Exemple #1
def deconv_wiener(ys, hs, gamma=1.0e-6, n_threads=6, y_is_fft=False, h_is_fft=False, fft_is_unitary=True):

    """ wiener deconv

    y is/are the recorded image(s)
    h is/are the (already fftshifted) kernel(s)

    both can be equal sized tuples, in which case a joint deconvolution is performed

    if the data or the kernels are already fourier transformed then
    set y_is_fft/h_is_fft to True

    if not isinstance(ys, (list, tuple)):
        ys = [ys]

    if not isinstance(hs, (list, tuple)):
        hs = [hs]

    if len(ys) != len(hs):
        raise ValueError("len(y) != len(h)   %d != %d" % (len(ys), len(hs)))

    if not np.all([_y.shape == _h.shape for _y, _h in zip(ys, hs)]):
        raise ValueError("y and h have non compatible shapes...")

    if not y_is_fft:
        dshape = ys[0].shape
        dshape = ys[0].shape[:-1] + (2 * (ys[0].shape[-1] - 1),)

    FFTW = MyFFTW(dshape, unitary=fft_is_unitary, n_threads=n_threads)

    if not h_is_fft:
        Hs = [FFTW.rfftn(h) for h in hs]
        Hs = hs

    if not y_is_fft:
        Ys = [FFTW.rfftn(y) for y in ys]
        Ys = ys

    U = reduce(np.add, [_H.conjugate() * _Y for _H, _Y in zip(Hs, Ys)])

    U /= 1.0 * gamma + reduce(np.add, [np.abs(_H) ** 2 for _H in Hs])

    return FFTW.irfftn(U)
Exemple #2
def deconv_wiener2(ys, hs, gamma=1.0e-6, n_threads=6, y_is_fft=False, h_is_fft=False):

    """ wiener deconv

    y is/are the recorded image(s)
    h is/are the (already fftshifted) kernel(s)

    both can be equal sized tuples, in which case a joint deconvolution is performed

    if the data or the kernels are already fourier transformed then
    set y_is_fft/h_is_fft to True

    noise level is estimated
    gamma is the thikoniv regularizer


    if not isinstance(ys, (list, tuple)):
        ys = [ys]

    if not isinstance(hs, (list, tuple)):
        hs = [hs]

    if len(ys) != len(hs):
        raise ValueError("len(y) != len(h)   %d != %d" % (len(ys), len(hs)))

    if not np.all([_y.shape == _h.shape for _y, _h in zip(ys, hs)]):
        raise ValueError("y and h have non compatible shapes...")

    if not y_is_fft:
        dshape = ys[0].shape
        dshape = ys[0].shape[:-1] + (2 * (ys[0].shape[-1] - 1),)

    FFTW = MyFFTW(dshape, unitary=True, n_threads=n_threads)

    if not h_is_fft:
        Hs = [FFTW.rfftn(h) for h in hs]
        Hs = hs

    if not y_is_fft:
        Ys = [FFTW.rfftn(y) for y in ys]
        Ys = ys

    # estimate noise power spectrum
    hs_cut = [np.abs(h_f[0, 0]) * 1.0e-6 for h_f in Hs]
    # inds_noise = [2./(1.+np.exp((np.abs(h_f)-h_cut)/h_cut)) for h_cut, h_f in zip(hs_cut,Hs)]
    inds_noise = [1.0 * (np.abs(h_f) < h_cut) for h_cut, h_f in zip(hs_cut, Hs)]
    inds_signal = [1.0 - ind_noise for ind_noise in inds_noise]

    # the different power spectra
    ps_y = [np.abs(y_f) ** 2 for y_f in Ys]
    ps_signal = [ind * p for ind, p in zip(inds_signal, ps_y)]

    mean_ps_noise = [np.mean(ind * p) for ind, p in zip(inds_noise, ps_y)]

    ps_noise = [
        ind_n * p + ind_s * mean_p for ind_n, ind_s, p, mean_p in zip(inds_noise, inds_signal, ps_y, mean_ps_noise)

    filters = [p_signal / (1.0 * p_signal + p_noise) for p_signal, p_noise in zip(ps_signal, ps_noise)]

    U = reduce(np.add, [_H.conjugate() * _Y * _F for _H, _Y, _F in zip(Hs, Ys, filters)])

    U /= 1.0 * gamma + reduce(np.add, [np.abs(_H) ** 2 for _H in Hs])

    return FFTW.irfftn(U)
Exemple #3
def deconv_hyperlap(y, h,
                    lam = 1000.,
                    outeriter= 6,
                    inneriter = 1,
                    alpha = None,
                    n_threads = 6,
                    logged = False):
    """ hyper laplacian regularized deconvolution

    Krishnan et al
    see http://people.ee.duke.edu/~lcarin/NIPS2009_0341.pdf

    y is/are the recorded image(s)
    h is/are the (already fftshifted) kernel(s) of same shape

    both can be equal sized tuples, in which case a joint deconvolution is performed

    if the data or the kernels are already fourier transformed then
    set y_is_fft/h_is_fft to True

    # see the paper for definition of the following hyperparameter
    beta = 1.
    beta_inc = 2.8

    if alpha is not None:
        look = get_lookup(alpha)
        alpha = 1.

    #make everything scale invariant
    y_mean = np.mean(y)
    y = y/y_mean

    dshape = y.shape
    FFTW = MyFFTW(dshape,unitary = False, n_threads = n_threads)

    H = FFTW.rfftn(h)
    Y = FFTW.rfftn(y)

    fs = finite_deriv_dft_forward(dshape, use_rfft=True)

    x = 1.*y

    den1  = reduce(np.add,[f.conjugate()*f for f in fs])
    den2 = H.conjugate()*H

    nom1 = H.conjugate()*Y

    res = []

    def objective(x):
        dxs = np.gradient(x)
        X = FFTW.rfftn(x)
        x_b = FFTW.irfftn(X*H)
        ener = .5*lam*np.sum((x_b-y)**2)
        grad = np.sum([abs(dx)**alpha for dx in dxs])
        return ener +grad

    for i in xrange(outeriter):
        print "iteration: %d / %d"%(i+1,outeriter)
        for _ in xrange(inneriter):
            # w subproblem
            #dx1, dx2 = np.gradient(x)
            #dxs = [.5*(np.roll(x,-1,i)-np.roll(x,1,i)) for i in range(y.ndim)]

            dxs = np.gradient(x)

            if alpha == 1.:
                ws = [soft_thresh(dx,1./beta) for dx in dxs]
                ws = [look(dx,beta) for dx in dxs]

            # x subproblem
            w_fs = [FFTW.rfftn(w) for w in ws]

            nom2 = reduce(np.add,[f.conjugate()*w_f for f, w_f in zip(fs,w_fs)])

            x = FFTW.irfftn((nom1+1.*lam/beta*nom2)/(reg0*lam/beta+den1+1.*lam/beta*den2))

            # nom = f1.conjugate()*w1_f + f2.conjugate()*w2_f + 1.*lam/beta*H.conjugate()*Y
            # den = reg + f1.conjugate()*f1 + f2.conjugate()*f2 + 1.*lam/beta*H.conjugate()*H
            # x = FFTW.irfftn(nom/den)

            if logged:
                print "objective f = %s"%objective(x)

            # return H.conjugate()*Y

        beta *= beta_inc

    x *= y_mean

    return x, res
Exemple #4
def deconv_tv_al(ys, hs,
                 mu = 1000.,
                 rho = 2., 
                 Niter = 10,
                 n_threads = 6,
                 tv_norm = "isotropic",
                 y_is_fft = False,
                 h_is_fft = False):
    """ total variation deconv

    y is/are the recorded image(s)
    h is/are the kernel(s)

    both can be equal sized tuples, in which case a joint deconvolution is performed

    if the data or the kernels are already fourier transformed then
    set y_is_fft/h_is_fft to True

    tv_norm = "isotropic","anisotropic"

    if not isinstance(ys,(list,tuple)):
        ys = [ys]

    if not isinstance(hs,(list,tuple)):
        hs = [hs]
    if len(ys) != len(hs):
        raise ValueError("len(y) != len(h)   %d != %d"%(len(ys),len(hs)))

    if not np.all([_y.shape == _h.shape for _y, _h in zip(ys,hs)]):
        raise ValueError("y and h have non compatible shapes...")

    if not y_is_fft:
        dshape = ys[0].shape
        dshape = ys[0].shape[:-1]+(2*(ys[0].shape[-1]-1),)
    FFTW = MyFFTW(dshape,n_threads = n_threads)

    if not h_is_fft:
        Hs = [FFTW.rfftn(h) for h in hs]
        Hs = hs

    if not y_is_fft:
        Ys = [FFTW.rfftn(y) for y in ys]
        Ys = ys

    lap  = -dft_lap(dshape, use_rfft = True)

    if not y_is_fft:
        f = 1.*ys[0]
        f = np.real(FFTW.irfftn(ys[0]))
    #u = np.array(np.gradient(f))
    u = grad(f)
    y = np.zeros((ys[0].ndim,)+dshape)

    rnorm = 0.
    for i in range(Niter):
        # print i, _fun(f,mu), rho

        # f subproblem

        f_f = 1.*mu/rho*reduce(np.add,[_H.conjugate()*_Y for _H,_Y in zip(Hs,Ys)])
        f_f -= FFTW.rfftn(divergence(u-1./rho*y))

        f_f /= 1.*mu/rho*reduce(np.add,[np.abs(_H)**2 for _H in Hs]) + lap

        f = np.real(FFTW.irfftn(f_f))

        # u subproblem
        #df = np.array(np.gradient(f))
        df = grad(f)

        if tv_norm == "isotropic":
            # isotropic  case
            v = df + 1./rho*y
            mv = np.sqrt(np.sum(v**2,axis=0))
            mv[mv==0] = 1.
            tv = np.maximum(0,mv-1./rho)/mv
            u = tv*v
            # anisotropic case
            u = soft_thresh(df + 1./rho*y,1./rho)

        y -= rho*(u-df)

        print rho
        rnorm_new = np.sqrt(np.mean((u-df)**2))
        if rnorm_new > .7*rnorm:
            rho *= 2.
        rnorm = rnorm_new

    return f
Exemple #5
def deconv_hyperlap_breg(y, h,
                    lam = 1000.,
                    gamma = 5.,
                    niter = 10,
                    n_threads = 6,
                    logged = False):

    """ hyper laplacian regularized deconvolution via split bregman

    Krishnan et al
    see http://people.ee.duke.edu/~lcarin/NIPS2009_0341.pdf

    y is/are the recorded image(s)
    h is/are the (already fftshifted) kernel(s) of same shape
    both can be equal sized tuples, in which case a joint deconvolution is performed

    if the data or the kernels are already fourier transformed then
    set y_is_fft/h_is_fft to True

        lam - the higher, the bigger the data term
        gamma - the smaller, the more TV enforced


    alpha = 1.

    #make everything scale invariant
    y_mean = np.mean(y)
    y = y/y_mean

    dshape = y.shape
    FFTW = MyFFTW(dshape,unitary = False, n_threads = n_threads)

    H = FFTW.rfftn(h)
    Y = FFTW.rfftn(y)

    dft_stencil = dft_lap(dshape, use_rfft=True)

    x = 1.*y

    def objective(x):
        dxs = np.gradient(x)
        X = FFTW.rfftn(x)
        x_b = FFTW.irfftn(X*H)
        ener = .5*lam*np.sum((x_b-y)**2)
        grad = np.sum([abs(dx)**alpha for dx in dxs])
        return ener + grad

    d = np.zeros((x.ndim,)+x.shape)
    b = np.zeros((x.ndim,)+x.shape)
    grad_x = np.stack(np.gradient(x))

    for i in xrange(niter):
        print "iteration: %d / %d"%(i+1,niter)

        # d subproblem
        d = soft_thresh(grad_x+b,1./gamma)

        # x subproblem

        nom1 = H.conjugate()*Y
        nom2 = FFTW.rfftn(divergence(d-b))

        den1 = H.conjugate()*H
        den2  = dft_stencil

        x = FFTW.irfftn((1.*lam/gamma*nom1 - nom2)/(1.*lam/gamma*den1 - den2))

        grad_x = np.stack(np.gradient(x))

        # enforcing constraint
        b += grad_x - d

    x *= y_mean
    return x