Exemple #1
def test_deriv():

    model = Earth(**default_params)
    model.fit(X, y)
    assert_equal(X.shape, model.predict_deriv(X).shape)
    assert_equal((X.shape[0], 1), model.predict_deriv(X, variables=0).shape)
    assert_equal((X.shape[0], 1), model.predict_deriv(X, variables='x0').shape)
    assert_equal((X.shape[0], 3),
                 model.predict_deriv(X, variables=[1, 5, 7]).shape)
    assert_equal((X.shape[0], 0), model.predict_deriv(X, variables=[]).shape)

    res_deriv = model.predict_deriv(X, variables=['x2', 'x7', 'x0', 'x1'])
    assert_equal((X.shape[0], 4), res_deriv.shape)

    res_deriv = model.predict_deriv(X, variables=['x0'])
    assert_equal((X.shape[0], 1), res_deriv.shape)

    assert_equal((X.shape[0], 1), model.predict_deriv(X, variables=[0]).shape)
Exemple #2
def test_deriv():

    model = Earth(**default_params)
    model.fit(X, y)
    assert_equal(X.shape + (1,), model.predict_deriv(X).shape)
    assert_equal((X.shape[0], 1, 1), model.predict_deriv(X, variables=0).shape)
    assert_equal((X.shape[0], 1, 1), model.predict_deriv(X, variables='x0').shape)
    assert_equal((X.shape[0], 3, 1),
                 model.predict_deriv(X, variables=[1, 5, 7]).shape)
    assert_equal((X.shape[0], 0, 1), model.predict_deriv(X, variables=[]).shape)

    res_deriv = model.predict_deriv(X, variables=['x2', 'x7', 'x0', 'x1'])
    assert_equal((X.shape[0], 4, 1), res_deriv.shape)

    res_deriv = model.predict_deriv(X, variables=['x0'])
    assert_equal((X.shape[0], 1, 1), res_deriv.shape)

    assert_equal((X.shape[0], 1, 1), model.predict_deriv(X, variables=[0]).shape)
Exemple #3
class MARSInterpolant(Earth):
    """Compute and evaluate a MARS interpolant

    MARS builds a model of the form

    .. math::

        \hat{f}(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{k} c_i B_i(x).

    The model is a weighted sum of basis functions :math:`B_i(x)`. Each basis
    function :math:`B_i(x)` takes one of the following three forms:

    1. a constant 1.
    2. a hinge function of the form :math:`\max(0, x - const)` or \
       :math:`\max(0, const - x)`. MARS automatically selects variables \
       and values of those variables for knots of the hinge functions.
    3. a product of two or more hinge functions. These basis functions c \
       an model interaction between two or more variables.

    :param maxp: Initial capacity
    :type maxp: int

    :ivar nump: Current number of points
    :ivar maxp: Initial maximum number of points (can grow)
    :ivar x: Interpolation points
    :ivar fx: Function evaluations of interpolation points
    :ivar dim: Number of dimensions
    :ivar model: MARS interpolation model
    def __init__(self, maxp=100):
        self.nump = 0
        self.maxp = maxp
        self.x = None  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        self.fx = None
        self.dim = None
        self.model = Earth()
        self.updated = False

    def reset(self):
        """Reset the interpolation."""

        self.nump = 0
        self.x = None
        self.fx = None
        self.updated = False

    def _alloc(self, dim):
        """Allocate storage for x, fx, rhs, and A.

        :param dim: Number of dimensions
        :type dim: int

        maxp = self.maxp
        self.dim = dim
        self.x = np.zeros((maxp, dim))
        self.fx = np.zeros((maxp, 1))

    def _realloc(self, dim, extra=1):
        """Expand allocation to accommodate more points (if needed)

        :param dim: Number of dimensions
        :type dim: int
        :param extra: Number of additional points to accommodate
        :type extra: int

        if self.nump == 0:
        elif self.nump + extra > self.maxp:
            self.maxp = max(self.maxp * 2, self.maxp + extra)
            self.x.resize((self.maxp, dim))
            self.fx.resize((self.maxp, 1))

    def get_x(self):
        """Get the list of data points

        :return: List of data points
        :rtype: numpy.array

        return self.x[:self.nump, :]

    def get_fx(self):
        """Get the list of function values for the data points.

        :return: List of function values
        :rtype: numpy.array

        return self.fx[:self.nump, :]

    def add_point(self, xx, fx):
        """Add a new function evaluation

        :param xx: Point to add
        :type xx: numpy.array
        :param fx: The function value of the point to add
        :type fx: float

        dim = len(xx)
        self.x[self.nump, :] = xx
        self.fx[self.nump, :] = fx
        self.nump += 1
        self.updated = False

    def eval(self, x, ds=None):
        """Evaluate the MARS interpolant at the point x

        :param x: Point where to evaluate
        :type x: numpy.array
        :param ds: Not used
        :type ds: None
        :return: Value of the MARS interpolant at x
        :rtype: float

        if self.updated is False:
            self.model.fit(self.get_x(), self.get_fx())
        self.updated = True

        x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0)
        fx = self.model.predict(x)
        return fx[0]

    def evals(self, x, ds=None):
        """Evaluate the MARS interpolant at the points x

        :param x: Points where to evaluate, of size npts x dim
        :type x: numpy.array
        :param ds: Not used
        :type ds: None
        :return: Values of the MARS interpolant at x, of length npts
        :rtype: numpy.array

        if self.updated is False:
            self.model.fit(self.get_x(), self.get_fx())
        self.updated = True

        fx = np.zeros(shape=(x.shape[0], 1))
        fx[:, 0] = self.model.predict(x)
        return fx

    def deriv(self, x, ds=None):
        """Evaluate the derivative of the MARS interpolant at a point x

        :param x: Point for which we want to compute the MARS gradient
        :type x: numpy.array
        :param ds: Not used
        :type ds: None
        :return: Derivative of the MARS interpolant at x
        :rtype: numpy.array

        if self.updated is False:
            self.model.fit(self.get_x(), self.get_fx())
        self.updated = True

        x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0)
        dfx = self.model.predict_deriv(x, variables=None)
        return dfx[0]
Exemple #4
class MARSInterpolant(Surrogate):
    """Compute and evaluate a MARS interpolant

    MARS builds a model of the form

    .. math::

        \\hat{f}(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^{k} c_i B_i(x).

    The model is a weighted sum of basis functions :math:`B_i(x)`. Each basis
    function :math:`B_i(x)` takes one of the following three forms:

    1. a constant 1.
    2. a hinge function of the form :math:`\\max(0, x - const)` or \
       :math:`\\max(0, const - x)`. MARS automatically selects variables \
       and values of those variables for knots of the hinge functions.
    3. a product of two or more hinge functions. These basis functions c \
       an model interaction between two or more variables.

    :param dim: Number of dimensions
    :type dim: int

    :ivar dim: Number of dimensions
    :ivar num_pts: Number of points in surrogate model
    :ivar X: Point incorporated in surrogate model (num_pts x dim)
    :ivar fX: Function values in surrogate model (num_pts x 1)
    :ivar updated: True if model is up-to-date (no refit needed)
    :ivar model: Earth object
    def __init__(self, dim):
        self.num_pts = 0
        self.X = np.empty([0, dim])
        self.fX = np.empty([0, 1])
        self.dim = dim
        self.updated = False

            from pyearth import Earth
            self.model = Earth()
        except ImportError as err:
            print("Failed to import pyearth")
            raise err

    def _fit(self):
        """Compute new coefficients if the MARS interpolant is not updated."""
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore")  # Surpress deprecation warnings
            if self.updated is False:
                self.model.fit(self.X, self.fX)
                self.updated = True

    def predict(self, xx):
        """Evaluate the MARS interpolant at the points xx

        :param xx: Prediction points, must be of size num_pts x dim or (dim, )
        :type xx: numpy.ndarray

        :return: Prediction of size num_pts x 1
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        xx = np.atleast_2d(xx)
        return np.expand_dims(self.model.predict(xx), axis=1)

    def predict_deriv(self, xx):
        """Evaluate the derivative of the MARS interpolant at points xx

        :param xx: Prediction points, must be of size num_pts x dim or (dim, )
        :type xx: numpy.array

        :return: Derivative of the RBF interpolant at xx
        :rtype: numpy.array
        xx = np.expand_dims(xx, axis=0)
        dfx = self.model.predict_deriv(xx, variables=None)
        return dfx[0]
Exemple #5
class MARSInterpolant(Surrogate):
    """Compute and evaluate a MARS interpolant

    MARS builds a model of the form

    .. math::

        \\hat{f}(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^{k} c_i B_i(x).

    The model is a weighted sum of basis functions :math:`B_i(x)`. Each basis
    function :math:`B_i(x)` takes one of the following three forms:

    1. a constant 1.
    2. a hinge function of the form :math:`\\max(0, x - const)` or \
       :math:`\\max(0, const - x)`. MARS automatically selects variables \
       and values of those variables for knots of the hinge functions.
    3. a product of two or more hinge functions. These basis functions c \
       an model interaction between two or more variables.

    :param dim: Number of dimensions
    :type dim: int

    :ivar dim: Number of dimensions
    :ivar num_pts: Number of points in surrogate model
    :ivar X: Point incorporated in surrogate model (num_pts x dim)
    :ivar fX: Function values in surrogate model (num_pts x 1)
    :ivar updated: True if model is up-to-date (no refit needed)
    :ivar model: Earth object
    def __init__(self, dim):
        self.num_pts = 0
        self.X = np.empty([0, dim])
        self.fX = np.empty([0, 1])
        self.dim = dim
        self.updated = False

            from pyearth import Earth
            self.model = Earth()
        except ImportError as err:
            print("Failed to import pyearth")
            raise err

    def _fit(self):
        """Compute new coefficients if the MARS interpolant is not updated."""
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore")  # Surpress deprecation warnings
        if self.updated is False:
            self.model.fit(self.X, self.fX)
            self.updated = True

    def predict(self, xx):
        """Evaluate the MARS interpolant at the points xx

        :param xx: Prediction points, must be of size num_pts x dim or (dim, )
        :type xx: numpy.ndarray

        :return: Prediction of size num_pts x 1
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        xx = np.atleast_2d(xx)
        return np.expand_dims(self.model.predict(xx), axis=1)

    def predict_deriv(self, xx):
        """Evaluate the derivative of the MARS interpolant at points xx

        :param xx: Prediction points, must be of size num_pts x dim or (dim, )
        :type xx: numpy.array

        :return: Derivative of the RBF interpolant at xx
        :rtype: numpy.array
        xx = np.expand_dims(xx, axis=0)
        dfx = self.model.predict_deriv(xx, variables=None)
        return dfx[0]
Exemple #6
n = 10
X = 20 * numpy.random.uniform(size=(m, n)) - 10
y = 10*numpy.sin(X[:, 6]) + 0.25*numpy.random.normal(size=m)

# Compute the known true derivative with respect to the predictive variable
y_prime = 10*numpy.cos(X[:, 6])

# Fit an Earth model
model = Earth(max_degree=2, minspan_alpha=.5, smooth=True)
model.fit(X, y)

# Print the model

# Get the predicted values and derivatives
y_hat = model.predict(X)
y_prime_hat = model.predict_deriv(X, 'x6')

# Plot true and predicted function values and derivatives
# for the predictive variable
plt.plot(X[:, 6], y, 'r.')
plt.plot(X[:, 6], y_hat, 'b.')
plt.plot(X[:, 6], y_prime, 'r.')
plt.plot(X[:, 6], y_prime_hat[:, 0], 'b.')
Exemple #7
class MARSInterpolant(Earth):
    """Compute and evaluate a MARS interpolant

    :ivar nump: Current number of points
    :ivar maxp: Initial maximum number of points (can grow)
    :ivar x: Interpolation points
    :ivar fx: Function evaluations of interpolation points
    :ivar dim: Number of dimensions
    :ivar model: MARS interpolaion model
    def __init__(self, maxp=100):
        self.nump = 0
        self.maxp = maxp
        self.x = None  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        self.fx = None
        self.dim = None
        self.model = Earth()
        self.updated = False

    def reset(self):
        """Reset the interpolation."""
        self.nump = 0
        self.x = None
        self.fx = None
        self.updated = False

    def _alloc(self, dim):
        """Allocate storage for x, fx, rhs, and A.

        :param dim: Number of dimensions
        maxp = self.maxp
        self.dim = dim
        self.x = np.zeros((maxp, dim))
        self.fx = np.zeros((maxp, 1))

    def _realloc(self, dim, extra=1):
        """Expand allocation to accommodate more points (if needed)

        :param dim: Number of dimensions
        :param extra: Number of additional points to accommodate
        if self.nump == 0:
        elif self.nump + extra > self.maxp:
            self.maxp = max(self.maxp * 2, self.maxp + extra)
            self.x.resize((self.maxp, dim))
            self.fx.resize((self.maxp, 1))

    def get_x(self):
        """Get the list of data points

        :return: List of data points
        return self.x[:self.nump, :]

    def get_fx(self):
        """Get the list of function values for the data points.

        :return: List of function values
        return self.fx[:self.nump, :]

    def add_point(self, xx, fx):
        """Add a new function evaluation

        :param xx: Point to add
        :param fx: The function value of the point to add
        dim = len(xx)
        self.x[self.nump, :] = xx
        self.fx[self.nump, :] = fx
        self.nump += 1
        self.updated = False

    def eval(self, xx, d=None):
        """Evaluate the MARS interpolant at the point xx

        :param xx: Point where to evaluate
        :return: Value of the MARS interpolant at x
        if self.updated is False:
            self.model.fit(self.x, self.fx)
        self.updated = True

        xx = np.expand_dims(xx, axis=0)
        fx = self.model.predict(xx)
        return fx[0]

    def evals(self, xx, d=None):
        """Evaluate the MARS interpolant at the points xx

        :param xx: Points where to evaluate
        :return: Values of the MARS interpolant at x
        if self.updated is False:
            self.model.fit(self.x, self.fx)
        self.updated = True

        fx = np.zeros(shape=(xx.shape[0], 1))
        fx[:, 0] = self.model.predict(xx)
        return fx

    def deriv(self, x, d=None):
        """Evaluate the derivative of the MARS interpolant at x

        :param x: Data point
        :return: Derivative of the MARS interpolant at x

        if self.updated is False:
            self.model.fit(self.x, self.fx)
        self.updated = True

        x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0)
        dfx = self.model.predict_deriv(x, variables=None)
        return dfx[0]
Exemple #8
class MARSInterpolant(Earth):
    """Compute and evaluate a MARS interpolant

    :ivar nump: Current number of points
    :ivar maxp: Initial maximum number of points (can grow)
    :ivar x: Interpolation points
    :ivar fx: Function evaluations of interpolation points
    :ivar dim: Number of dimensions
    :ivar model: MARS interpolaion model

    def __init__(self, maxp=100):
        self.nump = 0
        self.maxp = maxp
        self.x = None     # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        self.fx = None
        self.dim = None
        self.model = Earth()
        self.updated = False

    def reset(self):
        """Reset the interpolation."""
        self.nump = 0
        self.x = None
        self.fx = None
        self.updated = False

    def _alloc(self, dim):
        """Allocate storage for x, fx, rhs, and A.

        :param dim: Number of dimensions
        maxp = self.maxp
        self.dim = dim
        self.x = np.zeros((maxp, dim))
        self.fx = np.zeros((maxp, 1))

    def _realloc(self, dim, extra=1):
        """Expand allocation to accommodate more points (if needed)

        :param dim: Number of dimensions
        :param extra: Number of additional points to accommodate
        if self.nump == 0:
        elif self.nump+extra > self.maxp:
            self.maxp = max(self.maxp*2, self.maxp+extra)
            self.x.resize((self.maxp, dim))
            self.fx.resize((self.maxp, 1))

    def get_x(self):
        """Get the list of data points

        :return: List of data points
        return self.x[:self.nump, :]

    def get_fx(self):
        """Get the list of function values for the data points.

        :return: List of function values
        return self.fx[:self.nump, :]

    def add_point(self, xx, fx):
        """Add a new function evaluation

        :param xx: Point to add
        :param fx: The function value of the point to add
        dim = len(xx)
        self.x[self.nump, :] = xx
        self.fx[self.nump, :] = fx
        self.nump += 1
        self.updated = False

    def eval(self, xx, d=None):
        """Evaluate the MARS interpolant at the point xx

        :param xx: Point where to evaluate
        :return: Value of the MARS interpolant at x
        if self.updated is False:
            self.model.fit(self.x, self.fx)
        self.updated = True

        xx = np.expand_dims(xx, axis=0)
        fx = self.model.predict(xx)
        return fx[0]

    def evals(self, xx, d=None):
        """Evaluate the MARS interpolant at the points xx

        :param xx: Points where to evaluate
        :return: Values of the MARS interpolant at x
        if self.updated is False:
            self.model.fit(self.x, self.fx)
        self.updated = True

        fx = np.zeros(shape=(xx.shape[0], 1))
        fx[:, 0] = self.model.predict(xx)
        return fx

    def deriv(self, x, d=None):
        """Evaluate the derivative of the MARS interpolant at x

        :param x: Data point
        :return: Derivative of the MARS interpolant at x

        if self.updated is False:
            self.model.fit(self.x, self.fx)
        self.updated = True

        x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0)
        dfx = self.model.predict_deriv(x, variables=None)
        return dfx[0]
Exemple #9
class MARSInterpolant(Surrogate):
    """Compute and evaluate a MARS interpolant

    MARS builds a model of the form

    .. math::

        \\hat{f}(x) = \\sum_{i=1}^{k} c_i B_i(x).

    The model is a weighted sum of basis functions :math:`B_i(x)`. Each basis
    function :math:`B_i(x)` takes one of the following three forms:

    1. a constant 1.
    2. a hinge function of the form :math:`\\max(0, x - const)` or \
       :math:`\\max(0, const - x)`. MARS automatically selects variables \
       and values of those variables for knots of the hinge functions.
    3. a product of two or more hinge functions. These basis functions c \
       an model interaction between two or more variables.

    :param dim: Number of dimensions
    :type dim: int
    :param lb: Lower variable bounds
    :type lb: numpy.array
    :param ub: Upper variable bounds
    :type ub: numpy.array
    :param output_transformation: Transformation applied to values before fitting
    :type output_transformation: Callable

    :ivar dim: Number of dimensions
    :ivar lb: Lower variable bounds
    :ivar ub: Upper variable bounds
    :ivar output_transformation: Transformation to apply to function values before fitting
    :ivar num_pts: Number of points in surrogate model
    :ivar X: Point incorporated in surrogate model (num_pts x dim)
    :ivar fX: Function values in surrogate model (num_pts x 1)
    :ivar updated: True if model is up-to-date (no refit needed)
    :ivar model: Earth object

    def __init__(self, dim, lb, ub, output_transformation=None):
        super().__init__(dim=dim, lb=lb, ub=ub, output_transformation=output_transformation)

            from pyearth import Earth

            self.model = Earth()
        except ImportError as err:
            print("Failed to import pyearth")
            raise err

    def _fit(self):
        """Compute new coefficients if the MARS interpolant is not updated."""
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore")  # Surpress deprecation warnings
            if self.updated is False:
                fX = self.output_transformation(self.fX.copy())
                self.model.fit(self._X, fX)
                self.updated = True

    def predict(self, xx):
        """Evaluate the MARS interpolant at the points xx

        :param xx: Prediction points, must be of size num_pts x dim or (dim, )
        :type xx: numpy.ndarray

        :return: Prediction of size num_pts x 1
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        xx = to_unit_box(np.atleast_2d(xx), self.lb, self.ub)
        return np.expand_dims(self.model.predict(xx), axis=1)

    def predict_deriv(self, xx):
        """Evaluate the derivative of the MARS interpolant at points xx

        :param xx: Prediction points, must be of size num_pts x dim or (dim, )
        :type xx: numpy.array

        :return: Derivative of the RBF interpolant at xx
        :rtype: numpy.array
        xx = to_unit_box(np.atleast_2d(xx), self.lb, self.ub)
        dfx = self.model.predict_deriv(xx, variables=None)
        return dfx[0] / (self.ub - self.lb)
Exemple #10
n = 10
X = 20 * numpy.random.uniform(size=(m, n)) - 10
y = 10 * numpy.sin(X[:, 6]) + 0.25 * numpy.random.normal(size=m)

# Compute the known true derivative with respect to the predictive variable
y_prime = 10 * numpy.cos(X[:, 6])

# Fit an Earth model
model = Earth(max_degree=2, minspan_alpha=.5, smooth=True)
model.fit(X, y)

# Print the model

# Get the predicted values and derivatives
y_hat = model.predict(X)
y_prime_hat = model.predict_deriv(X, 'x6')

# Plot true and predicted function values and derivatives
# for the predictive variable
plt.plot(X[:, 6], y, 'r.')
plt.plot(X[:, 6], y_hat, 'b.')
plt.plot(X[:, 6], y_prime, 'r.')
plt.plot(X[:, 6], y_prime_hat[:, 0], 'b.')