Exemple #1
 def testExtend(self):
     """MultiValue: Extending a list converts all to required type"""
     multival = MultiValue(IS, [1, 5, 10])
     multival.extend(['7', 42])
     assert isinstance(multival[-2], IS)
     assert isinstance(multival[-1], IS)
     assert 7 == multival[-2]
Exemple #2
 def testAppend(self):
     """MultiValue: Append of item converts it to required type..."""
     multival = MultiValue(IS, [1, 5, 10])
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(multival[-1], IS))
     self.assertEqual(multival[-1], 5,
                      "Item set by append is not correct value")
 def testAppend(self):
     """MultiValue: Append of item converts it to required type..."""
     multival = MultiValue(IS, [1, 5, 10])
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(multival[-1], IS))
     self.assertEqual(multival[-1], 5,
                      "Item set by append is not correct value")
Exemple #4
 def test_multivalue_DA(self):
     """Write DA/DT/TM data elements.........."""
     multi_DA_expected = (date(1961, 8, 4), date(1963, 11, 22))
     DA_expected = date(1961, 8, 4)
     tzinfo = tzoffset('-0600', -21600)
     multi_DT_expected = (datetime(1961, 8, 4),
                          datetime(1963, 11, 22, 12, 30, 0, 0,
                                   tzoffset('-0600', -21600)))
     multi_TM_expected = (time(1, 23, 45), time(11, 11, 11))
     TM_expected = time(11, 11, 11, 1)
     ds = read_file(datetime_name)
     # Add date/time data elements
     ds.CalibrationDate = MultiValue(DA, multi_DA_expected)
     ds.DateOfLastCalibration = DA(DA_expected)
     ds.ReferencedDateTime = MultiValue(DT, multi_DT_expected)
     ds.CalibrationTime = MultiValue(TM, multi_TM_expected)
     ds.TimeOfLastCalibration = TM(TM_expected)
     # Now read it back in and check the values are as expected
     ds = read_file(datetime_out)
         multi_DA_expected, ds.CalibrationDate,
         "Multiple dates not written correctly (VR=DA)")
     self.assertEqual(DA_expected, ds.DateOfLastCalibration,
                      "Date not written correctly (VR=DA)")
         multi_DT_expected, ds.ReferencedDateTime,
         "Multiple datetimes not written correctly (VR=DT)")
         multi_TM_expected, ds.CalibrationTime,
         "Multiple times not written correctly (VR=TM)")
     self.assertEqual(TM_expected, ds.TimeOfLastCalibration,
                      "Time not written correctly (VR=DA)")
     if os.path.exists(datetime_out):
         os.remove(datetime_out)  # get rid of the file
Exemple #5
 def testExtend(self):
     """MultiValue: Extending a list converts all to required type"""
     multival = MultiValue(IS, [1, 5, 10])
     multival.extend(['7', 42])
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(multival[-2], IS))
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(multival[-1], IS))
     self.assertEqual(multival[-2], 7, "Item set by extend not correct value")
Exemple #6
 def testExtend(self):
     """MultiValue: Extending a list converts all to required type"""
     multival = MultiValue(IS, [1, 5, 10])
     multival.extend(['7', 42])
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(multival[-2], IS))
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(multival[-1], IS))
     self.assertEqual(multival[-2], 7, "Item set by extend not correct value")
 def testIssue236DeepCopy(self):
     """MultiValue: deepcopy of MultiValue does not generate an error"""
     multival = MultiValue(IS, range(7))
     multival = MultiValue(DS, range(7))
     multival = MultiValue(DSfloat, range(7))
Exemple #8
 def test_str_rep(self):
     """MultiValue: test print output"""
     multival = MultiValue(IS, [])
     assert '' == str(multival)
     multival = MultiValue(str, [1, 2, 3])
     assert "['1', '2', '3']" == str(multival)
     multival = MultiValue(int, [1, 2, 3])
     assert '[1, 2, 3]' == str(multival)
     multival = MultiValue(float, [1.1, 2.2, 3.3])
     assert '[1.1, 2.2, 3.3]' == str(multival)
Exemple #9
def generate_dicom_scans(dst, num_scans=10, intercept=0, slope=1):
    spacing = (0.4 + 0.4 * np.random.rand(num_scans, 3) +
               np.array([1 + 0.5 * np.random.rand(), 0, 0]))
    origin = np.random.randint(-200, 200, (num_scans, 3))
    for i in range(num_scans):
        num_slices = np.random.randint(128, 169)
        scan_id = np.random.randint(2**16)
        scan_data = np.random.randint(0, 256, (num_slices, 128, 128))
        folder = os.path.join(dst,
                              hex(scan_id).replace('x', '').upper().zfill(8))

        if not os.path.exists(folder):

        for k in range(num_slices):
            slice_name = (hex(scan_id + k).replace('x', '').upper().zfill(8))
            filename = os.path.join(folder, slice_name)
            pixel_array = (scan_data[k, ...] - intercept) / slope
            locZ = float(origin[i, 0] + spacing[i, 0] * k)
            locY, locX = float(origin[i, 1]), float(origin[i, 2])

            file_meta = DicomDataset()
            file_meta.MediaStorageSOPClassUID = "Secondary Capture Image Storage"
            file_meta.MediaStorateSOPInstanceUID = (hex(scan_id).replace(
                'x', '').upper().zfill(8))

            file_meta.ImplementationClassUID = slice_name

            dataset = DicomFileDataset(filename, {},
                                       preamble=b"\0" * 128)

            dataset.PixelData = pixel_array.astype(np.uint16).tostring()
            dataset.RescaleSlope = slope
            dataset.RescaleIntercept = intercept

            dataset.ImagePositionPatient = MultiValue(
                type_constructor=float, iterable=[locZ, locY, locX])

            dataset.PixelSpacing = MultiValue(
                iterable=[float(spacing[i, 1]),
                          float(spacing[i, 2])])
            dataset.SliceThickness = float(spacing[i, 0])

            dataset.Modality = 'WSD'
            dataset.Columns = pixel_array.shape[0]
            dataset.Rows = pixel_array.shape[1]
            dataset.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID = pydicom.uid.ImplicitVRLittleEndian
            dataset.PixelRepresentation = 1
            dataset.BitsAllocated = 16
            dataset.BitsStored = 16
            dataset.SamplesPerPixel = 1

            write_file(filename, dataset)
Exemple #10
 def testEmptyElements(self):
     """MultiValue: Empty number string elements are not converted..."""
     multival = MultiValue(DSfloat, ['1.0', ''])
     self.assertEqual(1.0, multival[0])
     self.assertEqual('', multival[1])
     multival = MultiValue(IS, ['1', ''])
     self.assertEqual(1, multival[0])
     self.assertEqual('', multival[1])
     multival = MultiValue(DSdecimal, ['1', ''])
     self.assertEqual(1, multival[0])
     self.assertEqual('', multival[1])
Exemple #11
    def testEmptyElements(self):
        """MultiValue: Empty number string elements are not converted..."""
        multival = MultiValue(DSfloat, ['1.0', ''])
        assert 1.0 == multival[0]
        assert '' == multival[1]
        multival = MultiValue(IS, ['1', ''])
        assert 1 == multival[0]
        assert '' == multival[1]
        multival = MultiValue(DSdecimal, ['1', ''])
        assert 1 == multival[0]
        assert '' == multival[1]

        multival = MultiValue(IS, [])
        assert not multival
        assert 0 == len(multival)
Exemple #12
    def test_empty_binary_values(self):
        """Test that assigning an empty value behaves as expected for
        non-text VRs."""
        def check_empty_binary_element(value):
            setattr(ds, tag_name, value)
            elem = ds[tag_name]
            assert bool(elem.value) is False
            assert 0 == elem.VM
            assert elem.value == value
            fp = DicomBytesIO()
            filewriter.write_dataset(fp, ds)
            ds_read = dcmread(fp, force=True)
            assert ds_read[tag_name].value is None

        non_text_vrs = {
            'AT': 'OffendingElement',
            'DS': 'PatientWeight',
            'IS': 'BeamNumber',
            'SL': 'RationalNumeratorValue',
            'SS': 'SelectorSSValue',
            'UL': 'SimpleFrameList',
            'US': 'SourceAcquisitionBeamNumber',
            'FD': 'RealWorldValueLUTData',
            'FL': 'VectorAccuracy',
            'OB': 'FillPattern',
            'OD': 'DoubleFloatPixelData',
            'OF': 'UValueData',
            'OL': 'TrackPointIndexList',
            'OW': 'TrianglePointIndexList',
            'UN': 'SelectorUNValue',
        ds = Dataset()
        ds.is_little_endian = True
        # set value to new element
        for tag_name in non_text_vrs.values():
            del ds[tag_name]
            del ds[tag_name]
            check_empty_binary_element(MultiValue(int, []))
            del ds[tag_name]

        # set value to existing element
        for tag_name in non_text_vrs.values():
            check_empty_binary_element(MultiValue(int, []))
Exemple #13
def convert_ATvalue(
    byte_string: bytes,
    is_little_endian: bool,
    struct_format: Optional[str] = None
) -> Union[BaseTag, MutableSequence[BaseTag]]:
    """Return a decoded 'AT' value.

    byte_string : bytes
        The encoded 'AT' element value.
    is_little_endian : bool
        ``True`` if the value is encoded as little endian, ``False`` otherwise.
    struct_format : str, optional
        Not used.

    BaseTag or MultiValue of BaseTag
        The decoded value(s).
    length = len(byte_string)
    if length == 4:
        return convert_tag(byte_string, is_little_endian)

    # length > 4
    if length % 4 != 0:
        logger.warning("Expected length to be multiple of 4 for VR 'AT', "
                       f"got length {length}")
    return MultiValue(Tag, [
        convert_tag(byte_string, is_little_endian, offset=x)
        for x in range(0, length, 4)
Exemple #14
def convert_PN(byte_string,
    """Read and return string(s) as PersonName instance(s)"""
    def get_valtype(x):
        if not in_py2:
            if encoding:
                return PersonName(x, encoding).decode()
            return PersonName(x).decode()
        return PersonName(x)

    # XXX - We have to replicate MultiString functionality
    # here because we can't decode easily here since that
    # is performed in PersonNameUnicode
    ends_with1 = byte_string.endswith(b' ')
    ends_with2 = byte_string.endswith(b'\x00')
    if byte_string and (ends_with1 or ends_with2):
        byte_string = byte_string[:-1]

    splitup = byte_string.split(b"\\")

    if len(splitup) == 1:
        return get_valtype(splitup[0])
        return MultiValue(get_valtype, splitup)
Exemple #15
 def testSetIndex(self):
     """MultiValue: Setting list item converts it to required type"""
     multival = MultiValue(IS, [1, 5, 10])
     multival[1] = '7'
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(multival[1], IS))
     self.assertEqual(multival[1], 7,
                      "Item set by index is not correct value")
Exemple #16
 def testDeleteIndex(self):
     """MultiValue: Deleting item at index behaves as expected..."""
     multival = MultiValue(IS, [1, 5, 10])
     del multival[1]
     self.assertEqual(2, len(multival))
     self.assertEqual(multival[0], 1)
     self.assertEqual(multival[1], 10)
Exemple #17
def MultiString(val, valtype=str):
    """Split a bytestring by delimiters if there are any

    val : bytes or str
        DICOM byte string to split up.
        Default :class:`str`, but can be e.g. :class:`~pydicom.uid.UID` to
        overwrite to a specific type.

    valtype or list of valtype
        The split value as `valtype` or a :class:`list` of `valtype`.
    # Remove trailing blank used to pad to even length
    # 2005.05.25: also check for trailing 0, error made
    # in PET files we are converting

    while val and (val.endswith(' ') or val.endswith('\x00')):
        val = val[:-1]
    splitup = val.split("\\")

    if len(splitup) == 1:
        val = splitup[0]
        return valtype(val) if val else val
        return MultiValue(valtype, splitup)
Exemple #18
def convert_DT_string(
    byte_string: bytes,
    is_little_endian: bool,
    struct_format: Optional[str] = None
) -> Union[str, DT, SequenceType[Union[str, DT]]]:
    """Return a decoded 'DT' value.

    byte_string : bytes
        The encoded 'DT' element value.
    is_little_endian : bool
        ``True`` if the value is encoded as little endian, ``False`` otherwise.
    struct_format : str, optional
        Not used.

    str or MultiValue of str or valuerep.DT or MultiValue of DT
        :attr:`~pydicom.config.datetime_conversion` is ``True`` then returns
        :class:`~pydicom.valuerep.DT` or a :class:`list` of ``DT``, otherwise
        returns :class:`str` or ``list`` of ``str``.
    if config.datetime_conversion:
        splitup = byte_string.decode(default_encoding).split("\\")
        if len(splitup) == 1:
            return _DT_from_str(splitup[0])

        return MultiValue(_DT_from_str, splitup)

    return convert_string(byte_string, is_little_endian, struct_format)
Exemple #19
def convert_PN(byte_string, encodings=None):
    """Return a decoded 'PN' value.

    byte_string : bytes or str
        The encoded 'IS' element value.
    encodings : list of str, optional
        A list of the character encoding schemes used to encode the 'PN' value.

    valuerep.PersonName or list of PersonName
        The decoded 'PN' value(s).
    def get_valtype(x):
        return PersonName(x, encodings).decode()

    if byte_string.endswith((b' ', b'\x00')):
        byte_string = byte_string[:-1]

    splitup = byte_string.split(b"\\")

    if len(splitup) == 1:
        return get_valtype(splitup[0])
        return MultiValue(get_valtype, splitup)
Exemple #20
def convert_text(byte_string, encodings=None):
    """Return a decoded text VR value, ignoring backslashes.

    Text VRs are 'SH', 'LO' and 'UC'.

    byte_string : bytes or str
        The encoded text VR element value.
    encodings : list of str, optional
        A list of the character encoding schemes used to encode the value.

    unicode or list of unicode
        The decoded value(s) if in Python 2.
    str or list of str
        The decoded value(s) if in Python 3.
    values = byte_string.split(b'\\')
    values = [convert_single_string(value, encodings) for value in values]
    if len(values) == 1:
        return values[0]
        return MultiValue(compat.text_type, values)
Exemple #21
def convert_PN(
    byte_string: bytes, encodings: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> Union[PersonName, MutableSequence[PersonName]]:
    """Return a decoded 'PN' value.

    byte_string : bytes
        The encoded 'PN' element value.
    encodings : list of str, optional
        A list of the character encoding schemes used to encode the 'PN' value.

    valuerep.PersonName or MultiValue of PersonName
        The decoded 'PN' value(s).
    def get_valtype(x: bytes) -> PersonName:
        return PersonName(x, encodings).decode()

    b_split = byte_string.rstrip(b'\x00 ').split(b'\\')
    if len(b_split) == 1:
        return get_valtype(b_split[0])

    return MultiValue(get_valtype, b_split)
Exemple #22
 def testSlice(self):
     """MultiValue: Setting slice converts items to required type."""
     multival = MultiValue(IS, range(7))
     multival[2:7:2] = [4, 16, 36]
     for val in multival:
         assert isinstance(val, IS)
     assert 16 == multival[4]
Exemple #23
def convert_text(
    byte_string: bytes, encodings: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> Union[str, MutableSequence[str]]:
    """Return a decoded text VR value, ignoring backslashes.

    Text VRs are 'SH', 'LO' and 'UC'.

    byte_string : bytes
        The encoded text VR element value.
    encodings : list of str, optional
        A list of the character encoding schemes used to encode the value.

    str or list of str
        The decoded value(s).
    values = byte_string.split(b'\\')
    as_strings = [convert_single_string(value, encodings) for value in values]
    if len(as_strings) == 1:
        return as_strings[0]

    return MultiValue(str, as_strings)
Exemple #24
def convert_ATvalue(byte_string, is_little_endian, struct_format=None):
    """Return a decoded 'AT' value.

    byte_string : bytes or str
        The encoded 'AT' element value.
    is_little_endian : bool
        ``True`` if the value is encoded as little endian, ``False`` otherwise.
    struct_format : str, optional
        Not used.

    BaseTag or list of BaseTag
        The decoded value(s).
    length = len(byte_string)
    if length == 4:
        return convert_tag(byte_string, is_little_endian)

    # length > 4
    if length % 4 != 0:
            "Expected length to be multiple of 4 for VR 'AT', "
            "got length %d", length)
    return MultiValue(Tag, [
        convert_tag(byte_string, is_little_endian, offset=x)
        for x in range(0, length, 4)
Exemple #25
def convert_TM_string(
    byte_string: bytes,
    is_little_endian: bool,
    struct_format: Optional[str] = None
) -> Union[str, TM, MutableSequence[str], MutableSequence[TM]]:
    """Return a decoded 'TM' value.

    byte_string : bytes
        The encoded 'TM' element value.
    is_little_endian : bool
        ``True`` if the value is encoded as little endian, ``False`` otherwise.
    struct_format : str, optional
        Not used.

    str or list of str or valuerep.TM or list of valuerep.TM
        :attr:`~pydicom.config.datetime_conversion` is ``True`` then returns
        either :class:`~pydicom.valuerep.TM` or a :class:`list` of ``TM``,
        otherwise returns :class:`str` or ``list`` of ``str``.
    if config.datetime_conversion:
        splitup = byte_string.decode(default_encoding).split("\\")
        if len(splitup) == 1:
            return _TM_from_str(splitup[0])

        return MultiValue(_TM_from_str, splitup)

    return convert_string(byte_string, is_little_endian)
Exemple #26
def convert_text(byte_string: bytes,
                 encodings: Optional[List[str]] = None,
                 vr: str = None) -> Union[str, MutableSequence[str]]:
    """Return a decoded text VR value.

    Text VRs are 'SH', 'LO' and 'UC'.

    byte_string : bytes
        The encoded text VR element value.
    encodings : list of str, optional
        A list of the character encoding schemes used to encode the value.
    vr : str
        The value representation of the element. Needed for validation.

    str or list of str
        The decoded value(s).
    values = byte_string.split(b'\\')
    as_strings = [
        convert_single_string(value, encodings, vr) for value in values
    if len(as_strings) == 1:
        return as_strings[0]

    return MultiValue(str,
Exemple #27
def convert_PN(byte_string, is_little_endian, struct_format=None, encoding=None):
    """Read and return string(s) as PersonName instance(s)"""

    # XXX - We have to replicate MultiString functionality here because we can't decode
    # easily here since that is performed in PersonNameUnicode
    if byte_string and (byte_string.endswith(b' ') or byte_string.endswith(b'\x00')):
        byte_string = byte_string[:-1]

    splitup = byte_string.split(b"\\")

    if encoding and not in_py2:
        args = (encoding,)
        args = ()

    # We would like to return string literals
    if not in_py2:
        valtype = lambda x: PersonName(x, *args).decode()
        valtype = lambda x: PersonName(x, *args)

    if len(splitup) == 1:
        return valtype(splitup[0])
        return MultiValue(valtype, splitup)
Exemple #28
def convert_PN(byte_string, encodings=None):
    """Return a decoded 'PN' value.

    byte_string : bytes or str
        The encoded 'IS' element value.
    encodings : list of str, optional
        A list of the character encoding schemes used to encode the 'PN' value.

    valuerep.PersonName3 or list of PersonName3
        The decoded 'PN' value(s) if using Python 3.
    valuerep.PersonNameUnicode or list of PersonNameUnicode
        The decoded 'PN' value(s) if using Python 2.
    def get_valtype(x):
        if not in_py2:
            return PersonName(x, encodings).decode()
        return PersonName(x, encodings)

    # XXX - We have to replicate MultiString functionality
    # here because we can't decode easily here since that
    # is performed in PersonNameUnicode
    if byte_string.endswith((b' ', b'\x00')):
        byte_string = byte_string[:-1]

    splitup = byte_string.split(b"\\")

    if len(splitup) == 1:
        return get_valtype(splitup[0])
        return MultiValue(get_valtype, splitup)
Exemple #29
def MultiString(
    val: str,
    valtype: Optional[Union[Type[_T], Callable[[object], _T]]] = None
) -> Union[_T, SequenceType[_T]]:
    """Split a bytestring by delimiters if there are any

    val : str
        The string to split up.
    valtype : type or callable, optional
        Default :class:`str`, but can be e.g. :class:`~pydicom.uid.UID` to
        overwrite to a specific type.

    valtype or MultiValue of valtype
        The split value as `valtype` or a :class:`list` of `valtype`.
    valtype = str if valtype is None else valtype
    # Remove trailing blank used to pad to even length
    # 2005.05.25: also check for trailing 0, error made
    # in PET files we are converting
    while val and val.endswith((' ', '\x00')):
        val = val[:-1]

    splitup = val.split("\\")
    if len(splitup) == 1:
        val = splitup[0]
        return valtype(val) if val else val

    return MultiValue(valtype, splitup)
Exemple #30
def convert_TM_string(byte_string, is_little_endian, struct_format=None):
    """Return a decoded 'TM' value.

    byte_string : bytes or str
        The encoded 'TM' element value.
    is_little_endian : bool
        ``True`` if the value is encoded as little endian, ``False`` otherwise.
    struct_format : str, optional
        Not used.

    str or list of str or valuerep.TM or list of valuerep.TM
        :attr:`~pydicom.config.datetime_conversion` is ``True`` then returns
        either :class:`~pydicom.valuerep.TM` or a :class:`list` of ``TM``,
        otherwise returns :class:`str` or ``list`` of ``str``.
    if config.datetime_conversion:
        if not in_py2:
            byte_string = byte_string.decode(default_encoding)
        splitup = byte_string.split("\\")
        if len(splitup) == 1:
            return _TM_from_byte_string(splitup[0])
            return MultiValue(_TM_from_byte_string, splitup)
        return convert_string(byte_string, is_little_endian, struct_format)
Exemple #31
def convert_AE_string(
    byte_string: bytes,
    is_little_endian: bool,
    struct_format: Optional[str] = None
) -> Union[str, MutableSequence[str]]:
    """Return a decoded 'AE' value.

    Elements with VR of 'AE' have non-significant leading and trailing spaces.

    byte_string : bytes
        The encoded 'AE' element value.
    is_little_endian : bool
        ``True`` if the value is encoded as little endian, ``False`` otherwise.
    struct_format : str, optional
        Not used.

        The decoded 'AE' value without non-significant spaces.
    # Differs from convert_string because leading spaces are non-significant
    values = byte_string.decode(default_encoding).split('\\')
    values = [s.strip() for s in values]
    if len(values) == 1:
        return values[0]

    return MultiValue(str, values)
Exemple #32
 def testDeleteIndex(self):
     """MultiValue: Deleting item at index behaves as expected..."""
     multival = MultiValue(IS, [1, 5, 10])
     del multival[1]
     assert 2 == len(multival)
     assert 1 == multival[0]
     assert 10 == multival[1]
Exemple #33
 def testSorting(self):
     """MultiValue: allow inline sort."""
     multival = MultiValue(DS, [12, 33, 5, 7, 1])
     self.assertEqual([1, 5, 7, 12, 33], multival)
     self.assertEqual([33, 12, 7, 5, 1], multival)
     self.assertEqual([1, 12, 33, 5, 7], multival)