def main(): """ Command line interface for pycovjson - Converts Scientific Data Formats into CovJSON and saves to disk. :argument -i: Input file path. :argument -o: Output file name. :argument -t: Use Tiling. :argument -v: Which variable to populate coverage with. :argument -s: [tile shape]: Tile shape. :argument -n: Use interactive mode. :argument -u: MongoDB URL """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Convert Scientific Data Formats into CovJSON.') parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', dest='inputfile', help='Name of input file', required=True) parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='outputfile', help='Name and location of output file', default='coverage.covjson') parser.add_argument('-t', '--tiled', action='store_true', help='Apply tiling') parser.add_argument('-s', '--shape', nargs='+', help='Tile shape, list', type=int) parser.add_argument('-v', dest='variable', help='Variable to populate coverage with', required=True) parser.add_argument('-n', '--interactive', action='store_true', help='Enter interactive mode') parser.add_argument('-u', '--endpoint_url', dest='endpoint_url', nargs=1, help='MongoDB endpoint for CovJSON persistence') args = parser.parse_args() inputfile = args.inputfile outputfile = args.outputfile variable = args.variable tiled = args.tiled tile_shape = args.shape interactive = args.interactive endpoint_url = args.endpoint_url if interactive: axis = input('Which Axis?', Reader.get_axis(variable)) if tiled and len(tile_shape) == 0: reader = Reader(inputfile) shape_list = reader.get_shape(variable) dims = reader.get_dimensions(variable) print(list(zip(dims, shape_list))) tile_shape = input( 'Enter the shape tile shape as a list of comma separated integers') tile_shape = tile_shape.split(',') tile_shape = list(map(int, tile_shape)) print(tile_shape) if outputfile == None: outputfile = outputfile.default Writer(outputfile, inputfile, [variable], tiled=tiled, tile_shape=tile_shape, endpoint_url=endpoint_url).write()
def tile_by_axis(variable, axis): """ :param variable: :param axis: :return: tile_shape """ # Get shape of variable shape = Reader.get_shape(variable) # Set axis to slice by to 1 TileSet.create_tileset() # Generate new tile shape return tile_shape
class Writer(object): """Writer class""" def __init__(self, output_name: object, dataset_path: object, vars_to_write: object, endpoint_url: object, tiled=False, tile_shape=[]) -> object: """ Writer class constructor :parameter output_name: Name of output file :parameter dataset_path: Path to dataset :parameter vars_to_write: List of variables to write :parameter tiled: Boolean value (default False) :parameter tile_shape: List containing shape of tiles :parameter endpoint_url: MongoDB endpoint for CovJSON persistence """ self.output_name = output_name self.tile_shape = tile_shape self.vars_to_write = vars_to_write self.url_template = 'localhost:8080/{t}.covjson' self.tiled = tiled if tiled: self.range_type = 'TiledNdArray' else: self.range_type = 'NdArray' self.dataset_path = dataset_path self.reader = Reader(dataset_path) self.axis_dict = self.reader.get_axes() self.axis_list = list(self.axis_dict.keys()) self.ref_list = [] if 't' in self.axis_list and 'z' in self.axis_list: self.ref_list.append(TemporalReferenceSystem()) self.ref_list.append(SpatialReferenceSystem3d()) if 't' in self.axis_list and 'z' not in self.axis_list: self.ref_list.append(TemporalReferenceSystem()) self.ref_list.append(SpatialReferenceSystem2d()) elif 't' not in self.axis_list and 'z' not in self.axis_list: self.ref_list.append(SpatialReferenceSystem2d()) if endpoint_url is not None: self.endpoint_url = endpoint_url else: self.endpoint_url = None def write(self): """ Writes Coverage object to local disk or MongoDB """ coverage = self._construct_coverage() if self.endpoint_url is not None: if self.tiled: self.save_covjson_tiled(coverage, self.endpoint_url) else: self._save_covjson(coverage, self.endpoint_url) else: if self.tiled: self.save_covjson_tiled(coverage, self.output_name) else: self._save_covjson(coverage, self.output_name) def _construct_coverage(self): """ Constructs Coverage object from constituent parts :return: coverage object """ coverage = Coverage(self._construct_domain(), self._construct_range( ), self._construct_params(), self._construct_refs()).to_dict() return coverage def _construct_domain(self): """ Constructs Domain object, populates with values :return: domain object """ domain_type = 'Grid' x_values = self.reader.get_x().flatten().tolist() y_values = self.reader.get_y().flatten().tolist() t_values = [] z_values = [] if 't' in self.axis_list: t_values = self.reader.get_t() if 'z' in self.axis_list: z_values = self.reader.get_z().flatten().tolist() domain = Domain(domain_type, x_values, y_values, z_values, t_values) return domain def _construct_params(self): """ Construct parameter object from constituent parts :return: Parameter object """ for variable in self.vars_to_write: description = self.reader.get_std_name(variable) unit = self.reader.get_units(variable) symbol = self.reader.dataset[variable].units label = self.reader.dataset[variable].long_name params = Parameter(description=description, variable_name=variable, symbol=symbol, unit=unit, observed_property=label) return params def _construct_refs(self): """ Construct reference object :return: refs """ refs = Reference(self.ref_list) return refs def _construct_range(self): """ Construct range object :return: range """ for variable in self.vars_to_write: print("Constructing Range from variable:", variable) axis_names = list(map(str.lower, list(self.reader.get_axis(variable)))) if self.tiled: tile_set_obj = TileSet(self.tile_shape, self.urlTemplate) variable_type = self.reader.get_type(variable) variable_shape = self.reader.get_shape(variable) print('Variable shape:', variable_shape) count = 0 for tile in tile_set_obj.get_tiles(self.tile_shape, self.reader.dataset[variable].values): count += 1 covrange = {'ranges': Range('NdArray', data_type=variable_type, axes=tile[ 1], shape=variable_shape, values=tile[0].flatten().tolist()).to_dict()} self.save_covjson_range(covrange, str(count) + '.covjson') url_template = tile_set_obj.generate_url_template(base_url='localhost:8080', axis_names=['t']) tileset = TileSet(variable_shape, url_template).create_tileset(self.tile_shape) covrange = Range('TiledNdArray', data_type=variable_type, variable_name=variable, axes=axis_names, tile_sets=tileset, shape=variable_shape) return covrange else: shape = self.reader.get_shape(variable) values = self.reader.get_values(variable).flatten().tolist() data_type = self.reader.get_type(variable) axes = self.reader.get_axis(variable) covrange = Range(range_type='NdArray', data_type=data_type, values=values, shape=shape, variable_name=variable, axes=axis_names) return covrange # Adapted from # - # letmaik def _save_json(self, obj, path, **kw): """Save json object to disk""" with open(path, 'w') as fp: print("Converting....") start = time.clock() jsonstr = json.dumps(obj, fp, cls=CustomEncoder, **kw) fp.write(jsonstr) stop = time.clock() print("Completed in: '%s' seconds." % (stop - start)) def _save_covjson(self, obj, resource): """ Skip indentation of certain fields to make JSON more compact but still human readable :param obj: the CovJSON object to write :param resource: either a local file path or a MongoDB endpoint """ for axis in obj['domain']['axes'].values(): self.compact(axis, 'values') for ref in obj['domain']['referencing']: self.no_indent(ref, 'coordinates') for covrange in obj['ranges'].values(): self.no_indent(covrange, 'axisNames', 'shape') self.compact(covrange, 'values') self.save_json(obj, resource, indent=2) def save_covjson_tiled(self, obj, resource): """ Skip indentation of certain fields to make JSON more compact but still human readable :param obj: the CovJSON object to write :param resource: either a local file path or a MongoDB endpoint """ for axis in obj['domain']['axes'].values(): self.compact(axis, 'values') for ref in obj['domain']['referencing']: self.no_indent(ref, 'coordinates') self.save_json(obj, resource, indent=2) def save_json(self, obj, resource, **kw): print("Attempting to write CovJSON manifestation to '%s'" % (resource)) start = time.clock() if resource[0].startswith('mongo'): mongo_client = MongoDBClient(obj, resource).write() else: with open(resource, 'w') as fp: jsonstr = json.dumps(obj, cls=CustomEncoder, **kw) fp.write(jsonstr) stop = time.clock() print("Completed in: '%s' seconds." % (stop - start)) def save_covjson_range(self, obj, path): for covrange in obj['ranges'].values(): self.no_indent(covrange, 'axisNames', 'shape') self.compact(covrange, 'values') self.save_json(obj, path, indent=2) def compact(self, obj, *names): for name in names: obj[name] = Custom(obj[name], separators=(',', ':')) def no_indent(self, obj, *names): for name in names: obj[name] = Custom(obj[name])
def main(): """ Command line interface for pycovjson - Converts Scientific Data Formats into CovJSON and saves to disk. :argument -i: Input file path. :argument -o: Output file name. :argument -t: Use Tiling. :argument -v: Which variable to populate coverage with. :argument -s: [tile shape]: Tile shape. :argument -n: Use interactive mode. :argument -u: MongoDB URL """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Convert Scientific Data Formats into CovJSON.') parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', dest='inputfile', help='Name of input file', required=True) parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='outputfile', help='Name and location of output file', default='coverage.covjson') parser.add_argument('-t', '--tiled', action='store_true', help='Apply tiling') parser.add_argument('-s', '--shape', nargs='+', help='Tile shape, list', type=int) parser.add_argument('-v', dest='variable', help='Variable to populate coverage with', required=True) parser.add_argument('-n', '--interactive', action='store_true', help='Enter interactive mode') parser.add_argument('-u', '--endpoint_url', dest='endpoint_url', nargs=1, help='MongoDB endpoint for CovJSON persistence') args = parser.parse_args() inputfile = args.inputfile outputfile = args.outputfile variable = args.variable tiled = args.tiled tile_shape = args.shape interactive = args.interactive endpoint_url = args.endpoint_url if interactive: axis = input('Which Axis?', Reader.get_axis(variable)) if tiled and len(tile_shape) == 0: reader = Reader(inputfile) shape_list = reader.get_shape(variable) dims = reader.get_dimensions(variable) print(list(zip(dims, shape_list))) tile_shape = input( 'Enter the shape tile shape as a list of comma separated integers' ) tile_shape = tile_shape.split(',') tile_shape = list(map(int, tile_shape)) print(tile_shape) if outputfile == None: outputfile = outputfile.default Writer(outputfile, inputfile, [variable], tiled=tiled, tile_shape=tile_shape, endpoint_url=endpoint_url).write()