Exemple #1
    def test_merge_columns1(self, a=a, b=b, columns=columns):
		Simple Test Cases of merge_columns

        # Solution: Right Dominant #

        # - Settings - #
        on = list(a.columns[0:3])
        collapse_columns = ('value_x', 'value_y', 'value')
        dominant = 'right'

        # - Diagnostic Return - #

        sol1_columns = [
            'iso3c', 'sitc4', 'year', 'value_x', 'quantity_x', 'value_y',
            'quantity_y', 'value'

        sol1 =   [
           ['AFG', '0011', 1970, np.nan,  np.nan,  300,   np.nan,  300], 	\
           ['ZWE', '0012', 1970, 300,   np.nan,  np.nan,  1,    300],	\
           ['USA', '0011', 1970, 500,   5,   750,   2,    750], 	\
           ['USA', '0012', 1970, 1000,  10,   np.nan,  np.nan,  1000],	\
           ['USA', '0013', 1970, np.nan,  np.nan,  5000,   np.nan,  5000],	\
        R1 = pd.DataFrame(sol1, columns=sol1_columns)

        # Usual Return #

        sol2 =   [
           ['AFG', '0011', 1970, 300, np.nan], 	\
           ['ZWE', '0012', 1970, 300, np.nan],		\
           ['USA', '0011', 1970, 750, 5], 			\
           ['USA', '0012', 1970, 1000, 10],		\
           ['USA', '0013', 1970, 5000, np.nan]		\

        R2 = pd.DataFrame(sol2, columns=columns)

        computed = merge_columns(a,

        assert_series_equal(computed['value'], R1['value'], check_dtype=False)
	def test_merge_columns1(self, a=a, b=b, columns=columns):
		Simple Test Cases of merge_columns

		# Solution: Right Dominant #

		# - Settings - #
		on 					= list(a.columns[0:3])
		collapse_columns 	= ('value_x', 'value_y', 'value')
		dominant 			= 'right'	

		# - Diagnostic Return - #

		sol1_columns = ['iso3c', 'sitc4', 'year', 'value_x', 'quantity_x', 'value_y', 'quantity_y', 'value']

		sol1 =  	[
					['AFG', '0011', 1970, np.nan, 	np.nan, 	300, 		np.nan, 	300], 	\
					['ZWE', '0012', 1970, 300, 		np.nan, 	np.nan,		1, 			300],	\
					['USA', '0011', 1970, 500, 		5,			750, 		2, 			750], 	\
					['USA', '0012', 1970, 1000, 	10, 		np.nan, 	np.nan, 	1000],	\
					['USA', '0013', 1970, np.nan, 	np.nan, 	5000, 		np.nan, 	5000],	\
		R1 = pd.DataFrame(sol1, columns=sol1_columns)

		# Usual Return #

		sol2 =  	[
					['AFG', '0011', 1970, 300, np.nan], 	\
					['ZWE', '0012', 1970, 300, np.nan],		\
					['USA', '0011', 1970, 750, 5], 			\
					['USA', '0012', 1970, 1000, 10],		\
					['USA', '0013', 1970, 5000, np.nan]		\

		R2 = pd.DataFrame(sol2, columns=columns)

		computed = merge_columns(a,b, on=on, collapse_columns=collapse_columns, dominant=dominant, verbose=False)

		assert_series_equal(computed['value'], R1['value'], check_dtype=False)
def construct_sitcr2l3(df, data_type, dropAX=True, sitcr2=True, drop_nonsitcr2=True, adjust_hk=(False, None), intertemp_cntrycode=False, drop_incp_cntrycode=False, adjust_units=False, source_institution='un', verbose=True):
        Construct a Self Contained (SC) Direct Action Dataset for Countries at the SITC Revision 2 Level 3
        There are no checks on the incoming dataframe to ensure data integrity.
        This is your responsibility

        STATUS: tests/test_constructor_dataset_sitcr2l3.py

        df                  :   DataFrame
                                Pandas DataFrame containing the raw data
        data_type           :   str
                                Specify what type of data 'trade', 'export', 'import'
        dropAX              :   bool, optional(default=True)
                                Drop AX Codes 
        sitcr2              :   bool, optional(default=True)
                                Add SITCR2 Indicator
        drop_nonsitcr2      :   bool, optional(default=True)
                                Drop non-standard SITC2 Codes
        adjust_hk           :   Tuple(bool, df), optional(default=(False, None))
                                Adjust the Hong Kong Data using NBER supplemental files which needs to be supplied as a dataframe
        intertemp_cntrycode :   bool, optional(default=False)
                                Generate Intertemporal Consistent Country Units (from meta)
        drop_incp_cntrycode :   bool, optional(default=False)
                                Drop Incomplete Country Codes (from meta)
        adjust_units        :   bool, optional(default=False)
                                Adjust units by a factor of 1000 to specify in $'s
        source_institution  :   str, optional(default='un')
                                which institutions SITC classification to use

        1. Operations ::

            [1] Adjust Hong Kong and China Data
            [2] Drop SITC4 to SITC3 Level (for greater intertemporal consistency)
            [3] Import ISO3C Codes as Country Codes
            [4] Drop Errors in SITC3 codes ["" Codes]
            [A] Drop sitc3 codes that contain 'A' and 'X' codes [Default: True]
            [B] Drop Non-Standard SITC3 Codes [i.e. Aren't in the Classification]
            [C] Adjust iiso3c, eiso3c country codes to be intertemporally consistent
            [D] Drop countries with incomplete data across 1962 to 2000 (strict measure)

        3. This makes use of countryname_to_iso3c in the meta data subpackage
        4. This method can be tested using /do/basic_sitc3_country_data.do
        5. DropAX + Drop NonStandard SITC Rev 2 Codes still contains ~94-96% of the data found in the raw data

        ..  Future Work
            1. Check SITC Revision 2 Official Codes
            2. Add in a Year Filter

        #-Operations Requiring RAW SITC Level 4-#

        idx = [u'year', u'icode', u'importer', u'ecode', u'exporter', u'sitc4', u'unit', u'dot']

        #-Hong Kong China Data Adjustment Option-#
        if type(adjust_hk) == bool:
            adjust_hk = (adjust_hk, None)
        if adjust_hk[0]:
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Adjusting Hong Kong and China Values"
            hkdata = adjust_hk[1]
            raw_value = df[idx+['value']].rename(columns={'value' : 'value_raw'})
                adjust_value = hkdata[idx+['value_adj']]
                raise ValueError("[ERROR] China/Hong Kong Data has not been passed in properly!")
            #-Note: Current merge_columns utility merges one column set at a time-#
            df = merge_columns(raw_value, adjust_value, idx, collapse_columns=('value_raw', 'value_adj', 'value'), dominant='right', output='final', verbose=verbose)
            #-Note: Adjust Quantity has not been implemented. See NBERWTF constructor -#

        #-Filter Data-#
        idx = ['year', 'exporter', 'importer', 'sitc4']
        df = df.loc[:, idx + ['value']]

        #-Adjust to SITC Level 3-#
        if verbose: print "[INFO] Collapsing to SITC Level 3 Data"
        df['sitc3'] = df.sitc4.apply(lambda x: x[0:3])
        df = df.groupby(['year', 'exporter', 'importer', 'sitc3']).sum()['value'].reset_index()
        #-Operations at SITC Level 3-#

        #-Countries Only Adjustment-#
        if verbose: print "[INFO] Removing 'World' values from the dataset to be country only data"
        df = df.loc[(df.exporter != "World") & (df.importer != "World")]
        #-Add Country ISO Information-#
        #-Exports (can include NES on importer side)-#
        if data_type == 'export' or data_type == 'exports':
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Adding eiso3c using nber meta data"
            df['eiso3c'] = df.exporter.apply(lambda x: countryname_to_iso3c[x])
            df = df.loc[(df.eiso3c != '.')]
            df = df.groupby(['year', 'eiso3c', 'sitc3']).sum()['value'].reset_index()
        #-Imports (can include NES on importer side)-#
        elif data_type == 'import' or data_type == 'imports':
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Adding iiso3c using nber meta data"
            df['iiso3c'] = df.importer.apply(lambda x: countryname_to_iso3c[x])
            df = df.loc[(df.iiso3c != '.')]
            df = df.groupby(['year','iiso3c', 'sitc3']).sum()['value'].reset_index()
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Adding eiso3c and iiso3c using nber meta data"
            df['iiso3c'] = df.importer.apply(lambda x: countryname_to_iso3c[x])
            df['eiso3c'] = df.exporter.apply(lambda x: countryname_to_iso3c[x])
            df = df.loc[(df.iiso3c != '.') & (df.eiso3c != '.')]
            df = df.groupby(['year', 'eiso3c', 'iiso3c', 'sitc3']).sum()['value'].reset_index()
        #-Remove Product Code Errors in Dataset-#
        df = df.loc[(df.sitc3 != "")]                                                                   #Does this need a reset_index?
        if dropAX:
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Dropping SITC Codes with 'A' or 'X'"
            df['AX'] = df.sitc3.apply(lambda x: 1 if re.search("[AX]", x) else 0)
            df = df.loc[df.AX != 1]
            del df['AX']               #No Longer Required
        #-Official SITCR2 Codes-#
        if sitcr2:
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Adding SITCR2 Indicator"
            sitc = SITC(revision=2, source_institution=source_institution)
            codes = sitc.get_codes(level=3)
            df['sitcr2'] = df['sitc3'].apply(lambda x: 1 if x in codes else 0)
            if drop_nonsitcr2:
                if verbose: print "[INFO] Dropping Non Standard SITCR2 Codes"
                df = df.loc[(df.sitcr2 == 1)]
                del df['sitcr2']                #No Longer Needed
        #-Adjust Country Codes to be Intertemporally Consistent-#
        if intertemp_cntrycode:
            if data_type == 'export' or data_type == 'exports':
                if verbose: print "[INFO] Imposing dynamically consistent eiso3c recodes across 1962-2000"
                df['eiso3c'] = df['eiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(iso3c_recodes_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False))    #issue_error = false returns x if no match
                df = df[df['eiso3c'] != '.']
                df = df.groupby(['year', 'eiso3c', 'sitc3']).sum().reset_index()
            elif data_type == 'import' or data_type == 'imports':
                if verbose: print "[INFO] Imposing dynamically consistent iiso3c recodes across 1962-2000"
                df['iiso3c'] = df['iiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(iso3c_recodes_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False))    #issue_error = false returns x if no match
                df = df[df['iiso3c'] != '.']
                df = df.groupby(['year', 'iiso3c', 'sitc3']).sum().reset_index()
                if verbose: print "[INFO] Imposing dynamically consistent iiso3c and eiso3c recodes across 1962-2000"
                df['iiso3c'] = df['iiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(iso3c_recodes_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False))    #issue_error = false returns x if no match
                df['eiso3c'] = df['eiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(iso3c_recodes_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False))    #issue_error = false returns x if no match
                df = df[df['iiso3c'] != '.']
                df = df[df['eiso3c'] != '.']
                df = df.groupby(['year', 'eiso3c', 'iiso3c', 'sitc3']).sum().reset_index()
        #-Drop Incomplete Country Codes-#
        if drop_incp_cntrycode:
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Dropping countries with incomplete data across 1962-2000"
            if data_type == 'export' or data_type == 'exports':
                df['eiso3c'] = df['eiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(incomplete_iso3c_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False))     #issue_error = false returns x if no match
                df = df[df['eiso3c'] != '.']
            elif data_type == 'import' or data_type == 'imports':
                df['iiso3c'] = df['iiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(incomplete_iso3c_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False))     #issue_error = false returns x if no match
                df = df[df['iiso3c'] != '.']
                df['iiso3c'] = df['iiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(incomplete_iso3c_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False))     #issue_error = false returns x if no match
                df['eiso3c'] = df['eiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(incomplete_iso3c_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False))     #issue_error = false returns x if no match
                df = df[df['iiso3c'] != '.']
                df = df[df['eiso3c'] != '.']
            df = df.reset_index()
            del df['index']
        #-Adjust Units from 1000's to $'s-#
        if adjust_units:
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Adjusting 'value' units to $'s"
            df['value'] = df['value']*1000         #Default: Keep in 1000's
        #-Return Dataset-#
        if verbose: print "[INFO] Finished Computing Dataset (%s) ..." % (data_type) 
        return df
def construct_sitcr2(df, data_type, level, AX=True, dropAX=True, sitcr2=True, drop_nonsitcr2=True, adjust_hk=(False, None), intertemp_productcode=(False, None), intertemp_cntrycode=False, drop_incp_cntrycode=False, adjust_units=False, source_institution='un', harmonised_raw=False, values_only=False, verbose=True):
        Construct a Self Contained (SC) Direct Action Dataset for Countries at the SITC Revision 2 Level 3
        There are no checks on the incoming dataframe to ensure data integrity.
        This is your responsibility

        STATUS: tests/test_constructor_dataset_sitcr2l3.py

        df                  :   DataFrame
                                Pandas DataFrame containing the raw data
        data_type           :   str
                                Specify what type of data 'trade', 'export', 'import'
        level               :   int
                                Specify Level of Final dataset (i.e. SITC Level 1, 2, 3, or 4)
        AX                  :   bool, optional(default=True)
                                Add a Marker for Codes that Include 'A' and 'X'
        dropAX              :   bool, optional(default=True)
                                Drop AX Codes at the Relevant Level (i.e. SITC Level 3 Data will include appropriate A and X codes)
        sitcr2              :   bool, optional(default=True)
                                Add SITCR2 Indicator
        drop_nonsitcr2      :   bool, optional(default=True)
                                Drop non-standard SITC2 Codes
        adjust_hk           :   Tuple(bool, df), optional(default=(False, None))
                                Adjust the Hong Kong Data using NBER supplemental files which needs to be supplied as a dataframe
        intertemp_productcode : Tuple(bool, dict), optional(default=False, None)
                                Apply an Intertemporal Product Code System drop a conversion dictionary (IC["drop"] = [], IC["collapse"] = [])
                                Note this will override the drop_nonsitcr2 option
        intertemp_cntrycode :   bool, optional(default=False)
                                Generate Intertemporal Consistent Country Units (from meta)
        drop_incp_cntrycode :   bool, optional(default=False)
                                Drop Incomplete Country Codes (from meta)
        adjust_units        :   bool, optional(default=False)
                                Adjust units by a factor of 1000 to specify in $'s
        source_institution  :   str, optional(default='un')
                                which institutions SITC classification to use
        harmonised_raw      :   bool, optional(default=False)
                                Return simple RAW dataset with Quantity disaggregation collapsed and eiso3c and iiso3c columns (Note: You may use hk_adjust with this option)
        values_only         :   bool, optional(default=False)
                                Return Values and Relevant Index Data Only (i.e. drop 'AX', 'sitcr2')

        1. Operations ::

            [1] Adjust Hong Kong and China Data
            [2] Drop SITC4 to SITC3 Level (for greater intertemporal consistency)
            [3] Import ISO3C Codes as Country Codes
            [4] Drop Errors in SITC3 codes ["" Codes]
            [A] Drop sitc3 codes that contain 'A' and 'X' codes [Default: True]
            [B] Drop Non-Standard SITC3 Codes [i.e. Aren't in the Classification]
            [C] Construct an Intertemporal Product Code Classification and Adjust Dataset
            [C] Adjust iiso3c, eiso3c country codes to be intertemporally consistent
            [D] Drop countries with incomplete 'total' data across 1962 to 2000 (strict measure) [Identification Debatable]

        3. This makes use of countryname_to_iso3c in the meta data subpackage
        4. This method can be tested using /do/basic_sitc3_country_data.do
        5. DropAX + Drop NonStandard SITC Rev 2 Codes still contains ~94-96% of the data found in the raw data

        ..  Future Work
            1. Check SITC Revision 2 Official Codes
            2. Add in a Year Filter

        #-Operations Requiring RAW SITC Level 4-#

        idx = [u'year', u'icode', u'importer', u'ecode', u'exporter', u'sitc4', u'unit', u'dot']

        #-Hong Kong China Data Adjustment Option-#
        if type(adjust_hk) == bool:
            adjust_hk = (adjust_hk, None)
        if adjust_hk[0]:
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Adjusting Hong Kong and China Values"
            hkdata = adjust_hk[1]
            raw_value = df[idx+['value']].rename(columns={'value' : 'value_raw'})
                adjust_value = hkdata[idx+['value_adj']]
                raise ValueError("[ERROR] China/Hong Kong Data has not been passed in properly!")
            #-Note: Current merge_columns utility merges one column set at a time-# 
            df = merge_columns(raw_value, adjust_value, idx, collapse_columns=('value_raw', 'value_adj', 'value'), dominant='right', output='final', verbose=verbose)
            #-Note: Adjust Quantity has not been implemented. See NBERWTF constructor -#

        #-Filter Data-#
        idx = [u'year', u'exporter', u'importer', u'sitc4']         #Note: This collapses duplicate entries with unit differences (collapse_valuesonly())
        df = df.loc[:,idx + ['value']]

        #-Raw Trade Data Option with Added IISO3C and EISO3C-#
        if harmonised_raw and data_type == "trade":
            df = df.groupby(idx).sum().reset_index()                              #Sum Over Quantity Disaggregations
            #-Add EISO3C and IISO3C-#
            df['eiso3c'] = df['exporter'].apply(lambda x: countryname_to_iso3c[x])
            df['iiso3c'] = df['importer'].apply(lambda x: countryname_to_iso3c[x])
            return df
        if harmonised_raw and data_type in {"export", "import"}:
            warnings.warn("Cannot run harmonised_raw over export and import data as raw data is trade data")
            return None

        #-Collapse to SITC Level -#
        if level != 4:
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Collapsing to SITC Level %s Data" % level
            df['sitc%s'%level] = df.sitc4.apply(lambda x: x[0:level])
            df = df.groupby(['year', 'exporter', 'importer', 'sitc%s'%level]).sum()['value'].reset_index()
        elif level == 4:
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Data is already at the requested level"
            raise ValueError("Level must be 1, 2, 3, or 4 for the NBER data")

        #-Operations Post Collapse to SITC Level-#

        #-Countries Only Adjustment-#
        if verbose: print "[INFO] Removing 'World' values so that the dataset is country only data"
        df = df.loc[(df.exporter != "World") & (df.importer != "World")]

        #-Add Country ISO Information-#
        #-Exports (can include NES on importer side)-#
        if data_type == 'export' or data_type == 'exports':
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Adding eiso3c using nber meta data"
            df['eiso3c'] = df.exporter.apply(lambda x: countryname_to_iso3c[x])
            df = df.loc[(df.eiso3c != '.')]
            df = df.groupby(['year', 'eiso3c', 'sitc%s'%level]).sum()['value'].reset_index()
        #-Imports (can include NES on importer side)-#
        elif data_type == 'import' or data_type == 'imports':
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Adding iiso3c using nber meta data"
            df['iiso3c'] = df.importer.apply(lambda x: countryname_to_iso3c[x])
            df = df.loc[(df.iiso3c != '.')]
            df = df.groupby(['year','iiso3c', 'sitc%s'%level]).sum()['value'].reset_index()
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Adding eiso3c and iiso3c using nber meta data"
            df['iiso3c'] = df.importer.apply(lambda x: countryname_to_iso3c[x])
            df['eiso3c'] = df.exporter.apply(lambda x: countryname_to_iso3c[x])
            df = df.loc[(df.iiso3c != '.') & (df.eiso3c != '.')]
            df = df.groupby(['year', 'eiso3c', 'iiso3c', 'sitc%s'%level]).sum()['value'].reset_index()
        #-Remove Product Code Errors in Dataset-#
        df = df.loc[(df['sitc%s'%level] != "")]                                                                   #Does this need a reset_index?
        if intertemp_productcode[0]:
            if level == 1:
                intertemp_productcode = (False, intertemp_productcode[1])
                AX = True
                dropAX = True               #Small Impact Post 1984 (Levels < 4 Include 'A' and 'X' values due to the collapse)
                sitcr2 = True               #Encode SITCR2 for Parsing
                drop_nonsitcr2 = False

        if AX:
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Adding Indicator Codes of 'A' and 'X'"
            df['AX'] = df['sitc%s'%level].apply(lambda x: 1 if re.search("[AX]", x) else 0)
            if dropAX:
                if verbose: print "[INFO] Dropping SITC Codes with 'A' or 'X'"
                df = df.loc[df.AX != 1]
                del df['AX']
            if not dropAX and values_only:
                del df['AX']
        #-Intertemporal ProductCodes-#
        if intertemp_productcode[0]:
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Computing Intertemporally Consistent ProductCodes ..."
            #-This Method relies on meta data computed by pyeconlab nberwtf constructor-#
            IC = intertemp_productcode[1]               #Dict("drop" and "collapse" code lists)
            #-Drop Codes-#
            drop_codes = IC["drop"]
            if verbose: 
                print "Dropping the following productcodes ..."
                print drop_codes
            keep_codes = set(df['sitc%s'%level].unique()).difference(set(drop_codes))
            df = df.loc[df["sitc%s"%level].isin(keep_codes)].copy(deep=True)
            #-Collapse Codes-#
            collapse_codes = IC["collapse"]
            if verbose:
                print "Collapsing the following productcodes ..."
                print collapse_codes
            collapse_codes = {x[0:level-1] for x in collapse_codes}     #-Simplify Computations-#
            for code in collapse_codes:
                df["sitc%s"%level] = df["sitc%s"%level].apply(lambda x: code if x[0:level-1] == code else x)
            recodes = IC["recode"]
            recode_codes = set(recodes.keys())
            if verbose: 
                print "Recoding the following productcodes ..."
                print recode_codes
            for code in recode_codes:
                df["sitc%s"%level] = df["sitc%s"%level].apply(lambda x: recodes[x] if x in recode_codes else x)
            df = df.groupby(list(df.columns.drop("value"))).sum()
            df = df.reset_index()

        #-Official SITCR2 Codes-#
        if sitcr2:
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Adding SITCR2 Indicator"
            sitc = SITC(revision=2, source_institution=source_institution)
            codes = sitc.get_codes(level=level)
            df['sitcr2'] = df['sitc%s'%level].apply(lambda x: 1 if x in codes else 0)
            if drop_nonsitcr2:
                if verbose: print "[INFO] Dropping Non Standard SITCR2 Codes"
                df = df.loc[(df.sitcr2 == 1)]
                del df['sitcr2']                #No Longer Needed
            if not drop_nonsitcr2 and values_only:
                del df['sitcr2']

        #-Adjust Country Codes to be Intertemporally Consistent-#
        if intertemp_cntrycode:
            if data_type == 'export' or data_type == 'exports':
                if verbose: print "[INFO] Imposing dynamically consistent eiso3c recodes across 1962-2000"
                df['eiso3c'] = df['eiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(iso3c_recodes_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False))    #issue_error = false returns x if no match
                df = df[df['eiso3c'] != '.']
                df = df.groupby(['year', 'eiso3c', 'sitc%s'%level]).sum().reset_index()
            elif data_type == 'import' or data_type == 'imports':
                if verbose: print "[INFO] Imposing dynamically consistent iiso3c recodes across 1962-2000"
                df['iiso3c'] = df['iiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(iso3c_recodes_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False))    #issue_error = false returns x if no match
                df = df[df['iiso3c'] != '.']
                df = df.groupby(['year', 'iiso3c', 'sitc%s'%level]).sum().reset_index()
                if verbose: print "[INFO] Imposing dynamically consistent iiso3c and eiso3c recodes across 1962-2000"
                df['iiso3c'] = df['iiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(iso3c_recodes_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False))    #issue_error = false returns x if no match
                df['eiso3c'] = df['eiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(iso3c_recodes_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False))    #issue_error = false returns x if no match
                df = df[df['iiso3c'] != '.']
                df = df[df['eiso3c'] != '.']
                df = df.groupby(['year', 'eiso3c', 'iiso3c', 'sitc%s'%level]).sum().reset_index()
        #-Drop Incomplete Country Codes-#
        if drop_incp_cntrycode:
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Dropping countries with incomplete data across 1962-2000"
            if data_type == 'export' or data_type == 'exports':
                df['eiso3c'] = df['eiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(incomplete_iso3c_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False))     #issue_error = false returns x if no match
                df = df[df['eiso3c'] != '.']
            elif data_type == 'import' or data_type == 'imports':
                df['iiso3c'] = df['iiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(incomplete_iso3c_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False))     #issue_error = false returns x if no match
                df = df[df['iiso3c'] != '.']
                df['iiso3c'] = df['iiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(incomplete_iso3c_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False))     #issue_error = false returns x if no match
                df['eiso3c'] = df['eiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(incomplete_iso3c_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False))     #issue_error = false returns x if no match
                df = df[df['iiso3c'] != '.']
                df = df[df['eiso3c'] != '.']
            df = df.reset_index()
            del df['index']
        #-Adjust Units from 1000's to $'s-#
        if adjust_units:
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Adjusting 'value' units to $'s"
            df['value'] = df['value']*1000         #Default: Keep in 1000's
        #-Return Dataset-#
        if verbose: print "[INFO] Finished Computing Dataset (%s) ..." % (data_type) 
        return df
def construct_sitcr2(df,
                     adjust_hk=(False, None),
                     intertemp_productcode=(False, None),
        Construct a Self Contained (SC) Direct Action Dataset for Countries at the SITC Revision 2 Level 3
        There are no checks on the incoming dataframe to ensure data integrity.
        This is your responsibility

        STATUS: tests/test_constructor_dataset_sitcr2l3.py

        df                  :   DataFrame
                                Pandas DataFrame containing the raw data
        data_type           :   str
                                Specify what type of data 'trade', 'export', 'import'
        level               :   int
                                Specify Level of Final dataset (i.e. SITC Level 1, 2, 3, or 4)
        AX                  :   bool, optional(default=True)
                                Add a Marker for Codes that Include 'A' and 'X'
        dropAX              :   bool, optional(default=True)
                                Drop AX Codes at the Relevant Level (i.e. SITC Level 3 Data will include appropriate A and X codes)
        sitcr2              :   bool, optional(default=True)
                                Add SITCR2 Indicator
        drop_nonsitcr2      :   bool, optional(default=True)
                                Drop non-standard SITC2 Codes
        adjust_hk           :   Tuple(bool, df), optional(default=(False, None))
                                Adjust the Hong Kong Data using NBER supplemental files which needs to be supplied as a dataframe
        intertemp_productcode : Tuple(bool, dict), optional(default=False, None)
                                Apply an Intertemporal Product Code System drop a conversion dictionary (IC["drop"] = [], IC["collapse"] = [])
                                Note this will override the drop_nonsitcr2 option
        intertemp_cntrycode :   bool, optional(default=False)
                                Generate Intertemporal Consistent Country Units (from meta)
        drop_incp_cntrycode :   bool, optional(default=False)
                                Drop Incomplete Country Codes (from meta)
        adjust_units        :   bool, optional(default=False)
                                Adjust units by a factor of 1000 to specify in $'s
        source_institution  :   str, optional(default='un')
                                which institutions SITC classification to use
        harmonised_raw      :   bool, optional(default=False)
                                Return simple RAW dataset with Quantity disaggregation collapsed and eiso3c and iiso3c columns (Note: You may use hk_adjust with this option)
        values_only         :   bool, optional(default=False)
                                Return Values and Relevant Index Data Only (i.e. drop 'AX', 'sitcr2')

        1. Operations ::

            [1] Adjust Hong Kong and China Data
            [2] Drop SITC4 to SITC3 Level (for greater intertemporal consistency)
            [3] Import ISO3C Codes as Country Codes
            [4] Drop Errors in SITC3 codes ["" Codes]
            [A] Drop sitc3 codes that contain 'A' and 'X' codes [Default: True]
            [B] Drop Non-Standard SITC3 Codes [i.e. Aren't in the Classification]
            [C] Construct an Intertemporal Product Code Classification and Adjust Dataset
            [C] Adjust iiso3c, eiso3c country codes to be intertemporally consistent
            [D] Drop countries with incomplete 'total' data across 1962 to 2000 (strict measure) [Identification Debatable]

        3. This makes use of countryname_to_iso3c in the meta data subpackage
        4. This method can be tested using /do/basic_sitc3_country_data.do
        5. DropAX + Drop NonStandard SITC Rev 2 Codes still contains ~94-96% of the data found in the raw data

        ..  Future Work
            1. Check SITC Revision 2 Official Codes
            2. Add in a Year Filter


    #-Operations Requiring RAW SITC Level 4-#

    idx = [
        u'year', u'icode', u'importer', u'ecode', u'exporter', u'sitc4',
        u'unit', u'dot'

    #-Hong Kong China Data Adjustment Option-#
    if type(adjust_hk) == bool:
        adjust_hk = (adjust_hk, None)
    if adjust_hk[0]:
        if verbose: print "[INFO] Adjusting Hong Kong and China Values"
        hkdata = adjust_hk[1]
        raw_value = df[idx + ['value']].rename(columns={'value': 'value_raw'})
            adjust_value = hkdata[idx + ['value_adj']]
            raise ValueError(
                "[ERROR] China/Hong Kong Data has not been passed in properly!"
        #-Note: Current merge_columns utility merges one column set at a time-#
        df = merge_columns(raw_value,
                           collapse_columns=('value_raw', 'value_adj',
        #-Note: Adjust Quantity has not been implemented. See NBERWTF constructor -#

    #-Filter Data-#
    idx = [
        u'year', u'exporter', u'importer', u'sitc4'
    ]  #Note: This collapses duplicate entries with unit differences (collapse_valuesonly())
    df = df.loc[:, idx + ['value']]

    #-Raw Trade Data Option with Added IISO3C and EISO3C-#
    if harmonised_raw and data_type == "trade":
        df = df.groupby(
            idx).sum().reset_index()  #Sum Over Quantity Disaggregations
        #-Add EISO3C and IISO3C-#
        df['eiso3c'] = df['exporter'].apply(lambda x: countryname_to_iso3c[x])
        df['iiso3c'] = df['importer'].apply(lambda x: countryname_to_iso3c[x])
        return df
    if harmonised_raw and data_type in {"export", "import"}:
            "Cannot run harmonised_raw over export and import data as raw data is trade data"
        return None

    #-Collapse to SITC Level -#
    if level != 4:
        if verbose: print "[INFO] Collapsing to SITC Level %s Data" % level
        df['sitc%s' % level] = df.sitc4.apply(lambda x: x[0:level])
        df = df.groupby(['year', 'exporter', 'importer',
                         'sitc%s' % level]).sum()['value'].reset_index()
    elif level == 4:
        if verbose: print "[INFO] Data is already at the requested level"
        raise ValueError("Level must be 1, 2, 3, or 4 for the NBER data")

    #-Operations Post Collapse to SITC Level-#

    #-Countries Only Adjustment-#
    if verbose:
        print "[INFO] Removing 'World' values so that the dataset is country only data"
    df = df.loc[(df.exporter != "World") & (df.importer != "World")]

    #-Add Country ISO Information-#
    #-Exports (can include NES on importer side)-#
    if data_type == 'export' or data_type == 'exports':
        if verbose: print "[INFO] Adding eiso3c using nber meta data"
        df['eiso3c'] = df.exporter.apply(lambda x: countryname_to_iso3c[x])
        df = df.loc[(df.eiso3c != '.')]
        df = df.groupby(['year', 'eiso3c',
                         'sitc%s' % level]).sum()['value'].reset_index()
    #-Imports (can include NES on importer side)-#
    elif data_type == 'import' or data_type == 'imports':
        if verbose: print "[INFO] Adding iiso3c using nber meta data"
        df['iiso3c'] = df.importer.apply(lambda x: countryname_to_iso3c[x])
        df = df.loc[(df.iiso3c != '.')]
        df = df.groupby(['year', 'iiso3c',
                         'sitc%s' % level]).sum()['value'].reset_index()
        if verbose:
            print "[INFO] Adding eiso3c and iiso3c using nber meta data"
        df['iiso3c'] = df.importer.apply(lambda x: countryname_to_iso3c[x])
        df['eiso3c'] = df.exporter.apply(lambda x: countryname_to_iso3c[x])
        df = df.loc[(df.iiso3c != '.') & (df.eiso3c != '.')]
        df = df.groupby(['year', 'eiso3c', 'iiso3c',
                         'sitc%s' % level]).sum()['value'].reset_index()

    #-Remove Product Code Errors in Dataset-#
    df = df.loc[(df['sitc%s' % level] != "")]  #Does this need a reset_index?

    if intertemp_productcode[0]:
        if level == 1:
            intertemp_productcode = (False, intertemp_productcode[1])
            AX = True
            dropAX = True  #Small Impact Post 1984 (Levels < 4 Include 'A' and 'X' values due to the collapse)
            sitcr2 = True  #Encode SITCR2 for Parsing
            drop_nonsitcr2 = False

    if AX:
        if verbose: print "[INFO] Adding Indicator Codes of 'A' and 'X'"
        df['AX'] = df['sitc%s' %
                      level].apply(lambda x: 1 if re.search("[AX]", x) else 0)
        if dropAX:
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Dropping SITC Codes with 'A' or 'X'"
            df = df.loc[df.AX != 1]
            del df['AX']
        if not dropAX and values_only:
            del df['AX']

    #-Intertemporal ProductCodes-#
    if intertemp_productcode[0]:
        if verbose:
            print "[INFO] Computing Intertemporally Consistent ProductCodes ..."
        #-This Method relies on meta data computed by pyeconlab nberwtf constructor-#
        IC = intertemp_productcode[1]  #Dict("drop" and "collapse" code lists)
        #-Drop Codes-#
        drop_codes = IC["drop"]
        if verbose:
            print "Dropping the following productcodes ..."
            print drop_codes
        keep_codes = set(df['sitc%s' % level].unique()).difference(
        df = df.loc[df["sitc%s" % level].isin(keep_codes)].copy(deep=True)
        #-Collapse Codes-#
        collapse_codes = IC["collapse"]
        if verbose:
            print "Collapsing the following productcodes ..."
            print collapse_codes
        collapse_codes = {x[0:level - 1]
                          for x in collapse_codes}  #-Simplify Computations-#
        for code in collapse_codes:
            df["sitc%s" % level] = df["sitc%s" % level].apply(
                lambda x: code if x[0:level - 1] == code else x)
        recodes = IC["recode"]
        recode_codes = set(recodes.keys())
        if verbose:
            print "Recoding the following productcodes ..."
            print recode_codes
        for code in recode_codes:
            df["sitc%s" % level] = df["sitc%s" % level].apply(
                lambda x: recodes[x] if x in recode_codes else x)
        df = df.groupby(list(df.columns.drop("value"))).sum()
        df = df.reset_index()

    #-Official SITCR2 Codes-#
    if sitcr2:
        if verbose: print "[INFO] Adding SITCR2 Indicator"
        sitc = SITC(revision=2, source_institution=source_institution)
        codes = sitc.get_codes(level=level)
        df['sitcr2'] = df['sitc%s' %
                          level].apply(lambda x: 1 if x in codes else 0)
        if drop_nonsitcr2:
            if verbose: print "[INFO] Dropping Non Standard SITCR2 Codes"
            df = df.loc[(df.sitcr2 == 1)]
            del df['sitcr2']  #No Longer Needed
        if not drop_nonsitcr2 and values_only:
            del df['sitcr2']

    #-Adjust Country Codes to be Intertemporally Consistent-#
    if intertemp_cntrycode:
        if data_type == 'export' or data_type == 'exports':
            if verbose:
                print "[INFO] Imposing dynamically consistent eiso3c recodes across 1962-2000"
            df['eiso3c'] = df['eiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(
                iso3c_recodes_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False
            ))  #issue_error = false returns x if no match
            df = df[df['eiso3c'] != '.']
            df = df.groupby(['year', 'eiso3c',
                             'sitc%s' % level]).sum().reset_index()
        elif data_type == 'import' or data_type == 'imports':
            if verbose:
                print "[INFO] Imposing dynamically consistent iiso3c recodes across 1962-2000"
            df['iiso3c'] = df['iiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(
                iso3c_recodes_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False
            ))  #issue_error = false returns x if no match
            df = df[df['iiso3c'] != '.']
            df = df.groupby(['year', 'iiso3c',
                             'sitc%s' % level]).sum().reset_index()
            if verbose:
                print "[INFO] Imposing dynamically consistent iiso3c and eiso3c recodes across 1962-2000"
            df['iiso3c'] = df['iiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(
                iso3c_recodes_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False
            ))  #issue_error = false returns x if no match
            df['eiso3c'] = df['eiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(
                iso3c_recodes_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False
            ))  #issue_error = false returns x if no match
            df = df[df['iiso3c'] != '.']
            df = df[df['eiso3c'] != '.']
            df = df.groupby(['year', 'eiso3c', 'iiso3c',
                             'sitc%s' % level]).sum().reset_index()

    #-Drop Incomplete Country Codes-#
    if drop_incp_cntrycode:
        if verbose:
            print "[INFO] Dropping countries with incomplete data across 1962-2000"
        if data_type == 'export' or data_type == 'exports':
            df['eiso3c'] = df['eiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(
                incomplete_iso3c_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False
            ))  #issue_error = false returns x if no match
            df = df[df['eiso3c'] != '.']
        elif data_type == 'import' or data_type == 'imports':
            df['iiso3c'] = df['iiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(
                incomplete_iso3c_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False
            ))  #issue_error = false returns x if no match
            df = df[df['iiso3c'] != '.']
            df['iiso3c'] = df['iiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(
                incomplete_iso3c_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False
            ))  #issue_error = false returns x if no match
            df['eiso3c'] = df['eiso3c'].apply(lambda x: concord_data(
                incomplete_iso3c_for_1962_2000, x, issue_error=False
            ))  #issue_error = false returns x if no match
            df = df[df['iiso3c'] != '.']
            df = df[df['eiso3c'] != '.']
        df = df.reset_index()
        del df['index']

    #-Adjust Units from 1000's to $'s-#
    if adjust_units:
        if verbose: print "[INFO] Adjusting 'value' units to $'s"
        df['value'] = df['value'] * 1000  #Default: Keep in 1000's

    #-Return Dataset-#
    if verbose:
        print "[INFO] Finished Computing Dataset (%s) ..." % (data_type)
    return df