class Notifications(object): """ <node> <interface name="org.freedesktop.Notifications"> <signal name="NotificationClosed"> <arg direction="out" type="u" name="id"/> <arg direction="out" type="u" name="reason"/> </signal> <signal name="ActionInvoked"> <arg direction="out" type="u" name="id"/> <arg direction="out" type="s" name="action_key"/> </signal> <method name="Notify"> <arg direction="out" type="u"/> <arg direction="in" type="s" name="app_name"/> <arg direction="in" type="u" name="replaces_id"/> <arg direction="in" type="s" name="app_icon"/> <arg direction="in" type="s" name="summary"/> <arg direction="in" type="s" name="body"/> <arg direction="in" type="as" name="actions"/> <arg direction="in" type="a{sv}" name="hints"/> <arg direction="in" type="i" name="timeout"/> </method> <method name="CloseNotification"> <arg direction="in" type="u" name="id"/> </method> <method name="GetCapabilities"> <arg direction="out" type="as" name="caps"/> </method> <method name="GetServerInformation"> <arg direction="out" type="s" name="name"/> <arg direction="out" type="s" name="vendor"/> <arg direction="out" type="s" name="version"/> <arg direction="out" type="s" name="spec_version"/> </method> </interface> </node> """ NotificationClosed = signal() ActionInvoked = signal() def __init__(self, window): self.window = window def Notify(self, app_name, replaces_id, app_icon, summary, body, actions, hints, timeout): log("Received notification: {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format(app_name, replaces_id, app_icon, summary, body, actions, hints, timeout)) self.window.show_notification(summary, body, timeout) return 4 # chosen by fair dice roll. guaranteed to be random. def CloseNotification(self, id): pass def GetCapabilities(self): return [] def GetServerInformation(self): return ("pydbus.examples.notifications_server", "pydbus", "?", "1.1")
class SystemdTestDaemon(object): """ <node> <interface name='us.rbasn.systemd.test'> <signal name='signalReceived'> <arg type='s' name='value' direction='out'/> </signal> <method name='receive_signal'> <arg type='s' name='response' direction='in'/> </method> <method name='quit'/> </interface> </node> """ signalReceived = signal() def __init__(self): pass def receive_signal(self, value): """adds a drive to the list to ensure its toggle value and other information can be maintained""" self.signalReceived(value) def quit(self): """removes this object from the DBUS connection and exits""" loop.quit()
class Example(object): """ <node> <interface name="net.lew21.pydbus.TutorialExample"> <method name="EchoString"> <arg type="s" name="a" direction="in"/> <arg type="s" name="response" direction="out"/> </method> <property name="SomeProperty" type="s" access="readwrite"> <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal" value="true"/> </property> </interface> </node> """ def EchoString(self, s): """returns whatever is passed to it""" return s def __init__(self): self._someProperty = "initial value" @property def SomeProperty(self): return self._someProperty @SomeProperty.setter def SomeProperty(self, value): self._someProperty = value self.PropertiesChanged("net.lew21.pydbus.TutorialExample", {"SomeProperty": self.SomeProperty}, []) PropertiesChanged = signal()
class PladderConnector: # Note: methods of this class are called in the separate GLib main # loop thread. dbus = PLADDER_CONNECTOR_XML def __init__(self, db, bus): self.db = db bus.publish(f"se.raek.PladderConnector.{NETWORK}", self) def GetConfig(self): return { "network": NETWORK, } def SendMessage(self, channel, text): return "Sending is not supported" def GetChannels(self): return self.db.list_tokens() def GetChannelUsers(self, channel): token = self.db.get_token(token_name=channel) if token: return [UNKNOWN_USER] else: return [] def TriggerReload(self): return False ReloadComplete = signal()
class MyDBUSParent(object): """ <node> <interface name='net.lew21.pydbus.ClientServerParent'> <method name='Echo'> <arg type='s' name='a' direction='in'/> <arg type='s' name='response' direction='out'/> </method> </interface> </node> """ PropertiesChanged = signal() def __init__(self): self._someProperty = "Some initial value!" @property def SomeProperty(self): print("Get SomeProperty with value:", self._someProperty) return self._someProperty @SomeProperty.setter def SomeProperty(self, value): print("Set SomeProperty to value:", value) self._someProperty = value # Emit signal: Use the correct object path??? self.PropertiesChanged.emit("net.lew21.pydbus.ClientServerExample", {"SomeProperty": self._someProperty}, []) def Echo(self, s): """Returns whatever is passed to it""" print("Echo was called.") return s
class FXManagerAPI(ManagedService): """ <node> <interface name='org.chemlab.UChroma.FXManager'> <method name='SetFX'> <arg direction='in' type='s' name='name' /> <arg direction='in' type='a{sv}' name='args' /> <arg direction='out' type='b' name='status' /> </method> <property name='CurrentFX' type='(sa{sv})' access='read'> <annotation name='org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal' value='true' /> </property> <property name='AvailableFX' type='a{sa{sa{sv}}}' access='read' /> </interface> </node> """ def __init__(self, parent): super(FXManagerAPI, self).__init__(parent) self._fx_manager = self._driver.fx_manager self._current_fx = None self._available_fx = dbus_prepare({k: v.class_traits() \ for k, v in self._fx_manager.available_fx.items()})[0] self._fx_manager.observe(self._fx_changed, names=['current_fx']) def _fx_changed(self, change):"Effects changed: %s", change) self._current_fx = ([0].lower(), dbus_prepare([1]._trait_values, variant=True)[0]) self.PropertiesChanged('org.chemlab.UChroma.FXManager', {'CurrentFX': self.CurrentFX}, []) @property def AvailableFX(self): return self._available_fx @property def CurrentFX(self): """ Get the currently active FX and arguments """ if self._current_fx is None: return ('disable', {}) return self._current_fx def SetFX(self, name: str, args: dict) -> bool: """ Set the desired FX, with options as a dict. """ return self._fx_manager.activate(name, **args) PropertiesChanged = signal()
class Root(object): # noqa """<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN" ""> <node> <interface name="org.mpris.MediaPlayer2"> <property name="CanQuit" type="b" access="read"/> <property name="Fullscreen" type="b" access="readwrite"> <annotation name="" value="true"/> </property> <property name="CanSetFullscreen" type="b" access="read"> <annotation name="" value="true"/> </property> <property name="CanRaise" type="b" access="read"/> <property name="HasTrackList" type="b" access="read"/> <property name="Identity" type="s" access="read"/> <property name="DesktopEntry" type="s" access="read"> <annotation name="" value="true"/> </property> <property name="SupportedUriSchemes" type="as" access="read"/> <property name="SupportedMimeTypes" type="as" access="read"/> <method name="Raise"/> <method name="Quit"/> </interface> </node> """ # noqa PropertiesChanged = signal() def __init__(self, can_quit=False, can_raise=False, can_set_fullscreen=False, has_tracklist=False, supported_mime_types=None, supported_uri_schemes=None, fullscreen=False, identity="MediaPlayer2", desktop_entry=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.CanQuit = can_quit self.CanRaise = can_raise self.HasTrackList = has_tracklist self.SupportedMimeTypes = (supported_mime_types if supported_mime_types is not None else []) self.SupportedUriSchemes = (supported_uri_schemes if supported_uri_schemes is not None else []) # noqa: E501 self.CanSetFullscreen = can_set_fullscreen self.Fullscreen = fullscreen self.DesktopEntry = desktop_entry self.Identity = identity def Raise(self): # noqa: N802 pass def Quit(self): # noqa: N802 if not self.CanQuit: return
class Interface: def __init__(self, config, core): self.config = config self.core = core PropertiesChanged = signal() def log_trace(self, *args, **kwargs): logger.log(TRACE_LOG_LEVEL, *args, **kwargs)
class LgAvnAudioManagerService(object): """ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <node xmlns:doc=""> <interface name="org.genivi.audiomanager.commandinterface"> <method name="Connect"> <arg type="q" name="sourceID" direction="in"/> <arg type="q" name="sinkID" direction="in"/> <arg type="n" name="result" direction="out"/> <!-- method return code (am_Error_e) --> <arg type="q" name="mainConnectionID" direction="out"/> </method> <method name="Disconnect"> <arg type="q" name="mainConnectionID" direction="in"/> <arg type="n" name="result" direction="out"/> <!-- method return code (am_Error_e) --> </method> <signal name="MainConnectionStateChanged"> <arg type="q" name="connectionID" direction="out"/> <arg type="n" name="connectionState" direction="out"/> </signal> <signal name="SourceNotification"> <arg type="q" name="sourceID" direction="out"/> <arg type="n" name="type" direction="out"/> <!-- am_notification_e type; int16_t value; --> <arg type="n" name="value" direction="out"/> <!-- am_notification_e type; int16_t value; --> </signal> </interface> </node> """ MainConnectionStateChanged = signal() SourceNotification = signal() def Connect(self, sourceId, sinkId): print("LG AVN DBus Server - method name: Connect, sourceId: " + str(sourceId) + ", sinkId: " + str(sinkId)) self.MainConnectionStateChanged(1, 1) self.SourceNotification(123, 0, 1) return (0, 1) def Disconnect(self, s): print("LG AVN DBus Server - method name: Disconnect" + ", parameters: " + s) return (0)
class MprisInterface(ABC): INTERFACE: Final[str] = ROOT_INTERFACE PropertiesChanged: Final[signal] = signal() def __init__(self, name: str = NAME, adapter: Optional['MprisAdapter'] = None): = name self.adapter = adapter def log_trace(self, *args, **kwargs): logging.log(TRACE_LOG_LEVEL, *args, **kwargs)
class DBusService_XML(): """ DBus Service XML definition. type="i" for integer, "s" string, "d" double, "as" list of string data. """ dbus = """ <node> <interface name="{}"> <signal name="integer_signal"> <arg type="i"/> </signal> <method name="echo_string"> <arg type="s" name="input" direction="in"> </arg> <arg type="s" name="output" direction="out"> </arg> </method> <method name="greeting"> <arg type="s" name="person" direction="in"> </arg> </method> <method name="get_time_stamp"> <arg type="d" name="response" direction="out"> </arg> </method> <method name="server_no_args"> </method> </interface> </node> """.format(BUS) integer_signal = signal() def echo_string(self, input_string): "From Client 4. Echo the string" return input_string def greeting(self, name): "From Cleint 3. Return Hello and the persons name" print("From Client 3: Hello {}".format(name)) return def get_time_stamp(self): "From Client 2. Return a Unix time. Seconds since epoch" return time.time() # 1511326564.8677926 def server_no_args(self): "From Client 1. No arguments, Server has a message on the console." global message_count print("From Client 1: This is message {}".format(message_count)) message_count += 1 return
class WallGenDBUSService(object): dbus = """ <node> <interface name="de.thm.mni.mhpp11.WallGen"> <signal name="Closed" /> <method name="NewWallpaper"> <arg direction="in" type="s" name="type"/> <arg direction="in" type="s" name="subredit"/> <arg direction="in" type="s" name="directory"/> <arg direction="in" type="s" name="output"/> <arg direction="in" type="b" name="generate_only"/> </method> <method name="Close" /> </interface> </node> """ Closed = signal() def __init__(self, loop): self.loop = loop def NewWallpaper(self, type, subreddit, directory, output, generate_only): print("Create a new Wallpaper...") bus = SessionBus() dc = bus.get('org.gnome.Mutter.DisplayConfig') if type == 'reddit': generator = reddit_generator option = subreddit else: generator = local_generator option = directory active_monitors = [] for monitor in dc.GetResources()[1]: if monitor[6] > -1: active_monitors.append(monitor) (max_width, max_height) = get_maximum_resolution(active_monitors) with Image(width=max_width, height=max_height) as wallpaper: for monitor in active_monitors: image = generator.get_image(option, width=monitor[4], height=monitor[5]) wallpaper.composite(image, left=monitor[2], top=monitor[3]) with wallpaper.convert('png') as converted: save(converted, output, generate_only) def Close(self): self.Closed() self.loop.quit()
class MyDBUSService(object): """ <node> <interface name=''> <method name='hello'> <arg type='s' name='response' direction='out' /> </method> <method name='quit' /> <property name='Who' type='s' access='readwrite'> <annotation name='org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal' value='true'/> </property> <property name='State' type='s' access='read'> <annotation name='org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal' value='true'/> </property> </interface> <interface name=''> <method name='whatsup'> <arg type='s' name='response' direction='out' /> </method> </interface> </node> """ def __init__(self): self._who = "human" self._state = "good" def hello(self): return "Hello %s!" % self._who def quit(self): loop.quit() def whatsup(self): return "@!#$*&@!, %s!" % self._who @property def State(self): return self._state @property def Who(self): return self._who @Who.setter def Who(self, value): self._who = value self.PropertiesChanged("", {"Who": self._who}, []) PropertiesChanged = signal()
class CSLEliteWheel(object): """ <node> <interface name='org.fanatec.CSLElite.Wheel'> <property name="Display" type="i" access="write"> <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal" value="true"/> </property> </interface> </node> """ def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def get_sysfs(name, device=CSL_ELITE_PS4_WHEELBASE_DEVICE_ID): return "%s/%s" % (get_sysfs_base(device), name) @staticmethod def get_sysfs_rpm(device=CSL_ELITE_PS4_WHEELBASE_DEVICE_ID): sysfs_base = get_sysfs_base(device) return "%s/leds/0003:0EB7:%s.%s::RPM" % (sysfs_base, device, sysfs_base.split(".")[-1]) @staticmethod def set_sysfs_rpm(values, device=CSL_ELITE_PS4_WHEELBASE_DEVICE_ID): return list( map( lambda i: open( '%s%i/brightness' % (CSLEliteWheel.get_sysfs_rpm( device), i[0] + 1), 'w').write('1' if i[1] else '0'), enumerate(values))) @property def Display(self): return 0 @property def RPM(self): return 0 @Display.setter def Display(self, value): return int(open(self.get_sysfs('display'), 'w').write(str(value))) @RPM.setter def RPM(self, values): return set_sysfs_rpm(values) PropertiesChanged = signal()
class DBusService_XML(): """ DBus Service XML definition. type="i" for integer, "s" string, "d" double, "as" list of string data. """ dbus = """ <node> <interface name="{}"> <signal name="integer_signal"> <arg type="i"/> </signal> </interface> </node> """.format(BUS) integer_signal = signal()
class IoMenderAuthenticationIface: """ <node> <interface name="io.mender.Authentication1"> <method name="GetJwtToken"> <arg type="s" name="token" direction="out"/> <arg type="s" name="server_url" direction="out"/> </method> <method name="FetchJwtToken"> <arg type="b" name="success" direction="out"/> </method> <signal name="JwtTokenStateChange"> <arg type="s" name="token"/> <arg type="s" name="server_url"/> </signal> <method name="MockSetJwtToken"> <arg type="s" name="token" direction="in"/> <arg type="s" name="server_url" direction="in"/> </method> <method name="MockSetJwtTokenAndEmitSignal"> <arg type="s" name="token" direction="in"/> <arg type="s" name="server_url" direction="in"/> </method> </interface> </node> """ def __init__(self): self.token = "" self.server_url = "" def GetJwtToken(self): return self.token, self.server_url def FetchJwtToken(self): return True JwtTokenStateChange = signal() def MockSetJwtToken(self, token, server_url): self.token = token self.server_url = server_url return True def MockSetJwtTokenAndEmitSignal(self, token, server_url): self.token = token self.server_url = server_url self.JwtTokenStateChange(self.token, self.server_url) return True
class NotepadDbus(object): """ <node> <interface name='soundcraft.utils.notepad.device'> <property name='name' type='s' access='read' /> <property name='fixedRouting' type='a((ss)(ss))' access='read' /> <property name='routingTarget' type='(ss)' access='read' /> <property name='sources' type='a{s(ss)}' access='read' /> <property name='routingSource' type='s' access='readwrite'> <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal" value="true"/> </property> </interface> </node> """ InterfaceName = "soundcraft.utils.notepad.device" def __init__(self, dev): self._dev = dev @property def name(self): return @property def fixedRouting(self): return self._dev.fixedRouting @property def routingTarget(self): return self._dev.routingTarget @property def sources(self): return self._dev.sources @property def routingSource(self): return self._dev.routingSource @routingSource.setter def routingSource(self, request): self._dev.routingSource = request self.PropertiesChanged( self.InterfaceName, {"routingSource": self.routingSource}, [] ) PropertiesChanged = signal()
class Server_XML(object): """ Server_XML definition. type='i' for integer, type='d' for double/float, type='s' for string type='ai' for list of 32-bit signed integers, type='as' for string list """ dbus = """ <node> <interface name=""> <signal name="app_signal"> <arg type='s'/> </signal> </interface> </node> """ app_signal = signal()
class AvnService(object): """ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <node xmlns:doc=""> <interface name="com.ssangyong.AutomotiveProxy.AudioManager"> <method name="Get"> <arg name="request" type="s" direction="in"/> <arg name="resp_result" type="b" direction="out"/> <arg name="resp_data" type="s" direction="out"/> </method> <method name="Set"> <arg name="request" type="s" direction="in"/> <arg name="resp_result" type="b" direction="out"/> <arg name="resp_data" type="s" direction="out"/> </method> <method name="AddListener"> <arg name="request" type="s" direction="in"/> <arg name="resp_result" type="b" direction="out"/> <arg name="resp_data" type="s" direction="out"/> </method> <signal name="UpdateInfo"> <arg type="s" name="info"/> </signal> </interface> </node> """ UpdateInfo = signal() def Get(self, s): print("com.ssangyong.AutomotiveProxy.AudioManager " + "Get : " + s) return (True, "{\"Data\":{\"Mute\":false,\"Volume\":1},\"Result\":{\"Message\":\"Success\",\"Status\":true}}") def Set(self, s): print("com.ssangyong.AutomotiveProxy.AudioManager " + "Set : " + s) return "Audio Manager - Set" def AddListener(self, s): print("com.ssangyong.AutomotiveProxy.AudioManager " + "AddListener : " + s) self.UpdateInfo("{\"Cmd\":123,\"Data\":{\"Action\":\"VrStartEvent123\"}}") return (True, "{\"Data\":null,\"Result\":{\"Message\":\"TEST Success\",\"Status\":true}}")
class MyDBUSService(object): """ <node> <interface name='net.lew21.pydbus.ClientServerExample'> <method name='Echo'> <arg type='s' name='s' direction='in'/> <arg type='s' name='response' direction='out'/> </method> <method name='Quit'/> <property name="SomeProperty" type="s" access="readwrite"> <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal" value="true"/> </property> </interface> </node> """ PropertiesChanged = signal() def __init__(self): self._someProperty = "Some initial value!" @property def SomeProperty(self): print("Get SomeProperty with value:", self._someProperty) return self._someProperty @SomeProperty.setter def SomeProperty(self, value): print("Set SomeProperty to value:", value) self._someProperty = value # Emit signal. self.PropertiesChanged.emit("net.lew21.pydbus.ClientServerExample", {"SomeProperty": self._someProperty}, []) def Echo(self, s): """Returns whatever is passed to it""" print("Echo was called.") return s def Quit(self): """Removes this object from the DBUS connection and exits""" print("Quit was called.") loop.quit()
class LocationService(object): """ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <node name="/com/ssangyong/AutomotiveProxy/LocationManager" xmlns:doc=""> <interface name="com.ssangyong.AutomotiveProxy.LocationManager"> <method name="Get"> <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/> <arg name="request" type="s" direction="in"/> <arg name="response" type="s" direction="out"/> </method> <method name="Set"> <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/> <arg name="request" type="s" direction="in"/> <arg name="response" type="s" direction="out"/> </method> <method name="AddListener"> <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.Async" value=""/> <arg name="request" type="s" direction="in"/> <arg name="response" type="s" direction="out"/> </method> <signal name="UpdateInfo"> <arg type="s" name="info"/> </signal> </interface> </node> """ UpdateInfo = signal() def Get(self, s): print("com.ssangyong.AutomotiveProxy.LocationManager " + "Get : " + s) return "Location Manager - Get" def Set(self, s): print("com.ssangyong.AutomotiveProxy.LocationManager " + "Set : " + s) return "Location Manager - Set" def AddListener(self, s): print("com.ssangyong.AutomotiveProxy.LocationManager " + "AddListener : " + s) return "Location Manager - AddLister"
class Example(object): """ <node> <interface name='com.HACGI.example'> //test <property name='SomeProperty' type='s' access='readwrite'> <annotation name='org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal' value='true'/> </property> <method name='EchoString'> <arg type='s' name='a' direction='in'/> <arg type='s' name='response' direction='out'/> </method> <method name='Quit'> </method> </interface> </node> """ def EchoString(self, s): """return whatever is passed to it""" return s def __init__(self): self._someProperty = 'initial value' @property def SomeProperty(self): return self._someProperty @SomeProperty.setter def SomeProperty(self, value): self._someProperty = value self.PropertiesChanged('com.HACGI.example', {'SomeProperty': self.SomeProperty}, []) PropertiesChanged = signal() def Quit(self): global loop loop.quit()
class TestFakeDbusBluezAdapter(): dbus = """ <node> <interface name='BluetoothAudioBridge.FakeDbusObject.Adapter1'> <method name='StartDiscovery'> </method> <method name='StopDiscovery'> </method> <property name="Address" type="s" access="read"> </property> </interface> </node>""" def StartDiscovery(self): """start discovery""" print("startDiscovery") self.fakes.TestResult = self.fakes.TestResult + 1 def StopDiscovery(self): """stop discovery""" print("stopDiscovery") self.fakes.TestResult = self.fakes.TestResult + 2 def __init__(self, fakes): self._address = "initial value" self.fakes = fakes @property def Address(self): return self._address @Address.setter def Address(self, value): self._address = value self.PropertiesChanged("BluetoothAudioBridge.FakeDbusObject.Adapter1", {"Address": self._address}, []) PropertiesChanged = signal()
class Interface(object): """ <node> <interface name='com.github.radium226.whistleblower.Whistleblower'> <signal name='MessageReceived'> <arg type='s' /> </signal> <method name='SendMessage'> <arg name='keys' type='s' direction='in'/> </method> </interface> </node> """ SERVICE_NAME = "com.github.radium226.Whistleblower" MessageReceived = signal() def __init__(self, server): self.server = server def SendMessage(self, text): self.server.send_message(text)
class PladderConnector: # Note: methods of this class are called in the separate GLib main # loop thread. dbus = PLADDER_CONNECTOR_XML def __init__(self, bus, config, client): self.client = client self.config = config bus.publish(f"se.raek.PladderConnector.{}", self) def GetConfig(self): return { "network":, "host":, "port": str(self.config.port), "user": str(self.config.user), "application": str(self.config.application), } def SendMessage(self, channel, text): if channel not in self.client.get_channels(): return f"No such channel: {channel}" else: self.client.send_message(channel, text) return "Message sent." def GetChannels(self): return self.client.get_channels() def GetChannelUsers(self, channel): return self.client.get_channel_users(channel) def TriggerReload(self): return False ReloadComplete = signal()
class CSLElitePedals(object): """ <node> <interface name='org.fanatec.CSLElite.Pedals'> <property name="Load" type="i" access="readwrite"> <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal" value="true"/> </property> <property name="Rumble" type="i" access="write"> <annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Property.EmitsChangedSignal" value="true"/> </property> </interface> </node> """ def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def get_sysfs(self, name, device=CSL_ELITE_PEDALS_DEVICE_ID): return "%s/%s" % (get_sysfs_base(device), name) @property def Load(self): return int(open(self.get_sysfs('load'), 'r').read()) @Load.setter def Load(self, value): return int(open(self.get_sysfs('load'), 'w').write(str(value))) @property def Rumble(self): pass @Rumble.setter def Rumble(self, value): return int(open(self.get_sysfs('rumble'), 'w').write(str(value))) PropertiesChanged = signal()
class WallGenDBUSService(object): dbus = """ <node> <interface name="de.thm.mni.mhpp11.WallGen"> <signal name="Closed" /> <method name="NewWallpaper" /> <method name="Close" /> </interface> </node> """ Closed = signal() def __init__(self, loop): self.config = Config() self.loop = loop def NewWallpaper(self, _=None): builder = None print("Create a new Wallpaper...") bus = SessionBus() if self.config.type == 'reddit': generator = RedditGenerator(self.config.subreddit) else: generator = LocalGenerator( if self.config.is_gnome(): builder = GnomeWallpaperBuilder(bus, self.config) elif self.config.is_kde(): builder = KDEWallpaperBuilder(bus, self.config) def Close(self): self.Closed() self.loop.quit()
class LgAvnCanService(object): """ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <node xmlns:doc=""> <interface name=""> <method name="TriggerTest"/> <signal name="NotifyKeyFrontPannelEvent"> <arg name="front" direction="out" type="ay"/> </signal> </interface> </node> """ NotifyKeyFrontPannelEvent = signal() def TriggerTest(self): keyEvent = [0x16, 0x01] print( "LG AVN Can DBus Server - method name: TriggerTest, key value: " + str(keyEvent[0]) + ", type1: " + str(keyEvent[1])) self.NotifyKeyFrontPannelEvent(keyEvent) pass
class DBusSignals(object): """ <node> <interface name='respeakerd.signal'> <signal name='ready'></signal> <signal name='connecting'></signal> <signal name='on_listen'></signal> <signal name='on_think'></signal> <signal name='on_speak'></signal> <signal name='on_idle'></signal> </interface> </node> """ ready = signal() connecting = signal() on_listen = signal() on_think = signal() on_speak = signal() on_idle = signal()
class Playlists(Interface): """ <node> <interface name="org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Playlists"> <method name="ActivatePlaylist"> <arg name="PlaylistId" type="o" direction="in"/> </method> <method name="GetPlaylists"> <arg name="Index" type="u" direction="in"/> <arg name="MaxCount" type="u" direction="in"/> <arg name="Order" type="s" direction="in"/> <arg name="ReverseOrder" type="b" direction="in"/> <arg name="Playlists" type="a(oss)" direction="out"/> </method> <signal name="PlaylistChanged"> <arg name="Playlist" type="oss"/> </signal> <property name="PlaylistCount" type="u" access="read"/> <property name="Orderings" type="as" access="read"/> <property name="ActivePlaylist" type="(b(oss))" access="read"/> </interface> </node> """ INTERFACE = "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Playlists" def ActivatePlaylist(self, playlist_id): logger.debug("%s.ActivatePlaylist(%r) called", self.INTERFACE, playlist_id) playlist_uri = get_playlist_uri(playlist_id) playlist = self.core.playlists.lookup(playlist_uri).get() if playlist and playlist.tracks: tl_tracks = self.core.tracklist.add(playlist.tracks).get()[0].tlid).get() def GetPlaylists(self, index, max_count, order, reverse): logger.debug( "%s.GetPlaylists(%r, %r, %r, %r) called", self.INTERFACE, index, max_count, order, reverse, ) playlists = self.core.playlists.as_list().get() if order == "Alphabetical": playlists.sort(key=lambda p:, reverse=reverse) elif order == "User" and reverse: playlists.reverse() slice_end = index + max_count playlists = playlists[index:slice_end] results = [(get_playlist_id(p.uri),, "") for p in playlists] return results PlaylistChanged = signal() @property def PlaylistCount(self): self.log_trace("Getting %s.PlaylistCount", self.INTERFACE) return len(self.core.playlists.as_list().get()) @property def Orderings(self): self.log_trace("Getting %s.Orderings", self.INTERFACE) return [ "Alphabetical", # Order by "User", # Don't change order ] @property def ActivePlaylist(self): self.log_trace("Getting %s.ActivePlaylist", self.INTERFACE) playlist_is_valid = False playlist = ("/", "None", "") return (playlist_is_valid, playlist)