def save(self, path): """ Save the version to dest .py file. This is a command for internal build process. :param path: the python file to save the version. """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use,unused-argument log = clog.get_log(console_format=clog.FMT_NORMAL, overwrite=True) local_host = ssh_host.get_local_host(ssh=False) source_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) version_string = coral_get_version_string(log, source_dir) if version_string is None: cmd_general.cmd_exit(log, -1) version_string = coral_uniformed_version(version_string) version_data = '"""' version_data += """ Please DO NOT edit this file directly! This file is generated by "coral" command. """ version_data += '"""' version_data += "\n" version_data += "CORAL_VERSION = \"%s\"\n" % (version_string) try: with open(path, 'w') as version_file: version_file.write(version_data) except: log.cl_error("failed to write version to file [%s] on host [%s]: %s", path, local_host.sh_hostname, traceback.format_exc()) cmd_general.cmd_exit(log, -1) cmd_general.cmd_exit(log, 0)
def build_bootstrap(): """ Bootstrap the command by installing the dependencies. """ # pylint: disable=unused-variable local_host = ssh_host.get_local_host(ssh=False) log = clog.get_log(console_format=clog.FMT_NORMAL) distro = local_host.sh_distro(log) if distro is None: log.cl_error("failed to get distro of host [%s]", local_host.sh_hostname) sys.exit(-1) missing_rpms, missing_pips = \ install_common.command_missing_packages(distro) if missing_rpms is None: log.cl_error("failed to get the missing packages of host [%s]", local_host.sh_hostname) sys.exit(-1) command = "mkdir -p %s" % constant.CORAL_BUILD_CACHE_PIP_DIR retval = local_host.sh_run(log, command, timeout=None) if retval.cr_exit_status: log.cl_error("failed to run command [%s] on host [%s], " "ret = %d, stdout = [%s], stderr = [%s]", command, local_host.sh_hostname, retval.cr_exit_status, retval.cr_stdout, retval.cr_stderr) sys.exit(-1) ret = install_common.bootstrap_from_internet(log, local_host, missing_rpms, missing_pips, pip_dir=constant.CORAL_BUILD_CACHE_PIP_DIR) if ret: sys.exit(ret)
def check_doc(log, doc_dir): """ Check the doc """ local_host = ssh_host.get_local_host(ssh=False) languages = local_host.sh_get_dir_fnames(log, doc_dir) if languages is None: log.cl_error("failed to get fnames under [%s] of host [%s]", doc_dir, local_host.sh_hostname) return -1 # Key is the relative file path under language dir. The value is the # line number of the file. If the line numbers are different between # different languages, that means inconsistency. line_number_dict = {} for language in languages: if language not in LANGUAGES: log.cl_error("unexpected language [%s] under [%s] of host [%s]", language, doc_dir, local_host.sh_hostname) return -1 lang_dir = doc_dir + "/" + language command = "cd %s && find . -type f" % lang_dir retval = local_host.sh_run(log, command) if retval.cr_exit_status: log.cl_error("failed to run command [%s] on host [%s], " "ret = [%d], stdout = [%s], stderr = [%s]", command, local_host.sh_hostname, retval.cr_exit_status, retval.cr_stdout, retval.cr_stderr) return -1 relative_fpaths = retval.cr_stdout.splitlines() for relative_fpath in relative_fpaths: doc_file = CoralDocFile(local_host, doc_dir, language, relative_fpath) log.cl_info("checking doc [%s]", doc_file.cdf_fpath) line_number = doc_file.cdf_line_number(log) if relative_fpath in line_number_dict: old_line_number = line_number_dict[relative_fpath] if old_line_number != line_number: log.cl_error("inconsistent line number of doc [%s] " "between languages, %s vs. %s", relative_fpath, old_line_number, line_number) return -1 else: line_number_dict[relative_fpath] = line_number return 0
def build(log, source_dir, workspace, cache=constant.CORAL_BUILD_CACHE, lustre_rpms_dir=None, e2fsprogs_rpms_dir=None, collectd=None, enable_zfs=False, enable_devel=False, disable_plugin=None, tsinghua_mirror=False): """ Build the Coral ISO. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-statements if disable_plugin is None: disabled_plugins = [] else: disabled_plugins = cmd_general.parse_list_string(log, disable_plugin) if disabled_plugins is None: log.cl_error("invalid option [%s] of --disable_plugin", disable_plugin) return -1 plugins = list(build_common.CORAL_RELEASE_PLUGIN_DICT.values()) if enable_devel: plugins += list(build_common.CORAL_DEVEL_PLUGIN_DICT.values()) sync_cache_back = True disable_plugins_str = "" for plugin_name in disabled_plugins: if plugin_name not in build_common.CORAL_PLUGIN_DICT: log.cl_error("unknown plugin [%s] of --disable_plugin", plugin_name) log.cl_error("possible plugins are %s", list(build_common.CORAL_PLUGIN_DICT.keys())) return -1 if ((not enable_devel) and (plugin_name not in build_common.CORAL_RELEASE_PLUGIN_DICT)): log.cl_info( "plugin [%s] will not be included in release " "ISO anyway", plugin_name) continue sync_cache_back = False plugin = build_common.CORAL_PLUGIN_DICT[plugin_name] if plugin in plugins: plugins.remove(plugin) disable_plugins_str += " --disable-%s" % plugin_name if len(plugins) == 0: log.cl_error("everything has been disabled, nothing to build") return -1 need_lustre_rpms = False need_collectd = False install_lustre = False enabled_plugin_str = "" for plugin in plugins: if enabled_plugin_str == "": enabled_plugin_str = plugin.cpt_plugin_name else: enabled_plugin_str += ", " + plugin.cpt_plugin_name if plugin.cpt_need_lustre_rpms: need_lustre_rpms = True if plugin.cpt_need_collectd: need_collectd = True if plugin.cpt_install_lustre: install_lustre = True type_fname = constant.CORAL_BUILD_CACHE_TYPE_OPEN if type_fname == constant.CORAL_BUILD_CACHE_TYPE_OPEN: log.cl_info("building ISO with %s", enabled_plugin_str) local_host = ssh_host.get_local_host(ssh=False) distro = local_host.sh_distro(log) if distro not in (ssh_host.DISTRO_RHEL7, ssh_host.DISTRO_RHEL8): log.cl_error("build on distro [%s] is not supported yet", distro) return -1 shared_cache = cache.rstrip("/") # Shared cache for this build type shared_type_cache = shared_cache + "/" + type_fname # Extra RPMs to download extra_rpm_names = [] # Extra RPM file names under package directory extra_package_fnames = [] # Extra file names under ISO directory extra_iso_fnames = [] enable_zfs_string = "" if enable_zfs: enable_zfs_string = ", ZFS support disabled" type_cache = workspace + "/" + type_fname build_pip_dir = type_cache + "/" + constant.BUILD_PIP iso_cache = type_cache + "/" + constant.ISO_CACHE_FNAME # Directory path of package under ISO cache packages_dir = iso_cache + "/" + constant.BUILD_PACKAGES default_lustre_rpms_dir = (iso_cache + "/" + constant.LUSTRE_RPM_DIR_BASENAME) default_e2fsprogs_rpms_dir = (iso_cache + "/" + constant.E2FSPROGS_RPM_DIR_BASENAME) if not need_collectd: if collectd is not None: log.cl_warning( "option [--collectd %s] has been ignored since " "no need to have Collectd RPMs", collectd) elif collectd is not None: sync_cache_back = False if not need_lustre_rpms and not install_lustre: if lustre_rpms_dir is not None: log.cl_warning( "option [--lustre %s] has been ignored since " "no need to have Lustre RPMs", lustre_rpms_dir) if e2fsprogs_rpms_dir is not None: log.cl_warning( "option [--e2fsprogs %s] has been ignored since " "no need to have Lustre RPMs", e2fsprogs_rpms_dir) else: if lustre_rpms_dir is None: lustre_rpms_dir = default_lustre_rpms_dir if e2fsprogs_rpms_dir is None: e2fsprogs_rpms_dir = default_e2fsprogs_rpms_dir command = ("mkdir -p %s" % workspace) retval = local_host.sh_run(log, command) if retval.cr_exit_status: log.cl_error( "failed to run command [%s] on host [%s], " "ret = [%d], stdout = [%s], stderr = [%s]", command, local_host.sh_hostname, retval.cr_exit_status, retval.cr_stdout, retval.cr_stderr) return -1 ret = get_shared_build_cache(log, local_host, workspace, shared_type_cache) if ret: log.cl_error("failed to get shared build cache") return -1 target_cpu = local_host.sh_target_cpu(log) if target_cpu is None: log.cl_error("failed to get the target cpu on host [%s]", local_host.sh_hostname) return -1 ret = install_build_dependency(log, workspace, local_host, distro, target_cpu, type_cache, plugins, build_pip_dir, tsinghua_mirror=tsinghua_mirror) if ret: log.cl_error("failed to install dependency for building") return -1 command = ("mkdir -p %s" % (packages_dir)) retval = local_host.sh_run(log, command) if retval.cr_exit_status: log.cl_error( "failed to run command [%s] on host [%s], " "ret = [%d], stdout = [%s], stderr = [%s]", command, local_host.sh_hostname, retval.cr_exit_status, retval.cr_stdout, retval.cr_stderr) return -1 for plugin in plugins: ret = plugin.cpt_build(log, workspace, local_host, source_dir, target_cpu, type_cache, iso_cache, packages_dir, extra_iso_fnames, extra_package_fnames, extra_rpm_names, collectd) if ret: log.cl_error("failed to build plugin [%s]", plugin.cpt_plugin_name) return -1 ret = download_dependent_rpms(log, workspace, local_host, distro, target_cpu, packages_dir, type_cache, extra_package_fnames, extra_rpm_names) if ret: log.cl_error("failed to download dependent rpms") return -1 pip_dir = iso_cache + "/" + constant.BUILD_PIP command = ("mkdir -p %s" % (pip_dir)) retval = local_host.sh_run(log, command) if retval.cr_exit_status: log.cl_error( "failed to run command [%s] on host [%s], " "ret = [%d], stdout = [%s], stderr = [%s]", command, local_host.sh_hostname, retval.cr_exit_status, retval.cr_stdout, retval.cr_stderr) return -1 ret = install_common.download_pip3_packages( log, local_host, pip_dir, constant.CORAL_DEPENDENT_PIPS, tsinghua_mirror=tsinghua_mirror) if ret: log.cl_error("failed to download pip3 packages") return -1 lustre_distribution = None if need_lustre_rpms or install_lustre: if lustre_distribution is None: log.cl_error("Lustre distribution is needed unexpectedly") return -1 contents = ([constant.BUILD_PACKAGES, constant.BUILD_PIP] + extra_iso_fnames) ret = local_host.sh_check_dir_content(log, iso_cache, contents, cleanup=True) if ret: log.cl_error("directory [%s] does not have expected content", iso_cache) return -1 log.cl_info("generating Coral ISO") enable_zfs_string = "" if enable_zfs: enable_zfs_string = " --enable-zfs" enable_devel_string = "" if enable_devel: enable_devel_string = " --enable-devel" command = ("cd %s && rm coral-*.tar.bz2 coral-*.tar.gz -f && " "sh && " "./configure --with-iso-cache=%s%s%s%s && " "make -j8 && " "make iso" % (source_dir, iso_cache, enable_zfs_string, enable_devel_string, disable_plugins_str)) retval = local_host.sh_watched_run(log, command, None, None, return_stdout=False, return_stderr=False) if retval.cr_exit_status: log.cl_error("failed to run command [%s] on host [%s]", command, local_host.sh_hostname) return -1 # If there is any plugin disabled or Collectd is special, the local cache # might have some things missing thus should not be used by other build. if sync_cache_back: ret = sync_shared_build_cache(log, local_host, type_cache, shared_cache) if ret: log.cl_error("failed to sync to shared build cache") return -1 log.cl_info("Built Coral ISO successfully") return 0
def _update_version(log, workspace, source_dir, add_version=False, add_major=False, add_minor=False, new_extra=None): """ Update the version """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements # pylint: disable=unused-argument add_number = 0 changing = False if add_version: add_number += 1 changing = True if add_major: add_number += 1 changing = True if add_minor: add_number += 1 changing = True if add_number > 1: log.cl_error("it is not reasonable to update multiple numbers of " "revision") return -1 if new_extra is not None: changing = True if len(new_extra) != 0: rc = cmd_general.check_version_extra(log, new_extra) if rc: log.cl_error("extra part [%s] of reviesion is illegal", new_extra) return -1 uniformed_extra = coral_uniformed_version(new_extra) if not changing: log.cl_error("please specify which part of revision do you want " "to update by:\n" " --add_version, --add_major, --add_minor, or/and --new_extra") return -1 local_host = ssh_host.get_local_host(ssh=False) path = source_dir + "/" + ".git" has_git = local_host.sh_path_exists(log, path) if has_git < 0: log.cl_error("failed to check whether path [%s] exists", path) return -1 if not has_git: log.cl_error("current directory is not a git repository") return -1 rc = git_tree_is_clean(log, local_host, source_dir) if rc < 0: log.cl_error("failed to check whether git tree is clean or not") return -1 if rc == 0: log.cl_error("git tree is not clean") return -1 ret = check_tag_meaningful(log, local_host, source_dir) if ret: log.cl_error("please do not add meaningless empty tags") return -1 version, major, minor, extra = coral_get_version(log, source_dir) if version is None: log.cl_error("failed to get version") return -1 old_version_string = coral_assemble_version(version, major, minor, extra) message = "" if add_version: version += 1 major = 0 minor = 0 message = "Version part of revision has been increased.\n" elif add_major: major += 1 minor = 0 message = "Major part of revision has been increased.\n" elif add_minor: minor += 1 message = "Minor part of revision has been increased.\n" if new_extra is not None: if len(new_extra) == 0: message += ("Extra part of revision has been cleaned, " "old: [%s].\n" % (extra)) extra = None else: if (not add_number) and uniformed_extra == extra: log.cl_error("the current reversion has identical extra field [%s]", extra) return -1 message += ("Extra part of revision has been changed from " "[%s] to [%s].\n" % (extra, uniformed_extra)) extra = new_extra else: extra = None version_string = coral_assemble_version(version, major, minor, extra) tags = get_git_tags(log, local_host, source_dir) if tags is None: log.cl_error("failed to get git tags") return -1 for tag in tags: if (coral_uniformed_version(tag) == coral_uniformed_version(version_string)): log.cl_error("old tag [%s] has identical reversion", tag) return -1 user_name = get_git_user_name(log, local_host) if user_name is None: log.cl_error("failed to get git user name") return -1 user_email = get_git_user_email(log, local_host) if user_email is None: log.cl_error("failed to get git user email") return -1 input_result = input("Are you sure to update the version from [%s] to " "[%s]? [y/N] " % (old_version_string, version_string)) if ((not input_result.startswith("y")) and (not input_result.startswith("Y"))): log.cl_stdout("Quiting without touching anything") return -1 rc = update_version_file(log, local_host, version_string, source_dir) if rc: log.cl_error("failed to update version file") return -1 message += "Tag [%s] has been added\n" % version_string command = ("""cd %s && git commit -av -m "release: new tag %s %s Signed-off-by: %s <%s> " """ % (source_dir, version_string, message, user_name, user_email)) retval = local_host.sh_run(log, command) if retval.cr_exit_status: log.cl_error("failed to run command [%s] on host [%s], " "ret = [%d], stdout = [%s], stderr = [%s]", command, local_host.sh_hostname, retval.cr_exit_status, retval.cr_stdout, retval.cr_stderr) return -1 command = ('cd %s && git tag -a %s -m "%s"' % (source_dir, version_string, version_string)) retval = local_host.sh_run(log, command) if retval.cr_exit_status: log.cl_error("failed to run command [%s] on host [%s], " "ret = [%d], stdout = [%s], stderr = [%s]", command, local_host.sh_hostname, retval.cr_exit_status, retval.cr_stdout, retval.cr_stderr) return -1 new_version_string = coral_get_version_string(log, source_dir) if new_version_string is None: log.cl_error("failed to get version after adding tag") return -1 if new_version_string != version_string: log.cl_error("got different version [%s] after tagging with [%s]", new_version_string, version_string) return -1 log.cl_info("tag [%s] has been added", version_string) return 0
def coral_get_version(log, source_dir): """ Get coral version from git. Two possible version formats: version.major.minor version.major.minor-extra In the first format, return (version, major, minor, None) Return (version, major, minor, extra) """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches local_host = ssh_host.get_local_host(ssh=False) version_fpath = CORAL_VERSION_FPATH version_data = read_version_file(log, local_host, source_dir) if version_data is None: log.cl_error("failed to read version file") return None, None, None, None version_line = None lines = version_data.strip().splitlines() for line in lines: if line.startswith("#"): continue if version_line is not None: log.cl_error("version file [%s] has multiple uncommented lines", version_fpath) return None, None, None, None version_line = line if version_line is None: log.cl_error("version file [%s] has no uncommented line", version_fpath) return None, None, None, None version, major, minor, extra = \ cmd_general.coral_parse_version(log, version_line, minus_as_delimiter=True) if version is None: log.cl_error("invalid version [%s] in file [%s]", version_line, version_fpath) return None, None, None, None path = source_dir + "/.git" has_git = local_host.sh_path_exists(log, path) if has_git < 0: log.cl_error("failed to check whether path [%s] exists", path) return None, None, None, None if not has_git: return version, major, minor, extra git_version, git_major, git_minor, git_extra = \ coral_version_from_git(log, local_host, source_dir) if git_version is None: log.cl_error("failed to get version from git") return None, None, None, None if git_version != version: log.cl_error("inconsistent version numbers got from file [%s] " "and git, [%s] vs. [%s]", version_fpath, version, git_version) return None, None, None, None if git_major != major: log.cl_error("inconsistent major numbers got from file [%s] " "and git, [%s] vs. [%s]", version_fpath, major, git_major) return None, None, None, None if git_minor != minor: log.cl_error("inconsistent minor numbers got from file [%s] " "and git, [%s] vs. [%s]", version_fpath, minor, git_minor) return None, None, None, None if extra is None or extra == git_extra: return version, major, minor, git_extra # If extra field from git has more things than extra field from file, the # it should be seperated by the first "-" minus_index = git_extra.find("-") if minus_index < 0: log.cl_error("the extra field [%s] from git is not equal to the " "extra field [%s] from file, and does not have [-]", git_extra, extra) return None, None, None, None git_extra_start = git_extra[:minus_index] if git_extra_start != extra: log.cl_error("the extra field [%s] from git does not start " "with [%s-] which is the extra field from file", git_extra, extra) return None, None, None, None return version, major, minor, git_extra
def barrele_init_instance(log, workspace, config, config_fpath, log_to_file, logdir_is_default): """ Parse the config and init the instance """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements collect_interval = utils.config_value( config, barrele_constant.BRL_COLLECT_INTERVAL) if collect_interval is None: log.cl_debug( "no [%s] is configured in the config file [%s], " "using default value [%s]", barrele_constant.BRL_COLLECT_INTERVAL, config_fpath, BARRELE_COLLECT_INTERVAL) collect_interval = BARRELE_COLLECT_INTERVAL continuous_query_periods = utils.config_value( config, barrele_constant.BRL_CONTINUOUS_QUERY_PERIODS) if continuous_query_periods is None: log.cl_debug( "no [%s] is configured in the config file [%s], " "using default value [%s]", barrele_constant.BRL_CONTINUOUS_QUERY_PERIODS, config_fpath, BARRELE_CONTINUOUS_QUERY_PERIODS) continuous_query_periods = BARRELE_CONTINUOUS_QUERY_PERIODS jobstat_pattern = utils.config_value(config, barrele_constant.BRL_JOBSTAT_PATTERN) if jobstat_pattern is None: log.cl_debug( "no [%s] is configured in the config file [%s], " "using default value [%s]", barrele_constant.BRL_JOBSTAT_PATTERN, config_fpath, barrele_constant.BARRELE_JOBSTAT_PATTERN_UNKNOWN) jobstat_pattern = barrele_constant.BARRELE_JOBSTAT_PATTERN_UNKNOWN if jobstat_pattern not in barrele_constant.BARRELE_JOBSTAT_PATTERNS: log.cl_error("unsupported jobstat_pattern [%s], supported: %s", jobstat_pattern, barrele_constant.BARRELE_JOBSTAT_PATTERNS) return None lustre_fallback_version_name = \ utils.config_value(config, barrele_constant.BRL_LUSTRE_FALLBACK_VERSION) if lustre_fallback_version_name is None: log.cl_debug( "no [%s] is configured in the config file [%s], " "using default value [%s]", barrele_constant.BRL_LUSTRE_FALLBACK_VERSION, config_fpath, BARRELE_LUSTRE_FALLBACK_VERSION) lustre_fallback_version_name = BARRELE_LUSTRE_FALLBACK_VERSION if lustre_fallback_version_name not in lustre_version.LUSTRE_VERSION_DICT: log.cl_error( "unsupported Lustre version [%s] is configured in the " "config file [%s]", lustre_fallback_version_name, config_fpath) return None lustre_fallback_version = \ lustre_version.LUSTRE_VERSION_DICT[lustre_fallback_version_name] enable_lustre_exp_mdt = utils.config_value( config, barrele_constant.BRL_ENABLE_LUSTRE_EXP_MDT) if enable_lustre_exp_mdt is None: log.cl_debug( "no [%s] is configured in the config file [%s], " "using default value [False]", barrele_constant.BRL_ENABLE_LUSTRE_EXP_MDT, config_fpath) enable_lustre_exp_mdt = False enable_lustre_exp_ost = utils.config_value( config, barrele_constant.BRL_ENABLE_LUSTRE_EXP_OST) if enable_lustre_exp_ost is None: log.cl_debug( "no [%s] is configured in the config file [%s], " "using default value [False]", barrele_constant.BRL_ENABLE_LUSTRE_EXP_OST, config_fpath) enable_lustre_exp_ost = False agent_configs = utils.config_value(config, barrele_constant.BRL_AGENTS) if agent_configs is None: log.cl_error( "can NOT find [%s] in the config file, " "please correct file [%s]", barrele_constant.BRL_AGENTS, config_fpath) return None host_dict = {} barreleye_server = parse_server_config(log, config, config_fpath, host_dict) if barreleye_server is None: log.cl_error("failed to parse server config") return None agent_dict = {} for agent_config in agent_configs: hostname_config = utils.config_value(agent_config, barrele_constant.BRL_HOSTNAME) if hostname_config is None: log.cl_error( "can NOT find [%s] in the config of SSH host " "[%s], please correct file [%s]", barrele_constant.BRL_HOSTNAME, hostname_config, config_fpath) return None hostnames = cmd_general.parse_list_string(log, hostname_config) if hostnames is None: log.cl_error("[%s] as [%s] is invalid in the config file [%s]", hostname_config, barrele_constant.BRL_HOSTNAME, config_fpath) return None ssh_identity_file = utils.config_value( agent_config, barrele_constant.BRL_SSH_IDENTITY_FILE) enable_disk = utils.config_value(agent_config, barrele_constant.BRL_ENABLE_DISK) if enable_disk is None: log.cl_debug( "no [%s] is configured in the config file [%s], " "using default value [False]", barrele_constant.BRL_ENABLE_DISK, config_fpath) enable_disk = False enable_infiniband = utils.config_value( agent_config, barrele_constant.BRL_ENABLE_INFINIBAND) if enable_infiniband is None: log.cl_debug( "no [%s] is configured in the config file [%s], " "using default value [False]", barrele_constant.BRL_ENABLE_INFINIBAND, config_fpath) enable_infiniband = False enable_lustre_client = utils.config_value( agent_config, barrele_constant.BRL_ENABLE_LUSTRE_CLIENT) if enable_lustre_client is None: log.cl_debug( "no [%s] is configured in the config file [%s], " "using default value [False]", barrele_constant.BRL_ENABLE_LUSTRE_CLIENT, config_fpath) enable_lustre_client = False enable_lustre_mds = utils.config_value( agent_config, barrele_constant.BRL_ENABLE_LUSTRE_MDS) if enable_lustre_mds is None: log.cl_debug( "no [%s] is configured in the config file [%s], " "using default value [True]", barrele_constant.BRL_ENABLE_LUSTRE_MDS, config_fpath) enable_lustre_mds = True enable_lustre_oss = utils.config_value( agent_config, barrele_constant.BRL_ENABLE_LUSTRE_OSS) if enable_lustre_oss is None: log.cl_debug( "no [%s] is configured in the config file [%s], " "using default value [True]", barrele_constant.BRL_ENABLE_LUSTRE_OSS, config_fpath) enable_lustre_oss = True for hostname in hostnames: if hostname in agent_dict: log.cl_error( "agent of host [%s] is configured for multiple times", hostname) return None host = ssh_host.get_or_add_host_to_dict(log, host_dict, hostname, ssh_identity_file) if host is None: return None agent = barrele_agent.BarreleAgent( host, barreleye_server, enable_disk=enable_disk, enable_lustre_oss=enable_lustre_oss, enable_lustre_mds=enable_lustre_mds, enable_lustre_client=enable_lustre_client, enable_infiniband=enable_infiniband) agent_dict[hostname] = agent local_host = ssh_host.get_local_host() instance = BarreleInstance(workspace, config, config_fpath, log_to_file, logdir_is_default, local_host, collect_interval, continuous_query_periods, jobstat_pattern, lustre_fallback_version, enable_lustre_exp_mdt, enable_lustre_exp_ost, host_dict, agent_dict, barreleye_server) return instance