval, 'category_stats'): for category_index, category_id in enumerate( coco_eval.params.catIds): metrics_dict['Precision mAP ByCategory/{}'.format( category_id )] = coco_eval.category_stats[0][category_index].astype( np.float32) metrics_dict['Precision mAP ByCategory@50IoU/{}'.format( category_id )] = coco_eval.category_stats[1][category_index].astype( np.float32) metrics_dict['Precision mAP ByCategory@75IoU/{}'.format( category_id )] = coco_eval.category_stats[2][category_index].astype( np.float32) metrics_dict['Precision mAP ByCategory (small) /{}'.format( category_id )] = coco_eval.category_stats[3][category_index].astype( np.float32) metrics_dict['Precision mAP ByCategory (medium) /{}'.format( category_id )] = coco_eval.category_stats[4][category_index].astype( np.float32) metrics_dict['Precision mAP ByCategory (large) /{}'.format( category_id )] = coco_eval.category_stats[5][category_index].astype( np.float32) metrics_dict['Recall AR@1 ByCategory/{}'.format( category_id )] = coco_eval.category_stats[6][category_index].astype( np.float32) metrics_dict['Recall AR@10 ByCategory/{}'.format( category_id )] = coco_eval.category_stats[7][category_index].astype( np.float32) metrics_dict['Recall AR@100 ByCategory/{}'.format( category_id )] = coco_eval.category_stats[8][category_index].astype( np.float32) metrics_dict['Recall AR (small) ByCategory/{}'.format( category_id )] = coco_eval.category_stats[9][category_index].astype( np.float32) metrics_dict['Recall AR (medium) ByCategory/{}'.format( category_id )] = coco_eval.category_stats[10][category_index].astype( np.float32) metrics_dict['Recall AR (large) ByCategory/{}'.format( category_id )] = coco_eval.category_stats[11][category_index].astype( np.float32) return metrics_dict
def evaluate(model=None, weights_file=None, data_loader_val=None): """This function performs AP evaluation using coco_eval""" train_res_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), constants.RES_LOC, constants.TRAIN_RES_FILENAME) if weights_file is None and model is None: # Get model weights from config weights_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), config.MODEL_WEIGHTS_FILENAME) if model is None: # Get model corresponding to the one selected in config model = models.get_model() # Load model weights model.load_state_dict(torch.load(weights_file)) # Set device device = torch.device( 'cuda') if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu') # Empty cache torch.cuda.empty_cache() # Model to device if data_loader_val is None: # Data loader is in constants.DATA_LOADERS_LOC/constants.DATA_LOADER_VAL_FILENAME by default data_loader_val = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), constants.DATA_LOADERS_LOC, constants.DATA_LOADER_VAL_FILENAME_OBJ) # If DATA_LOADER is None in config then use default dataloader=data_loader_val as defined above data_loader_val = data_loader_val if config.DATA_LOADER is None else config.DATA_LOADER # Load dataloader data_loader_val = torch.load(data_loader_val) # Calculate mIoU average_iou = get_mIoU(model, data_loader_val) sys.stdout = open(train_res_file, 'a+') print("SemSeg mIoU = ", average_iou) # Annotation file is by default located under # constants.COCO_ANN_LOC/constants.ANN_VAL_DEFAULT_NAME val_ann_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), constants.COCO_ANN_LOC, constants.ANN_VAL_DEFAULT_NAME_OBJ) # Make coco api from annotation file coco_gt = COCO(val_ann_filename) # Get categories categories = list(coco_gt.cats) # res_filename will contain the predictions to be used later for evaluation res_filename = constants.COCO_RES_JSON_FILENAME # Export the predictions as a json file __export_res(model, data_loader_val, res_filename, categories) # Load res with coco.loadRes coco_dt = coco_gt.loadRes(res_filename) # Get the list of images img_ids = sorted(coco_gt.getImgIds()) for iou_type in config.IOU_TYPES: sys.stdout = open(train_res_file, 'a+') coco_eval = cocoeval.COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_dt, iou_type) coco_eval.params.img_ids = img_ids coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() coco_eval.summarize()
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import pycocotools.coco as coco import pycocotools.cocoeval as cocoeval if len(sys.argv) < 2 or len(sys.argv) > 3: print("usage: {} det_file.json [gt_file.json]".format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) det_file = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 3: gt_file = sys.argv[2] else: gt_file = "/fastwork/voigtlaender/mywork/data/coco/annotations/instances_valid.json" coco_gt = coco.COCO(gt_file) coco_det = coco_gt.loadRes(det_file) e = cocoeval.COCOeval(coco_gt, coco_det, "bbox") e.evaluate() e.accumulate() e.summarize()
def __init__(self,gt_path,det_paths,theta0=0.5): self.coco_gt = coco.COCO(gt_path) self.coco_dts = [self.coco_gt.loadRes(det_path) for det_path in det_paths] self.coco_evals = [cocoeval.COCOeval(self.coco_gt,coco_dt,iouType='bbox')for coco_dt in self.coco_dts] self.num_candidates = len(det_paths) self.theta0 = theta0
def test_inference(): """ With a probability threshold ("score" threshold) of 0.2, the standard yolov3 model yields a "bbox" mAP @[IoU=0.50:0.95] of 0.33983872 on the 9 sample images from the COCO validation set as computed by pycocotools (with a probability threshold of 0.2 and NMS IOU threshold of 0.3). This test checks that the mAP is similar. """ model = "yolov3" model_dir = "models" config_path = os.path.join(model_dir, model + ".cfg") weights_path = os.path.join(model_dir, model + ".weights") net = yolov3.Darknet(config_path, device="cpu") net.load_weights(weights_path) net.eval() image_dir = os.path.join("sample_dataset", "images") fnames = os.listdir(image_dir) images = [] for fname in fnames: fpath = os.path.join(image_dir, fname) images.append(cv2.imread(fpath)) # Accumulate images instead of batching; helps run on systems (including # Travis CI) with lower amounts of RAM. results = [] for image in images: results.extend( yolov3.inference(net, image, device="cpu", prob_thresh=0.2, nms_iou_thresh=0.3)) with open("models/coco.names", "r") as f: class_names = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] pred_dataset = yolov3.to_coco(fnames, results, class_names) truth_dataset = coco_util.load_coco_dataset("sample_dataset/sample.json") # Match predicted COCO dataset image ids and cat ids with original # ground truth dataset. coco_util.match_ids(pred_dataset, truth_dataset) # Ground truth COCO API dataset. gt_coco = coco.COCO() gt_coco.dataset = truth_dataset gt_coco.createIndex() # Detections COCO API dataset. dt_coco = coco.COCO() dt_coco.dataset = pred_dataset dt_coco.createIndex() eval_ = cocoeval.COCOeval(gt_coco, dt_coco) eval_.params.iouType = "bbox" eval_.evaluate() eval_.accumulate() eval_.summarize() assert np.isclose(eval_.stats[0], 0.33983872, atol=0.0015)
def _devcheck_voc_consistency(): """ # CHECK FOR ISSUES WITH MY MAP COMPUTATION TODO: Check how cocoeval works """ import pandas as pd import kwcoco as nh # method = 'voc2012' method = 'voc2007' bias = 0 bias = 0 # classes = [0, 1, 2] classes = [0] classname = 0 # nimgs = 5 # nboxes = 2 nimgs = 5 nboxes = 5 nbad = 1 bg_weight = 1.0 iou_thresh = 0.5 bg_cls = -1 xdata = [] ydatas = ub.ddict(list) for noise in np.linspace(0, 5, 10): recs = {} lines = [] confusions = [] rng = np.random.RandomState(0) detmetrics = DetectionMetrics() true_coco = pred_coco = cid = true_coco.add_category('cat1') cid = pred_coco.add_category('cat1') for imgname in range(nimgs): # Create voc style data imgname = str(imgname) import kwimage true_boxes = kwimage.Boxes.random(num=nboxes, scale=100., rng=rng, format='cxywh') pred_boxes = true_boxes.copy() = np.float) + (rng.rand() * noise) if nbad: = np.vstack([, kwimage.Boxes.random(num=nbad, scale=100., rng=rng, format='cxywh').data ]) true_cxs = rng.choice(classes, size=len(true_boxes)) pred_cxs = true_cxs.copy() change = rng.rand(len(true_cxs)) < (noise / 5) pred_cxs_swap = rng.choice(classes, size=len(pred_cxs)) pred_cxs[change] = pred_cxs_swap[change] if nbad: pred_cxs = np.hstack( [pred_cxs, rng.choice(classes, size=nbad)]) np.array([0] * len(true_boxes)) pred_cxs = np.array([0] * len(pred_boxes)) recs[imgname] = [] for bbox in true_boxes.to_tlbr().data: recs[imgname].append({ 'bbox': bbox, 'difficult': False, 'name': classname }) for bbox, score in zip(pred_boxes.to_tlbr().data, np.arange(len(pred_boxes))): lines.append([imgname, score] + list(bbox)) # lines.append('{} {} {} {} {} {}'.format(imgname, score, *bbox)) # Create MS-COCO style data gid = true_coco.add_image(imgname) gid = pred_coco.add_image(imgname) for bbox in true_boxes.to_xywh(): true_coco.add_annotation(gid, cid, bbox=bbox, iscrowd=False, ignore=0, area=bbox.area[0]) for bbox, score in zip(pred_boxes.to_xywh(), np.arange(len(pred_boxes))): pred_coco.add_annotation(gid, cid, bbox=bbox, iscrowd=False, ignore=0, score=score, area=bbox.area[0]) # Create kwcoco style confusion data true_weights = np.array([1] * len(true_boxes)) pred_scores = np.arange(len(pred_boxes)) y = pd.DataFrame( detection_confusions(true_boxes, true_cxs, true_weights, pred_boxes, pred_scores, pred_cxs, bg_weight=1.0, iou_thresh=0.5, bg_cls=-1, bias=bias)) y['gx'] = int(imgname) y = (y) confusions.append(y) from pycocotools import cocoeval as coco_score cocoGt = true_coco._aspycoco() cocoDt = pred_coco._aspycoco() evaler = coco_score.COCOeval(cocoGt, cocoDt, iouType='bbox') evaler.evaluate() evaler.accumulate() evaler.summarize() coco_ap = evaler.stats[1] y = pd.concat(confusions) mine_ap = score_detection_assignment(y, method=method)['ap'] voc_rec, voc_prec, voc_ap = voc_eval(lines, recs, classname, iou_thresh=0.5, method=method, bias=bias) eav_prec, eav_rec, eav_ap1 = _multiclass_ap(y) eav_ap2 = _ave_precision(eav_rec, eav_prec, method=method) voc_ap2 = _ave_precision(voc_rec, voc_prec, method=method) eav_ap = eav_ap2 print('noise = {!r}'.format(noise)) print('mine_ap = {!r}'.format(mine_ap.values.mean())) print('voc_ap = {!r}'.format(voc_ap)) print('eav_ap = {!r}'.format(eav_ap)) print('---') xdata.append(noise) ydatas['voc'].append(voc_ap) ydatas['eav'].append(eav_ap) ydatas['kwcoco'].append(mine_ap.values.mean()) ydatas['coco'].append(coco_ap) ydf = pd.DataFrame(ydatas) print(ydf) import kwplot kwplot.autompl() kwplot.multi_plot(xdata=xdata, ydata=ydatas, fnum=1, doclf=True)