def calculate_H_gpu(X, W, P):
    WPW = la.add_diag(P,, W, "t", "n"))
    tmp =, la.inv(WPW, overwrite=True))
    H =, tmp, "n", "t")
    H = gpu.maximum(H, 0)
    H = to_unit_variance(H)
    return H, tmp
def calculate_H_gpu(X, W, P):
    WPW = la.add_diag(P,, W, "t", "n"))
    tmp =, la.inv(WPW, overwrite=True))
    H =, tmp, "n", "t")
    H = gpu.maximum(H, 0)
    H = to_unit_variance(H)
    return H, tmp
Exemple #3
def maximum_cuda(a, b=None):
    """Maximum values of two GPUArrays.

    a : gpuarray
        First GPUArray.
    b : gpuarray
        Second GPUArray.

        Maximum values from both GPArrays, or single value if one GPUarray.

    >>> a = maximum_cuda(give_cuda([1, 2, 3]), give_cuda([3, 2, 1]))
    [3, 2, 3]

    >>> type(a)
    <class 'pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray'>
    if b is not None:
        return cuda_array.maximum(a, b)
    return cuda_array.max(a)
Exemple #4
    def test_minimum_maximum_scalar(self):
        from pycuda.curandom import rand as curand

        sz = 20
        a_gpu = curand((sz, ))
        a = a_gpu.get()

        import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray

        max_a0_gpu = gpuarray.maximum(a_gpu, 0)
        min_a0_gpu = gpuarray.minimum(0, a_gpu)

        assert la.norm(max_a0_gpu.get() - np.maximum(a, 0)) == 0
        assert la.norm(min_a0_gpu.get() - np.minimum(0, a)) == 0
Exemple #5
    def test_minimum_maximum_scalar(self):
        from pycuda.curandom import rand as curand

        l = 20
        a_gpu = curand((l,))
        a = a_gpu.get()

        import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray

        max_a0_gpu = gpuarray.maximum(a_gpu, 0)
        min_a0_gpu = gpuarray.minimum(0, a_gpu)

        assert la.norm(max_a0_gpu.get() - np.maximum(a, 0)) == 0
        assert la.norm(min_a0_gpu.get() - np.minimum(0, a)) == 0
def train_rfn_gpu(X,
    k = n_hidden
    n, m = X.shape
    W = np.random.normal(scale=0.01, size=(k, m)).astype(np.float32)
    P = np.array([0.1] * m, dtype=np.float32)
    XXdiag = np.diag(, X) /
                     n).copy()  # explicit copy to avoid numpy 1.8 warning
    W = gpu.to_gpu(W, allocator=_mempool.allocate)
    P = gpu.to_gpu(P, allocator=_mempool.allocate)
    X = gpu.to_gpu(X, allocator=_mempool.allocate)
    XXdiag = gpu.to_gpu(XXdiag, allocator=_mempool.allocate)
    I = la.eye(k, dtype=np.float32)

    t0 = time.time()
    for cur_iter in range(n_iter):
        H, tmp = calculate_H_gpu(X, W, P)
        if dropout_rate > 0:
            dropout(H, dropout_rate)
        Xtmp = X
        if input_dropout_rate > 0:
            Xtmp = X.copy()
            saltpepper_noise(Xtmp, input_dropout_rate)
        U =, H, "t", "n") / n
        S =, H, "t", "n") / n
        S += I
        S -=, W, "n", "t")
        Cii =, S, "t") - 2 * U, W)

        Sinv = la.inv(S, overwrite=True)
        dW =, U, "n", "t") - W
        dP = XXdiag + la.diag(Cii) - P

        W += learnrateW * dW
        P += learnratePsi * dP

        P = gpu.maximum(P, minPsi)
        if cur_iter % 25 == 0:
            print "iter %3d (elapsed time: %5.2fs)" % (cur_iter,
                                                       time.time() - t0)
    return W.get(), P.get()
Exemple #7
def ProxFSs(s, t, _Lambda, _gamma_c):
    l, m, n = s.shape

    t2 = gpuarray.empty_like(t)
    square_matrix(t, t2)
    t_norm = gpuarray.empty((l, m, n), dtype=np.float32)
    sum_three_matrix(t2[0, :, :, :], t2[1, :, :, :], t2[2, :, :, ], t_norm,
                     1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    sqrt_matrix(t_norm, t_norm)
    #    divide_matrix(t_norm, _Gamma, t_norm)
    max_abs_t = gpuarray.maximum(1, t_norm / _gamma_c)
    pt = gpuarray.zeros((3, l, m, n), t.dtype)
    divide_matrix(t[0, :, :, :], max_abs_t, pt[0, :, :, :])
    divide_matrix(t[1, :, :, :], max_abs_t, pt[1, :, :, :])
    divide_matrix(t[2, :, :, :], max_abs_t, pt[2, :, :, :])

    s_abs = gpuarray.empty((l, m, n), dtype=np.float32)  # \|s\|
    absolute_matrix(s, s_abs)
    divide_matrix(s_abs, _Lambda, s_abs)
    max_abs_s = gpuarray.maximum(1, s_abs)
    ps = gpuarray.zeros((l, m, n), s.dtype)
    divide_matrix(s, max_abs_s, ps)

    return ps, pt
Exemple #8
def ProxFSs(t, _gamma):
    _, l, m, n = t.shape

    t2 = gpuarray.empty_like(t)
    square_matrix(t, t2)
    t_norm = gpuarray.empty((l, m, n), dtype=np.float32)
    sum_three_matrix(t2[0, :, :, :], t2[1, :, :, :], t2[2, :, :, :], t_norm,
                     1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    sqrt_matrix(t_norm, t_norm)

    max_abs_t = gpuarray.maximum(1, t_norm / _gamma)
    pt = gpuarray.zeros((3, l, m, n), t.dtype)
    divide_matrix(t[0, :, :, :], max_abs_t, pt[0, :, :, :])
    divide_matrix(t[1, :, :, :], max_abs_t, pt[1, :, :, :])
    divide_matrix(t[2, :, :, :], max_abs_t, pt[2, :, :, :])

    return pt
Exemple #9
    def test_if_positive(self):
        from pycuda.curandom import rand as curand

        sz = 20
        a_gpu = curand((sz, ))
        b_gpu = curand((sz, ))
        a = a_gpu.get()
        b = b_gpu.get()

        import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray

        max_a_b_gpu = gpuarray.maximum(a_gpu, b_gpu)
        min_a_b_gpu = gpuarray.minimum(a_gpu, b_gpu)

        print(np.maximum(a, b))

        assert la.norm(max_a_b_gpu.get() - np.maximum(a, b)) == 0
        assert la.norm(min_a_b_gpu.get() - np.minimum(a, b)) == 0
Exemple #10
    def test_if_positive(self):
        from pycuda.curandom import rand as curand

        l = 20
        a_gpu = curand((l,))
        b_gpu = curand((l,))
        a = a_gpu.get()
        b = b_gpu.get()

        import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray

        max_a_b_gpu = gpuarray.maximum(a_gpu, b_gpu)
        min_a_b_gpu = gpuarray.minimum(a_gpu, b_gpu)

        print (max_a_b_gpu)
        print((np.maximum(a, b)))

        assert la.norm(max_a_b_gpu.get() - np.maximum(a, b)) == 0
        assert la.norm(min_a_b_gpu.get() - np.minimum(a, b)) == 0
def train_rfn_gpu(X, n_hidden, n_iter, learnrateW, learnratePsi, dropout_rate, input_droput_rate, minPsi=0.1, seed=32):
    k = n_hidden
    n, m = X.shape
    W = np.random.normal(scale=0.01, size=(k, m)).astype(np.float32)
    P = np.array([0.1] * m, dtype=np.float32)
    XXdiag = np.diag(, X) / n).copy() # explicit copy to avoid numpy 1.8 warning
    W = gpu.to_gpu(W, allocator=_mempool.allocate)
    P = gpu.to_gpu(P, allocator=_mempool.allocate)
    X = gpu.to_gpu(X, allocator=_mempool.allocate)
    XXdiag = gpu.to_gpu(XXdiag, allocator=_mempool.allocate)
    I = la.eye(k, dtype=np.float32)

    t0 = time.time()
    for cur_iter in range(n_iter):
        H, tmp = calculate_H_gpu(X, W, P)
        if dropout_rate > 0:
            dropout(H, dropout_rate)
        Xtmp = X
        if input_dropout_rate > 0:
            Xtmp = X.copy()
            saltpepper_noise(Xtmp, input_dropout_rate)
        U =, H, "t", "n") / n
        S =, H, "t", "n") / n
        S += I
        S -=, W, "n", "t")
        Cii =, S, "t") - 2*U, W)

        Sinv = la.inv(S, overwrite=True)
        dW =, U, "n", "t") - W
        dP = XXdiag + la.diag(Cii) - P

        W += learnrateW * dW
        P += learnratePsi * dP

        P = gpu.maximum(P, minPsi)
        if cur_iter % 25 == 0:
            print "iter %3d (elapsed time: %5.2fs)" % (cur_iter, time.time() - t0)
    return W.get(), P.get()
Exemple #12
def demosaick_gpu(img):
    img = gp.to_gpu(img)
    p2x = im2col(img, _i2c2)
    cm.log(img + _eps, out=img)
    p1x = im2col(img, _i2c1)

    wA = p1x.shape[0]
    wB = p2x.shape[0]
    hA = p1x.shape[1]
    hB = p2x.shape[1]

    # Path 1
    p1x = p1x.reshape([wA * hA, 576])
    p1y =, _wts.int1)
    cm.exp(p1y, out=p1y)

    p1y = p1y.reshape([wA * hA * 64, 3 * _ofac])
    p1x =, _wts.int2)
    msc.add_matvec(p1x, _wts.int2b, out=p1x)
    p1x = p1x.reshape([wA * hA * 64 * 3, _ofac])

    # Path 2
    # conv1
    p2x = p2x.reshape([wB * hB, 64])
    p2y =, _wts.c1)
    msc.add_matvec(p2y, _wts.c1b, out=p2y)
    gp.maximum(p2y, 0., p2y)
    p2y = p2y.reshape([wB, hB, _numsel])

    # conv2
    shI = [wB - 1, hB - 1, _numsel]
    shM = [(wB - 1) * (hB - 1), _numsel]
    p2x = gp.empty(shM, dtype=np.float32)
    pTT = gp.empty(shI, dtype=np.float32)

    pTT = pTT.reshape(shI)
    pTT[...] = p2y[0:-1, 0:-1, :]
    pTT = pTT.reshape(shM)
    p2x =, _wts.c200)
    pTT = pTT.reshape(shI)
    pTT[...] = p2y[0:-1, 1:, :]
    pTT = pTT.reshape(shM)
    lg.add_dot(pTT, _wts.c201, p2x)
    pTT = pTT.reshape(shI)
    pTT[...] = p2y[1:, 0:-1, :]
    pTT = pTT.reshape(shM)
    lg.add_dot(pTT, _wts.c210, p2x)
    pTT = pTT.reshape(shI)
    pTT[...] = p2y[1:, 1:, :]
    pTT = pTT.reshape(shM)
    lg.add_dot(pTT, _wts.c211, p2x)
    msc.add_matvec(p2x, _wts.c2b, out=p2x)
    gp.maximum(p2x, 0., p2x)
    p2x = p2x.reshape(shI)

    # conv 3
    shI = [wB - 2, hB - 2, _numsel]
    shM = [(wB - 2) * (hB - 2), _numsel]
    p2y = gp.empty(shM, dtype=np.float32)
    pTT = gp.empty(shI, dtype=np.float32)

    pTT = pTT.reshape(shI)
    pTT[...] = p2x[0:-1, 0:-1, :]
    pTT = pTT.reshape(shM)
    p2y =, _wts.c300)
    pTT = pTT.reshape(shI)
    pTT[...] = p2x[0:-1, 1:, :]
    pTT = pTT.reshape(shM)
    lg.add_dot(pTT, _wts.c301, p2y)
    pTT = pTT.reshape(shI)
    pTT[...] = p2x[1:, 0:-1, :]
    pTT = pTT.reshape(shM)
    lg.add_dot(pTT, _wts.c310, p2y)
    pTT = pTT.reshape(shI)
    pTT[...] = p2x[1:, 1:, :]
    pTT = pTT.reshape(shM)
    lg.add_dot(pTT, _wts.c311, p2y)
    msc.add_matvec(p2y, _wts.c3b, out=p2y)
    gp.maximum(p2y, 0., p2y)

    p2x =, _wts.sout)

    msc.add_matvec(p2x, _wts.soutb, out=p2x)
    gp.maximum(p2x, 0., p2x)
    p2x = p2x.reshape(p1x.shape)

    # Combine
    p1x *= p2x
    p1 = msc.sum(p1x, axis=1)
    gp.maximum(p1, 0., p1)
    gp.minimum(p1, 1., p1)
    p1 = p1.reshape([wA, hA, 64 * 3])

    im = p2im(p1.get())

    return im
Exemple #13
def relu(x, deriv=False):
    if deriv:
        return 1.0 - cm.exp(-x)
        return gpu.maximum(x, 0)
def roi_pool(feature_maps, input_rois):
    feature_maps_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(feature_maps)
    input_rois_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(input_rois)

    roi_pool_conv5 = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.zeros([256, 36], dtype=np.float32))

    pooled_height = 6
    pooled_width = 6
    spatial_scale = 0.0625

    batch_size, height, width, channels = feature_maps_gpu.shape
    num_rois = input_rois_gpu.shape[0]

    roi_pool_conv5s = gpuarray.to_gpu(
        np.zeros([num_rois, 9216], dtype=np.float32))
    for i in range(num_rois):
        #		roi_batch_ind = input_rois_gpu[i, 0]
        roi_start_w = cumath.floor(input_rois_gpu[i, 1] *
                                   spatial_scale)  # should be round()
        roi_start_h = cumath.floor(input_rois_gpu[i, 2] *
                                   spatial_scale)  # should be round()
        roi_end_w = cumath.floor(input_rois_gpu[i, 3] *
                                 spatial_scale)  # should be round()
        roi_end_h = cumath.floor(input_rois_gpu[i, 4] *
                                 spatial_scale)  # should be round()

        roi_height = gpuarray.maximum(roi_end_h - roi_start_h + 1, 1)
        roi_width = gpuarray.maximum(roi_end_w - roi_start_w + 1, 1)
        bin_size_h = roi_height / float(pooled_height)
        bin_size_w = roi_width / float(pooled_width)

        for c in range(channels):
            for ph in range(pooled_height):
                for pw in range(pooled_width):
                    hstart = cumath.floor(ph * bin_size_h)
                    wstart = cumath.floor(pw * bin_size_w)
                    hend = cumath.ceil((ph + 1) * bin_size_h)
                    wend = cumath.ceil((pw + 1) * bin_size_w)

                    hstart = gpuarray.minimum(
                        gpuarray.maximum(hstart + roi_start_h, 0), height)
                    hend = gpuarray.minimum(
                        gpuarray.maximum(hend + roi_start_h, 0), height)
                    wstart = gpuarray.minimum(
                        gpuarray.maximum(wstart + roi_start_w, 0), width)
                    wend = gpuarray.minimum(
                        gpuarray.maximum(wend + roi_start_w, 0), width)

                    is_empty = (hend <= hstart) + (wend <= wstart)

                    pool_index = ph * pooled_width + pw
                    if (is_empty.get()):
                        roi_pool_conv5[c, pool_index] = 0

                    for h in range(int(hstart.get()), int(hend.get())):
                        for w in range(int(wstart.get()), int(wend.get())):
                            #							index = h * width + w
                            if ((feature_maps_gpu[0, h, w, c] >
                                 roi_pool_conv5[c, pool_index]).get()):
                                    c, pool_index] = feature_maps_gpu[0, h, w,

        roi_pool_conv5s[i] = roi_pool_conv5.reshape([9216])

    return roi_pool_conv5s
c = gpuarray.empty((100, 100), dtype=dtype)
print('c:\n{0}\nshape={1}\n'.format(c, c.shape))

d = gpuarray.zeros((100, 100), dtype=dtype)
print('d:\n{0}\nshape={1}\n'.format(d, d.shape))

e = gpuarray.arange(0.0, 100.0, 1.0, dtype=dtype)
print('e:\n{0}\nshape={1}\n'.format(e, e.shape))

f = gpuarray.if_positive(e < 50, e - 100, e + 100)
print('f:\n{0}\nshape={1}\n'.format(f, f.shape))

g = gpuarray.if_positive(e < 50, gpuarray.ones_like(e), gpuarray.zeros_like(e))
print('g:\n{0}\nshape={1}\n'.format(g, g.shape))

h = gpuarray.maximum(e, f)
print('h:\n{0}\nshape={1}\n'.format(h, h.shape))

i = gpuarray.minimum(e, f)
print('i:\n{0}\nshape={1}\n'.format(i, i.shape))

g = gpuarray.sum(a)
print(g, type(g))

k = gpuarray.max(a)
print(k, type(k))

l = gpuarray.min(a)
print(l, type(l))
Exemple #16
def tgv(op, out_dir, alpha=4e-5, tau_p=0.625, tau_d=0.125, reduction=2**-8,
        fac=2, iters=3000, relative_tolerance=1e-20, absolute_tolerance=1e-19,
        cg=False, inner_iters=20, norm_est=None, norm_est_iters=10,
        time_iters=False, no_progress=False, save_images=False, save_mat=False,
        image_format='png', verbose=False):
    """TGV regularized reconstruction using the Encoding Matrix E.

        op (:class:`artbox.operators.Operator`):
            :class:`artbox.operators.Operator` object.
        out_dir (str): Output directory.
        alpha (float): Regularization parameter.
        tau_p (float): tau_p.
        tau_d (float): tau_d.
        reduction (float): Regularization parameter reduction per iteration.
        fac (float): fac.
        iters (int): Number of iterations.
        relative_tolerance (float): Relative tolerance for early stopping rule.
        absolute_tolerance (float): Absolute tolerance for early stopping rule.
        cg (bool): Indicate whether inner CG method should be used (TGV-CG).
        inner_iters (int): Number of iterations for inner CG.
        norm_est (float): Estimated norm of operator. If `None`, it will be
        norm_est_iters (int): Number of iterations for norm estimation.
        time_iters (bool): If `True`, all iterations are timed.
        no_progress (bool): If `True`, no progress bar is shown.
        save_images (bool): If `True`, all intermediate images are saved to
        save_mat (bool): If `True`, all intermediate images are saved as MATLAB
            data files.
        image_format (str): Format images are saved in.
        verbose (int): Verbosity level.
        double (bool): Indicate whether computations should be performed with
            double precision. TODO!!
    data =

    alpha = alpha/reduction
    alpha00 = alpha*fac
    alpha10 = alpha
    alpha01 = alpha00*reduction
    alpha11 = alpha10*reduction

    maxiter = iters

    # set up primal variables
    ut = gpuarray.zeros((data.nX1, data.nX2, 1), np.complex64, order='F')
    # 'reference zero'
    tt = gpuarray.zeros((data.nX1, data.nX2, 1), np.float32, order='F')

    op.adjoint(op.dgpu['recondata'], ut)

    # norm estimation
    if norm_est is None:
        # perform norm estimation
        norm_est = op.norm_est(ut, norm_est_iters)
        if verbose:
            print("Norm estimation: " + str(norm_est))
        # use user-provided norm
        if verbose:
            print("Norm estimation (provided by user): " + str(norm_est))

    ut /= norm_est
    u = gpuarray.maximum(tt, ut.real).astype(np.complex64)
    u_ = gpuarray_copy(u)
    w = gpuarray.zeros((u.shape[0], u.shape[1], 2*u.shape[2]), np.complex64,
    w_ = gpuarray.zeros((u.shape[0], u.shape[1], 2*u.shape[2]), np.complex64,

    # set up dual variables
    p = gpuarray.zeros((u.shape[0], u.shape[1], 2*u.shape[2]), np.complex64,
    q = gpuarray.zeros((u.shape[0], u.shape[1], 3*u.shape[2]), np.complex64,
    v = gpuarray.zeros_like(op.dgpu['recondata'])

    # set up variables associated with linear transform
    Ku = gpuarray.zeros(op.dgpu['recondata'].shape, np.complex64, order='F')
    Kadjv = gpuarray.zeros((data.nX1, data.nX2, 1), np.complex64,

    # if args.L2 is None:
    #   # L2 is *not* provided by the user
    #   M = 1
    #   L2 = 0.5*(M*M + 17 + np.sqrt(pow(M, 4.0) - 2*M*M + 33))
    # else:
    #   # L2 is provided by the user
    #   L2 = args.L2

    # this one works for TGV
    # tau_p = 1.0/np.sqrt(L2)
    # tau_d = 1.0/tau_p/L2

    uold = gpuarray.empty_like(u)
    wold = gpuarray.empty_like(w)

    if cg:
        from import InnerCG
        tmp_EHs = None
        tau_p = 1.0/norm_est
        tau_d = 1.0/tau_p/(0.5*(17+np.sqrt(33)))

    if time_iters:
        from time import time

    if not no_progress and verbose:
        # set up progress bar
        from progressbar import ProgressBar
        progress = ProgressBar()
        iter_range = progress(range(maxiter))
        iter_range = range(maxiter)

    total_iterations = 0

        for k in iter_range:
            if verbose and no_progress:
                print("Iteration " + repr(k))

            if no_progress and time_iters:
                start = time()

            total_iterations += 1

            alpha0 = np.exp(float(k)/maxiter*np.log(alpha01) +
            alpha1 = np.exp(float(k)/maxiter*np.log(alpha11) +

            # primal update
            cuda.memcpy_dtod(uold.gpudata, u.gpudata, u.nbytes)
            cuda.memcpy_dtod(wold.gpudata, w.gpudata, w.nbytes)

            op.apply(u_, Ku)
            Ku /= norm_est

            tgvk.tgv_update_v(v, Ku, op.dgpu['recondata'], tau_d,
                              lin_constr=(alpha1 < 0))

            # dual update
            tgvk.tgv_update_p(u_, w_, p, tau_d, abs(alpha1))
            tgvk.tgv_update_q(w_, q, tau_d, abs(alpha0))

            op.adjoint(v, Kadjv)
            Kadjv /= norm_est

            # Inner conjugate gradient method
            if cg:
                    icg = InnerCG(op, data, u, p, tau_p, inner_iters,
                                  relative_tolerance, absolute_tolerance,
                                  verbose, EHs=tmp_EHs)
                    total_iterations += icg.iteration
                tmp_EHs = icg.EHs
                tgvk.tgv_update_u(u, p, Kadjv, tau_p)

            tgvk.tgv_update_w(w, p, q, tau_p)

            # extragradient update
            tgvk.tgv_update_u_2(u_, u, uold)
            tgvk.tgv_update_w_2(w_, w, wold)

            # Print time per iteration
            if no_progress and time_iters:
                print("Elapsed time for iteration " + str(k) + ": " +
                      str(time() - start) + " seconds")

            # Save images
            if save_images:
                save_image(np.abs(u.get().reshape(data.nX1, data.nX2)),
                           out_dir, k, image_format)

            # Save matlab files
            if save_mat:
                save_matlab(u.get().reshape(data.nX1, data.nX2),
                            out_dir, k)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print("Reconstruction aborted (CTRL-C) at iteration " +
        # always save final image and Matlab data
        save_image(np.abs(u.get().reshape(data.nX1, data.nX2)),
                   out_dir, "result", image_format)
        save_matlab(u.get().reshape(data.nX1, data.nX2),
                    out_dir, "result")
    return total_iterations
Exemple #17
def MAX(inp, inout):
    gpu.maximum(inp, inout, out=inout)