Exemple #1
class Model(BaseModel):
    short_bytes: conbytes(min_length=2, max_length=10)
    strip_bytes: conbytes(strip_whitespace=True)

    short_str: constr(min_length=2, max_length=10)
    regex_str: constr(regex='apple (pie|tart|sandwich)')
    strip_str: constr(strip_whitespace=True)

    big_int: conint(gt=1000, lt=1024)
    mod_int: conint(multiple_of=5)
    pos_int: PositiveInt
    neg_int: NegativeInt

    big_float: confloat(gt=1000, lt=1024)
    unit_interval: confloat(ge=0, le=1)
    mod_float: confloat(multiple_of=0.5)
    pos_float: PositiveFloat
    neg_float: NegativeFloat

    short_list: conlist(int, min_items=1, max_items=4)

    decimal_positive: condecimal(gt=0)
    decimal_negative: condecimal(lt=0)
    decimal_max_digits_and_places: condecimal(max_digits=2, decimal_places=2)
    mod_decimal: condecimal(multiple_of=Decimal('0.25'))
Exemple #2
class Model(BaseModel):
    cos_function: PyObject = None

    path_to_something: Path = None
    path_to_file: FilePath = None
    path_to_directory: DirectoryPath = None

    short_bytes: conbytes(min_length=2, max_length=10) = None
    strip_bytes: conbytes(strip_whitespace=True)

    short_str: constr(min_length=2, max_length=10) = None
    regex_str: constr(regex='apple (pie|tart|sandwich)') = None
    strip_str: constr(strip_whitespace=True)

    big_int: conint(gt=1000, lt=1024) = None
    mod_int: conint(multiple_of=5) = None
    pos_int: PositiveInt = None
    neg_int: NegativeInt = None

    big_float: confloat(gt=1000, lt=1024) = None
    unit_interval: confloat(ge=0, le=1) = None
    mod_float: confloat(multiple_of=0.5) = None
    pos_float: PositiveFloat = None
    neg_float: NegativeFloat = None

    email_address: EmailStr = None
    email_and_name: NameEmail = None

    url: UrlStr = None

    password: SecretStr = None
    password_bytes: SecretBytes = None

    db_name = 'foobar'
    db_user = '******'
    db_password: str = None
    db_host = 'localhost'
    db_port = '5432'
    db_driver = 'postgres'
    db_query: dict = None
    dsn: DSN = None
    decimal: Decimal = None
    decimal_positive: condecimal(gt=0) = None
    decimal_negative: condecimal(lt=0) = None
    decimal_max_digits_and_places: condecimal(max_digits=2, decimal_places=2) = None
    mod_decimal: condecimal(multiple_of=Decimal('0.25')) = None
    uuid_any: UUID = None
    uuid_v1: UUID1 = None
    uuid_v3: UUID3 = None
    uuid_v4: UUID4 = None
    uuid_v5: UUID5 = None
    ipvany: IPvAnyAddress = None
    ipv4: IPv4Address = None
    ipv6: IPv6Address = None
    ip_vany_network: IPvAnyNetwork = None
    ip_v4_network: IPv4Network = None
    ip_v6_network: IPv6Network = None
    ip_vany_interface: IPvAnyInterface = None
    ip_v4_interface: IPv4Interface = None
    ip_v6_interface: IPv6Interface = None
 def test_pydantic_conbytes_field(self, normalize_sdl):
     value = pydantic2graphene.to_graphene(
     expected_value = """
         type FakeGql {
             field: String!
     assert normalize_sdl(value) == normalize_sdl(expected_value)
class User(BaseModel):
    name: Optional[str] = Field(None, example='ken')
    age: Optional[int] = None
    salary: Optional[conint(ge=0)] = None
    debt: Optional[conint(le=0)] = None
    loan: Optional[confloat(le=0.0)] = None
    tel: Optional[constr(regex=r'^(\([0-9]{3}\))?[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$')] = None
    height: Optional[confloat(ge=0.0)] = None
    weight: Optional[confloat(ge=0.0)] = None
    active: Optional[bool] = None
    photo: Optional[conbytes(min_length=100)] = None
Exemple #5
    class ConstrainedBytesWithRegex(pydantic.conbytes(**kwargs)):
        def __get_validators__(cls):
            yield from super().__get_validators__()
            yield cls.match_regex

        def match_regex(cls, value: bytes) -> bytes:
            if compiled_regex is not None and compiled_regex.match(
                    value) is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Value `{value}` doesn't match regex `{regex}`")
            return value
Exemple #6
class ConBytesModel(BaseModel):
    v: conbytes(max_length=10) = b'foobar'
class VenueBannerContentModel(BaseModel):
    content: pydantic.conbytes(
        min_length=2, max_length=VENUE_BANNER_MAX_SIZE)  # type: ignore
    content_type: pydantic.constr(strip_whitespace=True,
                                  max_length=16)  # type: ignore
    file_name: pydantic.constr(strip_whitespace=True,
                               max_length=256)  # type: ignore

    class Config:
        extra = pydantic.Extra.forbid
        anystr_strip_whitespace = True

    def validate_banner(cls, values: dict) -> dict:
        Validate content (is not an invalid image) using PIL
        + set and validate content type using image build from previous
            image = Image.open(BytesIO(values["content"]))
        except Exception:
            raise ValueError("Format de l'image invalide")

        legit_image_types = {"jpg", "jpeg", "png"}
        values["content_type"] = image.format.lower()

        if not values["content_type"] in legit_image_types:
            raise ValueError("Format de l'image invalide")

        return values

    def from_request(cls, request: typing.Any) -> "VenueBannerContentModel":

        file = request.files["banner"]
        return VenueBannerContentModel(

    def validate_request(cls, request: typing.Any) -> typing.Any:
        If the request has a content_lenght information, use directly to
        avoid reading the whole content to check its size. If not, do not
        consider this a an error: it will be checked later.
            file = request.files["banner"]
        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
            raise ValueError("Image manquante")

        if file.content_length and file.content_length > VENUE_BANNER_MAX_SIZE:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Image trop grande, max: {VENUE_BANNER_MAX_SIZE / 1_000}Ko")

        return request