def create_tx_io(amount, addr, wallet_nodes, change_nodes, fee): txins = [] txouts = [] spendables = [] wifs = [] dust_threshold = Decimal('0.00000543') collected = Decimal(0) single = None assert amount > dust_threshold for op in unspents: op_amount = convention.satoshi_to_btc( op.as_dict()['coin_value'] ) if op_amount >= amount + fee: single = op collected = op_amount if not single: for op in unspents: spendables.append(op) op_amount = convention.satoshi_to_btc( op.as_dict()['coin_value'] ) collected += op_amount if collected >= amount + fee: break else: raise Exception("Insufficient funds!") else: spendables.append(single) for op in spendables: txin = op.tx_in() txins.append( txin ) op_script = serialize.h2b( op.as_dict()['script_hex'] ) hash160 = serialize.h2b([2] ) prev_addr = Key(hash160=hash160, netcode=NETCODE).address() # from pycoin import networks # address_prefix = networks.address_prefix_for_netcode(NETCODE) # prev_addr = txin.bitcoin_address(address_prefix=address_prefix) for nodes in (wallet_nodes, change_nodes): if prev_addr in nodes['used'].keys(): wifs.append( nodes['used'][prev_addr]['key'].wif() ) change = collected - (amount + fee) amount_btc = convention.btc_to_satoshi(amount) spend = TxOut( amount_btc, standard_tx_out_script(addr) ) txouts.append(spend) if change > dust_threshold: change_addr = get_unused_node(change_nodes, change=True)['key'].address() change_btc = convention.btc_to_satoshi(change) change_txout = TxOut( change_btc, standard_tx_out_script(change_addr) ) txouts.append(change_txout) return (txins, txouts, spendables, wifs)
def send(self, ddestination_address, dcolourid=None): self.colordata.update() coins_to = [] total_spent = 0 for daa in [ddestination_address]: address, amount = daa[0], daa[1] amount = btc_to_satoshi(amount) total_spent += amount coins_to.append((amount, address)) selected_utxos, total_value = self.selectUTXOs(self.getAllUTXOs(), dcolourid, total_spent) change = (total_value - total_spent) - 10000 if change >= 1: coins_to.append((change, self.addresses[0].pubkey)) coins_from = [utxo.get_pycoin_coin_source() for utxo in selected_utxos] secret_exponents = [encoding.wif_to_secret_exponent(address.privkey) for address in self.addresses] unsigned_tx = UnsignedTx.standard_tx(coins_from, coins_to) solver = SecretExponentSolver(secret_exponents) new_tx = unsigned_tx.sign(solver) s = io.BytesIO() tx_bytes = s.getvalue() tx_hex = binascii.hexlify(tx_bytes).decode("utf8") recommended_tx_fee = tx_fee.recommended_fee_for_tx(new_tx) print tx_hex URL = "" urllib2.urlopen(URL, data=tx_hex)
def bitcoin(public, private, address, amount): coins_from = [] coins_sources = blockchain_info.coin_sources_for_address(public) coins_from.extend(coins_sources) value = sum(cs[-1].coin_value for cs in coins_sources) secret_exponents = [encoding.wif_to_secret_exponent(private)] amount = btc_to_satoshi(amount) coins_to = [] coins_to.append((amount, address)) actual_tx_fee = value - amount if actual_tx_fee < 0: print("not enough source coins (%s BTC) for destination (%s BTC). Short %s BTC" % (satoshi_to_btc(total_value), satoshi_to_btc(total_spent), satoshi_to_btc(-actual_tx_fee))) return None; if actual_tx_fee > 0: coins_to.append((actual_tx_fee, public)) unsigned_tx = UnsignedTx.standard_tx(coins_from, coins_to) solver = SecretExponentSolver(secret_exponents) new_tx = unsigned_tx.sign(solver) s = io.BytesIO() tx_bytes = s.getvalue() tx_hex = binascii.hexlify(tx_bytes).decode("utf8") return tx_bytes
def tx_from_json_dict(r): version = r.get("version") lock_time = r.get("locktime") txs_in = [] for vin in r.get("vin"): if "coinbase" in vin: previous_hash = b'\0' * 32 script = h2b(vin.get("coinbase")) previous_index = 4294967295 else: previous_hash = h2b_rev(vin.get("txid")) scriptSig = vin.get("scriptSig") if "hex" in scriptSig: script = h2b(scriptSig.get("hex")) else: script = tools.compile(scriptSig.get("asm")) previous_index = vin.get("vout") sequence = vin.get("sequence") txs_in.append(TxIn(previous_hash, previous_index, script, sequence)) txs_out = [] for vout in r.get("vout"): coin_value = btc_to_satoshi(decimal.Decimal(vout.get("value"))) script = tools.compile(vout.get("scriptPubKey").get("asm")) txs_out.append(TxOut(coin_value, script)) tx = Tx(version, txs_in, txs_out, lock_time) bh = r.get("blockhash") if bh: bh = h2b_rev(bh) tx.confirmation_block_hash = bh return tx
def get_tx(tx_hash): """ Get a Tx by its hash. """ # TODO: fix this j = get_json_for_hash(tx_hash) txs_in = [] for j_in in j.get("in"): if j_in.get("coinbase"): txs_in.append( TxIn.coinbase_tx_in(binascii.unhexlify(j_in["coinbase"]))) else: txs_in.append( TxIn(h2b_rev(j_in["prev_out"]["hash"]), int(j_in["prev_out"]["n"]), tools.compile(j_in["scriptSig"]))) txs_out = [] for j_out in j.get("out"): txs_out.append( TxOut(int(btc_to_satoshi(j_out["value"])), tools.compile(j_out["scriptPubKey"]))) tx = Tx(int(j["ver"]), txs_in, txs_out, int(j["lock_time"])) assert tx.hash() == tx_hash return tx
def update(self): cursor = self.db.cursor() addresses = self.getalladdresses() for address in addresses: bci_balance = BCI.getbalance([address['address']]) if bci_balance != address['balance']: now = int(time.time()) sql = 'UPDATE addresses SET balance=?, balance_at=?, balance_source=? WHERE address=?' values = (bci_balance, now, '', address['address']) cursor.execute(sql, values) new_unspents = BCI.listunspent([address['address']]) # Make this in sql transaction even unspents are outdated ?? cursor.execute("DELETE FROM unspents WHERE address=?", (address['address'], )) if len(new_unspents) > 0: values = [] for new_unspent in new_unspents: values.append([ address['address'], new_unspent['txid'], new_unspent['scriptPubKey'], btc_to_satoshi(new_unspent['amount']), new_unspent['vout'], new_unspent['confirmations'], now, '', ]) sql = '''INSERT INTO unspents (address, txid, scriptPubKey, amount, vout, confirmations, updated_at, source) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''' cursor.executemany(sql, values)
def bitcoin(public, private, address, amount): coins_from = [] coins_sources = blockchain_info.coin_sources_for_address(public) coins_from.extend(coins_sources) value = sum(cs[-1].coin_value for cs in coins_sources) secret_exponents = [encoding.wif_to_secret_exponent(private)] amount = btc_to_satoshi(amount) coins_to = [] coins_to.append((amount, address)) actual_tx_fee = value - amount if actual_tx_fee < 0: print( "not enough source coins (%s BTC) for destination (%s BTC). Short %s BTC" % (satoshi_to_btc(total_value), satoshi_to_btc(total_spent), satoshi_to_btc(-actual_tx_fee))) return None if actual_tx_fee > 0: coins_to.append((actual_tx_fee, public)) unsigned_tx = UnsignedTx.standard_tx(coins_from, coins_to) solver = SecretExponentSolver(secret_exponents) new_tx = unsigned_tx.sign(solver) s = io.BytesIO() tx_bytes = s.getvalue() tx_hex = binascii.hexlify(tx_bytes).decode("utf8") return tx_bytes
def update(self): cursor = self.db.cursor() addresses = self.getalladdresses() for address in addresses: bci_balance = BCI.getbalance([address['address']]) if bci_balance!=address['balance']: now = int(time.time()) sql = 'UPDATE addresses SET balance=?, balance_at=?, balance_source=? WHERE address=?' values = (bci_balance, now, '', address['address']) cursor.execute(sql, values) new_unspents = BCI.listunspent([address['address']]) # Make this in sql transaction even unspents are outdated ?? cursor.execute("DELETE FROM unspents WHERE address=?", (address['address'],)) if len(new_unspents)>0: values = [] for new_unspent in new_unspents: values.append([ address['address'], new_unspent['txid'], new_unspent['scriptPubKey'], btc_to_satoshi(new_unspent['amount']), new_unspent['vout'], new_unspent['confirmations'], now, '', ]) sql = '''INSERT INTO unspents (address, txid, scriptPubKey, amount, vout, confirmations, updated_at, source) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''' cursor.executemany(sql, values)
def populate_unspents(nodes): global balance global unspents if nodes['used'] == {}: return addresses = nodes['used'].keys() response = json.load( urlopen("" % BLOCKR + \ ','.join(addresses)) ) data = response['data'] if type(data) == type({}): data = [data] for entry in data: if entry['unspent'] == []: continue for unspent in entry['unspent']: balance += Decimal(unspent['amount']) amount = convention.btc_to_satoshi(unspent['amount']) script = serialize.h2b(unspent['script']) txid = serialize.h2b_rev(unspent['tx']) unspent_spendable = Spendable( amount, script, txid, unspent['n'] ) unspents.append(unspent_spendable) time.sleep(1) # Don't overload API
def get_unsigned_tx(parser): args = parser.parse_args() # if there is only one item passed, it's assumed to be hex if len(args.txinfo) == 1: try: s = io.BytesIO(h2b(args.txinfo[0])) return UnsignedTx.parse(s) except Exception: parser.error("can't parse %s as hex\n" % args.txinfo[0]) coins_from = [] coins_to = [] for txinfo in args.txinfo: if '/' in txinfo: parts = txinfo.split("/") if len(parts) == 2: # we assume it's an output address, amount = parts amount = btc_to_satoshi(amount) coins_to.append((amount, address)) else: try: # we assume it's an input of the form # tx_hash_hex/tx_output_index_decimal/tx_out_val/tx_out_script_hex tx_hash_hex, tx_output_index_decimal, tx_out_val, tx_out_script_hex = parts tx_hash = h2b(tx_hash_hex) tx_output_index = int(tx_output_index_decimal) tx_out_val = btc_to_satoshi(decimal.Decimal(tx_out_val)) tx_out_script = h2b(tx_out_script_hex) tx_out = TxOut(tx_out_val, tx_out_script) coins_source = (tx_hash, tx_output_index, tx_out) coins_from.append(coins_source) except Exception: parser.error("can't parse %s\n" % txinfo) else: print("looking up funds for %s from" % txinfo) coins_sources = blockchain_info.unspent_tx_outs_info_for_address(txinfo) coins_from.extend(coins_sources) unsigned_tx = UnsignedTx.standard_tx(coins_from, coins_to) return unsigned_tx
def get_unsigned_tx(parser): args = parser.parse_args() # if there is only one item passed, it's assumed to be hex if len(args.txinfo) == 1: try: s = io.BytesIO(binascii.unhexlify(args.txinfo[0].decode("utf8"))) return UnsignedTx.parse(s) except Exception: parser.error("can't parse %s as hex\n" % args.txinfo[0]) coins_from = [] coins_to = [] for txinfo in args.txinfo: if '/' in txinfo: parts = txinfo.split("/") if len(parts) == 2: # we assume it's an output address, amount = parts amount = btc_to_satoshi(amount) coins_to.append((amount, address)) else: try: # we assume it's an input of the form # tx_hash_hex/tx_output_index_decimal/tx_out_val/tx_out_script_hex tx_hash_hex, tx_output_index_decimal, tx_out_val, tx_out_script_hex = parts tx_hash = binascii.unhexlify(tx_hash_hex) tx_output_index = int(tx_output_index_decimal) tx_out_val = btc_to_satoshi(decimal.Decimal(tx_out_val)) tx_out_script = binascii.unhexlify(tx_out_script_hex) tx_out = TxOut(tx_out_val, tx_out_script) coins_source = (tx_hash, tx_output_index, tx_out) coins_from.append(coins_source) except Exception: parser.error("can't parse %s\n" % txinfo) else: print("looking up funds for %s from" % txinfo) coins_sources = blockchain_info.unspent_tx_outs_info_for_address(txinfo) coins_from.extend(coins_sources) unsigned_tx = UnsignedTx.standard_tx(coins_from, coins_to) return unsigned_tx
def spendables_for_address(self, bitcoin_address): url = "{0}/addr/{1}/utxo".format(self.base_url, bitcoin_address) result = json.loads(urlopen(url).read().decode("utf8")) spendables = [] for utxo in result: value = btc_to_satoshi(str(utxo["amount"])) prev_index = utxo["vout"] prev_hash = h2b_rev(utxo["txid"]) script = h2b(utxo["scriptPubKey"]) spendable = Spendable(value, script, prev_hash, prev_index) spendables.append(spendable) return spendables
def spendables_for_address(self, bitcoin_address): URL = "%s/api/addr/%s/utxo" % (self.base_url, bitcoin_address) r = json.loads(urlopen(URL).read().decode("utf8")) spendables = [] for u in r: value = btc_to_satoshi(str(u.get("amount"))) script = h2b(u.get("scriptPubKey")) prev_hash = h2b_rev(u.get("txid")) prev_index = u.get("vout") spendable = Spendable(value, script, prev_hash, prev_index) spendables.append(spendable) return spendables
def create_coinbase_tx(parser): args = parser.parse_args() try: if len(args.txinfo) != 1: parser.error("coinbase transactions need exactly one output parameter (wif/BTC count)") wif, btc_amount = args.txinfo[0].split("/") satoshi_amount = btc_to_satoshi(btc_amount) secret_exponent, compressed = encoding.wif_to_tuple_of_secret_exponent_compressed(wif) public_pair = ecdsa.public_pair_for_secret_exponent(ecdsa.secp256k1.generator_secp256k1, secret_exponent) public_key_sec = encoding.public_pair_to_sec(public_pair, compressed=compressed) coinbase_tx = Tx.coinbase_tx(public_key_sec, satoshi_amount) return coinbase_tx except Exception: parser.error("coinbase transactions need exactly one output parameter (wif/BTC count)")
def spendables_for_address(self, bitcoin_address, amount=None): """ Return a list of Spendable objects for the given bitcoin address. """ URL = "%s/addr/%s/utxo" % (self.base_url, bitcoin_address) print(URL) r = json.loads(urlopen(URL).read().decode("utf8")) r = sorted(r, key=lambda d: d['amount'], reverse=True) if len(r) == 0: raise Exception("No spendable outputs found") if amount == None: spendables = [] for u in r: coin_value = btc_to_satoshi(str(u.get("amount"))) script = h2b(u.get("scriptPubKey")) previous_hash = h2b_rev(u.get("txid")) previous_index = u.get("vout") spendables.append( Spendable(coin_value, script, previous_hash, previous_index)) return spendables else: total_amount = 0 spendables = [] for u in r: coin_value = btc_to_satoshi(str(u.get("amount"))) script = h2b(u.get("scriptPubKey")) previous_hash = h2b_rev(u.get("txid")) previous_index = u.get("vout") spendables.append( Spendable(coin_value, script, previous_hash, previous_index)) total_amount = total_amount + coin_value if total_amount >= amount: break return [spendables, total_amount]
def spendables_for_address(self, bitcoin_address): """ Return a list of Spendable objects for the given bitcoin address. """ URL = "%s/api/addr/%s/utxo" % (self.base_url, bitcoin_address) r = json.loads(urlopen(URL).read().decode("utf8")) spendables = [] for u in r: coin_value = btc_to_satoshi(u.get("amount")) script = h2b(u.get("scriptPubKey")) previous_hash = h2b_rev(u.get("txid")) previous_index = u.get("vout") spendables.append(Spendable(coin_value, script, previous_hash, previous_index)) return spendables
def spendables_for_address(bitcoin_address): """ Return a list of Spendable objects for the given bitcoin address. """ URL = "" % bitcoin_address r = json.loads(urlopen(URL).read().decode("utf8")) spendables = [] for u in r.get("data", {}).get("unspent", []): coin_value = btc_to_satoshi(u.get("amount")) script = h2b(u.get("script")) previous_hash = h2b_rev(u.get("tx")) previous_index = u.get("n") spendables.append(Spendable(coin_value, script, previous_hash, previous_index)) return spendables
def spendables_for_address(self, bitcoin_address): """ Return a list of Spendable objects for the given bitcoin address. """ URL = "%s/api/addr/%s/utxo" % (self.base_url, bitcoin_address) r = json.loads(urlopen(URL).read().decode("utf8")) spendables = [] for u in r: coin_value = btc_to_satoshi(str(u.get("amount"))) script = h2b(u.get("scriptPubKey")) previous_hash = h2b_rev(u.get("txid")) previous_index = u.get("vout") spendables.append(Spendable(coin_value, script, previous_hash, previous_index)) return spendables
def get_unspents(self, address): """ Return a list of Spendable objects for the given bitcoin address. """ URL = "%s/addr/%s/utxo" % (self.base_url, address) r = requests.get(URL) r.raise_for_status() spendables = [] for u in r.json(): coin_value = btc_to_satoshi(str(u.get("amount"))) script = h2b(u.get("scriptPubKey")) previous_hash = h2b_rev(u.get("txid")) previous_index = u.get("vout") spendables.append(Spendable(coin_value, script, previous_hash, previous_index)) return spendables
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create a Bitcoin transaction.") parser.add_argument('-s', "--source-address", help='source Bitcoin address', required=True, nargs="+", metavar='source_address') parser.add_argument('-d', "--destination-address", help='destination Bitcoin address/amount', required=True, metavar='dest_address/amount_in_btc', nargs="+") parser.add_argument('-f', "--wif-file", help='WIF items for source Bitcoin addresses', required=True, metavar="path-to-WIF-values", type=argparse.FileType('r')) args = parser.parse_args() total_value = 0 coins_from = [] for bca in args.source_address: coins_sources = blockchain_info.coin_sources_for_address(bca) coins_from.extend(coins_sources) total_value += sum(cs[-1].coin_value for cs in coins_sources) secret_exponents = [] for l in args.wif_file: print l secret_exponents.append(encoding.wif_to_secret_exponent(l[:-1])) coins_to = [] total_spent = 0 for daa in args.destination_address: address, amount = daa.split("/") amount = btc_to_satoshi(amount) total_spent += amount coins_to.append((amount, address)) actual_tx_fee = total_value - total_spent if actual_tx_fee < 0: print("not enough source coins (%s BTC) for destination (%s BTC). Short %s BTC" % (satoshi_to_btc(total_value), satoshi_to_btc(total_spent), satoshi_to_btc(-actual_tx_fee))) sys.exit(1) print("transaction fee: %s BTC" % satoshi_to_btc(actual_tx_fee)) unsigned_tx = UnsignedTx.standard_tx(coins_from, coins_to) solver = SecretExponentSolver(secret_exponents) new_tx = unsigned_tx.sign(solver) s = io.BytesIO() tx_bytes = s.getvalue() tx_hex = binascii.hexlify(tx_bytes).decode("utf8") recommended_tx_fee = tx_fee.recommended_fee_for_tx(new_tx) if actual_tx_fee > recommended_tx_fee: print("warning: transaction fee of exceeds expected value of %s BTC" % satoshi_to_btc(recommended_tx_fee)) elif actual_tx_fee < recommended_tx_fee: print("warning: transaction fee lower than (casually calculated) expected value of %s BTC, transaction might not propogate" % satoshi_to_btc(recommended_tx_fee)) print("copy the following hex to to put the transaction on the network:\n") print(tx_hex)
def spendables_for_address(self, address): """ Return a list of Spendable objects for the given bitcoin address. """ url_append = "unspent/%s" % address URL = "%s/address/%s" % (self.url, url_append) r = json.loads(url_open(URL).read().decode("utf8")) spendables = [] for u in r.get("data", {}).get("unspent", []): coin_value = btc_to_satoshi(u.get("amount")) script = h2b(u.get("script")) previous_hash = h2b_rev(u.get("tx")) previous_index = u.get("n") spendables.append(Spendable(coin_value, script, previous_hash, previous_index)) return spendables
def spendables_for_address(bitcoin_address): """ Return a list of Spendable objects for the given bitcoin address. """ URL = "" % bitcoin_address r = json.loads(urlopen(URL).read().decode("utf8")) spendables = [] for u in r.get("data", {}).get("unspent", []): coin_value = btc_to_satoshi(u.get("amount")) script = binascii.unhexlify(u.get("script")) previous_hash = h2b_rev(u.get("tx")) previous_index = u.get("n") spendables.append( Spendable(coin_value, script, previous_hash, previous_index)) return spendables
def spendables_for_address(self, address): """ Return a list of Spendable objects for the given bitcoin address. """ url_append = "unspent/%s" % address URL = "%s/address/%s" % (self.url, url_append) r = json.loads(urlopen(URL).read().decode("utf8")) spendables = [] for u in r.get("data", {}).get("unspent", []): coin_value = btc_to_satoshi(u.get("amount")) script = h2b(u.get("script")) previous_hash = h2b_rev(u.get("tx")) previous_index = u.get("n") spendables.append(Spendable(coin_value, script, previous_hash, previous_index)) return spendables
def spendables_for_addresses(self, bitcoin_addresses): """ Return a list of Spendable objects for the given bitcoin address. """ r = [] for i in xrange(0, len(bitcoin_addresses), CHUNK_SIZE): addresses = bitcoin_addresses[i:i+CHUNK_SIZE] url = "%s/api/addrs/%s/utxo" % (self.base_url, ",".join(addresses)) r.extend(json.loads(urlopen(url).read().decode("utf8"))) spendables = [] for u in r: coin_value = btc_to_satoshi(str(u.get("amount"))) script = h2b(u.get("scriptPubKey")) previous_hash = h2b_rev(u.get("txid")) previous_index = u.get("vout") spendables.append(Spendable(coin_value, script, previous_hash, previous_index)) return spendables
def listunspent(self, orderby='address', orderdir='ASC', tospend=0): cursor = self.db.cursor() sql = "SELECT address, txid, scriptPubKey, amount, vout, confirmations, updated_at, source FROM unspents ORDER BY "+orderby+" "+orderdir unspents = [] tospend = btc_to_satoshi(tospend) amount = 0 for unspent in cursor.execute(sql): unspents.append({ 'address': unspent[0], 'txid': unspent[1], 'scriptPubKey': unspent[2], 'amount': float(satoshi_to_btc(unspent[3])), 'vout': unspent[4], 'confirmations': unspent[5], 'updated_at': unspent[6], 'source': unspent[7] }) return unspents
def spendables_for_addresses(self, bitcoin_addresses): """ Return a list of Spendable objects for the given bitcoin address. """ r = [] for i in xrange(0, len(bitcoin_addresses), CHUNK_SIZE): addresses = bitcoin_addresses[i:i + CHUNK_SIZE] url = "%s/api/addrs/%s/utxo" % (self.base_url, ",".join(addresses)) r.extend(json.loads(urlopen(url).read().decode("utf8"))) spendables = [] for u in r: coin_value = btc_to_satoshi(str(u.get("amount"))) script = h2b(u.get("scriptPubKey")) previous_hash = h2b_rev(u.get("txid")) previous_index = u.get("vout") spendables.append( Spendable(coin_value, script, previous_hash, previous_index)) return spendables
def listunspent(self, orderby='address', orderdir='ASC', tospend=0): cursor = self.db.cursor() sql = "SELECT address, txid, scriptPubKey, amount, vout, confirmations, updated_at, source FROM unspents ORDER BY " + orderby + " " + orderdir unspents = [] tospend = btc_to_satoshi(tospend) amount = 0 for unspent in cursor.execute(sql): unspents.append({ 'address': unspent[0], 'txid': unspent[1], 'scriptPubKey': unspent[2], 'amount': float(satoshi_to_btc(unspent[3])), 'vout': unspent[4], 'confirmations': unspent[5], 'updated_at': unspent[6], 'source': unspent[7] }) return unspents
def get_tx(tx_hash): """ Get a Tx by its hash. """ # TODO: fix this j = get_json_for_hash(tx_hash) txs_in = [] for j_in in j.get("in"): if j_in.get("coinbase"): txs_in.append(TxIn.coinbase_tx_in(binascii.unhexlify(j_in["coinbase"]))) else: txs_in.append(TxIn( h2b_rev(j_in["prev_out"]["hash"]), int(j_in["prev_out"]["n"]), tools.compile(j_in["scriptSig"]))) txs_out = [] for j_out in j.get("out"): txs_out.append(TxOut(int(btc_to_satoshi(j_out["value"])), tools.compile(j_out["scriptPubKey"]))) tx = Tx(int(j["ver"]), txs_in, txs_out, int(j["lock_time"])) assert tx.hash() == tx_hash return tx
def send(self, ddestination_address, dcolourid=None): self.colordata.update() coins_to = [] total_spent = 0 for daa in [ddestination_address]: address, amount = daa[0], daa[1] amount = btc_to_satoshi(amount) total_spent += amount coins_to.append((amount, address)) selected_utxos, total_value = self.selectUTXOs(self.getAllUTXOs(), dcolourid, total_spent) change = (total_value - total_spent) - 10000 if change >= 1: coins_to.append((change, self.addresses[0].pubkey)) coins_from = [utxo.get_pycoin_coin_source() for utxo in selected_utxos] secret_exponents = [ encoding.wif_to_secret_exponent(address.privkey) for address in self.addresses ] unsigned_tx = UnsignedTx.standard_tx(coins_from, coins_to) solver = SecretExponentSolver(secret_exponents) new_tx = unsigned_tx.sign(solver) s = io.BytesIO() tx_bytes = s.getvalue() tx_hex = binascii.hexlify(tx_bytes).decode("utf8") recommended_tx_fee = tx_fee.recommended_fee_for_tx(new_tx) print tx_hex URL = "" urllib2.urlopen(URL, data=tx_hex)
alice_xval = alice_sec[1:] alice_cc = alice_ident0.chain_code() masked_xval = xor_bytes(alice_xval, secret) masked_cc = xor_bytes(alice_cc, sha_secret) alice_masked_pcode_nosuffix = payment_code_no_suffix(alice_sign, masked_xval, masked_cc) alice_masked_pcode = pcode_b58( payment_code(alice_sign, masked_xval, masked_cc) ) print "Alice's Masked Payment Code:\n", alice_masked_pcode, '\n' from pycoin.tx.TxOut import * from pycoin.tx import Tx, tx_utils, Spendable, pay_to from pycoin import convention amount = convention.btc_to_satoshi(first_nondust['amount']) dustbtc = convention.btc_to_satoshi(DUST) feebtc = convention.btc_to_satoshi(FEE) unspent = Spendable( amount, standard_tx_out_script(first_address), \ serialize.h2b_rev(first_nondust['tx']), first_nondust['n'] ) txout = TxOut( dustbtc, standard_tx_out_script(bob_notif.address()) ) change = TxOut( amount - (dustbtc + feebtc), standard_tx_out_script(change_addresses.pop()) ) op_return_script = pay_to.ScriptNulldata(alice_masked_pcode_nosuffix) op_return_txout = TxOut(0, op_return_script.script()) notif_tx = Tx( 1, [unspent.tx_in()], [txout, change, op_return_txout], unspents=[unspent] ) tx_utils.sign_tx( notif_tx, [first_node.wif()] ) print "Signed Notification TX as hex:\n", notif_tx.as_hex()
from_address) utxos = json.loads(urlopen(URL).read().decode("utf8")) utxo = utxos[0] return Spendable(utxo['amount'], h2b(utxo.get("scriptPubKey")), h2b_rev(utxo.get("txid")), utxo.get("vout")) amount, script_hex = get_spendable(from_address) spendable = Spendable(amount, script_hex) ################## # TODO: 设计amount计算 tx = create_signed_tx([spendable], [(to_address, btc_to_satoshi("0.00005")), (btc_withdraw_address, btc_to_satoshi("0.0015"))], fee=btc_to_satoshi("0.00005"), wifs=[master_key.wif()], netcode=args.netcode) tx_as_hex = tx.as_hex() print tx_as_hex # TODO 节点选取 # url = "" # data = urlencode(dict(rawtx=tx_as_hex)).encode("utf8") # AGENT = 'pycoin/%s' % version #req = request.Request(url, data=data) #r = request.urlopen(req).read() #print r