def initialize_detector(self): t1 = time.time() try: import kenlm except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'pycorrector dependencies are not fully installed, ' 'they are required for statistical language model.' 'Please use "pip install kenlm" to install it.' 'if you are Win, Please install kenlm in cgwin.') if not os.path.exists(self.language_model_path): filename = self.pre_trained_language_models.get( self.language_model_path, 'zh_giga.no_cna_cmn.prune01244.klm') url = self.pre_trained_language_models.get(filename) get_file(filename, url, extract=True, cache_dir=config.USER_DIR, cache_subdir=config.USER_DATA_DIR, verbose=1) self.lm = kenlm.Model(self.language_model_path) logger.debug('Loaded language model: %s, spend: %s s' % (self.language_model_path, str(time.time() - t1))) # 词、频数dict t2 = time.time() self.word_freq = self.load_word_freq_dict(self.word_freq_path) t3 = time.time() logger.debug('Loaded word freq file: %s, size: %d, spend: %s s' % (self.word_freq_path, len(self.word_freq), str(t3 - t2))) # 自定义混淆集 self.custom_confusion = self._get_custom_confusion_dict( self.custom_confusion_path) t4 = time.time() logger.debug('Loaded confusion file: %s, size: %d, spend: %s s' % (self.custom_confusion_path, len( self.custom_confusion), str(t4 - t3))) # 自定义切词词典 self.custom_word_freq = self.load_word_freq_dict( self.custom_word_freq_path) self.person_names = self.load_word_freq_dict(self.person_name_path) self.place_names = self.load_word_freq_dict(self.place_name_path) self.stopwords = self.load_word_freq_dict(self.stopwords_path) # 合并切词词典及自定义词典 self.custom_word_freq.update(self.person_names) self.custom_word_freq.update(self.place_names) self.custom_word_freq.update(self.stopwords) self.word_freq.update(self.custom_word_freq) t5 = time.time() logger.debug('Loaded custom word file: %s, size: %d, spend: %s s' % (self.custom_word_freq_path, len( self.custom_word_freq), str(t5 - t4))) self.tokenizer = Tokenizer(dict_path=self.word_freq_path, custom_word_freq_dict=self.custom_word_freq, custom_confusion_dict=self.custom_confusion) self.initialized_detector = True
def test_tokenizer(): txts = [ "我不要你花钱,这些路曲近通幽", "这个消息不胫儿走", "这个消息不径而走", "这个消息不胫而走", "复方甘草口服溶液限田基", "张老师经常背课到深夜,我们要体晾老师的心苦。", '新进人员时,知识当然还不过,可是人有很有精神,面对工作很认真的话,很快就学会、体会。', "小牛曲清去蛋白提取物乙" ] t = Tokenizer() for text in txts: print(text) print('deault', t.tokenize(text, 'default')) print('search', t.tokenize(text, 'search')) print('ngram', t.tokenize(text, 'ngram'))
def test_tokenizer(): txts = [ "我不要你花钱,这些路曲近通幽", "这个消息不胫儿走", "这个消息不径而走", "这个消息不胫而走", "复方甘草口服溶液限田基", "张老师经常背课到深夜,我们要体晾老师的心苦。", '新进人员时,知识当然还不过,可是人有很有精神,面对工作很认真的话,很快就学会、体会。', ",我遇到了问题怎么办", ",我遇到了问题", "问题", "北川景子参演了林诣彬导演的《速度与激情3》", "林志玲亮相网友:确定不是波多野结衣?", "龟山千广和近藤公园在龟山公园里喝酒赏花", "小牛曲清去蛋白提取物乙" ] t = Tokenizer() for text in txts: print(text) print('deault', t.tokenize(text, 'default')) print('search', t.tokenize(text, 'search')) print('ngram', t.tokenize(text, 'ngram'))
def set_custom_word_freq(self, path): self.check_detector_initialized() word_freqs = self.load_word_freq_dict(path) # 合并字典 self.custom_word_freq.update(word_freqs) # 合并切词词典及自定义词典 self.word_freq.update(self.custom_word_freq) self.tokenizer = Tokenizer(dict_path=self.word_freq_path, custom_word_freq_dict=self.custom_word_freq, custom_confusion_dict=self.custom_confusion) for k, v in word_freqs.items(): self.set_word_frequency(k, v) logger.debug('Loaded custom word path: %s, size: %d' % (path, len(word_freqs)))
class Detector(object): pre_trained_language_models = { # 语言模型 2.95GB 'zh_giga.no_cna_cmn.prune01244.klm': '', # 人民日报训练语言模型 20MB 'people_chars_lm.klm': '' } def __init__(self, language_model_path=config.language_model_path, word_freq_path=config.word_freq_path, custom_word_freq_path='', custom_confusion_path='', person_name_path=config.person_name_path, place_name_path=config.place_name_path, stopwords_path=config.stopwords_path): = 'detector' self.language_model_path = language_model_path self.word_freq_path = word_freq_path self.custom_word_freq_path = custom_word_freq_path self.custom_confusion_path = custom_confusion_path self.person_name_path = person_name_path self.place_name_path = place_name_path self.stopwords_path = stopwords_path self.is_char_error_detect = True self.is_word_error_detect = True self.initialized_detector = False self.lm = None self.word_freq = None self.custom_confusion = None self.custom_word_freq = None self.person_names = None self.place_names = None self.stopwords = None self.tokenizer = None def _initialize_detector(self): t1 = time.time() try: import kenlm except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'pycorrector dependencies are not fully installed, ' 'they are required for statistical language model.' 'Please use "pip install kenlm" to install it.' 'if you are Win, Please install kenlm in cgwin.') if not os.path.exists(self.language_model_path): filename = self.pre_trained_language_models.get( self.language_model_path, 'zh_giga.no_cna_cmn.prune01244.klm') url = self.pre_trained_language_models.get(filename) get_file(filename, url, extract=True, cache_dir='~', cache_subdir=config.USER_DATA_DIR, verbose=1) self.lm = kenlm.Model(self.language_model_path) t2 = time.time() logger.debug('Loaded language model: %s, spend: %.3f s.' % (self.language_model_path, t2 - t1)) # 词、频数dict self.word_freq = self.load_word_freq_dict(self.word_freq_path) # 自定义混淆集 self.custom_confusion = self._get_custom_confusion_dict( self.custom_confusion_path) # 自定义切词词典 self.custom_word_freq = self.load_word_freq_dict( self.custom_word_freq_path) self.person_names = self.load_word_freq_dict(self.person_name_path) self.place_names = self.load_word_freq_dict(self.place_name_path) self.stopwords = self.load_word_freq_dict(self.stopwords_path) # 合并切词词典及自定义词典 self.custom_word_freq.update(self.person_names) self.custom_word_freq.update(self.place_names) self.custom_word_freq.update(self.stopwords) self.word_freq.update(self.custom_word_freq) self.tokenizer = Tokenizer(dict_path=self.word_freq_path, custom_word_freq_dict=self.custom_word_freq, custom_confusion_dict=self.custom_confusion) t3 = time.time() logger.debug('Loaded dict file, spend: %.3f s.' % (t3 - t2)) self.initialized_detector = True def check_detector_initialized(self): if not self.initialized_detector: self._initialize_detector() @staticmethod def load_word_freq_dict(path): """ 加载切词词典 :param path: :return: """ word_freq = {} if path: if not os.path.exists(path): logger.warning('file not found.%s' % path) return word_freq else: with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#'): continue info = line.split() if len(info) < 1: continue word = info[0] # 取词频,默认1 freq = int(info[1]) if len(info) > 1 else 1 word_freq[word] = freq return word_freq def _get_custom_confusion_dict(self, path): """ 取自定义困惑集 :param path: :return: dict, {variant: origin}, eg: {"交通先行": "交通限行"} """ confusion = {} if path: if not os.path.exists(path): logger.warning('file not found.%s' % path) return confusion else: with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#'): continue info = line.split() if len(info) < 2: continue variant = info[0] origin = info[1] freq = int(info[2]) if len(info) > 2 else 1 self.word_freq[origin] = freq confusion[variant] = origin return confusion def set_language_model_path(self, path): self.check_detector_initialized() import kenlm self.lm = kenlm.Model(path) logger.debug('Loaded language model: %s' % path) def set_custom_confusion_dict(self, path): self.check_detector_initialized() self.custom_confusion = self._get_custom_confusion_dict(path) logger.debug('Loaded confusion path: %s, size: %d' % (path, len(self.custom_confusion))) def set_custom_word_freq(self, path): self.check_detector_initialized() word_freqs = self.load_word_freq_dict(path) # 合并字典 self.custom_word_freq.update(word_freqs) # 合并切词词典及自定义词典 self.word_freq.update(self.custom_word_freq) self.tokenizer = Tokenizer(dict_path=self.word_freq_path, custom_word_freq_dict=self.custom_word_freq, custom_confusion_dict=self.custom_confusion) for k, v in word_freqs.items(): self.set_word_frequency(k, v) logger.debug('Loaded custom word path: %s, size: %d' % (path, len(word_freqs))) def enable_char_error(self, enable=True): """ is open char error detect :param enable: :return: """ self.is_char_error_detect = enable def enable_word_error(self, enable=True): """ is open word error detect :param enable: :return: """ self.is_word_error_detect = enable def ngram_score(self, chars): """ 取n元文法得分 :param chars: list, 以词或字切分 :return: """ self.check_detector_initialized() return self.lm.score(' '.join(chars), bos=False, eos=False) def ppl_score(self, words): """ 取语言模型困惑度得分,越小句子越通顺 :param words: list, 以词或字切分 :return: """ self.check_detector_initialized() return self.lm.perplexity(' '.join(words)) def word_frequency(self, word): """ 取词在样本中的词频 :param word: :return: dict """ self.check_detector_initialized() return self.word_freq.get(word, 0) def set_word_frequency(self, word, num): """ 更新在样本中的词频 """ self.check_detector_initialized() self.word_freq[word] = num return self.word_freq @staticmethod def _check_contain_error(maybe_err, maybe_errors): """ 检测错误集合(maybe_errors)是否已经包含该错误位置(maybe_err) :param maybe_err: [error_word, begin_pos, end_pos, error_type] :param maybe_errors:list :return: bool """ error_word_idx = 0 begin_idx = 1 end_idx = 2 for err in maybe_errors: if maybe_err[error_word_idx] in err[error_word_idx] and maybe_err[begin_idx] >= err[begin_idx] and \ maybe_err[end_idx] <= err[end_idx]: return True return False def _add_maybe_error_item(self, maybe_err, maybe_errors): """ 新增错误 :param maybe_err: :param maybe_errors: :return: """ if maybe_err not in maybe_errors and not self._check_contain_error( maybe_err, maybe_errors): maybe_errors.append(maybe_err) @staticmethod def _get_maybe_error_index(scores, ratio=0.6745, threshold=2): """ 取疑似错字的位置,通过平均绝对离差(MAD) :param scores: np.array :param ratio: 正态分布表参数 :param threshold: 阈值越小,得到疑似错别字越多 :return: 全部疑似错误字的index: list """ result = [] scores = np.array(scores) if len(scores.shape) == 1: scores = scores[:, None] median = np.median(scores, axis=0) # get median of all scores margin_median = np.abs(scores - median).flatten() # deviation from the median # 平均绝对离差值 med_abs_deviation = np.median(margin_median) if med_abs_deviation == 0: return result y_score = ratio * margin_median / med_abs_deviation # 打平 scores = scores.flatten() maybe_error_indices = np.where((y_score > threshold) & (scores < median)) # 取全部疑似错误字的index result = list(maybe_error_indices[0]) return result @staticmethod def _get_maybe_error_index_by_stddev(scores, n=2): """ 取疑似错字的位置,通过平均值上下n倍标准差之间属于正常点 :param scores: list, float :param n: n倍 :return: 全部疑似错误字的index: list """ std = np.std(scores, ddof=1) mean = np.mean(scores) down_limit = mean - n * std upper_limit = mean + n * std maybe_error_indices = np.where((scores > upper_limit) | (scores < down_limit)) # 取全部疑似错误字的index result = list(maybe_error_indices[0]) return result @staticmethod def is_filter_token(token): """ 是否为需过滤字词 :param token: 字词 :return: bool """ result = False # pass blank if not token.strip(): result = True # pass num if token.isdigit(): result = True # pass alpha if is_alphabet_string(token.lower()): result = True # pass not chinese if not is_chinese_string(token): result = True return result @staticmethod def split_2_short_text(text, include_symbol=False): """ 长句切分为短句 :param text: str :param include_symbol: bool :return: (sentence, idx) """ result = [] blocks = re_han.split(text) start_idx = 0 for blk in blocks: if not blk: continue if include_symbol: result.append((blk, start_idx)) else: if re_han.match(blk): result.append((blk, start_idx)) start_idx += len(blk) return result @staticmethod def split_text_by_maxlen(text, maxlen=512): """ 长句切分为短句,每个短句maxlen个字 :param text: str :param maxlen: int, 最大长度 :return: list, (sentence, idx) """ result = [] for i in range(0, len(text), maxlen): result.append((text[i:i + maxlen], i)) return result def detect(self, text): """ 文本错误检测 :param text: 长文本 :return: 错误index """ maybe_errors = [] if not text.strip(): return maybe_errors # 初始化 self.check_detector_initialized() # 编码统一,utf-8 to unicode text = convert_to_unicode(text) # 文本归一化 text = uniform(text) # 长句切分为短句 blocks = self.split_2_short_text(text) for blk, idx in blocks: maybe_errors += self.detect_short(blk, idx) return maybe_errors def detect_short(self, sentence, start_idx=0): """ 检测句子中的疑似错误信息,包括[词、位置、错误类型] :param sentence: :param start_idx: :return: list[list], [error_word, begin_pos, end_pos, error_type] """ maybe_errors = [] # 初始化 self.check_detector_initialized() # 自定义混淆集加入疑似错误词典 for confuse in self.custom_confusion: idx = sentence.find(confuse) if idx > -1: maybe_err = [ confuse, idx + start_idx, idx + len(confuse) + start_idx, ErrorType.confusion ] self._add_maybe_error_item(maybe_err, maybe_errors) if self.is_word_error_detect: # 切词 tokens = self.tokenizer.tokenize(sentence) # 未登录词加入疑似错误词典 for token, begin_idx, end_idx in tokens: # pass filter word if self.is_filter_token(token): continue # pass in dict if token in self.word_freq: continue maybe_err = [ token, begin_idx + start_idx, end_idx + start_idx, ErrorType.word ] self._add_maybe_error_item(maybe_err, maybe_errors) if self.is_char_error_detect: # 语言模型检测疑似错误字 try: ngram_avg_scores = [] for n in [2, 3]: scores = [] for i in range(len(sentence) - n + 1): word = sentence[i:i + n] score = self.ngram_score(list(word)) scores.append(score) if not scores: continue # 移动窗口补全得分 for _ in range(n - 1): scores.insert(0, scores[0]) scores.append(scores[-1]) avg_scores = [ sum(scores[i:i + n]) / len(scores[i:i + n]) for i in range(len(sentence)) ] ngram_avg_scores.append(avg_scores) if ngram_avg_scores: # 取拼接后的n-gram平均得分 sent_scores = list( np.average(np.array(ngram_avg_scores), axis=0)) # 取疑似错字信息 for i in self._get_maybe_error_index(sent_scores): token = sentence[i] # pass filter word if self.is_filter_token(token): continue # pass in stop word dict if token in self.stopwords: continue # token, begin_idx, end_idx, error_type maybe_err = [ token, i + start_idx, i + start_idx + 1, ErrorType.char ] self._add_maybe_error_item(maybe_err, maybe_errors) except IndexError as ie: logger.warn("index error, sentence:" + sentence + str(ie)) except Exception as e: logger.warn("detect error, sentence:" + sentence + str(e)) return sorted(maybe_errors, key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=False)