Exemple #1
from pycoin.key import Key
from pycoin.serialize import h2b
from pycoin.tx import Tx, TxIn, TxOut, SIGHASH_ALL, tx_utils
from pycoin.tx.TxOut import standard_tx_out_script

from pycoin.tx.pay_to import ScriptMultisig, ScriptPayToPublicKey
from pycoin.tx.pay_to import address_for_pay_to_script, build_hash160_lookup, build_p2sh_lookup
from pycoin.tx.pay_to import script_obj_from_address, script_obj_from_script

publicaddress = "mkR94WCqr4gpZauH8ieTLTG6jkZ2uBB6SA"
wif = "cUDx8gXXBZRePmm46LSZetbWqNwXBmm3WQziGVykAgL8NJKMRjQR"

key = Key.from_text(publicaddress)

key = Key(secret_exponent=1)
print key.address()
print key.wif()
print key.secret_exponent()
Exemple #2
my_prng = util.PRNG(util.randrange(ecdsa.generator_secp256k1.order()))
print("PRNG (random generator) 32 bytes: ", b2h(my_prng.__call__(32)))

my_netcode = "BTC" # mainnet: BTC, testnet3: XTN

my_key = Key(secret_exponent=my_secret, is_compressed=True, netcode=my_netcode)
## netcode list: pycoin.networks.all.py

pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
my_network = registry.network_for_netcode(my_netcode)
my_addr_prefix = registry._lookup(my_netcode, "address")
getattr(my_network, "address")
pprint.pprint(my_network.__dict__.keys(), width=60, depth=2)

privkey_hex = b2h(encoding.to_bytes_32(my_key.secret_exponent()))
assert(len(privkey_hex) == 64)

print("\npycoin.key.Key example - ", my_netcode)

#print("Private Key (dec): ", eval('0x' + privkey_hex))
print("Private Key (dec): ", int(privkey_hex, 16))
print("Private Key (hex): ", privkey_hex)
privkey_bytes = unhexlify(privkey_hex)
# use CBitcoinSecret to compress private key
btc_secret = CBitcoinSecret.from_secret_bytes(privkey_bytes, True)
print("     compressed: ", hexlify(btc_secret.to_bytes()))
assert(btc_secret.is_compressed == True)
assert(bitcoin.core.b2x(btc_secret.to_bytes()) == (privkey_hex + '01'))

print("Private Key   WIF: ", my_key.wif())
Exemple #3
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='ECkey2coin.py by [email protected] for UTXO based Certificates UTXOC.',
        epilog='Known networks codes:\n  ' \
                + ', '.join(['%s (%s)'%(i, full_network_name_for_netcode(i)) for i in NETWORK_NAMES])
    parser.add_argument('-k', '--key', required=False, type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='The EC private key in PEM format')
    parser.add_argument('-q', '--qrfilename', required=False, help='QR code output filename')
    parser.add_argument('-n', "--network", help='specify network (default: BTC = Bitcoin)',
                                default='BTC', choices=NETWORK_NAMES)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    network = args.network
    inputprivatekey = ''
    if args.key:
        keyfile = args.key        
        while True:
            line = keyfile.readline().strip()
            if not line: break
            inputprivatekey += line + '\n'
        print 'Loaded EC Key from %s' % keyfile
        print ('Please enter EC KEY in pem format:')
        inputprivatekey  = ''
        while True:
            line = raw_input().strip()
            if not line: break
            inputprivatekey += line + '\n'
    if not args.qrfilename:
        qrfilename = raw_input("Please enter qrcode output filename: ")
        qrfilename = args.qrfilename
    pkey = decoder.decode(read_pem(inputprivatekey), asn1Spec=ECPrivateKey())
    print 'Key loaded'
    if not isValidECKey(pkey[0]):
        print "EC Key Supplied cannot be used"
    print "Key Validated OK"
    inputkey = encoding.to_long(256, pycoin.encoding.byte_to_int, pkey[0][1].asOctets())[0]
    if inputkey:
        key = Key(secret_exponent=inputkey, netcode=network)
        btcsecret = key.secret_exponent()
        btcpublic = key.public_pair()
        hash160_c = key.hash160(use_uncompressed=False)
        hash160_u = key.hash160(use_uncompressed=True)
        qrimg = qrcode.QRCode (
        img = qrimg.make_image()
    print"----------------- BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEYS -----------------"
    print "Secret:     %d" % btcsecret
    print "Secret hex: %x" % btcsecret
    print "wif:        %s" % key.wif(use_uncompressed=False)
    print "----------------- END EC PRIVATE KEYS -----------------------------"
    print "----------------- BEGIN PUBLIC KEY -----------------------------"
    print "Public X: %d" % btcpublic[0]
    print "Public Y: %d" % btcpublic[1]
    print "hash160 uncompressed: %s" % b2h(hash160_u)
    print "Sec: (uncompressed): %s" % b2h(key.sec(use_uncompressed=True))
    print "%s address: %s (uncompressed)" % (key._netcode, key.address(use_uncompressed=True))
    print "Public X (hex): %x" % btcpublic[0]
    print "Public Y (hex): %x" % btcpublic[1]
    print "Sec: %s" % b2h(key.sec(use_uncompressed=False))
    print "hash160 compressed: %s" % b2h(hash160_c)
    print "----------------- END PUBLIC KEYS -----------------------------"
    print "------------------ BEGIN %s ADDRESSES -------------------------" % key._netcode
    print "%s address: %s" % (key._netcode, key.address(use_uncompressed=False))
    print "------------------ END %s ADDRESSES -------------------------" % key._netcode