def __init__(self, server: ServerConnector, session_id: str, arguments): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.__base = "" self.__has_context = None self.__module_pushed_completers = 0 self.__permissions = None self.__server = server self.__session_id = session_id self.__onecmd = arguments.onecmd = True self.aliases = {"l": "list", "ls": "list", "ll": "list"} self.intro = "drozer Console (v%s)" % meta.version self.history_file = os.path.sep.join( [os.path.expanduser("~"), ".drozer_history"]) self.modules = collection.ModuleCollection(loader.ModuleLoader()) self.prompt = "dz> " self.reflector = Reflector(self) self.ftp = Ftp(self) if hasattr(arguments, 'no_color') and not arguments.no_color: self.stdout = ColouredStream(self.stdout) self.stderr = ColouredStream(self.stderr) else: self.stdout = DecolouredStream(self.stdout) self.stderr = DecolouredStream(self.stderr) self.agent_version: int = 0 try: self.agent_version: int = int( self.reflector.resolve("").VERSION_CODE) except: pass m = Module(self) if m.has_context(): dataDir = str(m.getContext().getApplicationInfo().dataDir) else: dataDir = str("", ".").getCanonicalPath().native()) self.variables = { 'PATH': dataDir + '/bin:/sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin', 'WD': dataDir } self.__load_variables() if arguments.onecmd is None: self.__print_banner()
def __init__(self, server, session_id, arguments): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.__base = "" self.__has_context = None self.__module_pushed_completers = 0 self.__permissions = None self.__server = server self.__session_id = session_id self.__onecmd = arguments.onecmd = True self.aliases = {"l": "list", "ls": "list", "ll": "list"} self.intro = "drozer Console (v%s)" % meta.version self.history_file = os.path.sep.join( [os.path.expanduser("~"), ".drozer_history"]) self.modules = collection.ModuleCollection(loader.ModuleLoader()) self.prompt = "dz> " self.reflector = Reflector(self) if hasattr(arguments, 'no_color') and not arguments.no_color: # session stdout self.stdout = ColouredStream(self.stdout) self.filestdout = FileColouredStream(self.stdout) # session xmlstdout self.txmlstdout = XMLColouredStream(self.stdout) self.sqlstdout = MYSQLDB() self.stderr = ColouredStream(self.stderr) else: self.stdout = DecolouredStream(self.stdout) self.stderr = DecolouredStream(self.stderr) m = Module(self) if m.has_context(): dataDir = str(m.getContext().getApplicationInfo().dataDir) else: dataDir = str("", ".").getCanonicalPath().native()) self.variables = { 'PATH': dataDir + '/bin:/sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin', 'WD': dataDir } self.__load_variables() if arguments.onecmd == None: self.__print_banner()
def __init__(self, server, session_id, arguments): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.__base = "" self.__has_context = None self.__module_pushed_completers = 0 self.__permissions = None self.__server = server self.__session_id = session_id = True self.aliases = { "l": "list", "ls": "list", "ll": "list" } self.intro = "drozer Console (v%s)" % meta.version self.history_file = os.path.sep.join([os.path.expanduser("~"), ".drozer_history"]) self.modules = collection.ModuleCollection(loader.ModuleLoader()) self.prompt = "dz> " self.reflector = Reflector(self) if hasattr(arguments, 'no_color') and not arguments.no_color: self.stdout = ColouredStream(self.stdout) self.stderr = ColouredStream(self.stderr) else: self.stdout = DecolouredStream(self.stdout) self.stderr = DecolouredStream(self.stderr) self.variables = { 'PATH': '/data/data/', 'WD': '/data/data/' } self.__load_variables() if arguments.onecmd == None: self.__print_banner()
def __init__(self, server, session_id, arguments): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.__base = "" self.__has_context = None self.__module_pushed_completers = 0 self.__permissions = None self.__server = server self.__session_id = session_id self.__onecmd = arguments.onecmd = True self.aliases = { "l": "list", "ls": "list", "ll": "list" } self.intro = "drozer Console (v%s)" % meta.version self.history_file = os.path.sep.join([os.path.expanduser("~"), ".drozer_history"]) self.modules = collection.ModuleCollection(loader.ModuleLoader()) self.prompt = "dz> " self.reflector = Reflector(self) if hasattr(arguments, 'no_color') and not arguments.no_color: self.stdout = ColouredStream(self.stdout) self.stderr = ColouredStream(self.stderr) else: self.stdout = DecolouredStream(self.stdout) self.stderr = DecolouredStream(self.stderr) m = Module(self) if m.has_context(): dataDir = str(m.getContext().getApplicationInfo().dataDir) else: dataDir = str("", ".").getCanonicalPath().native()) self.variables = { 'PATH': dataDir +'/bin:/sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin', 'WD': dataDir } self.__load_variables() if arguments.onecmd == None: # self.__print_banner() pass
class Session(cmd.Cmd): """ drozer: Android Security Assessment Framework Type `help COMMAND` for more information on a particular command, or `help MODULE` for a particular module. """ def __init__(self, server, session_id, arguments): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.__base = "" self.__has_context = None self.__module_pushed_completers = 0 self.__permissions = None self.__server = server self.__session_id = session_id self.__onecmd = arguments.onecmd = True self.aliases = {"l": "list", "ls": "list", "ll": "list"} self.intro = "drozer Console (v%s)" % meta.version self.history_file = os.path.sep.join( [os.path.expanduser("~"), ".drozer_history"]) self.modules = collection.ModuleCollection(loader.ModuleLoader()) self.prompt = "dz> " self.reflector = Reflector(self) if hasattr(arguments, 'no_color') and not arguments.no_color: self.stdout = ColouredStream(self.stdout) self.stderr = ColouredStream(self.stderr) else: self.stdout = DecolouredStream(self.stdout) self.stderr = DecolouredStream(self.stderr) m = Module(self) if m.has_context(): dataDir = str(m.getContext().getApplicationInfo().dataDir) else: dataDir = str("", ".").getAbsolutePath())[:-2] self.variables = { 'PATH': dataDir + '/bin:/sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin', 'WD': dataDir } self.__load_variables() if arguments.onecmd == None: self.__print_banner() def completefilename(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): """ Provides readline auto-completion for filenames on the local (Console) file system. """ return common.path_completion.on_console(text) def completemodules(self, text): """ Provides readline auto-completion for drozer module names. """ modules = self.modules.all(permissions=self.permissions(), prefix=self.__base) if self.__base == "": modules = filter(lambda m: m.startswith(text), modules) elif text.startswith("."): modules = filter(lambda m: m.startswith(text[1:]), modules) else: modules = map( lambda m: m[len(self.__base):], filter(lambda m: m.startswith(self.__base + text), modules)) #if len(modules) == 1 and text == modules[0]: # return [] return modules def completenamespaces(self, text): """ Provides readline auto-completion for drozer namespaces. """ if self.__base == "": return filter(lambda m: m.startswith(text), self.__namespaces()) elif text.startswith("."): namespaces = self.__namespaces(global_scope=True) namespaces.add("..") return map(lambda m: "." + m, filter(lambda m: m.startswith(text[1:]), namespaces)) else: return map( lambda m: m[len(self.__base):], filter(lambda m: m.startswith(self.__base + text), self.__namespaces())) def context(self): if self.has_context(): return self.reflector.resolve("").getContext() else: return None def do_cd(self, args): """ usage: cd NAMESPACE The namespace is taken as relative to the current location in the module tree: dz> cd information dz#information> cd native dz#information.native> To specify an absolute path, prefix it with a period character: dz#information.native> cd .package dz#package> It is still possible to run commands from other namespaces, by specifying the absolute path (prefixed by a period) to the `run` command: dz> cd package dz#package> run Passing an empty string to `cd` will switch back to the root namespace: dz#information.native> cd dz> Passing '..' will move up one level: dz#information.native> cd .. dz#information> """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("cd") return if len(argv) == 0: argv.append("") if not self.__setBase(argv[0]): self.stderr.write("invalid path: %s\n" % argv[0]) def complete_cd(self, *args): """ Provides readline auto-completion for the `cd` command, suggesting namespaces. """ return self.completenamespaces(args[0]) def do_clean(self, args): """ usage: clean Cleans APK and DEX files from drozer's cache. During normal operation, drozer uploads a number of APK files to your device, and extracts the DEX bytecode from others already on your device. This can start to consume a large amount of space, particularly if you are developing drozer modules. The `clean` command removes all of these cached files for you. drozer will automatically re-upload any files that it needs as you continue to use it. """ files = clean.clean(self.reflector) self.stdout.write("Removed %d cached files.\n" % files) def do_contributors(self, args): """ Display a list of drozer contributors. """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("contributors") return self.stdout.write("Core Contributors:\n") for contributor in [ 'MWR InfoSecurity (@mwrlabs)', 'Luander ([email protected])', 'Rodrigo Chiossi ([email protected])' ]: self.stdout.write(" %s\n" % contributor) self.stdout.write("\nModule Contributors:\n") for contributor in self.modules.contributors(): self.stdout.write(" %s\n" % contributor) def do_exit(self, args): """ Terminate your drozer session. """ try: if self.__server.stopSession(self.__session_id) = False return True except ConnectionError: = False return True def do_help(self, args): """ usage: help [COMMAND OR MODULE] Displays help information. """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("help") return if len(argv) > 0: if self.__module_name(argv[0]) in self.modules.all( permissions=self.permissions()) or self.__module_name( "." + argv[0]) in self.modules.all( permissions=self.permissions()): self.do_run(" ".join([argv[0], "--help"])) else: try: func = getattr(self, 'help_' + argv[0]) except AttributeError: try: doc = getattr(self, 'do_' + argv[0]).__doc__ if doc: self.stdout.write( "%s\n" % wrap(textwrap.dedent(str(doc)).strip(), width=console.get_size()[0])) return except AttributeError: pass self.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(self.nohelp) % (argv[0], )) return func() else: cmd.Cmd.do_help(self, args) def complete_help(self, *args): """ Provides readline auto-completion for the `help` command, offering commands, modules and topics. """ commands = set(self.completenames(args[0])) modules = set(self.completemodules(args[0])) topics = set(a[5:] for a in self.get_names() if a.startswith('help_' + args[0])) return list(commands | modules | topics) def do_list(self, args): """ usage: list [FILTER] Displays a list of the available modules, optionally filtered by name. Examples: dz> list activity.forintent ... snip ... dz> list debug information.debuggable dz> optional arguments: --unsupported include a list of the modules that are not available on your device """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("list") return include_unsupported = False if "--unsupported" in argv: argv.remove("--unsupported") include_unsupported = True term = len(argv) > 0 and argv[0] or None s_modules = self.modules.all(contains=term, permissions=self.permissions(), prefix=self.__base) if include_unsupported: u_modules = filter( lambda m: not m in s_modules, self.modules.all(contains=term, permissions=None, prefix=self.__base)) else: u_modules = [] self.stdout.write( console.format_dict( dict(map(lambda m: [m, self.modules.get(m).name], s_modules))) + "\n") if len(u_modules) > 0: self.stdout.write("\nUnsupported Modules:\n\n") self.stdout.write( console.format_dict( dict( map(lambda m: [m, self.modules.get(m).name], u_modules))) + "\n") def do_load(self, args): """ usage: load FILE Loads a file, and executes it as a script. """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("load") return if len(argv) > 0: try: Sequencer(argv).run(self) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.stderr.write( "\nCaught SIGINT. Interrupt again to terminate you session.\n" ) except Exception as e: self.handleException(e) else: self.do_help("load") def complete_load(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): """ Provides readline auto-completion for the `load` command, offering local file names. """ return self.completefilename(text, line, begidx, endidx) def do_module(self, args): """ usage: module [COMMAND] Run the drozer Module and Repository Manager. The Repository Manager handles drozer modules and module repositories. """ ModuleManager().run(shlex.split(args, comments=True)) self.modules.reload() def do_permissions(self, args): """ usage: permissions Prints out the permissions granted to the agent being used in this session. """ if self.has_context(): self.stdout.write("Has ApplicationContext: YES\n") self.stdout.write("Available Permissions:\n") for permission in sorted(self.permissions()): if permission != "": self.stdout.write(" - %s\n" % (permission)) else: self.stdout.write("Has ApplicationContext: NO\n") def do_run(self, args): """ usage: run MODULE [OPTIONS] To see the options for a particular module, run `help MODULE`. """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("run") return if len(argv) > 0: try: module = self.__module(argv[0]) module.push_completer = self.__push_module_completer module.pop_completer = self.__pop_module_completer self.__module_pushed_completers = 0 except KeyError as e: self.stderr.write("unknown module: %s\n" % str(e)) return None try:[1:]) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.stderr.write( "\nCaught SIGINT. Interrupt again to terminate you session.\n" ) except Exception as e: self.handleException(e) while self.__module_pushed_completers > 0: self.__pop_module_completer() else: self.do_help("run") def complete_run(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): """ Provides readline auto-completion for the `run` command. If auto-completion is requested on the first token after the 'run' command, we offer module names. Otherwise, we delegate to the complete() method defined on the specified module. """ _line = re.match("(run\s+)([^\s]*)(\s*)", line) # figure out where the module name starts in the string cmdidx = len( if begidx == cmdidx: # if we are trying to autocomplete the module name, offer modules as suggestions return self.completemodules(text) else: # otherwise, we are trying to autocomplete some options for the module, and should # defer to it offset = len( # we pass over the arguments for autocompletion, but strip off the command and module # name for simplicity #return self.__module(, line, begidx, endidx) return self.__module( text, line[offset:], begidx - offset, endidx - offset) def do_shell(self, args): """ usage: `! [COMMAND]` or `shell [COMMAND]` Execute a Linux command in the context of drozer. If a COMMAND is specified, this is shorthand for `run shell.exec COMMAND`. Otherwise, it will launch an interactive shell. Example: dz> ! date Fri Dec 21 23:59:59 GMT 2012 dz> ! cat /etc/hosts localhost The working directory of your shell will be the drozer Agent root folder. """ if len(args) > 0: return self.do_run(".shell.exec \"%s\"" % args) else: return self.do_run(".shell.start") def help_intents(self): """ An intent is an abstract description of an operation to be performed. It can be used with app.activity.start to launch an Activity, app.broadcast.send to send it to any interested BroadcastReceiver components, and app.service.start to communicate with a background Service. An Intent provides a facility for performing late runtime binding between the code in different applications. Its most significant use is in the launching of activities, where it can be thought of as the glue between activities. It is basically a passive data structure holding an abstract description of an action to be performed. Intent Structure ---------------- The primary pieces of information in an intent are: action: the general action to be performed data: the data to operate on In addition to these primary attributes, there are a number of secondary attributes that you can also include with an intent: category: gives additional information about the action to execute type: specifies an explicit MIME type (a MIME type) of the data component: specifies an explicit component class extras: a bundle of any additional information Put together, the set of actions, data types, categories, and extra data defines a language for the system allowing for the expression of phrases such as "call john smith's cell". As applications are added to the system, they can extend this language by adding new actions, types, and categories, or they can modify the behavior of existing phrases by supplying their own activities that handle them. Intent Formulation ------------------ In drozer, intents are formulated using a set of command-line options. Some of these set a simple String in the Intent: --action ACTION --category CATEGORY --component PACKAGE COMPONENT --data-uri URI --flags FLAG [FLAG ...] --mimetype TYPE When specifying a component, the fully-qualified name of both the package and component must be used, for example to specify the BrowserActivity within the package: --component Intents can carry messages or commands inside of them in the form of extras. Applications may want to pass additional information inside of the intents they send to one another, possibly containing the data to perform a task on, or any other user-defined task to initiate from the received data. Passing the extras is a little more complex. You need to tell drozer the data type, key and value: --extra TYPE KEY VALUE drozer supports a few common types: boolean byte char double float integer short string """ self.stdout.write( wrap( textwrap.dedent(self.help_intents.__doc__).strip() + "\n\n", console.get_size()[0])) def has_context(self): if self.__has_context == None: self.__has_context = not self.reflector.resolve( "").getContext() == None return self.__has_context == True def permissions(self): """ Retrieves the set of permissions that we have in this session. """ if self.__permissions == None and self.has_context(): pm = self.reflector.resolve("") package = self.context().getPackageManager().getPackageInfo( self.context().getPackageName(), pm.GET_PERMISSIONS) if package.requestedPermissions != None: self.__permissions = map(lambda p: str(p), package.requestedPermissions) else: self.__permissions = [] self.__permissions.append("") elif self.__permissions == None: self.__permissions = [] return self.__permissions def preloop(self): cmd.Cmd.preloop(self) #should we wish to change the prompt :D if not self.has_context(): self.prompt = self.prompt.replace(">", "-limited>") if (self.__onecmd): return try: latest = meta.latest_version() if latest != None: if meta.version > latest: print "It seems that you are running a drozer pre-release. Brilliant!\n\nPlease send any bugs, feature requests or other feedback to our Github project:\n\n\nYour contributions help us to make drozer awesome.\n" elif meta.version < latest: print "It seems that you are running an old version of drozer. drozer v%s was\nreleased on %s. We suggest that you update your copy to make sure that\nyou have the latest features and fixes.\n\nTo download the latest drozer visit:\n" % ( latest, except Exception, e: pass #TODO figure out what this exception is and handle appropriately (exp. IOError)
class Session(cmd.Cmd): """ drozer: Android Security Assessment Framework Type `help COMMAND` for more information on a particular command, or `help MODULE` for a particular module. """ def __init__(self, server, session_id, arguments): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.__base = "" self.__has_context = None self.__module_pushed_completers = 0 self.__permissions = None self.__server = server self.__session_id = session_id self.__onecmd = arguments.onecmd = True self.aliases = { "l": "list", "ls": "list", "ll": "list" } self.intro = "drozer Console (v%s)" % meta.version self.history_file = os.path.sep.join([os.path.expanduser("~"), ".drozer_history"]) self.modules = collection.ModuleCollection(loader.ModuleLoader()) self.prompt = "dz> " self.reflector = Reflector(self) if hasattr(arguments, 'no_color') and not arguments.no_color: self.stdout = ColouredStream(self.stdout) self.stderr = ColouredStream(self.stderr) else: self.stdout = DecolouredStream(self.stdout) self.stderr = DecolouredStream(self.stderr) m = Module(self) if m.has_context(): dataDir = str(m.getContext().getApplicationInfo().dataDir) else: dataDir = str("", ".").getAbsolutePath())[:-2] self.variables = { 'PATH': dataDir +'/bin:/sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin', 'WD': dataDir } self.__load_variables() if arguments.onecmd == None: self.__print_banner() def completefilename(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): """ Provides readline auto-completion for filenames on the local (Console) file system. """ return common.path_completion.on_console(text) def completemodules(self, text): """ Provides readline auto-completion for drozer module names. """ modules = self.modules.all(permissions=self.permissions(), prefix=self.__base) if self.__base == "": modules = filter(lambda m: m.startswith(text), modules) elif text.startswith("."): modules = filter(lambda m: m.startswith(text[1:]), modules) else: modules = map(lambda m: m[len(self.__base):], filter(lambda m: m.startswith(self.__base + text), modules)) #if len(modules) == 1 and text == modules[0]: # return [] return modules def completenamespaces(self, text): """ Provides readline auto-completion for drozer namespaces. """ if self.__base == "": return filter(lambda m: m.startswith(text), self.__namespaces()) elif text.startswith("."): namespaces = self.__namespaces(global_scope=True) namespaces.add("..") return map(lambda m: "." + m, filter(lambda m: m.startswith(text[1:]), namespaces)) else: return map(lambda m: m[len(self.__base):], filter(lambda m: m.startswith(self.__base + text), self.__namespaces())) def context(self): if self.has_context(): return self.reflector.resolve("").getContext() else: return None def do_cd(self, args): """ usage: cd NAMESPACE The namespace is taken as relative to the current location in the module tree: dz> cd information dz#information> cd native dz#information.native> To specify an absolute path, prefix it with a period character: dz#information.native> cd .package dz#package> It is still possible to run commands from other namespaces, by specifying the absolute path (prefixed by a period) to the `run` command: dz> cd package dz#package> run Passing an empty string to `cd` will switch back to the root namespace: dz#information.native> cd dz> Passing '..' will move up one level: dz#information.native> cd .. dz#information> """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("cd") return if len(argv) == 0: argv.append("") if not self.__setBase(argv[0]): self.stderr.write("invalid path: %s\n"%argv[0]) def complete_cd(self, *args): """ Provides readline auto-completion for the `cd` command, suggesting namespaces. """ return self.completenamespaces(args[0]) def do_clean(self, args): """ usage: clean Cleans APK and DEX files from drozer's cache. During normal operation, drozer uploads a number of APK files to your device, and extracts the DEX bytecode from others already on your device. This can start to consume a large amount of space, particularly if you are developing drozer modules. The `clean` command removes all of these cached files for you. drozer will automatically re-upload any files that it needs as you continue to use it. """ files = clean.clean(self.reflector) self.stdout.write("Removed %d cached files.\n" % files) def do_contributors(self, args): """ Display a list of drozer contributors. """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("contributors") return self.stdout.write("Core Contributors:\n") for contributor in ['MWR InfoSecurity (@mwrlabs)', 'Luander ([email protected])', 'Rodrigo Chiossi ([email protected])']: self.stdout.write(" %s\n"%contributor) self.stdout.write("\nModule Contributors:\n") for contributor in self.modules.contributors(): self.stdout.write(" %s\n"%contributor) def do_exit(self, args): """ Terminate your drozer session. """ try: if self.__server.stopSession(self.__session_id) = False return True except ConnectionError: = False return True def do_help(self, args): """ usage: help [COMMAND OR MODULE] Displays help information. """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("help") return if len(argv) > 0: if self.__module_name(argv[0]) in self.modules.all(permissions=self.permissions()) or self.__module_name("." + argv[0]) in self.modules.all(permissions=self.permissions()): self.do_run(" ".join([argv[0], "--help"])) else: try: func = getattr(self, 'help_' + argv[0]) except AttributeError: try: doc = getattr(self, 'do_' + argv[0]).__doc__ if doc: self.stdout.write("%s\n" % wrap(textwrap.dedent(str(doc)).strip(), width=console.get_size()[0])) return except AttributeError: pass self.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(self.nohelp) % (argv[0],)) return func() else: cmd.Cmd.do_help(self, args) def complete_help(self, *args): """ Provides readline auto-completion for the `help` command, offering commands, modules and topics. """ commands = set(self.completenames(args[0])) modules = set(self.completemodules(args[0])) topics = set(a[5:] for a in self.get_names() if a.startswith('help_' + args[0])) return list(commands | modules | topics) def do_list(self, args): """ usage: list [FILTER] Displays a list of the available modules, optionally filtered by name. Examples: dz> list activity.forintent ... snip ... dz> list debug information.debuggable dz> optional arguments: --unsupported include a list of the modules that are not available on your device """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("list") return include_unsupported = False if "--unsupported" in argv: argv.remove("--unsupported") include_unsupported = True term = len(argv) > 0 and argv[0] or None s_modules = self.modules.all(contains=term, permissions=self.permissions(), prefix=self.__base) if include_unsupported: u_modules = filter(lambda m: not m in s_modules, self.modules.all(contains=term, permissions=None, prefix=self.__base)) else: u_modules = [] self.stdout.write(console.format_dict(dict(map(lambda m: [m, self.modules.get(m).name], s_modules))) + "\n") if len(u_modules) > 0: self.stdout.write("\nUnsupported Modules:\n\n") self.stdout.write(console.format_dict(dict(map(lambda m: [m, self.modules.get(m).name], u_modules))) + "\n") def do_load(self, args): """ usage: load FILE Loads a file, and executes it as a script. """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("load") return if len(argv) > 0: try: Sequencer(argv).run(self) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.stderr.write("\nCaught SIGINT. Interrupt again to terminate you session.\n") except Exception as e: self.handleException(e) else: self.do_help("load") def complete_load(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): """ Provides readline auto-completion for the `load` command, offering local file names. """ return self.completefilename(text, line, begidx, endidx) def do_module(self, args): """ usage: module [COMMAND] Run the drozer Module and Repository Manager. The Repository Manager handles drozer modules and module repositories. """ ModuleManager().run(shlex.split(args, comments=True)) self.modules.reload() def do_permissions(self, args): """ usage: permissions Prints out the permissions granted to the agent being used in this session. """ if self.has_context(): self.stdout.write("Has ApplicationContext: YES\n") self.stdout.write("Available Permissions:\n") for permission in sorted(self.permissions()): if permission != "": self.stdout.write(" - %s\n" % (permission)) else: self.stdout.write("Has ApplicationContext: NO\n") def do_run(self, args): """ usage: run MODULE [OPTIONS] To see the options for a particular module, run `help MODULE`. """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("run") return if len(argv) > 0: try: module = self.__module(argv[0]) module.push_completer = self.__push_module_completer module.pop_completer = self.__pop_module_completer self.__module_pushed_completers = 0 except KeyError as e: self.stderr.write("unknown module: %s\n" % str(e)) return None try:[1:]) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.stderr.write("\nCaught SIGINT. Interrupt again to terminate you session.\n") except Exception as e: self.handleException(e) while self.__module_pushed_completers > 0: self.__pop_module_completer() else: self.do_help("run") def complete_run(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): """ Provides readline auto-completion for the `run` command. If auto-completion is requested on the first token after the 'run' command, we offer module names. Otherwise, we delegate to the complete() method defined on the specified module. """ _line = re.match("(run\s+)([^\s]*)(\s*)", line) # figure out where the module name starts in the string cmdidx = len( if begidx == cmdidx: # if we are trying to autocomplete the module name, offer modules as suggestions return self.completemodules(text) else: # otherwise, we are trying to autocomplete some options for the module, and should # defer to it offset = len( # we pass over the arguments for autocompletion, but strip off the command and module # name for simplicity #return self.__module(, line, begidx, endidx) return self.__module(, line[offset:], begidx - offset, endidx - offset) def do_shell(self, args): """ usage: `! [COMMAND]` or `shell [COMMAND]` Execute a Linux command in the context of drozer. If a COMMAND is specified, this is shorthand for `run shell.exec COMMAND`. Otherwise, it will launch an interactive shell. Example: dz> ! date Fri Dec 21 23:59:59 GMT 2012 dz> ! cat /etc/hosts localhost The working directory of your shell will be the drozer Agent root folder. """ if len(args) > 0: return self.do_run(".shell.exec \"%s\"" % args) else: return self.do_run(".shell.start") def help_intents(self): """ An intent is an abstract description of an operation to be performed. It can be used with app.activity.start to launch an Activity, app.broadcast.send to send it to any interested BroadcastReceiver components, and app.service.start to communicate with a background Service. An Intent provides a facility for performing late runtime binding between the code in different applications. Its most significant use is in the launching of activities, where it can be thought of as the glue between activities. It is basically a passive data structure holding an abstract description of an action to be performed. Intent Structure ---------------- The primary pieces of information in an intent are: action: the general action to be performed data: the data to operate on In addition to these primary attributes, there are a number of secondary attributes that you can also include with an intent: category: gives additional information about the action to execute type: specifies an explicit MIME type (a MIME type) of the data component: specifies an explicit component class extras: a bundle of any additional information Put together, the set of actions, data types, categories, and extra data defines a language for the system allowing for the expression of phrases such as "call john smith's cell". As applications are added to the system, they can extend this language by adding new actions, types, and categories, or they can modify the behavior of existing phrases by supplying their own activities that handle them. Intent Formulation ------------------ In drozer, intents are formulated using a set of command-line options. Some of these set a simple String in the Intent: --action ACTION --category CATEGORY --component PACKAGE COMPONENT --data-uri URI --flags FLAG [FLAG ...] --mimetype TYPE When specifying a component, the fully-qualified name of both the package and component must be used, for example to specify the BrowserActivity within the package: --component Intents can carry messages or commands inside of them in the form of extras. Applications may want to pass additional information inside of the intents they send to one another, possibly containing the data to perform a task on, or any other user-defined task to initiate from the received data. Passing the extras is a little more complex. You need to tell drozer the data type, key and value: --extra TYPE KEY VALUE drozer supports a few common types: boolean byte char double float integer short string """ self.stdout.write(wrap(textwrap.dedent(self.help_intents.__doc__).strip() + "\n\n", console.get_size()[0])) def has_context(self): if self.__has_context == None: self.__has_context = not self.reflector.resolve("").getContext() == None return self.__has_context == True def permissions(self): """ Retrieves the set of permissions that we have in this session. """ if self.__permissions == None and self.has_context(): pm = self.reflector.resolve("") package = self.context().getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(self.context().getPackageName(), pm.GET_PERMISSIONS) if package.requestedPermissions != None: self.__permissions = map(lambda p: str(p), package.requestedPermissions) else: self.__permissions = [] self.__permissions.append("") elif self.__permissions == None: self.__permissions = [] return self.__permissions def preloop(self): cmd.Cmd.preloop(self) #should we wish to change the prompt :D if not self.has_context(): self.prompt = self.prompt.replace(">","-limited>") if(self.__onecmd): return try: latest = meta.latest_version() if latest != None: if meta.version > latest: print "It seems that you are running a drozer pre-release. Brilliant!\n\nPlease send any bugs, feature requests or other feedback to our Github project:\n\n\nYour contributions help us to make drozer awesome.\n" elif meta.version < latest: print "It seems that you are running an old version of drozer. drozer v%s was\nreleased on %s. We suggest that you update your copy to make sure that\nyou have the latest features and fixes.\n\nTo download the latest drozer visit:\n" % (latest, except Exception, e: pass #TODO figure out what this exception is and handle appropriately (exp. IOError)
class Session(cmd.Cmd): """ drozer: Android Security Assessment Framework Type `help COMMAND` for more information on a particular command, or `help MODULE` for a particular module. """ def __init__(self, server: ServerConnector, session_id: str, arguments): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) self.__base = "" self.__has_context = None self.__module_pushed_completers = 0 self.__permissions = None self.__server = server self.__session_id = session_id self.__onecmd = arguments.onecmd = True self.aliases = {"l": "list", "ls": "list", "ll": "list"} self.intro = "drozer Console (v%s)" % meta.version self.history_file = os.path.sep.join( [os.path.expanduser("~"), ".drozer_history"]) self.modules = collection.ModuleCollection(loader.ModuleLoader()) self.prompt = "dz> " self.reflector = Reflector(self) self.ftp = Ftp(self) if hasattr(arguments, 'no_color') and not arguments.no_color: self.stdout = ColouredStream(self.stdout) self.stderr = ColouredStream(self.stderr) else: self.stdout = DecolouredStream(self.stdout) self.stderr = DecolouredStream(self.stderr) self.agent_version: int = 0 try: self.agent_version: int = int( self.reflector.resolve("").VERSION_CODE) except: pass m = Module(self) if m.has_context(): dataDir = str(m.getContext().getApplicationInfo().dataDir) else: dataDir = str("", ".").getCanonicalPath().native()) self.variables = { 'PATH': dataDir + '/bin:/sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin', 'WD': dataDir } self.__load_variables() if arguments.onecmd is None: self.__print_banner() def completefilename(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): """ Provides readline auto-completion for filenames on the local (Console) file system. """ return common.path_completion.on_console(text) def completemodules(self, text): """ Provides readline auto-completion for drozer module names. """ modules = self.modules.all(permissions=self.permissions(), prefix=self.__base) if self.__base == "": modules = [m for m in modules if m.startswith(text)] elif text.startswith("."): modules = [m for m in modules if m.startswith(text[1:])] else: modules = [[ m[len(self.__base):] for m in modules if m.startswith(self.__base + text) ]] #if len(modules) == 1 and text == modules[0]: # return [] return modules def completenamespaces(self, text): """ Provides readline auto-completion for drozer namespaces. """ if self.__base == "": return [m for m in self.__namespaces() if m.startswith(text)] elif text.startswith("."): namespaces = self.__namespaces(global_scope=True) namespaces.add("..") return [ "." + m for m in [m for m in namespaces if m.startswith(text[1:])] ] else: return [[ m[len(self.__base):] for m in self.__namespaces() if m.startswith(self.__base + text) ]] def context(self): if self.has_context(): return self.reflector.resolve("").getContext() else: return None def do_cd(self, args): """ usage: cd NAMESPACE The namespace is taken as relative to the current location in the module tree: dz> cd information dz#information> cd native dz#information.native> To specify an absolute path, prefix it with a period character: dz#information.native> cd .package dz#package> It is still possible to run commands from other namespaces, by specifying the absolute path (prefixed by a period) to the `run` command: dz> cd package dz#package> run Passing an empty string to `cd` will switch back to the root namespace: dz#information.native> cd dz> Passing '..' will move up one level: dz#information.native> cd .. dz#information> """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("cd") return if len(argv) == 0: argv.append("") if not self.__setBase(argv[0]): self.stderr.write("invalid path: %s\n" % argv[0]) def complete_cd(self, *args): """ Provides readline auto-completion for the `cd` command, suggesting namespaces. """ return self.completenamespaces(args[0]) def do_clean(self, args): """ usage: clean Cleans APK and DEX files from drozer's cache. During normal operation, drozer uploads a number of APK files to your device, and extracts the DEX bytecode from others already on your device. This can start to consume a large amount of space, particularly if you are developing drozer modules. The `clean` command removes all of these cached files for you. drozer will automatically re-upload any files that it needs as you continue to use it. """ files = clean.clean(self.reflector) self.stdout.write("Removed %d cached files.\n" % files) def do_contributors(self, args): """ Display a list of drozer contributors. """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("contributors") return self.stdout.write("Core Contributors:\n") for contributor in [ 'MWR InfoSecurity (@mwrlabs)', 'Luander ([email protected])', 'Rodrigo Chiossi ([email protected])' ]: self.stdout.write(" %s\n" % contributor) self.stdout.write("\nModule Contributors:\n") for contributor in self.modules.contributors(): self.stdout.write(" %s\n" % contributor) def do_exit(self, args): """ Terminate your drozer session. """ try: if self.__server.stopSession(self.__session_id) = False return True except ConnectionError: = False return True def do_help(self, args): """ usage: help [COMMAND OR MODULE] Displays help information. """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("help") return if len(argv) > 0: if self.__module_name(argv[0]) in self.modules.all( permissions=self.permissions()) or self.__module_name( "." + argv[0]) in self.modules.all( permissions=self.permissions()): self.do_run(" ".join([argv[0], "--help"])) else: try: func = getattr(self, 'help_' + argv[0]) except AttributeError: try: doc = getattr(self, 'do_' + argv[0]).__doc__ if doc: self.stdout.write( "%s\n" % wrap(textwrap.dedent(str(doc)).strip(), width=console.get_size()[0])) return except AttributeError: pass self.stdout.write("%s\n" % str(self.nohelp) % (argv[0], )) return func() else: cmd.Cmd.do_help(self, args) def complete_help(self, *args): """ Provides readline auto-completion for the `help` command, offering commands, modules and topics. """ commands = set(self.completenames(args[0])) modules = set(self.completemodules(args[0])) topics = set(a[5:] for a in self.get_names() if a.startswith('help_' + args[0])) return list(commands | modules | topics) def do_list(self, args): """ usage: list [FILTER] Displays a list of the available modules, optionally filtered by name. Examples: dz> list activity.forintent ... snip ... dz> list debug information.debuggable dz> optional arguments: --unsupported include a list of the modules that are not available on your device """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("list") return include_unsupported = False if "--unsupported" in argv: argv.remove("--unsupported") include_unsupported = True term = len(argv) > 0 and argv[0] or None s_modules = self.modules.all(contains=term, permissions=self.permissions(), prefix=self.__base) if include_unsupported: u_modules = [ m for m in self.modules.all( contains=term, permissions=None, prefix=self.__base) if not m in s_modules ] else: u_modules = [] self.stdout.write( console.format_dict( dict([[m, self.modules.get(m).name] for m in s_modules])) + "\n") if len(u_modules) > 0: self.stdout.write("\nUnsupported Modules:\n\n") self.stdout.write( console.format_dict( dict([[m, self.modules.get(m).name] for m in u_modules])) + "\n") def do_load(self, args): """ usage: load FILE Loads a file, and executes it as a script. """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("load") return if len(argv) > 0: try: Sequencer(argv).run(self) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.stderr.write( "\nCaught SIGINT. Interrupt again to terminate you session.\n" ) except Exception as e: self.handleException(e) else: self.do_help("load") def complete_load(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): """ Provides readline auto-completion for the `load` command, offering local file names. """ return self.completefilename(text, line, begidx, endidx) def do_module(self, args): """ usage: module [COMMAND] Run the drozer Module and Repository Manager. The Repository Manager handles drozer modules and module repositories. """ ModuleManager().run(shlex.split(args, comments=True)) self.modules.reload() def do_permissions(self, args): """ usage: permissions Prints out the permissions granted to the agent being used in this session. """ if self.has_context(): self.stdout.write("Has ApplicationContext: YES\n") self.stdout.write("Available Permissions:\n") for permission in sorted(self.permissions()): if permission != "": self.stdout.write(" - %s\n" % (permission)) else: self.stdout.write("Has ApplicationContext: NO\n") def do_run(self, args): """ usage: run MODULE [OPTIONS] To see the options for a particular module, run `help MODULE`. """ argv = shlex.split(args, comments=True) if len(argv) == 1 and (argv[0] == "-h" or argv[0] == "--help"): self.do_help("run") return if len(argv) > 0: try: module = self.__module(argv[0]) module.push_completer = self.__push_module_completer module.pop_completer = self.__pop_module_completer self.__module_pushed_completers = 0 except KeyError as e: self.stderr.write("unknown module: %s\n" % str(e)) return None try:[1:]) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.stderr.write( "\nCaught SIGINT. Interrupt again to terminate you session.\n" ) except Exception as e: print(e) import traceback traceback.print_stack() self.handleException(e) while self.__module_pushed_completers > 0: self.__pop_module_completer() else: self.do_help("run") def complete_run(self, text, line, begidx, endidx): """ Provides readline auto-completion for the `run` command. If auto-completion is requested on the first token after the 'run' command, we offer module names. Otherwise, we delegate to the complete() method defined on the specified module. """ _line = re.match("(run\s+)([^\s]*)(\s*)", line) # figure out where the module name starts in the string cmdidx = len( if begidx == cmdidx: # if we are trying to autocomplete the module name, offer modules as suggestions return self.completemodules(text) else: # otherwise, we are trying to autocomplete some options for the module, and should # defer to it offset = len( # we pass over the arguments for autocompletion, but strip off the command and module # name for simplicity #return self.__module(, line, begidx, endidx) return self.__module( text, line[offset:], begidx - offset, endidx - offset) def do_shell(self, args): """ usage: `! [COMMAND]` or `shell [COMMAND]` Execute a Linux command in the context of drozer. If a COMMAND is specified, this is shorthand for `run shell.exec COMMAND`. Otherwise, it will launch an interactive shell. Example: dz> ! date Fri Dec 21 23:59:59 GMT 2012 dz> ! cat /etc/hosts localhost The working directory of your shell will be the drozer Agent root folder. """ if len(args) > 0: return self.do_run(".shell.exec \"%s\"" % args) else: return self.do_run(".shell.start") def help_intents(self): """ An intent is an abstract description of an operation to be performed. It can be used with app.activity.start to launch an Activity, app.broadcast.send to send it to any interested BroadcastReceiver components, and app.service.start to communicate with a background Service. An Intent provides a facility for performing late runtime binding between the code in different applications. Its most significant use is in the launching of activities, where it can be thought of as the glue between activities. It is basically a passive data structure holding an abstract description of an action to be performed. Intent Structure ---------------- The primary pieces of information in an intent are: action: the general action to be performed data: the data to operate on In addition to these primary attributes, there are a number of secondary attributes that you can also include with an intent: category: gives additional information about the action to execute type: specifies an explicit MIME type (a MIME type) of the data component: specifies an explicit component class extras: a bundle of any additional information Put together, the set of actions, data types, categories, and extra data defines a language for the system allowing for the expression of phrases such as "call john smith's cell". As applications are added to the system, they can extend this language by adding new actions, types, and categories, or they can modify the behavior of existing phrases by supplying their own activities that handle them. Intent Formulation ------------------ In drozer, intents are formulated using a set of command-line options. Some of these set a simple String in the Intent: --action ACTION --category CATEGORY --component PACKAGE COMPONENT --data-uri URI --flags FLAG [FLAG ...] --mimetype TYPE When specifying a component, the fully-qualified name of both the package and component must be used, for example to specify the BrowserActivity within the package: --component Intents can carry messages or commands inside of them in the form of extras. Applications may want to pass additional information inside of the intents they send to one another, possibly containing the data to perform a task on, or any other user-defined task to initiate from the received data. Passing the extras is a little more complex. You need to tell drozer the data type, key and value: --extra TYPE KEY VALUE drozer supports a few common types: boolean byte char double float integer short string """ self.stdout.write( wrap( textwrap.dedent(self.help_intents.__doc__).strip() + "\n\n", console.get_size()[0])) def has_context(self) -> bool: if self.__has_context is None: self.__has_context = self.reflector.resolve( "").getContext().__ne__(None) return self.__has_context def permissions(self) -> List[str]: """ Retrieves the set of permissions that we have in this session. """ if self.__permissions is None and self.has_context(): pm = self.reflector.resolve("") packageName = str(self.context().getPackageName()) packageManager = self.context().getPackageManager() package = packageManager.getPackageInfo(packageName, pm.GET_PERMISSIONS) self.__permissions = [] if package.requestedPermissions.__ne__(None): requestedPermissions = [ str(p) for p in package.requestedPermissions ] for permission in requestedPermissions: #Check for PERMISSION_GRANTED if (packageManager.checkPermission( str(permission), packageName) == pm.PERMISSION_GRANTED): self.__permissions.append(str(permission)) self.__permissions.append("") elif self.__permissions is None: self.__permissions = [] return self.__permissions def preloop(self): cmd.Cmd.preloop(self) #should we wish to change the prompt :D if not self.has_context(): self.prompt = self.prompt.replace(">", "-limited>") if self.__onecmd: return def sendAndReceive(self, message): """ Delivers a message to the Agent, and returns the response. If the send operation times out, or the response indicates a fatal error, an error message is displayed and the console terminates with a status code of -1. """ try: message = self.__server.sendAndReceive( message.setSessionId(self.__session_id)) except ConnectionError: self.stderr.write("We lost your drozer session.\n\n") self.stderr.write( "For some reason the mobile Agent has stopped responding. You will need to restart it, and try again.\n\n" ) sys.exit(1) if message and message.type == Message.REFLECTION_RESPONSE and message.reflection_response.status == Message.ReflectionResponse.FATAL: self.stderr.write("We lost your drozer session.\n\n") self.stderr.write( "The mobile Agent did not like the last message you sent it. It has terminated your session.\n\n" ) self.stderr.write( "You will need to reconnect, and may need to restart the mobile Agent.\n\n" ) sys.exit(2) return message def __load_variables(self): """ Load extra variables, specified in the .drozer_config file. """ for key in Configuration.get_all_keys("vars"): self.variables[key] = Configuration.get("vars", key) def __module(self, key): """ Gets a module instance, by identifier, and initialises it with the required session parameters. """ module = None try: module = self.modules.get(self.__module_name(key)) except KeyError: pass if module is None: try: module = self.modules.get(key) except KeyError: pass if module is None: raise KeyError(key) else: return module(self) def __module_name(self, key): """ Decodes a full module identifier, given a user's input. This helps to find modules after the user has changed namespace. """ if key.startswith("."): return key[1:] elif self.__base == "": return key else: return self.__base + key def __namespaces(self, global_scope=False): """ Gets a full list of all namespace identifiers, either globally or in the current namespace scope. """ if global_scope: modules = self.modules.all(permissions=self.permissions(), prefix=None) else: self.modules.all(permissions=self.permissions(), prefix=self.__base) return set([self.__module("." + m).namespace() for m in modules]) def __push_module_completer(self, completer, history_file=None): """ Delegate, passed to the module, so it can add a new readline completer to the stack. """ self.__module_pushed_completers += 1 self.push_completer(completer, history_file) def __pop_module_completer(self): """ Delegate, passed to the module, so it can add a remove a readline completer from the stack. """ self.__module_pushed_completers -= 1 self.pop_completer() def __print_banner(self): print(" .. ..:.") print(" ..o.. .r..") print(" ..a.. . ....... . ..nd") print("") print(" .otectorandroidsneme.") print(" .,sisandprotectorandroids+.") print(" ..nemesisandprotectorandroidsn:.") print(" .emesisandprotectorandroidsnemes..") print(" ..isandp,..,rotectorandro,..,idsnem.") print(" .isisandp..rotectorandroid..snemisis.") print(" ,andprotectorandroidsnemisisandprotec.") print(" .torandroidsnemesisandprotectorandroid.") print(" .snemisisandprotectorandroidsnemesisan:") print(" .dprotectorandroidsnemesisandprotector.") print() def __setBase(self, base): """ Changes the user's namespace. Changing to: 'str' - selects the 'str' namespace, within the currently active namespace '.str' - selects the 'str' namespace, in the root namespace '..' - goes back on namespace '' - goes back to the root namespace """ if base == "": self.__base = base else: if base == "..": path = self.__base.split(".") try: path.pop(-2) except IndexError: pass target = ".".join(path) elif base.startswith("."): target = base[1:] + "." else: target = self.__base + base + "." if True in [ m.startswith(target) for m in self.modules.all(permissions=self.permissions()) ]: self.__base = target else: self.stderr.write("no such namespace: %s\n" % base) if base == "": self.prompt = "dz> " else: self.prompt = "dz#{}> ".format(self.__base[0:len(self.__base) - 1]) return True