Exemple #1
def cseguid(seq):
    '''Returns the cSEGUID for the sequence. The cSEGUID is the url safe SEGUID checksum
    calculated for the lexicographically minimal string rotation of a DNA sequence.
    Only defined for circular sequences.
    from Bio.Seq import reverse_complement as rc
    return pretty_string( seguid( min( SmallestRotation(str(seq).upper()), SmallestRotation(str(rc(seq)).upper()))))
Exemple #2
def seguid(seq):
    '''Returns the url safe SEGUID checksum for the sequence. This is the SEGUID
    checksum with the '+' and '/' characters of standard Base64 encoding are respectively
    replaced by '-' and '_'.
    return pretty_string( base64_seguid( str(seq).upper() ).replace("+","-").replace("/","_") )