Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, db_name=None, db_host=None):
        self._logging = csamtpylog.get_csamtpy_logger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self.db_host = db_host
        self.db_name = db_name

        if self.db_name is not None:
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, agso_file=None, **kwargs):
        self._logging = csamtpylog.get_csamtpy_logger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self._agso_fn = agso_file

        for key in list(kwargs.keys()):
            self.__setattr__(key, kwargs[key])

        if self.agso_fn is not None:
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, default_kwargs, **kws):

        self._logging = csamtpylog.get_csamtpy_logger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self.default_kwargs = default_kwargs

        self.input_kwargs = kws.pop('input_kwargs', {})
        if self.input_kwargs is None: self.input_kwargs = {}

        self.sanitize_kwargs = {}

        if self.default_kwargs is not None:
Exemple #4
class gdal_data_check(object):
    _has_checked = False
    _gdal_data_found = False
    _logger = csamtpylog.get_csamtpy_logger(__name__)

    def __init__(self, func, raise_error=False):
        this decorator should only be used for the function that requres gdal and gdal-data
        to function correctly.

        the decorator will check if the GDAL_DATA is set and the path in GDAL_DATA is exist.
        If GDAL_DATA is not set, then try to use external program "gdal-config --datadir" to
        findout where the data files are installed.

        If failed to find the data file, then ImportError will be raised.

        :param func: function to be decorated
        self._func = func
        if not self._has_checked:
            self._gdal_data_found = self._check_gdal_data()
            self._has_checked = True
        if not self._gdal_data_found:
            if (raise_error):
                raise ImportError("GDAL  is NOT installed correctly")
                print("Ignore GDAL as it is not working. Will use pyproj")

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):  # pragma: no cover
        return self._func(*args, **kwargs)

    def _check_gdal_data(self):
        if 'GDAL_DATA' not in os.environ:
            # gdal data not defined, try to define
            from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
                "GDAL_DATA environment variable is not set  Please see https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/FAQInstallationAndBuilding#HowtosetGDAL_DATAvariable "
                # try to find out gdal_data path using gdal-config
                self._logger.info("Trying to find gdal-data path ...")
                process = Popen(['gdal-config', '--datadir'], stdout=PIPE)
                (output, err) = process.communicate()
                exit_code = process.wait()
                output = output.strip()
                if exit_code == 0 and os.path.exists(output):
                    os.environ['GDAL_DATA'] = output
                        "Found gdal-data path: {}".format(output))
                    return True
                        "\tCannot find gdal-data path. Please find the gdal-data path of your installation and set it to "
                        "\"GDAL_DATA\" environment variable. Please see "
                        "https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/FAQInstallationAndBuilding#HowtosetGDAL_DATAvariable for "
                        "more information.")
                    return False
            except Exception:
                return False
            if os.path.exists(os.environ['GDAL_DATA']):
                self._logger.info("GDAL_DATA is set to: {}".format(

                    from osgeo import osr
                    from osgeo.ogr import OGRERR_NONE
                        "Failed to load module osgeo; looks like GDAL is NOT working"
                    # print ("Failed to load module osgeo !!! ")

                    return False
                # end try

                return True
                    "GDAL_DATA is set to: {}, but the path does not exist.".
                return False
Exemple #5
class redirect_cls_or_func(object):
            used to redirected functions or classes. Deprecated functions or class 
            can call others use functions or classes.
            .. todo:: use new function or class to replace old function method or class
                with multiple parameters.

        Author: @Daniel03
        Date: 18/10/2020

    _logger = csamtpylog.get_csamtpy_logger(__name__)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.new_func_or_cls is just a message of deprecating 
        warning . It could be a name of new function  to let user 
        tracking its code everytime he needs . 


        self._reason = [
            func_or_reason for func_or_reason in args
            if type(func_or_reason) == str
        if self._reason is None:

            raise TypeError(" Redirected reason must be supplied")

        self._new_func_or_cls = [func_or_reason for func_or_reason in \
                                 args if type(func_or_reason)!=str][0]

        if self._new_func_or_cls is None:
            raise Exception(
                " At least one argument must be a func_method_or class."
                "\but it's %s." % type(self._new_func_or_cls))
                "\t first input argument argument must be a func_method_or class."
                "\but it's %s." % type(self._new_func_or_cls))

    def __call__(self, cls_or_func):  #pragma :no cover

        if inspect.isfunction(self._new_func_or_cls):
            if hasattr(self._new_func_or_cls, 'func_code'):
                _code = self._new_func_or_cls.__code__
                lineno = _code.co_firstlineno + 1
                # do it once the method is decorated method like staticmethods
                    _code = self._new_func_or_cls.__code__

            lineno = self._new_func_or_cls.__code__.co_firstlineno

            fmt="redirected decorated func/methods .<{reason}> "\
                "see line {lineno}."

        elif inspect.isclass(self._new_func_or_cls):
            _code = self._new_func_or_cls.__module__
            # filename=os.path.basename(_code.co_filename)
            lineno = 1

            fmt="redirected decorated class :<{reason}> "\
                "see line {lineno}."
            # lineno=cls_or_func.__code__.co_firstlineno
            lineno = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.currentframe())[1]
            fmt="redirected decorated method :<{reason}> "\
                "see line {lineno}."

        msg = fmt.format(reason=self._reason, lineno=lineno)
        # print(msg)
        #count variables : func.__code__.co_argscounts
        #find variables in function : func.__code__.co_varnames
        def new_func(*args, **kwargs):

            return cls_or_func(*args, **kwargs)

        return self._new_func_or_cls
Exemple #6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Apr  6 12:58:45 2021
    .Console scripts. 
    write pseudo-wrapper  to interact with python shell environnement. 
    .. note:: Try to use dict_kwargs to collect input arguments values, 
            as well as defaults values .
@author: @Daniel03


from pycsamt.utils._csamtpylog import csamtpylog

_logger = csamtpylog.get_csamtpy_logger(__name__)

class wrap_cscripts(object):
    get input arguments from user , sanitize it and convoy towards required 
    :param default_kwargs: dictionnary of kwargs arguments with the defaults 
    :type default_kwargs: dict 
    .. note:: to sanitize  input arguments , provided `*` for arguments which
        must be converte into `integer` and double `**` for those  who should be 
        convert into `float`. If conversion is not possible, will
        take the default arguments
    :Example :
Exemple #7
class _sensitive:
    .. note :: `sensitive class` . Please keep carefully the indices like 
        it's ranged. Better Ways to avoid redundancy in code during the program 
        design. Core of parser of each files except files from :ref:`module-geodrill`.
        Aims are:
        1. to check file . it is was the right file provided or not 
        2. to write file . to Zonge Avg_format or J-Format or EDI -format and else.
        3. to compute value . Indice are used for computation , set and get specific value.
    _logger = csamtpylog.get_csamtpy_logger(__name__)

    _j = [
        'RYX', 'RYY', 'RTE', 'RTM', 'RAV', 'RDE', 'RZX', 'RZY', 'SXX', 'SXY',
        'SYX', 'SYY', 'STE', 'STM', 'SAV', 'SDE', 'SZX', 'SZY', 'ZXX', 'ZXY',
        'ZYX', 'ZYY', 'ZTE', 'ZTM', 'ZAV', 'ZDE', 'ZZX', 'ZZY', 'QXX', 'QXY',
        'QYX', 'QYY', 'QTE', 'QTM', 'QAV', 'QDE', 'QZX', 'QZY', 'CXX', 'CXY',
        'CYX', 'CYY', 'CTE', 'CTM', 'CAV', 'CDE', 'CZX', 'CZY', 'TXX', 'TXY',
        'TYX', 'TYY', 'TTE', 'TTM', 'TAV', 'TDE', 'TZX', 'TZY', 'ZXX', 'ZXY',

    _avg = [
        'skp', 'Station', ' Freq', 'Comp', ' Amps', 'Emag', 'Ephz', 'Hmag',
        'Hphz', 'Resistivity', 'Phase', '%Emag', 'sEphz', '%Hmag', 'sHphz',
        '%Rho', 'sPhz', 'Tx.Amp', 'E.mag', 'E.phz', 'B.mag', 'B.phz', 'Z.mag',
        'Z.phz', 'ARes.mag', 'SRes', 'E.wgt', 'B.wgt', 'E.%err', 'E.perr',
        'B.%err', 'B.perr', 'Z.%err', 'Z.perr', 'ARes.%err'

    _edi = [
        '>INFO',  #Head=Infos-Freuency-Rhorot,Zrot and end blocks
        '>FREQ ORDER=INC',  #Definitions Measurments Blocks
        '>PHSXY.FIT',  #Apparents Resistivities  and Phase Blocks
        '>=OTHERSECT',  #Time series-Sepctra and EM/OTHERSECT
        '>ZXY.COV',  #Impedance Data Blocks
        '>DEP1DXY',  #Continuous 1D inversion 
        '>SIGNOISE',  # Coherency and Signal Data Blocks
        '>TIPPHS.FIT',  #Tipper Data blocks 
        '>TELLIP',  #Strike, Skew, and Ellipticity Data Blocks 
    ]  #Spatial filter blocks

    _occam_startup = [
        'Format', 'Description', 'Model File', 'Data File', 'Date/Time',
        'Iterations to run', 'Target Misfit', 'Roughness Type',
        'Diagonal Penalties', 'Stepsize Cut Count', 'Model Limits',
        'Model Value Steps', 'Debug Level', 'Iteration', 'Lagrange Value',
        'Roughness Value', 'Misfit Value', 'Misfit Reached', 'Param Count'
    ]  # end with file or startup

    _occam_datafile = [
    ]  #data of simple file.or dat

    _occam_modelfile = [
    ]  # model of simple file

    _occam_meshfile = [
        '?????????????', 'ZZZZZZZZZZZZ', 'YYYYYYYYYYYY', '000000000000',
    ]  # end by mesh or simple file
    #Check the firstS layer (LIST NUMBER 0 135 52 0 0 2) SPECIFIED the catacteristik of mesh
    #only difference between the startup is at the end , the startup file have the same number so
    # the iter is not the same case , number change .
    #response file , check if the range or the lenght == 7.
    _occam_logfile = [
    ]  #or end with Logfile.

    _stn = [
        '""dot', '""e', '""h', '""n', '""sta', '""len', '""east', '""north',
        '""lat', '""long', '""elev', '""azim', '""stn'

    def which_file(cls, filename=None, deep=True):
        Which file is class method . List of files are the typical files able
        to read by pyCSAMT softwares.
        Sensitive class method. 
            **filename** :str 
                            corresponding file to read , pathLike 
            **deep** : bool , 
                    control reading : False for just control the extension file ,
                    not opening file . True  control in deeper file and
                     find which file were inputted.
               FileType could be [`avg` | `j` | `edi` | `resp` | `mesh` | `occamdat` |
                    `stn` | `model` | `iter` | `logfile` | `startup`]
        List of files read by pyCSAMT :
        ==============  =======================================================
        CodeFile                        Description
        ==============  =======================================================
        *avg*           Zonge Engineering file Plainty file of ASTATIC file. 
        *j*             A.G .Jonhson J=Format file. 
        *edi*           SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysics) Electrical
                        Data Interchange file (SEG-EDI) 
        *stn*           Zonge Engineering station file 
        *occamdat*      deGroot-Hedlin, C., and S. Constable, Occam file. 
        *mesh*          Constable, S. C., R. L. Parker, and C. G. Constable 
                        mesh file 
        *model*         Occam Model file  
        *startup*       Occam startup file  
        *iter*          Occam iteration file get after Inversion  
        *resp*          Occam response file , Get after inversion 
        *logfile*       Occam Logfile, Get after inverson (Inversion file )
        ==============  ======================================================= 
            >>> files = ['K1_exp.bln','LCS01.avg' ,'LCS01_2_to_1.avg', 'K1.stn',
            ...            'csi000.dat','csa250.edi','LogFile.logfile',
            ...                 'Occam2DMesh','Occam2DModel', 'OccamDataFile.dat',
            ...            'S00_ss.edi', 'Startup','RESP13.resp', 
            ...                 'ITER02.iter']
            >>>  for ii in files : 
            >>>      path =  os.path.join(os.environ["pyCSAMT"], 
            ...                                  'csamtpy','data', ii)
            ...       try : 
            ...         print(_sensitive.which_file(path,deep=True))
            ...       except :pass 

        _code = {
            'edi': cls._edi,
            'j': cls._j,
            'startup': cls._occam_startup,
            'occamdat': cls._occam_datafile,
            'model': cls._occam_modelfile,
            'mesh': cls._occam_meshfile,
            'iter': cls._occam_startup,
            'avg': cls._avg,
            'stn': cls._stn,
            'logfile': cls._occam_logfile,
            'resp': ['none', 'none'],

        _filename = filename

        if _filename is None:
                'Error file: NoneType can not be computed. Check your right path.'
        if _filename is not None:
            if os.path.basename(_filename).split('.')[-1].lower() in list(
                    _code.keys()):  #code file recognized
                _flag = os.path.basename(_filename).split('.')[-1].lower()
                if deep == False: return _flag
            else: _flag = 0  #file not recognized

        # Open the file now
        with open(_filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as _f:
            _data_lines = _f.readlines()

        if _flag != 0:
            # file extension has been recognized on dict code keys.
            cls._logger.info('Reading %s file' % os.path.basename(_filename))

            _value_code = _code[_flag]

            if _flag == 'edi':  #avoid expensive function then controle 2thing before continue
                if _value_code[0] not in _data_lines[0]:
                    warnings.warn('File probably is incorrect. Please consult EDI_Main file components : {0}'.\
                    raise pyCSAMTError_file_handling(
                        "Wrong SEG-EDI file. It'seems -File provided doesnt include '>HEAD. Please provide the right EDI-FORMAT"
                elif _value_code[-1] not in _data_lines[-1]:
                    warnings.warn('File probably incorrect. Please consult EDI_Main file composents : {0}'.\
                    raise pyCSAMTError_file_handling(
                        "Wrong SEG-EDI file. It'seems -File provided doesnt include '>END. Please provide the right EDI-FORMAT"

            elif _flag == 'resp':  # control quick response file
                #check if the len of resp= 7
                if len(_data_lines[0].strip().split()) != 7:
                    raise pyCSAMTError_file_handling(
                        "Wrong OCCAM-RESPONSE file. Please provide the right response file."
                    return _flag

            elif _flag == 'avg':
                _reason = cls.validate_avg(avg_data_lines=_data_lines)[0]
                if _reason not in ['yesAST', 'yes']:
                        'File <{0}> does not match Zonge AVGfile. Get info to {1}'
                        .format(os.path.basename(_filename), notion.AVG))
                    raise pyCSAMTError_file_handling(
                        "Wrong <{0}>Zonge AVG-file. Please provide the right file."
                return _flag

            elif _flag == 'mesh':
                    [float(ss) for ss in _data_lines[1].strip().split()
                     ]  #check the first occam layer
                        'Wrong OCCAM-MESH file.Get more info on that site :https://marineemlab.ucsd.edu/Projects/Occam/index.html'
                    raise pyCSAMTError_file_handling("Wrong OCCAM-MESH <%s>file .We don't find the characteristic of thefirst layer."\
                                                     "Please provide the right OCCAM meshfile." % os.path.basename(_filename))
                for _meshcodec in _value_code:
                    if _meshcodec in _data_lines[-1]: return _flag
                            'Trouble occurs while reading the "OCCAM-params specs.More details in :{0}.\n {1}'
                        raise pyCSAMTError_file_handling(
                            'We do not find a "Parameter specs" in your <{0}>'.

            #once both thing has already been controled . then continue . avoid avg because already has deep controlled
            # with special static method then pass
            _ccounter = 0  # threshold control is match to 7 except stn.
            for _codec in _value_code:  # loop the dict value of code  #loop now all the
                if _flag not in ['avg', 'resp', 'mesh']:
                    for num, _data_item in enumerate(_data_lines):
                        if _codec in _data_item:
                            _ccounter += 1
                    if _flag == 'stn':
                        if _ccounter >= 3: return _flag
                    elif _flag == 'j':
                        if _ccounter >= 5: return _flag
                    if _ccounter >= 7: return _flag
            if _ccounter < 7:                raise pyCSAMTError_file_handling('ERROR occurs while reading file !<{0}>. '\
                                                 'File doesnt not match the typical <{1}> Format.'.format(os.path.basename(_filename), _flag))

        elif _flag == 0:  #file not recognized in _codekeys ,
            #then try to read and to find which file mastch the best.
            _ccounter = 0
            for _keycode, _value_code in _code.items():
                for num, valueitem in enumerate(_data_lines):
                    for codec in _value_code:  #read value in code
                        if codec.lower() in valueitem.lower():
                            _ccounter += 1
                    if _keycode == 'j':
                        if _ccounter >= 4: return _keycode
                    if _ccounter >= 7:
                        if _keycode == 'startup':
                            if all([
                                    for val in _data_lines[len(_value_code) +
                            ]) == False:
                                return 'iter'
                                return _keycode
                        return _keycode

            #Now we assune that the file must be the response file then read according response control
                resp0 = [float(ss) for ss in _data_lines[0]]
                resp_end = [float(ss) for ss in _data_lines[-1]]
                resp_mid = [
                    float(ss) for ss in _data_lines[int(len(_data_lines) / 2)]
                ]  # get the middele of file and try float converter
                assert (len(resp0) == len(resp_end)) and (len(resp_end)==len(resp_mid)),\
                    pyCSAMTError_file_handling('We presume that  RESP <{0}> file doesnt not match a OCCAM-RESPONSE file.'.format(os.path.basename(_filename)))

                message = ''.join(
                    'Error reading File. pyCSAMT can read only <{0}> Format file.',
                    'Format file. Program can not find the type of that file : <{1}>.',
                    'You may use script <rewriteXXX> of  pyCSAMT to try to rewrite file',
                    'either to SEG-EDI |j|STN|AVG| or OCCAM{DAT, RESP,MODEL,ITER} files.'


            return 'resp'

    def validate_avg(avg_data_lines):
        Core function  to validate avg file .
        :param avg_data_lines: list of avgfile
        :type avg_data_lines: list 
        :returns: 'yesAST' or 'yes' where  'yesAST' is  Astatic file 
                    and  'yes'  is plainty avg file (the main file)  
        :rtype: str 
        :returns: item, spliting the headAvg components strutured by file.
        :rtype: list 
            >>> from csamtpy.etc.infos.Infos inmport _sensistive as SB
            >>> path =  os.path.join(os.environ["pyCSAMT"], 
            ...                                  'csamtpy','data', LCS01_2_to_1.avg)
            ... with open (path, 'r', encoding ='utf8') as f : 
            ...   datalines = f.readlines()
            ... ss =SB._sensitive.validate_avg(avg_data_lines=datalines)

        num = [0]
        for jj, code in enumerate([
                'ASTATIC', '$Stn', '$Survey', '$Tx', '$Rx', 'ARes.mag', 'SRes',
                'Z.phz', 'Tx.Amp', 'ARes.%err'
            for items in avg_data_lines:
                if items.find(code) > 0: num.append(1)
                if jj >= 5 and (sum(num) >= 3):
                    if items.find(code) > 0: item = items.strip().split(',')
                    return ('yesAST', item)
            if jj >= 5 and (sum(num) < 3): break

        for jj, code in enumerate([
                'AMTAVG', 'ASPACE', 'XMTR', 'skp', '\\-', 'Resistivity',
                'Phase', 'Comp', ' Amps', '%Rho'
            for items in avg_data_lines:
                if items.find(code) > 0: num.append(1)
                if jj >= 4 and (sum(num) >= 3):
                    if items.find(code) > 0:
                        item = items.strip().split()
                        return ('yes', item)

        if sum(num) == 0:
            raise pyCSAMTError_file_handling(
                'Data format provided are not typically issued from Zonge AVG format .'