depth_image = np.array(
            imageio.imread(os.path.join(args.dir, depth_image_name))) / 1000.
        depth_image_drake = Image[PixelType.kDepth32F](depth_image.shape[1],
        depth_image_drake.mutable_data[:, :, 0] = depth_image[:, :]
        points = camera.ConvertDepthImageToPointCloud(
            depth_image_drake, camera.depth_camera_info())
        good_points_mask = np.all(np.isfinite(points), axis=0)
        points = points[:, good_points_mask]
        points = np.vstack([points, np.ones([1, points.shape[1]])])
        # Transform them to camera base frame
        points =, points)
        # and then to world frame
        # Last body = camera floating base
        kinsol = rbt.doKinematics(q0)
        tf = rbt.relativeTransform(kinsol, 0, rbt.get_num_bodies() - 1)
        points =[:3, :]

        label_image_name = "%09d_mask.png" % (i)
        labels = np.array(
            imageio.imread(os.path.join(args.dir, label_image_name))).ravel()
        labels = labels[good_points_mask]

        normal_image_name = "%09d_normal.png" % (i)
        # Empirically-derived transposing and memory reording to get into
        # 3xN format...
        normals = np.array(
            imageio.imread(os.path.join(args.dir, normal_image_name)))
        normals = normals.T.reshape(3, width * height,
                                    order='F')[:, good_points_mask]
        # Rescale from int8 to float values
Exemple #2
                          depth_image * 1000.)

        # Compute normal image from the depth image
        structured_point_cloud = camera.ConvertDepthImageToPointCloud(
            u_data, camera.depth_camera_info())
        structured_point_cloud = structured_point_cloud.T.reshape([h, w, 3])
        normal_image = structured_normal_estimate(structured_point_cloud)
        # TODO: Precision is bad here (8-bit per channel), but imageio
        # doesn't want to export 3-channel 16bit images. OK with the loss
        # for now, it's not too horrible for normals...
        save_image_uint8("%s/%09d_normal.png" % (args.dir, i),
                         (normal_image + 1.) * 127)

        u_data = output.get_data(
        h, w, _ =
        label_image = np.empty((h, w), dtype=np.int8)
        label_image[:, :] =[:, :, 0]
        # Make labels 0 where there's no label
        label_image = np.where(
            np.logical_and(label_image > 0,
                           label_image < rbt.get_num_bodies()), label_image,
            label_image * 0)
        save_image_uint8("%s/%09d_mask.png" % (args.dir, i), label_image)
        # Save a human-readable version for debugging
            "%s/%09d_mask_color.png" % (args.dir, i),
   / np.max(label_image)) * 255)

        print "Completed rendering of viewpoint %d" % i