def insertPedido(proveedor, idempleado, codigoSKU, precioSKU, garantia, categoria, detalleUbicacion, costo, cantidad, sucursales): # Create random generator gen = pydbgen.pydb() # Connect to an existing database and open a cursor to perform database operations conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname="postgres", user="******", password="******") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT IdProveedor FROM Proveedor WHERE Nombre = %s", (proveedor,)) idproveedor = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Pedido") CantidadPedidos = cur.fetchone()[0] idpedido = CantidadPedidos + 1 pedido = (idpedido, fecha, idproveedor, idempleado) cur.execute("INSERT INTO Pedido (IdPedido, Fecha, IdProveedor, IdEncargado) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", pedido) cur.execute("SELECT IdSKU FROM SKU WHERE Codigo = %s", (codigoSKU,)) idsku = cur.fetchone() if idsku != None: idsku = idsku[0] else: cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SKU") CantidadSKUs = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.execute("SELECT IdCategoria FROM Categoria WHERE Nombre = %s", (categoria,)) idcategoria = cur.fetchone() estado = 1 idsku = CantidadSKUs + 1 sku = (idsku, codigoSKU, idcategoria, estado, precioSKU, fecha, garantia, detalleUbicacion) cur.execute( "INSERT INTO SKU (IdSKU, Codigo, IdCategoria, IdEstado, PrecioActual, FechaRegistro, Garantia, DetalleUbicacion)" "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", sku) # Assign SKU to Sucursal sucursalSKUs = [] for sucursal in sucursales: sucursalSKUs.append((idsku, sucursal)) cur.executemany( "INSERT INTO SucursalSKU (IdSKU, IdSucursal) VALUES (%s, %s)", sucursalSKUs) codigos = gen.gen_data_series(cantidad, data_type='ssn') cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Articulo") CantidadArticulos = cur.fetchone()[0] articulos = [] for i in range(1, cantidad + 1): codigo = codigos[i-1] idArticulo = CantidadArticulos + i articulos.append((idArticulo, idsku, codigo, costo, idpedido, 1)) cur.executemany( "INSERT INTO Articulo (IdArticulo, IdSKU, Codigo, Costo, IdPedido, IdEstadoArticulo) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", articulos) # Make the changes to the database persistent conn.commit() # Close communication with the database cur.close() conn.close()
# dependency # pip install pydbgen from pydbgen import pydbgen import pandas as pd generator = pydbgen.pydb() # Generate a license-plate (US style) print(generator.license_plate()) # Generate few random names print(generator.gen_data_series(num=10, data_type='name')) # Generate random phone numbers print(generator.simple_ph_num()) print(generator.gen_data_series(num=10, data_type='phone_number_full')) # Generate a full data frame with random name, street address, SSN, date df = generator.gen_dataframe(fields=['name', 'street_address', 'ssn', 'date']) print(df) df_pd = pd.DataFrame(df) export_csv = df_pd.to_csv('export_dataframe.csv', index=None, header=True) print('done!')
class TestDataGen(Frame): # Populated Lists newMenuList = ['Select','ssn', 'name','country', 'date', 'company','state','city', 'real_city', 'zipcode', 'latitude', 'longitude','name_month', 'weekday', 'year', 'time', 'date', 'email', 'phone_number_simple', 'license_plate'] personalList = ['Select' 'ssn', 'name', 'email', 'phone_number-simple', 'company', 'license_plate'] geographicList = ['Select','country', 'state', 'city', 'real_city', 'zipcode', 'latitude', 'longitude'] dateList = ['Select','name_month', 'weekday', 'year', 'time', 'date'] menuList = ['ssn', 'name', 'country', 'date', 'company'] categoriesList = ['Categories', 'Personal', 'Geographic', 'Date'] # Values Lists entryListInput = [] entryListVals = [] gridList = [] dropDownVals = [] dropDownValsUpdate = [] # Widgets Lists dropDownCatWidgList = [] entryListWidgets = [] deleteButtonWidgList = [] fieldDDWidgList = [] widgetRowsList = [] myDB = pydbgen.pydb() def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self,master) self.master = master #self.grid_size = grid_size self.init_window() def init_window(self): self.master.title("Test Data Generator") self.master.config(background = 'light blue') self.master.geometry('600x400+0+0') self.master.lbl1 = Label(self.master, text='Field Types') self.master.lbl1.grid(column=2, row=2, pady=10, padx = 30) self.master.lbl1.config(font=("Hevetica", 15), background = 'light blue') self.master.lbl = Label(self.master, text='Field Names') self.master.lbl.grid(column=0, row=2, padx = 40) self.master.lbl.grid_columnconfigure((0,1,2), weight = 1) self.master.lbl.config(font=("helvetica", 15), background = 'light blue') self.master.entRows = Entry(self.master, width = 8) self.master.entRows.grid (column = 1, row = 1) self.master.entRows.focus_set() self.master.lblRows = Label(self.master, text = 'Number of rows:') self.master.lblRows.grid(column = 0, row=1, pady=5, padx = 5) self.master.lblRows.config(font=("Helvetica", 15), background = 'light blue') self.master.dataBtn = Button(self.master, text = 'Generate', command = self.buttonClick) self.master.dataBtn.grid(column = 2, row = 0, pady = 5, padx = 5) self.master.dataBtn.configure(takefocus = 0) self.master.addFieldBtn = Button(self.master, text = 'Add Field', command = self.addRow) self.master.addFieldBtn.configure(takefocus = 0) self.master.addFieldBtn.grid(column = 2, row = 1) #Textbox for fieldnames self.master.entryPoint = Entry(self.master, width = 13) self.master.entryPoint.grid(column = 0, row = 3, pady = 3, padx = 3) self.master.entryPoint.configure(takefocus = 1) self.master.destroyRowButton = Button(self.master, text = 'X', command = self.button_grid) self.master.destroyRowButton.config(width = 2) self.master.destroyRowButton.grid(column = 3, row = 3) self.master.destroyRowButton.configure(takefocus = 0) self.master.cat1 = StringVar(self.master) self.master.cat1.set(TestDataGen.categoriesList[0]) self.master.dropDownCat = OptionMenu(self.master, self.master.cat1, '', TestDataGen.categoriesList[0], TestDataGen.categoriesList[1], TestDataGen.categoriesList[2], TestDataGen.categoriesList[3]) self.master.dropDownCat.grid(column = 1, row = 3,pady = 3, padx = 3) self.master.dropDownCat.configure(takefocus = 0) self.master.fieldDropDVar = StringVar(self.master) self.master.fieldDropDVar.set(TestDataGen.newMenuList[0]) self.master.fieldDD = OptionMenu(self.master, self.master.fieldDropDVar, '', TestDataGen.newMenuList[0], TestDataGen.newMenuList[1], TestDataGen.newMenuList[2], TestDataGen.newMenuList[3], TestDataGen.newMenuList[4], TestDataGen.newMenuList[5], TestDataGen.newMenuList[6], TestDataGen.newMenuList[7], TestDataGen.newMenuList[8], TestDataGen.newMenuList[9], TestDataGen.newMenuList[10], TestDataGen.newMenuList[11], TestDataGen.newMenuList[12], TestDataGen.newMenuList[13], TestDataGen.newMenuList[14], TestDataGen.newMenuList[15], TestDataGen.newMenuList[16], TestDataGen.newMenuList[17], TestDataGen.newMenuList[18], TestDataGen.newMenuList[19]) self.master.fieldDD.grid(column = 2, row = 3, pady = 3, padx = 3) self.master.fieldDD.configure(takefocus = 0) self.master.listLen = len(TestDataGen.menuList) for i in range(self.master.listLen): print('I value :',i) # Value Appends TestDataGen.dropDownVals.append(self.master.fieldDropDVar) TestDataGen.entryListInput.append(self.master.entryPoint) # Widget Appends TestDataGen.dropDownCatWidgList.append(self.master.dropDownCat) TestDataGen.fieldDDWidgList.append(self.master.fieldDD) TestDataGen.entryListWidgets.append(self.master.entryPoint) TestDataGen.deleteButtonWidgList.append(self.master.destroyRowButton) self.master.mainloop def addRow(self): self.master.fieldDropDVarAdd = StringVar(self.master) self.master.fieldDropDVarAdd.set(TestDataGen.newMenuList [0]) self.master.fieldDDAdd = OptionMenu(self.master, self.master.fieldDropDVarAdd, '', TestDataGen.newMenuList[0], TestDataGen.newMenuList[1], TestDataGen.newMenuList[2], TestDataGen.newMenuList[3], TestDataGen.newMenuList[4], TestDataGen.newMenuList[5], TestDataGen.newMenuList[6], TestDataGen.newMenuList[7], TestDataGen.newMenuList[8], TestDataGen.newMenuList[9], TestDataGen.newMenuList[10], TestDataGen.newMenuList[11], TestDataGen.newMenuList[12], TestDataGen.newMenuList[13], TestDataGen.newMenuList[14], TestDataGen.newMenuList[15], TestDataGen.newMenuList[16], TestDataGen.newMenuList[17], TestDataGen.newMenuList[18], TestDataGen.newMenuList[19]) self.master.entryPointAdd = Entry(self.master, width = 13) self.master.entryPointAdd.grid(column = 0, row = self.master.grid_size()[1], pady = 3, padx = 3) self.master.fieldDDAdd.grid(column= 2, row = self.master.grid_size()[1] - 1, pady = 3, padx = 3) self.master.fieldDDAdd.configure(takefocus = 0) self.master.cat1Add = StringVar(self.master) self.master.cat1Add.set(TestDataGen.categoriesList[0]) self.master.dropDownCatAdd = OptionMenu(self.master, self.master.cat1Add, '', TestDataGen.categoriesList[0], TestDataGen.categoriesList[1], TestDataGen.categoriesList[2], TestDataGen.categoriesList[3] ) self.master.dropDownCatAdd.grid(column = 1, row =self.master.grid_size()[1] - 1,pady = 3, padx = 3) self.master.dropDownCatAdd.configure(takefocus = 0) self.master.destroyRowButtonAdd = Button(self.master, text = 'X', command = self.button_grid) self.master.destroyRowButtonAdd.config(width = 2) self.master.destroyRowButtonAdd.grid(column = 3, row = self.master.grid_size()[1] - 1) self.master.destroyRowButtonAdd.configure(takefocus = 0) # Added Value Appends TestDataGen.dropDownVals.append(self.master.fieldDropDVarAdd) TestDataGen.entryListInput.append(self.master.entryPointadd) # Added Widget Appends TestDataGen.dropDownCatWidgList.append(self.master.dropDownCatAdd) TestDataGen.fieldDDWidgList.append(self.master.fieldDDAdd) TestDataGen.entryListWidgets.append(self.master.entryPointAdd) TestDataGen.deleteButtonWidgList.append(self.master.destroyRowButtonAdd) def buttonClick(self): try: if self.master.entRows.get() == '': messagebox.showerror(title = 'Error', message = 'Please enter number of rows.') elif not (1 <= int(self.master.entRows.get()) <= 1000000): messagebox.showerror(title = 'Error', message = 'Please enter a number between 1 and 1,000,000 for number of rows.') elif self.master.entryPoint.get() == '': messagebox.showerror(title = 'Error', message = 'Please enter field names for all fields.') # elif self.master.entryPointAdd.get() == '': # messagebox.showerror(title = 'Error', message = 'Please enter field names for all fields.') This Don't Work elif len(self.master.entryPoint.get()) > 20: messagebox.showerror(title = 'Error', message = 'Max 20 characters allowed.') elif self.master.fieldDropDVar.get() == 'Select': messagebox.showerror(title = 'Error', message = 'Please choose field types for all option menus.') # elif self.master.fieldDropDVarAdd.get() == 'Select': # messagebox.showerror(title = 'Error', message = 'Please choose field types for all option menus.') This Don't Work else: self.r = Tk() self.master.entRowsvalue = self.master.entRows.get() for entry in TestDataGen.entryListInput: TestDataGen.entryListVals.append(entry.get()) for value in TestDataGen.dropDownVals: TestDataGen.dropDownValsUpdate.append(value.get()) self.master.dataFrameGen = self.myDB.gen_dataframe(int(self.master.entRowsvalue), fields = TestDataGen.dropDownValsUpdate) for i in range(len(TestDataGen.dropDownVals)): self.master.dataFrameGen.rename(columns = {TestDataGen.dropDownValsUpdate[i] : TestDataGen.entryListVals[i]}, inplace = True) self.master.datagenlabel = Label(self.r, text = self.master.dataFrameGen) self.master.datagenlabel.grid(column = 0) self.master.dataFrameGen.to_excel('excel_test.xlsx', sheet_name = 'data') TestDataGen.dropDownValsUpdate.clear() TestDataGen.entryListVals.clear() self.r.mainloop() except ValueError: messagebox.showerror(title = 'Error', message = 'Please enter a number between 1 and 1,000,000 for number or rows.') def button_grid(self): print('deletion') self.master.destroyRowButtonAdd.destroy() self.master.entryPointAdd.destroy() self.master.fieldDDAdd.pack() self.master.dropDownCatAdd.grid_remove()
from faker import Faker from pydbgen import pydbgen import pandas as pd from tkinter import * from tkinter.ttk import * from tkinter import messagebox import os import random import openpyxl myDB = pydbgen.pydb() window = Tk() global count window.title("Test Data Gen") window.config(background = 'light blue') Label.config(window, background = 'light blue') ''' fields = [] window.geometry('300x350') class Fields(Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.number = 0 self.widgets =[] self.grid(column = 3) self.createWidgets() def createWidgets(self): self.cloneButton = Button(self,text = 'clone', command = self.clone)
def random_city(): my_db = pydbgen.pydb() return (my_db.city_real())
def createDummyData(): # Create random generator gen = pydbgen.pydb() # Connect to an existing database and open a cursor to perform database operations conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname="postgres", user="******", password="******") cur = conn.cursor() # Create tables sql_file = open('warehouse/schema/table_creation.sql','r', encoding='utf-8') cur.execute( # Create procedures sql_file = open('warehouse/queries/reports.sql','r', encoding='utf-8') cur.execute( # Execute the inserts on each table # Add seeds sql_file = open('warehouse/schema/seeds.sql','r', encoding='utf-8') cur.execute( # Fill table Camion placas = gen.gen_data_series(CantidadCamiones, data_type='license_plate') marcas = ["Freightliner", "International", "Kenworth", "Volvo", "Mercedes-Benz", "Hyundai"] estado = [0, 1] camiones = [] for i in range(1, CantidadCamiones + 1): placa = placas[i-1] marca = choice(marcas) estado = randint(1, 2) camiones.append((i, placa, marca, estado)) cur.executemany("INSERT INTO Camion (IdCamion, Placa, Marca, IdEstado) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", camiones) # Fill tables Canton and Distrito website = "" idcanton = 1 cantones = [] iddistrito = 1 distritos = [] for provincia in range(1, 8): r = requests.get(website + provincia.__str__() + "/cantones.json") requestCantones = r.json() for canton in requestCantones: cantones.append((idcanton, requestCantones[canton], provincia)) r = requests.get(website + provincia.__str__() + "/canton/" + canton + "/distritos.json") requestsDistritos = r.json() for distrito in requestsDistritos: distritos.append((iddistrito, requestsDistritos[distrito], idcanton)) iddistrito += 1 idcanton += 1 cur.executemany("INSERT INTO Canton (IdCanton, Nombre, IdProvincia) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", cantones) cur.executemany("INSERT INTO Distrito (IdDistrito, Nombre, IdCanton) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", distritos) # Add seeds2 sql_file = open('warehouse/schema/seeds2.sql','r', encoding='utf-8') cur.execute( # #Fill tables Empleado, Persona and Direccion empleados = [] personas = [] direcciones = [] cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Sucursal") CantidadSucursales = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Puesto") CantidadPuestos = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Direccion") ContadorDireccion = cur.fetchone()[0] detalles1 = gen.gen_data_series(CantidadEmpleados, data_type='street_address') detalles2 = gen.gen_data_series(CantidadEmpleados, data_type='zipcode') cedulas = gen.gen_data_series(CantidadEmpleados, data_type='ssn') fakepersons = json.load(open("warehouse/scripts/fakepersons.json", 'r')) for i in range(1, CantidadEmpleados + 1): # Direccion detalle1 = detalles1[i-1] detalle2 = detalles2[i-1] distrito = randint(1, len(distritos)) direcciones.append((ContadorDireccion + i, distrito, detalle1, detalle2)) # Persona identificacion = cedulas[i-1] nombre = fakepersons[i-1]['Nombre'] apellido1 = fakepersons[i-1]['Apellido1'] apellido2 = fakepersons[i-1]['Apellido2'] telefono = fakepersons[i-1]['Telefono'] correo = fakepersons[i-1]['Correo'] nacimiento = fakepersons[i-1]['FechaNacimiento'] registro = fakepersons[i-1]['FechaRegistro'] estado = randint(1, 2) personas.append((i, identificacion, nombre, apellido1, apellido2, telefono, correo, nacimiento, registro, estado, ContadorDireccion + i)) # Empleados sucursal = randint(1, CantidadSucursales) puesto = randint(1, CantidadPuestos) salario = randint(400000, 1500000) fecha = fakepersons[i-1]['FechaRegistro'] estado = randint(1, 2) empleados.append((i, i, puesto, sucursal, salario, fecha, estado)) cur.executemany("INSERT INTO Direccion (IdDireccion, IdDistrito, Detalle1, Detalle2) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", direcciones) cur.executemany("INSERT INTO Persona (IdPersona, Identificacion, Nombre, Apellido1, Apellido2, Telefono, Correo, " "FechaNacimiento, FechaRegistro, IdEstado, IdDireccion) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", personas) cur.executemany("INSERT INTO Empleado (IdEmpleado, IdPersona, IdPuesto, IdSucursal, Salario, Fecha, IdEstado) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", empleados) # Fill table Proveedor nombres = gen.gen_data_series(CantidadProveedores, data_type='company') proveedores = [] for i in range(1, CantidadProveedores + 1): nombre = nombres[i-1] estado = randint(1, 2) proveedores.append((i, nombre, estado)) cur.executemany("INSERT INTO Proveedor (IdProveedor, Nombre, IdEstado) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", proveedores) # Fill table Pedido fechas = gen.gen_data_series(CantidadPedidos, data_type='date') pedidos = [] for i in range(1, CantidadPedidos + 1): fecha = fechas[i-1] proveedor = randint(1, CantidadProveedores) encargado = randint(1, CantidadEmpleados) estado = randint(1, 2) pedidos.append((i, fecha, proveedor, encargado)) cur.executemany("INSERT INTO Pedido (IdPedido, Fecha, IdProveedor, IdEncargado) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", pedidos) # Fill table SKU codigos = gen.gen_data_series(CantidadSKUs, data_type='ssn') fechas = gen.gen_data_series(CantidadSKUs, data_type='date') garantias = [1, 2, 3, 12] detalles = ['Mostrador', 'Ventana', 'Pasillo principal', 'Pasillo de acuerdo a la categoria'] cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Categoria") CantidadCategorias = cur.fetchone()[0] skus = [] for i in range(1, CantidadSKUs + 1): codigo = codigos[i-1] categoria = randint(1, CantidadCategorias) estado = 1 precio = randrange(5000, 50000, 500) fecha = fechas[i-1] garantia = choice(garantias) detalle = choice(detalles) skus.append((i, codigo, categoria, estado, precio, fecha, garantia, detalle)) cur.executemany("INSERT INTO SKU (IdSKU, Codigo, IdCategoria, IdEstado, PrecioActual, FechaRegistro, Garantia, DetalleUbicacion) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", skus) # Fill table SucursalSKU sucursalSKUs = [] for sku in range(1, CantidadSKUs): storeList = [] for i in range(1, CantidadSucursales + 1): store = randint(1, CantidadSucursales) if store not in storeList: storeList.append(store) sucursalSKUs.append((sku, store)) if random() > 0.35: break cur.executemany("INSERT INTO SucursalSKU (IdSKU, IdSucursal) VALUES (%s, %s)", sucursalSKUs) # Fill table Articulo codigos = gen.gen_data_series(CantidadArticulos, data_type='ssn') articulos = [] for i in range(1, CantidadArticulos + 1): sku = randint(1, len(skus)) codigo = codigos[i-1] costo = randrange(500, 10000, 500) pedido = randint(1, CantidadPedidos) articulos.append((i, sku, codigo, costo, pedido, 1)) cur.executemany("INSERT INTO Articulo (IdArticulo, IdSKU, Codigo, Costo, IdPedido, IdEstadoArticulo) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", articulos) # Make the changes to the database persistent conn.commit() # Close communication with the database cur.close() conn.close()
def generateShipments(): # Create random generator gen = pydbgen.pydb() # Connect to the warehouse database and open a cursor to perform database operations conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname="postgres", user="******", password="******") warehousedb = conn.cursor() # Connect to the store 1 database and open a cursor to perform database operations branch1 = mysql.connector.connect( host="localhost", port="3306", user="******", database="Ska8-4-TEC-Alajuela", passwd="admin" ) branch1db = branch1.cursor() # Connect to the store 2 database and open a cursor to perform database operations branch2 = mysql.connector.connect( host="", port="3307", user="******", database="Ska8-4-TEC-Cartago", passwd="admin" ) branch2db = branch2.cursor() # Connect to the store 3 database and open a cursor to perform database operations branch3 = mysql.connector.connect( host="", port="3308", user="******", database="Ska8-4-TEC-San-Jose", passwd="admin" ) branch3db = branch3.cursor() branchList = [branch1, branch2, branch3] cursorList = [branch1db, branch2db, branch3db] # Generate shipments with a truck warehousedb.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Sucursal") CantidadEnvios = warehousedb.fetchone()[0] warehousedb.execute("SELECT IdCamion FROM camion where idestado = %s", (1,)) camionesDisponibles = warehousedb.fetchall() camiones = choices(camionesDisponibles, k=CantidadEnvios) warehousedb.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Empleado") CantidadEmpleados = warehousedb.fetchone()[0] warehousedb.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Envio") EnviosPrevios = warehousedb.fetchone()[0] envios = [] for i in range(1, CantidadEnvios + 1): idEnvio = EnviosPrevios + i camion = camiones[i - 1][0] encargado = randint(1, CantidadEmpleados) envios.append((idEnvio, camion, encargado, i, fecha)) warehousedb.executemany( "INSERT INTO Envio (IdEnvio, IdCamion, IdEncargado, IdSucursal, Fecha) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", envios) warehousedb.execute("SELECT IdSKU FROM SKU WHERE IdEstado = 1") skus = warehousedb.fetchall() for sku in skus: id = sku[0] warehousedb.execute("SELECT IdSucursal FROM SucursalSKU WHERE IdSKU = %s", (id,)) storelist = warehousedb.fetchall() warehousedb.execute("SELECT IdArticulo FROM Articulo WHERE idestadoarticulo = 1 AND IdSKU = %s", (id,)) itemlist = warehousedb.fetchall() storeNeeds = [] for store in storelist: storeId = store[0] warehousedb.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Articulo WHERE IdSKU = %s AND idsucursal = %s AND IdEstadoArticulo = 2", (id, storeId)) stock = warehousedb.fetchone()[0] if stock < 5: storeNeeds.append(store) if len(itemlist) < len(storeNeeds) * 6: warehousedb.execute( "SELECT P1.Nombre, P2.IdEncargado, S.Codigo, S.PrecioActual, S.Garantia, C1.Nombre, S.DetalleUbicacion, A.Costo " "FROM Pedido P2 INNER JOIN Proveedor P1 ON P2.IdProveedor = P1.IdProveedor " "INNER JOIN Articulo A ON A.IdPedido = P2.IdPedido INNER JOIN SKU S ON S.IdSKU = A.IdSKU " "INNER JOIN Categoria C1 ON C1.IdCategoria = S.IdCategoria WHERE S.IdSKU = %s", (id,)) pedido = warehousedb.fetchall()[0] + (50, []) print(pedido) insertPedido(*pedido) warehousedb.execute("SELECT IdArticulo FROM Articulo WHERE idestadoarticulo = 1 AND IdSKU = %s", (id,)) itemlist = warehousedb.fetchall() ammount = 6 for store in storeNeeds: articulos = itemlist[0:ammount] itemlist = itemlist[ammount:] for articulo in articulos: id = articulo[0] warehousedb.execute( "UPDATE Articulo SET IdEstadoArticulo = 2, IdSucursal = %s WHERE IdArticulo = %s", (store, id)) warehousedb.execute("INSERT INTO EnvioPaquete (IdEnvio, IdArticulo) VALUES (%s, %s)", (EnviosPrevios + store[0], id)) # Fragmentation for i in range(0, len(branchList)): # cursorList[i].execute("USE sk8;") # SKUs warehousedb.execute( "SELECT S.* FROM SKU S INNER JOIN SucursalSKU SS ON S.IdSKU = SS.IdSKU WHERE IdSucursal = %s AND FechaRegistro = %s", (i + 1, fecha)) skus = warehousedb.fetchall() for sku in skus: try: cursorList[i].execute( "INSERT INTO SKU (IdSKU, Codigo, IdCategoria, IdEstado, PrecioActual, FechaRegistro, Garantia, DetalleUbicacion) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", sku) except: print("SKU already shipped") # Articulos warehousedb.execute( "SELECT A.IdArticulo, A.IdSKU, A.Codigo, A.IdEstadoArticulo FROM Articulo A INNER JOIN " "EnvioPaquete EA ON A.IdArticulo = EA.IdArticulo INNER JOIN Envio E ON EA.IdEnvio = E.IdEnvio WHERE " "E.IdSucursal = %s AND E.Fecha = %s", (i + 1, fecha)) articulos = warehousedb.fetchall() for articulo in articulos: try: cursorList[i].execute( "INSERT INTO Articulo (IdArticulo, IdSKU, Codigo, IdEstadoArticulo) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", articulo) except: print("Item already shipped") try: # Direccion warehousedb.execute( "SELECT D.* FROM Direccion D INNER JOIN Persona P on D.IdDireccion = P.IdDireccion INNER JOIN Empleado E " "ON P.IdPersona = E.IdPersona WHERE E.IdSucursal = %s AND E.Fecha = %s", (i + 1, fecha)) direcciones = warehousedb.fetchall() cursorList[i].executemany( "INSERT INTO Direccion (IdDireccion, IdDistrito, Detalle1, Detalle2) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", direcciones) # Persona warehousedb.execute( "SELECT P.* FROM Persona P INNER JOIN Empleado E on P.IdPersona = E.IdPersona WHERE E.IdSucursal = %s AND E.Fecha = %s", (i + 1, fecha)) personas = warehousedb.fetchall() cursorList[i].executemany( "INSERT INTO Persona (IdPersona, Identificacion, Nombre, Apellido1, Apellido2, Telefono, Correo, " "FechaNacimiento, FechaRegistro, IdEstado, IdDireccion) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", personas) # Empleado warehousedb.execute( "SELECT IdEmpleado, IdPersona, IdPuesto, Salario, Fecha, IdEstado FROM Empleado WHERE IdSucursal = %s AND Fecha = %s", (i + 1, fecha)) empleados = warehousedb.fetchall() cursorList[i].executemany( "INSERT INTO Empleado (IdEmpleado, IdPersona, IdPuesto, Salario, Fecha, IdEstado) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", empleados) except: print("Error: Empleado duplicado") branchList[i].commit() cursorList[i].close() branchList[i].close() # Make the changes to the database persistent conn.commit() # Close communication with the database warehousedb.close() conn.close()
CantidadTalleres = CantidadBodegas CantidadPasaportes = CantidadPasajeros * 2 CantidadPuestosAerolinea = 5 CantidadPuestosAeropuerto = 5 CantidadRepuestos = CantidadAviones CantidadAvionAerolinea = CantidadAviones CantidadAvionesBodega = CantidadAviones * 2 CantidadControladores = CantidadAviones * 1 CantidadEmpleadosAerolinea = CantidadEmpleados // 2 CantidadEmpleadosAeropuerto = CantidadEmpleados // 2 CantidadFacturas = CantidadAviones * 4 CantidadRepuestosFactura = CantidadRepuestos * CantidadFacturas CantidadAvionesAeropuerto = CantidadAviones * CantidadAeropuertos gen = pydbgen.pydb() con = lite.connect("../Aeropuerto.sqlite3") with con: cur = con.cursor() aerolineas = [] companies = gen.gen_data_series(CantidadAerolineas, data_type='company') for i in range(1, CantidadAerolineas): name = companies[i-1] aerolineas.append((i, name[:2].upper(), name.capitalize())) cur.executemany("INSERT INTO Aerolinea VALUES(?, ?, ?)", aerolineas)
def initBranches(): # Create random generator gen = pydbgen.pydb() # Connect to the warehouse database and open a cursor to perform database operations conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname="postgres", user="******", password="******") warehousedb = conn.cursor() # Connect to the store 1 database and open a cursor to perform database operations branch1 = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", port="3306", user="******", database="Ska8-4-TEC-Alajuela", passwd="admin") branch1db = branch1.cursor() # Connect to the store 2 database and open a cursor to perform database operations branch2 = mysql.connector.connect(host="", port="3307", user="******", database="Ska8-4-TEC-Cartago", passwd="admin") branch2db = branch2.cursor() # Connect to the store 3 database and open a cursor to perform database operations branch3 = mysql.connector.connect(host="", port="3308", user="******", database="Ska8-4-TEC-San-Jose", passwd="admin") branch3db = branch3.cursor() branchList = [branch1, branch2, branch3] cursorList = [branch1db, branch2db, branch3db] # Insert Pais, Provincia, Canton, Distrito # Paises warehousedb.execute("SELECT * FROM Pais") paises = warehousedb.fetchall() # Provincias warehousedb.execute("SELECT * FROM Provincia") provincias = warehousedb.fetchall() # Cantones warehousedb.execute("SELECT * FROM Canton") cantones = warehousedb.fetchall() # Distritos warehousedb.execute("SELECT * FROM Distrito") distritos = warehousedb.fetchall() # Categorias warehousedb.execute("SELECT * FROM Categoria") categorias = warehousedb.fetchall() # Estado warehousedb.execute("SELECT * FROM Estado") estados = warehousedb.fetchall() # Estado articulo warehousedb.execute("SELECT * FROM EstadoArticulo") estadosArticulo = warehousedb.fetchall() # Puestos warehousedb.execute("SELECT * FROM Puesto") puestos = warehousedb.fetchall() # Metodo de pago warehousedb.execute("SELECT * FROM MetodoPago") metodos = warehousedb.fetchall() for i in range(0, len(branchList)): # Create tables sql_file = open('branch/schema/table_creation.sql', 'r', encoding='utf-8') queries =';') for query in queries: if query != None: cursorList[i].execute(query) cursorList[i].executemany( "INSERT INTO Pais (IdPais, Nombre) VALUES (%s, %s)", paises) cursorList[i].executemany( "INSERT INTO Provincia (IdProvincia, Nombre, IdPais) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", provincias) cursorList[i].executemany( "INSERT INTO Canton (IdCanton, Nombre, IdProvincia) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", cantones) cursorList[i].executemany( "INSERT INTO Distrito (IdDistrito, Nombre, IdCanton) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", distritos) cursorList[i].executemany( "INSERT INTO Categoria (IdCategoria, Nombre, Descripcion) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", categorias) cursorList[i].executemany( "INSERT INTO Estado (IdEstado, Descripcion) VALUES (%s, %s)", estados) cursorList[i].executemany( "INSERT INTO EstadoArticulo (IdEstadoArticulo, Nombre) VALUES (%s, %s)", estadosArticulo) cursorList[i].executemany( "INSERT INTO Puesto (IdPuesto, Nombre, Descripcion) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", puestos) cursorList[i].executemany( "INSERT INTO MetodoPago (IdMetodoPago, Metodo, Descripcion) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", metodos) # Direccion warehousedb.execute( "SELECT D.* FROM Direccion D INNER JOIN Persona P on D.iddireccion = P.iddireccion " "INNER JOIN Empleado E on P.idpersona = E.idpersona WHERE E.idsucursal = %s", (i + 1, )) direcciones = warehousedb.fetchall() cursorList[i].executemany( "INSERT INTO Direccion (IdDireccion, IdDistrito, Detalle1, Detalle2) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", direcciones) # Persona warehousedb.execute( "SELECT P.* FROM Persona P INNER JOIN Empleado E on P.idpersona = E.idpersona WHERE E.idsucursal = %s", (i + 1, )) personas = warehousedb.fetchall() cursorList[i].executemany( "INSERT INTO Persona (IdPersona, Identificacion, Nombre, Apellido1, Apellido2, Telefono, Correo, FechaNacimiento," " FechaRegistro, IdEstado, IdDireccion) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", personas) # Empleado warehousedb.execute( "SELECT IdEmpleado, IdPersona, IdPuesto, Salario, Fecha, IdEstado FROM Empleado WHERE IdSucursal = %s", (i + 1, )) empleados = warehousedb.fetchall() cursorList[i].executemany( "INSERT INTO Empleado (IdEmpleado, IdPersona, IdPuesto, Salario, Fecha, IdEstado) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", empleados) # SKUs warehousedb.execute( "SELECT sku.* FROM sku INNER JOIN sucursalsku s on sku.idsku = s.idsku WHERE idsucursal = %s " "AND idestado = 1", (i + 1, )) skus = warehousedb.fetchall() cursorList[i].executemany( "INSERT INTO SKU (IdSKU, Codigo, IdCategoria, IdEstado, PrecioActual, FechaRegistro, " "Garantia, DetalleUbicacion) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", skus) branchList[i].commit() cursorList[i].close() branchList[i].close() # Close communication with the database warehousedb.close() conn.close()