Exemple #1
class DuctTestCase(unittest.TestCase):


    def tearDown(self): 
        comp = None

    def test_duct(self): 
    	# initial test case based on JT9D 34000 .8 operation    
    	self.duct = set_as_top(Duct())
        self.fs = FlowStation()
        self.fs.W = 100.
        self.fs.setTotalTP( 1000, 100 );
        duct = self.duct         
        duct.Fl_I = self.fs 
        duct.dPqP = .1

        TOL = .001
        # check the flow and mechanical values
        assert_rel_error( self, duct.Fl_O.W, 100., TOL )
        assert_rel_error( self, duct.Fl_O.Pt, 90., TOL )
        assert_rel_error( self, duct.Fl_O.Tt, 1000., TOL )
Exemple #2
    def setUp(self): 
        self.comp = set_as_top(Compressor())

        self.fs = FlowStation()
        self.fs.W = 1.08
        self.fs.setTotalTP(630.74523, 0.0271945)
        self.fs.Mach = .6
Exemple #3
class InletTestCase(unittest.TestCase):


    def tearDown(self): 
        comp = None

    def test_duct(self): 
    	# initial test case based on JT9D 34000 .8 operation    
    	self.inlet = set_as_top(Inlet())
        self.fs = FlowStation()
        self.fs.W = 100.
        self.fs.setTotalTP( 1000, 100 );
        inlet = self.inlet       
        inlet.Fl_I = self.fs 
        inlet.ram_recovery = .9

        TOL = .001
        # check the flow and mechanical values
        assert_rel_error( self, inlet.Fl_O.W, 100., TOL )
        assert_rel_error( self, inlet.Fl_O.Pt, 90., TOL )
        assert_rel_error( self, inlet.Fl_O.Tt, 1000., TOL )
Exemple #4
        def configure(self):

            hx = self.add('hx', HeatExchanger())
            driver = self.add('driver',BroydenSolver())

            #hx.Wh = 0.49
            #hx.Cp_hot = 1.006
            #hx.T_hot_in = 791
            fs = FlowStation()
            fs.setTotalTP(1423.8, 0.302712118187) #R, psi
            fs.W = .49
            hx.Fl_I = fs
            hx.W_cold = 0.45
            hx.Cp_cold = 4.186
            hx.T_cold_in = 288.15
            effectiveness = 0.9765

            #initial guess
            avg = ( hx.Fl_I.Tt*.555555556 + hx.T_cold_in )/2.
            hx.T_cold_out = avg
            hx.T_hot_out = avg  

class CompressorRlineTestCase(unittest.TestCase):


    def tearDown(self): 
        comp = None

    def test_compressor(self): 
    	# initial test case based on JT9D 34000 .8 operation    
    	self.comp = set_as_top(CompressorRline())
        self.fs = FlowStation()
        self.fs.W = 111.61
        self.fs.setTotalTP( 707.81, 22.395 )
        comp = self.comp
        comp.PR = 5.609
        comp.eff = .8651

        comp.Fl_I = self.fs

        TOL = .001
        # check the flow and mechanical values
        assert_rel_error( self,comp.Fl_O.W, 101.57, TOL )
        assert_rel_error( self,comp.Fl_O.Pt, 125.611, TOL )
        assert_rel_error( self,comp.Fl_O.Tt, 1209.83, TOL )
        assert_rel_error( self,comp.Fl_bld1.W, 6.1386, TOL )
        assert_rel_error( self,comp.Fl_bld1.Pt, 125.611, TOL )
        assert_rel_error( self,comp.Fl_bld1.Tt, 1209.83, TOL )
        assert_rel_error( self,comp.Fl_bld2.W, 3.9064, TOL )
        assert_rel_error( self,comp.Fl_bld2.Pt, 125.611, TOL )
        assert_rel_error( self,comp.Fl_bld2.Tt, 1209.83, TOL )
        assert_rel_error( self,comp.pwr, -19639.2, TOL )
        assert_rel_error( self,comp.trq, -1350.435, TOL )
        assert_rel_error( self,comp.eff, .8651, TOL )

        # adjust the bleed fraction to ensure the temperature is about half
        # way between input and output
        comp.hfrac1 = .5
        assert_rel_error( self,comp.Fl_bld1.Tt, 961.654, TOL )
Exemple #6
class CompressorTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self): 
        self.comp = set_as_top(Compressor())

        self.fs = FlowStation()
        self.fs.W = 1.08
        self.fs.setTotalTP(630.74523, 0.0271945)
        self.fs.Mach = .6

    def tearDown(self): 
        comp = None

    def test_compressor(self): 
        comp = self.comp

        comp.PR_des = 12.47
        comp.MNexit_des = .4
        comp.eff_des = .80
        comp.Fl_I = self.fs
        comp.design = True


        TOL = .001
        assert_rel_error(self,comp.Fl_O.W, 1.08,TOL)
        assert_rel_error(self,comp.Fl_O.Pt, .33899, TOL)
        assert_rel_error(self,comp.Fl_O.Tt, 1424.01, TOL)
        assert_rel_error(self,comp.Fl_O.rhos, .000594, TOL)
        assert_rel_error(self,comp.Fl_O.Mach, .4 ,TOL)
        assert_rel_error(self,comp.Fl_O.area, 364.7, TOL)
        assert_rel_error(self,comp.pwr, 303.2, TOL)
        assert_rel_error(self,comp.eff_poly, .8545, TOL)

        #run off design

        #values should remain unchanged in off-design at design condition
        assert_rel_error(self,comp.Fl_O.W, 1.08,TOL)
        assert_rel_error(self,comp.Fl_O.Pt, .33899, TOL)
        assert_rel_error(self,comp.Fl_O.Tt, 1424.01, TOL)
        assert_rel_error(self,comp.Fl_O.rhos, .000594, TOL)
        assert_rel_error(self,comp.Fl_O.Mach, .4 ,TOL)
        assert_rel_error(self,comp.Fl_O.area, 364.7, TOL)
        assert_rel_error(self,comp.pwr, 303.2, TOL)
        assert_rel_error(self,comp.eff_poly, .8545, TOL)

        #try changing something
        self.fs.W *= 1.1
        comp.Fl_I = self.fs
        assert_rel_error(self, comp.PR, 13.52995, TOL)
class NozzleConvergentCase(unittest.TestCase):


    def tearDown(self): 
        comp = None

    def test_nozzleconvergent(self): 
    	# initial test case based on JT9D 34000 .8 operation    
    	# choked
        self.nozz = set_as_top(NozzleConvergent())
        self.fs = FlowStation()
        self.fs.W = 562.61
        self.fs.setTotalTP( 527.55, 8.978 );
        nozz = self.nozz       
        nozz.Fl_I = self.fs 
        nozz.Cfg = .9962
        nozz.PsExh = 3.626

        TOL = .001
        # check the flow and mechanical values
        assert_rel_error( self, nozz.Fg, 21033.3, TOL )
   	# initial test case based on JT9D 0. 0. operation    
    	# unchoked
        self.nozz = set_as_top(NozzleConvergent())
        self.fs = FlowStation()
        self.fs.W = 1293.91
        self.fs.setTotalTP( 632.71, 23.195 );
        nozz = self.nozz       
        nozz.Fl_I = self.fs 
        nozz.Cfg = .9975
        nozz.PsExh = 14.696

        TOL = .001
        # check the flow and mechanical values
        assert_rel_error( self, nozz.Fg, 38786, TOL )
Exemple #8
    def configure(self):

        #Add Compressor Cycle Components
        tube = self.add('tube', FlowStartStatic())
        #tube.W = 1.521
        tube.Ps = 0.01436
        tube.Ts = 525.6

        inlet = self.add('inlet', Inlet())
        inlet.ram_recovery = 1.0
        #inlet.MNexit_des = .6

        comp1 = self.add('comp1', Compressor())
        comp1.PR_des = 12.47
        comp1.MNexit_des = .4
        comp1.eff_des = .80

        duct1 = self.add('duct1', Duct())
        duct1.Q_dot = 0  # no heat exchangers
        duct1.dPqP = .1  #no losses

        split = self.add('split', SplitterW())
        split.W1_des = .44
        split.MNexit1_des = 1.0
        split.MNexit2_des = 1.0

        nozzle = self.add('nozzle', Nozzle())
        nozzle.dPqP = 0  #no losses
        nozzle.Fl_ref = FlowStation()

        comp2 = self.add('comp2', Compressor())
        comp2.PR_des = 5.0
        comp2.MNexit_des = .4
        comp2.eff_des = .80

        duct2 = self.add('duct2', Duct())  #to bearings
        duct2.Q_dot = 0  #no heat exchangers
        duct2.dPqP = .1  #no losses

        perf = self.add('perf', Performance())

        #Inter Component Connections
        self.connect('tube.Fl_O', 'inlet.Fl_I')
        self.connect('inlet.Fl_O', 'comp1.Fl_I')
        self.connect('comp1.Fl_O', 'duct1.Fl_I')
        self.connect('duct1.Fl_O', 'split.Fl_I')
        self.connect('split.Fl_O2', 'nozzle.Fl_I')
        self.connect('tube.Fl_O', 'nozzle.Fl_ref')
        self.connect('split.Fl_O1', 'comp2.Fl_I')
        self.connect('comp2.Fl_O', 'duct2.Fl_I')
        self.connect('comp1.pwr', 'perf.C1_pwr')
        self.connect('comp2.pwr', 'perf.C2_pwr')
        self.connect('duct2.Fl_O.Ps', 'perf.Ps_bearing')
        self.connect('nozzle.Fg', 'perf.Fg')
        self.connect('inlet.F_ram', 'perf.F_ram')

        #Input variable pass_throughs to the assembly boundary
        #Compress -> Tube
        self.connect('W_in', 'tube.W')
        self.connect('Ts_tube', 'tube.Ts')
        self.connect('Ps_tube', 'tube.Ps')
        self.connect('Mach_pod_max', 'tube.Mach')
        #Compress -> Inlet
        self.connect('Mach_c1_in', 'inlet.MNexit_des')
        #Compress -> C1
        self.connect('c1_PR_des', 'comp1.PR_des')
        #Compress -> C2
        self.connect('c2_PR_des', 'comp2.PR_des')
        #Compress -> Splitter
        self.connect('W_bearing_in', 'split.W1_des')
        #Compress -> Perf
        self.connect('Ps_bearing', 'perf.Ps_bearing_target')

        #Output variable pass_throughs to the assembly boundary
        self.connect('tube.Fl_O.rhot', 'rho_air')  #promoted for aero calc
        self.connect('tube.Fl_O.area', 'area_inlet_in')
        self.connect('tube.Fl_O.Vflow', 'speed_max')
        self.connect('inlet.Fl_O.area', 'area_c1_in')
        self.connect('comp1.Fl_O.area', 'area_c1_out')
        self.connect('nozzle.Fl_O.area', 'nozzle_flow_area')
        self.connect('nozzle.Fl_O', 'nozzle_Fl_O')
        self.connect('duct2.Fl_O', 'bearing_Fl_O')
        self.connect('perf.F_net', 'F_net')
        self.connect('perf.pwr', 'pwr_req')
        self.connect('perf.Ps_bearing_residual', 'Ps_bearing_residual')

        #driver setup
        design = self.driver
        comp_list = [
            'tube', 'inlet', 'comp1', 'duct1', 'split', 'nozzle', 'comp2',
            'duct2', 'perf'

        for comp_name in comp_list:  #need to put everything in design mode
            design.add_event('%s.design' % comp_name)